Steve Arhancet: "I believe Dardoch has the components to be one of the best players in North
America. You're gonna see him as one of the NA rising stars."
Travis Gafford: "What really defines Dardoch?"
"Um I'm just a dumb 17-year-old kid who played too much solo queue and got lucky."
What's up guys, my name is Colin McNeil for theScore esports.
Dardoch is a name that comes with some baggage. His attitude is
confident to the point of being cocky. But if you're gonna talk a big game you
better be willing to back it up on the Rift and Dardoch has no trouble doing
just that. So while he's killing it with his new team in the spring split, we
thought it would be the perfect time to bring you the best of Dardoch.
Rivinton: "Lee Sin, or Lee Sin?"
Dardoch: "Rengar."
Dardoch: "Yeah, pretty much I wanted to make Worlds and Immortals didn't really care too much about it.
So I wanted to join a team that would get me there."
Gafford: "So no more Dardoch. What's the whole back story. Give me, from start to finish
Dardoch joining the team, day-by-day, how everything went all the way up to this week. We've got about 30 minutes."
Huhi: "No comment."
Ovilee May: "So Echo Fox is the fourth team that you've played with in the NA LCS.
What makes this team different from the rest?"
Dardoch: "I think we're hella good."
Dardoch: "I don't necessarily think anybody's better than me.
And I don't think I'm necessarily better than everyone."
For more infomation >> Best of Dardoch - Duration: 10:26.-------------------------------------------
KeyMailer / La Mejor Pagina Para Obtener Keys De Juegos!. - Duration: 1:35.
Barbara D'Urso a Pomeriggio 5: "Loredana Lecciso è triste…" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:39.
Coco Disney Pixar Miguel and Skeleton Family Puzzle Video for Kids #3 - Duration: 2:41.
Coco Disney Pixar Miguel and Skeleton Family Puzzle Video for Kids
Motu Patlu Ki Jodi Motu Patlu Ki Coloring Book Pages For Kids - Duration: 5:22.
Motu Patlu Ki Jodi Motu Patlu Ki Coloring Book Pages For Kids
Football Fixtures Today || Live Football today on 28/02/2018 - Duration: 3:05.
Thương nhớ ở ai Tập 33, Qua đêm với Vạn, Hạnh không ân hận bất ngờ qua đêm với Vạn và đã ghen??? - Duration: 3:45.
ZarastrutA - Boogie Hype - Duration: 3:32.
The Cheapest Michelin Star Restaurant in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:34.
- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.
Around these parts, I'm known as the 5 Dollar Lunch Guy.
Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys onto
the very finest New York grub for $5 or less.
Hey, a new mission, thanks.
Let's see what we got going on here.
Huh -- you're kidding, right?
You want me to go to a Michelin star restaurant
for five bucks.
That's impossible for most people.
Then again, most people don't have a Khushbu,
so I should probably call her.
Yo Khush, help.
- You gotta be quick, I've got so many meetings today.
Yeah, so I have a mission where I have to go to
a Michelin star restaurant for five bucks.
- Well, there's this Chinese restaurant called
Tim Ho Wan that's not too far from you.
- Really.
- It's actually one of the most affordable
Michelin-starred restaurants in the world.
- Are you serious?
- Almost everything on the menu is within your budget.
- Thanks.
All right guys, found a spot.
Yo, shout out to Khushbu for putting your boy
on for a second -- I thought she was messing with me.
But a quick search on confirms it.
Today we're headed to Tim Ho Wan's in the East Village,
The world's cheapest Michelin restaurant.
It's five bucks somewhere -- let's go.
So these are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."
It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.
No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.
It's gotta be $5 or less.
And whatever I don't use today
rolls over into the next episode.
Hey, what is your name?
- My name's Andrew.
- Prez, nice to meet you.
Are you familiar with the Michelin guide
rating system for restaurants?
- I've heard of it. I've seen it, yes.
- Definitely, it's a big deal.
- OK.
- There aren't too many restaurants that get it.
- I know that it is the creme de la creme of ratings
when it comes to restaurants.
- OK.
Have you ever been to a Michelin star-rated restaurant?
- I have, in Sydney, Australia.
- Yes I have been to one.
- Where'd you go?
- I went to Tim Ho Wan.
- Hey!
What if I told you that you could
go to a Michelin star restaurant here in
New York for under five bucks?
- I would struggle to believe you.
- Now when you think about Michelin-starred restaurants,
you usually think big name chefs, high-end joints,
and cuisine-bending innovation.
But Tim Ho Wan's seems to be the exception to the rule,
and that's why I'm so excited about it.
