Amazing Stunning Coastal Edition Country Lodge with Contemporary Interior Design
For more infomation >> Amazing Stunning Coastal Edition Country Lodge with Contemporary Interior Design - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
End of the Year Channel Reflections 2018 - Duration: 17:22.
Mommy & MIa Homeschool Chronicles and it is December 31st so it is time for the end
of the year channel reflections make sure to subscribe and hit that
notification bell we are close to a thousand subscribers so if you're
watching for the first time hit subscribe hit subscribe we want to reach
our goal so anyway that's not about that this collaboration is not about
subscribers it is about reflecting on everything
that we experienced and everything that we enjoyed and not so much like in 2018
and we are co-hosting this with a beautiful April over at the simple
bucket Pat I will have her channel link as well as a playlist down below so that
you can see all of the other channels plus my beautiful co-hosts video on her
reflections so there are about 12 questions that I asked that I created so
that it can help us kind of just share what you know what our year was like so
the first one is list your top five favorite collabs tags challenges that
you participated in 2018 alright so the first one I'm gonna say is a chopped
challenge that I hosted with Claire over a cookie crumb fun I had so much fun
because we did a whole trailer trying to build up the you know the what is
it the excitement of this chopped challenge it was a trim healthy mama vs
Weight Watchers and it was just so much fun doing that with her I truly do have
a lot of fun it was just like the chop kind of show where we each gave each
other some ingredients and then we had to upload a video where we would prepare
a dish with these ingredients but we had to stay along the lines of either trim
healthy mama because that's what could clear over I could be from fun files and
Watchers which I was using at the time so that was one of them the second one
is the book-of-the-month a collaboration which is now what we've read I love that
because and I also co-host that with April over at the simple rugged path
you're gonna hear that name a lot because April and I love to collaborate
with each other we just have fun doing it so you might hear that me more than
once but I love the Book of the Month Club now known as what we have read
because it gives me an opportunity to share with my viewers my love for books
um it kind of motivates other people to read and it also gives me a chance to
share what I've read with others and and and you know have a discussion about the
books so I always look forward to that time of the month where I can just share
all of my reads and Mia can share what she what she has read and what she likes
and what she doesn't like so the next one number three is the secret channel
swap that was the first recurring collaboration that I have ever organized
it was a really big one because like I said members from the Facebook group
YouTube collaborators participated in that collaboration was a year round
collaboration we were all assigned a channel and no one knew who each other
had until this month December actually we just recorded the reveal um on Friday
so I will make sure to provide all the links of all the videos that I mentioned
here so that you can check them out and you can see why they are my favorite um
so I really love the secret channel swap so much so that I'm gonna continue doing
it but it's gonna be a little bit different it's gonna have a little twist
to it so make sure that you hit that notification bell so that whenever you
see them go up you can check them out if you would like to join the Facebook
group collaborators group I will also leave a link down below and you can
request and we will see if you can join in the next one is also a home school
mom box swap now this one is it was for one month it was hosted and
organized by the beautiful Rachel at day-to-day joys it was the first year
that I had participated and it was just so wonderful I met a lot of different
moms on this particular collaboration and I was blessed by my buddy who gifted
me some wonderful gifts so once again I will make sure to provide that link down
below so that you can check it out and you can also check out Rachel's channel
and then coming in at number five is the secret book swap that is another swap
yeah there's a lot of swaps we like to give each other gifts to this channel
the book swap is also a secret slot but it's seasonal so I host one in winter
spring summer and fall and a few of us who love to read and also participate in
the what we've read series what we do is we just put a box together with some of
the authors or series of the secret channel that we have we there's a form
they fill out and we try to give them give them a book along with some other
little small tokens that our readers will appreciate so that is also very fun
and I also look forward to doing that as well one is coming up for the winter
book swap for 2019 I believe it's gonna be uploaded some time either in January
with February one of the two months but again hit that notification ball so that
you can check it out all right moving it along number 2 list your top 3 favorite
videos you uploaded and share why they are your favorites alright so the top
three are there are so many it's hard to go back and check all of them out so I'm
gonna go with the first one which is the not so newlywed tag that one I am I also
hosted with April from the simple rugged path and I loved this one because um I
had to ask my husband questions and he had to answer it so if I always loved
doing videos with my husband because he is hilarious the both of us together
we're dangerous because we love to we are a joking couple and we
love to joke around and that is that is how we got along so it's always fun when
he comes on the second one is my homeschooling on a budget series and I'm
gonna continue to do that some time around like late spring early summer
because that is when I start to prepare for the new home school year and I had
so much doing that this past summer I'm finding curriculum that is low cost and
products and games and things like that that I just simply loved it and I want
to continue doing that and the third one I am gonna also say is the birth date
box swap I told you we do a lot of swaps here this birthday box swap I do with
April from the simple rugged path and Claire over I could become fun because
all of us have on share birthday in January so one of us is January 3rd the
other is the 4th and I'm the fifth so we always vasti they're not always last
year was the first time we did this because that's when we met and kind of
figured out that our birthdays were all in the same month and consecutively so
we decided to gift each other some gifts far birthday and we're gonna be doing
the same thing this year so make sure to tune in and follow those two channels so
that you can also stay up to date with them as well alright so number three
list the three least favorite videos you upload it and why okay the three least
videos that I did were all on product review videos I really didn't like them
I will it was my first time doing them so I was really like kind of like I'm
not gonna say I'm prepared but it was the first you know the first time that I
did something so they were kind of corny now so I think I think I'm just gonna
take time out of my channel one was an eyelash product review the next one was
in insulated cup that I did and the third one was a hair hair a hair product
by Influenster that they sent me it was a live or a weave whatever the name is
from Oreo I just didn't like those videos
um alright so the number for list V videos you would like to be published
for more views 3 videos that I would love to be published would be a video
that I did really early on in our channel it was called me a song and it
is me and covering Lauren bagels I will trust in you she sang that song so
beautifully I just love it I wish that I can be published it over and over again
because she really out sang that song so I will also leave a link down below so
that you can see it the next video that I would love to be published also are my
