Welcome back everyone, today were heading to France to look at some creepy and often
disturbing cases that have remained unsolved over the years.
Theres a lot of information about them - but as of yet, still no answers.
Lets see what you make of them - my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary French
Starting off at number 10 we have Lost In The Catacombs[a].
The Catacombs are a vast underground complex in Paris, built as mass graves centuries ago.
In the early 2000s, a video emerged that claimed to show footage from the early 1990s by an
unidentified man whos camera was allegedly discovered many years later by a group of
explorers deep inside the tunnels.
They found the tape covered in dust but the tape was still intact.
We see the man heading through the darkness.
At first he takes footage of rooms and rooms of bones, sometimes he even places an arrow
made of bones pointing in the direction he came from.
After a while though his calm exploration turns to sheer panic when he realises he doesnt
know where he is or how to get back.
He starts to run, but gets even more lost.
All of a sudden, he drops the camera on the ground - we see him run off into the darkness.
The camera keeps rolling until the battery runs out.
Nobody knows who he is and what became of him, its thought he may just have become another
body among the millions of remains …
Moving on to number 9 we have Man in the Iron Mask[b].
Thats the name given to an unidentified prisoner who was captured in 1669.
He was held in the Bastille and other French jails for several decades until he died in
Nobody knew who he was or why he was imprisoned.
Perhaps more interesting though is his appearance.
They say that nobody ever saw his face because he always wore a black velvet mask over his
face and at some points - a mask of iron.
The writer Voltaire said the chin of the iron mask was composed of steel springs which allowed
him to eat food through it.
Its been suggested that he was the illegitimate son of King Louis the 14ths, secretly imprisoned
for being homosexual by his father.
Others said he was actually the half brother of the king and that the king locked him away
to secure his line.
In the centuries since, its remained a mystery who this man was, why he was imprisoned for
all those years, and why he had to wear the Iron Mask …
Next up at number 8 we have The Hope Diamond[c].
This is perhaps one of the most famous jewels in the world - 45.52 carats that is thought
to have originated in India.
It was bought by French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier in 1666.
Eventually it was passed down through many people and is now owned by the Smithsonian
Theres the facts, but now lets talk about the curse.
They say the Blood Diamond is cursed, that anyone who owns or wears it will have misfortune
and tragedy visit their lives.
The list of people who have owned it is full of people who met gruesome deaths.
The gem merchant who brought it from India to Paris was torn to pieces by wild dogs,
a princess who wore it was later lynched by a French mob.
One Turkish owner was later thrown off a cliff with his wife and young child - even a man
who simply polished it once was imprisoned and tortured later on.
Now of course, these could all be coincidences, you have to think that a gem like this is
going to make its way into the hands of rich and power hungry people - who have been, historically,
seemed to be magnets for revolutions and violence.
That hasnt stopped the curse story from spreading.
Some even say its the reason why it sits behind glass in a museum, safe from harming anyone
else …
Moving on to number 7 we have Poisoned Bread[d].
On August 16th, 1951, the inhabitants of the small town of Pont-Saint-Esprit all fell ill.
People started hallucinating about being consumed by fire or giant plants or huge beasts.
A worker tried to drown himself because he said his belly was being eaten by snakes,
a 60 year old grandmother threw herself against the wall and broke 3 ribs.
A man saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a doctor to put it back in place.
Many people were taken to insane assylums in straight jackets.
There was no treatment, no cure and only one explanation - someone had poisoned the bread
that had been baked for the townspeople the night.
Up to 10 people were dead, 46 were in asylums for life and many more unable to ever hold
jobs or lead normal lives again.
In the decades since then, the scandal has largely been smoothed over - and whether it
was an accident or a killer has remained an unsolved mystery …
At the number 6 spot now we have The Death of Van Gogh[e].
This famous painter wasnt French - he was Dutch - but he died in France, in the village
of Auvers sur Oise to be precise.
On July 29th 1890, Van Gogh returned to the inn where he lived, after nightfall, holding
his stomach.
The family owned the inn were conserned and asked if he was ago, he told them -No, but
I have …- … his words then trailed off as he made his way to his room.
During the night, he admitted that he had tried and failed to shoot himself in the chest
and commit suicide, nevertheless, he died 2 days later.
Over a century though, a different theory emerged.
Some say he was accidentally shot by a 16 year old boy.
