Listen to me
I have one thing to say... mm...
Stop a moment
Will you let the flower come out?
Water it and love it
We'll see if it can work
Let's buy a larger pot
so that the flower opens
It's your singing
that guides us
Listen to my voice
And look at me
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Let's play to grow the flower of your life.
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Show me... (Hey! Hey!)
...that you can shine...
...all over the world, uoh!
This is the song!
Her "voca-song"!
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Let's play to grow the flower of your life.
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Show me... (Hey! Hey!)
...that you can shine...
...all over the world, uoh!
This is the song!
Her "voca-song"!
Listen to me
I have one thing to say... mm...
We'll see if it can work
A new member will arrive
Who will arrive?
For more infomation >> VNaneP - This is her voca-song feat. VOCALOID x9 【Original Song】 - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Chatty GRWM: Everyday makeup look & 2019 Goals + GIVEAWAY! - Duration: 25:48.
hello hello hello my name is Chantsy and welcome to my youtube channel on
this channel you will find curvy fashion quick makeup routines a couple product
reviews of some products that I receive from PR mailing lists I am an
instagramer by trade and I'm just growing my youtube channel so thank you
for joining me if this is your first time and if you're back for more you
know I love ya in this quick makeup video today I'm
just doing a get ready with me like an everyday makeup look I'm headed out the
house in his boxing day and I just wanted to kind of freshen up and show
you guys my beauty routine right now and a couple of the products that I'm using
right now that I received in the last couple weeks so if you want to hang out
just keep on watching pixie Beauty has been so good to me this
year they have sent me some pretty incredible products that have kind of
embedded themselves in my daily routine the last gift I received from them was a
beautiful full-size glow tonic dispenser equipped with like the makeup pads I
love it it's in my bathroom I just love that it has my name on it so thank you
pixie if you're watching this I really love your products and I'm so glad that
I'm working with you so in the spirit of glow tonic I am just
trying to finish up these wipes before I can dip into that dispenser but these
are little pads that already come with the product soaked into it and what I do
especially in the winter time I get really dry around my nose area so
morning and night I just do that around the nose and it really helps to get rid
of all the crackling skin so these wipes are a five percent glycolic acid and I'm
actually not going to put it anywhere down here because I get laser hair
removal and it is way too sensitive I went for an appointment a couple like a
last month and I didn't really notify them that I've changed my skincare
routine and I've been using a lot of haces and it was really really painful
really sad so I'm just giving a break because I
have an appointment in a couple days
okay so yeah it also ran this on my forehead that's just to get rid of all
the like bumpy's and the dry skin and that's where my dry skin is mostly
anyway so that's done the next product I go in with is a
little bit of serum this one is a Biotherm skin oxygen serum that I love
it's almost done it's kind of serendipitous I love finishing products
but this one was really good to me I really loved it loved the smell and the
texture but I'm also eager for it to just be done so I can finish another
product I get sent a lot of stuff and I just feel like it's time to go through
everything you know I feel so good the next thing I'm using right now is the it
cosmetics secret sauce and it's actually really amazing I've had really good skin
using these little combos together there's no set to it and I mean
generally it cosmetics is really fantastic I love everything that they
create with this I've been using the micellar water which is also pretty
fantastic maybe I'll do a video on Mike how to how I remove my makeup because
that missed our water it's definitely definitely a key component to it so as
you can see my face is amazingly moisturized it feels super soft and it
just feels really smooth and that's without using like a true exfoliator
which to be honest I've kind of ditched I don't really use exfoliant and I'm not
really crazy about using face washes cuz I do find it dries your skin out way
more than necessary and I used to believe that it was like okay dry it out
and then put cream on to balance it but I'm totally done with that routine next
I'm going in with this primer this is from Stila called one-step correct it's
a skin tone correcting and brightening primer I absolutely love it
said in my last video I've always been eyeing this and then when still accepted
over I was like oh this is kind of cool finally get to try it out and I thought
it was gonna be a very thick cream but it's very light it just seeps right into
the skin which is amazing like there's no oily finish so it's gonna be probably
one of my favorites this winter and I'm already kind of going through it quite
fast so as far as following like beauty bloggers and beaut Beauty youtubers I
always try to find someone like that has my skin type so if you guys out there
