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TOP 10 KEYBINDS FOR PUBG - Duration: 6:37.
Hey guys, it's ERPL.
In this video i'm going to show you my personal Top 10 keybinds for PUBG, which you might
not know, and which keybinds I recommend for you to change.
These keybinds personally helped me alot in PUBG, by making it either easier to play,
or more enjoyable.
So I hope these are useful for you aswell.
Number 10 Even though I'm using audio compression on
my game audio, which I by-the-way recommend everyone to do so, sometimes you'll get un-necessary
In almost every PUBG match I hop into, I mute the game before the airplane takes off, by
pressing "Control + M".
To enable the sound again, press "Control + M" again.
I usually enable the sound again after I opened my parachute.
Number 9 Quick-healing and boosting: If you press the
button "9" on your keyboard, you're using a bandage, without the need to go into your
I also bound using a bandage on 3 on the numpad and using an energy drink on 6 on the numpad.
I also have Num 3 and 6 as buttons on my mouse.
You can use these quickly if you need a fast healing or boost up.
For the longer healings like first-aid kits or medkits and boosts painkillers or the syringe
you can just use the inventory, because you probably have the time.
Number 8 Separating JUMP and VAULT: Normally you have
jumping and vaulting combined on the "space bar".
To avoid slowly climbing over a little fence or wall, you could have just jumped over,
I recommend separating the keys.
I'm using "V" as the key for vaulting, since it's easily reachable, just next to the "space
The "Space-bar" will be only "JUMP" now.
The "V"-Key is the default key for changing the perspective from Third-person to First-person,
but since I'm playing mostly FPP (except for some custom games and the training map), I
rarely need it.
I rebound the perspective change to 7 on the Numpad, but some of you guys probably want
to bind it to another key.
Number 7 If you're holding a grenade, you can "cook
it" before throwing.
Hold the left mouse button to take the grenade in the hand.
Now press "R" and you'll hear a clicking sound.
For normal grenades you have 5 seconds until it explodes.
For stun grenades and smoke grenades you have 2 and a half seconds.
For Molotows, Apples and Snow Balls - well - you can't cook them.
Number 6 Hold Right-Click for ADS: Normally you press
right click once for ADS, and hold it to go into the "AIM"-mode.
In ADS you have better control over your gun, so most of the more professional PUBG players
and streamers switched over to hold right-click for ADS.
You have to change the ADS-mode for that to "HOLD", and bind "ADS" to right-click.
If you ever want to use that "AIM" mode, you could bind that to another key on your mouse,
if you have one.
I bound it to my "mouse-thumb" button, which presses "J" on my keyboard, so I bound "AIM"
to the "J"-key.
I rarely use AIM, but for some situations it's still useful.
You can now quickly "ADS"-in and go out again, which is extremly useful for quick-peeking
or quick-scoping.
Number 5 When you're taking a sniper shot with a bolt-action
sniper rifle, while being scoped in, you can hold the trigger button, which is left-mouse-click
in default, to see where the bullet hits.
Please note, that you're not re-chambering the next bullet in the gun, until you let
go of the trigger button.
Number 4 You can pin-point a marker on the map on exactly
your position by pressing "INSERT" on your keyboard.
This especially useful if you're looting a town with your duo partner or squad and you
want to mark the location of some loot you found, for them.
If you want to quickly delete your marker, you can press "DELETE" on your keyboard.
Number 3 If you're in a fire-fight you can quickly
mark the relative position of an enemy in the compass on top of the screen.
To do this press "ALT" + "Mouse Button 3" which is usually if you press in the mouse-wheel.
Some people like to bind it to "Mouse button 1" aswell, so if they're shooting, they automatically
mark the relative position, of what they're shooting on.
I'm not a big fan of that, because you can't set a new marker before the old one disappeared.
The quick marker disappears after 10 seconds.
In some situations you might want to mark another approaching enemy, not the one you
already easily killed.
Number 2 Balancing the bike: In default you would have
to use "SPACE" and "Control" to balance the bike mid-air.
I recommend changing it to better accessible keys.
I'm using "6" and "3" on the num-pad.
To make sure it's working too, when the num-pad is disabled, I bound it to "right" and "page
down" too, which are the same physical keys, when the num-pad is disabled.
Number 1 Mass-Dropping stuff: When you hold "ALT" and
then right click on some stash you have in your inventory, you'll drop half of it to
the ground.
It's really useful, if you want to drop some of your
ammo, healing or boosts to your friends.
If you hold "ALT" and then "right click" a gun in your inventory, you'll drop all the
weapons attachments into your inventory, as long as it fits.
Everything above the item limit drops to the ground, so be careful.
This is useful if you want to quickly change your weapon for a gun on the ground, from
an enemy or an airdrop.
BONUS I rebound unarm from X to dot and comma, to
prevent accidentially pressing X and putting the weapon away.
That actually happened a few times to me, and I died.
Did I miss an important key-bind?
Leave a comment below to let me know.
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Thanks for watching!
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