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For more infomation >> Redmi Note 4 v/s Redmi Note 5 Pro Camera Comparison 🔥Redmi Note 5 Pro Camera Review - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
[시승기] 빠르고 영리하다, 테슬라 모델S P100D - Duration: 13:41.
900 PS für das S-Klasse Cabrio - Duration: 0:56.
2/14/18 3:49 PM (S River St & PA-309 & S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:28.
2/14/18 2:45 PM (S River St & PA-309 & S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:27.
2/13/18 9:42 AM (146 S Main St, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:30.
2/14/18 3:47 PM (130-150 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:28.
2/14/18 3:47 PM (271-279 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:29.
2/14/18 3:46 PM (40-48 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:29.
2/14/18 3:49 PM (334-342 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:29.
2/14/18 2:46 PM (93 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:30.
2/14/18 2:46 PM (217-225 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:29.
2/14/18 2:47 PM (7 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:30.
2/13/18 9:42 AM (230 S Main St, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:30.
2/13/18 9:48 AM (2080 S Township Blvd, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:29.
2/13/18 9:41 AM (272 S Main St, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:30.
2/14/18 3:48 PM (334-342 S River St, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, USA) - Duration: 0:28.
2/13/18 9:43 AM (24 S Main St, Pittston, PA 18640, USA) - Duration: 0:28.
La grand-mère de Laeticia Hallyday taclée par Sylvie Vartan - Duration: 1:29.
HOW TO: The cheapest and fast PCB making - Duration: 5:21.
HOW TO: The cheapest and fast PCB making
We will start with done schematic (e.g. in Eagle)
Switch to PCB layout
Finished board design
Creating GERBER files
Recommended CAM file is on the website
Select downloaded CAM file
Generate the GERBER files by the button
Generated files are in the project folder
Copy generated files into new folder
Copy downloaded CAM file into the same folder
Create new ZIP archive from the folder
Now, open the ALLPCB website (link is in description)
Sign up
or log in
Show the instant calculator
Show the board dimensions
Insert the board dimensions into calculator
Select the number of the pieces of the PCB (The economic choose is 10 or more)
Select the state and after that, we will see the final price
Click to Add to cart
After that, you will upload the GERBER files to the ALLPCB server
And you will pay by card or via PayPal
After order finished, you will see all orders in your account
And you can show the details of the order
I ordered on monday and I received the PCBs on friday in the same week!
Let's to unboxing :-)
I ordered 10 pcs
... and I got 12 pcs! :-)
Baby Advice From Dr. Sue
La grand-mère de Laeticia Hallyday taclée par Sylvie Vartan - Duration: 1:29.
Extracteur de BHO de circuit fermé Mini Closed Loop Herborizer. Vidéo Tutoriel - Duration: 17:46.
Today we are going to show you how to use a mini closed circuit extractor
for BHO like this Mini Closed Loop from Herborizer.
We've opened the box and got everything on the table.
The 2 tanks, their safety caps with valves to open
and close the gas flow, the pressure gauge, this is the extraction tube,
the flanges (2 large and 2 small) with their respective rubber seals
and the gas hose.
Hoy me he traído al especialista de Alchimia en extracciones Jérôme,
who will be helping me assemble and operate the Mini Closed Loop.
Hey Jèrôme, what's up?
Hi! How're you doing?
Very good. Let's start to assemble it and then see how it works.
Come on, we start with the tank...
As you can see, we've assembled the closed extraction circuit very quickly.
Now it's set up to have the gas in this tank, for the gas to pass through here,
in here we would have the weed, we would recover the BHO in this tank
and through here we would retrieve the gas to get it back in this same container.
Is that right, Jérôme?
We only need to reconnect this tube here
to be able to recover the gas in this container.
And the first thing we're going to do is to fill this tank with gas.
We don't need everything, we'll just take the tank we want to fill with gas.
Because we're going to do it outside, in the fresh air. For safety.
Of course, always outdoors!
Let's go.
We've come outside with the tank, it's valve,
the hose and the vacuum pump. This pump, the Rothenberger
is a bit bigger than we need, but it'll be fine.
The first thing to do is to create the vacuum in the tank
so we can fill it with gas. Correct, Jérôme?
Exactly, we'll create a vacuum so the gas fills the tank more easily.
Starting with fingers…
We connect the hose, and then we'll close it tightly with the spanners, right?
That's it.
For safety's sake.
Safety first. Because there's gas, it must always be tightly closed.
That's perfect, closed tight.
We connect the vacuum pump, the valve is open, and we can start the pump...
