Welcome back everyone.
I noticed we hadnt really been giving you guys some proper mystery videos and I thought
that needed to change right now.
Today were talking about missing people - some of these people went missing long ago, some
of them only vanished in the past few years - but all of them left a hole in peoples lives
and one unanswered question - what happened to them?
Its a question youre going to ask yourselves when you hear their stories.
Nobodys been able to solve these cases, perhaps youll be able to shed some light.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Missing Person Stories.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Lost Girls of Panama.
In 2014, 21 year old Kris Kremers and 22 year old Lisanne Froon went for a hike near a mountain
resort in Panama - they were never seen again.
They were visitors from the Netherlands.
Searchers found no trace of them.
A few months later, a member of an indigenous tribe found Lisannes backpack and some of
the girls belongings.
There was a camera in there which had pictures of the girls on their hike.
A US based team were tasked with determining if the girls had died in a tragic hiking accident
or were they victims of a brutal murder.
The pictures on the camera got stranger as they went on.
The pictures get darker as night falls.
The last simply shows darkness and rocks.
It was a total mystery.
The leading theory is that they fell off a cliff which injured one of them.
The uninjured one then waited with her friend for 8 days before leaving her.
The question was - why did she leave her friend?
Some people think that she was suddenly scared into leaving, perhaps by a jaguar.
In some cases, it seems the pictures have created more questions than answers ...
Moving on to number 9 now we have Rico Harris[a].
He's an American former professional basketball player who retired from pro play in 2000.
In 2014, he had relocated to Seattle with his girlfriend and applied for a job there.
He never arrived there.
The last time he was heard was from a voice message left to to his girlfriend in which
he told her he was going to check out the mountains.
The call was traced to the Sacramento area and his car was found abandoned in Yolo County
Park - yes that is a real place!
A massive search was launched for Rico but nothing came up.
It was even more baffling because Rico is 6ft 9.
Youd think that somebody would remember seeing a guy that tall - and they did.
A driver eventually reported seeing a 6ft9 guy walking down the highway a mile from where
the car was found - but this was a week later.
What was going on?
The search was relaunched, massive size 17 footprints were found in the ground that were
not there before.
They followed them but they led to nothing.
They just stopped.
What happened to Rico when he disappeared for a week and then what happened after where
he disappeared again, with his footsteps vanishing into thin air …
Next up at number 8 we have Ben McDaniel[b].
On August 10th 2010, employees in a Dive Shop in Florida found Ben McDaniels pickup truck.
He had been diving regularly at Vortex Spring but now, nobody could find him.
He was last seen 2 days before on a dive entering a cave 58 ft below the waters surface.
It was a notoriously hard to navigate cave that only experienced divers were supposed
to go in.
It was suspected that he had drowned but investigators couldn't find his body.
After the police stopped searching, Bens parents hired people to go in and look for his body.
One of the rescue divers ended up going missing and was never found again.
In the years since, the mystery has given way to some pretty dark rumours about Ben
faking his own death to get out of financial trouble.
This was disputed though by the fact that people saw him dive underwater.
So what exactly happened?
The mystery deepened a year later when the owner of Vortex Springs mysteriously died.
Bens parents are convinced that everything is related.
Moving on to number 7 now we have Susan Powell.
Shes an American missing person from Utah who disappeared on December 6th 2009.
Eyes turned to her husband Joshua as a person of interest in the investigation.
They had a bad marriage and he was reportedly abusive to her and controlling.
Before she disappeared, there were reports that Susan was fearing for her life.
Then, one night, Susan, Joshua and their two young boys disappeared.
A few days later, Joshua returned with the boys saying hed been camping with them and
claimed to have no idea where Susan was.
As the police investigated, Joshua behaved more suspiciously.
He eventually moved the kids away to live with his father.
In the end, he lost custody of his kids because his father was found in possession of child
And then, it got even more crazy.
During a supervised visit, Joshua grabbed his sons from the social worker and took them
to his house.
Negotiators tried to talk him out of there but it was no use.
Joshua eventually blew the house up, killing both he and the boys.
With their suspect gone, investigators had no more leads for the disappearance of Susan
and no hope of bringing justice to her and her boys.
Moving on to number 6 we have Jennifer Kesse[c].
Shes an American woman who disappeared in Florida on January 23rd 2006.
