- Hey guys, this is Austin.
We've taken a look at a lot of laptops this year,
but these are my absolute favorites.
And huge shout out to Intel for sponsoring this roundup.
Starting out with, we have the HP Spectre Folio.
Now we very recently took a look at this
and it is hands down one of the most unique
laptops I've seen all year long.
First of all, we have the design.
So it's made out of a hybrid of a magnesium chassis
paired with leather that's wrapped all the way around,
and it looks and feels incredibly premium.
Unlike a lot of laptops, this does have a standard hinge
so you can use it just like a standard notebook,
or if you want you can pop out the magnetically
attached screen and use it here either in
the Tent Mode where you can use the touch pad,
or if you want to go completely flat
you have a nice little folio.
Like many of the other laptops
in this roundup, it is powered
by an Intel Core i7 eighth-generation processor.
In this case it's the 8500Y which means
that not only is it completely fanless
so it's thin and light, but importantly it still
does have the power to run full fledged Windows apps.
What's really cool about this is that it's
an always connected PC with an Intel modem that is built in.
So with an always connected LTE setup,
what this means is that you don't have to go around and
hunt for sketchy public wifi or anything like that.
It makes a big difference to the way that you use the PC.
And I do feel like this is going to be
something we're seeing a lot more in the next couple years.
The biggest problem with the Spectre Folio is price.
With the maxed out version, with the Core i7
as well as the LTE modem, it is a full 1500 dollars.
But if you want one of the most unique
and coolest laptops that you can buy right now,
the Spectre Folio definitely fits the bill.
If you're looking for something
a little bit more traditional,
the ASUS ZenBbook S is definitely one of my favorites.
The ZenBook also has an interesting design.
So this is what ASUS calls ErgoLift.
As you can see, when you open up the screen,
it gives a little bit of a lift to the keyboard.
Now this has implications for things such as the cooling,
but importantly, paired with the awesome keyboard,
this is once of my favorite typing experiences of the year.
It is so comfy to type on this guy for long periods.
This really is the sweet spot for a thin and light laptop.
You have the portability, but you also have the power
with that eighth-gen Core i7 8550U,
and on top of that you have a pair of Thunderbolt 3 ports,
which means that even though
it's super thin and it's super light,
you can get some proper work done on this guy.
It's not perfect, especially when you outfit it
with the 4K touchscreen, battery life is only decent,
but when you put the entire package together,
this is hands-down one of my favorite
ultra-portable laptops of the year.
Another option is the brand-new Razer Blade Stealth.
Now, we're still well into premium laptop territory here,
but for such a thin and light form factor,
we're getting a lot more performance
than you'd usually expect.
Inside, of course you'll find
the eighth-gen Core i7 processor,
but it's also backed up by an NVIDIA MX150 GPU.
Now it's not completely unheard of,
but this is a pretty unique combination
in such a thin and light laptop,
which can not only play some decent games,
maybe not on ultra settings,
but importantly also has the great build quality
and the great battery life to back it up.
It also has a great screen and speakers,
the touchpad's awesome, and the keyboard is really solid.
The important thing here is,
while it does have the power to do some gaming,
importantly you're not sacrificing anything
as an everyday laptop.
Now if we really wanna get overkill with things,
we have the ASUS G703, which I sadly don't have here,
because they asked for it back.
But this is hands-down the craziest laptop
we've ever looked at.
With a $5000 price tag, overclocked Core i9 processor,
GTX 1080, full desktop class GPU, 64 gigs of RAM,
it's got a full 1.3 terabytes of RAID SSDs,
I mean this thing is literally like a nerd's dream.
As long as you're a very buff nerd
who can pick up the very hefty, (laughs),
I can't say it.
It is not remotely practical in any way, but come on!
This is my favorite laptops of the year.
How can I not include the most ridiculous, overkill thing
that we've taken a look at,
well, pretty much ever on the laptop side.
Next up we have everyone's favorite laptop,
the crowd favorite known as the Apple MacBook Pro.
So, this is slightly cheating,
since this was actually brand-new in 2016,
however, it did get a big spec bump this year.
With a six-core Intel Core i9 inside,
this is a properly powerful system.
Now, no, it may not be quite as powerful
as that G703, but this is also something
that can be picked up and carried by normal human people,
a very important trait of a laptop.
It's still got some of the best build quality in the game,
and the basics are pretty much all here,
with the slight exception of the keyboard
which is just so-so.
