Spicy Stuffed Squid Salad
Ground pork 200 g
vermicelli ½ cup
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Coriander root, garlic, pepper pound 1 tbsp
Squid 2-3
Steamed for 10 min.
Lime 4 tbsp
Fish sauce 4 tbsp
Shallot 3 tbsp
Ground chili 3 tbsp
Ground roasted rice 2 tbsp
Culantro 2 tbsp
Mint ½ cup
Fried chili
1-2 serve
For more infomation >> Spicy Stuffed Squid Salad | Thai Food | ลาบปลาหมึกยัดไส้ - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
LUSH Cured Egg Yolk Recipe - GREAT with Pasta, Salads & More #Ad - Duration: 1:49.
Hi, I'm Warren Nash and today I'm making cured eggs using Heritage Breeds Copper Maran hens
Cured eggs are perfect to grate over salad and pasta to enhance flavour.
To begin with, take a glass dish to the cure the egg yolks in.
Pour in 475g of kosha salt and 300g of sugar.
Mix the two together then take a separate bowl and pour out half the mixture.
Make and indentation in the sugar and salt (in the glass dish) for each yolk you'll be
For each cured egg yolk, take and egg and separate the yolk from the whites.
Really carefully place a yolk into each indentation in the sugar and salt.
Choosing eggs from farms run by farmers who ensure the best quality of life and diet for
it's hens means you'll get a really tasty cured egg yolk.
Next, take the remaining sugar and salt mixture that was separated out earlier and sprinkle
it over all the yolks until covered.
It can be useful to mark where each yolk is by placing something on top of the sugar and
Here I'm using peppercorns.
You need to tightly wrap the dish with clingfilm and leave in the fridge for 4 days to cure.
After 4 days, take the dish from the fridge, remove the cling film and carefully scoop
the yolks out with a spoon.
As you can see, the yolks should have gelled up nicely.
You'll need to brush off and excess salt and sugar then rinse under the tap or dip in water
(to remove any remaining cure).
Grated cured egg yolk is brilliant for jazzing things up like salad and pasta, or anything
you would usually by grating over cheese.
You can see more of my recipes using Heritage Breeds eggs by clicking on one of the videos
Al Bano e Lecciso hanno fatto pace? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:47.
L'horreur d'une maman qui découvre la vraie raison des crises de colère de son fils en voiture - Duration: 6:15.
Haneen Akira - The Real Miss Universe - Duration: 1:27:08.
Kenny G Greatest Hits Full Album 2017 | The Best Songs Of Kenny G | Best Saxophone Love Songs - Duration: 1:42:18.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
The Dixon Meridian Series Park Model from Park Models Direct - Duration: 2:20.
The Dixon Meridian Series Park Model from Park Models Direct
Olivenöl für starke, gepflegte Fingernägel 1 - Duration: 6:03.
Uomini e donne over: Sossio e Riccardo litigano 'Mi hai spinto' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:22.
DIY WALL HANGING WITH PAPER FLOWERS | Wall Hanging Craft Ideas | EMMA DIY #40 - Duration: 4:01.
[2017 제네바] 스타일리시한 SUV의 등장, 레인지로버 벨라 공개[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:33.
L'Isola dei famosi, offese shock contro i gay: ecco chi rischia la squalifica | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.
Đà lạt về đêm tuyệt đẹp - Duration: 21:52.
Uomini e donne over: Sossio e Riccardo litigano 'Mi hai spinto' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:10.
[2017 제네바] 인도 타타모터스, 2인승 미드십 스포츠카 공개[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:06.
Uomini e Donne, la scelta di Nicolò Brigante sarà Virginia Stabler? Gli indizi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.
Polemiche, critiche e chiusura anticipata per l'Isola Dei Famosi? L'indizio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:56.
Isola dei Famosi: Eva Henger spiazza tutti sulla querela di Monte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:35.
C'è posta per te, Alessia e Fabrizia:ecco cos'è successo dopo tra mamma e figlia | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:51.
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...
포르쉐 아니에요, 옐로 버드 루프 CTR, 0→200km/h 가속 9초 - Duration: 4:14.
[2017 제네바] 르노 조에 e-스포트 컨셉트 공개.... 100km/h까지 3.2초[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:11.
포르쉐 아니에요, 옐로 버드 루프 CTR, 0→200km/h 가속 9초[ 자동차 세계 24_7] - Duration: 4:14.
water indicator using water level sensor (For code read description) - Duration: 0:29.