Spanish videos because each Friday we do a Spanish lesson and I wish that more
people will to tune in to those videos because it's free and you can include it
in your homeschool and you can learn a new language while you're at it and the
third one will be a collaboration that I co-hosted called heart on worship and I
love that I would love to publish those because most of all of my family joined
in my dog both of my daughter's Mia and Liza my husband and I we all joined in
and everyone had a different video and everyone shared and I wish that it had
more views but unfortunately it did not number 5 share the top 5 channels that
influenced you the most as a YouTube creator for 2018 there are so many it
was so hard to compile this list but I'm just gonna say it now Claire from cookie
crumb fun Michelle McCarthy from homeschooling in
the pines and April from the simple rugged path you three are special to me
I'm sorry I'm not gonna although you are a part of this list I think that
everyone knows how much I love you guys and you guys like I always tell you
three you guys are my core Michelle says we are a tribe okay so love you ladies
so the five are the first one is gonna be Darlene from the the recycled mom I
just love Darlene's channel I think that we are similar in a lot of ways when it
comes to sharing the gospel and giving encouragement to others and I love what
she's doing with her channel she has a heart for counselling and so do I so I
think that's why I I am so inspired by her channel and I I
just really do and she also has a Facebook group by the same name the
recycled mom and I think that she is just a great person a great channel I
cannot wait to see her channel take off she has a lot of great information to
share the next one is the homeschooling Grammy I love Kim Kim has become such a
great support system for me I mean she knows I don't need to say much I just
love her I'm so glad that I came across her channel this year and that we have
began a great friendship and I know that it's gonna continue to build and I just
I love you girl number three is another one that I love so much as Michelle from
bless this chaotic mess I mean that lady is a heart she is so awesome I can go to
her and she comes to me and we both just love each other to death and we help
each other out when it comes to YouTube and growth and analytics and all that
stuff and she bounces ideas off back and forth and it's someone that I can really
count on when it comes to especially when it comes to the group and Facebook
and just whenever I just want to chat she's there as well the next one um also
for the same reasons is Amy from nourishing parenting I simply love Amy
Amy is my go-to person whenever I am stuck for something and vice versa I
mean I love how she feels I'm so comfortable with just asking me
questions and I feel comfortable and doing the same and thank you so much Amy
for all of your help she is always willing to help me out and you should
check out her channel she is fantastic she also is a fellow blogger like me a
home schooler and we just get along really well and then the fifth one I'm
gonna say is gonna be Marie from crazy-busy fitmom Marie is also another
great source for my Facebook group that I can count on where we can share and
bounce ideas and she really really has a lot of knowledge that she shares with us
and she's very inspirational when it comes
that very motivational and thank you so much for your help marine alright so
number seven will there be any changes coming to your channel for 2018 right
now I am still figuring that stuff out so I don't know but if there are any
changes coming you will be the first to know because I always keep my viewers
and forms number eight what are you looking forward to the most for your
channel in 2019 all I'm looking forward to is just having fun and making more
friendships like I have made and 2018 I have met some incredible people and I
want to look forward to meeting new ones number nine
that's three channels you wish you those three channels you would like to host a
collaboration with in the new year I would like to collaborate with let's see
here oh my goodness oh here we go - of Amy because she had loves to cook just
like me and I would love to do a cooking collaboration with her she has a great
channel check her out she does some great dishes the next one is there's no
place like home because she's into a lot of know cooking and she is so seasoned
when it comes to home school so I really do appreciate her channel so I look
forward to doing a collaboration with her somewhere along the lines of doing
that type of unit study type of thing I will be reaching out to her and the
third one is the purple alphabet now although I did participate in some of
her collaborations Christina is fantastic I would like to co-host a
collab with her so who knows I maybe talk to her as well I you know I'm just
gonna be like hey what's up I'm gonna call out and then number 10 is what
advice can you share with the new youtuber for 2019
listen just if you're gonna start a channel with so many changes that are
going on in YouTube and so many things and so many requirements and thresholds
and yada yada yada it's easy to get discouraged come into this expecting
that you are gonna meet great people it is a great community get your feet wet
start shoot your videos and just enjoy the process
okay it may be a long process and may be a short process it varies from collab
you know it varies from everyone you know from all channels because all
channels go differently but just enjoy the process that's what I would tell
them 11:00 is what is something that happened on or through your channel this
past year that you did not expect to be honest with you I did not expect to be
close to a thousand subscribers even though that I'm like I am a lose there
but it's just seeing the growth and just like I said meeting so many different
people and collaborating with so many different channels and just it's just
fantastic and even the Facebook group which which is a product from this
YouTube community and how it's going so well I just love it I am grateful and
then number eleven and also what I also learned I'm sorry I wrote it here and I
forgot to mention it is that you to the seasonal you're gonna have those moments
where you're gonna want to just not make any more videos you're gonna have those
moments when you just wanna make videos all the time those moments where you're
like ah you know and again it just it's all about enjoying the process okay and
finally um I'm gonna ask you my viewers I would like for you to comment down
below which of our videos was one of your favorites or if you have more than
one leave it in the comments down below I would love to hear your feedback um so
thank you so much for watching that is all for now make sure to check out the
simple rugged path and the playlist down below so that you can see all of the
responses and all of the reflections from 2018 that is all for now thank you
for watching bye
Kia Venga 1.4 CVVT X-tra | Airco | Navi | Bluetooth | Dealeronderhouden | - Duration: 1:06.
Opel ADAM UNLIMITED 1.0T 90PK - OPC LINE - CARPLAY - 17 - Duration: 0:54.
Opel Insignia 1.5T 165pk Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Mokka X 1.4T 140pk Innovation - LEDER - NAVI - SCHUIFDAK - Duration: 1:15.
Opel KARL 1.0 Semi-Automaat 75pk Edition - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:02.
세 번째로 만든 메들리 - Duration: 12:59.
Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:13.
Opel Insignia ST INNOVATION 1.5T 165pk - OPC - FULL OPTION - Duration: 1:07.
Opel Grandland X 1.2T 130pk Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Vivaro 1.6 CDTi 145pk L1H1 Irmscher - 082-200 - NAVI - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Grandland X 1.2T 130pk Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:13.
Opel Grandland X ONLINE EDITION 1.2T 130PK S&S - NAVIGATIE - CLIMA - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Active Cool Airco | Trekhaak | Elektrische ramen | Nieuwe APK | - Duration: 0:52.
Seat Ibiza 1.4 85pk Style | Climate Control | Cruise Control | Sensoren | - Duration: 1:12.
Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110pk Navi | Pano dak - Duration: 1:09.
MKS Gen L - Marlin 1 1 9 (configuration.h) - Duration: 33:57.
