Praise The Lord everybody welcome back to another video firstly I would like to
wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year the title which I have chosen
for today's video is let Jesus be the solution to your resolution we all fail
to keep our resolution no matter how much ever we plan we lose track by the
end of the year this is a major problem for most of us
however today is your day and I have a solution for you and that solution is
Jesus Christ it is always him and it always will be
yes Jesus is the solution to all your problems let's not limit Jesus Christ
only for our Christmas and New Year celebration
let's give him control each and every day of our lives let this be your life
motto be involve Jesus every day of your life at every single situation
because he alone can help you .As Children Of God we need to learn to be dependent on
God he must increase but I must decrease that's what we got to be we cannot do
anything with our own strength especially when it comes to spiritual
matters so let's learn to be dependent on God
it's more important than your Sunday worship is your personal relationship
with God your worship should be a lifestyle when it all comes down to
relationship it's your relationship which gives you the results both
spiritual as well as the physical realm the moment you focus on the
spiritual things God Himself will give you the wisdom to sort out your worldly
matters so be very very strong in your relationship with God because that will
help you sort out every single difficulty you face in life so have
the habit of reading the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to help you and meditate
on God's Word and that is more than enough for you to sort out any situation .The Bible
is an instruction manual given by God so it's important that we read it on a
day-to-day basis so that we can be a real winner in life
I encourage each and every one of you to read The Book of Proverbs as it will
help you to be a real winner and help you to have a disciplined life and most
importantly a successful life all the practical steps in the Bible are given
for you to lead a perfect life so follow them. The Book of Proverbs will help you
to live very carefully in this wicked world so I urge you to read the book as
it is extremely helpful
we cannot understand every single thing in the Bible for that we need the power
of the Holy Spirit and I will talk about the subject in my upcoming video. Coming
back to the point learn to depend and acknowledge God's ways and his will and
Call for your life !
Before I leave you with the video I want to have a word of prayer with you so
that I can declare the Blessings of God and his Favour over your life kindly
Repeat the Prayer along with me !
I Hope you have been blessed through this video .
thanks for watching as I leave you with the song
I'm coming back to the start where you found me I'm coming back to
your heart
Now I Surrender . Take me this is all i can bring.
I`m coming back to the start Our God Is Freedom.
And we feel your heart your heartbeat for us
Take me this is all I can bring
You`ll never stop loving us no matter how far we run.You`ll never give up on us
All of Heaven Shout Let The Future Begin !
I feel ALIVE, I come ALIVE,I am ALIVE on GOD`S Great Dance Floor !
I feel ALIVE, I come ALIVE,I am ALIVE on GOD`S Great Dance Floor !
Woah ! Woah ! God`s Great Dance Floor !
For more infomation >> The Master`s Call -Let Jesus Be The Solution To Your Resolution ! - Duration: 9:11.-------------------------------------------
MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili NEDERLANDSE AUTO !!! - Duration: 1:08.
M jak miłość, odcinek 1412: Ania rzuci Marcina. Zrozumie, że on kocha tylko Izę - Duration: 11:20.
Koniec tej pary w "M jak miłość" był nieunikniony! Zbyt długo Marcin (Mikołaj Roznerski) oszukiwał
samego siebie i trwał w związku z Anią Żakowską (Maria Pawłowska).
W 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" to właśnie Ania zerwie z Marcinem.
Domyśli się bowiem, że Chodakowski wciąż kocha Izę Lewińską (Adriana Kalska)
a ona jest dla niego tylko na zastępstwo. Między kochankami dojdzie do trudnej rozmowy
podczas której dziennikarka definitywnie rozstanie się z Marcinem.
Pozostaną jednak przyjaciółmi! Miłosny trójkąt w "M jak miłość"
który przez wiele miesięcy rozpalał emocje wśród widzów wreszcie doczeka się finału!
W 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" Marcin kolejny raz dopuści do głosu uczucia.
Nie będzie w stanie zapanować nad miłością do Izy gdy dowie się, że do mieszkania Lewińskiej ktoś się włamał.
Popędzi jej z pomocą. Przestraszony weźmie ukochaną w ramiona i wyzna jej, co czuje.
- Kocham cię... - powie i zacznie całować Izę. - Tak tęskniłam...
- szepnie Iza, gdy Marcin znów zaniesie ją do łóżka.
Doda, że wolałaby umrzeć, niż znowu go stracić.
Dla obojga stanie się jasne, że chcą być razem na dobre i na złe i nikt ich już nie rozdzieli.
Kilka godzin wcześniej w 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" Marcina czeka trudna rozmowa z Anią
która wróci z Gdańska gdzie prowadzi niebezpieczne dziennikarskie śledztwo.
