Gorgeous Park Model RV 505 from Athens Park Model RVs
For more infomation >> Gorgeous Park Model RV 505 from Athens Park Model RVs - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Gesunde Nahrungsmittel, die trotzdem nicht empfehlenswert sind 2 - Duration: 6:25.
Augencreme selbst herstellen 2 - Duration: 4:19.
Haarwachstum mit Hausmitteln fördern 2 - Duration: 3:51.
How to Evaluate Salesfore for Nonprofits | RedCast EP13 part:4 - Duration: 7:01.
- Hello and welcome to episode 14 of Redcast.
I'm Eric Lehnen, host of the Redcast.
This is part four of a four part series going through
CRM for nonprofits.
If you haven't seen the first part yet,
go ahead and click here.
Otherwise stayed tuned and you're gonna listen to us
talking why Salesforce and how to evaluate Salesforce
or other CRM's for your organization.
(bouncy electronic music)
So we've seen a lot of development on the Salesforce side
to assist
Hired Ed and NPSP to help, you know,
foundations and nonprofits with managing students,
brands, donations.
So how does someone get started? So let's say
I'm starting a foundation where I've started to get
to a scale where it's like, I can't manage this
with Excel anymore, where it's the mundaneness of
trying to do my view look ups and managing my if-logic
and trying to take off my inbound communications
cause I'm not gonna be able to remember more than, you know,
10 conversations in a week.
How does someone get involve or get started with
exploring Salesforce or exploring in CRM general?
- Yeah, yeah. I think I would start with just supporting
CRM in general and start doing, maybe do something
whether it be mapping, or post-its or however you want to
have it, however you want to call it.
Throw post-it notes on a board to say
"What are we tracking right now?" You know?
And maybe some other ways to generate these post it notes
would be, what are the sheets, the spread sheets that
I'm having? What are the databases that I'm currently using?
And put all that stuff on a wall so you can start looking
at what's the data that I'm currently tracking.
Where does it live?
What are we using it for?
- Who's responsible for it. - Who's using it?
- You know kinda think about the who, what, where, when's.
Maybe trying to answer the why, why do we care?
- (laughs) Yup.
- If you don't have a why's-- - That's a very good one.
- You shouldn't really care about that.
So that's a great first step. You don't even need to know
what solution what so ever but you can at least start
knowing what am I wanting to track.
And maybe with those post-it notes you can start
carving out once you get why's and the what's and such.
Searching out to figure out what do I want to tackle first.
I think a lot of us go, I want do it all right now.
- Oh boy. (laughs)
- And which is fine. You can do that,
but it really bows down to, you know,
time, and money, and resources.
And if we all won the Powerball we could all make it
happen right now, but we can't.
- It's reality. - It's most reality
- So how do we phase this and maybe it's,
let's tackle this segment first, let's take these
five spreadsheets that we have, let's put that in and
transfer over to sales for to build some processes and
the data models for that.
And then we'd have this next set of five spreadsheets,
or these other databases that I have and really try to
clump things together that you can do a phased approach to,
to use your CRM in an efficient manner.
And at the same time get immediate response cause
if you try to tackle it all right away,
it's gonna be a lot longer than if you can try to,
you know, piece meal stuff together.
You'll be able to have a little quicker turn around
and get better used cases and, even a lot of cases,
understand what can...
What can we do in later phases to maybe
learn what we're learning.
Cause-- - Absolutely.
- You know, switching over to the other question of,
how do you learn Salesforce or how do we learn what
exists out there. You know, there's a lot of different
trains of thought for it and it kinda goes to your
learning style.
- Mhmm.
- And, you know, I'mma learn-by-doing kinda guy.
I'm the guy that's usually gonna break the connection.
- And we'll figure out how we'll fix the connection.
Other people will wanna read the documentation.
There's, if you want to read documentation, there's
thousands and thousands, if not, millions and millions
of pages of sales for documentations that exist out there.
