Hey folks, subscribe to the channel because today I'm going to show you a cool
and very powerful trick to improve your written English.
It's very easy - so easy that I thought everyone used it.
But when I explain it to people, few have heard of it.
What's this about? People often compliment me on my written Portuguese.
It's not perfect, but it's very good.
They're like "Wow, that phrase you used is so Brazilian! You're practically Brazilian!
Not so much.
It's from using Google. I said Google, not Google Translate, which is also useful,
but you already know that.
So you're probably saying "Ah, you use Google to find a grammar site like Grammar Girl,
and you enter the site, right?
No, no, that's not it: you use the actual search page.
This tip is so great, it could only be from your Amigo Gringo.
OK, let's get to it, here's the Google search page, there's always a different drawing, today it's a turtle
Bah, that's not important.
OK, enough, stop that!
Let's start with something more important than the turtle.
Do you know what quotation marks are used for in a search?
You use them to search for an exact phrase.
For example, if I write a phrase, hmm, let's see...
"The Argentines are extremely dumb."
Look at that, more than one million results, so you're thinking, "Wow, Argentines ARE really dumb," right?
Not so. Look at what happens with quote marks.
"No results found." Nothing. Zero. In other words, no one in the history of the internet ever wrote that phrase.
In other words, the Argentines might be somewhat dumb, but they're not extremely dumb.
You can use the same method to check if a phrase is correct in English.
I'm going to use the example of a comment someone left on a recent video I made with Eric.
Look at this...Eric is hell of funny! I'm laughing so hard."
Um, did you see the error? Yes? No? If not, no worries, Google will show it.
He wrote "Eric is hell of funny" and I understand why.
He must have heard phrases like "Eric is a hell of a guy."
That's correct, and it means it's a cool guy.
So, "hell of funny" must mean "very funny," right?
But all you have to do is write the phrase into Google search, with quote marks, to find out it's not right.
Why? Because the internet is enormous, it's almost infinite
and if it's a common phrase, it will appear many times in the results.
OK, let's do it without the "Eric," of course: I always remove proper nouns and other specific elements.
Let's see here: "is hell of funny"
and, hmm, only 26 results.
So that means it's likely that "hell of" something is not a phrase we use with adjectives.
But I know there's a phrase, I've seen a phrase with "hell" and "funny," it's not "hell of funny" but it's something!
What should I do? Aha! Now remove the quote marks and use the words "hell" and "funny". Let's see.
OK, there are 43 million results, of course, because we didn't use quotation marks, but let's take a look.
There's a series here, "Funny as Hell," Urban Dictionary "Funny as Hell,"
"Funny as hell ideas on Pinterest," "Funny as hell," "Funny as hell." So now we've figured it out.
The phrase is "funny as hell."
OK, now let's just confirm, "is funny as hell" in quotes, and...
Look at that, almost 1.3 million results.
"Is funny as hell..."
So that's our phrase. If you want to be even more sure, and realize just how big the internet is,
let's put "Eric is funny as hell"
and wow, there have been four times that people have used "Eric is funny as hell" on the internet
something so specific, it has to be right.
Now, one more thing, that second phrase.
"I'm laughing so hard."
It sounds good. There's not exactly an error.
But is it the best choice?
Am I, as an American, going to think that person speaks English fluently, like an American himself?
Let's see: "I'm laughing so hard" in quotation marks.
More than a million results, it must be grammatically correct sentence.
But is it the best possible option?
OK, let's see: "I'm laughing so hard," "I'm laughing so hard I just can't take it right now,"
"I'm laughing so hard I'm crying," I like that one...
"I'm laughing so hard right now," "I'm laughing so hard right now," "I'm laughing so hard,"
"I'm laughing so hard right now," "I'm laughing so hard at this,"
Look, I saw "I'm laughing so hard right now" a number of times, let's see how common that is.
Wow, look at that, 1.8 million results for "I'm laughing so hard right now,"
for some reason, there are more results for "I'm laughing so hard right now" than for "I'm laughing so hard,"
which doesn't make sense, but that's showing me that "I'm laughing so hard right now" is much-used phrasing
it means the same thing, and in truth that is what I, as an American, would have written.
Once again, "I'm laughing so hard" is not incorrect, but "Eric is funny as hell. I'm laughing so hard right now"
sounds 100% American. I'd never know it wasn't an American that wrote it
See how it works? Did you like the tip? Share it with everyone that needs help in English,
but let's look at another example, a real-life example that I used a while back when I had to write a short bio
for some work I was trying to get.
I'm going to do it from English to Portuguese so you see how it works the other way around.
So, in English I would write something like :
(Very fancy, Yale University, but it was very expensive.)
That's very formal, and it's the kind of phrase I'm looking for.
How would I write that in Portuguese?
I know several ways to write that first part.
It could be..."He graduated in political science"...[same thing, less formal]
"He studied political science," "He took political science courses."
I think all are correct, but I want to see them in context to see which appears in things most like what I am writing.
18,000 results.
See that, these are all translated pages. I don't want that, I want real life examples.
