Hello guys and welcome from Cape Town
as you might have seen it in my most recent video
I got invited by Audi to drive the new Audi A7 Sportback
I'm not doing that somewhere, but on the most beautiful roads of Cape Town
We will drive e.g.
on the Chapman's peak? Chapman's peak drive? Is that correct?
This is my car today, the A7 Sportback 50 TDI
with 286HP and an 8-gear tiptronic
Why is it called "50 TDI"?
To be honest, it doesn't have to do with the cubic capacity
the car has a 3.0l engine
and we'll find out later where the "50" comes from
I'd say, let's drive it and see how the car is like
Are you ready?
I'm ready!
I'm not
Ok, so let's go!
It's quite rare that I'm excited to drive a car in traffic
but today is one of those days
and.. yes... oh god
I'll try my best
I didn't expect, that I drive in South Africa today
with left-handed traffic in Cape Town
with a car that I drive the very first time
yes, that is a little...
that is a bit of a problem
I'm in such a nice Audi and I have several things to try out
that's a real flag-ship
I already tried a few things during the world premiere of this car
first I have to deal with the left-hand traffic
and then I have more time for the car
Cape Town from above
yes, I have the sat-nav right in front on the virtual cockpit
looks good! It's pretty large!
If I'm not completely wrong, then we are driving towards Chapman's Peak Drive
I think you can already see it from here
It's somewhere over there
we drive over there now
yes, and that is over there
above the houses there is a small road
and that road goes all the way down south
We really started off this journey with snow
and now we are here somewhere in South Africa
the sea is over there
and it's 30°C
could be worse than that
we are not on the most beautiful roads yet
but it is still so beautiful
and of course: the car doesn't exist yet
the first cars will be delivered to the customers in March 2018
Now it's February
No, you can order the car in March right?
I'm not sure, could be!
Launch of the Audi A7 Sportback will be in March in Europe and
let's get back to the question: why is it called "50 TDI"?
the cars are not named after the cubic capacity
because of the downsizing and turbocharged engines it wouldn't make any sense
you don't need a 5.0l or 6.0l engine
this car has a 3.0l engine
and nevertheless it's very strong
it has 286HP and how much Nm of torque?
that is a lot!
that is...
150Nm more than in the GT3
yes, insane!
but it's a 6-cylinder Diesel, it definately is very powerful
And of course it has more Nm of torque than the same car with a petrol engine
and something that I've noticed immediately
let's keep the windows shut
it is extremely quiet
it is really quiet. I've noticed that on several other Audis
they have such a good insulation
that it is very comfortable to drive with it
you can have a nice conversation without raising the voice
and I have to raise my voice often when I drive
And therefore... still speaking about that number "50"
it is a new model designation
for example the "55" has more power and is stronger than the "50"
it has nothing to do with the cubic capacity anymore
Audi made it's own scale that already exist for a few months
I wasn't sure what that means at all
they said there are more electrical cars in the future
where you don't have any cubic capacity
and you don't have numbers to determine that
This is why they have their own scale
there are some zebra skins
We are in Africa! Now where I see a zebra skin hanging around at the side of the road
I notice that I'm in Africa
yes that's insane! That is awesome!
I want to jump into the sea
that must be cold
now we arrive at the toll station of Chapman's Peak Drive
what I really notice is the 4 wheel steering
we have a
large car
it is big
it's long
and it feels very dynamic in corners
I didn't expect that
I'm surprised in a positive way
the rear wheels steer in the opposite direction at lower speeds
that decreases the turning circle
and from 60km/h the rear wheels steers in the same direction like the front wheels
and that causes a better stability of the car at higher speeds
okay, let's go
Look at that!
that is awesome!
the water is so blue
that is a nice opportunity to take some pictures
okay, let's do it
that is a huge beach
look who is there
what a coincidence that he is here too
we are once in South Africa
and then Tim is here too
so we stopped here with all cars
one in silver, in blue, suzuka grey?
no it's just white
and grey
Tim lays down in the trunk
he is taking a nap
we are all driving together now
and we all met there at the last spot where we parked alltogether
and now we all drive with the A sevens
The A sevens?
with the A sevenS along the Chapman's Peak
And I hope we will arrive at the next spot where will meet again
with the guys from Audi
I don't have water anymore
mine is empty too in a second
and it is really hot. It is 26°C which is not too bad
yes but we are right at the sea
have you seen the waves?
yes, huge waves! I haven't seen that before
and it is super comfortable to drive with that car here
we will also drive tomorrow
I will try out more things tomorrow with the car
today is the section to learn the car
it is weird
Suddenly you are on a different continent in a different country
you drive on the "wrong" side of the road in a car that you have never driven before
I have to get used to that first
what's that?
I don't know!
it's a cool tree!
but it has some fruits on it
eat them!
and then instant death!
For more infomation >> I drive the NEW AUDI A7 SPORTBACK | Chapman's Peak | PART 1/2 - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
Samsung Galaxy S9: First Look - Duration: 5:23.
Meet the Galaxy S9. This one's been leaked for a while so
this shouldn't be a giant surprise if you follow the tech rumors but let me
tell you everything there is to know about these phones. Let's start with some
of the differences, the S9 is now not just a smaller version of the S9+
the Plus version is going to get two extra gigs of rams, it's going to have
six, that's going to have double the cameras. So that's gonna bring it up to
two. The main sensors are the same 12 megapixels, they now have dual apertures
so it's mechanical you can actually see it open and closed. They showed us some
examples of how that's going to reduce noise. We tested it did seem to do that
although real-world usage will determine it. When we get this in their offices will of
course test it. They're also capable of taking an insane 960 frames per second
slow-mo video at a pretty awesome 720p. We tested it and they look absolutely
incredible and at fun fact about these phones they actually now have RAM built
into the camera system so it could handle all those crazy frames that are
coming in. The Plus version though gets a second camera of course for the zoom
stuff that you'd like. Other than that things are pretty similar from last gen.