It's open. Let's go...
This process won't take long.
Because the pump is too powerful for what we're doing, it goes very fast.
We can already see that it is done in a few seconds, so first I'll close the valve…
Close the valve and I'll turn off the pump.
So we're sure the tank is under vacuum.
Let's disconnect the hose so we can start to fill with gas.
Just insert the canister and begin…
We open the valve at the moment the gas starts to enter.
So no air gets in. Keep it straight to stop any gas escaping.
You can put 1 canister in, or 1 and a half, or 2 canisters.
Now to remove it, there's always a bit of gas left…
And we take the other canister, fit the adaptor.
This is why we have to do it outdoors,
because there are always small leaks. Let's go again…
So we carry on filling the tank until the noise tells us it's full, right?
That's right.
So we've loaded the gas, we've closed the valve and now the tank is full
of the gas we'll use for the extraction. The first thing we'll do
is to remove the mystery oil… Right, Jérôme? What is mystery oil?
That's right. It's a lubricant that they use filling the canisters,
doesn't matter whether it says "No Impurities" or not, they all have it.
It's a lubricant they use to help the gas into the canisters…
So, to keep this oil out of our extraction,
the first thing to do is use the closed circuit to remove the oil.
Yes. You'll be able to see there's a significant residue left behind.
Let's set it up to do the first extraction to remove the mystery oil.
We'll create a vacuum in the whole system, so we connect the pump
to this valve, pushing it on firmly. OK, perfect, and… tell me…
So, we're going to create a vacuum here in the system,
then we need to check the valves.
We leave this one closed, always, and open here and here…
And we can start the pump?
Yes. It pulls the vacuum very quickly.
There was a change in the sound of the pump's motor
which means we've got a vacuum. So now I'll first close the valves…
and you can turn the pump off. We have vacuum.
OK, let's remove the hose. Very good. We're going to do the first extraction,
this time without any weed. We've got the gas here
and we're going to bring it over to here. What do we do Jérôme?
We're going to help with the temperatures to move the gas more easily.
So, we'll put this tank into a bucket with ice.
It's important to check all the valves are closed when we move it.
There's the ice, and to help the cold be more even we can add
some water to make the cooling more effective.
Now we'll open this valve so that the gas passes through here, open this one,
but you have to make sure this one is shut. So let's go, open this,
we can hear that the gas has moved a bit and to help it
we'll hold this tank like this a few minutes.
To help the gas go down, I shake it a bit to see if there's still liquid in there.
There's still some liquid, I can hear clink clink clink…
we'll leave it a bit longer.
Now all the gas has gone through, it's been about 10-15 minutes
and now we can close the circuit.
That's right. Now, for safety, we start by closing here and here.
Here it's shut down for now.
Now we'll remove the hose to reconnect it here…
We'll put the tank inside this bucket because now we need
to cool this other one. Remove the big one carefully…
and now we can put the ice and water in.
The water makes the temperature more homogenous in the entire bucket.
And we'll put the hose in the exit.
We're doing this to recuperate the gas… this process.
We should have the mystery oil here in this tank,
so let's see how much there is, but to see that and to open the tank
we first need to return the gas to it's original tank.
It's closed tight…
Perfect. Very good. Now we've closed all the valves…
Everything is shut, we'll check it's all closed.
We open here, and there was a little noise
which means the gas is starting to move through, so we open the other one.
That's it, the gas is now going to the other tank…
So now we wait.
That's right. To help the process we've filled this bucket
with some hot water and we'll put this tank
in it so the gas goes into the other tank easier.
Let's check if there's still gas in this tank… actually it's all gone.
We've seen that there's practically no gas left, we've moved the tank
so now we can close the valves and see…
We'll close here.
We'll close the other side too.
The whole system is closed. The gas can't go anywhere.
Let's disconnect the hose with the tools. As we open it…
there's always some gas, it's normal.
But it's not much.
Very little, it makes a hiss. A drop.
It's what was left between the two valves, in the hose.
Let's take the tank out of the hot water.
And here, the same, there's always some pressure and some gas inside.
So when we open, there's some noise, but don't be alarmed,
it's not much. Keep opening it…
Now, I'll need more than my fingers for this…
With a screwdriver or other tool we can open the tank…
and since this is the 1st extraction, without weed,
we'll see if there's any mystery oil left from the gas.
Ok, we'll take a bit of paper…
Let me hold it for you, and we'll see if there's any residual oil…
there's a bit, so that's the mystery oil.
Now we can be sure that the gas we've got in the other tank,
still with the ice, is completely clean, now we can use it
for the extraction we're going to carry out now.