"He graduated in political science with Norberto Bobbio in Turin University"
"He graduated in political science from Milan University," I see those are all in formal descriptions, which is good.
OK, "Se formou," a more informal version, but I don't know if you all are more informal these days.
2,800 results, much fewer, so I prefer the first one.
"He studied political science in the institution..." "He studied political science at Columbia University,"
it's very common and it is the literal translation of what I wanted to say.
So I'll just check "he took courses in"...just 965 results.
So I'll go with "He studied political science..." but I saw something interesting:
I was going to write "na Yale University," but I'm seeing here that foreign universities get translated.
"In the University of..."
But I've got one last question:
Preposition. Which preposition should I use. Argh! Prepositions!
I don't like them either, I know you don't like them, and I don't like them in Portuguese.
Would it be "He studied political science 'in the' Yale University"? "...'through the' Yale University"? "...'on top of the' 'Yale University'"?
I don't know, let's see.
Let's look at "in the" University of São Paulo.
How many results? 101,000, I think it's "in the" but I'll test "through the".
Look at that, "No results found"
and it's showing me the results for the same words without quotes.
See that? A great way to improve your written English."
Did you like it? Then share it with your friends that are always making mistakes in English,
and of course, subscribe to the channel and look at our social media accounts here.
And now, your New Yorkese class. "Busca no Google" in English?
Very easy one, right? It's obviously not "search in Google".
It's "Google search."
And there's also the verb
For more infomation >> MELHORAR SEU INGLÊS ESCRITO (MUITO) SEM ESTUDAR (NADA)! - Duration: 10:44.-------------------------------------------
한국 컬링 대표팀 위해 "제발 좀 지원해달라"고 연맹에 편지 쓴 외국인 코치 | AU GR Entertaiment - Duration: 6:54.
Kim Kardashian zeigt Baby Chicago!! - Duration: 1:02.
'The Times' pide a España que deje volver a Puigdemont para iniciar una fase de diálogo - Duration: 2:25.
Drawing and advertising on toilet paper - Duration: 3:11.
I never thought I'd publish such an idea. But since recently I was sent two ideas on this topic, I just could not pass by. Option 1 Author: Artem Today I had one of the ideas for running my own small business. I have not yet made the calculations, but with a reasonable approach it will be very profitable. So, this banal idea is the production of toilet paper. But with a small feature - with the image on it of the faces of famous people or under the order. Imagine the effect of psychological discharge of a person who will use this paper for the necessary purposes with the image, for example, of the "beloved" chef. In the future - the image of any events and scenes of life. Here you need one thing: FANTASY + INFINITY. The idea to be introduced for a general discussion, I will be glad to read the comments. Option 2 Author: Sergey (USA) To begin with, you need to find a quality and at the same time inexpensive toilet paper, buy a certain amount (this is by feature), come up with something funny or, at least, something that can attract attention in such an important process, as a relief of the body, it already depends on what the people want. Here you need a computer to make the final drawing or text, write to some medium. With a disk in your hand, money in your pocket and toilet paper on your back, you go to the printing house to print out this very drawing (text) on your product ... This of course does not apply to those who have their own printer in the garage or who can use it "from a friend ". I have not done calculations yet, but I think that something can turn out. Of course, you can also put advertising on paper, assuring the advertiser that at least once a day this or that person will see this advertisement at least once, for at least a couple of seconds. But in this case it will be necessary to rip off the advertiser more to sell paper much cheaper ... I ask to comment on the idea, I'm very interested. P.S. On doubts of pessimists I can say one thing: in the States such a service already exists. Want to check it out? Go to Google, type: "custom printed toilet paper" - and you will see ...
THE DISASTER ARTIST: A Eulogy to Dreams (badly successful) [#PARLIAMONE] - Duration: 13:19.
Chinese military aircraft enters S. Korea's air defense zone - Duration: 1:57.
A Chinese military plane trespassed into South Korea's air defense zone today.
Although Beijing claims it was part of a routine exercise -- something to note is the flight
route, the aircraft flew near Seoul's territorial waters.
Kim Min-ji files us this report.
A Chinese military aircraft flew into South Korea's air defense identification zone,...
or KADIZ,... for over four hours on Tuesday.
According to Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff,... the plane entered the KADIZ at 9:34 AM,...
and later approached about 30 nautical miles, or roughly 56 kilometers, northwest of Ulleung-do
Island in the East Sea -- before flying out of the zone at 2:01 PM.
This prompted South Korea to dispatch fighter jets,... including F-15ks and KF-16s,... to
monitor the plane's activity.
Seoul also called on China via the two countries' hotline... to stop acts that raise tensions
and could trigger accidental conflicts.
A JCS official said that the jet appears to have been a reconnaissance plane -- and that
the government plans to protest the move through various channels,... including the military
and the foreign ministry.
Although Beijing claimed that it was part of a routine exercise,... something to note
is that the flight route was "unusual" in that the military aircraft came very close
to South Korea's territorial waters.
Chinese warplanes had previously flown in the KADIZ only south of the peninsula.
