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Purple Six Beats
For more infomation >> 🎵 [ FREE ] Blueface Type Beat Shoreline Mafia Type Beat 2019 || InStudio - Duration: 3:09.
Fly me to the Moon Live Cover (walking bass guitar and piano) - Duration: 1:16.
Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on A-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me
Fill my heart with song and let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true In other words, I love you
Timothy Schmidt - Anthem of Antarctica - Duration: 1:42.
And if perchance you hear the silence calling.
The frozen music of star-yearning heights,
Or, dreaming, see the seines of silver trawling
Across the ships abyss on vasty nights,
You may recall that sweep of savage splendor,
That land that measures each man at his worth,
And feel in memory, half fierce, half tender,
The brotherhood of men that know the South.
The Rivers: Sims 2 VO Series: Episode 9: "Repercussions." (SUB ENGLISH) - Duration: 37:21.
Raign "Tresor!"
Tresor "What?"
"What is it?"
Raign "Noah isn't here!"
Tresor "What?!"
Raign "Tresor,"
"He left last night-"
"-and he hasn't come home since."
Tresor "Are you sure?!"
Raign "Yes, I'm sure!"
-"I checked all the rooms!"
Tresor "Did you try calling him?"
Raign "I did-"
"-He left his phone here."
-Tresor "Maybe, he..."
"Maybe he came home-"
"-and left early..."
Raign "It's 6 a.m.!"
-Jonah "Exactly!"
"Why is everyone being so loud-"
Raign "Noah didn't come home last night."
Jonah "Oh! But, that's..."
"Oh but that's-"
"That-That's fine, right?"
"I mean..."
"He would be-"
"-He would've crashed at Simon's or something, right?"
Tresor "Maybe that's where he is."
"-Maybe he's at Raven's."
Raign "I tried calling but..."
"They didn't pick up."
Jonah "Maybe it's because they know it's us calling."
Raign "Why wouldn't they pick up if they know it's us calling?"
"Did something happen last night?"
Tresor "I'm- I'm gonna check Simon's."
-"Stay here and call every other contact he has other than Raven."
"If he doesn't wanna be found maybe he's staying over at one of their houses instead."
Raign "Why wouldn't he want to-"
"What's going on?!"
Tresor "Listen-"
"-I'll explain everything once we sort this out."
"He's gonna be okay."
-"I promise."
Faye "Oh, good!"
"You're awake."
"I was starting to worry-"
"-Maybe bringing you here,"
"Instead of a hospital was probably not the best idea."
Noah "Who are you?!"
Faye "It's okay!"
"I come in peace."
Noah "Where am I?!"
Faye "Can you tell me your name?"
Noah "Can you tell me YOUR name?!"
Faye "My name is Faye."
"That's Dahlia."
-"Black dahlia."
"Now, can you tell me yours?"
Noah "Noah."
Faye "It's nice to meet you, Noah."
"Do you remember what happened last night?"
Noah "Yeah..."
"I was..."
"I was attacked by a bunch of guys."
Faye "Can you tell me what day it is?"
"Full date?"
Noah "Um..."
"November 9th, 2016."
Faye "Close."
"It's Thursday."
Noah "Wait, what?!"
Noah "What time is it?!"
Faye "I...don't know."
Noah "Sorry but I gotta go."
-"She must be scared out of her mind right now."
Faye "Okay..."
"Who's she?"
Noah "My sister!"
Faye "Do you know her number?"
Noah "Not by heart,"
Faye "Hide behind the closet!"
Noah "WHAT?!"
"What are you doing?!"
"What's going on?!"
Faye "SHUT UP."
Tresor "Simon!"
Raven "What now?"
Tresor "Is he here?!"
Raven "Is who here?"
Tresor "Simon!"
Raven "You know what?!"
-"It doesn't matter."
"The bar isn't open yet-"
-"And won't be for another two hours."
"So you can show yourself out-"
Simon "Raven."
-"What's wrong?"
"Are you okay?"
Tresor "Did Noah come here last night?"
Simon "Not that I know of..."
Raven "No, he didn't."
Tresor "Are you sure you didn't see him?"
Raven "Yes, I'm sure!"
-Tresor "So help me god!"
"If you're covering for him-"
Raven "I didn't see him!"
Simon "If she says she didn't see him-"
"-she didn't see him."
Tresor "Jonah, and Noah, they-"
"-They got into a fight last night."
Raven "What?!"
Tresor "Noah, he got..."
"...Beaten up pretty bad."
Simon "God damn it, Jonah!"
Tresor "He stormed out-"
"-And he hasn't come home since."
Simon "Did you try calling his phone?"
Tresor "He didn't take it with him."
Raven "Did you try his friends?"
Tresor "Raign is going through his contacts right now."
Simon "Come on,"
"I'll help you look for him."
Raven "I'm coming too."
Simon "You stay here."
Raven "I can help!"
"You can help by staying put-"
"-In case he comes back here."
Young S "What do you mean he left?!"
Young T "I mean, he left."
"Packed up his things and went."
Young S "But he's coming back right?!"
"He has to."
Young T "He packed his clothes, his shoes,"
"Even that jar of money he's been saving for that concert next June, the..."
Young S "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's left for good!"
"He could still come back!"
Young T "He also wrote a letter."
Young S "I can't believe this..."
Young T "So you really didn't know anything...?"
"He didn't say anything to you about this?"
Young S "No!"
-"Of course not! I-"
"I would never stand by and let him leave you like that!"
Jonah "You need to eat."
"You can ignore me all you want..."
"You still need to eat something."
"I'm gonna look around the neighborhood."
"See if I can help Tresor search."
"Let us know if he comes back home-"
"-Or if you need anything."
-Tresor "Hi!"
"-You've reached Tresor Rivers."
Ezra "God damn it."
-Tresor "-Tell by now."
"I can't get to the phone right now, but-"
"You can leave a message,"
"And i'll get to you as soon as I can!"
"Thank you!"
Ezra "Tresor-"
"Pick up-"
"The fucking-"
"I am not gonna ask you again!"
Ezra "I'm coming over."
Ezra "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"It's 8 a.m. for crying out loud!"
Jordan "I could say the same to you."
Raven "Noah?!"
"Get out!"
Jonah "I was hoping you didn't hear."
Raven "What the-"
"-is wrong-"
"-With you?!"