The screen size are still a 5.8 and 6.2, the bezels have been
slimmed down just a little bit. The screens were already really good with
the S8 but now they're better this time around.
They are 15% brighter and we tested this, the screens did look really bright. That
should be nice and bright sunlight when you're outdoors it's going to gonna be
able to see the screen. If there could be two knocks on the Galaxy S8 that I was
pretty vocal about, it was the silly finger print reader location that's now
been fixed and no dual speakers, that has also now been fixed. The earpiece is a
speaker, it gets pretty loud. In fact it's about 1.4 to 1.5 times louder than the
S8 so they're really proud of it for music and if I use it for speakerphone
it's just louder now. One of the things that I liked about the Note 8 was it
kind of flattened out the edges so the phone felt more substantial in her hand
Didn't feel kind of as thin as the S8 was and it that same thing here at the
Galaxy S9 did it the note it's got kind of a flatter side to it so it does feel
better in the hand. If you like the way the Note felt you're gonna love the way
the Galaxy S9 is gonna feel. Samsung loves to be first with stuff
this is the first phone out of the gate shipping with a Snapdragon 845 so it's
gonna be incredibly fast for processing, for gaming, for a lot of VR and AR, and
should be better on the battery as well and those sizes are the same as last-gen at
3,000 and 3,500 but again the Plus has the 6 gigs of ram versus the regular that has
the 4 so so bear that in mind. I know you're gonna ask,
I I asked Samsung, Bixby button is still there.
It still does Bixby things but it's a little bit better now, you get some sort
of AR makeup see what looks like a different makeup on, it's now gonna do
real-time translation if you hold it up to words that are in different language,
and also if you hold it up to food it'll tell you what an estimated
calorie count is. One thing that is definitely new here with the S9 and the
S9+ are animated emojis. If you ever made it like a Nintendo Mii but you
wish it was more high-def and could map your face, that's what we've got right
here is kind of cool. It's actually gonna take a picture of your face and it's
going to make it, you can customize some - stuff your skin tone hair and clothes
but it does work actually really well. I did a test with each eyebrow going up
and down is able to see those things, smiling was able to see those things, turn
your head see those things. It's able to map your face really well of course if
you want to just put yourself into other sort of emojis like like bunny rabbits
and other things we might be used to those are here as well and they'll work
on third-party apps. It actually will just save it as a picture if you want. On
the software side the UI is going to look similar to last-gen and actually I
really like what Samsung has done on the software side but it is Android Oreo
based, in fact it's based off of 8.0 and I think all the things that make Samsung
phones stand out are also here you can run through the list of flagship specs
as check them off one by one. Expandable storage is here, quick
charging here, wireless charging is here, Samsung pay is here, ip68 of course it's
here as well. All that stuff that makes you generally
Samsung phones awesome or of course packed into the Galaxy S9 and S9+.
The u.s. is getting some good launch colors finally. It's gonna be midnight
black, coral blue, lilac purple, there's an awesome looking gray one that's only
going international. So that's it that's the S9 and the S9+. It doesn't at
least appear to be a giant upgrade. What I
think was already peak smartphone with the S8, coming from an S7 is a
giant step forward, coming from a Note 8 you might want to give it a second
thought before we decided whether or not to upgrade but it looks awesome. We're
gonna get one in the office of course the test put it through its paces. I'm
excited I like to last gens. This one looks like a really nice
improvement on that but we'll we'll be the judge. Anything you guys want us to see
particular about the s9 the s9+ leave it in the comments down below and let us know.
Give the video a thumbs up we appreciate it, of course hit the subscribe button to get
notified when new videos are coming. We have a lot of s9 coverage
coming your way until next time Jon Rettinger from TechnoBuffalo.
Hyggestream - Duration: 14:25.
¡DIY ENTINTADORES para Tintas de SCRAPBOOK! Blending Tool ★ Tutoriales en 1 minuto - Duration: 1:34.
Votre lit est rempli d'insectes nuisibles aux poumons : voici comment les tuer rapidement - Duration: 7:06.
Gabriella Papadakis et Guillaume Cizeron : un couple en or - DN - Duration: 6:49.
Iran, Ahvaz manifestration en face du gouvernorat le 25 février - Duration: 0:29.
Johnny Hallyday : sentant qu'il va mourir, il a fait un dernier cadeau à Laeticia - Duration: 3:14.
Neusta - Comme moi (Audio) - Duration: 3:24.
Gabriella et Guillaume, les nouvelles stars de la glace- DN - Duration: 11:24.
7 Reasons To Rub Aloe Vera On Your Face and Skin - Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin - Duration: 3:38.
If you've been following the videos on this channel
for a while, then you know that most of the plants found in nature have tons of benefits
for us, due to their nutrients and medicinal properties.
One of these plants is Aloe Vera, which we've already talked about several times since it's
considered to be one of the best herbal remedies.
It's able to have a positive effect on your whole body.
Aloe Vera aids your digestion, improves your immune system, relieves constipation and oral
problems, among other benefits.
In today's video we're going to talk about Aloe Vera's wonderful benefits for your skin:
It hydrates your skin Studies have shown that Aloe Vera gel is very
beneficial for your skin, which explains why it's used as an ingredient in several different
cosmetic products.
Rub the gel into your skin in order to moisturize and soothe your skin, without clogging up
your pores.
Aftershave Shaving isn't exactly a pleasant activity,
especially if you have sensitive skin.
Aloe Vera gel can be used as an aftershave, and it will soothe your skin and the small
nicks that happen when you shave.
It fights aging A study has shown that regular Aloe Vera application
improves your body's natural collagen production, the protein that is responsible for keeping
your skin toned and youthful.
Furthermore, Aloe Vera gel is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene, important nutrients
for your skin's health.
Relieves sunburns When we spend too much time in the sun without
any protection, we're bound to get burnt.
