Saying yes means a record number of lives saved.
This year we celebrate our 150th anniversary
and very likely we're going to celebrate
a record number of adoptions.
We can say yes to little guys like Elvis here.
He's here until the right family walks in the door
and I know he's going to find a great home.
That's thanks to you and thanks to
the Oregon Humane Society for saying yes
whenever pets are in need.
When you say yes to the Oregon Humane Society
and make a donation,
your gift helps animals right now.
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
For more infomation >> #PowerofYes: Saying Yes to Adoptions - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Opel Insignia GS Business Innovation 4x4 2.0 Turbo - Duration: 0:56.
タッキー&翼、1年3ヶ月ぶりTV歌唱 今井翼「最後に2人で…」 - Duration: 4:14.
拡大写真 テレビ朝日開局6 周年記念 超豪華 ! 最初で最後の 同窓会!8時だJ が放送 今年 月に解散したタッ ー&翼が、29日 送のテレビ朝日開 60周年記念『超 華!! 最初で最 の大同窓会!8時 J』(後8:54 で復活を果たした
2人でパフォーマ スを披露するのは 2017年9月放 の『MUSIC TATION ウ トラFES』以来 番組の終盤、滝沢 明(36)に呼び まれた今井翼(3 )がサプライズ登
ともに代表曲「V nus」と「愛は カラモノ」をスペ ャルメドレーで披 した。【写真】嵐 滝翼、関ジャニ、 Pら…"Jr.黄 期"が大集結 1 98年から99年 かけて放送され、 ャニーズJr.が インとなりさまざ な企画に体当たり 挑戦していたバラ ティーが、番組終 から約20年の節 に、そして当時か ジャニーズJr. なかリーダー的存 だった滝沢の年内 の引退を前に、一 限りのスペシャル 画として復活
このほかにも嵐や ジャニ∞、山下智 、生田斗真、風間 介、長谷川純らが をときめく人気者 ちが再集結した
収録の終盤 ヒロミが「みんな リーダーである、 沢の歌で番組を締 てもらおう」と提
すると滝沢が「" 窓会"ということ ので、僕ひとりで うよりも…と思っ 、特別な人を呼ん いますのでその人 歌いたいと思いま 」と今井がスタジ に呼び込まれた
拍手で迎える仲間 ちに「もう終わり 」ととぼける今井 「遅いよ!」と周 がレスポンスする やかなやりとりも りながら、タッキ &翼として久々の タンドマイクの前 立った
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Estelle Lefébure s'écarte de Laeticia Hallyday, son coup bas en douce - Duration: 1:21.
Audi Q2 1.4 TFSI CoD Sport S-Line - Duration: 1:08.
Jaguar XKR 5.0 V8 XKR-S Coupé 551pk, dealer onderhouden, 77.544, nieuwstaat! - Duration: 1:13.
Dazzle's Most Dazzling Moments from Butterbean's Café | Nick Jr. - Duration: 3:56.
[phone ringing]
Butterbean's Café?
Butterbean's Café is the sweetest spot in all of Puddlebrook!
We are work hard at the café
and that's what makes us such a great team!
And Dazzle keeps everything running smoothly.
Keeping everything in order's kinda my specialty.
Let's check out Dazzle's top five most dazzling moments!
Butterbeans Café is now open for business!
When grandma visits Puddlebrook...
It's Dazzle's grandma!
Grandma Nana!
Dazzle knows it's time to cook!
When I was little, we used to make Grandma Nana Banana Bread together.
Grandma... Bandana... Bonanza?
Dazzling moment number five is...
♪ Mmm, mmm Nana said Mmm, mmm banana bread ♪
♪ Bananas and two cups of flour Butter and some baking powder ♪
Grandma Nana's famous banana bread!
Oh, Dazzle, it's wonderful!
Thank you, sweetie.
Ready for the next dazzling moment?
OK, let's do it.
When Jasper skates into the café...
Here I am, I've got four cartons of eggs, whoa!
Dazzle really saves the day!
Dazzling moment number four is...
- Dazzle's egg-cellent save! - Got 'em!
I got this!
Dazzle is very clever and smart!
- I have something special for you. - For me?
Especially when she makes a gift from the heart.
A friendship necklace!
Dazzling moment number three is...
Check it out, it goes right here in the middle.
The triple friendship locket!
Fairy friends forever!
- Two more dazzling moments left. - Yay!
- Ready? - Ready, Daz?
When the fairies need to keep Poppy away...
Butterbean, I wanna make something for Poppy!
But how can I make it without her finding out?
I don't have a clue how we're gonna keep Poppy out of the café all day!
But if anyone can come up with a plan, it's Dazzle!
Do you think you could get Poppy to leave the café for a while?
You came to the right girl.
Leave it to Dazzle to save the day!