Jonah "Alright, that's enough."
Raven "Get your hands off of me!"
Jonah "Look,"
"I was drunk-"
Raven "No!"
"You do not get to do that!"
"You do not get to fuck up,"
"And use drinking as a way to defend yourself!"
Jonah "I'm not trying to defend myself-"
Raven "You did what you did because you're the same-"
"-lowlife piece of shit you've always been,"
"And I will not stand here and let you use alcohol as an excuse-
"-to get away with it again."
Jonah "You're right."
"I fucked up."
-"I'm sorry."
Raven "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."
Jonah "I know."
"That's why I'm here."
Jonah "I need your help finding Noah."
Raven "How can I help?"
Jonah "I've already looked everywhere obvious,"
"And I bet Tresor has too."
-"You're his best friend."
"You know him better than anyone else,"
"Definitely better than I do."
"You must know some other places he would go to, right?"
"Places no one else would think of."
Raven "I know a couple."
Jonah "There we go."
Raven "Wait."
"What if he comes here?"
Jonah "You and I both know that if he wanted to come here,""
"he would've been here the moment he stepped out of the house."
Raven "Okay, yeah,"
"I do love this song."
Noah "See?"
"You should let me control the music more often."
Raven "Oh, don't get cocky now."
"It's only the first song."
Noah "You'll like the rest."
Raven "Ooo, don't you sound confident?"
Noah "I know what you like."
Tresor "It's getting late."
"You should get going."
Noah "It's-"
"-It's only nine!"
Raven "It's fine."
"-I really should be going."
"-Simon's probably home from work by now."
Noah "I'll drop you off."
Raven "It's okay."
Noah "Are you sure...?"
Raven "I'm sure."
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tresor "What's tomorrow?"
Noah "I start training her."
Tresor "For what?"
Noah "She's going to start working at Simon's."
Tresor "Seriously?!"
"Well can't he just..."
"Train her himself...?"
Noah "I mean..."
"He's pretty busy."
"What's the problem?"
Tresor "I just..."
"I'm just worried about you."
"I just see the way that you look at her."
Noah "Tres,"
"You worry too much."
"You realize that, don't you?"
Tresor "I do."
-"And it's the worst."
"But I can't help it."
"I just don't want to see you get hurt."
Noah "I won't."
"I promise."
"I need to get out of here!"
Faye "I know how this looks..."
Noah "It looks like you're living with one of the guys who beat the crap out of me last night!"
Faye "Technichallyyyyyy, he didn't!"
"He did tip off the guys who did,"
"But he never actually laid his hands on you."
Noah "What is this?!"
"How do you know him?!"
Faye "His name is Benji..."
"He's my brother."
Noah "Your brother?!"
Faye "Be quiet!"
"He'll hear you!"
Noah "Okay."
"Now I really need to get the fuck out of here."
Faye "He'll leave for class in a few minutes."
"Just wait it out."
"I can only imagine what's going on in your head right now."
Noah "Who died?"
Faye "What...?"
Noah "You were at the vigil weren't you?"
Noah "Who did my dad kill?!"
Faye "My dad..."
Noah "I'm sorry..."
Faye "I know..."
"And since we're apologizing on behalf of our family members,"
"I'm sorry for my brother."
"And i'm not trying to make excuses for him,"
-"What he did to you..."
"It was unjustifiable."
"He's just..."
"Mom left us shortly after he was born."
"Dad was all he ever knew."
"And he's just a kid."
"Barely eighteen years old..."
"To have his life turned upside down like this..."
Noah "I know the feeling."
Faye "Stay put."
"I'll go check if he's gone."
-"Coast is clear."
"Let's take you home."
Raign "What are you doing here?"
Bellamy "After what happened yesterday, I was-"
-"You've been ignoring my texts."
"And then, when you didn't show up to class."
Raign "I didn't not show up to class because of what happened yesterday."
Bellamy "Oh."
"Is something else going on, or...?"
Raign "Noah hasn't been home since last night."
"He got--"
"He got into a big fight with Jonah,"
"And hasn't been home since."
Bellamy "Oh!"
"Well that's fine."
"He must be crashing over at one of his friend's."
Raign "I called his friends!"
"He's not there."
Bellamy "Maybe they're covering for him...?"
Raign "No, he-"
"He wouldn't do that to me!"
-"He wouldn't leave me to worry about him!"
"He wouldn't disappear for so long,"
"Not without letting me know he's okay."
Bellamy "If it makes you feel any better..."
-"He's most likely not dead."
Raign "...What?"
Bellamy "I'm saying-"
"-It's a small town."
"If he's dead,"
"They would've already found his body by now!"
Raign "Is this your attempt at making me feel better?"
Bellamy "I got you to laugh, didn't I?"
"I'm sorry about yesterday."
Raign "Don't do that."
"Don't apologize for what someone else did."
Bellamy "She would've left you alone, if-"
"-If I just..."
Raign "This is not on you, Bellamy."
"I was- just..."
"Upset, yesterday."
"I wanted someone to blame, and..."
"And you were just-"
"After everything my family-"
"-And I have gone through the past week..."
"You'd think I'd know better than to do it to someone else."
Bellamy "Hey, hey..."
"It's okay."
"I'm happy to be your punching bag, Rivers."
"Any day of the week."
"Do you want me to skip class?"
"I can keep you company until your brother shows up."
Raign "No."
"It's fine."
"You should go."
Bellamy "Alright."
"I'll pick you up tomorrow."
Raign "No..."
"You're really sweet, Bellamy."
"You make me laugh."
"And you just-"
"When I'm with you-"
"-I forget about the world,"
"And everything that's happening around me."
"Even if it's just for a little while."
"Whatever it is-"
"-That's going on between you and Marley..."
Bellamy "Raign, I swear to you."
"It is over between the two of us."
Raign "I overheard you too the other day."
"When I was dropping your jacket."
"You guys had slept together."
Bellamy "That was one night!"
Raign "I'm not trying to call you out as a liar, Bellamy-"
"-I believe you."
-"Or at least..."
"I believe that to you it is over."
"But it isn't to her."
"And as long as there's something happening between the two of you."
"Nothing can happen between the two of us."
Bellamy "I'll talk to her."
Raign "I'll be waiting."
Bellamy "Can you at least update me about your brother?"