Who would ever think a place with food
in our budget would be so lauded?
Fun fact: Edward and Andre Michelin -- yes,
those Michelin brothers who created a tire company --
created a map with hotel and dining guide,
which encouraged people to travel around the country
by car, which would lead them to wear their tires
out faster, and that's how the ratings system was born.
Now ya know.
Here we are, East 10th and Fourth, in front
of Tim Ho Wan.
Let's get in there, man.
Oh wow, this place is shwanky.
I mean, I wasn't expecting that.
When you say, "Hey, we're dim sum specialists
and all of our stuff is really cheap,"
I'm not expecting this level of shwank.
I mean, this is even like date-night material.
- Hi, how are you?
- Hello, hi, what is your name?
- My name's Tony.
- Tony, it's nice to meet you.
- Same here.
- This is my first time here, and for our
audience, what do people need to know
about Tim Ho Wan?
- Well, Tim Ho Wan is, as a whole, one of the
world's cheapest Michelin starred restaurant.
Everything's made fresh, made to order,
fresh products, daily products.
- You guys have a Michelin star, but you manage
to keep your prices so low.
- Well, every day, we search for the best prices
but not sacrificing the quality.
Dim sum should be served the best, highest quality of food.
- I see braised chicken feet with this
abalone sauce, a delicacy.
- A delicacy, that one.
- I've never had chicken feet before,
so I'm a little bit nervous.
- It's braised on the morning of, for like
four to five hours, so where the skin
and collagen is tender, it just falls
right off the bone; it's like a well-made rib,
but instead of rib, you use chicken.
- Wow, OK, I mean, I think
I'm gonna go with that then.
- Excellent, excellent choice -- it's one of my favorites, too.
- Yeah, for sure, thank you so much.
(techno music)
- Yeah, there we go, chicken feet.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
- Wow, so really quick question.
Things I'm scared of: needles, spiders, chicken feet.
Can you take my phobia away and teach me
how to eat this?
- Absolutely. You want to start with the fingers.
It's like a knuckle -- pull the knuckle right off.
- OK.
- And then you suck the skin and collagen right off.
- So, he said to, all right, those are just knuckles.
Suck around the knuckles.
If I had to describe this for somebody who's
never had chicken feet, it tastes exactly like chicken,
but it's like sucking the most succulent
and fatty parts of the chicken, and I'd say that this part
of the chicken foot, the kind of like palm-ish area --
God, how do I describe this -- is like the fattiest part.
Between this abalone sauce and the peanuts,
all of these flavors are incorporated very well.
Tony recommended that I eat it with a chopstick --
I'm not too great with chopsticks,
but let's see how this goes.
(techno music)
Like this way, hello.
Awesome, isn't this cute?
Look how cute this is, guys.
Look how cute these feet are.
The texture's a lot different.
It's like sucking the fat straight out of a chicken.
(techno music)
Now this abalone sauce is the whole body
of this flavor profile. It's savory, it's light.
I don't know, what can you get for five bucks?
You can get like, maybe like a handful of dumplings,
or maybe like a piece of chicken
or something like that. I mean we found like
a lot of gems, but I will say this is probably
one of the bigger portion sizes that we've
ever gotten on this show. For under five bucks,
I got, what, almost eight chicken feet.
That's a lot.
Oh, guys, this was incredible.
- So, how was everything?
- Everything was fantastic.
Listen Tony, thank you so much for opening
my eyes to chicken feet.
That was absolutely incredible.
- No problem.
- How much does that come out to?
- About $4.90, comes to $4.90.
- $4.90?
- Yes.
- Perfect.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you guys, appreciate it.
All right, I'm gonna go wash my hands.
Today we learned that greatness
isn't always found in the $400 entree,
especially when our mission is something
that I never thought we'd see on this show, ever.
Michelin star.
You know what?
Shout out to Khushbu for putting us on to
Tim Ho Wan's in the East Village.
It's a real gem, and shout out to Tony
for helping me conquer my fear of chicken feet.
Really you guys, if you've never had chicken feet,
come here and try it.
It's really good.
Anyways, with that being said, today's mission
was an absolute success.
It's not a big chain, at least not in the US,
it's in budget, and it's damn good.
I gotta go.
It's cold out here, gotta get back uptown.
(camera clicks)
Hey guys, thanks for watching my show.
If you guys have a suggestion of where
we should go next time, leave them
down in the comments below.
Are you a chicken feet kind of guy?
I mean, let me know where's the best place
you've ever had them, maybe I'll
check out your recommendation.
Follow us on Instagram @5dollarlunchguy.