The suicide letter may just have been the draft of a letter to his brother - it sounded
far too optimistic for someone about to kill themself.
Its thought that the whole thing was an accident but that people covered it all up, perhaps
even Van Gogh himself.
Either that, or he was murdered in cold blood …
Moving on to number 5 we have Murder In The Alps[f].
On September 5th 2012, 3 members of the same family were found murdered inside their car
near Lake Annecy in the French alps.
When someone arrived on the scene they found That the mother, father and grandmother were
all found shot dead.
Their car was found reversed into the corner of the layby with the engine still running
and in reverse gear - the doors were still locked.
Another man not collected to the family was found shot dead next to the car with his bike.
When police arrived, they found a 7 year old daughter of the family near the scene with
a gunshot wound to her shoulder and serious head wounds.
After 8 hours of evidence collecting, police began to remove the bodies and then found
another 4 year old daughter hiding underneath her mothers skirt in the footwell of the car
- she had been too terrified to move or make a sound.
Both girls survived the attack and were given new identities.
To this day, police have been unable to figure out who the murderer was and their motive
- they could still be out there, willing to do this random act of violence again.
At number 4 now we have Gregory Villemin[g].
On October 16th 1984, Michel Villemin answered his phone and heard a hoarse voice on the
end say -Ive taken Gregory and drowned him in the river- … Gregory was his 5 year old
nephew, he ran to his brothers house.
When he got there, Gregorys parents were in a panic as they couldn't find him.
The uncle told them about the phone call.
The police were called and after 4 hours, they found Gregorys body in the river.
The next morning, the grieving family got a letter that simply said -I hope you die
of grief- … it was postmarked the day before Gregory had been kidnapped and murdered.
The family told the police they had received calls from the murderer for months before
- he would insult them, laugh obscenities and then hang up - but he never mentioned
who he was or why he was doing it.
In the months after Gregorys death, the letters kept coming - taunting, cruel letters.
Newspapers in France nicknamed the mysterious sender 'le corbeau' – French for the
Crow, after a slang term for someone who sends letters without signing them.
One simply read -Thats my revenge, you bastard- … in the years since then, nobody has come
any closer to figuring out who The Crow was or why he murdered little Gregory …
Moving on to number 3 we have The Papin Sisters.
This is a murder mystery but not because we don't know who did it - but why.
French sisters Lea and Christine Papin began working as servants for a family in France
in 1926.
People said they were a bit odd and never talked to anyone except themselves.
Nothing too strange though.
Then, one night in February 1933, Mr Lancelin came home to find his wife and their daughter
dead on the floor in a pool of blood.
Their eyes had been gouged out and faces smashed in.
The Papin sisters were locked in their room and when police finally opened it they found
the sisters lying on the bed together with a bloody hammer nearby.
They immediately confessed to the crimes but gave no reason why they did it.
Lea was given life in prison for being the mastermind of the plan.
Christine suffered a mental breakdown and tried to gouge her own eyes out - she was
eventually released from prison in 1943 but gave no clues as to why the pair murdered
in such cold blood …
Next up at number 2 we have the Moberly Jourdain Incident[h].
In 1901, two English women visited a chateau in the grounds of the famous Palace of Versailles.
They claimed that suddenly, during their visit, they travelled back in time.
A strange feeling came over them - a feeling of oppression and dreariness.
They saw men who looked like palace gardeners who told them to move along.
They noticed a cottage with a woman and a girl in the doorway, the woman was holding
out a jug to the girl.
They described it as a living picture.
They saw a man sitting beside a garden kiosk wearing a cloak and large shady hat - his
face seemed to have smallpox all over it.
They reached the gardens of the palace and saw a lady sketching on the grass, she wore
an old fashioned dress.
After the incident, they didnt talk to each other for a week - but when they did, they
began to think they had travelled back in time to the late 18th century and that the
woman they had seen was actually Marie Antoinette - the last Queen of France.
Their story has been examined and retold countless times and has gripped the paranormal community.
Some say its been debunked but others are convinced that the full story suggests that
this was a genuine slip in time …
And finally at number 1 we have the Dupont de Ligionnes murders[i].
These involved the murder of 5 members of the same family in Nantes.
The Dupont de Ligonnes family is an old French aristocratic family.
The mother and 4 children were murdered in April 2011 and their bodies found at their
home in Nantes.
The father had disappeared.
He became the prime suspect.
