Anton Douhnovsky translation
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War technologies. FINAL PART
In 2018 cause of professional activity died 80 our colleagues-journalists. Bigger part in battles in Afghanistan, Syria, Mexica, Yemen and India
In last release of «War technologies» you will see
By what proud our gunsmith in this Year?
Which models enstronged our army?
Does moved from place ammunition branch?
Who proposed case-free rifle?
And what unmanned already go on pension?
By summaries of 2018 might name two most valuable events in warriors sphere. Those are reforming of anti-terrorist operation od Donbas in Operation of united forces from 30 of April
And also declaring warning condition in 10 oblasts of Ukraine cause of open aggression of Russia near Kerch's flow-through with capturing our marines and vessels. Next TOP-10 event of fatherlands warriors sphere, which are valuable to remind
17 of January on sitting of CNSD Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko hand-out end trials and begin serial production of complex «Vilha» until end of 2018. Already 25 of April with participation of head of government pass final stage of launching trials of new-one, which may get basis from Kraz
By words of general constructor of CB Luch Oleg Korosteliov, «Vilha» able to injure targets on distance from 20 to 70 kilometers. He the same on exposition «Arms and Security-2018» declares, that model accepted on arms
31 of December in Ministry of defense was round table, which became beginning of improving sanitary automobile Bogdan 2251. In March was signed out 3 groups, in result of work which example get 10 improvements by experience of ATO and JFO
In end of summer were given 50 renewed Bogdans on replacing of soviet «Tablets», ant whole contract before term performed in November. Btw, Cherkasy auto-assembling factory actively send to army many-purpose Bogdan 2351, what also on basis of Great Wall Wingle 5
26 of March in GovernConcern «UkrOboronProm» announce about successful ending of contract on sending 49 basis tanks "Oplot-T" for army of Kingdom of Thailand
Agreement on 240 million dollars was signed 1 of September 2011, and first party with 5 panzers arrive to Thai army 4 years ago
29 of July last party with 6 tanks Oplot-T and two BREM-84 Atlet arrive to port of orderer. Now Oplots will produce for Ukrainian army and already bought armor-steel for 10 battle machines
30 of April became known, that to Ukraine arrive anti-tank complexes Javelin, which USA give in conditions of using exceptionally in defense purposes. According to decision of GovernDepartment, its 37 launching systems, 210 missiles to them, training systems and trainers for 47 million dollars
From 2 of May by right-order of Minister of defense Stepan Poltorak in training centers begin prepare for them fire-teams. Btw, 27 of September, on base in Baltimore, to Ukraine on free basis give two cutters type Island. Debates about new sendings of lethal arms and technique from USA leading also in now
7 of May warriors expert Sergiy Zgurets on page in Facebook, that Ukrainian army return to battle formation six types of AA missile systems, from which we refused in 2003-13 years. Tale about «Cube», «Tor», S-125, S-300PT, S-300V1 and far-range S-200V
Already in November on Herson oblast provide training with using some of them. Also there pass shooting of perspective anti-ship missile «Neptun», that injure marine target at range of 280 kilometers
29 of May in Paris between senates of Ukraine and France was signed agreement according to which, from apart, our Ministry of internal affairs will purchase 55 helicopters Airbus in versions H-125, H-145 and H-225
Price of new and used machines consists 485 million euro, and on training and service will spend addition 70. In Nijyn will be placed service center system of aerial safety MIA on 4 hangars
21 of December to Ukraine already arrive two first helicopters H-225 Super Puma for NatGuard and GSES (GovernServiceforExtremeSituations)
9 of August became known, that on govern factory «Artem» launch line of productioning 152-mm shells for artillery systems «Giatsint». Purchased equipment allows in each year produce 20 thousand ammunitions for army
Btw, in winter on Vinnitsa's factory Fort begin produce patrons caliber 9х18 millimeters Makarov and 9х19 Luger. On turn cartridges for automatic shooting arms from 5,45 millimeters to 14,5
14 of September on capital factory «Kuznia na Rybalskomu» on water release first descendant-storm cutter project 58181 «Centaur». And on net week production hangar leave second example