today I'm going to talk to you about the MKS Gen L, but what I'm gonna do is
something a little different I'm gonna talk about how the Marlin firmware
relates to the actual board so the first thing I'm gonna start with is opening up
the pins for the MKS Gen L this can be found online but I can also post a link
to help you find it so inside here as you can see over here it says D37 D17
D23 D27 these are pins that are associated with digital pins some unique
things are where it says like A13 A14 A15 those are analog pins and then
where you see 5v and GND that's five volts and ground and then over here for
our extruders extruder number two which is listed as E1 it says D7 that's
digital pin 7 and then the first extruder which would be D10 so now that
we have an idea of what this looks like and close out of this and I'm gonna open
up the Marlin folder for the bug-fix 1.1.9 bug-fix inside here we're gonna
search on pins and what we're looking for is pins MKS Gen L and we're gonna
look inside here for a second inside here we have a definition of what the
board name is which is n KS Gen L then we also have a MOSFET D7 what
that means is digital pin 7 and then we have two unique settings for chip select
these are used usually for something like a TMC 2130 extruder and the chip
select is the actual way to specify the individual board to communicate with so
it can only communicate with one board at a time
so it's assigned a digital pin which a wire runs to the board and allows it to
communicate right here we have something unique
it says, '#include "pins_RAMPS.h"' ', what that's saying is take the
"pins_RAMPS.h", file and concatenate it together with this one or
appended to this one so what we want to do is actually look inside this file
because that's where the remainder of our pins can be found and then one last
thing I haven't spoken about this actually is a conditional setup for
making sure that we don't exceed the number of extruders so we might have to
manipulate this in the future we want to add a third extruder so I'm gonna close
out of this in a second and I'm gonna show you what in, "boards.h", our board
looks like it's, "BOARD_MKS_GEN_L", that's the actual name
of our motherboard and then I'm going to show you the pins folder inside the pins
folder we have a specification for all the pin values that we are using in the
first file that I showed you when we opened up for the pins for the MKS Gen L
as you can see there's something unique here where it's saying pin 7 11 6 5 & 4
4 servos we only have four servos this is talking about the older RAMPS board
which is RAMPS_13 or 13 then down below we have a bunch of
information about our limiting switches limiting switches our end stops and then
they talk about the axes and we have a chip select set for each one which
I'll go into in the future with a stepper and explain how that works so
I'm gonna close out of this and I'm going to open up the Marlin firmware
solution file for the IDE
okay for the IDE there's several different configuration dot files for
header files, "configuration.h", is where we'll do about 85 to 90% of our
configurations, "CONFIGURATION_ADV.H" or advanced configuration.h is
where the remainder is so I'm going to only talk about, "configuration.h", in this
tutorial so moving through it really quick you can see that there's a version
number that they've set up or the actual file they talk about who developed it
and what information is relevant to it down here they talked about getting
started this is useful links that you can go and look up information about the
Marlin software and how to configure it they talked about multiple printers
being Delta the SCARA the hangar printer I'm gonna skip those because I'm not
knowledgeable in those then they also talked about the ability to add
information about your particular configuration such as you being the
author showed the boot screen they have a splash line which says what software
build it is so if you're keeping track of it an SVN where a source control
then you can add a build version right here then you can also add your own
website to the actual printer boot screen down below here we have the
ability to specify a custom boot screen right now it's commented out so you need
to remove the comments and point it to the boot screen if you don't know how to
do a boot screen you can always check out my RAMPS 1.4 tutorial on boot
screens and I guess now you can add a custom image which I haven't worked with
yet so I don't know down here you have the ability to select the serial port, I
prefer to leave this alone because default works perfectly fine
here's the baud rate you can change the baud rate if you so choose but this is
the optimized one currently so I'd leave it alone here we have a value for
Bluetooth which you can communicate with your printer board without using a
serial USB cable so that possibly is gonna be a future tutorial here's where
we actually specify our board type which is the MKS Gen L down here it looks like
we can give a custom machine name to our printer if we so choose by removing the
comments and putting in whatever we'd like between the quotes you can also do
the same thing with the serial number so if you're making multiple ones and you
want to keep track of serial numbers here's where we can add multiple
extruders it looks like we can do up to five in the Marlin firmware currently
we're gonna stick with one also we have the ability to set our own particular
size for filament I use 1.75 but I usually don't change this value because
I set it in the Pronterface software or the Slic3r software here we have the
ability to use a single nozzle now most people are not familiar with the cyclops
or a printhead called the diamond print head for a cyclops it's usually two
extruders so to steppers pushing material and it usually has one single
nozzle so if you're using that you need to remove the comments and if you're
using a diamond printhead it would be three and obviously this would be
probably be 1.75 for a diamond printhead because I think that's the only size
that you can use in it
okay some multiplexer I haven't used it so I don't really want to talk about it
but I haven't used this either but I know what it is this is a switching
extruder it uses a single stepper to push material in so what happens is
you're changing the path of what can be pushed in using a switch so it's using a
servo here to change the angle between two feet tubes
this looks very similar to this obviously I'm not super experienced in
these so I'm gonna leave them alone for now this looks like the ability to dock
your X-carriage with your extruder connected I haven't used it so I don't
want to speak too much to it here's a mixing extruder this would be something
that you would use for something like your diamond printhead where you can mix
multiple colors
this looks like when you use multiple extruders you can say what the distance
between them is so the difference is of x and y in the same plane this is a
setting to specify your particular type of power supply unit I usually just go
with the default and that's some of the setting logic that might be used for it
this is for PS_on I don't normally use it but it's used I think on the RAMPS 1.4
printer board now thermal settings this is something that we all
use normally its default negative one so I'm sorry normally it's negative not
negative one but one so if you have a particular type of thermistor to tell
temperature then you would change to the number that's specified down here below
but in our case we're gonna stick with one for our extruders so if you have one
extruder your thermistor would be one if you have multiple like a second extruder
you could say that has the same thermistor type which is one so it's a
separate set of wires running to your other extruder that has a default value
for that particular software type and the same goes for apparently a
bedchamber and also your printer bed but I personally don't use a temperature
setting for the printer bed because I no longer heat it I use PLA on it
here's the ability to set dummy values for your thermistor I currently don't
use this for anything but you have the option to do it
this is something to keep track of multiple extruders and make sure the
difference doesn't float too much this is a way to keep track between them I'm
not super sure on the actual functionality of this so I don't want to
speak to it too much and then here's the minimal temperatures that you can set
for your thermistors by default they're all five and the same thing goes for
your extruders so you can have five extras with the default Max temperature
and then your bed has a default max temperature as well then there's the
ability to actually customize or tune your temperature settings with these
values I currently don't use this but if you want more precision you can always
do that for both your bed and your extruders then here's a setting for your
default cold extrusion this prevents your stepper motor from stepping if the
temperature hasn't been reached being 170 degrees Celsius and then I guess
there's also a max length that's added down here and then thermal runaway this
is kind of important do not disable this and always keep an eye on your printer
when printing because this is what prevents the printer from either
catching on fire or breaking itself so if this fails being in the room when it
fails you'll know that something's wrong it's happened to me once so I don't
recommend having that experience this is for a core XY I personally don't use
this so I'm not gonna really talk about it here's something that we all use it's
end step settings currently there default on for use X min
all the way to the Zed min if you're using a what is it a delta then you
might have to flip the settings and enable or remove the comments for these
three but I don't use a delta so I can't
really speak to that and stop pull-ups I believe are used for additional sensors
on your hand stop I haven't used this so I'm not happy to it here's something
that we all have used and probably will use in the future
sometimes when you move to your x-axis and you type it you move your x-axis to
the end stop and you type M119 for a G code you might get false when it should
say true when it's actuated the end stop inverting it allows you to change the
logic from false to true by flipping it for you automatically down below this is
new functionality it's just been recently added to Marlin 1.1.9 this
allows you to specify multiple types of steppers they're all default A4988
but then you can add the particular situation that you have
right here for your stepper if you have multiple types and this I don't
currently use but I guess if you want to save cycles on your CPU you can always
enable it by removing the comments I the same goes for end stop first give me for
end stop noise filters you can enable it if you so choose but I don't motion
settings so distinct in factors means extruder factors so if you have unique
motor types or mixed motor types you can enable this by removing the comments but