Normally, we try and soothe our skin with a cortisone based product, but Aloe Vera has
been proved to be much more efficient at lessening the redness and irritations caused by sun
It speeds up the healing process One of Aloe Vera's most common uses is on
cuts, wounds, and burns.
Several studies have proven the gel to be efficient at accelerating the healing process.
This is due to the fact that the gel can penetrate your skin better, renewing your skin cells
It gets rid of dark spots Aloe Vera gel is great at treating acne scars
and stretch marks due to its ability to regenerate your skin and its anti-inflammatory properties.
You can mix the gel with some lemon juice to reduce freckles and age spots.
It fights acne Due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and
anti-bacterial properties Aloe Vera gel protects your skin from the agents that cause acne.
As we've said before, it's able to reduce redness and improve the appearance of acne
You can also use it as an astringent in order to deeply cleanse your skin and prevent acne
all together.
To use the gel, dab some on your skin and rub gently.
Rub it in the direction opposite to the growth direction of any hairs to ensure that it penetrates
as much skin as possible.
After this procedure, run your hand over the hairs to lay them down again.
You can use Aloe Vera gel anywhere on your body.
The Voice : Amir, "absolument pas d'accord" avec Mennel mais voudrait lui laisser une chance... - Duration: 2:32.
Maquillaje 'Fairy Dust' de Cuento de Hadas | Fairy Tales and Romantic MAKEUP Tutorial - Duration: 12:20.
Ariane Brodier nous présente son fils, Sylvie Tellier enceinte et sa fille, Margaux, Vanessa... - Duration: 3:16.
Pourquoi votre chat dort tout le temps ? Les siestes de votre chat - Duration: 8:39.
Johnny Hallyday : un animateur raconte ses folles soirées d'ivresse avec le Taulier à chanter - Duration: 2:37.
ASMR 대왕 킹스베리 딸기 + 생크림 리얼사운드 먹방 大きなイチゴ生クリーム Strawberry Fresh Cream Eating sounds Mukbang Korean male - Duration: 7:16.
hi..! this is jae....
Which way?
This time to eat is a huge strawberry, not Tanghulu.
I have prepared fresh cream because it is not fun to eat only strawberries.
Fresh cream ..
let's eat
I'm sorry I ate Tanghulu alone last time.
I prepared for you today.
The juice ..
want it?
Today I ate a huge strawberry.
If you like the video, please like&subscribe.
good night!
Samsung Galaxy S9 HANDS-ON Impressions! - Duration: 11:01.
- Samsung just announced its brand new
flagship devices in the Galaxy S9 and S9+.
I've gone hands-on with these two brand new devices,
and in this video I give you a first look at some of the
stand out features on Samsung's brand new smartphones.
What's goin' on Tech Squad, Andru Edwards here,
editor-in-chief at GearLive.com.
If this is your first time here,
this channel's all about tech, gadgets, and gaming.
So, if you're into that kind of stuff,
feel free to hit the Subscribe button down below
along with the bell notification icon,
so you don't miss any future videos.
As I mentioned, Samsung just announced the brand new
Samsung Galaxy S9
and Galaxy S9+.
These are its two new flagship smartphones
here for the beginning of 2018
and that remain the flagships,
at least until the Galaxy Note 9 is announced
later this year.
Now as I mentioned, I was able to go hands-on
with the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+.
Big shout out to Samsung
for inviting me to check out the new devices.
I was able to spend some time
with both the S9 and the S9+.
And in this video I'm sharing with you the top features
that stood out to me.
To kick things off, let's get started with the design.
The first thing I noticed
when I picked up the new Samsung Galaxy S9 and the S9+
is just how familiar they feel to last year's Galaxy S8
and S8 Plus smartphones.
Not much has changed with the design of the S9 and S9+,
and I actually see that as a good thing.
A lot of people want to see new designs every single year,
but I'm much more of a mindset that I wanna see refinement.
If you have a great design, hold on to that design,
refine the design, and perfect it going forward.
The S8 and S8 Plus looked great and felt great in the hands,
so Samsung kept that design going forward
and have made an even better phone
with a familiar form factor.
And since it's a similar form factor,
you get the same display size as this year
that you had last year.
That being a 5.8 inch super AMOLED display on the S9.
With the larger Galaxy S9+ getting a 6.2 inch display.
Both devices have an 18 1/2 x 9 aspect ratio
and support Quad HD resolution.
Samsung says that these displays will get 15% brighter
than last year's Galaxy S8 display,
so it'll auto adjust in instances
where a brighter display is needed
such as in direct sunlight.
Samsung did also mention
that the bezels are ever so slightly smaller this year.
So what you end up with is a smaller,
more powerful device with the same screen size.
Now the size isn't something you're gonna notice
right out of the box, holding it in your hand.
You really have to compare them side-by-side,
take an S8 and a S9, put them together
and then you'll see the size difference.
So it's not drastic at all, but it is a welcomed change.
The other design decision Samsung made this year pertain
to color.
Here in the United States,
we're gonna see three colors of the
Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+.
Those being midnight black, lilac purple,
and the return of the ever so popular coral blue.
Now there's also rumored to be a titanium gray model.
They did not show that one to us
when we were there, so I'm assuming that if it does exist,
that's gonna be for international markets
and will not ship in the United States.
You'll also notice along the back
that the fingerprint sensor
has been relocated to a less confusing place,
so now you won't have to worry about
smudging up your camera lens,
since the sensor is beneath the camera like pretty much
every other smartphone with a rear fingerprint sensor.
On the topic of security and authentication,
Samsung does also support both face unlock
and iris unlock on the Galaxy S9 and S9+, as well.
Along with an intelligent scan feature,
they'll use a combo of face unlock and iris detection
for those of you who want enhanced security.
If biometrics aren't your thing,
you also have the standard PIN, pattern,
and password to unlock your phone as well.