An air defense ID zone is the airspace over land or water that's set by a state to identify
and locate a foreign plane nearing its territory at an early stage.
Chinese military planes have entered Korea's air defense zone multiple times since China
unilaterally declared its own such zone in 2013 -- with some parts overlapping with that
of Korea's and Japan's.
A Chinese military plane last entered the KADIZ in late January.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
National Assembly committee passes bill on reducing S. Korea's working hours - Duration: 2:44.
It's been nearly half a decade of discussions on the matter, and finally, parliamentary
committee passed a bill change the trend of logging unnecessarily long hours after punching
Kim Mok-yeon zooms in on the move that's designed to improve the nation's work environment.
South Korea has some of the longest working hours in the world.
According to OECD data, laborers in Korea worked 2,069 hours on average in 2016, way
above the OECD average of 1,763 hours.
To tackle this problem, there has been heated debate over the past 5 years on revising the
bill on working hours.
And finally,.. the National Assembly has made a big step forward.
A parliament committee on Tuesday passed a bill to shorten working hours in South Korea.
The National Assembly's Environment and Labor Committee endorsed the bill, which calls for
reducing the country's maximum statutory working hours to 52 hours a week from the current
Under the current law, the maximum working hours in Korea were 68 hours per week, as
the law excluded Saturdays and Sundays as part of the 40 hour 'working days', making
it possible to work an additional 16 hours during the weekend on top of any extended
working hours.
The revised working hours will now include the weekends in the weekly 40 hour working
day period, reducing the maximum hours to 52.
The bill will also shorten the working hours for under-18s from 40 hours a week to 35 hours,
and cut the number of business types exempt from the working hour limits from the current
26 to five.
The bill will now be passed to the judiciary committee for deliberation, and if passed
will be put for a vote at the National Assembly's plenary session, possibly as early as Wednesday.
However, a labor law expert says there have been continued objections from many industries
amid worries that the revision could harm productivity.
"The problem is that workers are worrying that the new bill could lower their salary
due to reduced working hours, while business owners are worrying that they might have to
pay additional personnel expenses for extra hours outside of the bill's 40 working hour
The expert said that it is important to keep in mind the purpose of this bill, which is
to protect the health and the quality of life of laborers.
He added that both sides should be able to comply with the changes by bearing in mind
the original motive.
To minimize the impact of the possible changes, the committee says the new law will be enforced
gradually over the next 3 years.
It will be applied to firms with 300 workers or more from this July, while firms with 50
to 299 workers will adapt to the system in 2020, and those with five to 49 workers will
follow it from 2021.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
Volvo V50 1.6 D2 S/S Limited Edition Leder Navi 17 Inch - Duration: 0:43.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 320 CDI Prestige Plus Automaat*Full Options* - Duration: 1:00.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Boosterjet High Executive Navigatie PDC Leder Adapt.Cruise 17"LMV Panoramadak 3jr - Duration: 0:54.
Porsche Panamera 3.0 S Hybrid 333Pk Aut/Tiptronic (Orig NL! Leder/Memory Clima Navi/Camera Schuifdak - Duration: 0:59.
진정한 퍼포먼스를 위한 하이브리드, 포르쉐 '파나메라 터보 S E-하이브리드'[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 5:51.
Jean-Michel Apathie répond à Aurore Bergé : «On ne s'habille pas comme on veut !» - Duration: 7:18.
MINI Cabrio 1.6 170pk Cooper S XENON NAVI LEDER PDC HARMAN KARDON 1e EIG '06 - Duration: 1:03.
Overwatch - Theirs vs Ours: Genji Vol.2 - Duration: 5:50.
Audi A6 1.8 TFSI Ultra 190pk S Tronic S Edition - Duration: 1:01.
Mercato : Carrasco explique son choix de rejoindre la Chine |Nouvelles générales - Duration: 2:53.
Sam Saves Frodo 'The Tower of Cirith Ungol' | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) - Duration: 4:57.
That's for Frodo!
And for the Shire!
And that's for my old Gaffer!
Stop your squealing, you dunghill rat.
I'm gonna bleed you like a stuck pig.
Not if I stick you first.
Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry.
Sorry for everything.
- Let's get you out of here. - It's too late. It's over.
They've taken it. Sam...
...they took the Ring.
Begging your pardon, but they haven't.
I thought I'd lost you.
So I took it.
Only for safekeeping.
Give it to me.
Give me the Ring, Sam.
Give me the Ring.
You must understand.
The Ring is my burden.
It will destroy you, Sam.
Come on, Mr. Frodo.
We best find you some clothes.
You can't go walking through Mordor in naught but your skin.
We did it, Mr. Frodo.
We made it to Mordor.
There are so many of them.
We'll never get through unseen.
It's him, the Eye.
We have to go in there, Mr. Frodo.
There's nothing for it.