Of course, you have something like a trailhead that's really
nifty where you can learn Salesforce and there's a couple
of really good trails. I think there's one that's just
learn CRM, I think that's the name of it.
And it's a handful of trails of what does it mean to be
CRM and also having a gateway to what is sales for.
So what's the contact in accounts?
What the heck is an object?
What's an opportunity? - What's a record?
- What's a record? You kinda talk through some of the
Salesforce lingo and that's a really good trail
to just start off with, trying to learn the lingo.
I think about,
you know, beyond Trailhead it's
getting access to a trial org.
And so, with Salesforce.org you can create trial orgs
that have, say NPSP, installed already so you can get
a look and feel of how is this look.
When you get that you'll be your productions sense in
so you can create sandbox environment to play in that.
And that way you know that you're not really kinda
touching stuff is you probably gonna learn right away that
you're gonna make a lot of mistakes. The first time I loaded
data it was eight times I loaded the data in there.
So, if everything I worked on had a feel things along
those lines, do it in the sandbox first.
And with having a trial org you have the ability to do that.
Or even with having a Trailhead account,
you have access to a dev org.
And that's really powerful because that's kinda your
own personal sandbox and then you can play and look,
how do I create a process and go back to learn by doing
you can be flicking around, see what's going.
I mean if you're reading documentation, you're reading
that documentation and then you can be seen firsthand
while saying, click here and click here.
It's be like looking at that documentation so,
those are the tall tale waves if you ever find a blog
or probably on there.
Some of the other ways that, I personally, like to
recommend people is find people that are using
the system right now.
- Oh yeah. - How did I learn Salesforce?
- I talked to other people, I went to the local
nonprofit user group. Ironically, I went to the first time
and ended up being a co-leader after the first meeting.
So... (laughs)
Watch out.
- Door's open. - Door's open.
But by going to those meetings, you're meeting other people
that are using Salesforce or maybe the same point as you,
maybe they're still vetting Salesforce,
or at least talking to people you're sales regard.
Getting to learn how are they using it.
What are some of their pain points. Sales force isn't just
this amazing solution that--
- Oh yeah, we complain about it.
- We complain it, yeah.
There's a thing called the Exchange that people will
voice their opinion about what Salesforce needs to do.
And so you get to learn both the goods and bads.
- Thanks again for watching this video on our podcast.
If you enjoyed it, please subscribe.
We highly encourage and really welcome the support.
You can find all of our other discussions on Youtube,
Stitcher, or iTunes.
And this is where you can find our other topics about
marking animation, CRM, Salesforce and host of other topics.
And as always, we're Salesforce partner.
If you have any questions about Salesforce
or other things related to, we'd be happy to help you
on you your journey. Thanks again.
戦ブラ 戦刻ナイトブラッド 【黄金の煌めき】豊臣秀吉 - 魅了されたのは 번역 [전각 나이트 블러드] 센브라 ☆5(황금의 반짝임)도요토미 히데요시 - 매료된 것은 - Duration: 5:27.
4 Tipps für straffe Wangen 1 - Duration: 3:57.
Škoda Citigo 1.0 60pk Greentech Ambition Plus & Sport pakket - Duration: 0:54.
Barbara D'Urso sotto shock dopo l'audio, Francesco Monte è nei guai? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.
Škoda Superb Combi 1.4 TSI 150pk Greentech ACT Sportline Business DSG - Duration: 0:57.
Uomini e Donne: Sara Affi Fella e l'esterna shock, pronta la scelta? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.
La macchina della verità fatta da Eva è stata falsata: i fan di Monte in rivolta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:40.
L'Isola dei famosi 2018 rischia la chiusura? Ecco perché e cosa sta succedendo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.
Barbara D'Urso e la sua decisione inaspettata | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.
Racing Sports Network
Priyanka Chopra S Photo X Photo H Photo 2018 - Duration: 1:41.
Priyanka Chopra S Photo X Photo H Photo 2018
Spacedock is Looking for Artists - Duration: 1:51.