And if you smell it, it smells like motor lubricant.
I don't think we want to be smoking that…
No, no. Of course not.
Let's get on with it, we're going to load the tube with weed.
We've got some trim and small buds here, right?
They're small buds and some trim of Biker Kush from Karma Genetics...
Perfect, so we open the valve of the tube, remove this piece.
Remember that when we assembled it, the loose rubber seal was above,
and below there was a seal with a screen, so the weed can't pass into the tank.
Exactamente. Para no tener restos vegetales en el recipiente con el aceite.
So, we can use, this would normally be for 45g
it's a bit optimistic, we're going to use 20-30g.
We can pack it down firmly, there's no problem with this system…
Also remember that the trim and buds are frozen,
in this case it's fresh frozen grass.
Fresh frozen, to get what we call Live Resin, an oil that has more terpenes,
so the flavour is more intense than with dried grass…
We're going to do the extraction with weed
and we'll also work with the temperatures.
We've got the circuit under vacuum and we'll cool the part with the grass
and the tank where the gas will go. A little more ice…
It's better if you can use dry ice,
it cools much more than normal ice, but it's harder to find…
Perfect, and now we put the tank with the gas in it into hot water
so that when we open the valves it goes through here.
So, let's open the valves, this one first…
The valve where the gas is…
…and there. You can hear the sound
of the gas as it goes towards the grass to put the oil in the tank.
Now 10-15 minutes have passed, and we've got all the gas here
with the extraction, the BHO, which will be in this part. Now we can close the circuit
and then we'll retrieve the gas again and remove the extraction.
To recuperate the gas, always remember that the gas will go from hot to cold,
it moves away from the heat and goes towards the cold,
so now to retrieve the gas we've got here into this tank,
we'll swap the hot and the cold buckets over.
While he removes the hose and fits it in the lower part to recover the gas,
remember that this is a closed circuit that recovers the gas.
We can use the same gas for multiple extractions.
There is very little loss, so we can use it many times.
There we are. We close it.
Now, so the gas goes from here to here, we swap them over…
Swap the heat, perfect. The tank with the gas
goes over to the hot water and the other one into the cold bucket.
Let's add a little more ice now and then open the valves
so the gas starts to move. So I open here, and here.
You can hear some noise from the gas. Let's add some ice here…
Now we've recovered the gas, 15 minutes have passed,
now let's close valves, circuits, and remove the extraction.
That's it. We start closing here and here. Remove this, this, tools.
Check its all closed, no messing about…
And to finish…
Wow!! Look at all that!
There's always some stuck inside the tank,
so we need to spend a bit of time with a silicon spatula
or something similar to get all this tasty oil out.
We've removed the extraction and now all we have to do is purge it.
To do that we'll use the BHO Vacuum Purge Kit,
which is the chamber and the pump, as well as a heating plate
which we've set to around 70ºC more or less.
At 70ºC, so it heats up the plastic a little, so it's warm inside.
It's a lot easier to purge with heat.
So let's put the oil inside, right here…
Let's open the chamber, put the oil inside
and the purge will basically remove all the residual gas.
It'll be running for 2-3 days, purging and getting all the gas out.
Yes. I'll start the pump. There we are.
We should take care at the beginning of the purge
that it doesn't inflate too much, in that case we'd have
to turn it off and on again… this time it looks fine.
That's it then. We'll leave it to purge for a few days.
… 72h of purging have passed.
We think the extraction is purged enough now, right Jérôme?
Yes. After 3 days we can see how the appearance has changed,
we can open it now. We need to be careful it doesn't all move,
so we let the air in slowly (we can hear the air going in…)
and that's it. We can take the oil out.
Let's see how it looks...
This is how Live Resin turns out, you can see it's got a crumbly texture...
Now it's time to try it out,
we've got the e-nail heated up to around 340ºC
and let's see how Jérôme takes his dab…
So, now we've seen how to use this mini closed circuit extractor from Herborizer,
the Mini Closed Loop, big thanks to Jérôme for his help.
With pleasure!
And you can find it at
Jennifer Lawrence Tells Her Haters With Blogs Not To See 'Red Sparrow' - Duration: 5:04.
Garmin Track Aero System: Training for Efficiency - Duration: 2:46.
The purpose of Aero testing is to quantify the drag losses due to aerodynamics,
and we try to quantify that so that athletes can make decisions
about their equipment and about their positioning.
Pretty much everybody benefits from Aero.