For code read description
Gear For Trip & Fan Mail @ River - Duration: 17:15.
I don't know what's better the sound of the rain or the sound of the river
flowing but it definitely all reminds me that I am in a rain forest indeed but
it's not gonna rain all day today I think it's going to at least stop and I
have a bunch of fan mail I want to open up plus some important packages and
stuff that I ordered just a few things to get me started there's a few more
things I want to get as well but first I want to share with you some interesting
things that happen when I first got back that I think the rest of the world to
find interesting if you've been watching me for any length of time here and that
is if you go back to after route 66 in 66 days last year when I came back I was
basically situated in one part of Lacey Washington trying to get all the
scooters stuff figured out at the time and I talked about those three places in
detail that was the Lacey Walmart the Cabela's parking lot across the street
and the little road that was behind Cabela's store that didn't have any
parking restrictions and when I got back I was kind of shocked at some signage
I'll show you some clips from my phone and so both entrances to Wal Mart both
entrances now say no overnight parking and it says it on every post in the
parking lot even Cabela's on the other side of the same exact intersection put
up brand new signs in the RV lot no overnight parking allowed at Cabela's
either and this whole entire Street both sides of the street behind Cabela's see
all these parking spots I used to use every single lamp has a no parking
anytime the entire street both sides of the street no longer Park so see it's as
if the county was watching my videos and just to spite me they decided to close
down all three of those opportunities for me to Boondock
it's important to note that I don't I don't have a way to sleep outside any of
my friends or families places it would all be street parking taking that away
really bummed me when I when I first got back you know that that very first night
I couldn't even spend in my hometown so I had to go to a different County the
first night and now I'm 150 miles away from my hometown basically the northwest
tip corner up here near clallam bay county for the campground I would assume
that if I go south Riffe Lake is still open although they've made a lot of
changes there too it's just weird it makes me wonder if I contributed to
that like for me offering that to other people did that make more people come
and a like abused it yeah I don't know or as my County just hate me and not
want me to ever come back I don't know but starting to get the picture here
it's fine I'm excited to get back on the road so whatever but I was I was truly
sincerely very weirded out by that random it felt like a personal attack
but yeah anyway once the rain stops I'll come back outside
I could honestly happily just sit here and record the water in the river I
thought about doing that for you but I've got things I want to share with you
guys so go set up over at the table and well actually first let me talk to you
about a few things on the way I have received four things from Amazon so far
and I still have 17 products on the way to my P o box we'll get to those
eventually one thing is now that now that now that the spare tire is actually
back on the back of the RV it wouldn't fit when the scooter was back here but I
just leaned the tw a little bit this way when I load and unload it and this is
back up here frees up the space in the garage below but I'm gonna get a nice
cover for this so that it's protected from the Sun actually I think that's
about it for the RV I'm gonna have to just wait and see I'll just share with
you when it when it happens but the reason why I have to leave tomorrow is
because Friday morning this bad boy goes in for a complete service tune-up and
check that way I know it's gonna be 100% road worthy for the next year at least
on the road so I mean there's certain things that I'm comfortable doing it
with it there's certain things I'd like for a mechanic to check out and make
sure that everything is good and approved and somebody signed off and
said yeah you're safe you're good to go these things don't need any attention
right now so Friday morning drop this off and more on that later for the
record it did actually rain all night so that's why this place is so soaking wet
but we're gonna have clear skies today at least but just so you know get the
river running over here so that's the noise you're hearing I want you guys to
know that when you make suggestions on YouTube to me when you talk to me when
you comment, it when you send me an email even if I don't have time to reply to
you guys I do listen to you and you have given me a lot of information that I
otherwise would not have known if I was not on YouTube I want to share a couple
upgrades that I've made to get ready for the road the first thing is I got some
good riding boots these are over the ankle boots so that I can be protected
on the bike also got a new clutch lever so I'll be putting that on here soon
I got a chain cleaner for the bike as well as the cleaning solution and the
lubricant to keep the chain working well this is not necessarily for protection
or anything but I didn't get a blue Yamaha t-shirt to be able to ride that
matches the blue on the bike okay but these are my pride and joy I got Yamaha
pants with guards it says Yamaha it's got knee protection