Solar Panel Installations From Northern California Roofing Co. - Duration: 0:35.
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CLASH OF CLANS (magic archer gameplay, clash royale deck, molt, king's cup, sneaky, update 2018 - Duration: 1:51.
Παρουσίαση βιβλίου για τους Άταφους Ήρωες του 1940-1941 (6) - Duration: 2:27.
러시아 피겨 스케이터와 올림픽 은메달리스트 인 Evgenia Medvedeva가 마침내 EXO를 만난다. - KPOP NEWS - Duration: 2:22.
Παρουσίαση βιβλίου για τους Άταφους Ήρωες του 1940-1941 (7) - Duration: 7:04.
I will go hunting with you, early opening of driven wild boar hunting in the Tarn - Duration: 13:00.
welcome for this new video
you are used to see me speaking in my car
but i went very early
so it was night
i prefer show you this beautifu landscape
from black mountain
where we gonna hunt with cyril
wild boar in driven hunt
lets go
early in the morning
we are very happy to have feliew today
you may know him
the youger one!
"not only the young!"
he comes with his father too
its my pleasure! thanks all of you!
and now : security advices!...
we wont be far away with my father
here is my first stand...
its calm
dogs are playing music at second stand
but nothing...
except two roe deers behind...
louna is posing
and have some rest
here is the landscape from my last stand
we are going to hunt there!
let's see what's happened
little explication
in fact i have to be honnest
with the sun and the early wake up
i was so tired
i was sleeping at the stand
i was woke up the best way
by my neighbour shooting at this boar
i woke up, see the boar
i shoulder my gun
launch the cams
my neighbour has missed
but i dont have any red point in my scope
i try to switch it on
but no more battery.. .
the red point was flashing
so i had to shot evrery time the point was on!
lot of fun!
yet it has quite well worked!
thats the reason why i was trying to adjust it
i wish i had the time to adjust my magnification
because i was at X1.1
it could have been better for goog shooting conditions
heart shot, we can see the bullet getting through
just behind the shoulder close to the first one
shooting range: 72 meters (measured by drone)
it has been shot by a good shooter!
by a professionnal!
last bath
two bullets very close
i let you introduce yourself
im cyril
i discoverd this mountain thanks to my grandfather
9 years ago
i love this landcape and team of hunter
i follow you on youtube for more than 4 years
i like your ethics of hunting
how you educate your dog
i was so sad when your dog died
it made me remembering mine
but it is when i really felt connected with you
i told myself why not invitating him here
and then, you came!
very satisfaying
you have killed the boar here
im happy
yeah it was great
and i have on cam
it was good time for me too
love the landscape
the dog did well
yah and it was very warm
tehy are not trained yet
but it was good enough
you have young hunters in your team
yeah at least 6
that-s good
and moreover they help!
big thanks to cyril
we had a lot of fun
i was close to where i come from
see you soon for a new video
see you
Cortlan J. Wickliff: Driven - Duration: 1:22.
I majored in bioengineering undergrad at Rice University then went off to go to
Harvard Law School and then came back home to Texas A&M and finished my PhD
here. It was really great because I actually got to be in the same ph.d
program that my mom had graduated from eleven years earlier. My journey through
college at an early age actually started in the third grade. I did a report on Dr.
King and found out he got his PhD when he was 26 years old and from that moment
on I was inspired and of course I'm competitive by nature so I was like I
want to get a PhD but I also want to get mine at 25. Engineering is a unique
degree in that it is one of the hardest undergraduate degrees is to get if not
the hardest undergraduate degree to get. Engineers go on to do anything. You have
engineers who are CEOs, doctors, you have engineers who basically do anything you
can imagine there's an engineer doing it. And so you have a lot of options because
at the point that you can get through the rigors of an engineering curriculum
it's assumed that you can pretty much do anything.
¿Cómo NETANYAHU ha transformado ISRAEL? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 18:21.