The bodies were found rolled in lime and buried beneath the patio of the house.
Since then Xavier, the feather of the family, has disappeared off the map - he was last
seen on CCTV at a hotel on April 14th.
The investigation almost went cold - then, on January 9th 2018, police raided a monastery
in the village where Xavier had last been seen after several worshippers had seen him
Police initially struggled to make headway as the monks at the monastery have taken a
vow of silence.
However, after a two-and-a-half-hour search, they determined that the reports were a case
of mistaken identity, and the person believed to be Dupont de Ligonnès was a monk who bore
a resemblance to him-
Alright thats enough French mysteries for now etc
For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary French Mysteries - Duration: 11:34.-------------------------------------------
Claudia Sulewski & Matt King Talk Biggest Regrets of the Year | SnowGlobe Music Festival 2018 - Duration: 2:53.
- Hey guys, I'm Claudia Sulewski
and I'm here with Matt King
at SnowGlobe celebrating New Year's Eve.
- [Matt] And we thought it'd be fun to go around
and ask people at SnowGlobe what their resolutions
and regrets are of the past year.
- Matt, what is your biggest regret of 2018?
- My biggest regret is probably not wearing
thicker socks because I am cold right now.
- Yeah, your toes look really wet.
Well, let's go ask others, shall we?
- All right, let's do it.
- Let's go.
(smooth electronic music)
- My resolution for 2019 is being more creative
and going to school as little as possible.
- Those are amazing answers.
I love that.
- To keep living my best life.
- Mmm. - That's right.
- Preach, preach. - Amen.
- I got kind of a goofy one,
but I gotta start using my credit card more,
accumulate that credit.
- That is the most adult answer of this evening.
- Sorta. - I love it.
It's so realistic.
(laughing) - I'm making those moves.
- This is my first music festival.
- Wow! - (gasps) Ever?
What's your goal?
Is there anything you wanna do?
- I wanna nail my back handsprings
and I wanna try to get on level two of gymnastics.
- My New Year's resolution is to eat more ice cream.
- [Claudia] What about you?
- Send it more.
Send it. - Send it!
Yeah, send it! - Gotta send it.
(smooth electronic music)
So if you can give one tagline
for just having the best 2019,
what is the motto?
- (Bleep) it up!
- Hey!
- There you go.
(laughing) - Are you gonna bleep that?
- For sure.
- Definitely.
- Too blessed to be stressed.
- Wow.
I'm gonna get that tattooed on my chest now.
I like that.
- Just keep dancing.
- Go Adele, go Adele!
Yes, go Adele, woo! - Woo!
(smooth electronic music)
- Do you guys have any regrets for the past year?
- I think I regret dating the wrong person.
We're saying goodbye to the (bleep)boys,
I don't know if I can say that.
(laughing) - You're good, you're good.
- Thank you, next.
- Do you guys have any regrets from 2018?
- I wish I pet more dogs.
- Dating this guy.
No I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
- I wish I got an A in Spanish.
- I don't think regrets are healthy.
I think you just, you know, you laugh and last
and you live and you move on.
(smooth electronic music)
- If you have any advice for anyone wanting
to have a better New Year, what would you say?
- [Man] Always have somebody with you.
Buddy system is very important.
- That's it, that's us, - That's you and me,
- That's us, you right. - That's you and me, bud.
- [Group] No drama!
- [Woman] All love.
- And if you guys could have any advice
for anyone going into 2019, what would that be?
- Yeah. - More golden retrievers.
- [Woman] Be yourself and follow your dreams.
- Be grateful, be super grateful every day.
- Happy New Year, guys.
- [Women And Hosts] Happy New Year!
- [Men And Hosts] Happy New Year!
- [Family And Hosts] Happy New Year!
- [Group] Happy 2019!
(music fades)
Top 10 Scary French Mysteries - Duration: 11:34.
Welcome back everyone, today were heading to France to look at some creepy and often
disturbing cases that have remained unsolved over the years.
Theres a lot of information about them - but as of yet, still no answers.
Lets see what you make of them - my name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary French
Starting off at number 10 we have Lost In The Catacombs[a].
The Catacombs are a vast underground complex in Paris, built as mass graves centuries ago.
In the early 2000s, a video emerged that claimed to show footage from the early 1990s by an
unidentified man whos camera was allegedly discovered many years later by a group of
explorers deep inside the tunnels.
