Its 2019
What will your story be this year?
What will you create?
What will you make happen?
What challenges will you tackle?
What passions will you follow?
Who will you choose to be?
You're in control of your story
and no one else
And while the year ahead
may bring some highs
and some lows
You are the master of your own destiny
Nothing can stop you
Not a bad day
a bully
A mean teacher
Fake friend
An unhealthy relationship
Trouble at home
Trouble at school
Bad news
or mistakes you make along the way
2019 is yours
Be present
Be strong
Laugh, Love, Share, Learn
Happy New Years storyboothers
We wish you the best 2019 EVER!
Your story starts...
For more infomation >> Happy New Year from storybooth - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
С Новым Годом, Друзья! Новогодняя Москва, гоночный коптер - Duration: 2:57.
Hi Friends!
Happy New Year!
Want to wish you a number of take off
will be same with number of landings
don't lose your drones
increase your skills, guys
if goverment will not bun us
rise more often from the couch
to fly more!
Don't lose anything!
Don't crash anything!
all the best wishes!
less evil more kindness
more mutual assistance
And of course subscribe!
See you in New Year!
Good Luck!
Can't stop eating it. Napa CABBAGE & Bologna SAUSAGE Salad - Duration: 1:10.
Bologna sausage salad
Napa cabbage. 1 1/3 lb (600 g).
Bologna sausage. 1/2 lb (200 g).
Canned peas. 1/3 lb (150 g).
Green onion. 3.
Salt. To taste.
Ground black pepper. To taste.
Mayonnaise. To taste.
Opel Grandland X ONLINE EDITION 1.2T 130PK S&S - NAVIGATIE - CLIMA - Duration: 0:54.
Chia Sẻ Cách Thắt Cà Vạt 2019, Có 3 Không Một Cho Anh Trai U70, Dân Dã Thôn Quê Son Doong ? - Duration: 10:52.
Santee Cooper sues SCE&G - Duration: 0:22.
Coloring Drawings and Learning #h Colors How to draw Mom with Daughter - Duration: 4:53.
Coloring Drawings and Learning Colors
Простыня, размер: 180х200х18 см (на матрас h=15см) на резинке, цвет голубой, страйп-сатин, 135 гр... - Duration: 1:32.
[ENG SUB] BTS (방탄소년단) Happy New Year 2019! Love wishes for ARMY - Duration: 18:28.
Jimin: Hello everyone I'm Jimin
JM :Is it already 2019?
JM :The time we've been together has already been between the years 2013 to 2019
JM :If you think about it it's not that long of a time. Right?
JM :There will be many more days where we will be together
JM :so that's why I might think that way
JM : anyways, you guys worked so hard in 2018 and personally in 2018 as I've been with you all
JM : there has been many things I've learned
JM :Above all, the biggest thing I've realized is that as I've experienced all sorts of things with you all
JM :noticed that I didn't know how to care for myself
JM :But because of you guys I learned that that is something I have to do
JM :So next year, I hope you are able to care for yourself and love yourselves more
JM :And that's why a song like "promise" came to be
JM :Anyways, thank you for working hard
JM :we are thankful for you and I hope next year there will only be good things in the future
I love you
JM :I've always thought that it'd be great to have another song of mine that contained my thoughts
JM :and I really think that it'd be great to be able to meet you guys more often this year
JM :In that position
JM :I hope to give you even better of an influence
JM :and show you good performances
V: Hello, I'm BTS' V. 2019 is the pig year
V: My zodiac sign is a pig and just like the pig
V: I hope that in 2019 armys and bangtan can meet great fortune and in 2019
V: I hope to pile up more memories with army
V: So in 2019 I hope that it could be a very happy year. 2019, fighting!
V: Pig year, fighting!!
J-HOPE: everyone, hello, it's your hope, jhope
J-HOPE: he start of the new year of 2019 has been bright.
J-HOPE:It's apparently the golden pig's year and just as much as it is a "golden" pig year
J-HOPE:I hope you guys get that much fortune and I hope whatever you do, whatever
J-HOPE:You want to do turns out well
J-HOPE:Thank you everyone
J-HOPE:and in 2019 I hope we could all be healthy and to be able to show you guys good performances
J-HOPE:I think it should be a year we all take care of our health
J-HOPE: So my goal is to be able to take care of my body! It's all for you
J-HOPE:Hope you guys can be healthy too!
jIN: Yes everyone, the start of the new 2019 year has been bright!