Cortlan J. Wickliff: Trailblazers - Duration: 1:22.
The importance of making sure that we get more people of color, not just black
people, but all ethnicities in STEM organizations and get them involved in
STEM is because we are a very diverse global market. I would also not only
encourage companies to want more diversity, but people of diverse
backgrounds to get in STEM. Honestly, that's where all the fun is. I go even as
a lawyer working for technology companies, even in that occupation I get
to go in and work and have new and exciting things to do on a daily basis.
And so that's the reason why I encourage people of these different backgrounds to
get into STEM and not be discouraged if you are the first person of color in
your department or the first person of color to be going into a particular
company, because somebody always has to be first and there is some benefit. Even
though it might be a little more difficult of a pathway, there's some
benefit to getting to be that Trailblazer. And just remember when you
are that trailblazer to always reach back and pull other people with you.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Episode 15 VOSTFR - Duration: 6:28.
Renault Twingo 1.2-16V Paris AIRCO ST.BKR BJ:2006 - Duration: 0:59.
J.Fla Girl Songs cover Special In Vietnam & Look | What | You | Made Me | To - Duration: 2:43.
JFla Music Cover
JFla Music Cover
戦ブラ 戦刻ナイトブラッド 【黄金の煌めき】豊臣秀吉 - 魅了されたのは 번역 [전각 나이트 블러드] 센브라 ☆5(황금의 반짝임)도요토미 히데요시 - 매료된 것은 - Duration: 5:27.
Boxster 986: Remove door panel to repair the electric window system - Tuto DIY - Duration: 12:36.
Hi, it's Piston Kirk!
Today we'll look at how to disassemble
a door panel of a 986 Boxster
in order to repair the electric window system.
In this turorial, we'll look at two different ways to go about it.
The first one is the simpliest one:
changing the electric motor.
The second one is a bit more complicated:
changing the entire electric window system,
meaning this.
So, in what case do you actually need to change the entire window system?
Well, when you have some sort of weird noise
For example,
when you usually lift or lower the window, you should hear this:
on my passenger side I hear this:
This is not a dramatic problem
because the window goes up and down anyway.
Given the exorbitant price for a repair
Porsche advised me to leave it as is
until it breaks down.
That being said,
I didn't buy a Porsche to end up with the same kind of weird noises
as on my old 80's Lada.
To repair it
I bought a complete window system set on internet
with the electric motor
for 100 €
my only concern is that it comes from a Phase 1
Unfortunately, I have a Phase 2
Fortunately, the system is identical on both first and second generation models
Whatever model year your 986 Boxster donor car is, it will be compatible.
Now that we have got the parts we can start.
First, take off the outside mirror cover.
Slide in an unclipping tool from underneath.
Once it start coming off, don't pull too much,
the upper clip comes off by pushing upwards.
Don't force it.
In order to disassemble the left door, the procedure is identical.
The length of the cable is sufficient to let it hang without having to undo it.
To access the screws of the door panel,
you need to remove the covers first.
Lift the door handle, slide the unclipping tool under the cover
and once there's enough space to pass a finger
continue with the hands in order not to damage the leather (or vinyl) of the door panel.
It comes off very easily.
The second cover is next to the arm rest.
Slide the tool in from below.
Now, the two main screws are in reach.
If your car was built after 2000,
there is a hidden screw behind the airbag logo.
If it's from before 2000,
there is no airbag in the doors, hence this step doesn't concern you.
The last element to be removed before unbolting is the door light.
Slide the tool in from behind and pull the light cover out while leaving the light bulb inside.
Now that all of the covers are removed,
we can start unbolting by starting with the door handle.
There are two screws, the second one is hidden behind the handle.
Hold the handle open in order to unbolt the screw with a philips screwdriver.
After that, remove the screw of the arm rest.
Once you have removed it, compare the two screws
in order to see that the longer one goes in on the bottom.
Remove the airbag screw.