When you put it all together,
this is one incredibly expensive machine
because we do so much stuff that is specific to MacOS,
specifically with Final Cut,
it means that this is actually
one of my most used laptops this year,
even though it might not necessarily be my favorite.
If we switch over to a slightly more reasonable price range,
we have this, the VivoBook F510UA.
For just about $500, this is easily
one of the best laptops in the game right now.
So one of the important things that you should probably keep
in mind, is that this is a standard hard drive configuration
for $500, but for only about $30,
you can very easily upgrade it with an SSD,
and I definitely recommend it.
It makes a huge difference,
and it really nicely rounds out the rest of the package.
With the VivoBook, even though it is a fairly cheap laptop,
you're not really giving up a lot,
and I think that's very, very important at this price range.
So you've got an eighth-gen i5 processor,
a pretty impressive 1080p IPS panel,
you got a good keyboard, good touchpad, plenty of ports,
there's really very little that's wrong with this laptop,
and that is super, super impressive at the price.
So I am really, really cheating with this one,
but my next choice is the Microsoft Surface Go.
Yeah, you could say this is a tablet,
but the way I use it, as a tiny,
awesome little Windows laptop.
Even the base $400 version is built well,
and you've got a decent amount of performance thanks
to the Pentium Gold processor,
nothing too crazy, but it is enough for a 10 inch laptop.
On top of that, you've got a lot
of the nice Surface features,
including the fully adjustable kickstand,
as well as the keyboard.
Now, yes, if you take off the keyboard, it's um, a tablet,
so this doesn't really quite qualify as a laptop,
but I mean, you should buy the keyboard.
You should put it on.
It should live like this.
And then it's eligible to be in my video.
Look, okay, I get it, it's not really a laptop.
But I mean, the way I use this thing is just like a laptop.
It's got a touchpad, a keyboard, and I dunno.
I actually really like the Surface Go.
I think it makes a lot of sense,
and especially because it has things like, I dunno,
a USB-C port, something that some of the other Surfaces
could maybe take note on,
this really is one of my favorite cheap-budget devices
right now, especially when you consider just how portable
and small and cool it is.
Can you tell I really like the Surface Go?
Say you wanna game on a budget?
Well, boy have I got the deal for you?
The Acer Aspire 5.
This is a laptop we actually took a look at
very early in the year,
and yet it has absolutely held up all year long,
and that is for good reason.
This is easily my favorite recommendation
if you wanna get into a low-end gaming laptop.
At $600, the spec list is impressive.
You have a Core i5, eight gigs of RAM, MX150 graphics,
a 256 gig SSD, you even got nice things
like a solid touchpad and a backlit keyboard.
The only real downside here is the screen,
which while it is 1080, is unfortunately not IPS.
But, if you can look past that,
and at $600 you kind of should,
this is a very impressive gaming laptop.
Considering it shares a similar MX150 graphics setup
compared to that Razer Blade Stealth,
you should be able to game at pretty decent settings,
again, not Ultra, but for $600,
if you wanna get into an entry-level gaming laptop,
the Acer Aspire 5 is still
one of my absolute favorite things
I've taken a look at this year.
For more infomation >> My Favorite Laptops of 2018! - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Class (2018): Body Types and Engines | Presented by Dave Erickson - Duration: 1:30.
Mercedes-Benz offers different body variants for the new E-Class, besides the Saloon model I'm driving now.
For example the spacious Estate model,
which carries the whole family.
And the All-Terrain model for a great outdoor experience.
In the two-door segment, you can choose between the even more sporty Coupé and the Convertible.
All four models and all engines come
with the 9G-TRONIC automatic transmission as standard.
Available is a great range of engines for every model.
An absolute highlight:
the top-of-the-line six-cylinder petrol engine in the E 450 4MATIC.
Another engine worth mentioning: the strongest diesel engine in the brand's history.
This new inline 6-cylinder in the E 400 d 4MATIC.
340 PS and a massive amount of torque.
It is stunningly agile, efficient and second to none when it comes to a smooth driving experience.
DA PUMP、レコ大で「U.S.A.」歌唱中に西城秀樹さんへ捧ぐ「YMCA」披露! - Duration: 2:09.
