We are proud to present our sponsors
At Opalicious you can find lots of Opal yarn and other nice yarns and things
You can also find the hand dyed yarn Opalicisous Gradient Selection and my new sock pattern is knitted in Opal yarn from Opalicious
In Uppsala you can find YlloYyll and a piece of yarn heaven
but for all of us not being in Uppsala they also have a web shop!
At Ullcentrum you can find Swedish wool yarn in many lovely colours
many of my own patterns are knitted in yarns from Ullcentrum
Järbo has an inspiring site with knitalongs, a blog and other things (mostly in Swedish though)
Thank you for watching the Kammebornia podcast
we are so glad to be able to share our world with you
Thank you for being with us. Together we can make this world a warmer and softer place
with love, yarn and respect!
You are welcome to subscribe to our Youtube channel Kammebornia
You can also find us on Instagram as @kammebornia and @kingofkammebornia
If you have the possibility, you are very welcome to become a patron to us on
You will get extra materials and you can help us continue to produce this podcast
You can find my blog on
You can also find us on facebook and on ravelry
Thank you so much to all our patrons and sponsors that make it possible for us to produce the Kammebornia Podcast
For more infomation >> Episode 11/2018 - Duration: 14:13.-------------------------------------------
Dodge RAM - Duration: 0:52.
【26 Countries】Steppër - World Chorus【2018】 - Duration: 4:30.
This is my way (my way)
given only once
Your way
(your way)
Let's walk down the road
The unexplored era where there are neither categories nor rules
daily craft, popular spots, and the list of one's favorites which are now growing
I'll lend you a helping hand, no worries. And I'll be really glad to do it.
The animal trail which has been formed overnight after many people poured down.
Unexpectedly you tripped and got scraped
Instantly the people around you looked away
It is natural for you to hunch over
Because you're a living, breathing human being.
not being able to get up is the real failure
Remember the scene that managed to move you for the first time
Retrace your steps and keep moving forward
I think I can go a little further
This is my way
(my way)
Resting is still a rhythm
Your way
(your way)
Impatience is also a rhythm
Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh
It doesn't have to be a single beat
Everything's alright
Feel free to begin
You may make arrangements as you please 38
Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh
The goal is always just a passing point
Life goes on and on and on
Advance! As long as your heart beats with delight
On and on and on
Advance! As far as the path continues
The time has passed, and rules that last, make moving on so hard
The list that only shows your likes or dislikes
The trail lead by the pioneers' footsteps
Autonomy that is disregarded in exchange for safety
Someone tripped unexpectedly
It was sudden but you extended your hand
You, too, can be kind to others
Because you're familiar with what pain feels like
Real despair is when you can't look forward to what the the future holds
Treasure the moment your heart has been touched for the first time
If you think your shoes don't fit, take them off and continue barefoot.
It seems that I still continue walking forward
This is my way
(my way)
Loneliness is a kind of lifestyle
Your way
(your way)
Stagnancy is also is a kind of lifestyle.
Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh
And that life is up to you, just you
Everything's alright
A feeling of "downbeat"
A feeling of "upbeat"
Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh
The beginning is always the present
Life goes on and on and on
Advance! As long as your heart beats with delight
On and on and on
Advance! As long as the pathgoes
We'll take a breath now - you ready?
Life is full of ups and downs
If you have to take the same road, why not dance and enjoy it?
Here we go!
Dude, this summer ended without anything happening again!
Here we go!
Here we go!
What's up hey hey don't yah know, that it's totally okay if you don't know where to go
Here we go!
Because we will continue to advance forever
Now this road is okay
So take the path
Lining up
or crossing each other
You may lose your way and bump into each other
Still now you can face the future with hope
You will meet someone you will want to treasure
Putting those (bad) days behind
However, that won't be a problem
Cuz you get to meet the person again---
I say hello!
How are you all doing?
Everything is okay here
Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh
I wonder where I should go next
Everything's alright
Just once in life
Let's take a path unbeknownst
Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh oh oh oh oh
Hopefully by now you've learned to take charge of your life
Life goes on and on and on
Advance! As long as your heart beats with delight
On and on and on
Advance! As far as the path goes
On and on and on
Let's draw! As far as the colours reach
On and on and on
Scream! As far as your voice can reach
Let's walk!
Subaru XV - Duration: 1:04.
Ford Mustang - Duration: 1:11.
Subaru XV - Duration: 1:11.
Flashbacks krnb/khh playlist - Duration: 1:57:29.