Lift the arm rest
to remove the underlying plastic screw.
In order to finish,
Push the light bulb inside the door.
Now that all of the screws have been removed,
you can remove the door panel by wrapping the unclipping tool in a rag to protect the paint.
Don't force too much
because the panel is clipped in on top.
Start by pulling the rear side upwards
and then pull the part on the side of the side mirror.
You can't remove it completely because the panel is connected to the door with some cables.
Disconnect the black clip,
then the one of the handle light bulb.
Now you need to remove the cable from the handle.
Unclip the white part.
Now you can remove the cable from its connector by doing following an "S" type of movement.
Nothing's holding the panel anymore, you can take it off.
In order to facilitate the access to the mechanism, raise the window.
Before deconnecting the airbag, you need to disconnect the battery first.
Trun the key on position 1 to disconnect the Alarm
Then pop the hood
and take the plastic cover off
and disconnect the battery.
Now I need to do a parenthesis:
If I asked you to disconnect the battery before removing the door panel
it's not only to avoid having the airbag blowing up in your face.
As a matter of fact,
if you disconnect an airbag whilst the battery is connected,
once you reconnect the airbag
the airbag light on the dashboard will come on
and it won't be able to switch it off again.
It's not that it's not connected properly or that it doesn't work,
the error message simply can't be erased manually
In this case there is only one solution:
use a diagnostics computer.
At a Porsche dealer, the operation takes about 4 minutes
and costs about 85 euro.
If you don't want to go to the workshop,
you can buy a Piwi cable
or a mini diagnostics computer
and reset it yourself
by following the instructions of this tutorial
on which you can click now
or wait for the end of this video,
I'll give you the link again.
So, you'll probably tell me that the easiest way not to have to warning light to come up
is not to reconnect the battery while the airbag is disconnect
It's true...
My problem is that the airbag is blocking the view of what's going on in the door.
In order to understand what's wrong
I needed to reconnect the battery whereas the battery was disconnected.
Okay, let's continue
Now that the battery is disconnected,
we can safely undo the airbag plug
we can take of the 4 screws that keep it in place.
When you remove the last bolt,
keep the airbag in place with a hand to prevent it from falling out.
If you have a subwoofer in the door,
you need to disconnect it by pulling the plug downwards
and then you can disconnect the two plugs.
To remove the door insulation
remove the loudspeaker's frame
which is held in place by 6 screws.
Once it's done
take the frame off
and remove the tape that's holding the loudspeaker cable.
Now remove the cover very delicattely in order not to damage it
while leaving the glue on the cover.
Once you're half way trough, remove the airbag cable
and put the sock back in the right place.
Detach it while leaving the least possible amount of glue on the paint
in order to reuse the insulation.
For those who have a subwoofer
you'll have to remove 6 screws in order to take it out of the door.
Be careful:
If the window is not up,
you won't be able to remove the subwoofer.
You'll have to let it up to remove it.
Now we can remove the 3 screws that hold the electric window motor in place.
Once the 3 scews are gone,
push the motor slightly,
pull it all the way down in order to to remove the electric cable
with a small flathead screwdriver.
Once it's done,
remove the 3 bolts
that hold the electric motor on the linkage of the electric window.
Now that the three bolts are removed
use a wrench to detach
the motor from the linkage.
Compare the two motors to make sure they're identical.
Then put it back in.
Fit the three bolts again.
Reconnect the power cable,
then put the electric motor back into the door without inserting the bolts
we'll do a test first.
Before reconnecting the battery remember to reconnect the airbag
so you won't have any error message issues.
And now,
I realized that the problem didn't come from the motor,
but from the linkage
You therfore need to change the entire linkage.
In order to remove the linkage, you first need to remove the window.
Lower the window all the way down,
this way you can reach the bolt of the first connection that is close to the hinge.
Then, raise the window
to get access to the second bolt close to the locking mechanism.
There is no need to remove the bolt completely,
you just need to untighten it.
the method I just showed you is not the best.