Untill few weeks on them mount equipment, provided factory trials, and for further accepting direct to Odesa. Them already tested common with marine-infantry of 36th brigade
In middle of December became known, that on «Centaurs» install German counter-diversion hydro-acoustic stations
9-12 of October in International exposition center pass expos «Arms and Security», «Technologies of defense» and avia-saloon «AviaSvit». Under one roof and on street sites gathered near 500 companies from 17 countries of world
Among new-ones, which we notice: cammo «Mavka» for FSO, armored med-kit, rifle Snipex caliber 12,7х108 mm, 82-millimeters dis-noized mortar «Shepit», reactive multiple-launch fire system Berest, etc. Expo begin by message about fires on arsenal near Ichnia
21 of December with participation of President Petro Poroshenko on Jytomyr oblast was giving 206 ones of arms and warriors technique. Third part from common amount consist armor-technique
Also in party go in examples of artillery, auto-technique, AA missile systems. From airplanes flyers IL-76MD, Su-25M1K, Mig-29MU1, helicopters Mi-8 and unmanneds
Btw, daily in GovernConcern «UkrOboronProm» declare, that for 2018 were given 2500 ones of high-precious arms. Means, missile systems Stugna-P, Korsar, Barier
Americans already compute, that fighter 6th generation PCA will cost 300 million dollars for unit. Means it is model, that after 15 years will replace todays superplane-stealth F-35
This is relatively far perspective, thou yet will mark ten most valuable events of 2018, which for even will change warriors sphere of the planet
23 of January on exposition Shat Show-2018 in Las-Vegas, Company FD Munition show their perspective rifle L-5 under case-less patron. Replacing magazine in her metallic block with five charges for bullets
He installed to magazine, what from left side of fire-arm. Trigger mechanism o batteries allow program shots from five barrels, what placed in parallel
Developers plan build-in new version of L-5, of bigger caliber, uni-polar generator of Faradays, which will nutritiate from powder gases
9 of March was last flight of UAV MQ-1 Predator USA army, who goes on pension. This program cost 2 billion 380 million dollars. Predator well show himself under time of using in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Livia, Iran, Philippines, Somali, Syria
Already from different reasons were lost near 70 reconnaissance and universal versions. Example, what stand on arms of USA army from 2005 and exported, replace model MQ-9 Reaper
24 of May in result of rebranding French company Renault Trucks Defense get name Arcus. On such step their owners from Volvo Group go after unlucky try of selling sub-section. Arcus concentrated on light and middle armored machines and their service
From apart, present off-road Trepe and AV Scarabi. Also brand have great orders of battle machines Gryphon and Jaguar. Btw, in October Harris and L-3 Technologies united in corporation, what became 7 in MIC of world by volume
In June China decrypted self's laser developments. 10-kiloWatt system God-Eye might strike down unmanneds on height 500 m and distance 2 km for 5 seconds
Small-radius Guron-Eye with radar hit down unmanneds lesser, at few hundred meters. And the 100-kiloWatt Silent Hunter able from 1 km cut 5-millimeters steel
That time Turkey company Aselsan successfully tested laser system Laser Defense System, able to hit own drones at distance 500 meters of explode mines on distance 200 meters
30 of April to internet get in screens of new exoskeleton on lower endings Onix. Device from company Lockheed Martin weights 6,4 kilogram. With basic accumulator he able to work 8 hours
Exist also additional battery with weight 5,4 kilogram, what gives twice bigger mights. His test in army of USA start in end of year, and producing in 2020
Also in spring American warriors begin test device from Den Bekliti - "third arm". Mechanical device helps fighter to carry fire-arm with weight up to 12,5 kilogram
11-15 of June in Paris complex Vilpan pass 26th International expo of arms, technologies of security and defense devices Eurosatori-2018. Exposition gather 57 thousand visitors and 200 official delegations, and also 1750 gunsmiths companies from 63 countries
Among new-ones: wrestler against tanks Pars 4х4, AV Patria 6х6, floating caterpillar APVT, symbiosis of Leopard and Leclerk – tank EMBT, missile system Spider, etc. Ukrainian companies also show there their examples