Now, with the design out of the way,
let's jump into what seems to be the main difference
here on the Galaxy S9 and S9+
when compared to last year's S8 lineup
and that is the cameras.
Now I've said it many times before,
if you buy a flagship device,
you're going to be getting a great camera.
It doesn't really matter which flagship you buy,
the cameras are, pretty much, superb across the board.
Whether you buy an iPhone, whether you buy a Galaxy device,
whether you buy you a Pixel, etc.
But for many years, people have recognized both the iPhone
and the Samsung's Galaxy S line.
So both have, pretty much, the top of the line
when it comes to cameras until a couple of years ago
when Google slipped in and started changing the game
with the Pixel.
The original Pixel and even more so the Pixel 2
have been stealing the attention
as far as smartphone cameras go.
And Samsung is coming out of the gate swinging
with the camera improvements made to the Galaxy S9 series.
So what sets the cameras apart on the Galaxy S9.
Well, for the first time, in my memory,
a smartphone is shipping that supports more
than one aperture.
So under the fixed aperture, you've got a dual aperture
on the main wide angle lens.
Those apertures being F2.4
alongside F1.5 on the super speed Dual Pixel shooters.
The camera is smart enough to switch
between these two apertures on the fly,
but if you go into the Pro Mode,
you can actually change them manually yourself.
And it's actually pretty cool when you change the aperture,
you can actually look on the back of the phone
and see the camera aperture change right before your eyes.
So what does this mean in plain English?
Well it means, if you're out in a nicely lit,
daytime environment, the camera will know to switch over
to the F2.4 lens so that it will capture that wide color
that's all around you without anything getting blown out.
However, if you're in a low light environment,
maybe it's evening, maybe you're in a dark restaurant,
or a club and you wanna take some photos it will know
to automatically switch over to F1.5 in order to take in
even more light to make sure your photos continue
to look clean and crisp.
And again, if you use the Auto Mode,
or any of the other non Pro Modes on the camera
it's gonna do this intelligently by itself.
You don't have to worry about the aperture at all.
But if you are a pro or wanna use those pro features,
you can go into the Pro Mode and switch it on your own.
And if you're wondering how good the F1.5 mode is,
Samsung actually had a demo where we peeked into a cylinder
that was dark, and we looked in there,
and we didn't' see anything.
Then we took the Galaxy S9, put it on the F1.5 mode,
and then looked through that, and we could see
what was at the bottom of the cylinder.
So this camera is pretty powerful.
Now that's not all for the camera news on the Galaxy S9,
or more specifically the Galaxy S9+,
because Samsung has now taken that second camera
from the Galaxy Note
and moved it over to the Galaxy S9+, as well.
Which means,
the Galaxy S9+ is now a dual camera smartphone.
That second lens is a telephoto 12-megapixel camera
with a F2.4 aperture,
and both lenses support optical image stabilization.
So whether you're taking photos or out shooting video,
you're gonna get nice, clean, crisp images
and smooth, buttery video.
For all you selfie lovers out there,
the front camera is a wide angle 8-megapixel lens
with an F1.7 aperture.
So not much has change there,
but the front camera on the S8 was pretty fantastic,
so you can expect the same on the S9 as well.
Continuing on the camera front,
Samsung is also adding in a powerful, slow motion feature,
which allows you to shoot at 960 frames per second
at 720p resolution.
Now that is actually a crazy stat.
Both the 960 frame per second
and the fact that it's at 720p.
When I heard they were gonna do 960,
I figured it was gonna be a 480p video resolution,
but it's actually 720p high definition.
Now one thing about shooting slow motion video,
sometimes you're trying to catch something particular
in the scene, and when you hit record you actually miss it.
Samsung's also built in a feature
that captures super slow mo when the camera sees
something enter a portion of the display.
So you specify the area,
and you hold the phone up to the scene,
and if something goes through the area specified
it'll immediately capture a 960 frame per second,
super slow motion clip.
And you can see here that I tried it a few times,
and again, the way that it figures out
when to capture the slow motion clip
is when there's movement in the specified area.
So since I started moving around early
it actually fired off earlier than I wanted it to,
but eventually I was able to get it down,
as you can see here, this is
how the super slow motion feature is supposed to work.
One other camera feature
I'm gonna touch on briefly is the AR-Emoji feature.
This is kind of Samsung's answer to Apple's Animoji,
but with Apple they're actually animated
the emoji characters and with Samsung
the AR-Emoji is animating an emoji version of you.
The camera scans your face and automatically creates
your likeness that you can then dress up and accessorize.
I personally didn't find any clothes
I would realistically wear in real life.
And had no clue where my beard went,
but maybe that was buried in the settings somewhere,
and I didn't' feel like looking all over the place for that.
Once you have your Ar-Emoji, you can use it in the camera,
in text messages, and in other places as well to convey
your thoughts and feelings in emoji form.
Now let's step away from the camera for a moment
and talk about one of the other features
that I though was a major improvement, at least for me,
someone who enjoys music
and entertainment on my smartphones.
And that is finally,
the addition of stereo speakers on a Samsung Galaxy device.
Similar to what you'll find on Apple's current iPhone 8
and iPhone 10, not only do you
have the bottom firing speaker,
on the Galaxy S9 and S9+, but you also have the earpiece
now that acts as a second loud speaker as well.
Together they give you stereo sounds
and the speakers are tuned by AKG,
and the phone is also certified
for Dolby Atmos surround sound, as well.
There you have it, guys.
That was your first hands-on look at Samsung's
brand new Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ smartphones.
If you're excited to pick one up,
you can pre order these devices beginning on March 2nd
and they release to the public on March 16th.
So you'll be able to get your hands on these
in just about three weeks.
Now there are even more features
I'm gonna be showing you between now and then.
Those include new additions to what Bixby can do,
as well as improvements made to Samsung's DeX platform.