Hey, Poppy, I have a er... special mission for you.
Dazzling moment number two is...
I got this!
The Dazzle Distraction!
Is that... my perfect surprise cake?
We made it for you!
Oh, Cricket, it's great!
Nicely done!
I'm in granola controller!
When this party needs a little kick...
Now all we need is some music to get this dance party started!
Hit it, Lulu!
Uh-oh, I forgot to charge the battery.
Dazzle knows the perfect song to pick!
Hey, Dazzle, Sasha's music player just ran out of power!
The number one most dazzling moment is... of course...
Maybe you'd like to sing?
Dazzle's very own song!
♪ Wake up in the morning And first thing I wanna sing ♪
♪ Oh, I can't help this feeling From my toes up to my wings ♪
♪ I love to sing, I love to sing La-la-la-la ♪
♪ I love to sing, yeah, that's my thing La-la-la-la ♪
♪ I love to sing, I love to sing ♪
- Woo, yeah! - I love that song!
Go, Dazzle!
Get cooking with Dazzle and all of your favorite fairies!
OK, girls, let's get to work!
- Yeah! - Let's do it!
On Butterbean's Café!
Everywhere you find Nick Jr.
You can find more Butterbean's Café in the free Nick Jr. app
and everywhere you find Nick Jr.
Brigitte Macron, des révélations en vue, une étrange confidence - Duration: 1:20.
火影忍者:佐助失去眼睛後,只剩5種忍術能使用,僅有一種是S級! - Duration: 5:35.
Megatron's Defeat / Ending Scene | Transformers (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 7:19.
It's you and me, Megatron.
No, it's just me, Prime.
At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall.
You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose!
Fighter jets in 60 seconds.
We got friendlies mixed with bad guys. Targets will be marked.
Bring the rain. All right?
All right, let's kill these things.
- Move, move, move! - Remember, aim low.
Armor's weak under the chest.
Target marked. Still waiting.
Time on target, 20 seconds.
F-22s, we're still waiting.
Move out!
Weapons armed. Status green.
Run! Move!
Second wave's on approach.
What is that? Break off!
- Copy. - It's either a massive amount of...
Two, get a lock! Pop that guy!
Stay on him. Keep him in your sights.
Take him out!
Two's down!
I'll kill you!
Mine! All Spark!
Sam! Put the Cube in my chest! Now!
No, Sam!
Hold up.
You left me no choice, brother.
Sam, I owe you my life.
We are in your debt.
Prime, we couldn't save him.
We lost a great comrade
but gained new ones.
Thank you, all of you.
You honor us with your bravery.
Permission to speak, sir?
Permission granted, old friend.
You speak now?
I wish to stay with the boy.
If that is his choice.
Gentlemen, the President has ordered Sector Seven be terminated
and the remains of the dead aliens disposed of.
The Laurentian Abyss is seven miles below sea level,
deepest place on our planet.
The massive depth and pressure there, coupled with subfreezing temperatures,
would crush and entomb them,
leaving no evidence.
With the All Spark gone, we cannot return life to our planet.
And fate has yielded its reward,
a new world to call home.
We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight,
but watching over them in secret,
waiting, protecting.
I have witnessed their capacity for courage.
And though we are worlds apart,
like us, there's more to them than meets the eye.
I am Optimus Prime
and I send this message to any surviving Autobots
taking refuge among the stars.
We are here.
We are waiting.
Meghan Marke : Ce cadeau illégal donné aux invités de son premier mariage avec Trevor Engelson - Duration: 3:53.
Rainbow Six Siege Wind Bastion New Operators - Duration: 3:49.
Hi Guys, how you doing? I'm Ben, ThatBeardedGuy and this week I've been
playing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege with a newly released Operation Wind
Bastion expansion.
For those who are unfamiliar with Rainbow Six Siege this
first-person tactical shooter game was first released in December 2015 and
since that time game developers Ubisoft have been consistently released in
expansion packs as they moved to a Games as a Service (GaaS) model. Don't get this one
confused though with other first-person shooter games such as Call of Duty and
Battlefield because this one is all about tactics. You must move dynamically
using any cover available, methodically clearing rooms and deploying equipment.
Whether you're defending or attacking you must work together as a team using
the operators specialist weapons and equipment in order to complete the
objective and there are a range of different tactical scenarios available.
This final release of the Year 3 pass introduces two new GIGR operators;
defender Kaid and attacker Nomad, as well as a new map called Fortress.
Sanaa El Maktoub nicknamed Nomad is a Moroccan adventurer and Special Forces
operator. She's armed with a rifle attachment called an air jab launcher
affixed to her primary weapon capable of using kinetic energy to temporarily
disorientate the enemy. Although it doesn't cause any damage, it can be used
both offensively knocking the enemy out of cover and defensively as a proximity
activated area weapon available weapons include the AK-74M and the ARX200
assault rifle as well as her 44 magnum sidearm.