I hope you guys can eat a lot of ddeokgook(rice cake soup you eat for the new year)
and also gain another year of age
I always puppet you guys. And I also support my own
Current cute image. Anyways, have a fortune filled year. In 2019
I want to put in more effort and practice a lot
and jimin already released his own solo song
so I hope it can be a year where I can pull an effort to also release my own
Suga : Yes, everyone, 2019 is right
The golden pig year...
I hope you can make a lot of money in this year and take care of your health
The next year will start but a year goes by quickly
The year will pass by quickly too
You will eventually be seeing the video for year 2020. Fighting
For 2019, and there will be a lot of fun things happening this year
For me specifically I think it will be a year where there will be a lot of growth in me producing for western music
In 2019,... well.. I have to hurry up and show you.. anyways have a fortune filled year and
Thank you.
RM: Yes, It's me
RM : This is the year old pig of Jimin and Taehyung
I hope this will be a happy year like other years
The goal of the new year is
Actually I'm worried about rating ...
I hope that we will work better in the new year
Actually, I did not do well last year, so I want to change everything this year.
Let's try to make things better.
Wishing you a happy video, and a happy new year.
Pay attention to your health and meals, as that is the most important.
Try to take care of yourself and strive well. Fighting!
How to Cover Up a Pimple | Beauty School | InStyle - Duration: 2:24.
Teaching me the proper way to cover up a pimple.
We are gonna cover that guy. Please!
Whenever you have a pimple, or something that you want to hide,
you want to make sure that your skin is really glowing.
Maybe do a really beautiful eye look.
So that way no one is actually gonna be looking.
You're using so much less on your brush
than I normally do when I try to cover up a pimple.
Yeah, that's the key.
Several light layers.
I'm going to use a slightly warmer color.
A very peachy toned concealer.
Because my pimple is really dark,
that's why you're going for a peach tone?
Exactly. So I always say,
peaches for blueberries and bananas for cherries.
The peach counteracts the blue.
And if you have more of a red pimple,
you can use something that has a little
more yellow to it.
I'm targeting the area first
and then, almost like a bullseye,
just circling right around it.
You have more of a golden undertone
so I'm going in with something that is a little bit more gold.
On the concealer side, I'm just going to set the work.
Because we're being really strategic today
we want to use something really small and fluffy.
If you just try and blend it right away,
it'll actually remove the makeup that we spent all of this time
going in and layering on.
Then I can go all the way around
and blend out the perimeter.
Awesome! There you go!
So then it should be set for all day long.
Oh my God! Where'd it go?!
He's gone! We should waive goodbye to it. Yes.
Peace out pimple!
I finally learned the proper way to cover up a pimple.
Thank you so much Kelli! You're welcome, you're welcome. That's what I'm here for.
So excited!
I almost want another one just so I could practice.
Alexandre Benalla et Emmanuel Macron ont gardé le contact - NT - Duration: 2:17.
BTS - Anpanman [English Version] **Original Audio** - Duration: 2:20.
all right keep on rolling baby
you know what time it is go
start your humming
i didn't do it right
k do it again
there's one thing this video needs
waiting for your anpan man
let me hear you say let me hear you say
waiting for you anpanman
turn it up turn it up turn it up
combo breaker
I'm so proud of this community
La demi-sœur de Meghan Markle a été placée sur la liste des « menaces fixes » de Scotland Yard - NT - Duration: 2:17.
КАМБОДЖА VS ИСПАНИЯ :) | KUGELN.IO WORLD CUP 2018/19 - 1-Й ТУР #3 - Duration: 10:53.
Green Smoothie with Chef Cash White👨🍳 - Duration: 3:09.
💍 Motiv Ring Fitness, la bague connectée pour les sportifs ? - Duration: 1:18.
화사 보란 듯이…효린, 파격 섹시로 골반댄스 소화 '아슬아슬' - Duration: 6:14.