拡大写真 日本レコード大賞 熱唱するDA P MP(撮影・久冨 修) 第60回輝く!日 レコード大賞」( 催日本作曲家協会 の最終審査会が3 日、東京・初台の 国立劇場で行われ ダンスボーカルグ ープ「DA PU P」が今年大ヒッ した「U.S.A 」(作詞shun o.、作曲クラウ ィオ・アカティー ら)の歌唱中に、 城秀樹さんの「Y UNG MAN( .M.C.A.) の振り付けを披露 る場面があった
大賞候補の 秀作品賞に「U. .A.」がノミネ トされたDA P MP。79年の西 さんの「YOUN MAN」や、8 年の岩崎宏美(6 )の「聖母(マド ナ)たちのララバ 」など、大ヒット た外国人作曲の作 がノミネートから れた例があったた 、今回「U.S. .」が選出される 注目を集めていた
「U.S. .」のラストでメ バー全員で「Y! !C!A!」を披 。今年5月に天国 旅立った偉大な先 に捧げた
ネット上で 「YMCA良かっ 」「最後にYMC の振り付けかっこ い!」「天国のヒ キさんも喜んでる 」などの反響があ た
[外部サイト] ザンオールスター 、一部のネット記 "米津玄師の紅白 演に激怒"を全面 定「桑田は数年前 ら絶賛」ISSA お疲れ"報道に「 計なお世話」 三 大知の心配にも「 んなジジイじゃね よ」「絶唱型」で 了した西城秀樹さ 音楽界の常識変 た 子供3人が墓 デザインし一周忌 納骨へ【全曲順一 】紅白曲順発表 ザンが"究極の大 リ"DA PUM 14年ぶり"レコ "ステージ 優秀 品賞に喜び西城秀 岩崎宏美輝く!日 レコード大賞
最新ニュース : DA PUMP「U.S.A.」レコ大大賞ならず ISSAインスタに残念がる声「涙が止まりません」- 記事詳細| - Duration: 1:49.
「第60回 輝 !日本レコード大賞」 日本作曲家協会主催) 授賞式が30日、東京 初台の新国立劇場で行 れ、乃木坂46が「シ クロニシティ」で大賞 輝き、昨年に引き続き 覇を達成した
ネット上では「DA UMP」の「U.S. .」の大賞を期待して たファンから残念がる が相次いだ。 「U S.A.」の大ヒット 、16年ぶりに大みそ のNHK紅白歌合戦( 7時15分)出場を決 た「DA PUMP」
ボーカル・ISSA( 0)のインスタグラム は、大賞受賞を信じて たファンから「DA UMPが一番かっこよ ったです!」「最高。 が温かくなって、涙が まりません」「7歳の 子なんて大賞発表を聞 て悔しくて泣いてます 「最高なパフォーマン 、これからもずっと見 てください」とメッセ ジが続々と寄せられた
Why Beater Cars are Worth Restoring, Ford Thunderbird - Duration: 5:49.
it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their
own car and here's this week's winner, hello everybody I hope you're having a
great Sunday with a fantastic weekend, what I
got for you today is a 1988 Ford Thunderbird with a sport trim level, it
is equipped with a 5.0 liter windsor v8 with a four-speed automatic transmission
and has been kicking it ever since she got out of the factory in Lorain Ohio, for 30
years she has been an outside vehicle and has only had one owner other than us,
being a Colorado car this car is surprisingly known to have no rest in
any part of the vehicle, even though this car has been driven through the snow
year after year, day after day, overall I like to say this vehicle is really
good on the road and for 30 years this car is still kicking like it's been 10
years, let's start off the show with a glimpse of the American muscle car
to start off history wise, this car was bought by my parents for my oldest brother back
in the day and it only had one owner with a total of 84,000 miles on it, over
the years my brother drove it until he got another car and my parents handed
it down to my middle brother when he started to drive, the car was a beater and
you knew it was a beater when your parents let the kids drive it around
as their first car but my middle brother hated it and quickly got into a
different vehicle.
it sat around for a couple years around two to three years
until I was able to drive and then that became my first car.
when I got it it was in a falling apart stage.