have dry skin normal skin I don't have a lot of complexion issues thank God
blessed so this channel is not really about like how to hide acne scars and
that kind of thing it's really more about how to do makeup on naturally
aging skin a couple fine lines here and there and just learning how to preserve
your skin your aging skin without like Botox or you know fillers that kind of
thing because that I'm finding is a is a problem on its own and I'm learning how
to do makeup on my aging skin so I'm just gonna put in a little bit of
foundation this is the 2.0 from the ordinary it's the serum foundation this
is my new way of doing it so just a couple lines and then I use my
foundation brush this is the Jacqueline Hill JH o three and what you want to do
is start in the center especially because I use the glycolic acid my nose
is a little bit red I don't want it I'm not going for a full coverage look I
just want like nice a healthy skin and I was finding that if I put too much of
this color it's a little bit intense very yellow but if I go in lightly and
start at the center it's just enough
and I'm going to a vintage store today to look for a New Year's Eve outfit and
if I'm going to be trying on clothes I really want to go light on foundation I
don't want to destroy any of the clothes in the store because it's not the worst
when you find something that you really love and then there's like a foundation
thing around the collar or ring hate that
this just feels I find this whole combo is great this serum the cream the primer
it's also great and like the serum foundation is a little it's a little bit
dewy so it feels really nice on the skin I just like I love my skin with this
whole combination and it still looks really good at the end of the day next
I'm going in with this NARS concealer soft matte concealer and just gonna
dabble a little bit around the darker patches under my eye
and then I'll put a little bit all over my lid here to clean it up so do you
guys have any New Year's resolutions mine for now will be all about health so
2019 is going to be a health year as far as my business goes I'm gonna focus on
Instagram of course but really put a lot more effort and energy into YouTube my
next goal is a health goal I'm starting my year with a yoga retreat to Costa
Rica I leave on January 14th I'm so excited and you guys are definitely
coming with me so 2019 is a year of health for me I've
kind of put my health aside I'm just using this Eva Gardens bronzer you can
use any bronzer just to warm up my face
so where was I going oh yeah 2019 is like year of health for me so I don't
know if you know I'm a curvy blogger as I said in the intro but I actually
started this whole thing with a weight loss journey if that doesn't sound
ironic I don't know what does that's kind of how I like got popular people
were following my weight loss journey but I I didn't lose like a drastic
amount of weight it was like 15 20 pounds but it was enough to like feel
good to look good like I really felt it in my face I loved the way I felt the
way I looked and I really want to like get back into that skin for 2019 and I
just feel like the yoga retreat is a nice way to do that bronzer is done yes
it's very hard to talk and do makeup at the same time so I commend everyone out
there who does a fantastic job at it and who can just like manage to keep the
audience engaged while doing beautiful makeup next I'm going to take this still
a liquid blush it is such a beautiful color it has a little bit of Sheen to it
and it's just that perfect tone for this time of year
this one is row was water so I always like dabble a
little bit on my hand here
so don't be afraid to have like too much of a heavy hand with this it has great
pigment but it's not gonna get messy like if you make a mistake especially
this color I find like it's very forgiving and usually that's the reason
why I kind of don't go with creamy or liquid products cause like you can't
control them I find but this one is very user friendly and I like to use it with
this tiny stippling brush here this is a Mac one 88's and I didn't know this but
S stands for synthetic and that's the duo fiber but I guess Mac is like
switching all their brushes to synthetic fibers for I guess animal cruelty
reasons and the synthetic fibers actually wash better and they don't get
destroyed as easily I want to dig into the pixie glow palette I love this thing
and the more I use it the more comfortable I feel using it and then I
looked it up the other day and it's basically highlighter blush contour in
one so I kind of like to go like that and then just gloss over the blush you
see it was a beautiful finish but I definitely stick to the lighter portion
of it but I did use a little bit of that bronze yesterday to bronze around my
forehead and it looked really nice it wasn't too intense
this one is coming with me to Costa Rica that's for sure
do any of you have any tips for packing light for a yoga retreat I need to pack
like everything under 30 pounds and I'm giving myself this big challenge and I
will be documenting that because I record I always pack way too much I'm
always like really well prepared but I don't always put too much thought into
the outfits that I'm gonna put together so that's gonna be something very
important and it's also going to depict the rest of my year because I buy a lot