So, when we're looking at Timothy O'Donnell, for example, who we just tested,
the margins nowadays are so slim,
that the real next frontier is in figuring out
how to make yourself more aerodynamically efficient.
When you're younger, you can rely on just training more and getting more fitness
but as you get older, it gets a little harder to beat yesterday. That's why we're here.
There are several things that we test when we do aero tests.
First and foremost is your position on the bike.
We put my seat back, you know, a substantial amount,
and that really dropped my head position, allowed me to relax in my body.
Being able to put out, you know, relatively the same power in a much more efficient position,
it's a big step forward.
Ultimately that magic number that we really want to get out of all this testing
is a number called CdA.
That number helps us measure how efficient you are in going through the air.
If you, for example, compared two helmets,
and one helmet gives you a CdA that's lower than the other,
well, we know that that helmet will convert your power into forward speed
better than the other helmet.
So it's important when the testing's all done
to go over the results of the test with the athlete.
You know the aerodynamic benefit of it,
but now the athlete needs to make the decision, and own that decision,
whether to go ahead with it.
And so the athlete needs to validate, that they are indeed, faster.
I'm really excited about today's sessions because,
in the past, I've only been able to test in the wind tunnel,
and it's just not a realistic picture of the real world.
The gains I've made here, I can't make that up in one hard training session.
The watts that I saved by being efficient,
they're not going to just show up from one hard session or two hard sessions.
Being out here on the velodrome with Garmin's aerodynamic technology,
we are able to capture everything
that we would really experience and see out on the road.
So, today was about training smarter and not harder,
and I think we've done a great job at accomplishing that today.
Bill Cosby : mort de sa fille, Ensa, à l'âge de 44 ans - Duration: 3:03.
Jailbreak Noob Vs Pro - Duration: 9:19.
Ế - Karik ft Windy Quyên - Duration: 5:12.
Souvenirs en couleurs - Matali Crasset - Duration: 1:51.
WINSTATE - Concours Aviva la Fabrique 2018 - Duration: 1:50.
Hi everyone, we are WINSTATE and we are working on changing the world.
For that, we really need you.
and your votes
Our idea is to make you a little bit happier in your daily life
by improving the quality of your relationships thanks to your smartphones.
There you ask all how.
We just made the first application
which makes it possible to make a loved one smile for sure.
For that, nothing more simple: send him a WIN!
A WIN? What is it?
It's a "I think of you and I want to make you smile".
With us, no photo uploaded, no text, no filter.
Just a few seconds to tell someone that you think about him.
If you want to know who is sending this to you:
And for the cheaters, there is a real smile detector.
and at work?
Have you ever been frustrated when realizing that your opinion is never heard?
That we do not listen to your ideas?
We found a solution that allows you to feel a little bit more involved.
And of course you still wonder: but how?
You can now collect the opinion and ideas of your colleagues in 20 seconds
and allow them to respond in 10 seconds.
All this while avoiding: oldfashionned brainstorming
and the satisfaction survey syndrome.
Promised, it only takes 2 minutes.
You may guess that we will not stop our work here!
Our next idea is the WinMARKET
It is the place where you can found every company and association
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Moreover, you have the possibility to order directly from our application.
And for all these brilliant ideas
we really need to enlarge the WINSTATE team so help us with a vote.
Help us, vote for us on
Blettes aux épices - Duration: 2:07.
Quand Johnny Hallyday a logé Dany Boon dans sa villa aux USA -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:33.
FIRST TIME SPEAKING IN A VIDEO! | This or That #1 - Duration: 10:31.
PHOTO Laëtitia Milot enceinte : elle prépare l'arrivée de bébé - Duration: 3:58.
2018 sera l'année la plus heureuse pour ces 4 signes du zodiaque - Duration: 5:13.
How to Increase Flowers in Your Garden - Duration: 6:27.
Welcome to my garden this is mainly a seasonal flower garden and the flowers
you are watching most are marigold various spicies of marigold some
roses and some other seasonal flowers
watch the sizes of the flower their bright colors and the number of flowers
per plant or number of flowers per branch this is only a single plant watch
the number of flowers in a plant and sizes of each flower
I will tell you how you can also grow such big colorful bright flowers in your
own garden and at the same time increase the number of flowers per branch or
per plant. This is true for any type of seasonal flower even for roses
Plants primarily need three things for their growth. First the food second water
and third the sunlight
but there are two more factors that can control the growth of a plant. The
application of hormones and micronutrients can really expedite the
growth of a plant. The first thing we use is the micro nutrient. The brand name
is Flash actually it is available in different brand names in the market. It
mainly contains some micro elements like boron zinc manganese molybdenum
magnesium. You apply just one mg of this powder per liter of water and spray it
every ten to twelve days. This will give you an excellent result
specially assuring the bright colors of the flowers. Plants has mainly three types
of hormones. Auxin, Cytokinin and Gibberellin. Out of this Auxin and
Cytokinin are nitrogen less hormone where as gibberellin is a nitrogenous
hormone or contains nitrogen. This is Auxin hormone. The synthetic name is IBA
Indole Butalic Acid. Available in different brand names in the market. This
is Gibberellin hormone brand name is Great. Available in different brand
names in the market. It helps to grow the number of branches per plant as well as
number of flower per branch.
