Merry Christmas everyone and welcome back to part 3 of my unboxing video
for the Christmas presents that my wife got me and part three is going to be focusing
on Gamestop. And if you haven't watched the previous two videos, the links will
be down in the description below; but there also should be a card popping up
above my head for those videos that you can go and check out. Also be sure to go
and check out the channels that I shout out at the end of those videos:
Funko Pops and Unicorns from video 1 and video 2, I shouted out
The Collecting Couple. And so, be sure to go and show them some support and love and
then be sure to go follow the ones that I mention today in this video. But anyhow,
let's get into this!
Okay guys, we're back and as I said in the previous videos, my wife and I went
last week and we went to three stores at the mall
and she got me some Christmas presents; some Funko Pops and so I unboxed three
in the first video and three in the second video and I have two in this
video. Gamestop had a buy one get one half off and so I'll show you what we
picked up. And so the pop that I got for half off, which was already marked down
to $5, which I didn't know about until we checked out and that is
the Praetorian Guard with the heavy blade. And you can't see that there
very well, because the price tag sticker, but anyhow, I didn't have any of the
Praetorian Guards. I need the two from Walgreens,
probably pick those up sometime. But anyhow, the Praetorian Guard and the sticker says $8.98.
When she rang it up, it was $5, so it's already on clearance. And then because I bought
one pop, I got this one half off, so it was on $2.50 and so let's take him out
of the box.
In case you didn't know, there are three different Praetorian Guards. There's this
one with the heavy blade, then there's one with two blades, and then there's
one with kind of a whip thing; but I really like the Praetorian Guards.
I love the helmet. It's different from any of
the other stormtroopers and things like that. I really love this pop. I mean not
much to it, it's all red everything, but I love that heavy blade and a helmet, the
details in the outfit are really, really good. So, there's one Praetorian Guard
I was able to pick up a Gamestop for $2.50, so that was awesome.
So I'll put him over here with the rest of the Christmas presents.
So what did I buy or did my wife buy me that I was able to get that half off?
Well, it was the Ronda Rousey WWE Pop. There was only one left at Gamestop,
so I was able to get that one. So there's the side art, there's the back showing some wrestlers that
you get in the set. I was really happy to be able to pick her up.
I like to watch WWE and I like Rowdy Ronda Rousey, that's hard to say. So let's
get her out of the box. Take a look at her. Guys, go to your local stores
and see if you can find some good deals. Like I said Gamestop was having a
buy one get one half off; FYE was buy two get one free; and Hot Topic was three pops
for $27, so it's about nine dollars a pop. So, go check out your stores and see
what they have.
So she comes with a stand. So which may be an indication that she doesn't stand
very well? I don't know. Okay, that's awesome. So here's Ronda Rousey.
she's got her kilt
on, her white Rowdy shirt, which that gimmick was kind of passed on to her
from Rowdy Roddy Piper before he passed away. She was a big fan of his. And I love the
detail on the hair. It's just a regular pulled back ponytail, but then she's got
the braid. There you can see the braid getting weaved into it. That's pretty
cool. She's got her hands all ready to get to war, ready for a fight, got
her boots on. Yeah, so I'm glad to add that to my WWE
collection, which one day you guys may be able to see, whenever I film in this
other direction. All you get to see, so far, is these pops over here.
I got a couple more shelves over here in front of me, and then one over here to the side.
that has my wrestling figures, so hopefully, I'll change it up and let you see a
different angle sometime. But anyhow, let's see if she stands.
No she's too top-heavy with her head.
So there we go. Ronda Rousey.
That's it for part three of
the Christmas present unboxing from my wife.
Super shout out to her. I appreciate her getting me these wonderful pops and so
8 pops. Pretty good. That's a little bit more than what we would usually get,
but hey, it's Christmas time. If you didn't get a chance to watch those other two videos,
make sure you go back and watch them. Links will be in the description and I
want to give a shout out to Nerd Krew, it's Nerd and then Krew is K, r, e, w and
the card will be above my head and the link to their channel will be down in
the description below. I think they're almost to 300 subscribers. I believe so,
if we can help get them a few more subscribers, a few more supporters to
their channel that would be great; if they could finish out the year with 300.
Go check them out, show them some love. Let them know a Funko Preacher sent
sent you their way. And if you liked the video, give it a thumbs up. If you liked
the whole series, let me know. Be sure, if you haven't subscribed yet, to click the
subscribe button in the lower right hand corner of this video, be sure to turn on
your notifications, so you can get all the content that I put out, and be sure
to share this video on your social media, so that other people can
find me. And I'm on my way to 500! 466 as of right now, so I would appreciate your
support and if you can find some other people that can come check me out and throw a
like and subscribe to my channel, I'd appreciate it. Anyhow guys, that wraps up
not only this part of the series, but the entire 3 part series. And you have a
very Merry Christmas, a blessed day and I don't see you before then,
have a happy New Year! Bye guys!