8 of August company Airbus Defense and Space says, that 75-kilogram unmanned Zefir-S make world record of ongoing flight. Apparatus fly out from American state Arizona 11 of July and pass in sky 25 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes
Unmanned equipped with solar batteries, which develop company Kinetic. Previous record Zefir-S, what was made in 2010, and consists 14 days. Btw, project partialy financated by Ministry of defense Great Britain
2 of October on territory of council of Saudis Arabia in Istanbul was murdered journalist, reviewer and writer Jamal Hashogi. When it revealed, counselor of Germany Angela Merkel declare, that FRG won't export arms to Saudis Arabia, until case would not be tracked
19 of November German senate fully stopped export of arms to kingdom. We remind, Saudis Arabia is second by sizes buyer in Berlin and for this year was signed common contracts on 416,4 million euros
4 of October on shipyard in Japan city Kobe release on water first in world submarine on lithium-ion accumulators. Submarine project «Soru» have lengths 84 meters and water-tonnage 2950 tones
Ten previous submarines of this type equipped with plumbum-acid batteries, what give in 2 times lesser power. New-one, that get name Dragon-Phoenix, accelerate to 20 knots
Btw, American scientists show prototype of communications system between submarine and aerial apparatuses
26 of December press-service of corporation Lockheed Martin publicated first photos of flying apparat of new generation. Perspective helicopter SB-1 Defiant developed by Sikorsky and Boeing in frames of program Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft
He started on basis of project X-2, transformed in S-97 Raider, in further on this platform will develop more heavy versions of machines. By demands of program he may accelerate to 205 knots, or 380 kilometers per hour. And diameter of carring screw not overheight 12 meters
Vitality for New Year holidays from our crew and wishes of peace, health and luck. If holidays TV-shows became too much, you know, where to search archive of «War Technologies». Soon will see each-other!
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【香川グルメ】「世界一のうどん」と噂される"さぬきうどん"とは? - Duration: 2:40.
Kagawa Prefecture blogger, Metabo Kakihara Coming into view.
Kagawa Prefecture blogger, Metabo Kakihara
What? Where? Kagawa Prefecture blogger, Metabo Kakihara
Kagawa Prefecture blogger, Metabo Kakihara
This house is it. Kagawa Prefecture blogger, Metabo Kakihara
This house is it.
What? Here?
Here, everyone sits and eats.
This is Suzaki's udon.
Metabo Kakihara is a gourmet blogger who eats 1,000 servings of udon a year.
What kind of place will he take us today?
Suzaki Shokuryohin-ten, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture
It doesn't seem like an udon place... Suzaki Shokuryohin-ten, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture
It doesn't seem like an udon place...
What? "Soy sauce udon" only?
Udon with raw egg and such, you make it yourself.
So, when you order, you decide whether it's hot or cold,
and the amount of noodles, big or small.
Huh. Just soy sauce.
The shop staff Huh. Just soy sauce.
Huh. Just soy sauce.
That's right.
It's soy sauce udon.
The favorite of Kagawa residents.
- "Soy it is". - "Soy" it is, ha-ha.
This soy sauce...
She ignored us!
Hmm, "best in the world." For real?
"Said to be best in the world" Hmm, "best in the world." For real?
"Said to be best in the world"
Some came to eat on a helicopter.
Once every two or three months, a pair comes.
They eat the 200-yen udon then go home.
So, how does this world-class udon taste?
Springy enough to bounce back when you chew.
This is Suzaki's udon.
Usually, tougher udon like this
would be half-raw, but this is cooked well.
It brings out the sweetness.
The reason why it's the world's best.
Next... Added egg.
They are thick, but thoroughly cooked.
Really springy. It feels great when it goes down.
When you eat this, the happiness hormone,
oxytocin is released and satisfies you.
What kind of face do you get when oxytocin is released?
I see... How about when it's not released?
Um... Not that much different.
With oxytocin, without oxytocin Um... Not that much different.
With oxytocin, without oxytocin
You just look like you're smiling... With oxytocin, without oxytocin
I'll hit up his recommended udon place,
and hit up some happiness hormone.
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