most of time people use only one extruder so this is your X Y your Z
and your extruder these you might need to calibrate in the future I've done a
video on how to calibrate your extruder so the principle is exactly the same for
x y&z it has to do with measurement of actual divided into your what you
getting or vice-versa I can't remember the equation but it's listed above in
the calculator here we have default max feed rate I believe this has to do with
the speed at which things moves then we have default max acceleration and they
go into defaults for everything here in case you want to set them the jerk value
I believe is how fast it accelerates and then decelerates but don't quote me on
s-curve I'm not exactly sure but there's a link here where you can look it up and
then Z probes I've done a couple of videos on this this is enabled by
default so I'm going to move kind of quick through it you might have to
enable this in some cases for minimum for the Z-min probe and stops and then
sometimes you want to probe manually sometimes you're gonna have something
particular about it you know the distance away I'm not exactly sure these
settings but you can use your LCD panel for that that's probably why you can
enable these fixed mount probe you can use this for an inductive or capacitive
and stop for your z-axis and then this has to do with being able to stow your
probe with a servo I did a video on this a long time ago for RAMPS you can take a
look if you're interested in doing it but just remember the firmware was much
older when I did that I've also done a tutorial on the BL touch so you can
check that out on your free time and then these are a series of settings that
you can set for your probe in the beginning if you want to turn off the
power or use solenoids to extend the sled or something like that
this is used to tell positionally where the probe is in relation to your
extruder being the XYZ plane of the Cartesian plane so it
just says where they are indifference to where your extruder is located this
allows you to actually start probing inside your printer area being I use a
glass plate so I have clips so I don't want to avoid those so I probably set
this to 10 or 20 to avoid them this is the speed at which you can probe I'm not
going to talk too much about probing because it's kind of clear this talks
about another probe and what you can do with it this allows you to have multiple
probes if you so choose so I'm going to scroll through is kind of quick here we
go so sometimes when we use the stepper it goes in the wrong direction
you can change the value from 0 to 1 to flip the direction without taking the
plug out and turning it around you can also disable your motors if you so
choose they're set to false because I like to keep them holding where they are
so I recommend not changing these this is the setting basically having to do
with something with the motors I say don't change it but you are more than
welcome to experiment if you so choose
and this has to do with disabling an inactive extruder that's up to you to
play with but it's on by default here we have the ability to invert the direction
yet again so you can change the direction that your motor actually turns
so if it's going to the right by changing false to true it'll move to the
left same thing goes for your extruder and then let's see these are defaulted
off but they're experimental things that you can use for no motion before homing
unknown Z no raise so I'm guessing if you don't know where
the z-axis is then don't raise it this I believe is an offset so when it reaches
a zero position I'll go up four but it could be incorrect on this now here's an
interesting setting this is for x y and z homing sometimes your end stop is in
the wrong direction by changing the negative one to one you can actually
change the direction in which your homing rather than flipping the actual
direction that your motors turn here's the default bed size for your printer so
you have an X bed size and a Y bed size normally a heat bed default size for
most people is 220 millimeters by 220 millimeters in this case if you want to
change it to 300 by 200 you can do that here here is a way to define what your
bed looks like to the software so x-min is the zero position so these three
would be the Cartesian starting point of 0 comma 0 comma 0 this would be how
large your actual plane is in the XY so it could be 220 by 220 here or 200 as
it's specified up here and then this can also change so your height might be a
lot higher so you might be able to change this to 300 millimeters or more
depending upon how much you measure it
this I'm not familiar with so I'm not gonna stick to it as well as this
this I'm not sure of so I don't want to talk about it here's the filament run
out I've done a video on this for the RAMPS 1.4 there's actually two
different videos that have done on it there's one for a end stop sensor that I
designed that you can use to tell when you've runout of filament and there's
also a photo electric sensor to tell but it doesn't work with color or clear
filament that's why I designed the switch sensor instead bed leveling I'm
gonna try and avoid talking too much about there's about five different types
of bed leveling you can try these out on your free time I personally level with my
bed manually I'll possibly do a future video on that
but for now I'm not going to talk too much about this
okay additional features we have EEPROM settings so we can set by turning on the
EEPROM manually and then flashing our board with the firmware I don't
recommend doing this only because it makes your printer unreliable because
most of time people forget that they left on the settings and then these are
settings to make sure your computer or your printer don't go to sleep when
they're connected I personally don't really mess with them I just leave them
alone here's a debugger from watching your memory and then here's a value that
some people like to use it's inch mode support because the printer
is default in millimeters but I recommend leaving it in millimeters only
because the whole world uses millimeters except for the United States and all the
software that you use to develop your 3d models is in millimeters by default and
then thermal units I believe is the ability to change from either Celsius to
Fahrenheit but the printer is default Celsius so you might as well stick to
Celsius as well these are default sensor settings for your thermistors I
recommend leaving them alone unless you want to match them up this is a parking
feature that you can remove the comments for if you want to park your nozzle I
personally don't use it nozzle cleaning is kind of cool I haven't really used it
but if you switch colors midway through a print you can cause it to spray out
the excess so that you can get the color you want where you don't get dribble
from the previous color that was loaded and this talks about the settings for it
this is a timer used for your printer to keep track of how long it took to print
I personally just leave it alone then there's a printer counter this is number
of prints that you print on your printer it's off by default but you can turn it
on if you so wish just keep in mind when you reflash your software you might
erase your previous settings LCD and SD support as you can see the printer for
the LCD if installed is defaulted to English but there are several other
languages you can choose from if it's not there you can also invent or make
your custom language I am NOT well versed in it but you can try it out for
yourself if you so choose talking more about language then we have SD support
ST support is off by default but if you remove the Commons you can turn on your
SD Drive on your LCD this talks about the speed at which a serial peripheral
interface will work you can change speeds this is for a SPI LCD I believe
this is used for when your SD card fails it'll try a retry you just have to
remove the comments and then this is for changing around the menu structure on
your LCD this I think has to do with the movement between your menus so when
you're turning the dial or the potentiometer you can select the speed
at which it travels this is allowing you to flip the direction at which you
travel so if you're moving clockwise and it's going to counter clockwise you just
remove the comment here's the speaker most of time it's a piezo buzzer
so you can remove the comment to cause it to work or you can leave it default
off and then this talks about I believe there refresh rate for the LCD but I
could be incorrect this section here talks about additional
controllers that you can add and specify most people use the RepRap discount
smart controller just remember that you might have to load the file for U8glib
it's shown below in the firmware down here to where you can find it right
here so up here they're talking about additional types of LCDs this is an i2c
which is another way to use an LCD the ports are native on the RAMPS 1.4
next to the end stops where as I'm not exactly sure on the MKS where they
can be found at least the MKS Gen L know where they are on the MKS for Gen
1.4 I believe but they're not populated so in future tutorials I might go over
that so now that we're going through a series of LCDs I'm kind of skipping them
because it's the same information just for a particular LCD now we have other
controllers you can add support for a particular type of keypad I think this
goes for about 17 dollars but I haven't used it so I can't really talk too much
about it but all you have to do is remove the comments to actually set it
up and then extra features this talks about PWM which is pulse width
modulation it has to do with how to run a fan
looks like you've got some settings here where you can use LEDs not sure what
that setting is Barracuda is used for a paste extruder um you can invent your
own if you so choose and see if it works with it
but there might be a specific specific dot H file for this so you might have to
look it up the blink atom is an i2c LED I've done a tutorial already on this for
the RAMPS 1.4 I haven't used this so I can't really speak to it
this is settings that you can set for LEDs neopixel is like a circular LED
this is some kind of logic talking about the LEDs and what to do with them and
then finally it talks about the number of servos now there's something
incorrect I think in the firmware if you were to compile after removing the
comments for this you should get a failure because in past versions of the
Marlin firmware he had a set individual settings for each of the three so
technically it should read like this in the past I they may have changed it to
where 300 applies to all I'm not sure I haven't tested it in a while but I want
to take the a moment to thank you for watching my very long tutorial and
please remember to Like and subscribe and thank you once again for your time
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI Highline NL-Auto!! Climate/PDC/Cruise - Duration: 1:09.
Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110pk Navi | Pano dak - Duration: 1:09.
Planen Steffen Donsbach & Pia Tillmann weiteren Nachwuchs? - Duration: 0:54.
Moneyball book, Ch. 3, 4 - Duration: 28:47.
Vœux du Président | Lucidité, Radicalité, Solidarité - Duration: 6:51.
5f -- The Game (OSU vs. Team Up North) - Duration: 26:41.
5e - Iron Bowl (Roll Tide vs. War Eagle) - Duration: 15:13.
Chapter 1 Why Economics and Sports - Duration: 24:24.
Quick review for Midterm Exam - Duration: 35:21.
NFL Draft project basics - Duration: 25:25.
3e - Bird vs. Magic and Celtics vs. Lakers - Duration: 32:18.
6a - Cold War (USA vs. USSR) - Duration: 27:04.
3a - MLB, NHL globalization efforts - Duration: 32:03.
Chapter 2a Economist Arsenal: Supply, Demand, Elasticity - Duration: 21:15.
Chapter 9b Labor Mkt Deviations Unions, caps, and drafts - Duration: 19:25.
Moneyball book, Ch. 1, 2 - Duration: 21:22.
Chapt. 8a Labor Markets - Duration: 23:49.
Ch 2 appendix constrained max, regression review - Duration: 24:31.
Chapter 3b Costs and League Structure - Duration: 37:23.
5c - UConn vs. Lady Vols - Duration: 21:31.
Financing Cincinnati s stadiums - Duration: 10:24.
Moneyball book, Ch 7-10 - Duration: 29:43.
The Reno Sheriff's Department Loses Their Retirement Money - RENO 911! - Duration: 3:11.
My name is Glenn.
My name is Bill, and who here likes vacations?
I do.
But it's tough to take vacation
when you only have five days allotted the entire year.
You know what? We're going to do a little magic here.
What would you say if we took those five days,
we took those five days and we ...
abracadabra, made them 10 days?
10 days of vacation time!
Is that happening? Is that happening?
It can happen. Is that?
It can happen if you believe in the program we're talking about.
We're talking about a program ...
who wants to book a vacation? No one, right?
Who wants to think about where they're going?
Who wants to call up a hotel or go online?
That sounds like a lot of hassle to me.
Exactly. It is a lot of hassle, but not anymore.
If you want 10 days, all you have to do is vacation
at one of three resorts that we have predetermined for you.
A resort like a resort, resort?
It's a resort in the greater Tampa metropolitan area.
Wow. Fuck, yeah!
And they are so nice. How about a place called Casa Laguna?
Casa Laguna!
It all takes place right here ...
I like the water.
... here and here in Tampa.
Guys, it is so beautiful. You've got to see this place.
You are just a short tram ride away from the beach!
How can we possibly afford this on a cop's salary?
Well, that's the thing.
What we do is, we go like this ...
Oh ...
Oh! Boom!
What are we talking about right here, guys?
We're talking about Tupperwares.
All you've got to do is sell over $50 of Tupperware
to three to five friends ...
Every week for the next six months.
Easy. Easy.
And then you will qualify for the package.
What was your favorite time in your life?
When you had sleepovers with your friends, guys?
Yeah. I love sleepovers!
Everybody all together, right?
Well, we are going to give you a bonafide dorm room experience
because you're going to be sharing this condo
with up to seven different people!
Some of them, the beauty of it, you don't even know them,
so you make new friends.
That's good people
We're going to talk about security too.
Every window has bars on them. You are protected.
You're not going to have to worry
about your stuff getting stolen.
If you're afraid of other things that might happen at the beach,
such as shark attacks,
did you know that the occurrence of a shark attack,
the odds of that happen are so minuscule
to almost be negligible?
It's so negligible it makes me wonder
why you even brought it up.
Well, we have to bring it up by law.
So we get 10 nights in an all-inclusive resort,
two rides on a tram, a job, mandatory lectures
and all we have to do is sell $12,000 worth of Tupperware.
Exactly! Exactly!
I'm going to the Tampa area!
We need an investment from you for the Tupperware.
No problem.
You're going to put some money out ...
... and then you're going to get that money back.
Takes money to make money. Am I right?
Yeah. Come outside to our van,
and we are going to give you that Tupperware.
Tupperware! Tupperware! Tupperware!
Tupperware! Tupperware! Tupperware! Tupperware!
동방신기, '완벽 퍼포먼스' K팝 제왕 위력…워너원 커버 무대까지(MBC 가요대제전) - Duration: 3:38.
1일 오후 일산 MBC 드림센터에서는 노홍철, 윤아, 민호,
차은우의 진행으로 '2018 MBC 가요대제전 : The Live'이 열렸다.
이날 동방신기는 1부 엔딩 무대를 장식했다.
동방신기 등장에 앞서 그룹 워너원 황민현, 하성운,
김재환, 배진영, 박우진은 동방신기의 히트곡 'Rising Sun'을
파워풀한 안무와 함께 워너원의 색으로 재해석했다.
이어 무대에 등장한 동방신기는 '주문'과 '운명' 무대를 선보였다.
파워풀한 안무에도 흔들림 없는 라이브 실력으로 완벽한
무대를 선보이며 데뷔 16년차 다운
노련한 퍼포먼스를 이어갔다.
이를 지켜본 엑소 수호와 시우민 역시
입을 벌리고 무대에 감탄하며 시선을 모았다.