Dziewczyna Chodakowskiego poruszy temat przeprowadzki do mieszkania Marcina i wspólnej przeszłości.
Dziennikarka zauważy, że w zachowaniu mężczyzny coś się zmieniło, że nie jest z nią szczery.
Ania zapyta go, czy chce z nią być. W 1412 odcinku "M jak miłość" Marcin znów zacznie kręcić.
- Zawsze byłaś i jesteś dla mnie ważna - zapewni ją Marcin, ale nie przyzna się do zdrady.
- Nie chcę wchodzić w niepewny, przejściowy układ.
I nie chcę być dla nikogo towarem zastępczym - odpowie Ania, a po chwili zerwie z Chodakowskim.
Namiętna noc Izy i Marcina w "M jak miłość", wyrzuty sumienia Chodakowskiego
kłamstwo Ani o ślubie ciąży oraz kolejna ucieczka Lewińskiej.
Tak w skrócie można streścić to, co się działo między tą trójką bohaterów.
I nic nie zapowiada, by w nowych odcinkach "M jak miłość" na początku 2019 coś miało się zmienić.
Przynajmniej nie od razu. - Jest to cios dla Izy i impuls do wycofania się.
Iza poddaje się wydarzeniom, które ją spotykają i nie do końca się zastanawia, co robi...
- powiedziała Adriana Kalska w "Kulisach serialu M jak miłość".
I faktycznie tuż po nocy z Marcinem, Iza powiedziała ukochanemu, że to był błąd
że wyjeżdża na Mazury z Jakubem. Oczywiście też nie była z nim szczera.
Widzowie "M jak miłość" prześcigają się w domysłach co będzie dalej z Izą i Marcinem.
Pewien trop podsuwają "Kulisy serialu M jak miłość", w których widać sceny z premierowych odcinków.
A w nich Anię, która stawia Marcinowi warunek i każe mu w końcu wybrać.
A także Izę na randce z Marcinem nad rzeką.
Zniecierpliwioną i zmartwioną dziwnym zachowaniem Marcina
który nie będzie chciał przy niej rozmawiać z Anią.
Chodakowski skontaktuje się ze swoją dziewczyną, by wszystko z nią wyjaśnić.
Czy dręczony wyrzutami sumienia postanowi wreszcie zdefiniować swoje uczucia i
wreszcie podjąć ostateczną decyzję? - Aniu, kiedy możemy się spotkać...
- powie Marcin w jednym z nowych odcinków "M jak miłość" na początku 2019 roku.
Czy te słowa będą oznaczały, że Iza powie mu o ciąży Ani i Marcin będzie chciał to wyjaśnić?
To się dopiero okaże. Jedno jest pewne - wątek tego miłosnego trójkąta nie skończy się tak szybko.
W 1385 odcinku „M jak miłość" Marcin i Ania (Maria Pawłowska)
będą ukrywać się z dziećmi w domku pod miastem.
Chodakowski zaplanuje wyjazd za granicę, by mieć pewność, że Artur (Tomasz Ciachorowski) go nie dorwie.
Tymczasem do jego kryjówki bez zapowiedzi przyjedzie jego brat.
Marcin będzie przerażony, gdy usłyszy warkot silnika pod domem.
Wyśle Anię z Szymkiem (Staś Szczypiński) i Mają na piętro, a sam wyjdzie na zewnątrz.
-Co ty tu robisz? Miałeś przyjechać po południu.
Nie mogłeś zadzwonić? - zdenerwuje się Marcin i odetchnie z ulgą, że to nie Artur.
-A jak jestem na podsłuchu? Policja mnie ciągle przesłuchuje, matkę też.
Spokojnie. Tym razem nikt mnie nie śledził – wyjaśni Olek.
Olek i Aleksandra oczywiście nie powiedzą policji, że Marcin jest porywaczem.
Nie zdradzą też miejsca jego kryjówki.
Problem tylko w tym, że rodzina Chodakowskich będzie na celowniku Artura!
Skalski naśle ludzi Aleksandrę i właśnie tak odkryje miejsce, w którym ukrywa się jego rywal.
Całe szczęście Jakub (Krzysztof Kwiatkowski) zorientuje się
że Artur namierzył Marcina i szybko wyśle mu SMSa „Uciekajcie. Natychmiast!".
Marcin zwieje, a chwilę później uzbrojony Artur zjawi się na miejscu…
W 1385 odcinku „M jak miłość" Marcina od śmierci będą dzieliły tylko minuty…
SMG Total Re-Edit: ASSAULT ON TATOOINE - Duration: 4:07.
You have to hide.