"I'd feel a whole lot better knowing you're not here-"
"-alone all day thinking he's dead somewhere."
Raign "I will."
"Thank you."
Ezra "Tresor already thinks there's something going on between the two of us!"
-"You showing up here all the time unannounced does not help!"
Jordan "I'm just checking up on you."
Ezra "Exactly."
"You're my spokeswoman, Jordan."
"It is not your job to check up on me."
Jordan "Yeah, well I was your friend first."
Ezra "Oh, please."
Jordan "So she was over last night."
-"Did you talk to her?"
Ezra "Are you asking me as my spokeswoman-"
"-Or as my friend?"
Jordan "I'm your friend first."
Ezra "I couldn't."
Jordan "The longer you take to tell her,"
"the harder it's going to be."
Ezra "It's already hard enough as it is!"
Jordan "It doesn't need to be!"
"If you just let her in on the situation-"
Ezra "YOU-"
"-Don't get it."
"Tresor is the most selfless..."
"...Caring person I know."
"The past ten years I've watched her give away everything she's ever had-"
"-over and over again,"
-"without hesitation."
"She'd trade her own happiness-"
"-For the sake of someone else's."
"When you approached her-"
"-about the elections..."
"She was ready to give up our engagenment,"
"to make sure I keep my shot-"
"at a job she knew for a fact that I never wanted,"
"at the off chance that I might!"
"So can you imagine what she'd do-"
"-when she finds out everything that's at stake this time around?"
"I just-"
"I'm not-"
"-ready to lose her."
Young S "Can I join you?"
"I've got you something."
Young T "What is this?"
Young S "I had to put the linkin park money to some use-"
"-Now that my plus one has literally fled the country."
"It's not the best phone there is, but..."
"You can call me whenever you need to."
Young T "I can't accept this."
Young S "Mom and Sid insisted I add their numbers, too,
-So you can also call either one of them whenever you need to."
-"Sid says she's available to drive you guys to school and back, or..."
"Wherever else, whenever you need it."
"She's moving soon, but-"
"-I'll be getting her car, so..."
"The offer still stands."
"Mom says as long as there's food on our table-"
"-There's food on yours."
"She also says... Well-"
"-That you drop Raign off whenever you need to."
"Even if it's for a whole day."
"Sid's just hoping this means she's going to stop nagging her and Izzy for a grandchild."
Young T "This is all too much."
Young S "You're thirteen years old, Tresor."
"As tough as you are-"
"-You can't do this alone."
Young T "I-"
"I don't know what to say."
Young S "Jonah is..."
"Has always been the closest thing I've ever had to a brother."
"-That makes the three of you my family."
"Which makes my family yours."
Young T "Thank you."
Jonah "You seriously think he spent the night here...?"
Raven "I know, it's a stretch."
"But we've already looked everywhere else I could think of."
"And this is his go-to place when he wants to be alone."
Jonah "I-"
"-Highly doubt he's here."
Raven "There's only one way to find out."
"You coming?"
Jonah "I- I think I'm gonna sit this one out."
Raven "Noah!"
Raven "Noah!"
Jonah "I don't think you're supposed to yell at a cemetery."
Raven "I thought you were going to sit this one out."
Jonah "Last time I stepped foot in here was the day we burried her."
"In some... twist of fate, it was-"
"-It was her being burried while I just stood there watching...Alive."
"With barely even a scratch."
"Fifteen years later,"
"I come back and beat the shit out of my brother,"
"And then he gets kicked out of the house because of it."
"And here I am again, with barely a scratch."
Raven "In case you haven't noticed, Jonah,"
"This isn't about you."
-"We don't have time for your long overdue reflective bullshit,"
"Or whatever it is you're trying to do here."
"You can stay here if you want to,"
"I'm going to keep looking."
Tresor "Where's Jonah?"
"I guess Jonah couldn't keep his mouth shut."
Simon "At least she ate."
"You should too."
Tresor "You didn't eat either."
Simon "Then I'll fix up something for the both of us."
-Ezra "Tresor,"
-"Pick up the fucking phone,"
Simon "I got some leftover breakfast..."
Tresor "He's just worried..."
Noah "That's me."
"Right around the corner."
Faye "Alright."
"Now, not to pat myself on the back, or anything..."
"But I think I did a pretty banging job-"
"-keeping you in one piece."
"But, i'd still get myself checked out at a hospital if I were you."
"Have a professional take a look at you."
Noah "I don't think my sisters would have it any other way."
"But for what it's worth-"
"-I would've settled for your checkup."
Faye "Then you, my friend,"
"Are very, very careless."
"Trusting a stranger with your life like that?"
Noah "Says the girl who trusted a stranger enough-"
"-to let him sleep in her bed!"
Faye "I guess we're both very careless people."
"I'll see you around..."
Noah "Yeah."
Noah "Hey, Faye?"
"I work at Simon's bar."
"A couple of blocks from here."
Faye "Yeah, i know it."
Noah "You should drop by some time."
Faye "I'm not much of a drinker."
Noah "We don't have to drink."
Faye "I'll see you around then."
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
感謝の「U.S.A.」 KENZO号泣「夢みたいな時間を頂いた」 - Duration: 2:55.
拡大写真 唱するDA PU P(撮影・久冨木 修) 第60回日本レコ ド大賞(2018 12月30日) DA PUMP 優秀作品賞に選ば たヒット曲「U. .A.」を披露し
パフォーマ ス前に心境を聞か たメンバーのKE ZO(33)は「 の曲に夢みたいな 間を頂いた」と号
大きな拍手が送ら る中、声を震わせ 「21年間ずっと ってきたISSA んと一緒に感謝を けたい」と全力で った
≪最優秀歌 賞のMISIA、 放初歌唱≫最優秀 唱賞を受賞したM SIA(40)は TBSで7~9月 放送された綾瀬は か(33)主演の ラマ「義母と娘の ルース」の主題歌 アイノカタチ」な 2曲を歌った
民放で歌唱するの 初めて。「平成最 にこのような賞を けてありがとうご います」と喜んだ
今年はデビュー2 周年イヤー。「た さんの人に支えら 、出会いに支えら た20年でした」 笑顔で話した
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Kate Middleton résignée, cette formidable décision pour se rapprocher de Meghan Markle - Duration: 1:35.