To get to the growth of the plant in vertical direction give you growth
in the vertical direction. These plants were sprayed with Auxin as well
as Ghibelline. I will show you the plants where only Auxin were sprayed but
there was no Gibberellin and you can see the difference between these two
Gibberellin hormone it helps to grow the number of branches per plant as well as
number of flower per branch. This is just a single plant.
Now I will show you the difference between these two types of plants one set of
plants that has been applied with Auxin as well as Gibberellin and other
plant where only Auxin was applied No Gibberellin was sprayed. I will show you
the difference. So these are the plants where both Auxin and the Gibberellin were
applied and you should see the size of the flowers very big flowers and the
number of flowers per plant that is the size of the bush watch me this is only a
single plant whereas this set of plants were only applied Auxin no Gibberellin
was given. The size of the flower is more or less same height is also same
but the number of flowers per plant is much less overall growth of the plant is
much less here. These plants were given both micro nutrients Auxin hormone
gibberellin Herman as well as sunlight whereas these plants were given same
micronutrients at the same dose same Auxin Hormone at same dose but there was
no gibberellin and the amount of sunlight is also less and watch the
difference between these two groups of plants. Here number of flowers per plant
is much much less.
Mission To Mars?? These Are The Best 7 Space Research Agencies in the World - Duration: 7:55.
Space research
conducted by space research agencies in the world
has benefited life in the world
for example about weather forecasts,
when there is an eclipse, an asteroid approaching the earth,
and other discoveries in the solar system.
Here is a list of 7 world's best space research agencies Omlamis version
Nasa is the world's best space research agency owned by the United States.
Nasa was founded in 1958 by Dwight Eisenhower.
The most popular mission ever undertaken by Nasa is the landing of Apollo's fleet.
Observations made by Nasa are not limited to the earth
but also the solar system.
Russian Federal Space Agency (RosCosMos)
Russian Federal Space Agency (RFSA)
is a space research agency owned by the Russian government in 1992.
The annual fee spent on his space mission amounts to $ 5.6 billion.
The Russian Federal Space Agency's space mission
such as the Venus surface, crew shipments to Mars, the Apollo test project,
the launch of various satellites and many others.
European Space Agency (ESA)
The European Space Agency is a joint-stock of 20 European countries
which currently has more than 2,000 employees.
The European Space Agency was founded in 1975,
research programs conducted such as exploration to various planets,
month, earth observation, telecommunication,
shipping and many more.
The budget spent annually by the European Space Agency is $ 5 billion.
Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency
Japan Eurospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
founded in 2003 by the Japanese government.
Annually Japan poured as much as $ 2.6 billion for space research.
Earth observation projects undertaken by this company such as advanced soil observation satellites,
monitoring of carbon dioxide, rainfall observation.
and many others
Indian Space Research Organization
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
is a space research agency owned by the Indian government.
The Indian Space Research Organization was founded in 1969
and has successfully run a variety of missions into space
both national and international levels.
ISRO succeeded in becoming the first space research agency in the world
which sends the spacecraft into orbit of Mars
with the lowest total expenditure of $ 75 million in 2014.
In February 2017
ISRO sent 104 satellites into space and managed to set a world record.
China National Space Administration
China National Space Administration was established in Beijing in 1983.
This year is China's space research agency
received $ 1.3 billion in funding.
CNSA managed to send 8 people
to conduct a variety of space travel missions in 2012.
SpaceX became a popular space research agency with the launch of its cheap rocket.
SpaceX was established in 2002,
this body was created by Elon Mask
has a goal to reduce the cost of transportation into space
and also the first human delivery to the planet Mars
which is planned in 2024.
This private company has had many achievements during its establishment
such as the Propelan rocket that reached orbit in 2008,
delivery of spacecraft to the first ISS in 2012,
the first space agency to use a rocket ever launched in 2017.
approximately when our space agency can be the best also hehehehe? hopefully and we pray for it
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