Come on. Let's just make it down the hill for starters.
walking dead cap2 ep 4 - Duration: 27:36.
good guys I'm back here with walking dead
see if I find anything here
toolbox here, let's see if
I'll steal the screwdriver a bit
have to sabotage the rubbish here of the guys
I have to take the
have to get Andy out of the move
we will see here
we will give a migué (disguise) here
now yes, free way. Is watching
That's it, get it there
the generator while I go to see the inside
Let's now get it
Ah, yeah
now is cleaning, see if you keep an eye on it Kenny
look there the terror dinner
that we are going to eat
He is speaking for me to go there to open the business
I'm already going to dinner for terror but before I go to open here
Let's go
We are going to open this business here that is the next one
one more
What can I expect to see what's inside here
What do you think you have? Must have some little animals, some bunnies
this is it now yes
looks there the face of his happiness to see
what is joy, look at
is a people slaughterhouse
looks have trap
why why
ah is dinner time
What the hell is this?
it's all a rip-off
it was that trap that got the guy
I think they take the guy and then... just....
picanha sir?
one more piece?
a piece of picanha?
Are you going to suckle?
only in the churrascaria
only in the churrascaria
everyone happy for dinner
Where is Mark?
How so?
that's it, I'll wash my hands
I go upstairs to wash my hands
We are going to morale (slow)
in malandragem
in malandragem
to find Mark
It's good, it's not people
come here
What do you have here? The bed is here
Mark should be here
Will it be blood?
a recipe book? Very suspicious
have towel
Contact Us
It has enough m, orfina, look there
what do you think is all this
we are going to light
Look there has a light there
and behind the.....
behind the shelf had a door, look at the
Let's go
and behind the door number 1 is....
hi my friend
= O ei Lee
There is something missing there, is not it?
were the brothers
are missing legs
and they are eating
they are
nham nham anham
the staff are eating the picanha, is not going to be left
there will be no leftover sardines
e Clementime is eating it
where is the exit
I will not let the girl eat or else there will not be any left for me
go, go boy
Do not eat girl
gospe out
gospe out
Of course I found
you are eating the face
you are there only in the picanha
only in the picanha
you are eating human flesh
Ta good continues eating you
this is it
Is this the way they are trading for food
this is it
Can you believe people?
now everyone is looking
Is it there? Is truth clear
People do not trust me, she had to say it's true
looks only
would die anyway then let's recycle
let her make her speech
you are some
pull life saw
Look, just.... was going to die one way or another
then let's recycle the stop
this is it
it takes a knife
it ai rebellion
He is finding everyone appetizing
ah is we fucked
ah is... we pull life we're screwed
You're fucked, you fucked
these guys are fucked
I'll fix it on you, you'll see
who is coming ???? , You invited more people ???
looks there
Ah is .. it
to give that touch
pulls life, saw
I told you
I told you
it was the terror dinner, ok
I tried to warn
just in the picanha .. look only
Only in the picanha
Stop hitting, trying to sleep
I took a blow
this is it
You ate, was that good?
all good Clementime
Terms of Use
Of course we are even nervous
salt tablet
this is going to work right here
take a look at air conditioning
That's it, dies soon misfortune
personal has one more here
we will do picanha
Let's do it look, let's do picanha
looks at the, is knowing
if you die become a zombie
that's it, now I have to kill
and will die
this is it
if you die become a zombie
there is no way no
is going to have to kill
course that ta (dead)
And if it is not we kill it right
ah is it can still save it
only that
there will have to kill there will not be a way
Let's kill, let's kill
That Salt Business Will Serve Right
Now you're saying the guy is bad
and I do not know what, let's kill
I will not stay in the middle not
we will detonate
There is nothing to do
this is it
that's it, let's go
look at there little girl, look there
we'll get her out of here
let's help her, I'm helping
to helping
to helping, look there
to helping
will end soon, do not worry no
it there
ah é
it was already rotten inside
You saw it was one
You saw that it was already rotten
ah you know that....
If he dies, then he becomes zombie
then we already give one guaranteed
And if you die too you
If you are almost dying we already guarantee
is it strong yes
hopeful, let's get out of here
we will find a way
You will help
I told him I was going to keep his money
no no
break it right and such
And I asked her to give me the money
Sorry for the fact that we killed your father....
Of course I would not want this
I would want to kill others like this
that is what we want to get out of here
calminha, calminha
I'm sorry and such
He is with the money... again?
get away get away get away now
Are you with the screwdriver?
okay, do not worry no, let's see if she leaves now.
Is it that I need a favor
looks there
is to pass
you will serve it right
Try only for....
just to say you tried .. now yes.
Talk to Lily
Lily he has money, I know he has money, I want to keep his money
again this
Is it that I need the money
this I need
Does it give you a change for me? A change
this is... he has money and I want to keep his money
it has money
let's get the money from the old man
This is it for you
I'll get the money and let's get out of here
it got well wrinkled, look there
Did you not see that this old man was already rotten
Are you complaining about what ??
get o
look there
That's it, thanks, I could have stayed with the...
with the alliance too..... not right
Come on let's go there
That's it we'll use the coin
Looks just right
Better than the screwdriver
Look what a scheme, yeah, right? a clementayme
We are going to send clementayme who is the bug
Go there girl
You are the daddy girl
Can you do this? Go quick
It will work, stay calm, it's going to be the bug
ve if you find anything to open, it will give right
Moment of expectation
Come on... it's a girl
The guy is out there
We are going ahead of time and then it comes
We'll fix it all here
Look there we will see who will be the first one here
Butcher saw
The staff bring people and looks just ,,, only in the picanha
this is what happened
look, this is the bug here
because it is right
This mountain does not work
I can not take, I need a weapon
talk to Kenny
I only have one gun here
ah yes, let's go yes
we go there
Look there the gun is there
we will hide
pull was almost
are planning huh
I will tell you to see
What do we do ???