of clothes you probably know this if you follow me on Instagram
I buy so much clothes and I don't always maximize their youth so I don't like
make really smart decisions because I find that I'm like just desperate if it
fits I'm like yep I'll take it even if it doesn't fit amazing and if you've
seen my plus size fashion rant video I explain why and essentially it's because
we don't have a lot of options fit is not the priority when you find clothes
that are actually in your size so it can be in your size but it doesn't mean it
fits you the best and we often I think compromise fit just
for just the fact that like we fit into the cute clothes it's like okay great
size is good but it's not really like meant for a body or we need to tailor it
maybe cut the legs shorter or you know take in the arms or whatever all this to
say I want to be a little bit more picky with the clothes that I'm buying try to
invest in better clothes although again not a lot of options out there sorry
this is an IVA Gardens eyebrow pencil and number 80 it's like the best match
for my skin tone I love it or for my hair color I also just trimmed my brows
so they're not as crazy and then I was like oh no should have done it with you
guys to show you how I trim my brows and I don't do it very often but I felt like
they were getting like a little bit too crazy I also like cleaned up underneath
are used to pluck my eyebrows like every day so crazy I've like giving myself the
gift of but why not plucking my eyebrows anymore
cuz now I just let him go bushy bush and I want to brush them back
and then I'll just set them with some brow gel but yeah they look so much
better now they were getting a little bit too bushy
so anyways next time I do my eyebrows I will hit record so right back to that
fashion discussion so the last couple videos that I did about like you know
seven items seventeen looks with seven items if I really feel like that's the
direction I want to take because I don't want to like push for my followers to be
buying stuff all the time because I don't truly believe that people should
do that and I do but I have the means to do it but it's not really it's not the
way I feel deep down inside I don't think people should be buying stuff all
the time and it's the same way with makeup and I actually I was debating on
whether to include all the links for the products and that kind of thing but
basically if I'm just like use the bronzer use bronzer it doesn't have to
be this bronzer if you like this bronzer here's a link that's the spirit of my
stuff or just when people send me stuff like pixie sends me so much stuff and
I'm just like so grateful for it and I really love it it the price point is
great the products are great it's very like accessible they have it at
shopper's so I'll just keep featuring these things that are like in my
products but don't feel like you have to go buy them it's like if you need it
consider it it's good that's the spirit of what I'm trying to do here so if
you're doing an everyday look I mean this is very clean this is very nice you
could stop there I just want to have fun with you guys cuz I have you here so
I'll grab my Jacqueline Hill palette and then just do like a little bit of
eyeshadow here so I'll take a little fluffy brush here and just grab a light
transition color
okay so back to 2019 goals we talked about my yoga retreat the year of health
the year of style oh yeah I actually for Christmas
I prepared a 20-19 style calendar that you can download or print or whatever
it's just a PDF and it has every month I kind of put like two clothing items that
are kind of like workhorses for for that season or for that month and I'm not
necessarily wearing it in the photo that I shared but I tried my best to find
pictures that kind of match the season and they're all photos from like 2018
but anyways if you are interested I'll put a link on my blog post that has the
like PDF download on it so let me know what you guys think definitely expect
more fashion on my channel especially curvy fashion and I don't know if you
guys like see what my style is like but I'm trying to do the skinny girl style
but on a curvy girl you know like I really love like the eritrea look and
kind of like the everyday Canadian girl look like I don't do a lot of like body
con stuff you know and it's not like the Kim Kardashian curvy look that's not my
style but anyways let me know what you guys think about the like fashion stuff
and put some comments down there I want to talk to you that I respond to every
single comment yes okay so just did a quick transition
color and then I'll add some kind of shiny bronze here
okay so what else can I tell you guys about my resolution health more shopping
conscious what I also do with my like year-in-review and maybe I'll just shoot
a video about this separately but I always like put goals and for a long
time my goal was to pay off debt and lo and behold for the first time in
probably my entire life I am NOT in debt and we actually have
money in our savings account and that money will be going towards renovations
we have to redo our basement we have to redo our front porch because it's like
going over but it's just it's such a weird place to be in because it seems
like the more money you have the less you want to spend it or you just want to