You have to leave.
Go go go!
Number three, cover section four.
C'mon BB-8! Hurry!
Over there!
Blast that X-Wing!
$**>&)--! #(^&-!
%>"#($---! #(^&-!!!
You take this.
Get as far away from here as you can!
It's safer with you than it is with me.
Put down your weapons.
It'll be alright!
If they're down here, we'll find them.
You may try.
I know where you came from...
...before you called yourself 'Kylo Ren'.
The First Order rose from the Dark Side.
You did not.
Uh oh.
You cannot deny the truth...
...that is your family.
Yes, Viceroy.
Nothing here. Go ahead!
Sir, the villagers?
Hands up.
Where are you taking them?
That doesn't...
You're under arrest.
Porsche 911 991 3.8 Carrera S PDK / SP.CHRONO / SP.UITLAAT / SCH.DAK - Duration: 1:05.
Mettez-le pour vos cheveux et calvitie :ça remplira les trous vides, vous récupérerez vos cheveux! - Duration: 4:06.
Put it on for your hair and baldness: that fill in the empty holes, you will recover
your hair!
My loves This reneges of virtues and exceptional benefits,
for both hair and body Its oil is all the more precious.
contains vitamins and nutrients go revolutionize your life
You will ask me what brings the oil Prickly pear on the hair?
Know already that this oil is rare, very rare and very expensive, but the fruits are accessible
, and edible in many countries. Its natural components give it
exceptional anti-aging virtues.
Once he is mature he has this color dark red, so I bought it unmoored
and I let him three weeks so he become like this, it's the perfect way
to use it
Its assets have the ability to penetrate easily the structure of the skin
Among the elements that will intervene in the care of the hair, we will distinguish the acid
linoleic (omega 6) which has large restorative properties. Then there
has vitamin E. A nutrient known for its antioxidant and moisturizing effects
 How to use it as a hair care
The oil of the famous Maghreb cactus acts on the scalp by revitalizing and
nourishing the fibers. We can easily notice this effect by the shiny appearance
hair. The application will have to be regular if we want the result to be permanent. For
do this, we can use the product as a mask
capillary. Just drop a few drops, spread them carefully and
leave on for ten minutes. Or to do as you see from
the beginning of the video
Peel, crush sift to extract the precious nectar, but first of all let the
ripen to maximum, limit let it rot because more mature it is more mature and more
rich are the seeds
Synergy possible with other vegetable oils as you can see from castor oil
it's a pure mixture, and even with karate butter
For the preparation
Crush a fruit take the time to make it completely patty, press to extract
the nectar, For skin and hair
Add together or separately two spoons of each of these oils
Jonson oil, olive oil, castor oil, Nigella oil, know that it can be preserved
cool, It is worth remembering that this other product
bio also contains many beneficial assets for hair.
Castor has the ability to promote microcirculation at the level of the scalp. Allowing,
not only to the assets of the other ingredient to easily penetrate the walls of the fibers,
but also to facilitate the contribution of its own nutrients. In the case of hair
dry, white hair, gray, people suffering from baldness, hair that has
tendency to fall, this association (in local application, in oil bath or mask
capillary) with castor oil is the best option. The hair will be strengthened
and fed to prevent diseases and the spread of microorganisms. For
finish, the softening virtues of castor will blend perfectly with the moisturizing effects
cactus oil. Powerful regenerating cell phone, will make you appear between 10
and 20 years younger by swallowing wrinkles and imperfection of the skin.
Loanh Quanh Sài Gòn đem yêu thương về miền trung - Duration: 21:49.
aDélicieux gratin de crevettes et pommes de terre sans lait, sans gluten|Nouvelles24h614178 - Duration: 10:46.
Maupassant, Lettre d'un fou - Julie Depardieu - Duration: 8:54.
ASMR mukbang / You'd never know what I have to eat for new Year - Duration: 18:31.
asmr mukbang
asmr eating
mukbang asmr
asmr burger
The Truth about Nikon Z6 - Duration: 5:48.
The Nikon Z6 ! It shares the same design and a pretty-much identical spec sheet as
the Z7
…but it has 4 notable differences : resolution
A higher ISO range
And burst shooting speed.
Bonjour my dear hi tech fans and welcome back to my channel
it's good to see you all !
And if you are here for the first time, salut !
My name is Celine, I'm a TV journalist and I'm here to talk about tech with you
so if you like Hi tech reviews, tutorials and sometimes Vlogs, you should consider subscribing.
Let's be honest here I said there were 4 notable differences but in reality there are
So let's first talk about the price.
The new full-frame mirrorless Nikon Z6 is a more affordable model than the outstanding
Z7, keeping nearly all the features while almost cutting the price… in half.