I will tell you this fire, see
It's a bit sooner
Good Person this was another chapter of Walking Dead
I hope you have enjoyed the video
I am the Powermafia and be all with God
9 zones où toucher une femme pour la rendre folle de désir | Sante 365 - Duration: 9:06.
chicken wings, BBQ sauce, soy sauce, red and black pepper, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, honey
Audi A4 Limousine 399 euro p/m Private Lease actie!! 1.4 TFSI 110 kW / 150 pk 7 versn. S-tronic (vsb - Duration: 0:43.
Top 3 recipes for delicious and healthy smoothies, prepared in the blender Dream Modern 2 from RawMid
If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!
Hello! My name is Dina. Welcome to my "Recipes Collection" channel.
Smoothies - this is a healthy drink with a fairly thick consistency.
They are both fruit and vegetable, with high nutritional value and pleasant taste.
There is a huge number of recipes for smoothies -
for slimming, snacks, as a dessert, as well as for sports nutrition.
Although the cooking process is extremely simple, but you can not cook this drink manually
therefore a mandatory condition is the presence of a blender.
Today we will prepare 3 delicious recipes for useful smoothies,
which perfectly fit as a full breakfast or a snack.
In order to be charged with vitamins in the morning, a mix of fresh fruits in the form of smoothies is best.
To prepare this useful drink we will need the following products,
which must be washed beforehand.
Kiwi, banana, orange and tangerines are peeled,
but we do not remove the peel from the apple and pear, only we remove the core.
Cut the ripe fruit into large pieces and pour it into the blender bowl.
There we add any syrup to your taste and ice.
Close the bowl with a lid and install it on the engine block.
We turn on the "smoothies" program and wait for its completion.
If you plan to prepare smoothies without adding any liquid,
the manufacturer recommends the use of a pusher to push the products towards the knife
so the blender will grind food much faster and last longer.
In my case, the pusher was not required. in this recipe there is a syrup.
Literally before our eyes, ripe juicy fruit is transformed into a drink with a homogeneous air structure.
We pour out the finished fruit smoothies into glasses, decorate with slices of a banana and enjoy the result.
An excellent substitute for a light breakfast can be a curd-fruit smoothie
and for its preparation we will need the following products.
In the bowl of the blender we spread cottage cheese, pour out milk and any syrup to your taste, I have a peach.
Add freshly frozen berries, in this recipe I use cherries without a stone, blackberries and raspberries.
Close the lid and turn on the blender for the "smoothie" mode.
In a few seconds, a delicious, hearty and healthy breakfast is ready.
We pour the curd-fruit smoothies into glasses,
decorate with fresh or frozen cherries and treat your home with this wonderful drink.
The combination of strawberries and raspberries with milk always gives an excellent result,
and together with a banana and oatmeal floured smoothies it turns out not only tasty, but also very nutritious.
For its preparation, we take the following ingredients.
In the bowl of the blender pour out the milk, pour out the oat flakes, add the sliced banana,
berries raspberries and strawberries (I have freshly frozen), pour in vanilla extract and honey.
Set the bowl, turn on the blender and watch,
with what ease this powerful device prepares breakfast for your family.
I recommend to remove this cocktail in the fridge for at least 15 minutes,
from this the taste will become even brighter, and then decorate it with oat flakes and raspberry berries.
So, friends, all three delicious and useful smoothies are ready!
The amount and proportions of ingredients you can take at your discretion
depending on the taste preferences and capabilities of your blender.
I cooked in a blender Dream Modern 2 from the company RawMid,
whose power with ease allows you to grind not only ice and frozen fruits, but also nuts, grains and cereals.
I have a video on the channel with a review and testing of this professional blender,
I leave the link in the description under the video.
There you will also find links to the website and YouTube channel of RawMid.
If you liked these recipes, put "Like"!
Share videos with friends and write your comments!
Subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Recipe Collection"
and click on the bell to receive notifications of new videos.
I remind you that you will find all the necessary links on the screen and in the description.
With you was Dina. To new meetings, to new delicious recipes!
มาม่าเกาหลีคาโบนาร่า เผ็ด? คนหิว2018 // ProudLyn - Duration: 12:39.
Audi A4 Limousine 399 euro p/m Private Lease actie!! 1.4 TFSI 110 kW / 150 pk 7 versn. S-tronic (vsb - Duration: 0:43.
Big Gummy Vs. Lil Gummy
Beyerland Sprinter Sport 390 D - Duration: 0:47.