I think that's it.
Follow, like, share, subscribe,
and I'll see you guys next time, bye.
Entrevista a la luchadora de WWE Bayley: Triple H ha hecho que los NXT Takeover no paren de crecer - Duration: 2:34.
마지막으로 모든 것을 명확 했다, 무슨 진실은? - Duration: 10:49.
J-HOPE Birthday Present & Show Funny Photo Member [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:37.
Ooh~ "A Very Happy Birthday" [Fansubs by PandaSubs_GP]
"Our Hope" "Did you receive presents?
Saeng-seon? Are you talking about fish? (T/N: Saeng-seon - short for birthday present Also means fish)
Birthday presents?
Well... the gift I received from my family
was a delicious meal.
From my mother. Eating a home-cooked meal after so long made me happy
And the members always...
care for me well.
What really surprised me was
An hour before my birthday... last night at 11 PM [2018 February 17, 11:00 PM..]
Jin hyung called me!
He called me and..
I asked "Jin hyung what's up" "OOH~ JHOOOPPEE~!" x2
He said "Hyung wanted to
..wish you first so..
.. I called you~" He said that.
So I said "Hyung that was unexpected, you calling an hour early..
to wish me."
He was with a close friend
..they had a drink together. He sounded kind of tipsy
"I might sleep early so I called early~"
He kept going "Oh Jhoooppe~!"
[Hobi possessed by Seokjin. 218% In Sync]
"Hyung... Thank you so so much. Get some rest soon"
And then he said " Oh Jhope~..
I prepared a gift for you"
Ooohhh~.. [Uneasy]
Well, last time I gave Jin hyung
a pretty bag as a gift.
It was kind of bright and flashy
It had accessories dangling off of it. [Hobi gifted something that suits his style]
It was my kind of bag. At that time, Jin hyung said "Oh Jhope~~~...
..Oh Jhope~ it okay if I cut these off?" But that's what made the bag look good.
I gifted that sort of bag to him. And now Jin hyung
has gotten a gift for me. I'm really anxious to know..
What kind of present
will he give me.. Makes me nervous. [A gift that makes you feel uneasy hehehehe]
Anyway, Jin hyung.. thanks.. for calling first.
ARMY: "The picture Seokjin oppa uploaded was really cute" I have something to say about this
[Source - BTS official SNS] [Jin uploaded an amazing picture]
I think I'll find it here
That was from last year when we
After returning from a concert tour
we arrived in the morning.
We went to a Hangover Soup place
At that time, it was me, Namjoon
Seokjin hyung and Jungkookie
We went together
Namjoon has bad eyesight. He uses glasses
It's really amazing.
His eyes look like beans.
We wondered what it was
So we asked him what kind of glasses they are
Because Namjoon has bad eyesight
We were all like "Waahh this is really..."
So we decided to try wearing it. All of us tried them on
All of us tried them on and
We wore it, laughed a little,
Jin hyung was having too much fun when I wore them
He took a picture, he was having so much fun.
He did that. But he went and uploaded it? This hyung??
This hyung is really... something else
But I have all the pictures [Hobi who is looking for Jin and Kookie's tiny-eyes photos]
Alright found them !!
This is when Jungkook tried them on.
[Tiny-eyes Kookie]
And then
We have one of Seokjin hyung. He's no one to talk.
Seokjin hyung looks totally funny too.
This is when he tried it on. Look. [Tiny-eyes Seokjin]
This is how he looked. I'm not the only funny one
And then...
There's a picture of me like this.
This made us laugh so much. Things got crazy. [Tiny-eyes Hobi]
He said he would upload it on my birthday. He really did huh?
They really just looked like beans [Funny looking Bean-Eyed-Bangtan]
There're so man pictures on my phone.
On the members' birthdays, it's going to get crazy
They're done for.
je cas pire 1,000,000$ pour ouvrir des boite et gagner le skin Légendaire le diamant - Duration: 8:14.
[VOSTFR] Jungkook cover "All of my life" et "Only then" - Duration: 4:04.
February Ipsy Bag Unboxing - Duration: 6:47.
Hello everyone, today I received my pink parcel. What means that it is my Ipsy Bag of February.
And I am say that as long as to receive it today, I was going to film you to it. Because I got ready ... Kyrick.
Because I got ready to film one video of makeup, but I am say that I was before going to film that, all at once that there would be something that I could use for my tutoriel of makeup.
So, let's go, we are going to open that together.
Thus the first thing which comes, that's it
That I had no it, thus I really find that the funny of power finally to have one of it.I do not know if he smell something.