♬ Loco(로꼬) _ It Takes Time(시간이 들겠지) (Feat. Colde) ♬
♬ Sik-K (식케이) - Never Know (Feat. Ye Ali) (Prod. Vangdale) ♬
♬ Xydo - AH YE (prod. by OOV) ♬
♬ SLCHLD x OCEAN - rollercoaster (prod. by sugi.wa) ♬
♬ pH-1 - Penthouse (Feat. Sik-K) (Prod. APRO) ♬
♬ 실키보이즈 (SILKYBOIS) - HOP ON ♬
♬ Mabinc - 혼잣말(feat. RIPLEY) (prod. by MNSX) ♬
♬ OVAN(오반) _ TWENTY(스무살이 왜이리 능글맞아) (Feat. SHAUN(숀)) ♬
♬ 죠지 (George) - Let's Go Picnic ♬
♬ OVAN(오반) _ Miss Fortune(불행) (Feat. VINXEN(빈첸)) ♬
♬ G.Nine - Gallery ♬
♬ JUNNY - Feel That (prod. by Holymoley!) ♬
♬ Xydo - 건강해야돼 (feat. £.vıewƶ (이뷰즈)) (prod. by 강유정) ♬
♬ YELLA - 모래성 (feat. chicken) (prod. by YELLA) ♬
♬ Nathania & Harms - This Night (feat. .packxday) (prod. by Horus) ♬
♬ J.Lu - Youth (feat. Jade) ♬
♬ SOLE - Slow ♬
♬ RHEEHAB - like a sunflower (feat. YAYYOUNG) (prod. by OPO) ♬
♬ CODE KUNST(코드 쿤스트) _ rain bird(비네) (Feat. Tablo & Colde) ♬
NANO(나노) _ Punishment (Prod. HSND)
♬ E.viewz (이뷰즈) - Poison Holyc (prod. by majscale) ♬
♬ pH-1 - DVD ♬
♬ 오프온오프 콜드 (Colde) - Your Dog Loves You (Feat. Crush) ♬
♬ JUNNY - HANDLE YOU (prod. Holymoley!) ♬
♬ JUNNY - Dreaming (prod. by JUNNY) ♬
♬ TWLV - Crazy (feat. packxday) (prod. by THE NEED) ♬
♬ seizetheday - Breath2 (feat. LILMONEY, ADDNINE) ♬
♬ 빌런(Villain) - 밉상 ♬
♬ DEAN - instagram ♬
♬ DA₩N - 쿠마 (くま) ♬
♬ K.vsh - Hurts ♬
♬ Bevy Maco - summerfever ♬
♬ K.vsh - My youth romantic comedy is wrong as i expected ♬
Jeep Compass - Duration: 0:52.
Jeep Compass - Duration: 1:06.
Jeep Compass - Duration: 1:06.
Jeep Compass - Duration: 1:04.
BMW 320 - Duration: 1:10.
BMW 320 - Duration: 1:10.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:42.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:41.
Porsche Macan - Duration: 1:05.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 0:41.
VW Golf - Duration: 1:05.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:04.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:04.
Episode 11/2018 - Duration: 14:13.
We are proud to present our sponsors
At Opalicious you can find lots of Opal yarn and other nice yarns and things
You can also find the hand dyed yarn Opalicisous Gradient Selection and my new sock pattern is knitted in Opal yarn from Opalicious
In Uppsala you can find YlloYyll and a piece of yarn heaven
but for all of us not being in Uppsala they also have a web shop!
At Ullcentrum you can find Swedish wool yarn in many lovely colours
many of my own patterns are knitted in yarns from Ullcentrum
Järbo has an inspiring site with knitalongs, a blog and other things (mostly in Swedish though)
Thank you for watching the Kammebornia podcast
we are so glad to be able to share our world with you
Thank you for being with us. Together we can make this world a warmer and softer place
with love, yarn and respect!
You are welcome to subscribe to our Youtube channel Kammebornia
You can also find us on Instagram as @kammebornia and @kingofkammebornia
If you have the possibility, you are very welcome to become a patron to us on
You will get extra materials and you can help us continue to produce this podcast
You can find my blog on
You can also find us on facebook and on ravelry
Thank you so much to all our patrons and sponsors that make it possible for us to produce the Kammebornia Podcast
✅ Ivana Mrazova commossa lascia la famiglia: viaggio agitato e nipotina in lacrime - Duration: 2:37.