또 동방신기는 최근 발표한 신곡 'Truth' 무대까지
최초로 공개, 연말 축제 분위기를 달궜다.
Amazing Stunning Coastal Edition Country Lodge with Contemporary Interior Design - Duration: 2:07.
Amazing Stunning Coastal Edition Country Lodge with Contemporary Interior Design
Top 10 Most Insane Waffle House Stories EVER! - Duration: 12:30.
Waffle House is known for its 24-hour service, day or night, hurricanes or disasters.
The southern chain has a cult-like following, and while the all-star breakfast is the star
attraction, there's some truly unique facts about Waffle House that many people don't
For example, Waffle House has its own index to indicate the impact of natural disasters
- something which doesn't seem to have anything at all to do with a restaurant.
There's a lot of bizarre happenings around the yellow-roofed chain.
So, sit back as we explore the top 10 strange things to happen at Waffle House.
The gang of elderly men at Waffle House
Now, who would have thought a Waffle House would become a base of operations for a bunch
of elderly men to conspire against the government?
That's exactly what happened, when back in 2011, four men used to meet up at the Taccoa,
GA Waffle House and get to plotting.
The four men, Samuel Crump, Frederick Roberts, Ray Adams, and Dan Roberts, had named themselves
"the covert group" - and that name sure sounds like a secret evil group planning nefarious
plots to thwart the government - which was exactly what they were doing.
Their plan was to blow up government buildings and kill people with poison from a bean plant
in the area.
To top it off, they also had affiliations with a militia group as well.
They were arrested in November 2011 based on recordings of their meetings by an undercover
Because of the nature of the case, it has drawn a lot of attention, especially in regards
to domestic terrorism - and also you don't often hear news of four elderly men cooking
up devious plans in a place no one would ever think such a thing could happen.
But once you know the story of all the things going bump in the night at Waffle House, this
one starts to look normal.
Next time you are having a hearty breakfast at a Waffle House, make sure your eyes are
peeled for elderly men sitting in groups and speaking in hushed tones.
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Naked woman rampage at Waffle House
If you thought a sinister government plot at a Waffle House took the prize for the weirdest
stuff to happen there - think again.
The Kennesaw, GA location was visited by a Georgian woman by the name Jennifer Nicholson.
Apparently, the woman became very aggressive and created a ruckus.
At first, she was witnessed preaching to the customers and prowling about the restaurant.
Then she was seen punching a woman in the nose and throwing a plate at her.
If that wasn't enough to catch attention, she stripped naked and broke a window.
The drama didn't just end there, as the woman scratched an officer while he was trying
to subdue her and also lunged at another.
Upon her arrest, it couldn't be interpreted as to why she behaved in that fashion, but
her actions were considered as "a suspected excited delirium state."
It is not every day you come across a woman angry, naked, fist fighting, window-smashing
and blocking your booth while you try to have your breakfast in peace.
Hard times we live in.
The Waffle House home
Waffle House can get a book published on the amount of strange stuff going on at the chain.
Heck, they could use it to advertise their brand, and adventurers could walk by hoping
to catch the next out of the ordinary happening.
Now that's an idea.
Anyways, here's a story that would surely make one want to make the restaurant their
Yes, that's right.
One man in Augusta, Georgia thought of just that.
A guy who was repairing the air conditioning back in 2011 noticed someone living on the
roof of the Waffle House.
No one knew how he got up there or for how long he had taken up residence on the roof.
Later he was taken to the hospital, as he was suffering from dehydration.
We assume the view must have been nice up there, or the man must have had his fair share
of tree houses in his youth.
Waffle House has become the center stage for all things random and weird, and this one
sits proudly in this list.
Employees better start checking their Waffle House roofs from now on.
Who knows what could be living up there?
Maybe an army of raccoons or little green men.
Waffle House alert
Yes, Waffle House is also a conduit for bad people walking around, luring children away.
In a Port St. Lucia, Florida location, a teacher was nabbed by the cops for luring underage
girls for sex.
One of the undercover detectives was a woman, who made a deal with the man by offering her
young daughter as the prey.
Of course, the whole thing was a setup to catch hold of the guy, and he was arrested
at the Waffle House he was planning to meet the detective at.
Unfortunately, this wasn't a solitary incident.
In 2017, a Waffle House employee was arrested from the Goodlettsville, Tennessee restaurant
on charges of possessing child pornography.
Through anonymous tips, the Metro Nashville Police Department managed to get a hold of
the man.
The culprit, later revealed that he had also uploaded the content on online platforms like
social media.
Next time you dine at one of the Waffle Houses and you suspect anyone looking at children
funny, make sure you call 911.
Your tip is denied at Waffle House!
When the customer is happy with your services and leaves you a fat tip for all your hard
work, chances are your smile widens from ear to ear, dreaming about all the stuff you can
purchase on Amazon.
In 2014, one waitress, Shaina Brown, must have thought about that when she received
a $1000 tip by a generous customer.
Unfortunately, her monetary dreams were short-lived, when she wasn't allowed to accept such an
amount, as it was against company policy.
The North Carolina Waffle House waitress went back home without the huge sum and the money
was refunded to the customer's credit card.
This story does have a happy ending though, as Brown managed to meet the generous person
through a reporter who covered the story.
She ended up getting a cheque for the tip by the customer.
If you're working at a Waffle House and stuck around till wee hours of the morning
like Brown did, you might be the next lucky employee to get a handsome tip but not be
able to accept it.
Sorry Waffle House, when you gotta go you gotta go
As if Waffle House didn't have enough naked or weird people in their restaurants, another
incident occurred in 2016.
In Sandy Springs, GA, a man named Bashir Rasheed decided to make the front door of the Waffle
House his own personal toilet.
The man peed outside the restaurant.
Then he decided to give it a shot and walk inside, but alas his waffle dreams were shattered
as an employee prevented him from entering.
Thankfully he didn't try to get too ambitious and went back to his car.
Charged with indecency, and arrested, he got a ride to the hospital by the police.
At least he didn't have to pay for gas.
What are they putting in the waffle batter to make people act like this?
The Waffle House brawl
Before your imaginations runs wild, assuming that Waffle House is the next WWE ring, that's
not exactly the case.
But it did try to imitate one - in 2007, Kid Rock and his band did a gig in Atlanta.
After the performance, they decided to stop by a Waffle House and grab a bite.
For reasons unknown, he ended up having an argument with a customer, which evolved into
a brawl.
Both parties gave their own versions for the cause of the fight, but no one truly knows
the credible version.
The court didn't find Rock's fist endeavors acceptable, and he, and another musician who
was part of the group had to shell out $40,000.
A pretty steep price to pay for a restaurant scuffle, but that's what you get, Kid Rock.
There's clearly no bad blood between him and the chain, at least not anymore.
Kid Rock recently made a cameo in a music video for Waffle House Christmas, which was
released by country music legend Bill Anderson.