If you're excited about the Samsung Galaxy S9
and enjoyed this one, please do drop a like on this video,
and don't forget if you haven't done so already,
you can click or tap on my face
when it appears here at the bottom of the screen
in order to subscribe for free to the channel,
so you don't miss any future videos.
Thanks so much for watching as always, guys,
I appreciate your support.
I'm Andru Edwards and I will catch you in the next video.
(loud upbeat music)
Héritage de Johnny Hallyday : Dany Boon refuse de réagir - Duration: 2:17.
La capacité d'adaptation - Duration: 4:35.
Big Gummy Vs. Lil Gummy
Johnny Hallyday : un animateur raconte ses folles soirées d'ivresse avec le Taulier à chanter - Duration: 2:37.
Comment faire du gel d'aloe vera maison et quelles sont ses applications ? | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 9:32.
D'Lirium Let's Play Part 4 - Duration: 16:18.
Votre lit est rempli d'insectes nuisibles aux poumons : voici comment les tuer rapidement - Duration: 7:06.
La capacité d'adaptation - Duration: 4:35.
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.2D 150PK Skylease - Duration: 1:02.
👄 Exercices pour bien articuler en société (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 6:30.
The Voice : Amir, "absolument pas d'accord" avec Mennel mais voudrait lui laisser une chance... - Duration: 2:32.
Une boisson fantastique pour brûler la graisse du ventre - France 365 - Duration: 5:06.
The Voice : Mennel Ibtissem tease sur Instagram l'arrivée d'un album ! - Duration: 2:41.
Pourquoi votre chat dort tout le temps ? Les siestes de votre chat - Duration: 8:39.
Salon de l'agriculture : pourquoi Brigitte Macron n'a pas accompagné son mari -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:59.
Simontive 6 Episode 14 - Duration: 1:48.
Title: Simontive 6 Episode 14 Invisible Snow
Simon: There is a report that there is snow tonight.
Mr. Dinosaur: Yes, I am going to the news station right now.
Simon: Hello, there's a layer of snow tonight, but there is an unknown cause despite Erik Wamboldt a DTO member calling this out. All trains and roads are closed for right now.
Title: No Interstate access until tomorrow.
Mr. Dinosaur: This is a major issue because Dogland has not have snow before since it was created. We are on snow alert.
Title: A Couple Hours Later
Yi: It is getting cold, but there is no snow. Let me look over there.
Green Pig: That car is good.
Yi's Twin: There are accidents happening. The snow is invisible.
Yi: We must be careful. We must do something.
Cat: Meow! The snow smells good, but I can't see it.
Simon: I am telling YI to stop the snow.
Yi: I can stop it. I have a secret strategy.
Soulager les douleurs articulaires en utilisant du citron citron ... C'est facile! - Duration: 4:08.
MON FILM D'HORREUR PRÉFÉRÉ #1 (feat Simon Gosselin / Spooky Astronauts / Cinemaclub FR) - Duration: 10:07.
Hello it's Drawer and i present you a new concept of videos
Today new episode of "My favorite horror movie"
show where i invite 3 amazing people
those guys are gonna talk about their favorite horror movie
You will discover new people on the internet
I wanted to do something interecative with people i like
now we start with SImon gosselin
You can find him on twitter
He also makes video on Youtube on his channel Sexy and Dumb
In wich he makes theories of six degrees
he makes cookoing videos and a lot of stuffs
he is also photograph
all the links are in the descriptions, check them !
I let him talk now, he is gonna talk about his favorite horror movie
Your turn Simon !
Hello and thanks to Drawer to have invited me on this video
i am gonna talk about THE THING of John Carpenter
The thing is the best movie of Carpenter, that's what he says. And maybe the best movie of all time
It's a remake of Howard Hawk's movie
and also christian Nyby...nibi...nai by...
Anyway, a movie of the 50's that Carpenter was a huge fan during his childhood
But Carpenter used the original Novel
Taking original scenes from the book who are not in the movie of Christian nibi...nyby...
It's the first movie where carpenter didnt make the music himself
It was Ennio Morricone
He took the minimalistest music of Morricone whith the synthetiseur
Which is very look a like at his own work
35 years after
the Special effects are still great
The are made by Rob Bottin where he was 22 yo and created a lot of new techniques
He used mayonnaise, chewing gum, jelly...everything he could find at the grocery
The thing is a cult movie but was a disaster when it comes out.
Disaster for the critics, cause too violent and too gore
But also commercial disaster
Because 2 weeks earlier an other movie who has a little success cames out
ET from Spielberg and people prefered watch a movie with a sympathic alien
rather than an alien polymorph who kills everybody with violence
I dont know why...
When it comes out the movie was forbidden in Finland
Its an useless fun fact to be famous during party but i wanted to share it with you
If you like this movie i recommend you the 2011version
which is a prequel remake
which is...
but less cool than the original
but still cool
A video game exist from 2002
who takes place few days after the carpenter's movie
and the story is more advanced so its cool
but it's a little bit scary
and difficult to control
And i recommand you the hatefull 8 from tarantino
which is very referencial to the thing
The movie respects more the thing, than the remake itself
Think about it
Have a good watch !
It's True, the thing is awesome, thank you simon
Now let me introduce emma
emma is Australian
she has a youtube channel (spooky astronauts)
It's an horror channel like mine
she speaks about horror movies
she speaks to the camera and share impressions about movies
It's very cool
She seems very nice
Let's go !