She left her work place that day after making several calls to family and friends - the
last one was at 10pm to her boyfriend.
The next morning, her boyfriend became worried when no text came through.
Her phone went straight to voicemail.
Her employer contacted her parents who drove 2 hours from their home to hers.
They found her car missing but everything in her condo seemed to be in place.
They found a wet towel and clothes laid out, suggesting that she had showered and prepared
to dress for work.
They found her car in a nearby parking lot.
When they reviewed the security footage - they saw their suspect - but the results were decastating.
The suspect was seen walking past a gate and despite the camera being so close, it only
took one picture every 3 seconds.
In every picture, the persons face was perfectly obscured by an object.
Police couldn't even tell if the suspect was male or female.
They described the suspect as the luckiest person of interest in history.
In the years since, the case has felt tantalizingly close to being solved, but it still remains
a mystery.
Moving in to number 5 we have The Sodder Children[d].
On Christmas Eve 1945, a fire engulfed the West Virginian home of the Sodder Family while
they slept.
The family had 9 children - the parents escaped with 4 of them - but the bodies of the other
5 children were never found.
The parents believed that the missing children had survived.
They never rebuilt their home and instead converted it into a memorial garden for their
missing children.
For years, they were convinced that the lack of bones meant theyre children were still
alive somewhere out there.
The plot thickened when police learnt that George Sodders truck wouldnt start that night
when he tried to drive it near the house and reach the second floor.
When they tried to call the fire department, their lines were cut.
Very suspicious.
The parents suspected arson and thought that the children may have been taken by the Sicilian
Mafia, perhaps in retaliations for Georges outspoken criticism of the Italian government
at the time.
The one surviving daughter and the grand children continue to search for the truth even to this
Next up at number 4 we have Stacy Arras[e].
This is a strange one.
On July 17th 1981, 14 year old Stacy Arras and her father joined a group of 6 people
riding into Sunrise High Sierra Camp in California.
She told her father she wanted to photograph a nearby lake.
He declined to go with her but a 77 year old man said he would accompany her.
After a while, the man grew tired and stopped for a rest.
Arras continued to the lake by herself.
From back at the camp, the groups tour guide saw her standing on a rock about 50 yards
from the trail.
She was by herself.
That was the last time anybody saw her.
The only trace of her that investigators could find was her camera lense.
The case remains a mystery almost 40 years on.
How could someone so close to her group become lost forever so quickly?
Coming in at now at number 3 we have we have Bobby Dunbar[f].
This is a creepy and fascinating one.
It all started in 1912 when 4 year old Bobby Dunbar went missing on a fishing trip in Louisiana
with his family.
After an 8 month search, police found a man called William Walters who was traveling with
a boy that looked a lot like Bobby Dunbar.
Walters said the boy was a son of a friend and that his name was Bruce Anderson.
When Bobby Dunbars parents saw the boy, they said he was their Bobby and the boy was given
to them.
The town had a parade for his return.
During the trial that followed, a woman came to defend Walters and said that Bruce was
her son and she had given him to Walters to look after.
The court dismissed her testimony, possibly because shed hed 3 children outside of wedlock.
The case went cold but then, in 2008, 96 years after Bobbys disappearance one of Bobbdy Dunbars
granddaughters had a DNA test done.
She compared her result to the the DNA of Bobbys brothers - and they were not related.
This means that Bobby Dunbar was probably Bruce Anderson after all - and as for the
real Bobby Dunbar - that remains a mystery.
Moving on to number 2 now we have Madeleine McCann.
This may a familiar case to anyone from the UK.
In 2003, 3 year old Madeleine McCann disappeared from her bed in a holiday apartment in Portugal.
Her parents were dining with friends nearby and head been checking on Madeleine and her
twin siblings through the evening.
Then, at 10pm, they returned to find that the twins were there, but Madeleine was gone.
Over the next few years, the British and Portugese police collaborated on a historically publicised
In 2007, the Portuguese police listed Madeleines parents as suspects but later lifted it when
the case was archived.
Since then, the parents have been relying on private investigators and Scotland Yard
to work on the case.
They continue to investigate to this day, over 11 years after Madeleines disappearance.
And finally at number 1 we have The Ghost Blimp[g].
On August 16th 1942, Lieutenant Ernest Cody took his crew out for blimp patrol duty from
San Francisco to the Farallon Islands.