Waffle House Funeral Services
What does a Waffle House have to do with a funeral, one might ask.
Well, a faithful late patron, Lawrence Clark, passed away 2003 - and not many of Clark's
relatives were there to eulogize, so Waffle House used the opportunity to give him the
respect he deserved by organizing his funeral at the restaurant.
The employees, patrons, and cooks gathered to give their salutations to Clark in the
parking lot space, which used to be his favorite spot, complete with his mortal remains on
top of the hood of a Chevrolet.
There were also family photos decorated in wreaths and flowers, along with huge display
His niece added a touch inside the restaurant by placing his jacket on the back of his favorite
chair, along with some Black coffee, milk and cigarettes, just the way he liked it.
Now that's the way to commemorate someone who had a special affinity towards Waffle
Let us hope Clark gets all the free meals in the heavens above and a plaque to show
the customers walking in, that there was a man named Lawrence Clark, who was also known
as "the Waffle House taxi service," as he used to drop off people who didn't have
transportation for their jobs.
Waffle House Intimacy
When you need your alone time for self-pleasure, a restaurant is hopefully not the first location
you think of.
Emanuel DeWayne Williams Sr. would not agree.
Working at the Waffle House in Macon, Georgia, Williams used the restaurant his own private
space back in 2015.
Walking in, a customer would expect to get their Papa Joe's pork chop and eggs, but
on that fateful day when Williams was on the path of self-discovery, instead, they likely
lost their appetite.
According to a female employee working at the restaurant, Williams declared that sometimes
he would pleasure himself at work, which at first she didn't believe.
Fortunately, or perhaps, unfortunately, there is video evidence of him doing the deed.
The woman recorded a video of the incident as she thought no one in their right mind
would believe such an event ever occurred.
The video popped up on Facebook and was also sent to the local news.
Williams was fired, as expected, and he and his girlfriend even tried to threaten the
female employee for circulating the video online.
It seems like sexual deviancy was not unfamiliar to him, as previously Williams served almost
a decade in state prison for a 1999 rape conviction.
He was charged for public indecency and probation violation.
Let us all hope no one else gets such an idea, and that the customers don't end up witnessing
such a sight, instead of their waffles.
The case of the Waffle House armed robbery
In fall 2014, a man named Jason Philpot had decided that it was up to him to rob a Waffle
House, with the help of an accomplice.
They had come prepared, complete with black masks and a rifle.
All armed and decked up for the crime, they held waitresses at gunpoint and commanded
money from the cash registers, including tips.
Since that didn't satiate their appetites, the men also demanded access to the safe as
After forcing the waitresses to the back of the restaurant, they then got involved in
a chase, with the DeKalb County Police on their tail.
Philpot and Patrick Reese were eventually arrested, with Reese getting 10 years of jail
time as he pleaded guilty of robbery at McDonald's, which he had been a part of a few days before
the Waffle House escapade.
His partner Philpot was convicted of charges in August 2017 and prior to his robbery plan,
he had also been charged for possession of drugs in 1998.
Looking at the roster of things happening at the famous chain, makes you wonder what
can happen next at a Waffle House.
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Don Felipe: cinco años como Rey y 15 como marido de Letizia Ortiz. - Duration: 6:14.
火影:大蛇丸入侵木葉時沒有穢土5個人,三個影級,兩個傳說級! - Duration: 6:31.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Full 2018 Direct : Amazon Best Seller ( Video Games ) - Duration: 27:20.
in this world
22l oh I'm Masahiro Sakurai from store limited this is a follow-up to our..
recent announcements about Super Smash Brothers ultimate without further ado
the legendary vampire hunter from the Castlevania series Simon Belmont is
finally joining the roster he's been given a bit of a makeover
his signature item is of course his holy whim the far flinging vampire killer it
leaves you open to attack in it's a bit slow but I think it's average reached
during normal attacks as longer than any other fighters he can move the whip
his special attacks are very recognizable the acts cross
holy water
and upper while they may seem simple they are very powerful and his final
smash is called Grand Christ
Simon stage is none other than Dracula's castle it's the darkest of stages and
super smash brothers ultimate when an attack hits one of the candlesticks an
item mode here in this stage bosses from across the Castlevania series will rear
their ugly heads they make Dracula's castle feel true to the world from
whence they came
and when speaking of castlevania you can't forget to mention the music for
this stage we will incorporate 34 music tracks including new and classic tunes
the Castlevania series is very popular among our music team and they were
excited to work on these arrangements once in a blue moon
Simon's mortal rival will appear
dracula reborn every 100 years he is eternally fated to wage war against
descendants of the valmont clan
under what conditions will he appear time will tell
now for a brand new assist trophy
Alucard son of dracula will lend a steel in battle he wields the Chrissa gram
transforms into a bat and dodges attacks by assuming mr. Dale he's very similar
to his starring role in Castlevania Symphony of the Night
like other assist trophies he's susceptible to attack and hey-o as well
nevertheless he'll prove to be quite talented and we have one more fighter
for you the vampire hunter who starred in classics like Castlevania Rondo of
blood Richter Belmont joins the battle Richter is an Ecco fighter based on
Simon though his strengths to the same his look voice and animations all set
him apart besides the super smash brothers
ultimate version of Simon and perform moves derived from Victor in this
original games so it's hard to say who's really echoing through I hope you'll
enjoy them both farewell I'd like to introduce two more EKKO fighters from a
completely different series while we're on the topic okay please take a look
Crom and Dark Samus joined the battle you may have seen this coming
both fighters have been highly requested they're each slightly different than the
fighters they're based on so pick whoever you enjoy most as you can see
depending on your settings you can either display all Ecco fighters
separately on the fighter select screen or stack them with the fighters they're
based on when stacked you can switch between them with the press of a button
this time we plan to reveal the design of every fighter before the game
launches we'll have a few more to announce later so stay tuned for stages
were mainly including returning favorites
allow me to introduce some of the stages we haven't shown before
we put a lot of effort into enhancing the look of the stages and rebalancing
them as well that said four stages that originally appeared in the nintendo 64
game who prioritized nostalgic intentionally keeping the passive look
the stage total is turning out to be pretty impressive let's compare it to
the totals in previous games now the total number of stages is voila 103 we
must be crazy if we exclude battlefield final destination in big battlefield
we'd have exactly 100 but take a look at the stage select screen every stage can
also be transformed into both battlefields and Omega forms so the
total number of stages is actually more than 300 all of these stages can be
played in a player battles and they are all available from the beginning
additionally you have the option to turn off stage hazards when you're looking
for a change of pace and don't want to be interrupted by hazards select this
option for a less chaotic experience also the order of the stages matches the
order in which they were introduced in the series just like the fighters
regarding stages we have a little surprise please take a look
check that out while playing the stage can transform around you but first we
must select the stage more option then you can pick two stages on the stage
select menu feel free to choose any stages you like and have fun
for the player who wants it all my music lets you select specific tracks for each
stage and this feature is making a return until now each stage had its own
set of music tracks but this time the tracks are organized by series instead
for example as long as you're playing on a stage based on the Legend of Zelda
series you can pick any of the tracks included from that series now for the
total number of music tracks from stages this is also ultimate
oh wow more than 800 tracks and if we count