효린이 '2018 KBS 연기대상' 2부 문을 열었다 그는 화려한 화이트톤의
슈트를 입고 가창력과 섹시미를 발산했다.
31일 오후 8시 55분, 서울 여의도 KBS홀에서 열린
'2018 KBS 연기대상'은 한 해 동안 고생했던 연기자들과
제작진이 한 자리에 모인 가운데 전현무와 유이 MC체제로 진행됐다.
이날 두 시간 반 여 진행된 1부가 끝나고 2부에서는 효린이 포문을 열었다.
롱부츠에 슈트 차림으로 나선 민효린은 무엇보다 섹시한 옷차림으로 눈길을 끌었다.
골반이 적나라하게 드러나는 옷차림으로 열정적인 춤사위를 보여준 효린이었다.
특히 아슬아슬한 차림으로 선보인 파격적인 웨이브가 입을 다물지 못하게 했다.
이를 지켜보는 일부 배우들도 놀란 표정을 감추지 못했다.
특히 효린이 입은 슈트는 색깔만 달랐을 뿐 MAMA
무대에서 화사가 보여준 스타일과 크게 다르지 않아 더욱 눈길을 끌었다.
'2018 KBS 연기대상'에 이르기까지, 올해 KBS 드라마는 극과 극을 달렸다.
주말 드라마 왕국의 자리는 지켰지만 미니시리즈 성적표는 초라하기 그지없다.
올해 KBS 드라마는 도전의 연속이었다.
'슈츠'와 '최고의 이혼' 등 두 편의 리메이크작을 선보였고 '우리가 만난 기적' '너도 인간이니',
'러블리 호러블리', '오늘의 탐정' 등 영혼 체인지, AI로봇,
귀신 등 파격적 소재들의 드라마가 시청자들과 만났다.
분명 의미있는 도전이었고 애청자들의 호평을 받은
작품들이었지만 결과는 좋지 않았다. 무엇보다 상반기와 하반기 격차가 컸다.
상반기는 '저글러스', '우리가 만난 기적', '슈츠' 등이 호투했지만
하반기는 야심차게 내놓은 작품들까지 줄줄이 1%대 굴욕을 겪으며 KBS를 울렸다.
그나마 중장년층의 절대적 지지를 받는 KBS1 저녁 일일드라마와
KBS2 주말드라마가 지상파 중 가장 높은 성적을 올리며 자존심을 지킬 수 있었다.
10 DIY Kitchen Cabinets Ideas - Duration: 8:43.
Cabinets are the super hero of your kitchen.
They have saved it from the clutter countless time,
making it look clean, hygienic, and tidy.
But you may pay too much attention to how your kitchen look and forget to tidy up your cabinets
so when you open your cabinets' doors, you'll find a disaster area.
Hey! Come on! Holiday is coming.
You have plenty of time to spruce your cabinets up.
And if you are running out of ideas,
just keep watching this video because you'll find 10 DIY kitchen cabinet ideas
10. Smart DIY Cutting Board Holder
Where do you usually store your cutting boards? Stacking them on the countertop?
Or cramming them in the cabinet? Both of them don't look good.
They don't turn out well, either.
If you stack them on the countertop, they'll make it look unorganized.
Cramming them is the worst. Instead of cramming the cutting boards,
you can make an effortless and cheap cutting board holder behind the cabinet's door.
You only need ¾" plywood and some screws to attach the wood to the door.
It's simple yet functional.
Just slip your cutting boards in the holder once you're done using them.
9. Shed Some Light to Your Cabinets
Highlighting your cabinets is a perfect idea for a perfect New Year's Eve.
When your friends and relatives come along for dinner,
you'll make them amazed with your kitchen.
Even if there is nobody but you in the kitchen,
your kitchen still deserves to be adored by you, the homeowner.
The easiest way to highlight your kitchen is by lighting it up.
And to get the sufficient light the light that will make the cabinets glow in the dark without going overboard,
you can try investing in LED lights installed along the upper and lower cabinets.
To hide the light in an epic way, try adding a trim
instead of wire and iron.