As a matter of fact, there are two rubber inserts that can be removed
in order to acces the bolts when it is raised.
Once the bolts are undone,
you just need to lift the window to remove it.
Notice that there are dirt marks where it's attached.
I recommend not to clean them
because these marks will help to reposition it properly
once you put it back in.
You can also use a more professionel method
by marking the postion of the window with tape instead of dirt.
The linkage is held by 4 bolts.
Two bolts accessible from the top
and two bolts below hidden by rubber covers
that protect from humidity.
Let's take a look under the door to check out these two covers.
You don't need any tools to take them off,
using your hands is enough.
and you'll have access to the bolts.
So let's go to the second one.
Same procedure
pull with the hands in order not to damage the paint
and then you'll access the second bolt.
Before undoing the bolts,
take a marker and draw around them
in order to put them back in the same place
once you install the new linkage
thus preventing any adjustment problems.
All you have to do now is to remove the two bolts on top
and then you can remove the linkage of the door.
Display the new linkage on the floor in the position it needs to be installed.
slide it in from below,
first insert the lower connectors
before positioning the upper part.
In this video you see me having some trouble putting it in,
it doesn't just look like it,
it really is quite tricky.
Honestly, I don't know how I managed to put it back in.
You need to manipulate a lot in order to find the correct position of each element.
To make things run more smoothly,
before putting the rails back in,
first insert the motor.
This will give you some space.
Install the left rail first,
then the right one.
In this video, the whole operation takes just a few minute,
in reality I needed 5 minutes to reinstall everything.
Now we can reinsert the window
by starting with the front
we lower it very gently
in order to make sure that the window finds its way into its mountings.
If you haven't cleared off the dirt
as I recommended it to you,
it will allow you to position the window
as it was originally.
Start by tighten the left mounting
then raise the window
in order to access the bolt of the right mounting.
Once it's done.
we'll be able to conduct a test.
No more noise.
Everything works properly.
We're not quite done yet.
We need to make sure that the window is properly aligned with the joint
which is the case here.
Make sure that when you open the door the window lowers
and that it raises again when you close it.
To disassemble the linkage we needed to cut a zip tie
and since I don't have any more left,
I'll simply replace it with a piece of rigid cable.
To reinstall the subwoofer
don't forget to raise the window first.
Bolt in the 6 screws.
Then reinstall the insulation
starting by pulling the airbag cable through the cover.
I don't need to reapply glue.
I reuse the glue left on the insulation.
Now that the insulation is back on,
tape the cable on the subwoofer,
reinstall the airbag and reconnect it.
Don't forget to do this whilst the battery is disconnected.
Then reinstall the subwoofer frame
and reconnect the plug.
Now that the airbag is reconnect we can hook up the battery as well
so that we can lower the window to reinstall the door panel.
Reconnect the door handle cable.
and also reconnec the white connector.
Now reconnect the handle light
and to finish also the black plug.
Hang the door panel up
to guide the light bulb through it.
Then you can reattach the door panel.
Clip it in buy tapping on the sides.
In order to moint the mirror cover,
start by gently inserting the cover on top
from top to bottom.
Then push to lock.
Now bolt the screws of the panel back on.
We're almost done.
Put the rubber covers under the door back in
in order to prevent the bolts from rustung.
All in all, it's a very extensive job
but not impossible.
You'll still need 4 hours to do it all.
But it was worth it in order to get rid of that unbearable noise.
Alright, see you next time!
JAPANESE AT HOME ☆ 家で日本語 - Duration: 15:11.
Hello everyone !
When you want to learn Japanese,
or you want to use it at home,
in order to find your own way to study,
you go looking on the Internet
for someone else's ones.
That's why me too, I'd like to share
my methods with you.
That's what I've decided to talk about
in this video !
Japanese language at home
Before talking about my methods,
I must say that I've been studying Japanese
for 4 years at evening classes.
I went to lessons 3 hours...