it was really bad the paint was peeling there was a
dent from an accident the previous owners experienced in the right rear
quarter panel, the suspension was worn it was just not in a good state, after
driving it though I started getting into cars and wondering how they worked
so after a year and a lot of learning, I was able to fix it up into a shape that
was an eye catcher to some, for Christmas of I think it was 2016 we got a
painted to midnight blue and then a couple months later it got rear-ended
the rear end portion caused me to actually look into other cars because
when I got rear-ended the guy was going 35 miles per hour and to me since I
didn't really know how they work on cars at the time, I thought it was a goner, I
thought it was just gonna be totaled and I was game over, so after a lot of work
negotiating with the insurance company we finally had the funds to repair it, to
repair it, no one was making quarter panels for it and if they were they were a
really hefty cost, so we scavenged salvage
yards and we finally found 87 Thunderbird but the 87 and 88 had the
same style quarter panel, so we literally cut off the old quarter panel of this 87
in the junkyard with the saza and everyone was giving us looks it was
really loud, we were the loudest people in the junkyard
or in the salvage yard, we got it off but everyone was looking at us making funny
faces and some people actually took footage of us which was pretty
interesting, but after all that took place we got the car back to its
rightful look the sound this engine makes from this
Thunderbird is just amazing like it really sounds like a dark like murmuring
sound, like if you hear this down the road or gonna be like oh god, oh no what
is that you think it's gonna be a bear and you see it and it's just a car and you're
like oh uh okay nevermind, the five liter EFI it
comes with the horsepower of a hundred and fifty-five with 265 foot-pounds of
torque, it is a pretty good horsepower but I think it trades some of that
horsepower for durability and reliability, somehow this car always starts for me
and always wants to drive and it really is a solid engine
now for the interior and all the power accessories it comes with power seats or
one part seat the passenger side seat is manual, and it comes with power windows
power locks you know all the standard powered brakes, powered mirrors and
powered steering, this system centering module is another piece of equipment on
the Thunderbird that really is a nice feature because it will let you know if
you need to replace bulbs or fill up on any fluids as well as floor shifter
that's right next to it that will allow you to look cooler hands down
I want to thank Scotty for showcasing the Thunderbird and I hope all of you
watching have a great rest of your day and a great week,
well that was this week's video and remember to have your car video
highlighted here on my channel, check this out,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
La Juventus s'impose face à la Sampdoria (2-1) grâce à un doublé de CR7 - Duration: 3:56.
Recette de velouté de panais Végan - n° 2 sur 4 vidéos. - Duration: 3:02.
My iPhone XS unboxing! [2019] - Duration: 2:01.
Friends, recently I bought my new iPhone XS and I thought I should unbox it for you guys.
First thing, the price!
I bought this 256GB model for around 1,15,000 rupees here in India
and I'm gonna put the buying links down in the description below.
So by any chance, if you want to buy one,
you can use these links and that will support the channel.
So by looking at the box you would have
already guessed I bought the gold color.
This is a little different gold color that Apple introduced this year
and it really looks nice!
So let's see how does this phone look and what we get inside the box.
And first you see is some paperwork, which I'm gonna keep a side
and we will see it later on.
And here is this Boy! This thing is beautiful. When you hold it in your hand,
it feels premium. This gold frame all around the phone looks just gorgeous!
I loved this color and loved the feel of this new iPhone.
Now let's see what else we get in the box.
These are these earphones with lightning connector.
So, if you have those 3.5 mm earphones they will not work with this iPhone.
And now there is this lightning connector and a power adapter.
This is a 5 watt power adapter which charges your iPhone very slow.
it takes around two-and-a-half or three hours to charge this phone from zero to hundred.
Better you buy the 12W power adapter separately which you can get it
for around 1300 rupees on the Amazon. I'll put the links down in the description.
That adapter is like twice faster than this adapter and that'll save you a lot of time.
Now let's see what's there inside this package.
First there are this instructions for you to use your new iPhone with new gestures.
And then the popular Apple stickers, some regulatory notes,
and then there is this little SIM ejector tool which is very, very important!
Keep it safe.
So this is what you get with your new iPhone purchase.
I'm gonna use this new iPhone for all my new upcoming videos.
So there would be more videos related to this new iPhone XS
and I hope you guys will like it.
Stay tuned for upcoming content,
take care and I'll see you in the next one.
Thank you for watching!
Тысяча новогодних ревереверсов | КНЕЗ Collab {NewYearEdition} - Duration: 6:12.
Фотоаппарат системный Nikon 1 AW1 (EP)SL S AW11-27.5 обзор - Duration: 1:32.
La Chanson secrète : la prestation ratée d'Aya Nakamura et l'attitude d'Amel Bent - Duration: 3:24.