Oh my God, it smells really good! I really look forward to trying that and telling you if that works.
After that, we have the pouch, which is like that. I believe that it is I which has to add this product
So, the bag this month is like that. It is pink in suede with the small black lace.
So, let's go. We go to see. The small card of this month is as it is unzipped.
That speaks of being sexy can imports our shape of body. Seriously, my hair, I don't know what to do with, they do not just want to cooperate today.
So, I have one
Full Coverage Anti-Aging Waterproof Concealer
It's your 8 hours of sleep in a tube!
It's in the colour Light Ultra Fair.
It's the Bye Bye Under Eyes.The box looks like that
I am not going to open it at once, because I want to end my other concealer before.
But as soon as I am going to try it, I am going you to speak about it. That it is sure and some. In spite of I go can be to use it in my tutoriel.
Because I really want to try new products.
So,the something else which comes, it is of Pacifia.I really look forward to seeing it is what.
So, it's like that.
It is written that it is Beach Crystal Natural mineral eye shadow, 100% vegan, cruelty-free.
I really like the box, I find her really beautiful with the kinds of small effects, kind diamond.
And that also, it is cute.
Let us see, can I bring out that please?
I removed the scotch tape. Why that does not want to open?
Yeah! Oh my God! The pallet is just magnificent. Oh God.
So, the eyeshadows look's like that.
Colors are written has the back. It is Faceted, Spaced Out, Prism, Raw Power and Mars.
I am going to show you colors.
I really like the pigmentation. Colors look like that. We do not see very well, kind the pale mauve.
Because of my lights which are really strong, the pale mauve did not counter a lot.
But seriously, colors are really beautiful. It is just that it looks like because of my lighting, it looks like my lighting is so strong that colors do not appear more than that.
to the camera.
It is a real pity, because they are really beautiful. But anyway, I am certainly going to take a photo of the pallet on my account Instagram.
Then, that comes of Luna.
The box was pretty cute.
I really find that the box is cute, because it is a small fairy. And I, I like the things which are fantastic and everything.
Boxes are to be opened always hard.
It's look like that.
We do not see it in the camera, but oh! Oh, we have can be something.
It is really beautiful, oh my God. I think that I am going to use him in my tutorial of makeup.
The highlighter is just magnificient. Oh God.I expected that the highlight is pink,
A little as my blushers. But not at all. It is really beautiful as color, oh my God.
Then, my God, it seems to me that I have many things. In any case, then I have
Gentle Formula, all hair types, cleans hair without water.That comes from Klorane.
That the air to smell strong. That really seems to smell strong as dry shampoo.
I shall not try him at once. Because I should all the same take my shower in the evening. So, I say to myself that as long as in
Waste it, because it is a small bottle, I almost prefer to use it when I am really going to have it of need.
I really look forward to trying that and to give news to you there.
I have the brush
In the tint, in the tint, the figure 249 if ever you want knowledge it is which one.
So, there is a flat side and a side to shade off.
And I really look forward to trying him. I believe that I am going to use him in my tutorial later.
So, it is all that there was in my Ipsy Bag of this month. I hope that you liked seeing what I received.
Like as I say in each of my videos, I have to appreciate to share that with you. So, if ever you liked that, you can put a thumb up
or to subscribe you. I do not know if you noticed it, but recently I am a little more active on YouTube and Instagram.
And I risk of the being more and more, because I really want to vlogger more and more. So, if you want to see more videos and to know when I post videos.
You can you subscribe, and even to activate the bell of notification.
So, it is not bad everything. I do not know too much what I can say furthermore.
Okay, so, I hope that you appreciated the video. And we see again each other in a next video. Bye everyone.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
[VOSTFR] Jungkook cover "All of my life" et "Only then" - Duration: 4:04.
2014년부터 배치 예정인 신궁+비호' 복합대공화기 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 8:57.
[Eng Sub Lyrics] BTS JUNGKOOK - [ALL OF MY LIFE] by Park Won(박원) - COVER 방탄소년단 정국 커버 - Duration: 2:52.
When things were so hard that I was tired of living
When I hadn't even seen my family And even I wasn't important to myself
In this world, where one must have more In order to continue with love
All of my life You are all of my life
When I look at myself I changed so much after meeting you
I began to have dreams And I wanted to make your dreams come true too
In order to do that, I had to go up higher I had to have more things
Just when I had everything My dreams became bigger than love
All of my life, when I was struggling
You are all of my life, you filled me up
I tried filling myself up with other things
all of my life you are all of my life
But I couldn't be filled
In this world, where one must have more In order to continue with love
All of my life You are all of my life
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