They found the tape covered in dust but the tape was still intact.
We see the man heading through the darkness.
At first he takes footage of rooms and rooms of bones, sometimes he even places an arrow
made of bones pointing in the direction he came from.
After a while though his calm exploration turns to sheer panic when he realises he doesnt
know where he is or how to get back.
He starts to run, but gets even more lost.
All of a sudden, he drops the camera on the ground - we see him run off into the darkness.
The camera keeps rolling until the battery runs out.
Nobody knows who he is and what became of him, its thought he may just have become another
body among the millions of remains …
Moving on to number 9 we have Man in the Iron Mask[b].
Thats the name given to an unidentified prisoner who was captured in 1669.
He was held in the Bastille and other French jails for several decades until he died in
Nobody knew who he was or why he was imprisoned.
Perhaps more interesting though is his appearance.
They say that nobody ever saw his face because he always wore a black velvet mask over his
face and at some points - a mask of iron.
The writer Voltaire said the chin of the iron mask was composed of steel springs which allowed
him to eat food through it.
Its been suggested that he was the illegitimate son of King Louis the 14ths, secretly imprisoned
for being homosexual by his father.
Others said he was actually the half brother of the king and that the king locked him away
to secure his line.
In the centuries since, its remained a mystery who this man was, why he was imprisoned for
all those years, and why he had to wear the Iron Mask …
Next up at number 8 we have The Hope Diamond[c].
This is perhaps one of the most famous jewels in the world - 45.52 carats that is thought
to have originated in India.
It was bought by French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier in 1666.
Eventually it was passed down through many people and is now owned by the Smithsonian
Theres the facts, but now lets talk about the curse.
They say the Blood Diamond is cursed, that anyone who owns or wears it will have misfortune
and tragedy visit their lives.
The list of people who have owned it is full of people who met gruesome deaths.
The gem merchant who brought it from India to Paris was torn to pieces by wild dogs,
a princess who wore it was later lynched by a French mob.
One Turkish owner was later thrown off a cliff with his wife and young child - even a man
who simply polished it once was imprisoned and tortured later on.
Now of course, these could all be coincidences, you have to think that a gem like this is
going to make its way into the hands of rich and power hungry people - who have been, historically,
seemed to be magnets for revolutions and violence.
That hasnt stopped the curse story from spreading.
Some even say its the reason why it sits behind glass in a museum, safe from harming anyone
else …
Moving on to number 7 we have Poisoned Bread[d].
On August 16th, 1951, the inhabitants of the small town of Pont-Saint-Esprit all fell ill.
People started hallucinating about being consumed by fire or giant plants or huge beasts.
A worker tried to drown himself because he said his belly was being eaten by snakes,
a 60 year old grandmother threw herself against the wall and broke 3 ribs.
A man saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a doctor to put it back in place.
Many people were taken to insane assylums in straight jackets.
There was no treatment, no cure and only one explanation - someone had poisoned the bread
that had been baked for the townspeople the night.
Up to 10 people were dead, 46 were in asylums for life and many more unable to ever hold
jobs or lead normal lives again.
In the decades since then, the scandal has largely been smoothed over - and whether it
was an accident or a killer has remained an unsolved mystery …
At the number 6 spot now we have The Death of Van Gogh[e].
This famous painter wasnt French - he was Dutch - but he died in France, in the village
of Auvers sur Oise to be precise.
On July 29th 1890, Van Gogh returned to the inn where he lived, after nightfall, holding
his stomach.
The family owned the inn were conserned and asked if he was ago, he told them -No, but
I have …- … his words then trailed off as he made his way to his room.
During the night, he admitted that he had tried and failed to shoot himself in the chest
and commit suicide, nevertheless, he died 2 days later.
Over a century though, a different theory emerged.
Some say he was accidentally shot by a 16 year old boy.
The suicide letter may just have been the draft of a letter to his brother - it sounded
far too optimistic for someone about to kill themself.
Its thought that the whole thing was an accident but that people covered it all up, perhaps
even Van Gogh himself.
Either that, or he was murdered in cold blood …
Moving on to number 5 we have Murder In The Alps[f].
On September 5th 2012, 3 members of the same family were found murdered inside their car
near Lake Annecy in the French alps.
When someone arrived on the scene they found That the mother, father and grandmother were
all found shot dead.