Year-end cold exposure in the lake | koncoročné otuzovanie Vajnorske jazero 29.12. 2018 - Duration: 3:26.
Vous devrez bientôt payer pour entrer à Venise - Duration: 2:38.
TOURISME - Les visiteurs désirant se rendre à Venise devront s'acquitter d'une nouvelle taxe, comme l'a relevé Euronews, ce dimanche 30 décembre
Dans les faits, cette mesure a été approuvée dans le cadre du budget italien pour l'année 2019, voté par les députés samedi soir
Cette nouvelle contribution est comprise entre 2,5 et 5 euros, un montant bien supérieur à celui de la taxe de séjour en vigueur dans la ville italienne et jusqu'à présent fixé à 1,5 euro par nuit
Elle pourrait même atteindre dix euros en haute saison, peut-on lire dans La Repubblica
Dans les faits, ce tribut sera payé en plus du prix du transport utilisé pour arriver à Venise
Dans un tweet publié ce dimanche, le maire de Venise s'est voulu rassurant: "Nous examinerons une réglementation équilibrée qui protège ceux qui vivent, étudient et travaillent sur notre territoire"
Ce droit de passage pourrait ainsi permettre de récupérer 50 millions d'euros par an, contre 30 millions d'euros actuellement, selon les estimations
La ville italienne accueille, en moyenne, près de 30 millions de visiteurs annuels
La création de cette taxe peut également être perçue comme un moyen de limiter le tourisme de masse dont souffre Venise
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
xbox gift card giveaway | free xbox codes | xbox gift card free | xbox live gold - Duration: 3:17.
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Vous devrez bientôt payer pour entrer à Venise - Duration: 2:38.
TOURISME - Les visiteurs désirant se rendre à Venise devront s'acquitter d'une nouvelle taxe, comme l'a relevé Euronews, ce dimanche 30 décembre
Dans les faits, cette mesure a été approuvée dans le cadre du budget italien pour l'année 2019, voté par les députés samedi soir
Cette nouvelle contribution est comprise entre 2,5 et 5 euros, un montant bien supérieur à celui de la taxe de séjour en vigueur dans la ville italienne et jusqu'à présent fixé à 1,5 euro par nuit
Elle pourrait même atteindre dix euros en haute saison, peut-on lire dans La Repubblica
Dans les faits, ce tribut sera payé en plus du prix du transport utilisé pour arriver à Venise
Dans un tweet publié ce dimanche, le maire de Venise s'est voulu rassurant: "Nous examinerons une réglementation équilibrée qui protège ceux qui vivent, étudient et travaillent sur notre territoire"
Ce droit de passage pourrait ainsi permettre de récupérer 50 millions d'euros par an, contre 30 millions d'euros actuellement, selon les estimations
La ville italienne accueille, en moyenne, près de 30 millions de visiteurs annuels
La création de cette taxe peut également être perçue comme un moyen de limiter le tourisme de masse dont souffre Venise
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
The Rivers: Sims 2 VO Series: Episode 9: "Repercussions." (SUB ENGLISH) - Duration: 37:21.
Raign "Tresor!"
Tresor "What?"
"What is it?"
Raign "Noah isn't here!"
Tresor "What?!"
Raign "Tresor,"
"He left last night-"
"-and he hasn't come home since."
Tresor "Are you sure?!"
Raign "Yes, I'm sure!"
-"I checked all the rooms!"
Tresor "Did you try calling him?"
Raign "I did-"
"-He left his phone here."
-Tresor "Maybe, he..."
"Maybe he came home-"
"-and left early..."
Raign "It's 6 a.m.!"
-Jonah "Exactly!"
"Why is everyone being so loud-"
Raign "Noah didn't come home last night."
Jonah "Oh! But, that's..."
"Oh but that's-"
"That-That's fine, right?"
"I mean..."
"He would be-"
"-He would've crashed at Simon's or something, right?"
Tresor "Maybe that's where he is."
"-Maybe he's at Raven's."
Raign "I tried calling but..."
"They didn't pick up."
Jonah "Maybe it's because they know it's us calling."
Raign "Why wouldn't they pick up if they know it's us calling?"
"Did something happen last night?"
Tresor "I'm- I'm gonna check Simon's."
-"Stay here and call every other contact he has other than Raven."
"If he doesn't wanna be found maybe he's staying over at one of their houses instead."
Raign "Why wouldn't he want to-"
"What's going on?!"
Tresor "Listen-"
"-I'll explain everything once we sort this out."
"He's gonna be okay."
-"I promise."
Faye "Oh, good!"
"You're awake."
"I was starting to worry-"
"-Maybe bringing you here,"
"Instead of a hospital was probably not the best idea."
Noah "Who are you?!"
Faye "It's okay!"
"I come in peace."
Noah "Where am I?!"
Faye "Can you tell me your name?"
Noah "Can you tell me YOUR name?!"
Faye "My name is Faye."
"That's Dahlia."
-"Black dahlia."
"Now, can you tell me yours?"
Noah "Noah."
Faye "It's nice to meet you, Noah."
"Do you remember what happened last night?"
Noah "Yeah..."
"I was..."
"I was attacked by a bunch of guys."
Faye "Can you tell me what day it is?"
"Full date?"
Noah "Um..."
"November 9th, 2016."
Faye "Close."
"It's Thursday."
Noah "Wait, what?!"
Noah "What time is it?!"
Faye "I...don't know."
Noah "Sorry but I gotta go."
-"She must be scared out of her mind right now."
Faye "Okay..."
"Who's she?"
Noah "My sister!"
Faye "Do you know her number?"
Noah "Not by heart,"
Faye "Hide behind the closet!"
Noah "WHAT?!"
"What are you doing?!"
"What's going on?!"
Faye "SHUT UP."
Tresor "Simon!"
Raven "What now?"
Tresor "Is he here?!"
Raven "Is who here?"
Tresor "Simon!"
Raven "You know what?!"
-"It doesn't matter."
"The bar isn't open yet-"
-"And won't be for another two hours."
"So you can show yourself out-"
Simon "Raven."
-"What's wrong?"
"Are you okay?"
Tresor "Did Noah come here last night?"
Simon "Not that I know of..."
Raven "No, he didn't."
Tresor "Are you sure you didn't see him?"
Raven "Yes, I'm sure!"