I seen pet sematary a long time ago but it was pretty cool
Thank you emma for this recomandation
Last person of the video
He is not a youtuber but he is the creator of the web site Cinemaclubfr
You can find reviews of horror movies
They know their subjects
There are tonns of articles
It's a great website
You can also find them on Twitter of course
His name is Alex
He is gonna talk about his first horror movie watched
Alex, it's your turn
I have started my passion for the horror movies
With the Scream movies
especially Scream 2
It'"s my first DVD
My parents bought me a dvd player in april 2004 if i remember well
i was 13
a friend of my parents lends us
the scream 2 movie and halloween
i wanted to watch scream 2
it was weird cause generaly we dont watch the second opus first
i loved the cover
for a 13yo boy it seems more like a new movie
cause halloween was already quite old
so we watched scream 2
it let me a good sensation
scream 2 is my first DVD
my first horror movie
and we never forget our first times
the first movies we watched
remains memories you cant forget
even if it's bad movies
it will remains guilty pleasure
scream 2 was not only my first movie
it was a huge success
since first minutes
the movie show us his guts
and trust me for a 13yo boy
it's a little bit scary
The scene where maureen is slaughtered in front of hundred of people
nobody see shit
it's still scary for me
it let mark on you like chucky could do
to kids who watch child's play
at 10 or 11 yo
i identified myself to the characters
before knowing the first movie
and thats what i loved about the movie
i was quickly into it
characters, ambience...
it was...
pretty well made
i didnt know the codes of the slashers movies
because it was my first horror movie
i discover everything with that movie
after that movie i went to sleep saying to me
that i hope i will not make nightmares
i was a little bit stressed
the next morning
i went to the video club of my city with my mom
we rent Scream and scream 3
and we could finish that trilogy
we agreed that it was a good saga
and so i started with that
with this movie i discovered a passion
i was going to the video store
since april 2004
until it closes
the movie still follows me
cause cinemaclubfr is the web site i created
in october 2011
the named is tooked
from a dialogue in scream 4
with robbie and
one of the killers in scream 4
it follows me in my professional career
now i have a tatto on my left leg
the knife from scream
with " what is your horry movie" written on it
i had the choice between scream and halloween
i could have been fan of Michael Myers
but it was ghost face !
This video is over
thanks to simon emma and alex to have participated to this first episode
i hope there will be new episodes
if you liked it tell it in the commentary section
suscribe to my channel but also to the people you just see !
The purpose is about discover new people on the internet
Big kiss !
7 Reasons To Rub Aloe Vera On Your Face and Skin - Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin - Duration: 3:38.
If you've been following the videos on this channel
for a while, then you know that most of the plants found in nature have tons of benefits
for us, due to their nutrients and medicinal properties.
One of these plants is Aloe Vera, which we've already talked about several times since it's
considered to be one of the best herbal remedies.
It's able to have a positive effect on your whole body.
Aloe Vera aids your digestion, improves your immune system, relieves constipation and oral
problems, among other benefits.
In today's video we're going to talk about Aloe Vera's wonderful benefits for your skin:
It hydrates your skin Studies have shown that Aloe Vera gel is very
beneficial for your skin, which explains why it's used as an ingredient in several different
cosmetic products.
Rub the gel into your skin in order to moisturize and soothe your skin, without clogging up
your pores.
Aftershave Shaving isn't exactly a pleasant activity,
especially if you have sensitive skin.
Aloe Vera gel can be used as an aftershave, and it will soothe your skin and the small
nicks that happen when you shave.
It fights aging A study has shown that regular Aloe Vera application
improves your body's natural collagen production, the protein that is responsible for keeping
your skin toned and youthful.
Furthermore, Aloe Vera gel is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene, important nutrients
for your skin's health.
Relieves sunburns When we spend too much time in the sun without
any protection, we're bound to get burnt.
Normally, we try and soothe our skin with a cortisone based product, but Aloe Vera has
been proved to be much more efficient at lessening the redness and irritations caused by sun
It speeds up the healing process One of Aloe Vera's most common uses is on
cuts, wounds, and burns.
Several studies have proven the gel to be efficient at accelerating the healing process.
This is due to the fact that the gel can penetrate your skin better, renewing your skin cells
It gets rid of dark spots Aloe Vera gel is great at treating acne scars
and stretch marks due to its ability to regenerate your skin and its anti-inflammatory properties.
You can mix the gel with some lemon juice to reduce freckles and age spots.
It fights acne Due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and
anti-bacterial properties Aloe Vera gel protects your skin from the agents that cause acne.
As we've said before, it's able to reduce redness and improve the appearance of acne
You can also use it as an astringent in order to deeply cleanse your skin and prevent acne
all together.
To use the gel, dab some on your skin and rub gently.
Rub it in the direction opposite to the growth direction of any hairs to ensure that it penetrates
as much skin as possible.
After this procedure, run your hand over the hairs to lay them down again.
You can use Aloe Vera gel anywhere on your body.
Le Bitcoin, c'est quoi ? Comment ça marche ? Explication simple et rapide ! - Duration: 2:49.
L'Isola dei famosi, Francesco Monte umiliato da Barbara D'Urso? Ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.
Essai Ampera-e : au volant de la nouvelle Opel électrique - Duration: 4:38.
Bank robbery roleplay
Samsung Galaxy S9 HANDS-ON Impressions! - Duration: 11:01.
- Samsung just announced its brand new
flagship devices in the Galaxy S9 and S9+.
I've gone hands-on with these two brand new devices,
and in this video I give you a first look at some of the
stand out features on Samsung's brand new smartphones.
What's goin' on Tech Squad, Andru Edwards here,
editor-in-chief at GearLive.com.
If this is your first time here,
this channel's all about tech, gadgets, and gaming.
So, if you're into that kind of stuff,
feel free to hit the Subscribe button down below
along with the bell notification icon,
so you don't miss any future videos.
As I mentioned, Samsung just announced the brand new
Samsung Galaxy S9
and Galaxy S9+.
These are its two new flagship smartphones
here for the beginning of 2018
and that remain the flagships,
at least until the Galaxy Note 9 is announced
later this year.
Now as I mentioned, I was able to go hands-on
with the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+.
Big shout out to Samsung
for inviting me to check out the new devices.
I was able to spend some time
with both the S9 and the S9+.