Their car was found reversed into the corner of the layby with the engine still running
and in reverse gear - the doors were still locked.
Another man not collected to the family was found shot dead next to the car with his bike.
When police arrived, they found a 7 year old daughter of the family near the scene with
a gunshot wound to her shoulder and serious head wounds.
After 8 hours of evidence collecting, police began to remove the bodies and then found
another 4 year old daughter hiding underneath her mothers skirt in the footwell of the car
- she had been too terrified to move or make a sound.
Both girls survived the attack and were given new identities.
To this day, police have been unable to figure out who the murderer was and their motive
- they could still be out there, willing to do this random act of violence again.
At number 4 now we have Gregory Villemin[g].
On October 16th 1984, Michel Villemin answered his phone and heard a hoarse voice on the
end say -Ive taken Gregory and drowned him in the river- … Gregory was his 5 year old
nephew, he ran to his brothers house.
When he got there, Gregorys parents were in a panic as they couldn't find him.
The uncle told them about the phone call.
The police were called and after 4 hours, they found Gregorys body in the river.
The next morning, the grieving family got a letter that simply said -I hope you die
of grief- … it was postmarked the day before Gregory had been kidnapped and murdered.
The family told the police they had received calls from the murderer for months before
- he would insult them, laugh obscenities and then hang up - but he never mentioned
who he was or why he was doing it.
In the months after Gregorys death, the letters kept coming - taunting, cruel letters.
Newspapers in France nicknamed the mysterious sender 'le corbeau' – French for the
Crow, after a slang term for someone who sends letters without signing them.
One simply read -Thats my revenge, you bastard- … in the years since then, nobody has come
any closer to figuring out who The Crow was or why he murdered little Gregory …
Moving on to number 3 we have The Papin Sisters.
This is a murder mystery but not because we don't know who did it - but why.
French sisters Lea and Christine Papin began working as servants for a family in France
in 1926.
People said they were a bit odd and never talked to anyone except themselves.
Nothing too strange though.
Then, one night in February 1933, Mr Lancelin came home to find his wife and their daughter
dead on the floor in a pool of blood.
Their eyes had been gouged out and faces smashed in.
The Papin sisters were locked in their room and when police finally opened it they found
the sisters lying on the bed together with a bloody hammer nearby.
They immediately confessed to the crimes but gave no reason why they did it.
Lea was given life in prison for being the mastermind of the plan.
Christine suffered a mental breakdown and tried to gouge her own eyes out - she was
eventually released from prison in 1943 but gave no clues as to why the pair murdered
in such cold blood …
Next up at number 2 we have the Moberly Jourdain Incident[h].
In 1901, two English women visited a chateau in the grounds of the famous Palace of Versailles.
They claimed that suddenly, during their visit, they travelled back in time.
A strange feeling came over them - a feeling of oppression and dreariness.
They saw men who looked like palace gardeners who told them to move along.
They noticed a cottage with a woman and a girl in the doorway, the woman was holding
out a jug to the girl.
They described it as a living picture.
They saw a man sitting beside a garden kiosk wearing a cloak and large shady hat - his
face seemed to have smallpox all over it.
They reached the gardens of the palace and saw a lady sketching on the grass, she wore
an old fashioned dress.
After the incident, they didnt talk to each other for a week - but when they did, they
began to think they had travelled back in time to the late 18th century and that the
woman they had seen was actually Marie Antoinette - the last Queen of France.
Their story has been examined and retold countless times and has gripped the paranormal community.
Some say its been debunked but others are convinced that the full story suggests that
this was a genuine slip in time …
And finally at number 1 we have the Dupont de Ligionnes murders[i].
These involved the murder of 5 members of the same family in Nantes.
The Dupont de Ligonnes family is an old French aristocratic family.
The mother and 4 children were murdered in April 2011 and their bodies found at their
home in Nantes.
The father had disappeared.
He became the prime suspect.
The bodies were found rolled in lime and buried beneath the patio of the house.
Since then Xavier, the feather of the family, has disappeared off the map - he was last
seen on CCTV at a hotel on April 14th.
The investigation almost went cold - then, on January 9th 2018, police raided a monastery
in the village where Xavier had last been seen after several worshippers had seen him
Police initially struggled to make headway as the monks at the monastery have taken a
vow of silence.