The Z6 uses the exact same body design as its Z7 sibling.
Ah I see you asking yourself : Ok Celine but we never had the Z7 in our hands so how
does it feel?
It feels natural to have it in your hand, it's ergonomic and lighter than other cameras.
Remember in one of my latest videos I asked Reggy a professional cameraman what his feeling
was about the Z7 design :
And if you are a Nikon Fan and you already own a Nikon device, the buttons and dials
are designed to feel familiar in your hands.
On the back of the camera most of the buttons are found on the right hand side, making it
so much easier to adjust settings with your thumb.
Let's see what we've got here…I see all your disappointed faces…there's just
one card slot here.
But…considering it's a XQD card and it's quiet expensive for one already you might
reconsider your disappointed faces.
Now let's talk about the biggest difference with the Z7.
While this one has 45.7MegaPixel, the Z6 features 24.5MegaPixel .
45.7 megapixels…alright if you want to print HUGE posters…but other than that having
fewer pixels may not be a big problem.
The little advantage is that , it does helps when it comes to low light shooting.
To that end, the Z6 has a bigger native ISO range , compared to the Z7 .
This means the Z6 should, have a better low-light performance.
Let's put it to the test
On the Z6 you've got a 273-point hybrid AF system, compared with the 493-point system
of the Z7.
Nonetheless, it still resulted in some rock-solid auto-focus performance in our testing.
And the Z6 can muster 12fps continuous shooting, compared to 9fps for the Z7.
Battery life for the Z6 has an official rating of just 310 shots.
That sounds pretty poor , I have put it to the test and you can push it to more like
600 shots.
For now, there are only three proprietary lenses for Nikon's brand new Z-mount.
There's a kit 24-70mm f/4 lens, along with a 35mm f/1.8 and a 50mm f/1.8.
If you already have old Nikon lenses, be assured that with a few extra dollars…or euros
you can buy an optional mount (the FTZ mount adapter) to use your F-mount lenses with the
Z6 .
And let's save the best for last :
SnapBridge — Nikon's mobile app — works on both Android and iOS for seamless pairing.
You can also shoot remotely using your iPhone or iPad.
Once connected, you can easily switch exposure modes from the top left of the app.
To the right is a toggle for photo or video mode, followed by additional camera stats
such as battery life.
If I had the money to buy the Z6 or the Z7 I would definitely opt for the Z6 for all
the things mentioned till now.
I had a fun time chatting with you, don't forget to click on the thumbs up button if
you enjoyed it too and if you haven't done it yet, subscribe to my channel.
Have a fantastic week ! And I will see you Lundi prochain ! See you next Monday ! Salut
I have just launched my Utip page !
Cartoon Creepypasta - Paw Patrol - Lost Episode - Duration: 12:50.
Okay, so yes, I'm gonna record this introduction before I even do the story
So you guys are gonna be hearing this before you guys actually hear the story
So this is gonna replace the actual introduction I had recorded previously
So with that said let's get into what I wanted to tell you
So I watched a bird box last night, and I'm about to watch it again tonight
I'm thinking I ever want to do
like top 10 things about bird box or a top 5 or
Something or maybe a review of bird box if you guys want to see that. Let me see
Let me know in the comment section down below. I'll also do a poll on my channel. And yes guys
We were doing a cartoon creepypasta in this episode. We were doing a paw patrols creepypasta
This is this guy's first creepypasta. So don't judge it too bad stay for the end
Get the watch time up, you know stay for the end
I'll do it review at the end if you guys want to hear the review
with that said I'm gonna read this story if you guys like it hit that subscribe button down below and notification bells on and
Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and keep doing cartoon creepypastas. I've decided you know, what fuck it
Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna keep fighting the good fight the YouTube can try to kill our community all they want
But I'm gonna keep fighting the good fight and bring that shit back to life with that said be sure to hit that subscribe
Button below with the notification bellow and drop a like on this video. Let's see if we can get like 50 likes
Leave a comment down below telling me whether you guys want to see more cartoon creepypastas and a review of the bird box, etc
Etc. And also follow me on twitter my discord my snapchat and
My reddit go follow all those and I hope you guys enjoy this video. Peace
Alright. So before this video starts, this is this guy's first creepypasta. Don't judge it too bad, but I've already said that in the intro
Excuse me
Um, what I want to say is I should be streaming on Twitch by the time that this video is uploaded
Go check the link down below and you guys will see me stream with that said let's go ahead and get right into this
My name is Jordan, and I'm not your average
23 year old I enjoy watching Nick jr
Why I just get some good laughs out of characters messing up and whatnot
So when I heard and there was a new show called paw patrol coming to Nick jr
I was ecstatic I couldn't wait to see another clumsy character like Gil from Bubble Guppies. I
watched the pilot episode
Pups and like and the Kitty TAS trophy and I was instantly hooked. I mean sure
talking dogs have been done before by shows like pound puppies and
101 Dalmatians, but this was different
This show was focused around teaching young children how to work together and help the community
Which in my opinion is more valuable than teaching them another language
However, my absolute favorite character had to be Marshall
He was a Dalmatian
Which already gives him points in my mind?