For more infomation >> Christmas Day Funko Pop Unboxing from My Wife Part 3 - Duration: 8:55.-------------------------------------------
Cómo Actualizar BIOS y Drivers de placa madre MSI de forma automática | Tutorial Live Update 6 - Duration: 8:53.
Good morning, today I will explain how to update the BIOS and the drives of your motherboard
automatically, if as in my case you have a plate of the MSI brand.
For this we will use the application Free Live Update, which is an application
official development by the MSI itself, what we can use with total security.
The first thing is to download the application from its Web page, whose link I leave in
the description of the video You just have to do click on this link that you see here.
I already have it downloaded so I'm going to extract the application from the zip file in
which is compressed, and we proceed to its installation.
We say yes. We leave the language in Spanish or any
another that you want and we accept. We give it to next.
We accept the agreement. And we continue with the installation until
Now, with the application already installed the We open, and a window like this appears,
and the first thing we have to do is verify that the BIOS is updated, having to
press this date to the right to go passing the different tabs until
let's see one that says "BIOS Update".
You will see that at the bottom right we have left a reminder, but for now you can close it
and then he explained how it is configured.
Once in this tab of "BIOS Udate", you just have to press the button that says
Analyze and the program will automatically search if there is any update available.
In my case as you can see, I get this message I already have it updated to the last
version, but without yours you will appear some more current version, you just have it
to select, and click on the button below to the right that says Installation
That way the update will be downloaded and then a window will open for you
start the installation, being very important to mention, that when you update the BIOS
you have to be very careful not to turn off the PC until the process finishes,
that this operation should never be interrupted.
During the installation you should leave a window like this, so you'll have it
what to give next and in this new window that will appear to you where you say "In
Windows mode ", so that the update is done from Windows.
Then you will get a window similar to the that you are seeing, that will ask you to close
all the programs that you have open, and for this you can give the button that says
Close this list of programs, and then you can click on next.
And finally to finish confirming that we are going to update the BIOS you will have to
press the button that says "Start" in this window here, and it will be then when
will start updating the BIOS to through a similar window this, but
do not worry, since you will not have to do nothing more, just let the
process finish.
It is precisely at this moment when it is very important that you do not turn off the PC or touch
nothing in it, since you should never interrupt the process of updating the BIOS, the
which can take a few minutes, and when finished the PC will restart automatically.
In addition, the PC will be restarted by if only several times, but do not panic,
since all that process is normal, and the only thing is to wait for after the installation is complete,
Windows will restart normally. What is when you already have the usual start window
So you can see it better, now what we're going to do is also use this program to
update the motherboard drivers, and for this we move again between the tabs
to find the one that says "Live Update".
In this tab we can update all the drivers of our motherboard, and for
see what updates are available, you can click where it says analyze to be done
the search.
However, in doing so, you will see that they appear many optional applications and utilities
that are not necessary, so for that this does not happen this we will perform again
the analysis but now we will check the box which says Manual Scan which is this one here.
Once activated, check the box that says "MB Driver" for what that way
the program only tells us what drivers we can update, and we give back to the button
And as we see now, only the drivers appear for which there is a more updated version,
in my case for example I'm seeing that I can update the drivers of the network card,
that this one that says "Network Drivers". I can also update the ones in my processor,
that in my case having an AMD chip is the that appears to me here. And I can also update
the driver of my sound card that the one it says "Audio Driver".
At this point I commented that as usual if your network and audio drivers work
correctly, it is not a priority update them, although it is always recommended.
However, what is very important is to keep your drivers updated
processor, because these updates can prevent safety problems or improve
its performance, so I'm going to take advantage to update mine.
For this I frame the driver of my processor and we click on the box that says installation
We wait for the driver to download it will take a little bit since they were 653Mb, and the
program alone will be responsible for performing the update, or if we get any
installation window that is also something what can happen, we would simply have to
go by hitting the next button to complete installation.
Do not worry if once the download ends the program seems to do nothing, since
It will take your time to complete the installation, so be patient until it comes out
the corresponding message that has ended.
And as you can see, I missed the warning here that the installation has already finished and
we are asked to restart the PC, since changes will not apply until after
to restart.
So let's restart the PC and back We see that it has happened.