-Tresor "So help me god!"
"If you're covering for him-"
Raven "I didn't see him!"
Simon "If she says she didn't see him-"
"-she didn't see him."
Tresor "Jonah, and Noah, they-"
"-They got into a fight last night."
Raven "What?!"
Tresor "Noah, he got..."
"...Beaten up pretty bad."
Simon "God damn it, Jonah!"
Tresor "He stormed out-"
"-And he hasn't come home since."
Simon "Did you try calling his phone?"
Tresor "He didn't take it with him."
Raven "Did you try his friends?"
Tresor "Raign is going through his contacts right now."
Simon "Come on,"
"I'll help you look for him."
Raven "I'm coming too."
Simon "You stay here."
Raven "I can help!"
"You can help by staying put-"
"-In case he comes back here."
Young S "What do you mean he left?!"
Young T "I mean, he left."
"Packed up his things and went."
Young S "But he's coming back right?!"
"He has to."
Young T "He packed his clothes, his shoes,"
"Even that jar of money he's been saving for that concert next June, the..."
Young S "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's left for good!"
"He could still come back!"
Young T "He also wrote a letter."
Young S "I can't believe this..."
Young T "So you really didn't know anything...?"
"He didn't say anything to you about this?"
Young S "No!"
-"Of course not! I-"
"I would never stand by and let him leave you like that!"
Jonah "You need to eat."
"You can ignore me all you want..."
"You still need to eat something."
"I'm gonna look around the neighborhood."
"See if I can help Tresor search."
"Let us know if he comes back home-"
"-Or if you need anything."
-Tresor "Hi!"
"-You've reached Tresor Rivers."
Ezra "God damn it."
-Tresor "-Tell by now."
"I can't get to the phone right now, but-"
"You can leave a message,"
"And i'll get to you as soon as I can!"
"Thank you!"
Ezra "Tresor-"
"Pick up-"
"The fucking-"
"I am not gonna ask you again!"
Ezra "I'm coming over."
Ezra "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"It's 8 a.m. for crying out loud!"
Jordan "I could say the same to you."
Raven "Noah?!"
"Get out!"
Jonah "I was hoping you didn't hear."
Raven "What the-"
"-is wrong-"
"-With you?!"
Jonah "Alright, that's enough."
Raven "Get your hands off of me!"
Jonah "Look,"
"I was drunk-"
Raven "No!"
"You do not get to do that!"
"You do not get to fuck up,"
"And use drinking as a way to defend yourself!"
Jonah "I'm not trying to defend myself-"
Raven "You did what you did because you're the same-"
"-lowlife piece of shit you've always been,"
"And I will not stand here and let you use alcohol as an excuse-
"-to get away with it again."
Jonah "You're right."
"I fucked up."
-"I'm sorry."
Raven "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."
Jonah "I know."
"That's why I'm here."
Jonah "I need your help finding Noah."
Raven "How can I help?"
Jonah "I've already looked everywhere obvious,"
"And I bet Tresor has too."
-"You're his best friend."
"You know him better than anyone else,"
"Definitely better than I do."
"You must know some other places he would go to, right?"
"Places no one else would think of."
Raven "I know a couple."
Jonah "There we go."
Raven "Wait."
"What if he comes here?"
Jonah "You and I both know that if he wanted to come here,""
"he would've been here the moment he stepped out of the house."
Raven "Okay, yeah,"
"I do love this song."
Noah "See?"
"You should let me control the music more often."
Raven "Oh, don't get cocky now."
"It's only the first song."
Noah "You'll like the rest."
Raven "Ooo, don't you sound confident?"
Noah "I know what you like."
Tresor "It's getting late."
"You should get going."
Noah "It's-"
"-It's only nine!"
Raven "It's fine."
"-I really should be going."
"-Simon's probably home from work by now."
Noah "I'll drop you off."
Raven "It's okay."
Noah "Are you sure...?"
Raven "I'm sure."
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tresor "What's tomorrow?"
Noah "I start training her."
Tresor "For what?"
Noah "She's going to start working at Simon's."
Tresor "Seriously?!"
"Well can't he just..."
"Train her himself...?"
Noah "I mean..."
"He's pretty busy."
"What's the problem?"
Tresor "I just..."
"I'm just worried about you."
"I just see the way that you look at her."
Noah "Tres,"
"You worry too much."
"You realize that, don't you?"
Tresor "I do."
-"And it's the worst."
"But I can't help it."
"I just don't want to see you get hurt."
Noah "I won't."
"I promise."
"I need to get out of here!"
Faye "I know how this looks..."
Noah "It looks like you're living with one of the guys who beat the crap out of me last night!"
Faye "Technichallyyyyyy, he didn't!"
"He did tip off the guys who did,"
"But he never actually laid his hands on you."
Noah "What is this?!"
"How do you know him?!"
Faye "His name is Benji..."
"He's my brother."
Noah "Your brother?!"
Faye "Be quiet!"
"He'll hear you!"
Noah "Okay."
"Now I really need to get the fuck out of here."
Faye "He'll leave for class in a few minutes."
"Just wait it out."
"I can only imagine what's going on in your head right now."
Noah "Who died?"
Faye "What...?"
Noah "You were at the vigil weren't you?"
Noah "Who did my dad kill?!"
Faye "My dad..."
Noah "I'm sorry..."
Faye "I know..."
"And since we're apologizing on behalf of our family members,"
"I'm sorry for my brother."
"And i'm not trying to make excuses for him,"
-"What he did to you..."
"It was unjustifiable."
"He's just..."
"Mom left us shortly after he was born."
"Dad was all he ever knew."
"And he's just a kid."
"Barely eighteen years old..."
"To have his life turned upside down like this..."
Noah "I know the feeling."
Faye "Stay put."
"I'll go check if he's gone."
-"Coast is clear."
"Let's take you home."
Raign "What are you doing here?"
Bellamy "After what happened yesterday, I was-"
-"You've been ignoring my texts."
"And then, when you didn't show up to class."
Raign "I didn't not show up to class because of what happened yesterday."
Bellamy "Oh."
"Is something else going on, or...?"
Raign "Noah hasn't been home since last night."
"He got--"
"He got into a big fight with Jonah,"
"And hasn't been home since."
Bellamy "Oh!"
"Well that's fine."
"He must be crashing over at one of his friend's."