Shortly after, they radiod in that they were going to investigate what looked like an oil
Hours later, their blimp was found over Daly City where, after sideswiping a few houses,
it came crashing down.
Bystanders rushed into the cockpit to find that nobody was there.
The crew was gone.
The Navy incestigated and found that no lifeboats or parachutes were missing - only some life
jackets were gone - but other than that, everything seemed to be in perfect order.
What happened?
Did the men just jump to their deaths?
If so, why?
Because this was during WW2, some thought that the Japanese had somehow abducted them
as they descended to inspect the oil spill.
As the press picked up on the story, it earned the nickname of -Ghost Blimp- … in the year
since, theories have even included UFO abduction …
Alright guys, thats all Ive got time for in this video, hopefully you all found that interesting
- you might even have your own theories on what happened to these people.
Ill be down in the comments section to discuss all of that with you - until then, thanks
as always for watching, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video!
For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Missing Person Stories - Duration: 11:04.-------------------------------------------
Its the Holidaze - Holiday Vlog 4 (end) - Duration: 7:00.
Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and I have had a day
It is Saturday and I was filming stuff all day
Not for YouTube, for commercials.
Yeah. I might actually be in commercials. It's weird. It was for the gym. Don't worry about it
It's probably just gonna show like my ankle at some point
but before I left today, about 10 minutes before I left not even
my padlock fell from my face height onto my toe
and I might have broken my big toe. So I
took five classes back to back after teaching class this morning
So I taught for an hour, took five half-hour classes
And then drove back
All on a potentially broken big toe
it is killing me right now. It's torturous
Um, and it was not a good day and I don't really want to get into it
But I had to call my coordinator and just talk to her for like an hour about a lot of stuff
so I'm not gonna get into what happened, but
It was not fun
Oh, I forgot to mention
This is the holiday daily weekly vlog thingamajigger if you couldn't have figured that out
I am now done filming. I don't know what time it is
That's the dog
Spoiler alert, this is the video that's going up on Christmas that I just filmed
it's another ginger scotch house. So
if you didn't know, the first video I ever posted on YouTube was me getting drunk
and making a gingerbread house , drunk on scotch
make a gingerbread house. So I've made that an annual tradition
So that's what I just filmed. There's the dog
This is all wet now cause I got sugar everywhere. I'm a little whelmed
I'm a little drunk, not really all that drunk, and I just want food right now
I have to document this because this is the first day on the advent calendar that Ollie is just eating his dog treat
Instead of hiding it somewhere and whimpering at it for several hours
so t's Monday and I'm having
day five of the advent calendar so that- now you know how far ahead I'm filming
it's not really super far ahead, but
This is the first time that the wine is not from France. The first four have all been from France
This one's from Italy
I haven't tried it yet, I spilled a little bit of it
I'm burning my foot right now this heating pad's too damn hot
So I haven't tried this one yet, but my overall
Feelings on this box. It's really not great right now
I think if you don't drink a lot of wine and you don't really have a very strong wine preference
I think it'd be great
If you don't like wine
it's probably also great because I think they're just trying to please the masses and
I think it would be good of them to have two different kinds where you have one for the wine newbee
Which would be this one
and then one for the wine aficionado which might have wine that actually has a flavor profile
cause pretty much everything is just kind of like
not there
like, it just has fruity notes and that's about it. They're very light
Like I feel almost like they're watered down
if you hear clicking
That's the dog trying to hide his dog treat for today because evidently he has to hide it
So today is Wednesday and it's the Wednesday before Christmas
and Christmas stuff is pretty much done
But today is gonna be update day
you notice
This may look cleaner maybe not
but I spent all day yesterday cleaning my house
cause I came home and I smelled urine and I couldn't find where the dog had peed
so I
Vacuumed my whole house
I cleaned my entire kitchen, cleaned the entire bathroom
and scrubbed every single inch of my floor on my hands and knees
So that was super fun
and I did a whole bunch of laundry and washed all the towels and all the bath mats and
Throw rugs and everything
just to get rid of the smell of urine
uh, I also got really frustrated about these wines. So this is
today's wine
And I've been really frustrated with them because I swear they're like cut with water
So I wrote them an email explaining that
and then they were like, oh did something happen to them in shipping?
I'm like you mean in shipping, did they inject water into the wine?