Jalal Al Fassi more commonly known as Kaid which is commander in Moroccan Arabic, is equipped
with the Rtila Electroclaw, his custom-made defense device attaches two
surfaces to electrify metal defensive measures within a 75 centimeter radius
He is also equipped with the 44 Magnum pistol but also has the Steyr Aug A3
assault rifle and TCSG12 semi-automatic shotgun to choose from as his primary weapon.
The new map fortress is Kaid's Moroccan
casbah which doubles as a military training center. Featuring classic
Moroccan architecture and decor, the map adds deep context to Kaid's roots and
there's evidence of which can be found throughout the building
The two-story construct features multiple points of access for tactical
breach and flat roof access to both rappel and access via external
staircases. With multiple rooms, halls, corridors and stairwells the location
has a variety of benefits for both attackers and defenders. The usual
breathtaking architecture and attention to detail are evident throughout the
stage and the seamless construct only complements the game further.
Year 4 passes are available to purchase now promising an additional eight operators,
uniform, headgear and weapon skins with some early purchase bonuses also on offer.
So if you've enjoyed this video then hit that thumbs up button and also
don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see more gaming reviews coming up in
the future I'm also pleased to announce that as of
2019 I'm opening up a second channel, which is devoted purely to gaming and what
else could I call it except ThatBeardedGuy Gaming so don't forget to subscribe
to that channel and I'll put the link in the description below. Lastly if you're
also playing Rainbow six siege then let me know in the comments below
exactly what you like or dislike about the new additions. Thanks very much for
watching and I'll see you next year
Kate Middleton et Meghan Markle, petits gestes d'affection, la vérité sur leur complicité - Duration: 1:21.
Caroline de Monaco un mariage en 2019, ça coince avec Ernest-August de Hanovre - Duration: 1:27.
Les confidences de Meghan Markle sur sa date d'accouchement - NT - Duration: 2:19.
Citroën C3 1.2 PureTech S&S Feel - Duration: 1:06.
Kate Middleton et Markle et sont apparues souriantes et complices à la messe de Noël - Duration: 2:30.
SNAPlife: Why IS IT A Mountian Made Out Of A Molehill - Duration: 2:50.
I'm Bill Snodgrass. Welcome to this SNAPlife episode. In this SNAPlife episode
we're gonna talk about a communication concept… a communication concept and
again this this comes from this comes from I son, Nathan, who actually has a
friend who they had this conversation and he passed it on to me you ever been
in a conversation where someone's like ah ah and you think why are you making
why are you making a mountain out of a molehill why are you making a mountain
out of the mole no that's actually the right question to ask if you think
someone is making a mountain out of a molehill you're you're not really
listening the way you should be that sound like a contradiction to everything
you've ever heard before think about it if this is a mountain to them and you're
thinking it's no big deal you're missing something you're missing something in
that conversation that would explain why it's a mountain to them why is it a
mountain to them that is the question that you need to be asking yourself not
criticizing them for making it into a mountain but investigating and as to why
whatever the situation is that's no big deal to you why I said a big deal to
them that is when you begin to do the kind of communication that's gonna lead
you and your relationship to a growth potential you're gonna grow towards one
another when you start figuring out why whatever that thing is is a mountain to
that person and you don't think it's a big deal now what are some of the
options one is they're just messed up and they're making a mountain out of a
molehill for no good reason the other option is there's a good reason that
that's a mountain to them what whatever it is if you're a good friend
you're a good communicator if you're a good listener a manager talking to an
employee an employee talking to a manager a teacher and student counsellor
or whatever whatever whatever if communication is the goal you're
gonna find out why it's a mountain that's it for the snap life episode
click easy 1 camera clip 1 take that's all for this episode click the like
button and subscribe to the channel and sign up for notifications leave me a
comment question and I will see you in the next episode
Père de Meghan Markle révèle qu'il y avait de la drogue au premier mariage de sa fille - Duration: 2:42.
DS DS 5 THP 165 S&S Auto Performance Line - Duration: 1:10.
Picnic Dhamaka Nonstop Dj Song 2019 || Heard Bass Dj Song || Dj Remix Song - Duration: 4:52.
Салат оливье для похудения. - Duration: 16:44.
Chirurgie De Gynécomastie - Duration: 1:48.
Les confidences de Meghan Markle sur sa date d'accouchement - NT - Duration: 2:19.
Monica Bellucci hante Vincent Cassel, son étrange confidence sur son ex - Duration: 1:23.
Sunny Saturday afternoon, mild temperatures Sunday - Duration: 2:23.