BMW X1 1.8D SDRIVE EXECUTIVE 145PK 1ste eig - Duration: 0:56.
Mercedes-Benz CLS-Klasse CLS 220 d Shooting Brake AMG Sport Edition - Duration: 1:01.
Renault Kangoo Express 1.9D Confort 55 - Duration: 0:59.
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 220 d Shooting Brake Ambition AMG Trekhaak Automaat - Duration: 0:55.
Tout ce qui manque encore au XV de France avant d'affronter l'Angleterre - Duration: 4:23.
TV Robe d'Aurore Bergé : Jean-Michel Aphatie estime que sa tenue n'était "pas très adaptée" - Duration: 9:31.
Un boxeur britannique décède à la suite d'un combat - Duration: 7:13.
当時モノは23億円の値がついた名車! 超美しいジャガーDタイプが当時の設計図をもとに生産開始 - Duration: 4:11.
À vos baskets : un challenge sportif et solidaire en entreprise - Duration: 1:23.
4 speed paint - Duration: 2:55.
First- Isa Rainbow
It's a gift for her
Second-Mona (from amino)
This art gift for her
Third-it's me
Idk but I like this art
And fourth- my friend Vera
It's gift for her(again gift)
she asked me to draw it
and in advance I want to say good-bye
Milkadamia Review | Delicious Macadamia Nut Milk! - Duration: 5:02.
Hey there! Gonna review Milkadamia macadamia nut milk, starting now!
Hey, guys.Welcome to A.D. Keto. My name is Aaron. This is the channel where I talk
about the ketogenic diet. I do some keto food vlogs, I do some keto product
reviews, and I do some keto recipes. If this is your first time here, please
consider subscribing, and if you do, be sure to click the bell icon so you get a
notification whenever I upload new content. So guys, a couple weeks ago, the
February 2018 KetoKrate came, and -- you can see that video right up here -- and
inside was an unusual product to be shipped in a box. It was Milkadamia
macadamia nut milk. This stuff, Milkadamia. And it generated a lot of interest. There were
tons of comments about Milkadamia, and I figured, "You know what? Let's do a
quick review of it." So this is Milkadamia.
It''s a macadamia nut milk. Lemme just read you some of what's on the packaging, here. The
family-owned Glendilly Farm is nestled in the hinterland of the eastern coast
of Australia. Our macadamia groves are situated in the very region where the
tree originated, with just the right combination of sunshine and rainfall to
ensure the best tasting macadamias. Vanilla Unplugged. Sometimes it's the
simple things: popping bubble wrap, skinny dipping, gentle morning sun on your face,
smooth and creamy Milkadamia. Okay, maybe that one is just for us. "Simple
things like skinny dipping." Odd. How to Macadamia. How to macadamia. Savor a
superfood smoothie, melt into hot chocolate, bathe like Cleopatra. You guys.
Share. Share how you Milkadamia at #HowToMilkadamia.
Free-range trees. Trees supporting life, not trees on life support.
Macadamia trees are in total harmony with the earth, nurtured by natural
rainfall and sunshine. Dairy-free, 50% more calcium than milk, excellent source
of vitamin D and vitamin b12, lactose-free, soy-free, gluten-free, vegan,
cholesterol-free, carrageenan-free (I like that) compared to 1% dairy milk.
manufactured by Gentilly Beverages, LLC. WHOO!
So -- shout out to my friends, Kellie and Neha. On Kelly's Instagram, they gave a
little quick review of this stuff. Look at these two weirdos.
I love them. So that inspired me in part, as well, to do a little quick review of this
Milkadamia. Let me read you the nutrition information before I... before I
pour some. Serving size is eight ounces. Four servings in this container. Total
fat: 5 grams, total carbs: 1, dietary fiber: 1. So zero net carbs. And 1 gram of protein.
Ingredients: macadamia milk (which is filtered water and macadamias), calcium
phosphate, pea protein, natural flavors, locust bean gum, sea salt, sunflower
lecithin, gellan...gellin? Gellan gum, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D12, vitamin
B12, contains macadamias. NOT for use as an infant formula, people. Don't do it.
All right, let's get into it. Sooo...got me a nice cup of ice here. Let's
just fill this puppy up a little bit. We'll go about half way. That's probably
a serving. There it is. Nice and smooth. I'll just put the cap back on, here. There you
go. Nice and smooth in there. Let's try it out. I do like that. It definitely tastes
like macadamia nuts. I can also taste the vanilla. It's very smooth. Very... like,
subtle. It's a subtle flavor. Compared to other nut milks, this is this is about as
sweet and smooth as you would expect with something like an almond milk, or an
almond coconut milk, or an almond cashew milk. Those are the three big ones that I
usually drink. This is right in that same sort of sweetness and smoothness area.