And in this video I'm sharing with you the top features
that stood out to me.
To kick things off, let's get started with the design.
The first thing I noticed
when I picked up the new Samsung Galaxy S9 and the S9+
is just how familiar they feel to last year's Galaxy S8
and S8 Plus smartphones.
Not much has changed with the design of the S9 and S9+,
and I actually see that as a good thing.
A lot of people want to see new designs every single year,
but I'm much more of a mindset that I wanna see refinement.
If you have a great design, hold on to that design,
refine the design, and perfect it going forward.
The S8 and S8 Plus looked great and felt great in the hands,
so Samsung kept that design going forward
and have made an even better phone
with a familiar form factor.
And since it's a similar form factor,
you get the same display size as this year
that you had last year.
That being a 5.8 inch super AMOLED display on the S9.
With the larger Galaxy S9+ getting a 6.2 inch display.
Both devices have an 18 1/2 x 9 aspect ratio
and support Quad HD resolution.
Samsung says that these displays will get 15% brighter
than last year's Galaxy S8 display,
so it'll auto adjust in instances
where a brighter display is needed
such as in direct sunlight.
Samsung did also mention
that the bezels are ever so slightly smaller this year.
So what you end up with is a smaller,
more powerful device with the same screen size.
Now the size isn't something you're gonna notice
right out of the box, holding it in your hand.
You really have to compare them side-by-side,
take an S8 and a S9, put them together
and then you'll see the size difference.
So it's not drastic at all, but it is a welcomed change.
The other design decision Samsung made this year pertain
to color.
Here in the United States,
we're gonna see three colors of the
Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+.
Those being midnight black, lilac purple,
and the return of the ever so popular coral blue.
Now there's also rumored to be a titanium gray model.
They did not show that one to us
when we were there, so I'm assuming that if it does exist,
that's gonna be for international markets
and will not ship in the United States.
You'll also notice along the back
that the fingerprint sensor
has been relocated to a less confusing place,
so now you won't have to worry about
smudging up your camera lens,
since the sensor is beneath the camera like pretty much
every other smartphone with a rear fingerprint sensor.
On the topic of security and authentication,
Samsung does also support both face unlock
and iris unlock on the Galaxy S9 and S9+, as well.
Along with an intelligent scan feature,
they'll use a combo of face unlock and iris detection
for those of you who want enhanced security.
If biometrics aren't your thing,
you also have the standard PIN, pattern,
and password to unlock your phone as well.
Now, with the design out of the way,
let's jump into what seems to be the main difference
here on the Galaxy S9 and S9+
when compared to last year's S8 lineup
and that is the cameras.
Now I've said it many times before,
if you buy a flagship device,
you're going to be getting a great camera.
It doesn't really matter which flagship you buy,
the cameras are, pretty much, superb across the board.
Whether you buy an iPhone, whether you buy a Galaxy device,
whether you buy you a Pixel, etc.
But for many years, people have recognized both the iPhone
and the Samsung's Galaxy S line.
So both have, pretty much, the top of the line
when it comes to cameras until a couple of years ago
when Google slipped in and started changing the game
with the Pixel.
The original Pixel and even more so the Pixel 2
have been stealing the attention
as far as smartphone cameras go.
And Samsung is coming out of the gate swinging
with the camera improvements made to the Galaxy S9 series.
So what sets the cameras apart on the Galaxy S9.
Well, for the first time, in my memory,
a smartphone is shipping that supports more
than one aperture.
So under the fixed aperture, you've got a dual aperture
on the main wide angle lens.
Those apertures being F2.4
alongside F1.5 on the super speed Dual Pixel shooters.
The camera is smart enough to switch
between these two apertures on the fly,
but if you go into the Pro Mode,
you can actually change them manually yourself.
And it's actually pretty cool when you change the aperture,
you can actually look on the back of the phone
and see the camera aperture change right before your eyes.
So what does this mean in plain English?
Well it means, if you're out in a nicely lit,
daytime environment, the camera will know to switch over
to the F2.4 lens so that it will capture that wide color
that's all around you without anything getting blown out.
However, if you're in a low light environment,
maybe it's evening, maybe you're in a dark restaurant,
or a club and you wanna take some photos it will know
to automatically switch over to F1.5 in order to take in
even more light to make sure your photos continue
to look clean and crisp.
And again, if you use the Auto Mode,
or any of the other non Pro Modes on the camera
it's gonna do this intelligently by itself.
You don't have to worry about the aperture at all.
But if you are a pro or wanna use those pro features,
you can go into the Pro Mode and switch it on your own.
And if you're wondering how good the F1.5 mode is,
Samsung actually had a demo where we peeked into a cylinder
that was dark, and we looked in there,
and we didn't' see anything.
Then we took the Galaxy S9, put it on the F1.5 mode,
and then looked through that, and we could see
what was at the bottom of the cylinder.
So this camera is pretty powerful.
Now that's not all for the camera news on the Galaxy S9,
or more specifically the Galaxy S9+,
because Samsung has now taken that second camera
from the Galaxy Note
and moved it over to the Galaxy S9+, as well.
Which means,
the Galaxy S9+ is now a dual camera smartphone.
That second lens is a telephoto 12-megapixel camera
with a F2.4 aperture,
and both lenses support optical image stabilization.
So whether you're taking photos or out shooting video,
you're gonna get nice, clean, crisp images
and smooth, buttery video.
For all you selfie lovers out there,
the front camera is a wide angle 8-megapixel lens
with an F1.7 aperture.
So not much has change there,
but the front camera on the S8 was pretty fantastic,
so you can expect the same on the S9 as well.
Continuing on the camera front,
Samsung is also adding in a powerful, slow motion feature,
which allows you to shoot at 960 frames per second
at 720p resolution.
Now that is actually a crazy stat.
Both the 960 frame per second
and the fact that it's at 720p.
