「第60回輝く 日本レコード大賞」( 催日本作曲家協会)の 終審査会が30日、東 ・初台の新国立劇場で われ、ダンスボーカル ループ「DA PUM 」が今年大ヒットした U.S.A.」(作詞 hungo.、作曲ク ウディオ・アカティー ら)の歌唱中に、西城 樹さんの「YOUNG MAN(Y.M.C. .)」の振り付けを披 する場面があった
大賞候補の優秀 品賞に「U.S.A. がノミネートされたD PUMP。79年の 城さんの「YOUNG MAN」や、82年の 崎宏美(60)の「聖 (マドンナ)たちのラ バイ」など、大ヒット た外国人作曲の作品が ミネートから外れた例 あったため、今回「U S.A.」が選出され か注目を集めていた
「U.S.A. のラストでメンバー全 で「Y!M!C!A! を披露。今年5月に天 へ旅立った偉大な先輩 捧げた。 ネット では「YMCA良かっ 」「最後にYMCAの り付けかっこいい!」 天国のヒデキさんも喜 でるね」などの反響が った
For more infomation >> 最新ニュース : DA PUMP、レコ大で「U.S.A.」歌唱中に西城秀樹さんへ捧ぐ「YMCA」披露!- 記事詳細| - Duration: 2:08.
DA PUMP、レコ大で「U.S.A.」歌唱中に西城秀樹さんへ捧ぐ「YMCA」披露! - Duration: 2:09.
拡大写真 日本レコード大賞 熱唱するDA P MP(撮影・久冨 修) 第60回輝く!日 レコード大賞」( 催日本作曲家協会 の最終審査会が3 日、東京・初台の 国立劇場で行われ ダンスボーカルグ ープ「DA PU P」が今年大ヒッ した「U.S.A 」(作詞shun o.、作曲クラウ ィオ・アカティー ら)の歌唱中に、 城秀樹さんの「Y UNG MAN( .M.C.A.) の振り付けを披露 る場面があった
大賞候補の 秀作品賞に「U. .A.」がノミネ トされたDA P MP。79年の西 さんの「YOUN MAN」や、8 年の岩崎宏美(6 )の「聖母(マド ナ)たちのララバ 」など、大ヒット た外国人作曲の作 がノミネートから れた例があったた 、今回「U.S. .」が選出される 注目を集めていた
「U.S. .」のラストでメ バー全員で「Y! !C!A!」を披 。今年5月に天国 旅立った偉大な先 に捧げた
ネット上で 「YMCA良かっ 」「最後にYMC の振り付けかっこ い!」「天国のヒ キさんも喜んでる 」などの反響があ た
[外部サイト] ザンオールスター 、一部のネット記 "米津玄師の紅白 演に激怒"を全面 定「桑田は数年前 ら絶賛」ISSA お疲れ"報道に「 計なお世話」 三 大知の心配にも「 んなジジイじゃね よ」「絶唱型」で 了した西城秀樹さ 音楽界の常識変 た 子供3人が墓 デザインし一周忌 納骨へ【全曲順一 】紅白曲順発表 ザンが"究極の大 リ"DA PUM 14年ぶり"レコ "ステージ 優秀 品賞に喜び西城秀 岩崎宏美輝く!日 レコード大賞
obal knihy, dívka s liškou,the girl with the fox - Duration: 3:16.
Schütze der Woche #12 [World of Tanks Deutsch] - Duration: 4:55.
Gilets jaunes: Ils sont forts ! - Duration: 9:06.
Question pour Macron: quelle alternative pour demain ? - Duration: 10:04.
Où est-il mal tourné pour Emmanuel Macron? - Duration: 9:41.
Monika Bagárová: Slova plná lásky o zápasníkovi Makhmudovi. Naznačila i vdavky! - Duration: 14:57.
Entre polémique et excuses pour le magazine Le Monde - Duration: 1:29.
'DA PUMPがYMCAの振り付けで西城さん悼む ***[] - Duration: 1:57.
Recettes Véganes : entrée choux rouge - Duration: 3:43.
◤AMV◢ Kimi no Na wa | Down - Duration: 3:38.
◤AMV◢ Kimi no Na wa | Down
Drakensang Online Cubos Misteriosos, Cantidades de Oro - Duration: 1:39.
hello very good to all welcome to a new video from my channel and in this
It is probably the last video of this year so after having
finished the event of the 1500 coins to take out the great gift I have taken a
relationship on the costs of cubes as you will see they are currently from
level 1 up to level 7 and as you go see the amount of gold
which gives us each as the cube mysterious level 1 gives us 5 point
22 gold coins the level two 5 points 67 the level
3, 6.21 the level, 4, 6.84 level 5, 7.57 the level, 6 8.39 and
and the level 7 9.32 as well as you will see these the costs that we give to sell
every mysterious cube from level 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7
for you to consider in a given moment where to form and whether
that they want to sell or open the cubes What friends do I hope this service will help you?
information you already know any questions we are on the lookout and do not forget
subscribe to the channel and I wish you happy new year so see you bye
Laurence Boccolini, son énorme bourde, ce célèbre compositeur qu'elle a ignoré - Duration: 1:29.