Ivana Mrazonva lascia la Repubblica Ceca dopo il Natale in famiglia: saluti commossi e pianti prima della partenza Ivana Mrazova quest'anno ha trascorso il Natale insieme alla sua famiglia
L'ex concorrente del Gf Vip ha raggiunto, in Repubblica Ceca appunto, i genitori, la sorella e anche la sua bellissima nipotina
Ogni vacanza, però, ha un inizio ed una fine. E questo lo sa bene anche Ivana che, questa volta, non è riuscita a lasciare i propri parenti a cuore sereno
La modella, infatti, ha raccontato oggi su Instagram di aver salutato tutti e di aver pianto prima di mettersi in macchina per raggiungere l'aeroporto
La sua, dunque, è stata una partenza carica di emozioni. Fortunatamente, una volta arrivata in Italia, Ivana potrà comunque consolarsi tra le braccia del fidanzato Luca Onestini, sempre premuroso e attento nei suoi confronti
Ivana Mrazova torna in Italia: la nipotina in lacrime dopo la sua partenza La nipotina di Ivana è stata – tra tutti – quella che maggiormente ha risentito della partenza della Mrazova
La piccolina, come ha mostrato l'ex gieffina su Instagram stories, ha chiamato in lacrime Ivana, disperata all'idea che stasera con lei non ci sarebbe più stata la zia
Nello screenshot della video chiamata pubblicato su Instagram si vede la bimba piangere mentre, dall'altro lato dello schermo, la dolce e tenera Ivana prova a consolarla con baci e sorrisi di chi, quando parte, a casa lascia sempre un pezzetto del suo cuore
Ivana Mrazova e Luca Onestini sempre più innamorati e felici: dopo il Grande Fratello Vip la loro storia non conosce crisi Ad attendere Ivana Mrazova in Italia ci sarà ovviamente Luca Onestini
La loro storia d'amore, dopo il Grande Fratello Vip, non ha mai conosciuto un momento di crisi e, ad oggi, entrambi appaiono innamorati e felici come pochi
VW Golf - Duration: 1:05.
Холодильник Атлант ХМ 4625-101 обзор - Duration: 1:18.
Episode 11/2018 - Duration: 14:13.
We are proud to present our sponsors
At Opalicious you can find lots of Opal yarn and other nice yarns and things
You can also find the hand dyed yarn Opalicisous Gradient Selection and my new sock pattern is knitted in Opal yarn from Opalicious
In Uppsala you can find YlloYyll and a piece of yarn heaven
but for all of us not being in Uppsala they also have a web shop!
At Ullcentrum you can find Swedish wool yarn in many lovely colours
many of my own patterns are knitted in yarns from Ullcentrum
Järbo has an inspiring site with knitalongs, a blog and other things (mostly in Swedish though)
Thank you for watching the Kammebornia podcast
we are so glad to be able to share our world with you
Thank you for being with us. Together we can make this world a warmer and softer place
with love, yarn and respect!
You are welcome to subscribe to our Youtube channel Kammebornia
You can also find us on Instagram as @kammebornia and @kingofkammebornia
If you have the possibility, you are very welcome to become a patron to us on
You will get extra materials and you can help us continue to produce this podcast
You can find my blog on
You can also find us on facebook and on ravelry
Thank you so much to all our patrons and sponsors that make it possible for us to produce the Kammebornia Podcast
Mission: Mad Idolatry | Season 1 Ep. 12 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 4:00.
Cardio Para Quemar Grasa - Duration: 25:22.
Hello gorgeous!
How are you?
Welcome to a new exercise routine
Today we have a cardio express
and express why?
because we're going to do cardio work, but only in 15 minutes
It is perfect for those who do not have much time to train
because this routine is for you
we will make a 3-minute warm
routine 15 and then a stretch to have a complete all routine alone and in less than 20 minutes
So nothing
just tell you that in each of the exercises
I will give the variation without impact
for those who have problems knee joints and can not jump
and that work will be an ongoing cardiovascular work
45 seconds working movement
and then rest 15
but I want that rest is active
para mantener un trabajo constante durante toda la rutina
así que solo queda ponerle actitud, ponerle ganas y disfrutarla
¡vamos a por ella!
venga empieza
atras los hombros
movilizando con el calentamiento
gira aquí
abrimos arriba
muy bien
cruza alante y atras
abriendo el pectoral
con los hombros atrás
brazos en guardia y gira cadera
y cintura a un lado y a otro
extiende codo y sigue girando
un poco más
amplia el movimiento
vente conmigo
con las piernas
4 más
no pares de mover los brazos
dame las rodillas
muy bien, 4 más
vale, vente conmigo
cada vez bajamos un poco más
estirando la parte anterior de las piernas
y a la vez, calentando la musculatura y preparándola para el ejercicio
quedate aquí
y estira arriba
estira la parte posterior
echando el cuerpo hacia atras
cambiamos la pierna
muy bien y atras
estira la parte posterior
y acaba este calentamiento con marchas
sino quieres saltar
si quieres saltar
unos segundos más
medio minuto
podemos dar una vuelta... de reconocimiento
muy bien
20 segundos
hoy tenemos un entrenamiento corto pero intenso
vamos a trabajar todo el cuerpo
estamos preparados
muy bien
vamos a empezar con el primer ejercicio
es un lunge
siempre con la misma pierna
abajo y arriba
muy bien
metemos ombligo hacia adentro
espalda recta
venga un poco más
sigue 4 más
descansa jogging
jogging o marchas, tu decides
pero en descansos activos, siempre
durante toda la rutina descanso activo
cuatro, cambio de ejercicio
sentadillas y salto
igual, sino quieres saltar, arriba
vente conmigo
venga, un poco más
uno más a cada lado
prepárate por que va la otra pierna
con el lunge atrás
y las rodillas
le he subido un poco... la velocidad
ya que va a ser... un cardio más corto
aprieta abdomen
8 más
vale... descanso
esta música que nos ayuda a animarnos
recuerda la sentadilla
con este ejercicio tenemos el primer combo
son solo cuatro combos
donde repetimos
cada ejercicio... dos veces
últimos segundos
dame una y una
a cada lado
y la última
muy bien
mira, un trabajo de cintura
sino quieres saltar
no saltes
muy bien
rápido, rápido
y una más
muy bien
sigue, sigue
estamos en el segundo combo, vamos a por el segundo ejercicio
sino quieres saltar... sube... sube
más intensidad
le damos impulso
vente, vente
salta, salta
muy bien
de nuevo el segundo combo
trabajo de cintura y lunge lateral
descanso activo
venga, uno y uno
abre y queda
puedes subir un poco la intensidad
con el jogging
vamos con las rodillas y acabamos el combo 2
sino quieres saltar
abre abre
venga que ya tenemos el combo dos
y solo nos quedan otros dos
y tenemos toda la rutina
uno más
se va notando la acumulación del trabajo
un nuevo combo
doble jumping jack
toco doble abajo
y salto
no saltas?