However, after a two-and-a-half-hour search, they determined that the reports were a case
of mistaken identity, and the person believed to be Dupont de Ligonnès was a monk who bore
a resemblance to him-
Alright thats enough French mysteries for now etc
TIN MỚI 01/01/2019 - Tin Khẩn Cấp Mới Nhất - Tin Tức 24h | TIN MỚI NHẤT TRONG NGÀY #023 @E4U - Duration: 22:27.
SOHOLANG VOICE 2018 - Portrait de la gagnante "Estelle" - Duration: 20:58.
🎄🎉АСМР поздравляю С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! 🎄🎉 - Duration: 5:20.
Here comes the New Year
happy new year to you
Happy New Year
With new happiness
I congratulate you on the New Year
have fun and celebrate well
know every new year
it's a reason to think
about your life
and try to make it even better
at work
very easy to forget how to rejoice
By this I will remind you
that happiness is hiding in the details
and short moments
I'm sure this year
many surprises will be waiting for you
Yes, bad and good surprises
But, do not forget, it all depends on you.
It is in your power
do so
good surprises
there was a lot more
Try not to lose a year in vain
Try to keep up with him as much as possible.
you, you, are the very best in me
the very best
Each of you is a unique delightful and magical person.
which is good in its own way
each of you can get better
what are you currently at the moment
everyone can start
or may continue to go to your dream
to your goals
and no matter how old you are now
no matter what level you are now
what do you have and how is it all not important
even the most difficult tops
the most difficult cases
all all
it submits, submits with time
set yourself high goals
set your dreams
set yourself high goals
aim for them
and don't forget
dream and rejoice
because joy and dreams
it's the most important
Do not forget
take care of your loved ones, acquaintances
be kind
and open people
may be
New Year
it is a reason to get rid of bad habits
read more
or can become bolder
you get it or vice versa everything is bad
I personally will always be ready to cheer you with my videos
remember that you are the best
and you can always find new friends
by interest
find peace of mind
in our community with you
happy new year my good
go forward
don't look back
do not listen to others
no one can tell you
what should you be
what dreams to realize and what not
be kind, honest
and happy
I wish
so in the new year
all your goals and aspirations
come as close as possible
to you
I believe in you
and I will always be waiting for you
happy New Year
with new happiness
happy New Year
happy New Year
EXACTLY How Much I Made My FIRST YEAR On YouTube - 2018 (not clickbait) - Duration: 12:50.
What's up you guys Jason Wardrop here do this?
we don't gonna break down how much money I made my very
first year on YouTube and I'm gonna show you guys the different sources of income of how I made that and
Guys, I'm actually gonna show you guys this cans not there's not some clickbait
Talking head video, but I've seen a lot of those where they talk about how much they made on YouTube
but they never actually show you so I'm gonna go in show you inside my YouTube creator studio show you guys actually how much I
Made and then also will dive in to my stripe account and then I've got a PayPal account
I don't do a lot through that PayPal account
Probably just so over the last year probably just a couple thousand but I want to show you guys everything
So that you guys there's no mysteries of how much you know youtubers can make the first year. However
There's two really important things to take note of okay
Now the first thing is is that I do this very part time you guys watched in my past videos
I really only work on my YouTube channel about 4 to 5 hours every single week. And so
That is key though, like keeping consistent working 4 to 5 hours every single week
however, this year is you guys know there was a lot of things that happened where it wasn't every single week because you know
I have my ACL surgery. I had a new baby boy was born
Lots of things that kind of like kept me from being every single week
But the consistency over the long haul is really what's gonna get you those results
But once again, it's very part-time. My full-time job is I actually started a software company. It's called our Salome marketing
I help real estate agents generate leads and follow up and qualify those leads. So that's my day job
that's like my core thing that I do day in and day out and the reason why I say this is
Because if you see like how the numbers of what I've made this first year on YouTube, you're like, oh man
I'm gonna make that much money this next year in 2019 and you get all pumped and excited
Well, I don't want to like totally bash your hopes and dreams, but the truth is in those first three to six months
It's gonna be very hard to pay your bills if you're just a hundred percent focused on YouTube
So what I typically recommend to people is keep your full-time job
Keep your day job if you wanted to go and grow on YouTube
Start growing that on the side because in the beginning like last January
You'll see I just made over a hundred bucks
And at that point I was actually putting in a lot of hours to those craning videos every single day
Just kind of get that traction
And so to put in that many hours only make a hundred dollars for the whole month
That like is not even to pay for you know your food bill for the month
Let alone your rent and all the other expenses that you have
so make sure you guys keep your day job and kind of just slowly grow this the point that maybe eventually
that could overtake the income that you're making on your
Salary of your day job and that you can focus on youtube full-time
Then the second key thing that I want to break down and let you guys know is that when I started?