Now after having restarted, let's open the program, and I'll look again for drivers
There are available for my motherboard. I enter in the Live Update tab, I frame the Scan
Manual, and the "MB Driver" box for then press on analyze.
And as we see, I no longer see the driver of my processor, since I just updated it,
although if I still get the card of network and sound, which I will also update
Before I finish I mention some things to you so that you can also take them into account.
If we go to the History tab, we can see what drivers we have updated recently.
While in Registering the Product, they will give us the option to create an account
of MSI, although this is optional, for what is not necessary to register.
Also if we go to the Settings tab we are allowed to set a reminder
so that the program warns us to look for updates periodically, although this is also something
optional, and if you prefer not to activate it, simply you can check the box that says never.
Finally the tab that says Information of the System gives us a summary of the drivers
that we have installed and of what version try, we just click where it says analyze
to see the data.
And here the video, I hope you have found useful if you have an MSI motherboard and
you did not know how to update the BIOS or the drivers automatically. If so, can you
give Like, or if you have any questions leave it in the comments, and do not forget
Subscribe, see you later.
Avant la sortie de Joachim Son-Forget, d'autres remarques sexistes en politique - Duration: 5:26.
Nepali Band Slow Rock Audio Jukebox | Nepali Rock Songs Collection | Best Rock Songs 2018 - Duration: 1:54:22.
@ Don't Forget To "SUBSCRIBE" - "LIKE" - "COMMENT" For More Jukebox ^_^
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Tua Tagovailoa NFL Draft: Alabama QB a Top 2020 Prospect | - Duration: 6:34.
Tua Tagovailoa NFL Draft: Alabama QB a Top 2020 Prospect |
Tua Tagovailoa is still at least a year away from being able to declare for the NFL draft.
The Alabama quarterback can enter the draft as soon as 2020.
ESPN's Todd McShay believes Tagovailoa would be the first quarterback taken in the 2019 draft if he was eligible.
"First round … I can't say he'd be the first pick overall.
The Giants are projected at 6 or 7….
I think he'd be the first quarterback taken.
It would probably be the Giants," McShay said on The Dan Patrick Show.
McShay broke down Tagovailoa's potential outlook in the NFL along with Oklahoma quarterback Kyler Murray.
"You watch what's happening on Sundays now," McShay told
"The NFL is becoming a quick-twitch, getting the ball out while on the move league.
That's who these guys are.
Murray isn't as big as Tua, but Tua isn't as fast as Murray.
Both release the ball with a crazy quick release.
Both have the ability to run their way out of trouble, though Murray has to do that more than Tua does.
Both make defenses have to respect the run and pass, to wait and react.
You can debate who is better all you want.
But I think what you need to do is appreciate having both of these guys in the same game.
We don't see this often, if ever.".
Tagovailoa Has a Chance to be the No.
1 NFL Draft Pick in 2020.
There is still plenty of time for Tagovailoa's outlook to change, but the Alabama quarterback has a chance to be the top quarterback selected in the 2020 draft.
ESPN's Mel Kiper discussed Tagovailoa's pro prospects.
"Now, he's only 6-foot-1 and 218 pounds, but Baker Mayfield broke the mold in the 2018 draft, and Tagovailoa is bigger than Mayfield," Kiper explained on
"Why can't Tagovailoa be the top pick? He is that talented.
The lefty is a lights-out player with an extremely high ceiling.".
NFL Network's Daniel Jeremiah noted that Tagovailoa's intangibles will do nothing but help his draft stock when the time comes.
"To be honest, my favorite thing about (Tua), I brought my 14-year-old son out there with me — he's a quarterback going into the ninth grade next year, he got to meet all these guys and they were all very kind to him, very nice to him and Tua went beyond everyone else," Jeremiah told Saturday Down South.
"He spent about five minutes with him, giving him all kinds of life advice, as well as football advice and you just kinda say, 'This guy is a little bit different.' I love that about him.".
Kiper outlined why Tagovailoa has a chance not only to be the top quarterback selected in 2020, but the No.
1 overall pick. "Yes.
Tagovailoa has all the tools to be the No.
1 overall pick … eventually," Kiper noted on
"He's a pinpoint passer who throws with great anticipation and touch.
He has good velocity on throws to the boundary.
And he has some swagger; his teammates love him, and people around the program rave about his ability as a leader.
Tagovailoa, a true sophomore who has at least another year in Tuscaloosa, has 19 touchdown passes and just two interceptions in his career, and he has taken the Crimson Tide offense to a whole new level.
His 98.3 Total QBR leads the country.".