But he was also clumsy not like really clumsy just in a comical sense
Plus he was so brave just like me
But enough about that. The reason I am here today is to tell you of a lost episode of paw patrol
supposedly set to air after pups make a splash slash pups Fall Festival
However, it wasn't aired and there was no explanation given as to why
Spin Master simply stated it didn't really fit the atmosphere of the show. I
Thought that that was bullshit
They were all set to air a new episode and then they canceled it at the last second. Who does that I
Decided to ask around to see if anyone had any knowledge of this lost episode
Unsurprisingly I got nowhere I either got a no a what are you talking about?
There's no lost episodes of paw patrol or a look. Like I just killed somebody
Which made no sense whatsoever
Which made no sense whatsoever
But there was a one man, I'm assuming in his mid-30s who knew what I was talking about
He told me he used to work for Nickelodeon studios back in the good old days
When cartoons like spongebob were just starting
He said he had worked there as recently as a month ago, but then quit
When I asked him why he quit he said the following
We were brainstorming new ideas for the show paw Patrol
when someone asked if we should have one of the pups die during a rescue attempt, I
Got up and shouted are you insane? This is a kids show. We can't depict death
Do you know how many viewers would lose for that?
Do you know how many viewers we would lose for that? It's not happening and slam the door
that was the last day I clocked in I
Then decided to jump straight to the point. I asked him if he had a copy of the lost episode
To my utmost surprise. He said I think I do actually
It's the last copy in existence. At least the last one I know of
You can have it no charge. I was dumbfounded by those words
He was giving me what was possibly the last copy of the lost paw patrol episode for free
He even told me it's never been watched before I couldn't help but smile and say thanks, man
I received you're welcome anytime in response. If only I knew then what I know
The horror that was in that disc. I got home at around 4 o'clock p.m
Played a few minutes of Halo then decided to watch the lost episode of palm trol. I
popped it in and to my surprise a
DVD like menu screen came up the options were play scene select extras
Options and the last one which I found kind of funny was out
Maybe it was just a joke for more hardcore fans of Paul Patrol. I
Decided to play it safe and pick the options menu in it. There were settings for subtitles voice volume
music volume and language
Nothing out of the ordinary there. I then went to check extras a big red
No popped up on the screen when I selected it. No I said to myself
But I figured I just had to watch the episode first. I wish I had wood style
The normal paw patrol opening played as it should no distorted music and no jump-scares and none of that crap
It wasn't until the end that it was strange and by strange
I mean it was missing the bark at the end when the logo shines over
But I figured that was to be expected
Since this was an unfinished episode embraced myself for the title card there barely was one
I mean it was just a plain white background with four words etched into it in black
The title with the lost episodes pups Yelp for help
I immediately thought I hope this isn't a rick roll or something like that. I mean, don't get me wrong
I have nothing against Rick Ashley. I had just heard his most famous song never gonna give you up about a million times
Thankfully it was an actual episode
It started out just like pups make a splash
Rebel riding on a skateboard on the way to Katie's vet clinic. He looked perfectly normal, too
I started thinking this was just a big practical joke
the guy played on me
But I kept watching however instead of the vent rubble skated up to the lookout
I mean it was edited. So well that it looked like an actual episode
Where he really was skating to the lookout that however is when things began to get weird
Zuma was waiting outside with rocky and Ryder was nowhere in sight
When rubble skated up to the entrance Zuma said Lovell. Thank goodness. You're back
Why des was worried about you rebel replied with Ryder was worried about me? Why?
Then rocky chimed in and what he said sent up red flags in my head
Something's happened inside. I think it's another mission, but I don't feel good about this one
Don't ask why but after he said that I began sweating profusely
Did something happen to Ryder or one of the other pups?
My fears were put to rest when the normal elevator sequence began
It was just those three
I was confused until it reached the top where chase Marshall and sky were already in position
however chase
Did not say his usual ready for action Ryder sir loin
Instead it was something like paw patrol was ready for
Action, this unnerved me as I really liked Ryder and he was nowhere to be seen
Marshall said what I was thinking a short time later, where's Ryder?