Raign "I called his friends!"
"He's not there."
Bellamy "Maybe they're covering for him...?"
Raign "No, he-"
"He wouldn't do that to me!"
-"He wouldn't leave me to worry about him!"
"He wouldn't disappear for so long,"
"Not without letting me know he's okay."
Bellamy "If it makes you feel any better..."
-"He's most likely not dead."
Raign "...What?"
Bellamy "I'm saying-"
"-It's a small town."
"If he's dead,"
"They would've already found his body by now!"
Raign "Is this your attempt at making me feel better?"
Bellamy "I got you to laugh, didn't I?"
"I'm sorry about yesterday."
Raign "Don't do that."
"Don't apologize for what someone else did."
Bellamy "She would've left you alone, if-"
"-If I just..."
Raign "This is not on you, Bellamy."
"I was- just..."
"Upset, yesterday."
"I wanted someone to blame, and..."
"And you were just-"
"After everything my family-"
"-And I have gone through the past week..."
"You'd think I'd know better than to do it to someone else."
Bellamy "Hey, hey..."
"It's okay."
"I'm happy to be your punching bag, Rivers."
"Any day of the week."
"Do you want me to skip class?"
"I can keep you company until your brother shows up."
Raign "No."
"It's fine."
"You should go."
Bellamy "Alright."
"I'll pick you up tomorrow."
Raign "No..."
"You're really sweet, Bellamy."
"You make me laugh."
"And you just-"
"When I'm with you-"
"-I forget about the world,"
"And everything that's happening around me."
"Even if it's just for a little while."
"Whatever it is-"
"-That's going on between you and Marley..."
Bellamy "Raign, I swear to you."
"It is over between the two of us."
Raign "I overheard you too the other day."
"When I was dropping your jacket."
"You guys had slept together."
Bellamy "That was one night!"
Raign "I'm not trying to call you out as a liar, Bellamy-"
"-I believe you."
-"Or at least..."
"I believe that to you it is over."
"But it isn't to her."
"And as long as there's something happening between the two of you."
"Nothing can happen between the two of us."
Bellamy "I'll talk to her."
Raign "I'll be waiting."
Bellamy "Can you at least update me about your brother?"
"I'd feel a whole lot better knowing you're not here-"
"-alone all day thinking he's dead somewhere."
Raign "I will."
"Thank you."
Ezra "Tresor already thinks there's something going on between the two of us!"
-"You showing up here all the time unannounced does not help!"
Jordan "I'm just checking up on you."
Ezra "Exactly."
"You're my spokeswoman, Jordan."
"It is not your job to check up on me."
Jordan "Yeah, well I was your friend first."
Ezra "Oh, please."
Jordan "So she was over last night."
-"Did you talk to her?"
Ezra "Are you asking me as my spokeswoman-"
"-Or as my friend?"
Jordan "I'm your friend first."
Ezra "I couldn't."
Jordan "The longer you take to tell her,"
"the harder it's going to be."
Ezra "It's already hard enough as it is!"
Jordan "It doesn't need to be!"
"If you just let her in on the situation-"
Ezra "YOU-"
"-Don't get it."
"Tresor is the most selfless..."
"...Caring person I know."
"The past ten years I've watched her give away everything she's ever had-"
"-over and over again,"
-"without hesitation."
"She'd trade her own happiness-"
"-For the sake of someone else's."
"When you approached her-"
"-about the elections..."
"She was ready to give up our engagenment,"
"to make sure I keep my shot-"
"at a job she knew for a fact that I never wanted,"
"at the off chance that I might!"
"So can you imagine what she'd do-"
"-when she finds out everything that's at stake this time around?"
"I just-"
"I'm not-"
"-ready to lose her."
Young S "Can I join you?"
"I've got you something."
Young T "What is this?"
Young S "I had to put the linkin park money to some use-"
"-Now that my plus one has literally fled the country."
"It's not the best phone there is, but..."
"You can call me whenever you need to."
Young T "I can't accept this."
Young S "Mom and Sid insisted I add their numbers, too,
-So you can also call either one of them whenever you need to."
-"Sid says she's available to drive you guys to school and back, or..."
"Wherever else, whenever you need it."
"She's moving soon, but-"
"-I'll be getting her car, so..."
"The offer still stands."
"Mom says as long as there's food on our table-"
"-There's food on yours."
"She also says... Well-"
"-That you drop Raign off whenever you need to."
"Even if it's for a whole day."
"Sid's just hoping this means she's going to stop nagging her and Izzy for a grandchild."
Young T "This is all too much."
Young S "You're thirteen years old, Tresor."
"As tough as you are-"
"-You can't do this alone."
Young T "I-"
"I don't know what to say."
Young S "Jonah is..."
"Has always been the closest thing I've ever had to a brother."
"-That makes the three of you my family."
"Which makes my family yours."
Young T "Thank you."
Jonah "You seriously think he spent the night here...?"
Raven "I know, it's a stretch."
"But we've already looked everywhere else I could think of."
"And this is his go-to place when he wants to be alone."
Jonah "I-"
"-Highly doubt he's here."
Raven "There's only one way to find out."
"You coming?"
Jonah "I- I think I'm gonna sit this one out."
Raven "Noah!"
Raven "Noah!"
Jonah "I don't think you're supposed to yell at a cemetery."
Raven "I thought you were going to sit this one out."
Jonah "Last time I stepped foot in here was the day we burried her."
"In some... twist of fate, it was-"
"-It was her being burried while I just stood there watching...Alive."
"With barely even a scratch."
"Fifteen years later,"
"I come back and beat the shit out of my brother,"
"And then he gets kicked out of the house because of it."
"And here I am again, with barely a scratch."
Raven "In case you haven't noticed, Jonah,"
"This isn't about you."
-"We don't have time for your long overdue reflective bullshit,"
"Or whatever it is you're trying to do here."
"You can stay here if you want to,"
"I'm going to keep looking."
Tresor "Where's Jonah?"
"I guess Jonah couldn't keep his mouth shut."
Simon "At least she ate."
"You should too."
Tresor "You didn't eat either."
Simon "Then I'll fix up something for the both of us."
-Ezra "Tresor,"
-"Pick up the fucking phone,"
Simon "I got some leftover breakfast..."
Tresor "He's just worried..."
Noah "That's me."