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Rangoli for New Year 2019: 20 to 4 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year - Duration: 6:55.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Rangoli for New Year 2019: 20 to 4 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
F/GO Babylonia Singularity- Temple of the Sun: Quetzalcoatl Boss Fight!!! - Duration: 1:05:50.
Okay, I'm back for some more F/GO.
Let's get started for some kickin'.
Come to think that Jaguar Warrior is just a henchman.
How many times have I fought her already?
Not too hard for a quest.
Yakuza Jaguar!!!
Sounds a little rhythmic.
This is a long loading screen...
There we go.
I still don't get why Ishtar is Ereshkigal whenever she sneezes.
I know they are sharing a same body of Rin Tohsaka,
but aren't they supposed to be different?
Sorry about this, guys, I'm trying to set up my Servants here.
Okay, I'm good.
Okay, we need to deal with a lot of winged serpents.
That's why I brought Jack along.
Dang, I might use my Command Seals again.
Never mind, I don't think I need to use my Spells.
You know what?
It's been a while since I used a Berserker.
Let's get a Berserker this time.
So, we're facing against Quetzalcoatl.
This might be a boss fight.
I heard from people that there are certain dialogue lines that can change the enemies' attribute in this singularity.
Apparently, I chose one of them just now.
But I don't know if I'm picking the right one.
She only have 460K.
I think... I got it right.
Man, too many casualties in this fight.
I think I might use my Spells this time for real.
Okay, Command Spells they are.
So, everyone deals so little damage against Quetzalcoatl,
except for Hercules, who seems to deal normal damage to her.
So Herc is the key here.
Finally got her!!!
Making me seem like I'm kissing people's arses...
Well, that's it for this video, guys.
Thank you all for watching!!!
Please Like and Subscribe to my channel for more F/GO contents.
And I'll see y'all in the next video!!!
GFriend at Weeky Idol vLive (Comeback Time_for_us) - Duration: 8:38.
Hello, we are GFRIEND!
Hello, I'm Kim Dong Han.
Nice to meet you all.
Let me hold it.
We are with GFRIEND and Dong Han.
We're wearing Hanbok,
I don't know why.
It's because it's the year end.
It's comfy to wear.
You look beautiful,
"Sowon is so pretty".
She's lying.
There was no such comment.
"Eunha looks amazing with her hair".
"That's a hard hair to pull off"
"Way to go, Dong Han".
Film him.
"I love Dong Han".
"Dong Han nailed Weekly Idol".
We are with GFRIEND and Dong Han.
Leave us questions.
Someone wrote, "Wink, please Dong HAn". 1, 2, 3.
Should I wink? Don't do that.
Let's read more comments.
Ask some questions for them.
The comments are flying.
Where is Umji and Yuju?
they are at "Hello, Counselor". It's okay .
You can talk about that.
It's already announced.
They are at "Hello, Counselor"
And the rest of them are here.
Someone complimented me.
"Se Ho is so cute".
I really saw that comment.
Please say hi to GFRIEND and Dong Han.
"Poppin dance, please Eunha".
SinB. do the Biting heart.
So cute!
You took a little bite. I did.
Film Dong Han. Close up.
good. I'm here.
Good. Now,
Gwanghee, please dance.
No, I'm not going to do that!
Please do that. Please.
I'm embarrassed. Cheer up..
Dong Han, how was your the past year?
I had a wonderful year
thanks to the fans.
It's the last schedule.
I feel great.
How was 2018?
We've with Buddy
and I hope that continues in 2019.
What's your New Year's Resolution?
I hope our new album will be a big hit?
What's your New Year's plan/
I hope Weekly Idol
last for the year of 2019.
What's your plan, Changhee?
I hope Weekly Idol will record 10% of viewer ratings.
Changhee appeared on Mask Singer. Please sing.
Move the camera.
GFRIEND and Dong Han prepared something.
THere's an address.
Our selfies will be uploaded on this address.
And make sure to follow us .
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
We hosts have Instagram.
Follow us.
New Year's Greetings.
NEw Year is around the corner.
I hope you'll be healthy and successful.
I will take a deep bow.
How cool! Happy New Year.
Four of you.
I wish your health and success in 201.
Happy New Year!
Now, shall we wrap it up?
We became the new hosts of
Weekly Idol. We will do our best.
Please leave some nice comments.
Don't leave bad comments.
WE will work hard.
Happy New Year.
Let's say bye together.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Happy New Year.
Thank you everyone! Bye now!
中国隐身舰载机正式定型,不是歼20,沈飞歼31将上舰 - Duration: 5:49.
Rangoli for New Year 2019: 20 to 4 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year - Duration: 6:55.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Rangoli for New Year 2019: 20 to 4 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
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