lo mismo
si saltas
espalda recta
muy bien
el equilibrio
2 más
y acábalo
descanso activo
ahora para todas aquellas mamás
vamos a simular que somos niños
pierna contraria
como los niños
un trabajo de fuerza
una más
y atrás
muy buen trabajo
aquí más de una mamá le dirá a su hijo... vente conmigo que esto te gusta
a los peques de la casa
muy bien
primera parte del combo 3
venga, vamos!
ya no nos queda nada
hemos pasado el ecuador
parecía suave verdad
se está poniendo esto intenso
e interesante
si en algún momento quieres bajar la intensidad
no lo saltes
dos últimas
descanso activo
vamos a por el gateador
aprieta abdomen
espalda recta
sino quieres andarlo... quédate ahí en estático
uno y uno
muy bueno
descanso activo
coge aire
vamos a por el último combo
de la rutina de hoy
que calor
a un lado y a otro
sumale brazos
con la música
puedes darle más intensidad
saltando más
buen trabajo chicas
recuerda no parar
la respiración
venga, la última
el último ejercicio de hoy
para aquellas que no saltais
dos talón-glúteo, dos sentadillas
más intenso
ya casi lo tienes
ahora no puedes parar
ahora no vale... rendirse
descanso activo
coge aire
para saber...y conocer a todas aquellas campeonas que me están acompañando hasta aquí, hasta el final
os voy a proponer algo
es secreto
solo lo sabemos las campeonas
te lo digo en el próximo ejercicio
para que no me abandones
es el último chicas
4 squat
cual será? cual será?
que habrá que hacer?
venga que solo quedan 30 segundos
y te lo confieso
venga, uno más
lo tienes
ya lo tienes
para todas aquellas
que habéis llegado hasta aquí
a completar
el cardio de hoy
el cardio express
el cardio para activar el metabolismo
quemar grasa
poner el cuerpo en funcionamiento
quemar calorias
trabajar la zona cardiovascular
un cardio ideal
en solo 15 minutos
si has llegado hasta aquí
ponme en el comentario el emoticono del músculo
y así sabré que eres realmente una guapísima
una campeona de las que no se rinde
vamos a hacer
un poco de enfriamiento
coge aire
dos más
bajamos pulsaciones
muy bien
coge aire
y estira
toda la parte lateral del cuerpo
siente el estiramiento
siente el estiramiento
coge aire
cogemos el talón
estiramos cuadriceps
muy bien, estira la parte posterior
disfruta de este momento
es tuyo
es para tí
último minuto
relaja y estira
toma conciencia de tus músculos
del trabajo
de tu actividad, de tu respiración
y coge aire
la última
suelta alante
quédate unos segundos aquí
ves subiendo lentamente
bueno guapísimas
pues ya tenemos la rutina de hoy
un cardio express de 15 minutos
solo en 15 minutos se puede hacer un trabajo completo y efectivo como el de hoy
si has sido de las que has aguantado hasta el final, házmelo saber en comentarios
y si te ha gustado esta rutina
recuerda darle a like y suscribirte al canal para seguir recibiendo cada semana nuevas rutinas
muchas gracias por estar ahí
y te mando un super abrazo
Jeep Compass - Duration: 1:04.
Affaire Benalla : des proches de Macron bientôt inquiétés ? - Duration: 4:33.
En pleine affaire Gilets jaunes, Benalla : Macron dans une autre polémique - Duration: 3:11.
Flashbacks krnb/khh playlist - Duration: 1:57:29.