"Right around the corner."
Faye "Alright."
"Now, not to pat myself on the back, or anything..."
"But I think I did a pretty banging job-"
"-keeping you in one piece."
"But, i'd still get myself checked out at a hospital if I were you."
"Have a professional take a look at you."
Noah "I don't think my sisters would have it any other way."
"But for what it's worth-"
"-I would've settled for your checkup."
Faye "Then you, my friend,"
"Are very, very careless."
"Trusting a stranger with your life like that?"
Noah "Says the girl who trusted a stranger enough-"
"-to let him sleep in her bed!"
Faye "I guess we're both very careless people."
"I'll see you around..."
Noah "Yeah."
Noah "Hey, Faye?"
"I work at Simon's bar."
"A couple of blocks from here."
Faye "Yeah, i know it."
Noah "You should drop by some time."
Faye "I'm not much of a drinker."
Noah "We don't have to drink."
Faye "I'll see you around then."
Summer's End | Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX | Let's Play - Duration: 38:13.
hi and welcome my name is anyone I welcome you back to let's play kingdom
hearts 2 final mix + I think it doesn't actually say that if you like pick the
game in the main menu but whatever illus up so we won the strata tournament
defeated sets are kind of champion belt and it's covered the seven wonders for
six no seven right which all of them we're real but what his name pens didn't
pay attention too much so yeah everyone thinks I'm crazy and we have those weird
dreams about Sora and we are not supposed to exist and all that confusing
stuff is happening and let's get out of here because why not
more of dull ties look at what it's come to
I've been given these icky orders to destroy you if you refuse to come back
with me we're best friends right sure but I'm
not getting turned into a dusk for wait a sec you remember now yeah great but
you know got to make sure and also uh
what's our boss's name and I can't believe this
well whatever it's beat up some guys will just happen to be white
hmm nothing I got much more Defense much more defend up since the last time out
but still
that's you get those guys on the other end a little more powerful so he took
that yep especially now and really hit the sky you know that's a block and I
already hear a thing
the time has come well it doesn't work time is completely halted looks like it
all right let's go dimension it's all way yeah where am I
I'm getting out of here bye fine I see how it is all right I am
really excited with episode because we can finally like antis really long
prologue after this part I am getting my butt kicked defends awesome I actually
need that I think
now for the first enemy some dos in this game
those guys are actually a little tricky I mean they're not difficult to beat but
have you got only one point and defense but still they are you play stupid like
me then yeah you can get it a lot of times and then Oh God come on
okay I'm out of here I get it but this guy again and I'm dead
Oh God
I need to kill you're fast even I mean was I like the first enemies in this
game so I had to better like only those shadows we're done in like one combo but
Roxas yes we'll fight those guys who can potentially kill me we'd like every
second encounter something it's pretty difficult if you ask me that's over here
what okay you give like what 919 experience so yeah we're 12 that's good
can't seem to counter your text so I have to wait to get out of the ground
because I can't hit them when they're inside the ground
hmm giant Kyo what are we supposed to do they only had a key
use the key oh yeah
every joint key and E and we know this word from we China play more in science
a little bit of Kingdom at one
thank goodness that we can like open torture chests and babbles so yeah hey
one of this mansion has any importance to unicorns all over the place
that doesn't say us anything right now but there's some occasion where unicorns
are important thinking of nuts any potions Fink's elephant bandana it
should give us more defense yeah and since no one is attacking with like
elemental attacks we should probably equip this one
instead I'm also close to a level up so yeah bring your worst
finally evens increase and maximum ap increase alright we should be all good
now for what's coming it's six and seven
we need to go ow yeah look at that
so I can't get this down
all right maybe I should attack yeah that actually something like a better
idea I think and I'm just gonna win kind of I'm gonna go inside yeah that's a
room where we talked with nominee
what's this picture your mind's made up why did the Keyblade choose me I have to
know you can't turn on the organization
organization 13 they're a bad group bad or good I don't know their group of
income people if you wish to be whole to that end there's desperately
searching for something what Kingdom Hearts funny it's just I think I've been
running away from the question I really want to ask what's gonna happen to me
now just tell me that nothing else really matters anymore
you are nominating there's no knowledge that has the power to change your fate
even if it doesn't I want to know I have the right to know a nobody doesn't have
a right to know nor does it even have the right to be or what is a nobody
dears we're out of time too many nobodies
roxas nobody's like us are only half a person
you won't disappear you'll be home I'll disappear no further outbursts
no you won't disappear no wait
Roxas we will meet again and then we can talk about everything I may not know
it's you and you may not know it's me but we will meet again someday soon
right now we don't have anyone to help us okay we take some sketches from
nominee and we got a map that's a thing in this game thankfully let's take a
closer look at some of those pictures if you have Kyrie in the pop of route what
is that supposed to be that looks like a rule what room is it I don't know and we
have Alex on drugs --is where those guys are all just like hooded guys because
this one has like blue on his head that's supposed to mean something but
I'm saying that as a person who knows everything about Kingdom ours so yeah
those things confuse me then yeah this is Hollow Bastion right the giant
keyhole here we have fake memories of nominee and surround Rico finding over
here we have the free of them yes the island isn't that where Kyrie and selfie
were all Bastion the entrance-hall how many drawings are really bad I mean
looks like the drawings were four year old I think it's like so hearts room
right he's looking out of it I mean it looks like another room no the cave
secret cave in this the islands the librarian Hollow Bastion
Sauron Roxas yeah this is pretty much gaming of King Matsui chain of Memories
yeah we have axel we're standing in front of something okay what is this is
supposed to be like that one that one town that we just saw Roxas and Alex in
no no no yeah we have the same picture again probations key old sword all goofy
there's the island
Kairi let Sora we need to a Sora and the usual
spots of Kingdom Hearts 1 basically and yeah let's go didn't really tell us much
hey I know where to go so let's go over there wow we don't really need to defeat
anyone I think how because 150 experience I think that's a really long
way so how about we don't do that
well that's kind of dangerous imagine if you're just sitting there ground just
goes away
alright there's some things going on Danya let's investigate
that's the gaming PC of of this and I guess some more memories right
and some more familiar faces
and we are sitting right between them
why do you have the Keyblade and this it really looks like Rico but will it work
where is he right now if we can maintain the simulated town
until naminé finishes chaining together Sora's memories what will happen to
Roxas he holds half of sodas power within him somehow in the end unit
handsome got his hands on Roxas and Jolynn he need another personality to