it's got back protection side these are really nice-looking motorcycle pants if
I happen to hit the ground at some point on the road if I'm wearing these I know
that I'm gonna be protected and they're breathable they were two hundred and
forty-nine dollars on Amazon I had to get them on Amazon right away because
they had them in my size 34 waist and tried them on they're not the most
comfortable to wear but yeah happy to have those might might
save my my legs one day and as for the rest of the gear that I still need the
other two things are I want a good leather jacket with you know pads where
they need to be protected not something I want to buy online because of the size
difference you know you don't buy an extra large or in a 2x or a large you
know you buy the waist that you need you buy the chest that you need and there's
you know there's all these different sizes for the motorcycle jackets so it's
something I want to buy in store I'll definitely look at the Yamaha store here
in Olympia when I bring the bike in on Friday see what they have maybe try on a
few jackets have the same kind that they have and if they don't have the color or
the size that I need I might special order that through the Olympia store
there as well as I want to get either a black or a blue helmet that is better
than the red cheesy Amazon one that I have that the visor no longer goes up
and down but anyway more on the motorcycle stuff later that is all the
stuff I have ordered I have some fan mail here that I want to share with you
guys though so Charlene & Gage sent me some coffee from Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin
this is Door County coffee I really appreciate that guys and one of these
toys I'm sure Jax will go crazy for this we will try this later but turn it on
and then he chases the feather he would he will love that thank you guys and
thanks for the card some of these gifts are a little late
because I wasn't home for Christmas but John and Patty Chism hand crocheted a
couple hats one for me I can't wait to try this on Jax and one for Jax that
even says Jax on the back crocheted thank you so much guys that was really
sweet of you love these Thank You Charlotte and Percy for the pet LED tag
I don't know if Jax is gonna wear this but yeah I got lots of stuff to try on
Jax and the beautiful blanket thank you so much Jax loves that fleece material
he has several blankets now gives him more room to be by me thanks guys
James sent me a bunch of electrical this is hilarious perfect timing James thank you
zip ties black electrical tape some eye hooks
some L brackets and wiring conduit for the trailer I assume there's a letter in
here - yeah - things of a half-inch flex tubing probably for all of my crazy
wires everywhere you know if I'm such a master electrician all right I get the
point James thank you thank you so much Chad this is actually really quirky and
unique I am wearing this next Christmas by the way the tree lights up with LEDs
and flashes you will see this on my head thank you very very cool. Steve Liddick -
thank you so much for the book guys he sent me this book that he wrote campsite
gourmet fine dining on the trail and the road I really appreciate this is gonna
come in handy you guys want to look him up he's at Steve liddick dot-com and he
has this book that'll that might come in really handy I appreciate that no name
on this return
all right that's new to me twinkle tush give your cat's bottom some bling it's a
piece of jewelry that okay oh my gosh I'm glad I paid attention
it's from Cat crib in Long Beach California but at the top it says tired
of looking at cat butt bro okay thank you yeah I got another package from Josh
and Clarissa my friends I met in Tyler Texas what do we have whoa a bud light
raincoat yes and it's blue it matches thank you
I shot my eye out from the Christmas story yep yeah I love the coca-cola
napkin dispenser I have my paper towel dispenser up there off to find out where
I can get some napkins thanks bud and this is an awesome upgrade it's a
Seattle Seahawks harness for Jax this is a great upgrade thank you so much Josh
and Clarrisa. I'll see you guys again in Texas and of course the dozens and
dozens of Christmas cards everybody I got them late but thank you so much I
read every one of these and I appreciate that so much guys I think I'm just gonna
hang out for the rest of the day make some tater tots chicken nuggets at the
river and just kind of enjoy it yep I am surprisingly very eager to get back
on the road guys I feel like I'm almost ready I've got to get a few more things
fixed and prepared and get the rest of my packages but hoping to be out of here
by the end of the week or in the next seven days so you know it's been a weird
day I've seen it all as far as weather pouring down rain
freezing temperatures no snow I guess but now it's kind of sunny and nice here
and I after I stopped making my last video I thought it was a police officer
because he wearing like a blue parka with a badge here he's a corrections
officer and he came over and asked me how I was doing asked me if I smoked and
I said do I smoke what? I mean what no what I don't understand the question
he's like okay no I've got some inmates over here that
working and they're always looking for cigarettes which they can't have or
something so just wanted to make sure you weren't going to offer them a
cigarette okay no don't smoke cigarettes so I tilted the panels on the RV though