other types of music like menus and fanfare then there's actually about 900
compositions if you played them all in a row without looping or stopping there's
more than 28 hours worth of music these game franchises are a big part of
videogame history and the result is a massive library of memorable music all
of this packed into one game this in itself is extraordinary of course
there's a sound test menu as well for your browsing pleasures we've sorted all
of the tracks by game series it's like having an album for each series
if a track has no corresponding fighter or stage work it's from one title rather
than a series it can be found in the other section you can create your own
playlists to sort them in any order you like anytime as much as you want
in handheld mode you can play music while the screen is turned off it's kind
of like using your Nintendo switch as a music player a huge variety of music has
been collected for the game and you can sample some of these tracks on the
official website we're planning to add selections basically every week so
please stay tuned some of you may have experienced the game already but I'd
still like to show you some things about the multiplayer battle rules now the
first thing you will select is the rules if you create your own rule set you can
immediately begin playing with those rules at any time in addition to time
battle in stock battle stamina battle is now treated as one of the standard smash
modes there's a different feeling of intensity in these battles
this time state election comes before fighter selection this way you can pick
a fighter based on how well suited they are for the stage or let the last
battles loser take the next stage to even the odds in sudden death you not
only start with 300% damage but the camera will steadily zoom in this
creates a nice sense of urgency
chargeable final smashes are now a selectable option during a match your
final smash meter they'll fill and then once it's maxed out you can use a weaker
final snow
when you apply this option to a match things can get really flashy if you're
up for a party please try it out by the way no two final smashes will happen
simultaneously there are other additions to the battle modes too we've added in
squad strike it's a five on five or three on three elimination style battle
to decide the winner each player will use five consecutive fighters in one
battle but it might be fun for multiple players to take turns as well we're also
including tourney mode choose the number of players and cpu participants and the
game will automatically structure a tournament bracket up to 32 players can
join the tournament so it's great for parties to
we're adding a special smash mode called smash down after a battle in this mode
the previously selected fighters will no longer be available to use in the next
battle so each player must select a different fighter it definitely pays off
to be skilled with multiple fighters you could also strategically pick a fighter
your opponent is good with before they can the new training mode will feature
an exclusive stage we've displayed a grid so it's easy to measure distance
and more you can also display launch distance the redline predicts your
trajectory at 0% damaged and the blue line is for 100% damage the fighters
weight is factored in at the moment of impact
the single-player mode in which players battle against a series of fighters will
return in the form of classic mode each fighter has a set series of stages and
opponents they will face now let me introduce you to some new items Pokemon
and a sister Oh
back to base
all of them can be considered special guests and another powerful one has just
from the Monster Hunter series rathalos swoops in
he appears as a boss
but he can also show up as an assist trophy actually he's the first character
to appear as both
before we go I'd like us to take a quick look as a main menu
as you can see there's a mysterious mode here but we can't talk about that just
yet also there's a dashboard on the right side of the screen this can be
accessed at any time by pressing the Zr button options and control descriptions
are listed here as well that's all for today's announcement the entire
development team is putting all of their energy into finishing the gains so
please be patient until launch day thank you so much for watching
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Louis CK makes fun of Parkland shooting victims inleaked audio - Duration: 9:18.
Disgraced comedian Louis CK has sunk to a new low and sparked outrage for making fun of the Parkland High School shooting victims, according to leaked audio of a recent stand-up act
It's been a rough year for the comedian after his name was embroiled in scandal when he admitted to sexually harassing five women in late 2017
But he's slowly making a return to the stand-up stage and this time is dragging the reputations high school shooting victims along with him in his performance at the Governor's Comedy Club in Long Island, New York on December 16
'They testify in front of Congress these kids…What are you doing? You're young you should be crazy, you should be unhinged
Not in a suit saying "I'm here to tell you…" F**k you,' he said in the clip.'You're not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot
Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn't get shot
You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I gotta listen to you talking,' he added
All the while the audience is hooting and howling in laughter. Students David Hogg, 18, and Emma Gonzalez, 19, became faces of the gun reform movement following the devastating Parkland shooting on February 14 where 17 people were killed at the hands of gunman Nikolas Cruz
The comedian also made fun of youngsters and belittled gender-identity terms in his set
'I'm so disappointed in the younger generation honestly because I'm 51 years old and I was 18 and in my 20s we were idiots
We were getting high doing mushrooms and sh*t…I was kind of excited to be in my 50s and see people in my 20s and be like these kids are crazy, these kids are nice…but they're not!' he said
'They're just boring. F**king telling me you shouldn't say that. What are you an old lady?
You should address me…as they/them because I identify as gender neutral. You should address me as there…because I'm a location…and the location is your mother's c***,' he added
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Senator Lindsey Graham calls CNN anchor's account of Obama's. Share this article Share He compared them to royalty for demanding specific gender titles that they feel comfortable with
The video of his set was posted on YouTube. In his hour-long spiel he talked about his difficult year and how he lost $35million and alluded it to the sexual misconduct allegations against him
'I live in New York. I f**king hate it now. I loved New York for 20 years. Now I'd rather be in Auschwitz, honestly
I mean Auschwitz now,' he said. In previous sets he said he feels that everyone hates him and was booed in public
The clip sparked outrage on Twitter with users calling him a 'monster'.'I'm listening to the leaked Louis set and it's very clear hes just going to tour red states for the rest of his life to rapturous crowds, like Trump,' one Twitter user said
'There was always part of me that was hoping he'd turn things around, put out a better apology, and make a huge comeback
but I think that part of me just died listening to this,' another said.'OMG, I just
I'm so embarrassed that I used to think he was funny. This isn't even doubling down
He just went full on monster,' one former fan tweeted. 'Why were people in the audience laughing? He was mocking child survivors who watched their classmates get slaughtered?' a critic wrote
'Making fun of the Parkland' survivors/activists sure is a bold way to begin rebranding after sexual assault allegations
Yikes,' another added. The comedian returned to the comedy stage in August. There are no tour dates listed for him on his professional website
Five women accused Louis CK of sexual misconduct in November 2017, which he later admitted to
The women were mostly comedians who said he asked to watch them masturbate or forced them to watch him masturbate
For years rumors swirled that the comedian used his status and power to harass female comedians
After the allegations arose, the comedian immediately confessed they were true. 'These stories are true
What I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your d*ck isn't a question
It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me
And I wielded that power irresponsibly,' he said in a statement released just a day after the allegations came forward
Despite his confession, he faced no legal consequences for the sexual misconduct
However, his stand-up special was cut from Netflix and his relationship with HBO and FX were also axed
Just nine months later he returned to the spotlight.
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