show off his pursuers who are saying it's the fate of a nobody
all calm down before we do anything okay it's not to anything stupid
but apparently let's do something stupid I didn't really quite feel the anger I
mean he was he was really I don't know he held back so why was there I would be
like rude but no it looks like someone's Taylor what could it be
this could be anyone anyone has spiked hair like this more view all right
you insist to be it ultra strange enemies
yeah I should get use of only doing two attacks because I can't do this sidestep
I do a combo finisher then they always get me they punish me like a competitive
fighting game Pro well at least I'm not taking any damage now thanks to that
that elven whatever it was necklace no not like this it was a piece of paper I
think okay those guys
oh don't let me die now it'll probably hear myself
this guy would be those guys would be a problem all right well he is pissed
you just spit at me too
so unused to the English dialogues the German version
yes King Hamas is actually German and the German version German voices this
guy is like the German version of storoe from one piece it's kind of awesome by
the way we have two key blades it's kick-ass box we press square we can just
do this attack there shouldn't probably show up quite out cool triangle this
guy's close get it because it's hot in here oh oh we can even touch the walls I
oh maybe not and trial and again in the dish is that awesome oh is it awesome
and you shall be done maximum HP increase hey that was epic don't you
you get on their bad side and they'll destroy you no one would miss me that's
not true I would Axl let's meet again in the next
life yeah I'll be waiting silly just because you have a next life well uh
suspicious-looking portal okay maybe not huh why did we came from over here nope
let's go away yeah
goofy oh those are like Disney's most famous
characters hi-potion Donald is sleeping inside
goofy sleeping inside but why
only the powers on who built it and for what purpose because I could still be
used let's see what's inside here at last the keyblade's chosen one who are
you talking to me or Sora to half of Sora
of course you reside in darkness what I need is someone who can move about the
realm of light and destroy organization 13 why who are you I am a servant of the
world and if I'm a servant then you should consider yourself a tool at best
was that was that supposed to be a joke cause I'm not laughing
my apologies this is only a data based projection he is pissed
I would be too at this point
yep Salak what in the HD worsen
I hate you so much you should share some of that hatred with soullow he's far too
nice his own good no my heart belongs to me
you're lucky looks like my summer vacations killing them are sooo final
mix not find an X plus okay maybe I'm confusing it but uh birth by Sleep but
some game is called final mix + and yeah the prologue is done a year very much
officially started - game now be excited because I am not that I didn't
appreciate by the way their stuff Mickey not that I didn't appreciate all the
story about Roxas but so it was a really low a slow start
I'm kinda glad that it's over now
aha yeah
the hero awakes and it's his clothes are a little small see they're not stupid I
miss those idiots let's see we defeated Ansem you restored peace to the world
found Kyrie oh yeah and then we went to look for Riku I think that's right so
far right seems like the memories are all completed there's only one seventh
bank nominate hmm I wonder who this
good job Thomas I love dick Donald it's the best kind of Donald all right the
group is always back again and Donald goofy on one level higher than us some
things never change let's take a look at the abilities of
everyone Sora got every ability that we got at Roxas so yeah we all know those
ones and unlike King Awad's one where we get a new spell
Donald automatically gets that spell to UM
Donald actually learns his spell differently yes already Thunder and cure
which is good and Goofy either boost don't really need that right now
could I have items on them they have give me because they will throw those
items out of the window after like one battle so yeah how about we don't give
them any items all right we don't really need the ability ring lettuce solids but
then again I want defense so you should take the champion belt
let's give it a donald because elemental mage and all that okay we don't seem to
have anything else or wait nope Oh party yeah we have to keep this honor
because it saw Donald and Goofy and no other way around
Donald has more magic than us fitting me yeah Fitz
I mean goofy has more defense than us fits bonus level
oh yeah that's like defeat bosses you've I mean you get like certain abilities
and all that stuff you could defeat bosses oh yeah let's take a look you
only got a few things here let's check out Journal for the person maybe less
time thank nominee treasures we can see how many treasures are in each world
which is really good and maps we got maps and character links yep
answer and all the other characters that we met so far or not met in case of Sora
in this group all right well let's go all right that's not because finger
should enters this part right now I think that's like right yep
I think we can't enter the mansion again but don't have to and I just want to
mention how cool saw us like animations and movements are in this game they are
much more cooler and in Kingdom Hearts 1 I mean just look how he walks around now
you see this one this is how he walks him Bella he's just like so
I really like that I don't know yeah you see that's like this one pose where he
just looks like - left and right but it looks a little more menacing and like in
King Matt's one way but just look we was just looking left and right and yeah
looked kind of weird if you ask me okay that's not a safe point a safe point
around here so yeah it's a little problem I actually wanted to be done
before today but apparently we have to play a little more don't go back to
dimension you may fall asleep again besides you should check out what kind
of places I would hide it we're asleep for so long it still may be
kind of taste Sora don't worry if you forget what you have
to do just check Jiminy's journal yeah it's empty so what
okay next point a safe point we find it's gonna be the end so you know yeah
we actually we're in this world in chain of Memories yes I must've but we didn't
know what this world was based off and Dolls free
what do you want what also we ask nothing just wondering what was back
here now you know this is our spot what you're new around here right I'm pence
hey nerd nice to meet you we got stuff to do so catch you later my
name is Alette hey did you finish up the summer homework yet independent studies
are the worst huh homework what is homework hey what are your names oh my
god polite goofy yes he doesn't mention in his himself first sure seemed in a
hurry he had a black coat on so I couldn't see his face but he had these
big round ears who could that be a wait a minute
where do you sit did Goofy and Donald really had to think about that gorgeous
could be anyone I mean I know like a million people could fit into that
description so let me just think about it normally ice would be fitting for
goofy but he's like the smartest kindest in this whole series so yeah that's what
bothers me all right
hey the description changed all right here's a safe point that means you're
gonna go oh we have those two walking around now I didn't mention that
so yeah boom we're gonna save here in spots
next parts gonna be well a world maybe should be a little bit anyway um yeah
thanks for watching please consider leaving a like a comment or subscribe to
preview a nice view and that's it I'll see you in the next part
bye bye
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