King County Metro - RapidRide D Line: Downtown Shuttle (#6236 2018 New Flyer XDE60) (Odd Run Ep 4) - Duration: 6:49.
Vanessa Paradis « aucun remords », pourquoi a-t-elle eu raison de larguer Johnny Depp ? - Duration: 1:22.
Opel Combo 1.6D L1H1 Edition - Duration: 1:02.
Opel Combo 1.6D L1H1 Edition - Duration: 0:47.
Opel Combo 1.6D L1H1 Edition - Duration: 0:50.
Life update - Duration: 3:05.
What is going on Coco Pops, welcome back to my youtube channel
I just wanted to quickly make this life update video because I know that when there's a youtuber that I watch
Regularly and they just vanish from the platform and then they come back and start posting videos like nothing happened
I always feel some type of way. I'm always like I
Need closure. So I just want to quickly give you this SuperDuper fast update on what's been going on with me. It's nothing
I'm not gonna make this dramatic
I had the intention to post consistently like I normally do but then
Winter hit in Indiana where I live and I just was not able to function
I am a person my struggles we seasonal depression in the winter time
I don't think you can see all this chocolate but I got going on but this
Rich brown skin right here. It needs sunshine for me to be able to function
I just wasn't doing very well mentally, and I just needed a hard reset
I needed to take a break I needed to take care of myself and that's what I did
So unfortunately, it was not planned. It was not a break that I was like, oh, I'm just gonna disappear for a month
They're not saying anything it was more. So just like you know what this is the right thing to do
I need to feel good
And I need to be okay in order to be there for you guys and I had this weird
confidence that you guys will understand I just feel like I have the best most
positive subscribers on the whole of YouTube and I knew that
I'm coming back with a lot of energy a lot of happiness a lot of just excitement to start working out with you again
Even though I haven't been posting I have been making videos for you. So I have so many videos
I'm getting ready to release on this channel and so many new things that I'm gonna be trying
I'm going to do better this year. Well, why am I saying this year like, it's already 2019 in my head. It's already 2019
I'm gonna do better. I'm gonna do better and that's all I'm gonna say for now while I was gone
I took the opportunity to travel to Phoenix Arizona, which is somewhere. I've always wanted to go
It's one of the sunniest places in the whole of the United States
So I took the opportunity to go there and just bathe in some sunshine
And also I went to Nigeria with my family it was my first time going there as a married woman an imam
It was kind of a scary experience for me. I'm not gonna lie
I was like, I'm not used to being responsible for other people when I go to Nigeria and only when I go to Nigeria
it's just me and so
That's actually my husband calling me which basically means this is the end of this video
But I just wanted to quickly pop in and let you know that I'm feeling good. I'm ready to go
I'm here for you guys I missed you so much, and I'll see you in my next workout video. Bye guys
Tua Tagovailoa's Injury: Is Alabama QB Playing Today? | - Duration: 4:50.
Tua Tagovailoa's Injury: Is Alabama QB Playing Today? |
Alabama quarterback Tua Tagovailoa is expected to play today against Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl.
Tagovailoa has been practicing in the week leading up to the big game and has experienced a quick recovery from his ankle injury.
"Really, for the past two weeks, it's been that way," Tagovailoa told ESPN.
"I'd say regaining not only your confidence, but being comfortable that you're back and being able to do the things I used to be able to do, as far as dropping back and moving in and out of the pocket.
This week has been one of the biggest weeks for me.
I definitely feel a lot better back there and hope to have some fun this Saturday.".
If Tagovailoa experiences a setback during the game, Jalen Hurts would take over at quarterback just as he did against Georgia in the SEC championship.
Nick Saban Believes Tua Tagovailoa Is Close to 100 Percent.
Alabama head coach Nick Saban believes his quarterback is close to being at full strength heading into their College Football Playoff matchup against Oklahoma.
"Tua has had a good week this week," Saban said per College Sports Maven.
"He's done things in practice that make you feel as though he doesn't have lingering issues.
He's been able to move around in the pocket.
He's been able to throw the ball in the run.
Last week when we were practicing back in Tuscaloosa, there were signs that maybe he wasn't a hundred percent, but it seems like this week he's getting closer and closer to that.".
Earlier this week, Saban was coy about whether Tagovailoa would start against Oklahoma if he did not feel like he was 100 percent healthy.
"Look, I'm not really a medical expert," Saban explained per College Sports Maven.
"The medical staff makes the decision about whether a guy is capable of playing and going out there and doing his job, and then I think the player has to sort of have input on that, as well.
In other words, medical staff can say he's fine, but if the player doesn't think he's fine, then he's not fine…So if it's in your head that you can do it or can't do it, that goes a long way for me as a coach to know whether you think you can go do your job or not.
Those decisions that we make between now and then, he'll have input as to whether he feels like he can go out there and do his job or not.".