Фотоаппарат системный премиум Fujifilm X-Е3 Kit 18-55mm Black обзор - Duration: 2:05.
Caroline de Monaco « fin d'année terrible », elle est rattrapée par un « triste - Duration: 1:41.
Entre polémique et excuses pour le magazine Le Monde - Duration: 1:29.
Où est-il mal tourné pour Emmanuel Macron? - Duration: 9:41.
Volvo V70 2.0D 100kW/136pk 6-bak LIMITED EDITION PLUS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI RTI + LEER + STOELVERWAR - Duration: 1:11.
Joining forces for training | FIS Alpine - Duration: 2:10.
We decided last year that we wanted to find a similar slope
as in Val D'Isere, something challenging.
So we decided to go straight after Beaver Creek here.
We have a smaller team,
so being able to collaborate with other teams,
allows us to get a little bit more training done.
Especially when we want to do GS and Slalom at the same time.
And have a nice surface, and get things done quickly.
We have a cooperation with the Swiss team, so we come here.
We can train with them.
We want to prepare the race hill,
or the training hill as best as possible,
like a World Cup hill.
When you want to compete with the best ones you have to do it.
One needs to coordinate all this.
But I think with this cooperation,
during the winter when we go to other places,
the others can help us.
With this change we can do the best training for the athletes.
I think being a coach is a lot harder work than being an athlete.
That's for sure.
Last night they were out there from one to six o'clock
watering the course and setting,
trying to get it all buffed out for us.
I took two runs...
I think a lot of the guys took maximum three runs
So that's a lot of work for just a couple of runs for your athletes.
You're thankful for the coaches
because they're doing tons of work
to try to create a situation that allows you to get better.
A New Year's resolution to ditch your car and save money? - Duration: 4:12.
That's me.
That's Shelly II.
Two years ago, I decided to say goodbye to her, and my life changed!
Dear Umbra: Does it make sense to get rid of my car?
Change is stressful, but it can also be really good for us.
That's especially true when it comes to going car-free!
I bought Shelly II in Chicago and then drove her all the way across the country
to Seattle where we lived for about two and a half years.
Then one morning, I split up with a guy I was seeing
and I decided to go for a nice long drive to clear my head.
Shelly II drew her dying breath outside a shrimp stand in Anacortes, and had to get
towed 80 miles back to Seattle.
She was too expensive to fix, so I sold her, and started to make some other changes in my life.
You don't need to wait for signs from God like a breakup and a shrimp stand to decide
to give up your vehicle.
We, the people on Earth, have about 12 years to cut our emissions by half.
The average American household's biggest contribution to climate change comes from car fuel.
And 91 percent of American households have at least one car.
But just for a second, let's talk money:
Mr. Money Mustache, personal finance blogger and popular frugal living champion, says that
going completely car-free will generally shave between $5,000 and $10,000 per year
off the typical person's expenses.
I calculated that over the course of my two-and-a-half year relationship with Shelly II, I spent
a total of $15,750
That's over $6,000 a year.
I used my car to go grocery shopping, take weekend trips, drive to my friends' houses.
But I didn't actually need to use her to take any of those trips.
I live in a city ostensibly so I don't need a car.
Why was I using Shelly II all the time?
I lived in a pretty walkable neighborhood.
It was affordable, but it wasn't super-central or dense. And it had a ton of hills.
And I had four roommates, who I did love.
They're all wearing matching shirts. I didn't have a matching shirt because they didn't think I would like it.
But it's fine. Whatever,
I realized with the money I would save by not having a car,
I could afford an apartment by myself right next to downtown.
That's me having a little bev with the space needle.
I found a big studio where I could walk to do all my errands or to work, and it was near
a lot of bus lines.
I could ride an e-bike or take the bus to friends' houses from my more central neighborhood.
If I wanted to take a weekend trip, I could rent a car with a friend or two, or take a
train or bus.
And then, there's the fact that I'm naturally very high-strung.
Like a violin.
A lot of driving is associated with psychological distress, mental health problems, and a generally
lower quality of life.
Biking, walking, and public transit calm you down, because you're either exercising or
like, reading.
So, I essentially offset what I had been spending on a car with the cost of living in a denser
area, while exchanging car stress for doing something to fight climate change.
Replacing your car trips with public transit, walking, and biking can reduce your total
carbon footprint by 30 percent.
This decision is way easier for some people than others!
Our cities and suburbs and towns are built in a way that keeps, say, families with kids,
or people with disabilities dependent on cars.