not for Sun not getting much Sun here in the woods I think the most I saw was one
amp but I've been working on my new outro actually I guess you will have
already seen the intro so I changed my intro to start this video even though I
haven't done it yet you've magically seen it and you'll see my new outro shot
here today in February of 18 with the new bike and the new the new feel for
the channel so anyways I guess that's kind of it I want to ask
you guys something if you wouldn't mind giving me your opinion in the comments
below as far as do you think that it's a bad idea for me to post coordinates
around the country seening as I mean I've seen it all the three places getting
shut down for parking here but also people have told me you know Eric they
put up new signs like a week after you left and said no overnight parking
they've done it in all sorts of states I'm not doing anything wrong I mean if
you go somewhere and it's okay to overnight Park and then I say hey this
was cool you guys might need to want to use this too and then people use it and
the city's like whoa now way too many people are using it so let's put up a
sign that says no overnight parking that is literally literally happened dozens
and dozens of times in the last couple years because of me sharing things
online and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable you know because I didn't
want to draw that kind of attention. I've also had people tell me you
know hey we were sleeping there and we got this rude awakening at 2:00 a.m. by
a cop and we told him hey Eric said it was okay here's his video okay now wait
a minute timeout I never ever say that if I say anything about it I say it
worked for me and it may work for you period you guys cannot be using me as
your as your alibi or as eric said this was okay never do that ever please
guys but let me know because I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's a bad
idea for me to share any kind of coordinates for places that aren't
approved campgrounds like this like where you can park for free
stuff like that or where I get water or where I find free electricity or other
services dump stations and stuff like that I mean think about it do you guys
want these free dump stations and free sources of water for drinking water you
let them all shut down because too many people are using them I know it's a
tough compromise but you know I got to think smart about this I don't want the
best places in the country for boondockers to get continually shut down
because it's getting too much exposure on YouTube does that make sense I think
that's the way I meant to say it the first time am i giving the free parking
too much exposure around my travels and if so you know I may have to stop
putting up coordinates for camping spots that aren't approved camping spots I
will still provide coordinates for all the quirky stops and I will provide
stuff all the neat campgrounds that are free that are like official campgrounds
and stuff but possibly anytime I find like the free water sources or dump
stations or okay places to park overnight where I didn't get in trouble
type of stuff you know or I wasn't kicked out let me know what you guys
think about that otherwise I think that's about it guys
I'm going to start to slowly pack up today even though I'm going to spend one
more night here and then tomorrow get back to town and get everything done
that I got to get done to get back on the road so have a good night guys bye
Phonics Songs For Kindergarten by Mr. | Abc Phonics Songs For Kindergarten | Abc phonics by Komuna - Duration: 0:31.
Entertainment News 247 - 川崎F、J連覇へ首位発進 前半3連発ヘッド 全得点絡んだ憲剛「大きな1勝かな」 - Duration: 2:55.
Phonics Songs For Kindergarten by Mr. | Abc Phonics Songs For Kindergarten | Abc phonics by Komuna - Duration: 0:31.
Le Labyrinthe: La course pour la carrière piégée (stop-motion) - Duration: 5:06.
歌いつつ歩まん(Singing I Go)/エリザ・ヒューイット(教会福音讃美歌402番)【日本語歌詞字幕】 - Duration: 3:14.
Best Custom Shoe Maker Inte...
Last Year in Johor [Short Film] by James Lee - Duration: 12:05.
There are many occasions that happen once every year.
New year, valentine's day, all sorts of anniversary,
Every year, people make excuses to celebrate the same day in different ways.
Hoping to fill their lives with more colors.
Hoping to create some significant memory.
Every year, K will attend the Muar bridge carnival.
Because he knew he will meet her there,
And every year she passes by K, not noticing him, and K is use to it.
Not sure when, but somehow human start believing in fate.
Following hidden footsteps, heading towards a vague future.
Everytime she turns around, K felt a hint of coldness.
Because K knew that she will not look back.
Just like time, once it's gone, it's gone.
Hi, are you Mary?
Sorry, I'm not Mary.
I'm K, do you remember me? We met here last year.
I don't remember you, I'm sorry
I'm sorry, you look like a friend of mine.
I have mistaken you for her.
- Oh, okay. - Sorry.
I hope I didn't scare you just now.
I am K, you are?
- Ann. - Ann...
Are you from around here?
No, I'm a traveler.
Ok, where have you been so far?
What are you planning to do?
Do you have any recommendations?
Ann brought K to this coffee factory last year.
Observing the endless spinning of the machines.
Coffee beans with no control of it's destiny.
Getting closer to other beans.
Stick to each other, separate from each other.
This process will be repeated endlessly.
K fell in love with the aroma.
Fell in love with Ann.