Tagovailoa sustained an ankle injury against Georgia after Alabama offensive lineman Jonah Williams stepped on his ankle.
Here's a look at the play where Tagovailoa was injured.
Tagovailoa underwent surgery after the SEC title game and noted he is feeling about "80 to 85 percent" healthy.
"I'm getting treatment at this moment but it's been a lot better," Tagovailoa explained to Dallas News.
"If I could grade it from a scale of zero to 100 I would probably say it's about 80 to 85 percent.".
7 YEARS OF PROGRESS! | Drawing Rapunzel for the 7th Time! | Photoshop Draw This Again Challenge - Duration: 16:18.
In 2012, I drew a random drawing of Rapunzel, and then in 2013, I redrew it, and then the same in 2014... and 2015 and
2016 and 2017
So now it's time to continue tracking my progress and redraw Rapunzel the seventh time
here goes
Take seven, let's draw Rapunzel! um, so you'll see in my first pass of the sketch I'm being very loose very
very sketchy *heh
pardon the term, and I'm trying to just lay out the
drawing and make sure that the character fits on the page and then all of the elements of her body fit on the page and
so I know her pose and
Everything and then after that's done I go in and start adding in details to each of these very sketchy lines so I'll darken some
lines and I'll also draw completely new lines because when you lay out your sketch and you have all of these
wavy lines everywhere it helps me at least visualize
where a line should be - so if like one line is
A little off to the left I'll see it in that first sketch, so I can be like: "Okay so when I draw this
like for a more
finalized version I want that off to the right a little bit" kind of thing does that make sense so you'll see that kind of
happening here in this sketch process and I also flip the canvas because it's very important to help see if your character is
what's the word?
balance! that's it
You can see if your character is balanced by flipping the canvas and it's really helpful because it like it
sets you back from the art and gives you a new perspective on things so I definitely recommend that - I wish I had a
way of doing it
traditionally like there's ways to do it but I wish there was an easier way to do it I think that would really help my
traditional art but for now I'm definitely going to take advantage of it with digital art
And you'll see this time this is the very first year that I'll be including
I just I felt like I needed a little something I did change up the pose this year it's still very
fluid and like there's motion to it even though this pose is a lot
stiffer like she's not doing an action she's just standing there but it's still
soft and fluid in my mind
I'm flipping the canvas again and I'm noticing that her head just a little off to the right and I actually fixed that by just
making her hair more voluminous on that left side there and
that probably was a bit of a 'cheaty' way to do it but I think it helped a little bit and you'll see I'm rotating
different elements and trying to help with that balance and I'm adjusting her face and I just want the character to look
You know? balanced - I keep using that word but it's very important because when your character is not balanced it just gives you
your art that, I don't know, that noob-ish feel and I mean I still make this mistake but I
just think having a balanced character just gives that whole illustration that little extra nudge it just makes it look all that much better
So if you're doing digital
definitely just flip the canvas it takes like a few seconds and you'll see a lot of mistakes in your art
Now we are moving into the line art
And there's not much to say here it's basically the same as how I would always do line art
I guess I actually this year included her small
shred of brown hair from the movie - one thing I do need to mention is that every time I
do these redraws of Rapunzel
except for the first two times *heh* - I don't look back at that drawing that way when I redraw it
I'm just redrawing it from my memory of it and it allows me to put a lot of more of what I've learned
throughout the year into the drawing without looking back at it because
I've noticed in the first couple when I look back at it I used the exact same
colors I put her in the exact same pose I I tried to
emulate the things that I did best in that picture and tried to include the things that I do best now whereas nowadays
And when I redraw it I'm only using how I draw right now
I'm not allowed to look back and see what I did really well last year and
I think this really helps Chronicle like my progress because now once I'm done drawing I can compare them and see
hmm what have I gotten lazy at and
'ooo!' what have I improved with and yes
we do improve over time which I talk about all the time because it's really really cool I mean yeah but
we can also get very lazy and complacent about things and
By redrawing the same picture every year I'm able to track that progress and I'm able to look back and see
what do I need to improve upon
what did I do better last year what if I improved in now what have I done well this year and
it's just a very good
checkpoint and it really helps me just see where I'm standing as an artist and what I want to improve on now every year
-oh I'm doing the laces, laces they're so fun to draw, I'm cheating by using layer styles so if you want to know how to do those laces
definitely Google 'layer styles' in Photoshop I think you'll learn a lot
There's so many different ways to use them and I think yeah just do a little research and you will you will be pleased
anyway every year with Rapunzel or these videos when I draw a Rapunzel I like to make a little bit of a checklist of what
I'd like to work on for the year and
I feel like this year I did very very well I don't remember what my checklist was but I'm pretty sure
I've improved in a lot of the things that
I've always wanted to improve on just because I drew a lot more this year than I think I have in the last ten years
put together so I've improved like traditionally and
I've actually haven't been doing as much digital
lately but I'm just enjoying art and I don't think the medium really matters I just really like drawing
anyway the thing that I want to improve on for this year I'm gonna limit it to just one thing so that I know
I work on it and that is I want to work on the
compositions of my
Illustrations - if you don't know what composition is it's the way you layout a drawing and it's about the way that you?