be more wise with it because typically I buy everything on a credit card I just
go go go and then I like pay off my my credit card slowly I chip away at it but
it's just it's such a weird feeling to actually have money and it makes you
like smarter and a little bit more greedy with it because you're like no I
want to put this to good use so that is a major accomplishment for for our
family not only that my husband actually left his full-time job to start his
landscaping business this summer so to be in a position where we're in a
healthy financial position and my husband is actually working less
especially right now it's just been so amazing he was so much help this
Christmas I was work I work full-time and then I do my Instagram and YouTube
my bloggers work I also kind of do it full-time
what's every day of my life but yeah all that to say is like I've been like doing
like a double header for a really long time so it's really nice to have my
husband at home he's like wrapped all the Christmas gifts like mystery but
it's just been so great and we're just in such a great place and he's been
really helpful he finished up some like old painting projects that he hadn't
finished up in the house and anyway so we're in a really good place
so it'll be nice to go back in my year of review and see where things are at
now and and actually that's why I love setting goals because it's not just
setting goals but going back and evaluating them there's nothing more
valuable because a year's a long time ago this is a long time ago and it's
very hard to kind of remember where you came from and if you grew or you know
like if you guys are starting up on on Instagram or even me starting up on
YouTube like I should have noted where I was at a year from now like as far as
subscribers go because I think I only had like a hundred and I right now I'm
still low like I'm at 281 or something and um I need to just like keep
reminding myself I got to create more content don't look at the numbers I just
don't have enough good content even like merit having tons of followers so my
goal for like next year is produce more video and not really focus on like
cracking the 1,000 subscribers which is like a goal of mine but I think I was
just like focused on the wrong thing so now I've like set up my new space here
and I'm just like I have a different mindset so well it's a lot of chitchat
huh I should be careful I'm like chit chat chit chat and then the make us that
are getting darker this is not an everyday makeup look
all right I'm gonna stop there actually I want to put a little bit of like
brightener and between my eyes here
by the way if we're not friends on Instagram I should tell you that every
day before I go to work I do art I tried to do it every day most days of the week
I do a makeup morning so I greet my followers good makeup morning so this
would be like a typical makeup morning look that I would do to go to work okay
sorry my battery died so I just finished the look with the NARS climax mascara
which I love no better way to finish and salvage a beautiful makeup look and I
just want to put on a little bit of lipstick and I want to choose help me
choose a color I always go for the same one but let me like oh I'm gonna go with
this really rosy let's see what that does
there's a lot of nudes in that kit mmm that's good
I actually did a video watching all of these colors I'll link it for you guys
if you want it's a really nice formula and it has like a hint of a rose scent
to it which I love okay there you go there's the finished look what do you
guys think you made it this far here's the bonus footage it's giveaway time I
collected some of the products that I have doubles of or extras just some
things that I have or bought that I haven't used and I just wanted to share
them with you guys so here is the box of enemies there's so much so much good
stuff a brand new pair of earrings some hair treatment hand cream lip gloss a
whole bunch of stuff and bonus you even get one of the pixie glow palettes
because there's no way I'm gonna use two of them in their entirety so to enter to
win this little care package from Shann see all you have to do is like this
video subscribe to my channel and tell me in the comments down below
what is your favorite kind of makeup look whether it's like more natural more
glam you know like a bronze goddess look whatever it is let me know in the
comments and I wish you the best of luck the winner will be chosen on Valentine's
Day so that's February 14th so make sure you share it with your
friends and good luck to the winner I just want to say thank you so much for
being here for watching if you reached this far into the video if you guys like
the video please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up and of course if you
liked this channel if you like me who I am what I represent please hit that
subscribe button that's the big circle over here and then if you want to watch
more videos you can do so over here thanks again for joining me and for
joining the shanty family I'll see you in the next video bye
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Local bakers and chocolatiers begin building world's largest s'more - Duration: 2:23.
VNaneP - This is her voca-song feat. VOCALOID x9 【Original Song】 - Duration: 3:15.
Listen to me
I have one thing to say... mm...
Stop a moment
Will you let the flower come out?