Fell in love with her.
Everyone should believe in something.
Some believe in religion.
Some believe in love.
And some doesn't believe in anything.
K believes that life is a circle.
There's no beginning and no ending.
Every step we take is the end of the last step...
...and start of the next step.
K and Ann have been walking like this for not sure how long.
How many wishes band on the wishing tree.
What did you wish for?
I can't tell you that.
If I tell you my wish, I don't think it will come true.
What about you?
I wish that you will remember me.
There's a saying that if you tell someone your wish...
...your wish will not come true,
K doesn't believe in it.
So the god of wishes responded the same way every year.
There's a kind of dance called Barongan Dance.
There are a few versions of the story.
One of them is about...
a prince and a warrior is in love with each other.
But the king didn't like the warrior.
The king hired a witch to transform the warrior's head into a lion like creature.
From then on, no one dares to go near him.
The warrior tried to get to the princess.
But he fails every time.
Because the princess couldn't recognize the warrior.
Do you believe in fate?
I do.
I believe it's fate that we met last year, and this year again.
Don't you think so?
I think our minds are capable of connecting the dots,
And, I'm not the girl from last year.
Although Ann never admit she have met K...
But to K, this might not be a bad thing.
Because if Ann remembers K...
...they might not be able to meet again next year.
Walk along the same stairs.
Along the same endless hallway.
Ann asking K the same question.
Why are you still following me?
What do you want?
Have you forgotten me?
They are constantly walking on the same spot...
...repeatedly going back to the same place...
...living in the same timeline.
How did you end things with her?
Did you tell her you love her?
Sometimes I feel like whenever I talk to him,
There's like a sense of emptiness from the both of us.
I could feel that he have had this conversation with other girls before.
I can feel like that six years, there's like the difference between the both of us.
It felt like all the conversation he had between that six years...
...was something that I could never achieve...
...or I could ever say anything new that was different to him.
I felt everything I said was just… just unoriginal, not new, not exciting,
And I just never really felt good enough for that guy.<
I just… I felt like I tried really really hard.
To not just impress him, I tried...
I tried to just be on the same level with him but…
I could feel the distance and… and…
...even though he keep saying that you know like…
...you know I do think you are lovely, I still want to be with you and all that but,
I know for a fact that, I myself could feel that he never really felt that way with me
And because it didn't sit right with me I just kind of like, I call it off.
I felt I was really really desperate, and like I really wanted to love him,
But I could feel that he can't return the same feeling to me.
You know, so… I guess it didn't work out.
Are you ok?
Yeah, I'm fine…
I don't know why I still get really emotional about it.
I just want to rest.
Human are contradicting, we like to practice the same thing...
...but urge for something new.
Don't want to change, but can't be the same...
That's why we keep doing the same thing over and over again,
...until we can't do it again.
And we become more desperate to repeat it.
Will K and Ann come back to this place next year?
Retracing their own footsteps repeating their new start.
AMERICAN REACTS TO K-POP : BTS (방탄소년단) 'MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)'[ENG SUBS] - Duration: 5:27.
Hey guys, how's everything? Welcome back to my channel!
but before the video starts, please remember to give the thumbs up
and subscribe on my channel (Baby J. saying 'Hi' to you guys) LOL
subscribe on my channel and activate the notification bell, so you guys know when the next video come out
I invited Ryan to participate in today's video
He is one of my host siblings from my American family
and he is going to react to k-pop, now!!
and these little...towels(?)
I like this slow-motion
I wanna to keep reading the subtitles
a lot of band members
It has got a cool beat, I like the beat
His voice is deep but he looks so small and fragile
they all have perfect skin, I'm jealous
I don't know what he did to his hair
It's the wet – I got electrocuted look,
I guess it's popular.
He is the best dancer, that guy
not the headband one, the one behind him (kook).
The hats, I don't know
It's a throwback style, I guess.
They spent a lot of money on this video
I wish they make music videos like this here in the U.S.
they don't put as much effort into it.
It's funny to see them saying these things in English
That guy has the most feminine hair, I think.
I mean, I like it, but...
it's silky smooth he should be on a head and shoulders commercial. For American shampoo.
Oh look at those locks
Quite stylish (reading their subtitle)
Oh, they drop the mic finally.
Soo, I hope you guys like today's video,
please don't forget to give the thumbs up, subscribe on my channel,
and also active the notification bell, then you guys know when the next video come out
*big kiss* See you next time!!