Yeah, 3 hours once a week.
I haven't been to a lesson
since March 2016.
My Japanese level may be
like JLPT N4 level.
After 4 years studying,
I think this is a little bit... little.
That's why I've decided
to buy a lot of stuff
to study at home,
and I also started to go to talk sessions
from last year.
When I decided to take the JLPT,
I really wanted to study kanjis.
By the way,
I still haven't took this test,
I'm planning to take it this year in July.
At Japanese classes, our teacher
gave to all the students
a note to practice the kanjis.
In this note,
the pages are separated in tables,
and those tables are also separated
in 4 small boxes.
Those boxes are there
to help us writing properly the kanjis.
I'm still using it today.
When I'm doing exercises,
if I read a kanji that I don't know,
I write it down in my note.
But if we don't practice regularly,
we can forget everything.
In this note,
it's like "One box, one kanji",
but my problem is
that I just can't write small kanjis,
so I split again
the boxes in smaller ones.
To study kanjis,
I bought two tools:
the first one is the manuel "Kanji Kakitai!",
and the second one is called "Japanese Flash Cards".
I found the book Kanji Kakitai
in a book shop in Liège.
I think that this manual
is made to study the JLPT N5 kanjis.
I really like this book.
The exercises are maybe
a little bit repetitive
to study kanjis,
but we can learn EVERY kanjis' readings.
Also, in the following exercises,
we often reuse the kanjis
that we've studied before,
it's easier to review them.
There are reading, writing, ...
There are reading, writing
and vocabulary exercises.
And, at the end of the manual,
there are the answers.
Also, in this book,
I've decided to translate all the sentences.
So I can learn more vocabulary this way.
I bought those flash cards on Amazon.
I bought them because...
I don't know how to use the "Anki" software.
As the cards in French were
out of stock since...
F*ck I've mixed them all
As the cards in French were
out of stock since a long time,
I chose cards in English.
In English.
I haven't used them often,
but I liked their design.
On the first side,
you can find the kanji's reading and writing,
and on the second side
are the translation and kana writings.
In this set, there are
a ring to...
a ring on which you can hang about 50 cards
and also a CD.
I'll maybe try
to reuse this set soon,
but I think this method doesn't suit to me.
Talking about JLPT,
I bought 3 exam samples on Amazon.
I thought there were cheap, and useful.
First because you can familiarize yourself
with the exam's presentation.
I bought the N5, N4 and N3,
I already finished the N5.
In this sample, I nearly got 100%
so to avoid losing my time,
I decided to take
the N4 at first.
My camera turned off by itself once again ♪
Little poop !
You were really expensive and you're note doing anything right
I'm going to replace you !
Well !
In these samples,
there are reading, writing and listening exercises.
And there's a CD for the listening comprehension.
That's really helpful to know
if you're ready or not to take the exam.
But, for people who don't want to buy these manuals,
there are also exams samples on the JLPT website,
but those are not complete samples.
So I think that you won't get
a complete estimation about your level.
The last manual
is the famous, the really famous
"Minna no Nihongo" book.
I found scans of old versions on internet.
So I've downloaded them all.
Now I don't need to buy them anymore.
Too expensive.
So, in Minna no Nihongo,
there are two books, I think.
The first one is in Japanese.
There are
exercises and listening comprehension in it.
The seconde book is in English.
There are grammar notes, vocabulary
and translations in it.
The Minna no Nihongo method offers
drill and repetitive exercises,
but most of the time,
you just have to copy the example sentence
and change the words.
Also, in the versions I've found,
there are no audio files,
so I can't do the listening comprehensions because of that.
That's a pity !
However, I think this manual is
very useful.
It's a complete method to use.
So I've decided to review all the grammar from the beginning.
On smartphone,
I'm using 3 applications.
Ja Sensei is a charged application,
but we have to pay 15€ once only.
There is not much content in the free version,
so I bought the Premium access.
And we also can use the app offline !
I think this is an important information.