lay out all of the different elements in one drawing and make it look like one cohesive whole and like
you know that's just you're really worried about the placement of each element and trying to make it all look together and cohesive and
That's something I really want to work on because lately I just draw a random character on blank page and I really want to work
on like either using the hair to
Incorporate the drawing into a shape or the layout of the arms or
using shapes and squares and circles or something just in the background to
encompass that shape or also maybe drawing backgrounds that aren't just behind the character but also
contribute to making the whole
illustration more pleasing to the eye in some way, so
That's what I'm going to be looking into and maybe studying as well I want to maybe just look into some lessons or something or
I don't know Google some tips or something but that's what I want to work on for this entire year it's a very short
to-do list I guess but it's something that
I've always wanted to improve on and it's just
never really been my focal point and I think for this year I really want to work on that
So that's what I'm gonna be working on let me know what you want to work on for this year what are your
2019 art goals I can't believe I just a 20-19 we're in the year
2019 we're living in the future I can't I can't get over it
I still remember when we went from 1999 to 2000 like that was
'woah' and it's been almost 20 years since then
*nervous laugh * haha, okay
Let's just look at the drawing. I'm still working on the lineart, I'm adding in all the flowers again using layer styles
The layer style I use the most often is the 'stroke' layer style so what I'm doing is actually drawing in white and then Photoshop
automatically adds the line art around it it's pretty cool
You gotta be worried about it a little bit because it can be very
Pixely and gross so work on a very large canvas and that sometimes helps with that problem
it's probably best to avoid it as much as possible but
it's one of those little lazy things I do but I like the way it looks
especially from a distance just don't zoom in too much
all right now we're going into the coloring and that is something I want to talk about because
Over the year I feel like I have definitely improved with my color schemes and my color theory I still don't like
know it well enough to be able to talk about it and like explain
why, I make the decisions that I make but the tool in Photoshop if you I think it's control-B but
it's the color balance tool and this allows you to
take all of the colors in the drawing if you have them all in one layer and as you use the
Sliders you can add more pink to every color in it or you can add more red to every single color in your drawing or
more blue or green or more yellow you know you get the gist
and by doing that it creates more cohesive color schemes and it helps me realize that
like maybe I want to color
something green okay and
the rest of the drawing is very
purpley and pink I can then pick a green that has more purpley or pink tones to it and that really
helps the whole drawing look more cohesive overall and
this tool has just
Just playing around with it it's teaching me so much and the way that you can look at colors and the way different colors
look next to each other and like
Sometimes you could color it like this I'm coming her skirt in with a straight purple but sometimes if you use like a light grey
next to really saturated colors it could look purple like its
colors are crazy, our eyeballs are crazy, and like, I have so much to learn! and it's just so exciting, okay well
I'm getting a little crazy but I just I think it's really cool and if you're having trouble with color theory and
if you happen to have Photoshop or I don't know if any other I assume other art programs have something very similar but
it's the color balance tool and you can just play around with all the different colors and you can see what your drawing would look
if it was leaning really heavy to the orange side or something like that and it's just so cool and
I've just learned so much just by playing with this, so if you're having trouble color theory even though I can't explain how it works
just play around with this and just pay attention the way the colors change and
the way
they all just look you know just pay attention to those things and you'll slowly pick up on stuff it's helped with my traditional art
there's no colour balance tool and traditional art. You have to just take the colors you know especially with markers, so
it's definitely helped my brain is picking up on things and eventually hopefully
I'll be able to explain that but for now look at the drawing I'm coloring in all the line art and
I'm trying to help it be more cohesive with the whole drawing you can see her skirt and her dress are leaning very
purple right now I was looking at a reference
of I think it was official Rapunzel art but it was very cell shaded and 2d and I was using the colors from that
But it didn't look enough movie-like to me and I wanted it to be a little bit more movie like so I started playing with
the colors myself and trying to adjust them you can see I changed that purple skirt to a little bit more pink
And I'm just trying to make it look overall a lot more like
like the the movie version because that's my favorite
Rapunzel oh and here I'm coloring in her hair with again, that same color that they had used with this 2d drawing
It was just. Oh a little too out there for me so I'm toning it down
adding some simple shading I'm actually shading it with like a little bit of a
purpley Brown color, but it looks Brown next to this gold see color theory is crazy
and then again I use the
hue and saturation tool to adjust
Layers a lot and then you can see like her hair looked pretty good but then when I go in and color the lineart with