♬ Loco(로꼬) _ It Takes Time(시간이 들겠지) (Feat. Colde) ♬
♬ Sik-K (식케이) - Never Know (Feat. Ye Ali) (Prod. Vangdale) ♬
♬ Xydo - AH YE (prod. by OOV) ♬
♬ SLCHLD x OCEAN - rollercoaster (prod. by sugi.wa) ♬
♬ pH-1 - Penthouse (Feat. Sik-K) (Prod. APRO) ♬
♬ 실키보이즈 (SILKYBOIS) - HOP ON ♬
♬ Mabinc - 혼잣말(feat. RIPLEY) (prod. by MNSX) ♬
♬ OVAN(오반) _ TWENTY(스무살이 왜이리 능글맞아) (Feat. SHAUN(숀)) ♬
♬ 죠지 (George) - Let's Go Picnic ♬
♬ OVAN(오반) _ Miss Fortune(불행) (Feat. VINXEN(빈첸)) ♬
♬ G.Nine - Gallery ♬
♬ JUNNY - Feel That (prod. by Holymoley!) ♬
♬ Xydo - 건강해야돼 (feat. £.vıewƶ (이뷰즈)) (prod. by 강유정) ♬
♬ YELLA - 모래성 (feat. chicken) (prod. by YELLA) ♬
♬ Nathania & Harms - This Night (feat. .packxday) (prod. by Horus) ♬
♬ J.Lu - Youth (feat. Jade) ♬
♬ SOLE - Slow ♬
♬ RHEEHAB - like a sunflower (feat. YAYYOUNG) (prod. by OPO) ♬
♬ CODE KUNST(코드 쿤스트) _ rain bird(비네) (Feat. Tablo & Colde) ♬
NANO(나노) _ Punishment (Prod. HSND)
♬ E.viewz (이뷰즈) - Poison Holyc (prod. by majscale) ♬
♬ pH-1 - DVD ♬
♬ 오프온오프 콜드 (Colde) - Your Dog Loves You (Feat. Crush) ♬
♬ JUNNY - HANDLE YOU (prod. Holymoley!) ♬
♬ JUNNY - Dreaming (prod. by JUNNY) ♬
♬ TWLV - Crazy (feat. packxday) (prod. by THE NEED) ♬
♬ seizetheday - Breath2 (feat. LILMONEY, ADDNINE) ♬
♬ 빌런(Villain) - 밉상 ♬
♬ DEAN - instagram ♬
♬ DA₩N - 쿠마 (くま) ♬
♬ K.vsh - Hurts ♬
♬ Bevy Maco - summerfever ♬
♬ K.vsh - My youth romantic comedy is wrong as i expected ♬
How to Implement Clusters Sets for Strength and Power - Duration: 8:34.
hi this is Adam before VidCon and today I'm going to be talking about cluster
sets and how to implement them into your training before I get into cluster sets
I'd like to talk a little bit about traditional sense what you expect to see
so traditional is that's what you see here is say you're performing three sets
of eight reps of approximately ninety seconds rest between if you look at my
very rubbish lis drawn diagram here you'll see that these blocks or
replicate reps so there's eight of them going up he is literally perform them
back-to-back just like normal says ninety seconds rest and then you'd
repeat for three sets okay what happens on traditional sets is more reps you do
the more fatigued you're gonna get whilst you're doing for the presets
what's happening is you're increasing your ATP usage so the fuel for muscles
to be able to working for four movements increasing your ATP production so your
body's having to produce more ATP in order to to fuel the work that you're
doing especially as the steps go on you're also increasing your lap tape
useful your lactate release instead you're performing eight reps you're
performing a lot of reps back-to-back so the work output is going to be a lot
higher and also there's increase in EMG activity so neuromuscular your muscles
are going to be working hard in order to perform the job doing whatever exercise
you're going to be doing so what happens here what's this you're increasing the
ATP used in the ATP production overall you're going to see a reduction in ATP
because what's happening is in order for ATP to be produced
you'll have to so in order for ATP to be resynthesize you've got to have
something called possible creatine phosphate Christy provides a phosphate
onto an EBP molecule very science here it might be a little bit confused
basically think of AVP as something that's worthless add a phosphate to it
that you get from phosphocreatine and then that way you're going to get ATP
and that's what you may use in order to produce to produce to do work so if I'm
performing eight reps on something with no rest what's going to happen is my ATP
is going to reduce as I'm using that phosphor creatine to resynthesize ADP
it's going to have to reduce so expect to see a reduction in ATP like I said
neuromuscular you're working your your nerves that are firing your muscles
they're working as well so there's going to be increased neuromuscular fatigue
and then resultantly that means that there's going to be a reduction in force
output a reduction in peak power output reduction in Retta force development and
overall reduction in a technical form which in itself is going to be
detrimental so now I'm going to talk about alternate method or something you
can do to traditional sense there's called cluster set they do the whole the
whole thing so what we're going to do and a cluster step is you have interest
set rest between whatever a lot of reps so if I go back to the previous example
we did three sets of eight reps with 90 seconds rest between on a cluster I
might break the no state reps into two fours so I would do four reps
back-to-back rest 20-second do the next four reps then rest 90 seconds to say my
word between my sets and repeat the same thing opposed do three tests
and that mean one set I'd then rest maybe 90 seconds and outperform for
three sets so during those cluster sets when you get to have that rest period
during your steps you get to have certain physiological aspects occur so
it's been shown during in research that there is a less reduced force out less