Water it and love it
We'll see if it can work
Let's buy a larger pot
so that the flower opens
It's your singing
that guides us
Listen to my voice
And look at me
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Let's play to grow the flower of your life.
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Show me... (Hey! Hey!)
...that you can shine...
...all over the world, uoh!
This is the song!
Her "voca-song"!
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Let's play to grow the flower of your life.
Oh, show me your heart (Pa-pa-pa-ra-pa)
Show me... (Hey! Hey!)
...that you can shine...
...all over the world, uoh!
This is the song!
Her "voca-song"!
Listen to me
I have one thing to say... mm...
We'll see if it can work
A new member will arrive
Who will arrive?
Необычная ёлка с цветком❄🎄 🎅 Мастер-класс - Duration: 19:27.
The workshop of Valeria Radyk "The Magic World of manual creativity"
Hello! With you Valeria, good to my magical creative world!
Today we will be tinkering with you unusual christmas tree.
In this paper, I thought it was a very large flower in the style of boho.
But if you do not like large flowers, or you find that the flower covers a lot of the basics,
that make a smaller flower or place a few small flowers.
Imagine doing as you like, just according to your taste and desire.
For We will need the following material:
corrugated cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors,
light natural fabric narrow and medium lace, white thread for knitting, for winding the trunk,
wooden skewers, blue or turquoise thin synthetic fabric, can be organza,
candle and matches, heat gun, ready leaves,
polymer glue rhinestones, beads and semi-beads,
ready pots or cylindrical container for the base, white mesh or tulle,
feathers, natural branches, acrylic paint, brooch or crystal for the middle of the flower,
a bit of white and isolon (pnoplast), and also need a brush.
Getting Started:
cut out of corrugated cardboard three identical triangles 12 * 20 centimeters.
On one detail of a triangle make an incision in the middle.
Triangles are glued so that the part with a notch left inside.
We glue the fabric to the base Polymer adhesive:
To fill the inside of me used chopped isolon
as well as crumbled foam not necessarily, you can apply something else,
for example: grits, small pebbles or sisal.
The spruce twig can be made from a bottle-link to this master class in the description below the video and in the upper right corner of the screen.
How to make such leaves, I have separate master class
I will leave a link to it in the description under the video, and a tooltip appears in the upper right corner of the screen.
Leaves are painted in early white and then pearl or silver paint.
Also, if you have other colors in your work, you can add on leaves.
I also covered the branches with white acrylic paint and then turquoise
Apply silver acrylic paint.
I decorated the reverse side of the Christmas tree with semi-beads and lace residues.
If you do not have such lace, then it can be replaced by something else, for example, ordinary crocheted threads knitted in roll.
Bright beads are muted with silver paint.
Work is ready! I would be glad if my master class You will like it and also come in handy!
I thank all my subscribers for what do you have me!
Thanks for the comments, for the kind words for the likes, for the support!
Channel guests, if you like my workshops, don't forget subscribe and click on the bell,
not to miss the new interesting video.
I congratulate you all on holidays from my heart!
I wish the world good and prosperity to you and your loved ones!
I wish that in your new year all your dreams come true cherished good dreams and desires!
Inspire, create and create! Before new meetings!
Son Heung-min reveals what can help Spurs' title challenge - Duration: 3:04.
Son Heung-min insists Tottenham are happy to be going unnoticed in the title race
Mauricio Pochettino's men are still seen as outsiders despite leapfrogging Manchester City to become Liverpool 's closest challengers
But Son says no one talking about their chances can do Spurs a big favour as it means Liverpool and City will have to deal with the pressure
Son, who has five goals in his last three games, said: "I'm honest. We are halfway through and we're second, six points behind but actually no one is saying anything about us still
"I don't want to think about it, it's tighter than before but people still don't believe we're second and that's why we have to be focused on ourselves, focused on playing our own game, play like we always play
Read More Transfer news LIVE: Man Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool and latest rumours on January deals "We're getting closer, but no one still likes to speak about us and that's why we must just focus on ourselves, what we do on the pitch, nothing else
"Maybe it can help us, I try to think positively always and we can do it because the players think the same as me
"We're not thinking about Man City, we're not thinking about Liverpool, we're just going our own way and see what happens at the end of the season
" Son believes Spurs learned valuable lessons from previous title challenges when they fell short, particularly in 2016 when Leicester won the Premier League
Read More John Cross' Footie5 Predictions: Beat chief football writer to try and net £25k But the South Korea forward also reckons the disappointment of missing out in the past can be their driving force this time, which could help them make a sustained challenge
The 26-year-old added: "Every season we learn something because we've been so close, so, so close and we're still young
"I want to just believe and that's my main concept. I want to believe we can do it, we deserve to do it and we are looking forward to doing it every week
"It's a long, long season and we have to go a long way and that's why we have to be focused on the next match
|MMD|skazka// Сказка - Duration: 1:08.