There are a lot of tabs in this app.
It goes from JLPT N5 to N3,
and there's also content for very beginners.
For example, there are KATAKANA and HIRAGANA learnings,
and we can study kanjis too.
By the way, kanjis aren't sorted according to the JLPT levels,
but according to "Jôyô" levels.
There are more than 2000 kanjis that goes
from elementary school to highschool level.
You can study vocabulary,
counting systems, verbs, adjectives,...
I'm using this app a lot,
so I can tell it's really really useful.
Then I'm also often using Memrise,
but I do prefer Ja Sensei, compared to Memrise.
Memrise works with levels too,
but there are no explanations for the vocabulary or grammar.
Also, we can't use the app offline,
and the premium access is expensive.
To get Premium,
you have to pay every year.
This kinda looks like a trap, isn't it?
I only use the free version.
You can study kanji with Memrise too,
but it doens't teach all the readings,
so I create by myself memos for it.
The quizzes are kinda useful,
but that's not enough at all.
The last app is called Takoboto.
It's a dictionary app.
You can use it offline and it's quite complete.
You can search word in Japanese,
English and French.
Also, when I don't understand a word,
I always want to see it in a sentence,
and this app gives a lot of examples.
That's a good system.
Finally, you can search kanjis
thanks to their keys.
It's really useful.
I usually use Ja Sensei and Memrise
for 1h at least, before going to bed.
Of course, using a smartphone before sleeping isn't good for health,
but this is my only moment of free time !
The applications I've just talked about are on Android,
but they maybe exist on iOS,
and thanks to Android emulators,
you can download thos apps on your computer.
You just have to own a Gmail account
to use those emulators.
What about websites !
The JLPT GO website sorts vocabulary,
grammar, expressions,
and kanjis according to the JLPT levels.
This website hasn't been updated since 2012,
but it's really complete.
Also, it gives lists of kanjis and vocabulary...
in PDF format.
They also give decks for the Anki software.
I just discovered that in fact,
so maybe I'll download Anki again someday.
There are also "Exercises" and "Everyday" tabs.
The "Everyday" tabs offers
to learn 10 new words
and 3 new kanjis per day.
The French website "Guide du Japonais".
Or "Japanese Guide".
There aren't any exercises,
but the grammar is explained in another way.
As the website is still updated,
don't hesitate to ask questions to the webmaster.
She suggests on her website other tools to use,
so go and take a loot !
NHK already suggests a lot of tools
to learn Japanese, I think.
On News Easy,
you can read news from Japan.
There are furiganas above kanjis, it's really useful.
On Sign Language News website,
you can watch the TV news.
There are subtitles for deaf and hard-on-hearing people,
But I think it's useful for people who are learning Japanese.
The last website is Netflix and the TV show "Japanese Style Originator".
This show is...
This show last between 30 minutes and 1 hour,
and a special episode can last 2 hours.
The guests are talking about real Japanese culture,
and play quizzes about it.
Of course...
... the show is only in Japanese,
but you can turn French or English subtitles on on Netflix.
This is a good listening comprehension exercise
and if you want to learn more about Japanese culture,
this is a really good show to watch.
This is really difficult to study a language alone.
We need a lot of motivation,
of regular study and free time.
I always suggest to often change exercises,
to study for at least 1h everyday.
About me, I don't have a lot of free time,
so I try to study for 2h30 on the weekend.
To keep myself motivated,
I'm drawing a pink dot in my calendar when I studied.
It's really beautiful when it's fully pink !
Also, when I talk to my Japanese friends on Line,
I'm trying to often use
the new things that I learned.
So I can memorize it faster
and I'll use it more spontaneously.
Of course, I don't say that
the methods I'm using are the most useful.
You are free to use the manuals and apps
that you want to use.
Everybody has a different intelligence
and will find his own way to study.
But if this video has helped someone, even a little bit,
my mission is completed !
So tell me,
how do you you study Japanese at home?
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