Gear For Trip & Fan Mail @ River - Duration: 17:15.
I don't know what's better the sound of the rain or the sound of the river
flowing but it definitely all reminds me that I am in a rain forest indeed but
it's not gonna rain all day today I think it's going to at least stop and I
have a bunch of fan mail I want to open up plus some important packages and
stuff that I ordered just a few things to get me started there's a few more
things I want to get as well but first I want to share with you some interesting
things that happen when I first got back that I think the rest of the world to
find interesting if you've been watching me for any length of time here and that
is if you go back to after route 66 in 66 days last year when I came back I was
basically situated in one part of Lacey Washington trying to get all the
scooters stuff figured out at the time and I talked about those three places in
detail that was the Lacey Walmart the Cabela's parking lot across the street
and the little road that was behind Cabela's store that didn't have any
parking restrictions and when I got back I was kind of shocked at some signage
I'll show you some clips from my phone and so both entrances to Wal Mart both
entrances now say no overnight parking and it says it on every post in the
parking lot even Cabela's on the other side of the same exact intersection put
up brand new signs in the RV lot no overnight parking allowed at Cabela's
either and this whole entire Street both sides of the street behind Cabela's see
all these parking spots I used to use every single lamp has a no parking
anytime the entire street both sides of the street no longer Park so see it's as
if the county was watching my videos and just to spite me they decided to close
down all three of those opportunities for me to Boondock
it's important to note that I don't I don't have a way to sleep outside any of
my friends or families places it would all be street parking taking that away
really bummed me when I when I first got back you know that that very first night
I couldn't even spend in my hometown so I had to go to a different County the
first night and now I'm 150 miles away from my hometown basically the northwest
tip corner up here near clallam bay county for the campground I would assume
that if I go south Riffe Lake is still open although they've made a lot of
changes there too it's just weird it makes me wonder if I contributed to
that like for me offering that to other people did that make more people come
and a like abused it yeah I don't know or as my County just hate me and not
want me to ever come back I don't know but starting to get the picture here
it's fine I'm excited to get back on the road so whatever but I was I was truly
sincerely very weirded out by that random it felt like a personal attack
but yeah anyway once the rain stops I'll come back outside
I could honestly happily just sit here and record the water in the river I
thought about doing that for you but I've got things I want to share with you
guys so go set up over at the table and well actually first let me talk to you
about a few things on the way I have received four things from Amazon so far
and I still have 17 products on the way to my P o box we'll get to those
eventually one thing is now that now that now that the spare tire is actually
back on the back of the RV it wouldn't fit when the scooter was back here but I
just leaned the tw a little bit this way when I load and unload it and this is
back up here frees up the space in the garage below but I'm gonna get a nice
cover for this so that it's protected from the Sun actually I think that's
about it for the RV I'm gonna have to just wait and see I'll just share with
you when it when it happens but the reason why I have to leave tomorrow is
because Friday morning this bad boy goes in for a complete service tune-up and
check that way I know it's gonna be 100% road worthy for the next year at least
on the road so I mean there's certain things that I'm comfortable doing it
with it there's certain things I'd like for a mechanic to check out and make
sure that everything is good and approved and somebody signed off and
said yeah you're safe you're good to go these things don't need any attention
right now so Friday morning drop this off and more on that later for the
record it did actually rain all night so that's why this place is so soaking wet
but we're gonna have clear skies today at least but just so you know get the
river running over here so that's the noise you're hearing I want you guys to
know that when you make suggestions on YouTube to me when you talk to me when
you comment, it when you send me an email even if I don't have time to reply to
you guys I do listen to you and you have given me a lot of information that I
otherwise would not have known if I was not on YouTube I want to share a couple
upgrades that I've made to get ready for the road the first thing is I got some
good riding boots these are over the ankle boots so that I can be protected
on the bike also got a new clutch lever so I'll be putting that on here soon
I got a chain cleaner for the bike as well as the cleaning solution and the
lubricant to keep the chain working well this is not necessarily for protection
or anything but I didn't get a blue Yamaha t-shirt to be able to ride that
matches the blue on the bike okay but these are my pride and joy I got Yamaha
pants with guards it says Yamaha it's got knee protection
it's got back protection side these are really nice-looking motorcycle pants if
I happen to hit the ground at some point on the road if I'm wearing these I know
that I'm gonna be protected and they're breathable they were two hundred and