That doesn't make any sense to me
But they're sending me a replacement
So maybe there's something wrong with the box of wines that I got, but I don't know we'll find out
And also today
I finally got notification that my Secret Santa gift to me has finally shipped
So the deadline was last Friday
But they just shipped it today and then sent me a message today saying oh hey, by the way, it's late
But I shipped it
and I finally got the plates off of my car and switched out
or rather, I didn't I
went out and had it done because
I just couldn't get them off myself
All right, I do have a second glass of wine
This is from the original box and I will say that something did happen to this because the new wine
Still not the greatest, but it's definitely better than this. Something has happened to this in the shipping. So
There was something wrong
So maybe my overall might be a little bit harsh, but I still am not exactly the biggest fan
all right, so I filmed this whole several minutes earlier and
Evidently that got corrupted. So all you have is my out of context just drinking another glass of wine
But basically what happened is because I complained about the wine stuff, I
Got a new wine box today, which meant that even though I got out of work early
It's Friday, by the way
even though I got out of work early
I had to do pretty much nothing sitting around waiting to get another box delivered to my house
Which didn't come until like 4:30
So my whole day is pretty much shot. I didn't go to the gym
I didn't do any filming. I didn't get anything done
But I do have vacation that's scheduled between now and
the end of
Well the end of the year, so January 2nd is when I have to go back to work I can't even think right now
It is the Friday before Christmas
my reddit Secret Santa gift has not arrived yet, but it's supposed to arrive on Monday
So I will make a video at some point going through all of that
I don't even know what I said in this other video, but it's corrupted and it's gone
And anyway, that's it for these like daily holiday vlog
if you hear anything weird sounding right now, that's the dog licking the couch again
I'm in pajamas now because I just realized that this didn't film until now and I am going to go to
bed, and this is the last video that is going up in 2018. So happy New Year to everybody
I will see y'all in 2019
And if you liked this video, click the like button
and subscribe to my channel, I make a new video every Tuesday and Friday
Thank you guys so much for watching
Barely got through that outro
Фотоаппарат зеркальный Nikon D3400 Black+AF-S NIKKOR 18-105mm f3.5-5.6 G ED VR - Duration: 1:35.
How the Soviets One Upped The West: The TU-114 Story - Duration: 10:06.
This video was made possible by Skillshare, home to over twenty thousand classes that'll
teach you just about anything.
In the fall of 1959, an enormous Soviet aircraft races across the Atlantic.
This plane is unlike anything in the west.
It's the largest airliner the world has ever seen.
And it's driven by four of the most powerful turboprop engines ever built.They can push
the plane to nearly 900 km/h, which is faster than some jets.
This Soviet airliner is about to make a big impression, because it's headed straight
for United States.
In the mid-1950's, the Soviet Union got a new leader, Nikita Khrushchev, and he's
unlike his predecessors.
For one, he's more open to engaging with the West.
[Khrushchev] You're a lawyer of Capitalism, I'm a lawyer for Communism. Let's kiss.
[Nixon] All that I can say, from the way you talk, and the way you dominate the conversation
you would have made a good lawyer yourself.
Nearly everyone agrees, Khrushchev is a showman, ready to jump at any opportunity to prove
Soviet superiority.
And in 1955, the new leader gets a chance to make an impression.
Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland for a Cold War summit are the most powerful western nations,
and the Soviet Union.
As world leaders descend onto Geneva Airport, crowds are watching and cameras are rolling.
U.S. President Eisenhower lands in a four engined Super Constellation.
A large, state-of-the-art American airliner.
And Khrushchev lands in this.
A plane half the size of Eisenhower's.
And he's mortified by the optics because the Soviet Union and America are supposed
to stand toe-to-toe.
But small short-range airliners like the IL-14 are really the only type the Soviet Union
produces in the early 1950's.
And that means that flying across the country's vast territory can take over 24 hours, with
multiple stops for refueling, making for a grueling journey.
But, there is a Soviet plane available that can already fly these distances direct and
in half the time.
It's just not an airliner.
It's a plane meant to be loaded with bombs, not luggage.
But converting this intercontinental bomber into a civil transport will be fastest way
get the Soviet Union a new long range airliner.
Because the country desperately needs one, and Khrushchev's plans for world visits are
expanding by the day
Just weeks after the Geneva Summit, the Tupolev Design Bureau is given a directive to convert
the TU-95 bomber into a VIP transport.