reduced peak power of the less reduced technical breakdown through exercises so
what happens during these cluster sex is as I said join the interest at rest we
allow our budding time to recover so ATP gets to regenerate that little bit more
so that phosphocreatine molecules get to help return those ADP's in two ATP's so
when we get back into the exercise for Less the example when that one the
second portion of that set where I was completing four reps I'm in a lot better
state to be able to produce force for the rest of the the rest of that set so
this dot at the top is to start on the first rep so I'm 100% for stop I'm nice
and fresh from list we do my first row I perform that rep and my force out that's
gonna reduce as I forty you a little bit but if I get my interest at rest so in
those clusters this is 15 seconds here within those 15 seconds my cross outfit
has managed to rejuvenate or build back up so approximately seventy nine point
seven percent before it used to be so with that 15 seconds robber that being
stuck down here below sixty percent I've now bugged it back up and I'm
pretty much at eighty percent ready to produce some more force and probably get
a better rep next out of that so a few things to know about cluster sets that
are quite important the first one most of all cluster set see quite an advanced
type of training cluster sets are mostly used
like I said maintaining or trying to reduce less reduce peak power and force
output so you're trying to keep those nice and high for a better quality reps
and better quality sets you have to ask yourself are you advanced enough to meet
that and if you're not then maybe there's no point wasting your time on
this maybe stick to the traditional sets boot up a good straight to base build up
a good power base and then you can start to move on to this but more advanced
style of lifting other things to note cluster sets are very very variable
really so the example that I gave was when I split stated two to four twenty
seconds rest between you can do this however you want so that graph that I
showed you literature said there was one rep rest fifteen seconds do another rep
there's many different ways to do this but just like I said before the more
reps you do the more physiological fatigue you'll get again so it's about
what you're striving for if you're going from absolute strength from maximal
strength one rep rest fifteen seconds approximately the rest itself doesn't
even have to be fifteen seconds I'd say no more than thirty otherwise you're
pretty much just starting a new set keep it pretty short fifteen to thirty
seconds yeah one rep fifteen seconds rest one rep maybe for a set of three or
four really to keep that power output nice and high but if you want to push a
little bit more strength so you're not solely focused on that with respect to
the maybe you can do like the four four EPS scattered between and you can even
push some hypertrophy ranges so a lot there's a lot of stuff I've been talking
about has been power up this and you're talking like our lifts
by being good at Mike's technique or power based sports listing a power phase
during part of your periodization you could also use it in off seasons if if
mechanical loads quite important to you because if you're allowing yourself
enough restaurant if I was to perform four reps twenty seconds rest four reps
I push it dates can actively can consider hypertrophy rate but the good
news about that if I am using this cluster steps scheme what Academy is I
can lift at a higher intensity that's the whole point of cluster Center but
being able to increase this force output and being able to maintain this peak
power means that my intensity can be greater I can lift higher loads rather
than stick into lower lows so one of the things that reporting is
mechanical load which is the load going through the joint so if I am able to
lift a higher intensity is I can therefore put more mechanical stress on
my drinks that's a stimulant for hypertrophy in itself so it could also
be used in a hypertrophy block so key things to take away from this just like
I said is rest is your best friends during your cluster sets have a play
around with it see which rest times should be the best with rep ranges
you're kind of chasing remember just like I said it's a box but we're trying
to maintain that intensity we're trying to keep that intensity nice and high
which you might not be able to do with those traditional sets so you may have
noticed my amazing Christmas jumper because it is Christmas time for anyone
that doesn't know this is the Gareth Southgate jumper so if you could see
Christmas views coming home but I really hope you enjoyed watching this video I
hope I've explained cluster sets well off of the blog explained
well also don't forget to like subscribe and comment thank you very much for
✅ Fátima Bernardes se refresca em tarde na piscina com a família - Área VIP - Duration: 2:28.