Why Beater Cars are Worth Restoring, Ford Thunderbird - Duration: 5:49.
it's time for show-off Sunday, where everyone has a chance to show off their
own car and here's this week's winner, hello everybody I hope you're having a
great Sunday with a fantastic weekend, what I
got for you today is a 1988 Ford Thunderbird with a sport trim level, it
is equipped with a 5.0 liter windsor v8 with a four-speed automatic transmission
and has been kicking it ever since she got out of the factory in Lorain Ohio, for 30
years she has been an outside vehicle and has only had one owner other than us,
being a Colorado car this car is surprisingly known to have no rest in
any part of the vehicle, even though this car has been driven through the snow
year after year, day after day, overall I like to say this vehicle is really
good on the road and for 30 years this car is still kicking like it's been 10
years, let's start off the show with a glimpse of the American muscle car
to start off history wise, this car was bought by my parents for my oldest brother back
in the day and it only had one owner with a total of 84,000 miles on it, over
the years my brother drove it until he got another car and my parents handed
it down to my middle brother when he started to drive, the car was a beater and
you knew it was a beater when your parents let the kids drive it around
as their first car but my middle brother hated it and quickly got into a
different vehicle.
it sat around for a couple years around two to three years
until I was able to drive and then that became my first car.
when I got it it was in a falling apart stage.
it was really bad the paint was peeling there was a
dent from an accident the previous owners experienced in the right rear
quarter panel, the suspension was worn it was just not in a good state, after
driving it though I started getting into cars and wondering how they worked
so after a year and a lot of learning, I was able to fix it up into a shape that
was an eye catcher to some, for Christmas of I think it was 2016 we got a
painted to midnight blue and then a couple months later it got rear-ended
the rear end portion caused me to actually look into other cars because
when I got rear-ended the guy was going 35 miles per hour and to me since I
didn't really know how they work on cars at the time, I thought it was a goner, I
thought it was just gonna be totaled and I was game over, so after a lot of work
negotiating with the insurance company we finally had the funds to repair it, to
repair it, no one was making quarter panels for it and if they were they were a
really hefty cost, so we scavenged salvage
yards and we finally found 87 Thunderbird but the 87 and 88 had the
same style quarter panel, so we literally cut off the old quarter panel of this 87
in the junkyard with the saza and everyone was giving us looks it was
really loud, we were the loudest people in the junkyard
or in the salvage yard, we got it off but everyone was looking at us making funny
faces and some people actually took footage of us which was pretty
interesting, but after all that took place we got the car back to its
rightful look the sound this engine makes from this
Thunderbird is just amazing like it really sounds like a dark like murmuring
sound, like if you hear this down the road or gonna be like oh god, oh no what
is that you think it's gonna be a bear and you see it and it's just a car and you're
like oh uh okay nevermind, the five liter EFI it
comes with the horsepower of a hundred and fifty-five with 265 foot-pounds of
torque, it is a pretty good horsepower but I think it trades some of that
horsepower for durability and reliability, somehow this car always starts for me
and always wants to drive and it really is a solid engine
now for the interior and all the power accessories it comes with power seats or
one part seat the passenger side seat is manual, and it comes with power windows
power locks you know all the standard powered brakes, powered mirrors and
powered steering, this system centering module is another piece of equipment on
the Thunderbird that really is a nice feature because it will let you know if
you need to replace bulbs or fill up on any fluids as well as floor shifter
that's right next to it that will allow you to look cooler hands down
I want to thank Scotty for showcasing the Thunderbird and I hope all of you
watching have a great rest of your day and a great week,
well that was this week's video and remember to have your car video
highlighted here on my channel, check this out,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
Mercedes-Benz E-Class (2018): Body Types and Engines | Presented by Dave Erickson - Duration: 1:30.
Mercedes-Benz offers different body variants for the new E-Class, besides the Saloon model I'm driving now.
For example the spacious Estate model,
which carries the whole family.
And the All-Terrain model for a great outdoor experience.
In the two-door segment, you can choose between the even more sporty Coupé and the Convertible.
All four models and all engines come
with the 9G-TRONIC automatic transmission as standard.
Available is a great range of engines for every model.
An absolute highlight:
the top-of-the-line six-cylinder petrol engine in the E 450 4MATIC.
Another engine worth mentioning: the strongest diesel engine in the brand's history.
This new inline 6-cylinder in the E 400 d 4MATIC.
340 PS and a massive amount of torque.
It is stunningly agile, efficient and second to none when it comes to a smooth driving experience.