But it's macadamia nuts that are coming through, instead of like, cashews or
almonds. I'm a really a big fan... I'm a big fan of macadamia nuts in general, though I do
have to take it easy with them. I have a real...I have a tendency to go overboard
with them, because they're so delicious, and fatty, and easy. Gotta watch it with
those macadamias. But they're my favorit nut, bar none. And this is a nice little
subtle macadamia milk. Oh. So good. So...so let me know, if you guys have had this,
what you think. I know that it's... I don't know if I have ever seen this anywhere
but in that KetoKrate, so I don't know how many of you have had it. If you HAVE
had it, let me know what you think. I'm gonna leave a link to it down below, as
well. But that is Milkadamia macadamia nut milk. Really good stuff. I highly
recommend it. So there you go. I hope you enjoyed this video, guys. Hope you have a
fantastic day, and I will see you next time.
Samsung Galaxy S9/S9 Plus : Introduction (Sous-Titres FR) - Duration: 3:47.
Si vous mangez du gingembre tous les jours pendant un mois, voici ce qui arrive à votre corps - Duration: 9:36.
What is Vero A Vero App Overview - Duration: 6:35.
so what is Vero? every other single person in other social media platforms
seems to be screaming the same question what is vero in this video I'll take you
to the vero app and I'll explain to you what vero is and I'll show you around
how the vero app looks like hey everyone this is Bob from trueonlineriches and
this is Bob's Den. let's get into what vero is all right now Vero is a new
social media platform / app that has that seem to have emerged from nowhere
but they have been working hard under the radar since the Year 2015 the
creation of Vera is initiated by three people whose names I cannot pronounce so
I have printed the names out here so I cannot pronounce it correctly but I'll
just read out for you anyways the first name is Ayman Hariri
the second one is motaz Nabulsi and the third one is Scott Birnbaum so
those are the three guys who founded Vero all right now Vero is just another
social media platform you say and so what's the big deal you may ask that's
true but let's get into it so what Vera
claims to provide is a service or a social media platform or an app which
has no advertisements at all and no algorithms of any kind so that means no
advertisers and you're not being promoted your posts are not being
promoted to you no favor advertisers at looking at their money and how they're
gonna spend their money at so this means a social media platform with no
advertisements at all the OG Facebookers might know how it feels like back in the
days the vero app media explosion started all of a sudden really really
quick out of nowhere I think it is because all the
influencers from other social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram and
YouTube these people started talking about it and people caught on to it and
it just caught on like wildfire and now that everyone is trying to get into vero
it is literally crashing down their serve servers I just joined couple of
hours ago and I just couldn't get into you know do some posts or like just even
to look around it's started popping out the same error message which I will just
put it somewhere here I forgot what the error message was but it's it's somehow
said likely it is temporarily unavailable all right so I've been
talking too much I'll take you to the Vero app and show you around so here is
the Vero app I joined Vero a couple hours ago like I said and therefore I
don't have any followers at all so if you decide to join Vero, come
find me search my name Bob babu I'll just put it on the screen here for you
anyways this Viral app looks super sleek crisp and clean to me the blurry
background as you can see this blurry background effect kind of gives
it a distinguishable pop like no other social media apps unlike the other
social media platforms which uses algorithms and like to boost posts and
such you're very feed would be taken up by shares and posts from you and your
followers only and that too in a chronological order so the posts are not
held back from you or not hidden for me or in any way at least for now they
claim alright on the top right hand side is the navigation icons where you can
search for people configure your profile your collections which I'll talk about
in a second notifications and messages now your friends or connections as they
call in Vero are grouped into close friends friends and acquaintances you
can see these icons here which represent such anyways when you share something
you can decide who sees your particular posts and shares if you just want your
close friend to see certain posts you can select that way or if you want to
show all of your friends and you know it doesn't matter who sees you can select
all three together so that's a little different from other social media
platforms alright so like I said here's a different aspect of vero which is the
collections as you can see here you have photos and videos links music movies
book and places under the collections so this would all be the links or shares
you have posted under which it will kind of collect in automatically the cool
part is that when you tap on one of these let's say links it would then open
up all the links shared by you and your collect connections also you're able to
search whatever if there is something related
to your search word that has been shared that would show up in here it doesn't
matter if you upload it or your friends uploaded it so all will be aggregated in
here in this section and you would not have to go out of the app that's the
other aspect they're claiming to have so there's a quick snapshot on the vero app
here so how does Vero make their money if they don't have any advertisements
running on your feeds so here is the catch where o is actually a
subscription-based service it is only free for the first 1 million people so
if you decide to join Vera and you somehow got in that means you are 1 in
that million after that 1 million signups you have to pay a subscription
fee they have not mentioned how much yet there would be a fee to continue for
those people after that 1 million subscriptions Vero also makes it
possible for users to buy books musics movies etc from within the Vera app with
a Buy Now button from posts and shares from other people so that you never have
to leave the app to purchase it that's what they say like so that would be
another way they would be making money so these merchants who have all these
products like movies and books and music or whatever they have so when someone
buys through them through vero I mean when a transaction takes place a
percentage of that amount would go to vero from the merchants so you don't pay
anything I mean the users don't pay anything but vero make money out of the
merchants as well without advertisements alright so there is my quick overview of
vero and I hope this video helped you answer your question what is vero make
sure you subscribe to my channel here at bob's den and if you decide to get into
vero like I said try find me I don't have any friends that we're all right
now as of now so I it would be great if you can find me and follow me as well
and yeah maybe I can follow you back and share your posts and such let's get
connected at vero and I'll see you next video bye
L'épice magique qui réduirait le poids, le taux de gras corporel et de glycogène dans le foie - Duration: 3:57.