No verão todo mundo quer ficar dentro da água, seja em praias ou piscinas
Fátima Bernardes aproveitou a tarde quente deste domingo (30) e colocou toda a família na piscina para se refrescar, inclusive o namorado Túlio Gadelha
Em uma foto compartilhada no perfil da apresentadora, ela aparece agarrada com o namorado e ao lado está sua família
Sorridentes na foto, Fátima escreveu na legenda: "Já começou a despedida de 2018
#eueele #familia #amigos". Confira a foto: Em poucos minutos a foto fez sucesso e bateu mais de 25 mil curtidas e vários comentários: "Queria estar nesse grupo de amigos!", disse um seguidor
"Que delícia aproveitando entre amigos parabéns amiga", escreveu outra
"Que 2019 te dê o triplo de felicidade que você recebeu em 2018", desejou uma terceira
Vale destacar que Fátima e Túlio pretendem passar a virada de ano juntos, durante uma das últimas edições do 'Encontro' a apresentadora contou que eles vão comemorar o réveillon no Rio de Janeiro, uma vez que já passaram o natal no Recife com a família dele
Beatriz Bonemer, filha de Fátima Bernardes, faz 'pré-2019' com drinks Beatriz Bonemer, filha da apresentadora Fátima Bernardes e do âncora do 'Jornal Nacional', William Bonner, aproveitou muito bem o último sábado (29) do ano
De biquíni, e com uma taça na mão, Bia postou uma foto no seu Instagram e disse que estava no seu "pré-2019"
Nos comentários da publicação, a filha da apresentadora do 'Encontro', recebeu diversos elogios…Confira o click! Fátima Bernardes 'baba' ao assistir filha cantando em apresentação Fátima Bernardes é uma mãe coruja, e não esconde isso de ninguém
A apresentadora do 'Encontro', que é mãe de trigêmeos, foi assistir a apresentação de canto da filha Beatriz Bonemer, e não conteve o orgulho
ela compartilhou o vídeo do dia do espetáculo. "A apresentação foi no sábado, mas ainda ecoa em mim
Parabéns, filha. Parabéns, Centro Musical Antônio Adolfo e Carol Saboya", escreveu Fátima na legenda do vídeo, no qual usou ainda as hashtags "mãe coruja" e "Moana"
Bia cantou a música "Saber Quem Eu Sou", canção tema da animação Moana, da Disney
Veja o vídeo! Veja também:
Episode 11/2018 - Duration: 14:13.
We are proud to present our sponsors
At Opalicious you can find lots of Opal yarn and other nice yarns and things
You can also find the hand dyed yarn Opalicisous Gradient Selection and my new sock pattern is knitted in Opal yarn from Opalicious
In Uppsala you can find YlloYyll and a piece of yarn heaven
but for all of us not being in Uppsala they also have a web shop!
At Ullcentrum you can find Swedish wool yarn in many lovely colours
many of my own patterns are knitted in yarns from Ullcentrum
Järbo has an inspiring site with knitalongs, a blog and other things (mostly in Swedish though)
Thank you for watching the Kammebornia podcast
we are so glad to be able to share our world with you
Thank you for being with us. Together we can make this world a warmer and softer place
with love, yarn and respect!
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Thank you so much to all our patrons and sponsors that make it possible for us to produce the Kammebornia Podcast
Michelle Obama Rocks $4K Thigh-High Boots For Book Stop Tour: Love Or Loathe The Glittery Look? - Ne - Duration: 2:24.
The Michelle Obama book tour continued in New York City on Dec. 19, and the former First Lady rocked quite an ensemble to the event. Are you feeling her yellow dress and glittery, thigh-high boots?!
Michelle Obama was decked out in Balenciaga when she appeared in Brooklyn, New York for a stop on her book tour on Dec. 19! The gorgeous 54-year-old looked absolutely stunning for the evening, wearing a yellow, Balenciaga wrap dress. However, it was her footwear that really caught our attention — have you ever see anything like those gold, glittering, thigh-high boots she was rockin'!? The boots went so high up Michelle's leg, that they were mostly covered by the dress, but when she was walking to her seat onstage, fans were able to get a good view.
The evening at Barclay's Center was hosted by Sarah Jessica Parker, who moderated the interview. Of course, SJP looked stunning herself, showing off her amazing figure in a body-hugging, sequined dress. The ladies looked so happy to see each other as they greeted one another on stage, and of course, the crowd went wild. Michelle and Sarah spoke for over an hour, on topics ranging from fashion to politics and many more.
This was the last stop on the first leg of Michelle's book tour, which has kept her very busy over the last several weeks. In addition to the tour stops, Michelle has also been doing signings AND making her way around the talk show circuit!
Now, of course it's time for her to enjoy the holidays with her family. The tour will pick up again in February and last until the middle of April, with a wide range of dates across the United States. Plus, of course, the book, Becoming, is available now.
Фотоаппарат системный Panasonic Lumix GX9 Body Black (DC-GX9EE-K) обзор - Duration: 1:49.
Flashbacks krnb/khh playlist - Duration: 1:57:29.