8. No-Cabinet Therapy
Cabinets work well in a bigger kitchen. But when it comes to a small one,
you'd better ditch it and replace it with open shelves.
Using open shelves to store spices and condiments is your safe bet.
They are DIY-friendly and inexpensive.
Storing jars of spices would be much easier and faster as you don't need to open and close the cabinet' doors which
can take up a few seconds. And if you can find an unused curtain rod,
it would be a jackpot because you can upcycle and turn it into a handy rack for your kitchen
utensils. You just need to install the rod on the wall near the kitchen sink, and add
some S hooks that will hold your pans and spatulas in place.
7. Show Your Beautiful Cups Off
Just because your kitchen isn't a room to host your guests, it doesn't mean you ignore
its appearance. It's the room where you spend most of your mornings preparing for
breakfast. And, if you apply an open-kitchen concept in your home, you definitely need
to adorn it. Adorning your kitchen doesn't have to be
pricey and sophisticated. A simple thing that can steal the focus of your kids who are waiting
for breakfast and guests will do. Try replacing some of your cabinet' doors with glass doors.
The glass will allow you to show off your collection. If you've got lots of antiques,
place them inside the cabinets and let your guests' eyes stare at them.
6. DIY Corner Cabinet
Make use every nook and cranny that you can find in your kitchen including the most awkward
corner between two cabinets. You will find it hard to find the cabinets that fit in with
the corner of your kitchen. Therefore, the best way to tackle it is by making the corner
cabinets yourself. One of these cabinets has more space to host
lesser-used kitchen utensils right at the corner. And you won't find it hard to get
them when you need them. To make this corner cabinet, you're going
to need 1 - sheet 3/4" plywood – rip it into 22 3/4" widths and 8 feet long, wood
glue, wood filler, and some other things.
5. Open Shelving Pantry
Don't have any pantry at home? No problem! You can still use the available space at home
to make an open-shelving pantry. It's challenging and cheap, and you're going to love it.
To make the pantry, find a good spot for the shelves to hang. It would be better if it
is in the kitchen. Get some woods, brackets, screws, stain, and polyurethane. And of course,
a little bit of your elbow grease. Cut the wood according the measurements you've
done. Stain and seal the woods before attached to the wall using brackets. And, you're
4. Make Use of Some Leftover
The good thing of doing a DIY project is you can get what you need without breaking your
bank. You can even make a few practical cabinets out of recycled pallets. Make sure that the
pallets are still in their top-notch condition and sturdy enough to hold condiments.
Since the pallets come in ready-to-install boxes, all you need to do to make affordable
cabinets are hinges, screws, and knobs or pulls.
If you want to soak in the warmth of the rustic look, you can just maintain the authentic
look of wood pallets by not staining them. But if you wanna add a little bit of upscale
look, staining them using gel stain is your best choice.
3. Unusual Cabinet Door Handles
Add a twist to your cabinets by replacing the knobs with these unusual handles – leather.
It is relatively cheaper than door knobs and – of course – easier to install.
after you've got the leather in your hand, cut them in pre-cut bookmarks, and you're
ready to go to the next step – waxing the leather strips. Waxing them thoroughly will
make them sturdier so they won't crack easily. Then, shave off the bulk of the leather using
a knife. Be careful! You'll only need to shave it off 5 centimetres from the tip. Make
three holes for the bolt. Screw it through those three holes all together, then screw
the leather through the door. Secure it with a washer and nut.
2. How to Install Kitchen Cabinet Installing kitchen cabinets is not that hard.
You can even do it yourself. First, you need to make sure that you buy the right cabinets
along with their assemble keys. Then, set the height and order. You can use level to
do it. Now, it's time to set the boxes. Don't forget to use level to make sure that
everything stays flush. Once the lower cabinets have installed properly,
add a filler strip if you find any gap between the cabinets and the wall. Then, make plumbing
and electrical cutouts and set the peninsula cabinets. After that, mark the position of
the upper cabinets before installing them. And, finally, add the doors and trims.
Before we get to number 1, I suggest you to press subscribe button if this channel is
new to you, and bell icon beside it. That's way, you will receive a new notification directly
in your mailbox every time I publish a new video.