He got replies from the other pups in this order chase
I don't know, but this isn't normal Skye you're telling me
Rocky, this is kind of creepy, isn't it?
Zuma you said it dude then without warning Ryder appeared on the giant screen all of the pups
Let out a small scream of sir prai's I couldn't tell where he was
But it looked too well animated to be CGI. He then said sorry about that pups
I didn't mean to scare you. He was met with Ryder. Where are you? And why aren't you here from Rocky?
What he said next made my blood turn to ice. It was so unexpected. I will never ever
forget the next words Ryder said
Well, I was on my way back to the lookout but my ATV broke down I tried calling for help
but nobody could hear me and then I sort of fell through a portal and now I'm in the
Real world all six pups jaws dropped as I yelled out the immortal words
Alright guys, so I hope you guys have enjoyed this story
My review on it, this is this guy's first story. This is his first creepypasta. He's ever written
It's obviously pretty cliche
there's a lot of cliche moments in it and the ending is kind of goofy like a hat like
Ryder or
He fell through a portal
That took him to the real world that just it just comes out of the blue. It comes out of nowhere. It makes no sense
But I like the story
Aside from a couple like cliche parts in the middle and the beginning you guys already know the cliche parts
You guys probably heard it and was like all this is cliche story
But again, this is this guy's for a story and to be honest
This isn't like a terrible story for it being ixora hit my mic for this being somebody's first story
This isn't a terrible story
But that ending bro that ending just kind of like jumped out of nowhere the ending kind of doesn't make sense
But other than that, it's a pretty good story
I'm gonna see if this guy's ever written any other stories of his own you guys can click the link down in the description
Below you guys will be taken to this guy's story and you guys can read it for your guys itself
Tell me what you guys think of it
Leave a comment the comment section down below telling me what your guys are thoughts are and don't forget
I should be live on Twitch right after this comes up. So I will see you guys in the next video. Peace
Mettez-le pour vos cheveux et calvitie :ça remplira les trous vides, vous récupérerez vos cheveux! - Duration: 4:06.
Put it on for your hair and baldness: that fill in the empty holes, you will recover
your hair!
My loves This reneges of virtues and exceptional benefits,
for both hair and body Its oil is all the more precious.
contains vitamins and nutrients go revolutionize your life
You will ask me what brings the oil Prickly pear on the hair?
Know already that this oil is rare, very rare and very expensive, but the fruits are accessible
, and edible in many countries. Its natural components give it
exceptional anti-aging virtues.
Once he is mature he has this color dark red, so I bought it unmoored
and I let him three weeks so he become like this, it's the perfect way
to use it
Its assets have the ability to penetrate easily the structure of the skin
Among the elements that will intervene in the care of the hair, we will distinguish the acid
linoleic (omega 6) which has large restorative properties. Then there
has vitamin E. A nutrient known for its antioxidant and moisturizing effects
 How to use it as a hair care
The oil of the famous Maghreb cactus acts on the scalp by revitalizing and
nourishing the fibers. We can easily notice this effect by the shiny appearance
hair. The application will have to be regular if we want the result to be permanent. For
do this, we can use the product as a mask
capillary. Just drop a few drops, spread them carefully and
leave on for ten minutes. Or to do as you see from
the beginning of the video
Peel, crush sift to extract the precious nectar, but first of all let the
ripen to maximum, limit let it rot because more mature it is more mature and more
rich are the seeds
Synergy possible with other vegetable oils as you can see from castor oil
it's a pure mixture, and even with karate butter
For the preparation
Crush a fruit take the time to make it completely patty, press to extract
the nectar, For skin and hair
Add together or separately two spoons of each of these oils
Jonson oil, olive oil, castor oil, Nigella oil, know that it can be preserved
cool, It is worth remembering that this other product
bio also contains many beneficial assets for hair.
Castor has the ability to promote microcirculation at the level of the scalp. Allowing,
not only to the assets of the other ingredient to easily penetrate the walls of the fibers,
but also to facilitate the contribution of its own nutrients. In the case of hair
dry, white hair, gray, people suffering from baldness, hair that has
tendency to fall, this association (in local application, in oil bath or mask
capillary) with castor oil is the best option. The hair will be strengthened
and fed to prevent diseases and the spread of microorganisms. For
finish, the softening virtues of castor will blend perfectly with the moisturizing effects
cactus oil. Powerful regenerating cell phone, will make you appear between 10
and 20 years younger by swallowing wrinkles and imperfection of the skin.
Hey what is going on guys welcome back to another video.
Today I am going to be showing you how to get free stuff
on Amazon.
Passeports de Benalla : l'Elysée dément les lui avoir remis et parle de «contrevérités» - Duration: 3:05.
DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさエクストラ生着替え 覗き見しないVer - Duration: 0:50.
Well then,I will change my clothes, but ...
If you after a sneak peek, You'll pay for this!!
heave ho!
Yes, I did wear.
.....At least, let me know the impression. idiot.
aDélicieux gratin de crevettes et pommes de terre sans lait, sans gluten|Nouvelles24h614178 - Duration: 10:46.
DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさ エクストラ生着替え 速攻覗き見!ver. - Duration: 0:38.
Well then,I will change my clothes, but ...
If you after a sneak peek, You'll pay for this!!
If you do not close, change of clothes is discontinued. It's nothing special! ....This Erotic dog!
Barcelona ring in 2019 with video of Lionel Messi's best goals in the #19 shirt - Duration: 3:42.
Football News24/7 2018 is nearly over and it's been a very mixed bag for the legendary Lionel Messi
The year began with a dominant La Liga title victory with Barcelona, with yet another Copa del Rey added for good measure, although an embarrassing exit from the Champions League took a bit of the shine off
But Messi's 34 La Liga goals were enough for a 5th European Golden Boot and sent him to Russia for the World Cup with high expectations
Argentina were awful, however, scraping through the group stage before being thoroughly embarrassed by France in the round of sixteen
And that World Cup performance was enough to see Messi out of the running for the Ballon d'Or despite actually being the standout performer of 2018
Messi infamously came fifth in the voting despite topping Europe for both goals assists in a year where he won the double
He's already leading the scoring in Europe's top five leagues this season with fifteen - one more than his great rival, Cristiano Ronaldo
No World Cup in 2019 means Messi probably fancies his chances of regaining that Ballon d'Or, especially if repeats his wonderful form from this year
And his club have found the perfect way of ringing in 2019: a video of Messi's best from his years in the #19 shirt
You can check it out below: Messi wore 19 on his back for his first two full seasons in the Barcelona first team, having initially worn 30 when he first broke in
These were the two years where Messi really made the world step up and notice a kid who clearly had the potential to be great, scoring some truly sensational goals
Not, however, that anyone could have predicted just how great he would become. He'd take Ronaldinho's #10 shirt in 2008 and by the end of the year he had his first of five Ballons d'Or
And with the form he's in right now, you'd be mad to bet against him making it six in 2019
Сухој Су-57, Soukhoï Su-57, Su-57 (航空機) 第5世代ジェット戦闘機 - Duration: 1:14:34.
Binbot Pro Last Video Of 2018! - Big Ticket Trading With Bin Bot Pro (Live) - Duration: 11:46.
hey guys FAYSAL here and welcome to our channel. if you are a new member then
please subscribe to our Channel and if you are existing member then like and
share our videos to support us. so I was about to trade with BINBOT PRO
automatic trading software and let's begin trading. Christmas has just passed
so there is not much market activities. I have just finished trading
with MAXIMUS CRYPTOBOT so I have seen that. this is our current
balance here and let's login to the broker platform.
BIN BOT PRO does not show ongoing trades on their platform. you will see
the ongoing trades on your broker platform. this is the VIDEFOREX forex we are logged in.
any trade BINBOT PRO places will appear in the open trades area. I
have been warning you people not to turn on any automatic trading software for
longer period because it does not have human intellect
so whenever important news appears or big news release in the market, the market
moves becomes unpredictable. any trading application specially
automated trading application will read the market wrongly. so do not just run
BINBOT PRO or any other automated software for a longer period. you have
seen me trading with BINBOT PRO
and whenever the robot places a trade, I immediately turn off the robot.
so let's begin. turn on the robot and the robot will place a trade
according to its analysis. so it's just
searching for signals so we have to be patient. it will be a big ticket size
trade because #BINBOTPRO places five to ten percent of your balance per trade. so it
will be a big ticket trade because of the healthy balance.
so let's wait and see what happens.
it's just placed an EUR/JPY trade so I will stop the
robot here and I will go to my broker platform. you can see it placed
an EUR/JPY SELL signal and oh my god !! the order size is more than
$6,000! so let's see EUR/JPY chart here okay.
okay here it is. you can see from this level it placed the trade and it is going
in the right direction. the strike price is good.
as usual BINBOT PRO places 7.5 minute expiry trade. so I might speed up the video to reduce
the video length otherwise the video length will be very long. so let's wait
7.5 minutes. BINBOT PRO is the only software that was
released 2 years ago and it is still in the market and the only
software that accept traders from worldwide. so no matter if you are from
USA, Canada or any part of the Africa, you can join the BINBOT PRO. it is
fully automatic. there is no manual option.
it's like plug and play. you can create your own robot if you want.
there are 10 robots and you can join according to your investment level.