Une crème maison exceptionnelle pour estomper naturellement et rapidement vos cicatrices - Duration: 6:42.
Trey Gowdy Unmasked The Secret Identity Of Who Led The FBI Plot Against Trump - Duration: 20:05.
Gowdy Unmasked The Secret Identity Of Who Led The FBI Plot Against Trump
Trey Gowdy has had enough.
Recent revelations make it clear there was a plot inside the FBI to destroy Donald Trump.
And Gowdy just unmasked the secret identity of the conspiracy's leader.
FBI agent Peter Strzok – who was a key counterintelligence official and who signed off on the Russia
collusion probe – sent text messages to an FBI agent he was having an affair with
expressing his hatred for Trump.
He also described an "insurance plan" should Trump win.
That has now been revealed to be the Russia investigation.
In a recent interview Trey Gowdy said he had never seen such bias at the FBI.
The Daily Caller reports:
"If they were coming up with a quote 'insurance policy' in case Donald Trump won, that is
devastating," Gowdy told Fox's Bill Hemmer.
"What I hope is that insurance policy was not a counterintelligence investigation into
the Trump campaign."
"This was a level of bias that you rarely see, frankly," Gowdy added of Strzok."
The text messages referred to an "Andy."
That is now known to be FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
Gowdy singled him out ahead of his closed door testimony before the House Intelligence
The Daily Caller also reports:
"Gowdy said that McCabe is of interest to the committee because he "cuts across every
facet of every investigation in 2016…from Secretary Clinton's email to the investigation
into the Trump campaign."
Republicans on the committee will likely press McCabe on the conversation referenced in Strzok's
text message as well as his involvement in the early stages of the collusion investigation.
As the FBI's second-in-command, McCabe was likely directly involved in the investigation,
which was opened in July 2016.
And as the FBI's No. 2 counterintelligence official, Strzok was picked to supervise that
Several weeks earlier, Strzok was helping lead the FBI's investigation into Hillary
Clinton's use of a private email server.
Strzok conducted the July 2, 2016 interview with Clinton.
Asked about Mueller's investigation in light of the Strzok revelations, Gowdy offered limited
"I am heartened by the fact that [Mueller] kicked Strzok off as soon as he learned.
I just wish he'd have learned sooner," Gowdy said.
"He's in the middle of major investigations," he said of Strzok, adding, "Thank God he's
gone, but I want to know how the hell he got there in the first place."
Mueller's investigation has dragged on for months.
And it has produced a big fat zero on the Russia collusion front.
It's becoming clearer every day that the entire collusion narrative was cooked up by
Hillary partisans in the FBI as a last ditch effort
Donald Trump.
you agree?
[VOSTFR] BLACKPINK House EP. 8-5 - Duration: 8:26.
Vidéosef 2 - Duration: 1:01.
MG F 1.8i - Duration: 1:00.
Lexus IS 300h F Sport Line Mark Levinson, Sunroof, Premium Navigatie, Dubbele uitlaat - Duration: 1:00.
Chinese military aircraft enters S. Korea's air defense zone - Duration: 1:57.
A Chinese military plane trespassed into South Korea's air defense zone today.
Although Beijing claims it was part of a routine exercise -- something to note is the flight
route, the aircraft flew near Seoul's territorial waters.
Kim Min-ji files us this report.
A Chinese military aircraft flew into South Korea's air defense identification zone,...
or KADIZ,... for over four hours on Tuesday.
According to Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff,... the plane entered the KADIZ at 9:34 AM,...
and later approached about 30 nautical miles, or roughly 56 kilometers, northwest of Ulleung-do
Island in the East Sea -- before flying out of the zone at 2:01 PM.
This prompted South Korea to dispatch fighter jets,... including F-15ks and KF-16s,... to
monitor the plane's activity.
Seoul also called on China via the two countries' hotline... to stop acts that raise tensions
and could trigger accidental conflicts.
A JCS official said that the jet appears to have been a reconnaissance plane -- and that
the government plans to protest the move through various channels,... including the military
and the foreign ministry.
Although Beijing claimed that it was part of a routine exercise,... something to note
is that the flight route was "unusual" in that the military aircraft came very close
to South Korea's territorial waters.
Chinese warplanes had previously flown in the KADIZ only south of the peninsula.
An air defense ID zone is the airspace over land or water that's set by a state to identify
and locate a foreign plane nearing its territory at an early stage.
Chinese military planes have entered Korea's air defense zone multiple times since China
unilaterally declared its own such zone in 2013 -- with some parts overlapping with that
of Korea's and Japan's.
A Chinese military plane last entered the KADIZ in late January.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
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