When I heard they were gonna do 960,
I figured it was gonna be a 480p video resolution,
but it's actually 720p high definition.
Now one thing about shooting slow motion video,
sometimes you're trying to catch something particular
in the scene, and when you hit record you actually miss it.
Samsung's also built in a feature
that captures super slow mo when the camera sees
something enter a portion of the display.
So you specify the area,
and you hold the phone up to the scene,
and if something goes through the area specified
it'll immediately capture a 960 frame per second,
super slow motion clip.
And you can see here that I tried it a few times,
and again, the way that it figures out
when to capture the slow motion clip
is when there's movement in the specified area.
So since I started moving around early
it actually fired off earlier than I wanted it to,
but eventually I was able to get it down,
as you can see here, this is
how the super slow motion feature is supposed to work.
One other camera feature
I'm gonna touch on briefly is the AR-Emoji feature.
This is kind of Samsung's answer to Apple's Animoji,
but with Apple they're actually animated
the emoji characters and with Samsung
the AR-Emoji is animating an emoji version of you.
The camera scans your face and automatically creates
your likeness that you can then dress up and accessorize.
I personally didn't find any clothes
I would realistically wear in real life.
And had no clue where my beard went,
but maybe that was buried in the settings somewhere,
and I didn't' feel like looking all over the place for that.
Once you have your Ar-Emoji, you can use it in the camera,
in text messages, and in other places as well to convey
your thoughts and feelings in emoji form.
Now let's step away from the camera for a moment
and talk about one of the other features
that I though was a major improvement, at least for me,
someone who enjoys music
and entertainment on my smartphones.
And that is finally,
the addition of stereo speakers on a Samsung Galaxy device.
Similar to what you'll find on Apple's current iPhone 8
and iPhone 10, not only do you
have the bottom firing speaker,
on the Galaxy S9 and S9+, but you also have the earpiece
now that acts as a second loud speaker as well.
Together they give you stereo sounds
and the speakers are tuned by AKG,
and the phone is also certified
for Dolby Atmos surround sound, as well.
There you have it, guys.
That was your first hands-on look at Samsung's
brand new Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ smartphones.
If you're excited to pick one up,
you can pre order these devices beginning on March 2nd
and they release to the public on March 16th.
So you'll be able to get your hands on these
in just about three weeks.
Now there are even more features
I'm gonna be showing you between now and then.
Those include new additions to what Bixby can do,
as well as improvements made to Samsung's DeX platform.
If you're excited about the Samsung Galaxy S9
and enjoyed this one, please do drop a like on this video,
and don't forget if you haven't done so already,
you can click or tap on my face
when it appears here at the bottom of the screen
in order to subscribe for free to the channel,
so you don't miss any future videos.
Thanks so much for watching as always, guys,
I appreciate your support.
I'm Andru Edwards and I will catch you in the next video.
(loud upbeat music)
Trump May Soon Lose Very Valuable Members Of His Staff, Leaving Him With No Supervision - Duration: 3:16.
It's no secret that Donald Trump hasn't been getting along very well with certain members
of his staff, particularly General John Kelly, his Chief of Staff. Well, according to a new
report, Donald Trump has also not been getting along very well with his national security
advisor, H. R. McMaster. Four senior White House officials have told Reuters News Agency
that they wouldn't be surprised and they fully expect McMaster and Kelly to leave the White
House within the coming weeks.
Here's what that could mean for the Trump administration if this happens, if he loses
both or even if he just loses one of those people. I know John Kelly is taking a lot
of heat recently, rightfully so, for his complete bungling of the Rob Porter scandal, but when
he came into office here, when he joined Donald Trump's administration, he was supposed to
be the adult in the room. He had this massive decorated military background. He was a no-nonsense
kind of guy. Yes, he was a Conservative and had horrible policies, but he was supposed
to be the grown up, the guy to talk a little bit of sense into Donald Trump. It was the
same thing with H. R. McMaster, another decorated army soldier. They are the guys who actually
kind of have a little bit of understanding about American policy. They're wrong on policy,
but at least they do have an understanding of it, unlike pretty much everyone else in
this Trump administration.
If he loses these two men or even if he only loses one of them, you're losing what might
be the only occasional voices of reason, voices of sanity, in this Trump administration. If
they go, I expect we're going to see more lower level staffers leave with them because
they understand what will happen to the president if all of the grown ups leave the White House,
and I use that term loosely, especially with John Kelly. He's proven that he was nowhere
near worth the hype that he got from the media.
But White House staffers have already said that they're worried about Trump's behavior,
they don't like it, he gets volatile, he gets angry. Now with this increased friction between
himself, and Kelly, and McMaster, and these other administration officials saying that
those two men are likely to leave, Donald Trump is going to go even more into the deep
end here. He's going to go completely off the rails because there's not going to be
a voice of reason anymore. There's not going to be anyone holding him back from some of
the crazier things that he wants to say or do. There's not going to be anyone to take
questions from the media in his place to try to calm them down and explain exactly what
the president meant. These two men leaving, as bad as they may be, is actually far worse
for this country than I think a lot of people understand at this point.
Sigma Lens 105mm f1.4 DG HSM Art & 70mm f2.8 DG Macro Art Lenses to be Announced Soon - MEGAPIXEL - Duration: 2:13.
Sigma is rumored to announce several new lenses for the upcoming CP+ 2018 Show. According
to recent reports these lenses are Sigma 105mm f1.4 DG HSM Art and Sigma 70mm f2.8
CP+ Camera & Photo Imaging Show 2018 is a major event that begins in the beginning of
March. We expect the official announcement from Sigma prior to this show. The new Sigma lenses will
be available for Canon EF, Nikon F mount DSLR cameras as well as Sony E-mount.
Yes, the Sigma 105mm f1.4 DG HSM Art lens will be first full frame mirrorless lens from
Sigma for Sony E-mount cameras.
Stay tuned with us for more information. Read more Sigma Rumors.
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