This I actually had a skill set right like I wanted to start a YouTube channel several years ago
but I didn't really have the confidence to start the channel because I didn't really have any skills to talk about and show people or
Anything like that?
And so it's really important to have a skill set or if you don't have a skill set go through and document you
Gaining that skill sets say you want to go through and start a channel on your Amazon FBA
Store or your Shopify store or how you're growing your marketing agency or whatever. It might be go through and document it
Just knowing that it's gonna be a little bit slower growth because you don't quite have that skill set because a lot of times people
Are on YouTube one to be entertained or two to learn?
Something that from somebody who's already gone and done this right now
The reason why I'm making this video is not to brag because these numbers really are not super crazy
but it's really to
Inspire like when I would go through even like a year ago before I first really got into YouTube really started
It was other channels like Tanner J Fox Graham Stefan
Like all these other channels that I saw like the possibilities with YouTube
not only the money made but lead generation and building this audience that really got me excited and really inspired me to know like
Okay. Hey one year from now
I can actually be making this little side income and as I started making the videos I realized that I actually
Really enjoyed making the videos and I actually really enjoyed
Seeing people benefit from the videos that I was creating and seeing them learn and seeing them grow and all that stuff
so I is like you know what this is actually like kind of like one of my hobbies and just making these YouTube videos and
Then obviously it's kind of nice to have a hobby that actually pays you
So anyway guys enough said but just keep those two things in mind of one
I did this very part time
Because I do have my full-time job when I'm running the software company and then second
I did have a skill set and I also you know was able to leverage a little bit of my audience
from the software company and I started making these videos on YouTube because really
Because really it helps train the people using our software it helps them out helps educate them a lot
And so anyway with that said guys, let's jump out of my computer so I can show you guys the exact numbers
Alright guys. So here we are on my actual youtube channel. Let me just zoom in here
So you guys can see this a little bit bigger
And then I will refresh so you guys know it's not a screen shot
But this is so this is December 31st. I'm actually shooting this video
So usually it's the day behind when it's tracking the revenue so December 29th, so January 1st, 2018, December 29th
So it's missing the last two days, but roughly right now I'm making about one hundred one hundred fifty dollars per day in ad revenue
So I just want to show you guys this really quick
So estimated revenue twenty one thousand five hundred ninety seven
So it's gonna be maybe like twenty one thousand seven eight hundred something like that
But let's just say twenty one thousand dollars in ad revenue
Okay, so if you look at that that's like, you know a little less than two thousand dollars per month
So two thousand dollars per month would be twenty four thousand dollars for the full year
But you guys can see the growth here and this is why like I said that first key point
Don't just like quit your day job and jump into YouTube full-time because like this this first month
Look how much I was making guys like three bucks in a day five bucks a day two dollars, you know
two dollars and thirty cents
I was hardly making any money and then let's see January 31st
$8 jumped up to 8 bucks in one day, but you know if you're thinking about
Create a new video every single day and it takes an hour. So to create one new video that
Really, you know, it doesn't really help out too much
but the interesting thing is if you come down here some of these videos like this one right here how to use Facebook ads for
Beginners. I'm not sure if it shows the date, but I've made this back in January. So January 13th 2018
It says right there and so even though I only was making let's see, January 13th
Let's see. Okay. I only made two dollars and thirty since that day that that video launched
However, that one video may be over twenty eight hundred dollars over the course of the year
And that's a great thing about YouTube unlike Instagram or Facebook where you make a post?
And after two or three days that post is kind of just gone and it's like it doesn't really matter anymore
Well with YouTube you go through and you make a video and it's gonna show up in the search
It's gonna show up in the suggested for many months or even years to come
Okay, and the same one right here this one I made January first. This is almost exactly a year ago. I launched this video
Okay, January 1st 2018 and it may be over
$2,400, right so you can see like obviously this like the 80/20 rule
20% of my videos probably maybe 80% of the income
You can see all these making pretty good income and then you've got obviously some that are a little bit less
Which some of these might have been like created a you know a little bit later on the year?