And that has to change.
But for people who don't have those obstacles, like me, and maybe you, it's a life change
that's worth considering.
I loved having a car.
I really did!
I actually love driving!
But when I took a hard look at the stress, money (seriously, it needed a lot of repairs),
and carbon impact of the whole car thing, it just wasn't worth it.
For me, the math was easy. Run the numbers yourself. See what happens.
7 raisons pour lesquelles vous devez boire du jus de carotte ! | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:50.
Trump Just Poured "Salt Into The Wound" Of Federal Workers By Signing A Sinister Executive Order - Duration: 5:33.
Yasak Elma 29. Bölüm Fotoğrafları - Duration: 12:00.
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Forbidden Apple Chapter 29 Photos
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about Yıldız and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
What about the stars and Kemal? Will he learn the truth? Will Alihan and Zeynep meet again? We are expecting 1000 likes and 1000 comments from all the Forbidden Apple series lovers. Type '' ZeyAl or YılKe '' in the comments.
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Ian Wright asks two important questions after Liverpool hammer Arsenal - Duration: 3:13.
Ian Wright has asked two important questions after Liverpool demolished Arsenal 5-1 at Anfield on Saturday afternoon
The Gunners took an early lead against Jurgen Klopp's men in the late Premier League fixture but were quickly put to the sword by the Reds
Roberto Firimino (three), Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane were all on the scoresheet as Liverpool moved nine points clear at the top of the table ahead of Manchester City's clash with Southampton on Sunday
After the match former Gunners star Wright digested the result and brought attention to Unai Emery's handling of two players: Alexandre Lacazette and Mesut Ozil
Read More Why Virgil van Dijk and Sokratis had furious row in Anfield tunnel Lacazette was fit to play against the Reds, unlike Ozil, but was dropped to the bench, while the German was hooked at the break against Brighton
And Wright disagrees with the manager's decision to play the duo sparingly. "[It's] very disappointing [that Lacazette didn't start against Liverpool]," said Wright on his YouTube channel
I don't think he's being punished [for his reaction to being substituted at Brighton] because I think that's what the manager has been doing
Read More Mesut Ozil sends message to Arsenal team-mates - fans respond as you'd expect "He's done it to him since he's been here, Unai Emery
Of course they are [better with Lacazette and Aubameyang] because they're both goalscorers and we saw that the other day when he set Aubameyang's goal up against Brighton and we've seen it in the past
"He's had a lot to do with Aubameyang's goals. For him to not start and to not finish certain games, it must be very frustrating for him
Read More Roberto Firmino goal bonus revealed: How much Liverpool star made against Arsenal "I'm frustrated for him because you need to have goalscorers on the pitch
It's a situation now where, in the Brighton game, I just felt to take off Ozil – he's creative – and to take off Lacazette – he's a goalscorer
"You want them on there and to see them coming off, I don't quite know what's going on there
The manager knows better than me, I'm going to still continue to back him because, like I say, he needs to get the players into the team that can help to implement how he wants the team to play
Dear DREAM, [wear headphones] - Duration: 1:17.
Just don't forget this:
one night, far from now,
there will be a star that will lift your spirit.
That star will be me.
Nobody else but us
would understand the magnitude.
You exist
in my heart
This is only one part of something passing.
I believe you will pass on this bookmark.
It will be more natural if you just leave it to the flow
I wasn't gonna make it obvious.
Don't forget the tone I called you.
Chant it like we always did.
Nightcore MMD- Suicide (De Rihanna) - Duration: 3:18.
Alain Delon, son fils caché vit un enfer - Duration: 1:49.
ASMV/AMV Story of Jou Yokosuka - Duration: 3:20.
A cigarette
May I ask... What your name is ?
Nice to meet you
I have a little sister
I think I got this far because of my sister Megu
That's why I want to get out of here
And see my sister I guess
So sing me a song
The usual song
I'll let you see your sister
And don't you dare come back
Don't drift off into space while you work
You're gonna hurt yourself !
Where are you ?
You're not taking Megu away from me !
Your adorable sister is finally going to find happiness
Megu don't be happy if you do this
You perverted old hag !
I bet you delivered Megu
to someone as crazy as you
Oh, you hag !
If we don't do you any good
Return me my sister
Mommy didn't come for us today either
If you're a good girl, she'll definitely come
If you say any more, I won't let you off easy
Try it, you fucking bitch !
That's enough !
I came to get you
What did you come here for ?
Hurry up and take him away
Megu don't you understand ?
If that foster father takes you
Don't go ! Megu !
We need to be together, until Mom comes to pick us up !
I've had enough of your lies !
She's never coming for us
She abandoned us
We have no relatives
Our only choice is to be used by others
I've long been prepared for anything
Don't think about me anymore
I can live on my own
Good bye
My dear brother
Music used
Anime used
On the character of
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