this like orange e brown color it just makes the whole hair look brighter and
*mouth pop!*
Like it pops you know so I really I really like that and then I just play around with the levels a little bit
Then I have the flowers which are on a separate layer and I use those layer style so I can like
automatically change the color of the line art on that with just one click which is pretty cool again layer Styles look them up
and then I can go in and I can like lock the transparent pixels on that layer and I can just go in and
color all of those
little flowers different colors and it won't color outside of the lineart - pretty cool - and then here I'm adding
texture to her bodice, this is a trick I learned actually while doing Rapunzel probably five years ago now and
it just looks so cool you just add a separate layer and you kind of crop it to the
Shape that you need so like this would be her bodice and I have it underneath the layer of the laces that's the word
that way I could just draw all over that entire bodice and I can create that texture and then I just lower the opacity
Of it and maybe even set it to multiply so that it can you can see those shadings
shading of the bodice through it and then here I'm coloring in Pascal
originally I'm just picking like a random green color and hoping that it works really well but then later when I use the color balance
tool it actually adjusts that green color a lot and helps it
fit more cohesively into the drawing I keep using the word cohesive that must be annoying by now I *hehe*
anyway, just drawing in Pascal and then of course the lantern
because each drawing has always included the lantern I can't exactly skip it and like I mentioned about the
composition I added in these little square lanterns like they're really far in the background very
simplistic and
That's kind of supposed to help and layout the drawing a little bit more like there's no background but I think it helps just
You know layout the drawing and lead your eye exactly where you need to go I'm experimenting
we'll see what happens in the future but
yeah adding in that star
actually it's the Sun isn't it
This is the hardest part I gotta be honest I think I just started drawing in the Sun like either last year or the year
before and each time I feel like I get worse at it
it's so hard to draw like a perfect circle with these like perfect shapes coming off of it I
decided to keep it really simple like maybe Rapunzel drew it herself even though I think in the movie she draws that Sun perfectly
because it's like ingrained in her mind that's actually really important part of the movie isn't it
okay, that was a bad idea than to leave it so poopy but
it's maybe she's using the lantern that
I drew, she just she's being such a good friend even though she's like "that Sun looks 'merhh' but I'll use your lantern" yeah I
Don't know oh and then I'm adding shading in I'm being a little lazy with the shading
but you'll see it actually looks good in the end and what
I've been doing is I just create a new layer set it to multiply
a light purple color and then color that all in add with shading anywhere that I need to and I can do it over the
drawing and I don't have to switch colors for different elements of the drawing
oh, there's where I just used the color balance you see how the colors all just look brighter and
just more cohesive - gorgeous - and then I decide to add a background as well just like a
light color like it's glowing and then I added more shading to her this makes it a little more
atmospheric and looks like she's actually standing in the darkness and not just in front of it so that's my finished drawing for
2018 I think it summarizes up my art for the whole year pretty well
Yeah what do you guys think? which year do you think was my best year I know a lot of people like
was it 2016? I think there's a lot of people's favorites
as It's me saying this I have to say that the newest one is my favorite or. I'll just be very sad so
'wah' - thank you guys for watching let me know what your 2019 art goals are for the year
Let me know if there's a drawing that you redraw every year and if there's not
maybe you should start one you know it's never too early you know
start it up and redraw it every year it's such a fun exercise
anyway thank you guys for watching I'll see you guys all next week actually next year
that's jokes never funny anyway have a delicious evening full of WAFFLES!!!
Stop Making These Social Media Marketing Mistakes | Neil Patel - Duration: 5:12.
Everyone's on the social web.
But why is it that no follows your account,
or you can't get any traffic on your social profiles?
Well you know what?
It's about to change.
Hey everyone.
I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm gonna share with you
the biggest social media mistakes that you're making,
that's causing you to not do well.
(uplifting music)
Before I get into these tactics,
make sure you subscribe to this channel.
Whether subscribing, following, whatever it may be.
That way, as I create more tactics for you to follow,
more video lessons, you'll get notified about them.
The first mistake that you need to avoid
is posting content too often.
Everyone believes that,
Hey, you wanna do well on Facebook?
Post 10 times a day.
The more you post, the more people will see you.
That may work for Twitter, but for most social sites,
if you post too much, you're not gonna do well.
You only have a certain amount of people following you.
If you keep posting too much information,
you're going to wear them out,
and they're gonna start ignoring you're content.
Try to post no more than once a day.
I'm not talking about live video,
or stories, or anything like that.
I'm talking about posting a image,
or a video, a status update.
Try not to post more than one a day.
The second mistake that you need to avoid
is posting mediocre content.