1. Add Moldings to Your Existing Kitchen Cabinets
Add more style as well as filling in the gap between the ceiling and the cabinets by installing
moldings. You can add moldings around the base of the range hood and on the upper cabinets.
It's a DIY-friendly project that give a big impact to your kitchen.
Those are 10 super easy DIY kitchen cabinet ideas that you can even do yourself. Although
they are simple and easy, they will provide more charm and efficiency to your kitchen.
So, bye bye mundane and messy kitchen! And hello fabulous kitchen!
That's it, Before you leave, like this video, comment
it, or share it with anyone inside your close friend or family list. Come back again next
time with more home or decorating ideas. And until that time, thanks for watching.
10 Kota Yang Dipercaya Menganut Aliran Sesat - Duration: 9:30.
MY FIRST MAKEUP TUTORIAL (inspired by Korean and Latina makeup) 한국과 라틴 메이크업 - Duration: 9:07.
Hello, I am K-RO and today by first time on my channel I'm going to do a makeup tutorial
so do not you miss this video
they forgive me there is a little noise outside because there are some children playing
and I can not say that they do not play, because I'm recording video.
I have no idea what exactly the techniques and all this.
so the machines that I want to do today is something very simple inspiring Korean makeup
as you know and those who have followed me for a long time
you know that I really like the Korean culture. so I was watching
some videos that my friend NANA recommended. greeting Nana
of some girls who make Korean makeup. But I want to adapt it a bit
more to the Latin skin. because as you know then we
we do not have the super skin that the Korean girls and our skin texture
is completely different from those of they. so I want the makeup to look
a little Korean and a little bit Latin
I hope this makeup looks good
As I know Korean women use make-up base and in this case I have this BB CREAM of the AVON brand
and I also have this CUSHION
they sent me directly from Korea and It's also like a kind of foundation
so I'm going to use this one
now what's next but I'm not sure
let's paint my eyebrows because Korean women have straight eyebrows
I have curved eyebrows. so what I'm going to do is I'm going to fill
those little ones spaces in my eyebrows
I will use this shadow palette of the ENGOL brand
that I love because they have everything right here
has eye shadows, has product for eyebrows,
here has lipstick, blushes, and has the bronzer. so we can make up with all this
he fell from the wall .....
please stay in your site. please do not fall
I did not paint my eyebrows because I do not do eyebrows
I learned from my friend VANESSA that if you are watching me
I learned this from you friend
I think they look good, I think they are couples right? let's paint the eyes
Korean women use colors clear in the eyes
I'm going to use this pink color that is here is nice
I'm going to apply it with my finger
I'm going to use this with this combination of pink colors
the transition of the colors as the experts say
I'm going to use this color and this other color
but it does not look bad at all. your what do they say?
Now I'm going to put this color white to give a little light
Something that Korean women do and do is to paint your eyes so they look very pretty
I'm going to make a color pencil for the eyes
Now I'm going to delineate the eyes.
we Latinas we look up and Korean women do it down
I hope this works out well
Here I already have the delineated eyes. I'm trying .
now I'm going to put a blink on, I use this brand VOGUE
Korean women do not use a lot of blush so I'm going to use a light color
that the cheeks look a little pink
that is all
as we Latinas liked it much the brightness
Korean women do not use much shine. here I have this illuminator that is very very beautiful
I liked that you have all the illuminator tones
finally we have two lipsticks but as we already have very clear eyes
then I will put this ink that is of the COLORISSIMO brand that is from VOGUE also
you apply it little to coconut
this was all for today's video, I hope you liked it a lot
you know forget to subscribe to my channel in the button that is down or up here
and activate the bell for youtube to notify you every time I upload video
do not forget to follow me on my social networks as facebook twitter and instagram
the links I have in the bottom part also give me many LIKE
and share it with your friends. you know if you liked makeup please comment
if you liked it or did not like it or if you would like me to make more makeup videos
and this time Greetings are for Diego de korea
isabela paternina, dj maxi and kim taehyung a I send you a big kiss
and if you want me to greet you in my next video just post a comment
down there that says K-RO by please I want you to greet me in your next video
and I'm going do. see you in a next video
as always I say no forget to smile bye
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