forty-nine dollars on Amazon I had to get them on Amazon right away because
they had them in my size 34 waist and tried them on they're not the most
comfortable to wear but yeah happy to have those might might
save my my legs one day and as for the rest of the gear that I still need the
other two things are I want a good leather jacket with you know pads where
they need to be protected not something I want to buy online because of the size
difference you know you don't buy an extra large or in a 2x or a large you
know you buy the waist that you need you buy the chest that you need and there's
you know there's all these different sizes for the motorcycle jackets so it's
something I want to buy in store I'll definitely look at the Yamaha store here
in Olympia when I bring the bike in on Friday see what they have maybe try on a
few jackets have the same kind that they have and if they don't have the color or
the size that I need I might special order that through the Olympia store
there as well as I want to get either a black or a blue helmet that is better
than the red cheesy Amazon one that I have that the visor no longer goes up
and down but anyway more on the motorcycle stuff later that is all the
stuff I have ordered I have some fan mail here that I want to share with you
guys though so Charlene & Gage sent me some coffee from Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin
this is Door County coffee I really appreciate that guys and one of these
toys I'm sure Jax will go crazy for this we will try this later but turn it on
and then he chases the feather he would he will love that thank you guys and
thanks for the card some of these gifts are a little late
because I wasn't home for Christmas but John and Patty Chism hand crocheted a
couple hats one for me I can't wait to try this on Jax and one for Jax that
even says Jax on the back crocheted thank you so much guys that was really
sweet of you love these Thank You Charlotte and Percy for the pet LED tag
I don't know if Jax is gonna wear this but yeah I got lots of stuff to try on
Jax and the beautiful blanket thank you so much Jax loves that fleece material
he has several blankets now gives him more room to be by me thanks guys
James sent me a bunch of electrical this is hilarious perfect timing James thank you
zip ties black electrical tape some eye hooks
some L brackets and wiring conduit for the trailer I assume there's a letter in
here - yeah - things of a half-inch flex tubing probably for all of my crazy
wires everywhere you know if I'm such a master electrician all right I get the
point James thank you thank you so much Chad this is actually really quirky and
unique I am wearing this next Christmas by the way the tree lights up with LEDs
and flashes you will see this on my head thank you very very cool. Steve Liddick -
thank you so much for the book guys he sent me this book that he wrote campsite
gourmet fine dining on the trail and the road I really appreciate this is gonna
come in handy you guys want to look him up he's at Steve liddick dot-com and he
has this book that'll that might come in really handy I appreciate that no name
on this return
all right that's new to me twinkle tush give your cat's bottom some bling it's a
piece of jewelry that okay oh my gosh I'm glad I paid attention
it's from Cat crib in Long Beach California but at the top it says tired
of looking at cat butt bro okay thank you yeah I got another package from Josh
and Clarissa my friends I met in Tyler Texas what do we have whoa a bud light
raincoat yes and it's blue it matches thank you
I shot my eye out from the Christmas story yep yeah I love the coca-cola
napkin dispenser I have my paper towel dispenser up there off to find out where
I can get some napkins thanks bud and this is an awesome upgrade it's a
Seattle Seahawks harness for Jax this is a great upgrade thank you so much Josh
and Clarrisa. I'll see you guys again in Texas and of course the dozens and
dozens of Christmas cards everybody I got them late but thank you so much I
read every one of these and I appreciate that so much guys I think I'm just gonna
hang out for the rest of the day make some tater tots chicken nuggets at the
river and just kind of enjoy it yep I am surprisingly very eager to get back
on the road guys I feel like I'm almost ready I've got to get a few more things
fixed and prepared and get the rest of my packages but hoping to be out of here
by the end of the week or in the next seven days so you know it's been a weird
day I've seen it all as far as weather pouring down rain
freezing temperatures no snow I guess but now it's kind of sunny and nice here
and I after I stopped making my last video I thought it was a police officer
because he wearing like a blue parka with a badge here he's a corrections
officer and he came over and asked me how I was doing asked me if I smoked and
I said do I smoke what? I mean what no what I don't understand the question
he's like okay no I've got some inmates over here that
working and they're always looking for cigarettes which they can't have or
something so just wanted to make sure you weren't going to offer them a
cigarette okay no don't smoke cigarettes so I tilted the panels on the RV though
not for Sun not getting much Sun here in the woods I think the most I saw was one
amp but I've been working on my new outro actually I guess you will have
already seen the intro so I changed my intro to start this video even though I
haven't done it yet you've magically seen it and you'll see my new outro shot
here today in February of 18 with the new bike and the new the new feel for
the channel so anyways I guess that's kind of it I want to ask