Engineers will remove bombing and protective equipment and shoehorn two small passenger
compartments into its narrow fuselage.
Khrushchev would access his VIP compartment via a ramp at rear.
Lucky, this frankliner wasn't the only plane in the works.
Because a second parallel project aimed to turn the bomber into a proper airliner.
And to do it, engineers would keep the plane's powerful engines and swept wings,
but they'd mount them lower to accommodate a wider fully pressurized fuselage.
The airliner would also receive new stabilizers, larger flaps and an entirely new nose gear.
And the first prototype was ready in just a little over 2 years.
Turns out, starting with a TU-95 strategic bomber, made for a pretty remarkable airliner.
The TU-114 holds the distinction of being the fastest propeller driven airliner ever.
It could reach an incredible 870 km/h.These jet-like speeds puzzled western observers.
The 114's turboprop engines are the most powerful ever to enter service, and they drove
the plane's enormous contra-rotating propellers so fast, their tips could reach supersonic.
Also jet-like was the airliner's 35 degree wing sweep and a service ceiling
of nearly 40,000 feet.
And in 1958, this was also the largest airliner, with seating for up to 224 passengers.
Not until the Boeing 747 would larger plane take to the skies.
But while the 114 was still undergoing testing, Khrushchev got an invitation to visit to the
United States.
And it would be the first ever by a Soviet Head of State.
The Tu-116 converted bomber was ready to make the trip.
But touching down in the United States In what was quite obviously still
a bomber was one thing.
Khrushchev would also have to crawl out the rear-end on a ramp.
So he demanded taking the 114.
But the airliner wasn't ready.
Not only was the 144 still undergoing testing, there were serious flaws like hairline cracks
which had formed around the engines.
Still, Khrushchev was dead-set on making a grand entrance.
On September 15, 1959, Khrushchev's 114 took off from Moscow to begin it's nearly
8,000 km journey to the United States.
Most of the trip would take the airliner over the frigid North Atlantic.
So precarious was the situation, engineers even tested a mockup of the airliner in a
swimming pool just to see how it might float in the Atlantic.
Along the way, nearly every available Soviet Navy vessel was put on high alert for any
sign of distress.
And onboard, a team of engineers holed up inside the 114's lower deck used special
monitoring equipment to spot any sign of trouble
But despite having to battle 160 km/h head winds over the Atlantic, the 114 performed
[Reporter] An interesting and historic arrival and Andrews Airfield near Washington.
The huge TU-114 airliner bringing Mr. Khrushchev on his first visit to the United States.
President Eisenhower was there to meet the Soviet Premier.
The last time they met was in Geneva, four years ago.
Khrushchev got his grand entrance, and the enormous airliner grabbed headlines around
the world.
By 1961 the 114's development was complete and the plane entered service with Aeroflot.
Early versions were equipped with some pretty opulent and rather un-Soviet features.
Divided into three-classes ranging from economy, to deluxe, there were large tables, private
sleeping cabins and a dining lounge.
Early 144's even had a full size kitchen in the lower deck with a dedicated chief.
The 114's impressive range opened up Moscow to far flung destinations like Havana, Montreal
and Tokyo.
But while the plane's maximum speed was comparable to modern jet airliners, the 144's
cruising speed was usually more modest to save fuel and increase range.
And then there was the noise.
This was one of loudest planes ever produced.
Its four enormous turboprops would have made jet engines sound like a symphony.
And the vibration could cause dinnerware to migrate right off the end of tables.
But the 114 stood out for it's reliability and relative efficiency.
And it would go on to carry over six million passengers without a single design-related
accident, making it quite possibly the safest Soviet airliner ever built.
But by the mid-1960's, airports in the west were filled with long range jets, not props.
And the Soviet Union's only long range airliner looked dated in comparison.
In 1967, a new long range jet-powered soviet airliner entered service.
And that meant that the 114 was quickly removed from most international routes and was kept
flying mainly within Soviet borders.
In total, 32 of these speedy turboprops were built, and they'd serve with Aeroflot for
16 years, until they were finally retired from civilian service in 1977.
3D modelling is a powerful tool.
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"La Belle Dame Sans Merci" by J. Keats (read by Tom Hiddleston) - Duration: 2:36.
How to make a Snow Removal Vehicles - Duration: 4:47.
How to make a Snow Removal Vehicles
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