I joined with XPROFIT and that time it was like $1,000 and later when our
balance grew then we joined RSIMA which recommended balance is
$5,000. but you don't need to start with $5,000. you can choose any of these
robots like RVI robot and it requires like $500. so
$500 or $1000 is a good amount to start with BINBOT PRO robot and our
trading is going in the right direction. and it's a big ticket size trade you
can see. it invested 10% of my total balance and it is six
thousand two hundred and sixty nine dollar trade and the payout will be more
than ten thousand dollars.
I put a secured link in the description of the BINBOT PRO site and you might
visit and if you find it beneficial for you then you may try the BINBOT PRO.
you can see our total turnover amount here. yes I have joined
BINBOT PRO in August 2017. so it's like almost 1.5 years and we have
withdrawn our money couple of times.
so the trade is going good and we got a good strike price. so thanks to the
do not run the robot for longer period I repeat.
I have released an FAQ frequently asked question video about BINBOT PRO so
if you have not seen that video then please see it. I will give you a link at
the end of this video. you will find some playlists that will be beneficial or
handy for you.
two minutes to go I guess.
see what happens.
it is a stressful to watch the chart goes ups and downs because it's a big ticket
size trade.
really stressful to watch.
but the trade is going in the right direction. the robot placed this very good
trade. yes and we are almost heading to the expiration line.
yes I just won the trade as you can see here. the payout is ten thousand six
hundred and fifty eight. let's go to the closed trades to see. as you can see
EUR/JPY trade strike and expiry price and it was a SELL signal. the payout is this.
that is the real profit in this trade. $4389. so yeah it's a very very good
session. so the balance has already added. if you want to join I put a link in
the description so that you can go through a secured link and if you find it
suitable then you can join them. don't forget to like and subscribe to
our channel for future updates and until then take care!
Nouailhac - Macron peut-il encore réformer ? - Duration: 2:59.
DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさエクストラ生着替え 覗き見してしまったVer. - Duration: 0:48.
Well then,I will change my clothes, but ...
If you after a sneak peek, You'll pay for this!!
Eh? What are you watching!?
This ... idiot! HENTAI! Erotic dog!
New Year's Fingering - Duration: 2:15.
- He's technically still a missing person, but um- okay.
- Sup man, got your champagne flute?
- No, not yet.
- Boom, gotcha covered.
- Oh, nice, thanks a lot!
Almost midnight.
- I know, right?
Ball's about to drop.
- Oh, 'bout to sing Auld Lang Syne.
- Yeah, everyone's scanning around the room, trying to
figure out who they're going to finger at midnight.
- Yeah... What?
- You know the married couples have it the easiest, they
know they're going to be fingering each other.
Us singles gotta be hustling the entire party, flirtin'
around so we don't have to start our year off unblasted.
- What are you talkin' about?
- What are you talking about?
- Are you being serious right now?
- Yeah, why, what?
- You don't finger somebody at midnight.
You kiss somebody.
- Ew. - Ew?
- Ew! - Ew?
You're about to finger somebody at a party!
- Oh my god, calm down.
What are you, twelve?
People get fingered at parties.
- Stop saying that.
- You're making me feel bad!
- What?
- Listen, it's New Year's.
I've gotten dug out tons of times.
- How did you get fingered?
- Shut up!
- You boys ready for the twitching hour?
- Have fun reading braille, boys.
- (laughs) You got it.
See what I'm talking about?
- What the fuck is going on?
- Are you telling me you've honestly never given anybody
the scouts honor on New Year's?
- It's not a thing!
- Yes, it is!
Why would it be kissing?
That's so much more intimate than a little come hither.
- No it's not.
- Yes it is! - No it's not!
- Yes, it is.
To be kissing you are looking right into someone's eyes,
half the times I've gotten hand whispered I had no idea
who was doing it.
- What?!
- That's New Year's baby.
- No it's not!
- Yes it is!
Look I don't have time to argue with you alright?
It is 11:59 p.m.
I have less than a minute left to find somebody to give me
the old hook and pull with their knuckler.
Or failing that, let me click their mouse a couple times
or it's bad luck for the whole year.
Do you want that on your conscious?
- No, you're a freak.
- What, cause I love holidays?
(crowd counts down)
'Kay, 'kay, 'kay, we're outta time, look.
Listen, Raff, let's just give each other a quick
downstairs Vulcan salute.
What'd say?
- No. Absolutely not.
- Goddammit Raff.
As always, I gotta handle it myself.
(crowd shouts Happy New Year)
(Raff screams)
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