Now that you know you only wanna post once a day,
when you do post once a day, that content has to be amazing.
If people don't like it,
they're not going to engage or comment.
You know what?
If you posted content that's mediocre,
or you think is great, and you got no comments,
or engagements or likes,
leave a comment below with the word yes.
That way I know you're struggling
with creating amazing content.
And think of it this way,
if that content isn't something
that you would tell your friends about,
or you would share,
or you don't think has a slight possibility of going viral,
then, it's not gonna do that well.
If you're not sure what great content is, go to Buzzsumo.
Put in keywords within your space.
It'll show you what's popular on the social web already.
You wanna use tools like Buzzsumo and Social Blade
to come up with better content.
That way, whenever you do post, it's amazing content.
The third mistake that most people are making
is they're not leveraging videos.
Videos is the future.
All of these players wanna get your attention,
more so than even a live TV.
I'm talking 'bout, you know, that big LCD.
Technically, you don't have a big TV anymore,
they're all thin and go on your wall.
But you get the point, in which,
these social sites are craving for your attention.
They want you to be on Facebook,
instead of watching HBO, or NBC, or Sky Sports.
So, that's why they want you to upload video content.
If you upload video content,
you'll get 2-3 times more engagement and views,
than if you just upload a photo or a text update.
The fourth mistake that many people make
is they're not engaging in the first hour.
The way most social algorithms work
is whatever does extremely well in the first hour,
continually goes viral.
It's like the opposite of SEO.
With SEO, it's a long-term game.
You release content, you never do well in the first hour.
You're lucky if that content ranks really well
after 30 days, or six months.
In many cases, it'll take over a year.
With the social web, it's all about the first hour.
So if you have an email list, promote your email list.
Or technically, promote that video or status update you did
to that email list, that way, you can drive more engagement.
If you have a push notification subscriber list,
from tools like,
send them to your social profile
when you have a status update.
That way it gets more views, engagement.
And that way, over the next 30 days, 60 days,
it'll rank higher on YouTube.
Or over the next 24 hours,
it'll get way more views and shares on Facebook.
You wanna push things hard in the first hour it goes live.
And the last mistake that I want you to avoid
is not engaging.
Social's all about being a two-way street.
If you ask me a question and I didn't answer,
that'd be rude of me.
That's how social media works.
You need to engage with other people.
So when they leave a comment, make sure you respond.
Even if their comment is as simple as like,
hey thanks Neil.
Thanks for leaving this, or creating this video.
And if you feel like this video is good,
leave a comment below telling me thanks.
I really do appreciate it.
And you know what?
You'll start seeing me respond to you,
even if you just say thanks, or hi.
Because social media is a two-way street.
It's important for me to communicate with you,
just like it is for you to communicate with me.
And if you communicate more,
and you have those responses to every single comment,
you'll find, that over time,
you're gonna get much more shares, views, likes,
than if you didn't engage with your audience.
So that's it.
If you stop making those mistakes,
you're gonna get way more traction on the social web.
Doesn't matter if your using LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter, these tactics will help you out.
Thanks for watching.
Make sure you subscribe, like, share.
And again, I hope to see you next time,
and giving you more marketing advice.
Fresh twist in Liverpool pursuit of Pulisic - Duration: 2:52.
Liverpool are unlikely to make a January swoop for Borussia Dortmund starlet Christian Pulisic
The Reds were reported to be interested in signing the American winger, with Chelsea also keen
It was reported on Friday that the Reds had made a £45million bid for the 20-year-old but the Liverpool Echo reports they are not planning to make a move
WIN £25,000 for FREE with Footie5 - click here to play Jurgen Klopp was tipped to be looking to bolster his side's attack as Liverpool continue to lead the Premier League title race by six points
Klopp has worked with Pulisic before at Dortmund and was responsible for bringing the youngster to the club back in 2015 when he was just 16
Read More Liverpool seeking record-breaking kit deal Attempts were made to sign the promising American two years ago, but Liverpool's offer of £11million was rejected by Dortmund as they sought to hold onto their young star
This season, Pulisic has found himself less pivotal and has featured only 11 times in the Bundesliga under coach Lucien Favre
Teammate Jadon Sancho is proving to be the star man for the club at present as Pulisic's influence begins to wane
Premier League rivals Chelsea and Arsenal are said to be keeping tabs on Pulisic's situation with the American's contract set to expire in 2020
Read More Transfer news LIVE: Liverpool, Arsenal and Man Utd latest Liverpool are unlikely to do any transfer activity in January with Klopp saying earlier in the week that he is "very happy" with the squad he has
But he has still left the possibility of doing transfer business open should injuries force his hand
The German said: "That's why I always keep the door open, in case something happens and we need to have a look
"If something dramatically changes, we'll look. If nothing happens then I'd say we will not do anything
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