But still the nice thing is is like those are like little I almost kind of think about my little apartment
complexes that I own
That are bringing in new revenue every single month, and I don't have to deal with tenants
Maintenance or anything like that? So you can see you through here. You can see how it grows
Like I'm now making so back here was like, you know
8 bucks a day grew up to like almost 50 bucks a day here
And then and now I'm hitting a hundred dollars a day
I think this is my first hundred dollar day, August 21st
Which was crazy because if you guys been following the channel August was the month
I took completely off because I had my ACL surgery so to jump above $100
Totally unexpected, but pretty awesome, right so you can see how like it dips
It jumps up and down and then I hear I hit a 200 dollar day, which was pretty awesome. I launched a new video
but then also just because of the build-up of all the past videos I
Jumped over $200 in one day, but this was December 3rd
Okay, so this is after keeping up with it for you know months and months and months
I've seen this like slow steady growth
And now like even here like just because the holidays you can see someone like lower days like Christmas Day
$63 for the day. I hadn't had a
$63 day for like a couple months. So that was pretty bad. But anyway, so this is kind of like first year guys 20
1597 with two days remaining so
21600 let's call it just a you know, round up a little bit
But this is all just in ad revenue
Okay, so this is really cool because there's not going to be any refunds chargebacks disputes on this
this is just once a month YouTube sends you a check you just I just have a direct deposit into my bank account and
That is money. You can go through and grow and use now
Let's go and jump over to my stripe account
So you can see today made 84 bucks and I've kind of gone through and shifted how some of this stuff works
Yesterday did three hundred sixty seven dollars
But I was doing a little bit higher ticket sales at the beginning
But now I've got things a little bit more organized a little bit lower ticket
And I've got a little bit my video is a little more streamlined of what the topics I want to cover
Because before when I first started that's kind of all over the place. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to actually start
Or like what angle I wanted to go and hit and but now I've got a lot more clarity on that
So you guys can see like made almost thousand bucks that month nineteen ninety-four you can see how some months I had
Absolutely nothing and then this is where I started like really kind of doing the more
Specific I had a little bit more clarity on what type of videos to make and you can see how this got a lot more
consistent and even the revenue jump to this month looks like I've done forty seven seventy so and then on ads
like currently
Let's just jump over here. So you see this is for the month, but if I do
This month so December so twenty one twenty two thousand dollars roughly but this month I've done
3758 and then last month
I've done
almost four thousand dollars
so the key thing to know here is like it's it's a huge snowball effect right where that's gonna probably keep jumping up and
Keep jumping up and so four thousand dollars plus the forty seven hundred
You know, you're putting at like roughly nine thousand dollars right there
Now one thing to be like completely transparent guys, and this happened a lot earlier in the year
But you know, you see the refunds right here. So net volume
So this is going to be including funds and then also the charges that stripe takes from you just from my processing through stripe
So it says 25 thousand dollars, which all marketers are gonna brag and like hey made 25 thousand dollars
But in all reality guys take home was eighteen thousand eight seventy, which honestly I'm not really going to complain about that
So overall of both my courses
This is the only two ways. I monetize know a lot of other people do like affiliate marketing and other stuff now
Obviously this does not account for software signups, which I know we've got a lot of software signups because of this
This is just purely organic methods. So we got about eighteen thousand right there at almost nineteen thousand and
Then what was this like twenty one thousand, so I'd put it about forty thousand dollars for that first year
Okay, so over the course of the twelve months, you know
That's like what thirty five hundred dollars a month something like that. So nothing crazy, but
Obviously the it's cool to see that snowball and see that growth and know that I can continue to grow it
Okay. So anyway, I've got a really cool strategy out. So I'm making a video for Wednesday
So make sure you guys should check back Wednesday
I'm going to break down my exact strategy of how I'm gonna continue to grow this in 2019. And I'm gonna be doing something completely
Different because this is all a hundred percent not running ads
But I'm gonna start really pumping in the money into the advertising and all this stuff
And so we're gonna be doing some cool stuff. So stay tuned for that video on Wednesday
You guys want to see that make sure you guys subscribe and hit that notification bell
Also, if you guys like this video found it helpful and like kind of transparency and all that stuff. Go ahead
Give it a thumbs up comment down below. Let me know if you guys have a youtube channel
I would love to kind of see like what you guys are
Going through and creating with that said. Thanks so much for watching guys, and I will see you all later
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