♬ Loco(로꼬) _ It Takes Time(시간이 들겠지) (Feat. Colde) ♬
♬ Sik-K (식케이) - Never Know (Feat. Ye Ali) (Prod. Vangdale) ♬
♬ Xydo - AH YE (prod. by OOV) ♬
♬ SLCHLD x OCEAN - rollercoaster (prod. by sugi.wa) ♬
♬ pH-1 - Penthouse (Feat. Sik-K) (Prod. APRO) ♬
♬ 실키보이즈 (SILKYBOIS) - HOP ON ♬
♬ Mabinc - 혼잣말(feat. RIPLEY) (prod. by MNSX) ♬
♬ OVAN(오반) _ TWENTY(스무살이 왜이리 능글맞아) (Feat. SHAUN(숀)) ♬
♬ 죠지 (George) - Let's Go Picnic ♬
♬ OVAN(오반) _ Miss Fortune(불행) (Feat. VINXEN(빈첸)) ♬
♬ G.Nine - Gallery ♬
♬ JUNNY - Feel That (prod. by Holymoley!) ♬
♬ Xydo - 건강해야돼 (feat. £.vıewƶ (이뷰즈)) (prod. by 강유정) ♬
♬ YELLA - 모래성 (feat. chicken) (prod. by YELLA) ♬
♬ Nathania & Harms - This Night (feat. .packxday) (prod. by Horus) ♬
♬ J.Lu - Youth (feat. Jade) ♬
♬ SOLE - Slow ♬
♬ RHEEHAB - like a sunflower (feat. YAYYOUNG) (prod. by OPO) ♬
♬ CODE KUNST(코드 쿤스트) _ rain bird(비네) (Feat. Tablo & Colde) ♬
NANO(나노) _ Punishment (Prod. HSND)
♬ E.viewz (이뷰즈) - Poison Holyc (prod. by majscale) ♬
♬ pH-1 - DVD ♬
♬ 오프온오프 콜드 (Colde) - Your Dog Loves You (Feat. Crush) ♬
♬ JUNNY - HANDLE YOU (prod. Holymoley!) ♬
♬ JUNNY - Dreaming (prod. by JUNNY) ♬
♬ TWLV - Crazy (feat. packxday) (prod. by THE NEED) ♬
♬ seizetheday - Breath2 (feat. LILMONEY, ADDNINE) ♬
♬ 빌런(Villain) - 밉상 ♬
♬ DEAN - instagram ♬
♬ DA₩N - 쿠마 (くま) ♬
♬ K.vsh - Hurts ♬
♬ Bevy Maco - summerfever ♬
♬ K.vsh - My youth romantic comedy is wrong as i expected ♬
Mastana Shahab Agha Funny Video - Duration: 2:29.
Subscribe to My Channal Faiz kakar
I am the only one to live our love for you you're not tired of being
self check [Music]
welcome to this new video shows in which we are going to talk
as you know power in the title of diabetes but in parentheses
you could see the little roof when not even so bad karen so that's
a beautiful song that I like a lot that I listen to quite often in
the car I advise you to listen
you who have
a Insulin problem, sugar level
too high or too low, I'm going to talk again about papaya but
this time from her leaves I told you everything is good in papaya,
that this the roots, the sap, the bark, the
seeds, flesh, pulp , leaves
now I'm going to you show how to prepare your
your drink and especially how to consume it okay so this quick fix
you are only offered on 8 days my loves diabetes is a problem
that touches individuals across the world so that means no matter
your country no matter your color of skin no matter how old you are, no matter what your
sex you are likely to suffer from
diabetes Many people use
drugs provided to the hospital for to control diabetes, do you know that
parallel to that you have other natural products that
can definitely come to you in help this said in parentheses I you
also advise the treatment with the flower of hibiscus that is just as
interesting that the one I'm going to you to propose
The problems of chemical drugs c is that it helps punctually, that makes
temporarily lower your blood sugar level you need to take injections
at precise hours,
in parallel of the treatment that I propose to you
you must have a healthy life
you must have a healthy diet, If you do not have papaya leaves
fresh, so I advise you the cells papaya leaves are on sale everywhere.
Or even the dehydrated leaves, I you promise it will change you completely at all
now if you have that at home, then.
Be very happy Take young leaves very green and
healthy, wash well cut into small square as you
can see on the photo you pounded in a small mortar even if you have a
reel you have crush inside so once you're done
to crush you are going to get this dough, for two hundred grams of leaves you add
100 grams of water, put in the fridge let rest all the
night the next morning drink a young
Do not eat anything for the next two hours
you do this morning and evening for eight days
I also had you talking about nettle leaves , I assure you it is something exceptional
if you do not have access to the sheets papayas use this, in addition to healing
your diabetes will revolutionize your life, if you suffer from disorders, and infections
pulmonary, kidney, time and more , it will also help you, however, choose
one or the other, not both at the same time
I also invite you to see on the internet and to watch testimonials from people who
have test this on the internet the result is stunning
Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my
videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why
I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a
save many lives and make the world better.
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