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Noryangjin Fish Market - Workers at Dawn - Duration: 5:15.
Noryangjin Fish Market is one of Korea's largest seafood markets, open 24/7, 365 days
a year.
Let's zoom in on a day at the fish market, the earliest start of a workday in Korea.
Noryangjin Fish Market is located in Dongjak-gu, Seoul.
This place comes to life just after midnight with trucks filled with seafood coming directly
from the sea.
A whopping 300 tons of marine products are traded here every day, which is about 50%
of metropolitan volumes of seafood.
"I'm from Tongyoung.
Sales are bad, so I only brought yellowtail that is in season currently."
This is the auction house.
All the marine products here are distributed to local markets and restaurants through the
auction process.
The early morning auction starts at 1 o'clock with four sub-auctions for the different types
of seafood.
The dealer is calling out for wholesale merchants.
Apparently, spoken words aren't very important here.
It's numbers that matter.
"Rather than just announcing prices, I shout and make noises during the auction to add
amusement and create a rhythm.
This is to stimulate the highest bids possible."
There are 11 auction dealers and some 200 commission merchants in the market.
Interestingly enough, all the participants are wearing hats.
"The main auctioneers wear black hats with leaf patterns and the assistant salespeople
wear blue hats.
The assistant salespeople have the rights to make purchases on behalf of middlemen.
Only these certified agents can participate in the auctions."
The highlight of the night starts at 3 am with a live fish auction.
The atmosphere is getting more intense with wholesale merchants trying to buy the best
live fish at the lowest price.
The more the bidding, the more vibrant it gets.
All the auctions for the day ended around 6 am, just before dawn.
The dealers and commission merchants can finally relax.
"The supplies are limited due to the cold weather, but it's not too bad."
Transactions take place immediately on-site, and the retail dealers are getting ready for
"Our work schedule is the opposite of ordinary people.
We work from 11:30 p.m. to 9 a.m. and the executives work till 11 a.m."
The market is composed of nearly 1,200 shops with an abundant amount of marine products,
including live and fresh fish, shellfish, and deep-sea produce.
Established in 1927 near Seoul Station, it moved to its current home at Noryangjin in
Over 2,000 people make a living here.
The face of the market has changed over time, but the bustling of diligent workers remains
the same.
"I've been working at the market for 33 years to educate my children and help them
settle in life.
"The harder I work, the more I earn.
I enjoy it because I can earn quite a lot."
The market draws numerous customers throughout the year.
An average of 30,000 people visit daily with sales of over 900- thousand us dollars.
"Here, I can select any delicacy directly out of the aquarium and at reasonable prices.
The product is fresh, and the portions are generous."
"The market offers very fresh seafood, probably the freshest in Seoul."
This place is also a popular tourist spot.
"We have many visitors from Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Vietnam."
Customers choose live seafood from tanks and see vendors slice up the fish.
Prices vary by type of fish or seafood, season, and by weight, but it's still 20 to 30%
cheaper than general restaurants.
"In Japan, fish markets aren't very accessible to the general public.
However, this market is open to everyone, and customers can pick what they want to eat."
The market is facilitated with restaurants where customers can go to eat the fresh seafood
any way they prefer.
Offering a wide range of fresh seafood, this place is considered a must for foreign visitors
who want to experience unique Korean food culture.
"Whether you like it or not, you can try buy here in first floor, come back in the
restaurant and they make you very good sushi like this."
"Since Mongolia is a landlocked country, fresh fish and seafood are rare.
I'm really enjoying the raw fish.
I want to bring all my Mongolian friends to the market, so they can taste it."
Noryangjin Fish Market has been a part of Korean culture for many years.
The hard work and diligence ensure that the legacy of the market continues as the rest
of the country is asleep.
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막내 이유빈이 발에 그려준 깜찍한 낙서 자랑한 쇼트트랙 오빠 서이라 - 뉴스 - Duration: 2:41.
"둘이 사귀는 거 아니냐"는 질문에 대한 최민정·황대헌 선수의 반응 - 뉴스 - Duration: 3:18.
Watch: Rev. Billy Graham's Daughter Warns America… "Turn Back to God or…" - Duration: 4:55.
Watch: Rev. Billy Graham's Daughter Warns America…
"Turn Back to God or…"
In today's materialistic world, it is too easy to ignore God.
In the era of Barack Obama, the family unit has been taken over by a government which
provides for us, while killing the entrepreneurial spirit.
Too many Americans struggle with sin, as the temptations are endless.
Christian evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Rev. Billy Graham, is concerned
for all our souls.
She's calling on Americans to pray and fast for nine days, May 15-23, to ask God for help
in these distressful times because, she says, God is warning that "His judgment is coming
on America and on our world, and it's going to be ugly."
It is a warning about our future that we have to hear, and take action to avoid!
Anne Graham Lotz's concerns echoed those she made at a Watchmen on the Wall conference,
where she referenced the story of Noah and the flood and people eating, drinking, and
giving in marriage, while indifferent to God, and warned that today many people "have
no idea they are living on an abyss, and judgment is getting ready to fall."
In the invitation to the May 15-23 "Mayday!
Distress Call for Prayer," Anne Graham Lotz, the author of 11 books and holder of six honorary
doctorates, notes that she recently was teaching a seminar on the first two chapters of Joel
in the Old Testament and said the "impact was profound."
She is focused like a laser on our spiritual crisis…
"I knew God had spoken," she said.
"The messages almost made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.
Because God was clearly warning that His judgment is coming on America and on our world, and
it's going to be ugly.
I knew it then, and I know it now."
Referencing the evangelical belief in the Rapture when Jesus returns, Anne Graham Lotz
said that when authentic Christians are gone, "Institutions will collapse.
Banks will close.
The Stock Market will plunge.
Planes will fall out of the sky.
Cars will crash on the road.
Government in America at every level will disintegrate."
"Families will be torn apart," she said.
"In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize
the moment and attack us.
There will be mass chaos, confusion, fear, grief, despair, anger, threats, danger … judgment."
However, just as God allowed the Israelites to suffer through the ten plagues before they
were delivered in the Exodus, Christians may have to endure "distress and trouble"
before God brings peace," she said, and thus Christians need to pray, "to cry out
to God on behalf of our nation and our world."
via CNS News
These words are profound, and it is essential that we all – as individuals – return
to God immediately.
Ask for His forgiveness, as judgment is coming.
And it is a wrath even Obama can't avoid.
Too often, Christians are quick to judge their neighbors before looking at themselves.
It is up to each of us, on a daily basis, to make the right choices
and praise Jesus.
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