you guys something if you wouldn't mind giving me your opinion in the comments
below as far as do you think that it's a bad idea for me to post coordinates
around the country seening as I mean I've seen it all the three places getting
shut down for parking here but also people have told me you know Eric they
put up new signs like a week after you left and said no overnight parking
they've done it in all sorts of states I'm not doing anything wrong I mean if
you go somewhere and it's okay to overnight Park and then I say hey this
was cool you guys might need to want to use this too and then people use it and
the city's like whoa now way too many people are using it so let's put up a
sign that says no overnight parking that is literally literally happened dozens
and dozens of times in the last couple years because of me sharing things
online and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable you know because I didn't
want to draw that kind of attention. I've also had people tell me you
know hey we were sleeping there and we got this rude awakening at 2:00 a.m. by
a cop and we told him hey Eric said it was okay here's his video okay now wait
a minute timeout I never ever say that if I say anything about it I say it
worked for me and it may work for you period you guys cannot be using me as
your as your alibi or as eric said this was okay never do that ever please
guys but let me know because I'm starting to wonder if maybe it's a bad
idea for me to share any kind of coordinates for places that aren't
approved campgrounds like this like where you can park for free
stuff like that or where I get water or where I find free electricity or other
services dump stations and stuff like that I mean think about it do you guys
want these free dump stations and free sources of water for drinking water you
let them all shut down because too many people are using them I know it's a
tough compromise but you know I got to think smart about this I don't want the
best places in the country for boondockers to get continually shut down
because it's getting too much exposure on YouTube does that make sense I think
that's the way I meant to say it the first time am i giving the free parking
too much exposure around my travels and if so you know I may have to stop
putting up coordinates for camping spots that aren't approved camping spots I
will still provide coordinates for all the quirky stops and I will provide
stuff all the neat campgrounds that are free that are like official campgrounds
and stuff but possibly anytime I find like the free water sources or dump
stations or okay places to park overnight where I didn't get in trouble
type of stuff you know or I wasn't kicked out let me know what you guys
think about that otherwise I think that's about it guys
I'm going to start to slowly pack up today even though I'm going to spend one
more night here and then tomorrow get back to town and get everything done
that I got to get done to get back on the road so have a good night guys bye
Best Lipstick Tutorials from Instagram 💄😱 Top 25 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas You Should Try - Duration: 10:18.
How To Watch EXO, CL Perform At Olympics Closing Ceremony - Duration: 6:42.
How To Watch EXO, CL Perform At Olympics Closing Ceremony
The time has finally come, K-pop fans.
After a two-week stint, the 2018 Winter Olympics have come to an end in South Korea, and the closing ceremony is on its way.
The lively event will celebrate hundreds of top-tier athletes, but that isn't all.
No, K-pop is also getting its due at the ceremony, and fans from around the world will get to see idols show what they've got.
If you hadn't heard, K-pop stars like EXO and CL will take to the stage at the closing ceremony.
Millions of fans will be tuning in just to see the acts, so we are here to give you the low-down on how to tune in.
The closing ceremony is being held on February 25, but things get tricky thanks to South Korea and its time different.
Fans in the US will need to set an early alarm to watch the event live as it will begin at 6:00 a.m.EST.
The live coverage will stream online via NBCOlympics.com or through the NBC Sports app.
Note! You will be a TV provider to access the footage via the NBC Sports app.
If you want commentary for the event, then NBC will air the closing ceremony as a replay event this evening.
The show will start at 8:00 p.m. EST on NBC and feature Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir as commentators.
There is no word on what time EXO and CL will perform at the event, so fans will have to stick out the whole ceremony.
Earlier this week, the two acts attended press conferences for the PyeongChang Olympics where they spoke about their stages.
However, no details were shared about which songs each act would perform.
If you are not familiar with these K-pop superstars, then you will get to know them soon enough.
CL is a rapper and former member of the girl group 2NE1.
The star has been compared to US talent like Nicki Minaj, and her fierce stage presence has made her a global superstar in the music industry.
As for EXO, the boy band is one of Asia's most successful of all-time.
The group was formed with 12 members originally under the agency SM Entertainment.
With a few years under its belt, EXO stands at 9 members now, and they have become international icons.
With Korean and Chinese members, EXO can reach a large audience with its performances, and they have done so in style.
After all, the good-looking boys have sold 8 million albums to date.
Will you be watching EXO and CL perform at the closing ceremony? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!.
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