I breathe in to fill my lungs So that I don't have to breathe no more
I forget everything that hurts me So that I can get hurt again
(lalalala) Break the spell on me (lalalala) Break the spell on me
(lalalala) Break the spell on me (lalalala) Break the spell on me
My name is your fear It makes your mouth bleed
My name is your fear It makes your mouth bleed
My name is your fear It makes your mouth bleed
《海贼王》官方公布蒙奇·D·龙生命卡,果然是自然系风风果实! - Duration: 4:10.
Pedda Manushulu Telugu Movie Scene Full HD | Suman | Suresh Productions - Duration: 7:15.
Problématique de recherche (4/4) - Forme et Présentation - Duration: 2:38.
Problématique de recherche (3/4) - Comment la trouver ? (suite) - Duration: 7:45.
🔴ESPECIAL DE NAVIDAD (atrasada) | fnaf sister location - Duration: 30:03.
КОВЧЕГИ ФЛОРЫ. Часть 2 || FrostPunk # 2 - Duration: 1:01:34.
Необычная ёлка с цветком❄🎄 🎅 Мастер-класс - Duration: 19:27.
The workshop of Valeria Radyk "The Magic World of manual creativity"
Hello! With you Valeria, good to my magical creative world!
Today we will be tinkering with you unusual christmas tree.
In this paper, I thought it was a very large flower in the style of boho.
But if you do not like large flowers, or you find that the flower covers a lot of the basics,
that make a smaller flower or place a few small flowers.
Imagine doing as you like, just according to your taste and desire.
For We will need the following material:
corrugated cardboard, pencil, ruler, scissors,
light natural fabric narrow and medium lace, white thread for knitting, for winding the trunk,
wooden skewers, blue or turquoise thin synthetic fabric, can be organza,
candle and matches, heat gun, ready leaves,
polymer glue rhinestones, beads and semi-beads,
ready pots or cylindrical container for the base, white mesh or tulle,
feathers, natural branches, acrylic paint, brooch or crystal for the middle of the flower,
a bit of white and isolon (pnoplast), and also need a brush.
Getting Started:
cut out of corrugated cardboard three identical triangles 12 * 20 centimeters.
On one detail of a triangle make an incision in the middle.
Triangles are glued so that the part with a notch left inside.
We glue the fabric to the base Polymer adhesive:
To fill the inside of me used chopped isolon
as well as crumbled foam not necessarily, you can apply something else,
for example: grits, small pebbles or sisal.
The spruce twig can be made from a bottle-link to this master class in the description below the video and in the upper right corner of the screen.
How to make such leaves, I have separate master class
I will leave a link to it in the description under the video, and a tooltip appears in the upper right corner of the screen.
Leaves are painted in early white and then pearl or silver paint.
Also, if you have other colors in your work, you can add on leaves.
I also covered the branches with white acrylic paint and then turquoise
Apply silver acrylic paint.
I decorated the reverse side of the Christmas tree with semi-beads and lace residues.
If you do not have such lace, then it can be replaced by something else, for example, ordinary crocheted threads knitted in roll.
Bright beads are muted with silver paint.
Work is ready! I would be glad if my master class You will like it and also come in handy!
I thank all my subscribers for what do you have me!
Thanks for the comments, for the kind words for the likes, for the support!
Channel guests, if you like my workshops, don't forget subscribe and click on the bell,
not to miss the new interesting video.
I congratulate you all on holidays from my heart!
I wish the world good and prosperity to you and your loved ones!
I wish that in your new year all your dreams come true cherished good dreams and desires!
Inspire, create and create! Before new meetings!
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