MANIFEST MORE With The Law Of Attraction in 2019! (Learn THIS to MASTER Your MIND!) - Duration: 6:34.
Crossdresser needs Help with her Studies (no money) - Duration: 1:59.
Hi guys, guess what ?
But if you want it, you got to help me
Indeed, as you might know,
I am currently doing a bachelor degree in internship in a company
I have one important mark to have
It's for digital com
I had to make a fake fb page of a fake restaurant
I need to pretend like it's a real thing
I need to post everyday stuff on it
But I also need followers
Which means I need more likes on my page
Don't worry it's for school so it will be very discreet
Nobody will see your account
So all I need is you to like my page please
It will be deleted end of january
The more likes I got the higher my mark will be
If you do that
I will release my special video
In order to thank you
It's only for my school. Here is a video
of when I got the order (from the teacher) because I immediately had the idea
of making a video about it and requesting your help
Just pretend it's a real restaurant but I promise it's not
you can check it on Google
If you don't help me, I won't have a good mark
If I don't have a good mark I won't have my bachelor degree
If I don't have my bachelor degree I won't have a job with a lot of money
If I don't have a job I will be poor
If I'm poor I won't crossdress anymore
And I'll live in the streets
Under a bridge like this:
Help a poor student like me
Thanks a lot for your support
EMBARRADOS en COSTA de MARFIL | Vuelta al mundo en moto | África #25 - Duration: 19:21.
Recette de velouté de panais Végan - n° 2 sur 4 vidéos. - Duration: 3:02.
Piers Morgan's tweet about Liverpool the day after 5-1 win v Arsenal is bang on - Duration: 3:28.
Although it's far too early to suggest Liverpool have one hand on the Premier League trophy following Saturday's emphatic 5-1 victory over Arsenal, it's clear that Jurgen Klopp's side will take some stopping now
The Reds now find themselves nine points clear at the top of the table - although that deficit may have been reduced to seven points by the time you read this, depending on the outcome of Manchester City's visit to Southampton on Sunday afternoon
Tottenham were second in the Premier League prior to City's latest fixture but are no longer within touching distance of Liverpool after suffering a shock 3-1 defeat at home to Wolves
Liverpool have scored 48 league goals this season - more than any other team, with the exception of City - but it's their strength in defence which has arguably been their biggest asset this term
Klopp's side have conceded just eight goals this season. Eight goals in 20 matches
That's a remarkable record for which Klopp deserves tremendous credit. The acquisitions of both Virgil van Dijk and Alisson Becker have been masterstrokes
Arsenal deserve some credit for at least penetrating Liverpool's formidable defence, taking an early lead in the process through Ashley Maitland-Niles
Five minutes later, however, it was 2-1 to Liverpool thanks to a quick-fire brace from Roberto Firmino
Further goals from Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah then made it 4-1 before half-time, while Firmino completed his hat-trick midway through the second half, adding gloss to the scoreline in the process
As you can probably imagine, Piers Morgan's Twitter timeline was an absolute delight to read over the course of the 90 minutes
The famous Gunner had his standard meltdown, posting tweets such as "Oh FFS. Our defence is a bloody shambles
Get a grip, Arsenal" and "This. Is. Torture." However, to his credit, Morgan posted a surprisingly mature tweet about Liverpool on Sunday morning, once the dust had finally settled
"Now I've recovered from the shock of last night's fiasco, it's time to pay tribute to Jurgen Klopp's brilliant Liverpool side - so strong in every department & playing with such fire, fun, flair & ferocity," the Good Morning Britain host tweeted
"A joy to watch, unless you're playing against them. They'll be Champions." The word 'classy' isn't something you'd necessarily associate with Piers Morgan but this was a classy thing to tweet
Here's how Liverpool fans have reacted in the replies…
Simontive 6 Episode 49 - Duration: 1:56.
Title: Simontive 6 Episode 49 Trip and Fight
Yi: Why are we on a road trip?
Yi's Twin: I heard there will be some soy sauce packets.
Simon: What are you saying right now? Let's go get ready to leave the area.
Green Pig: I forgot my stuff. I must get it right now.
Erik Wamboldt: Whatever. I will do something right now.
Yi: Fine go there now.
Yi: I think he is ready. Let us go now.
Green Pig: We are ready to head back.
Yi: There is some soy sauce over there. However, I only have a few yuan.
Simon: Oh no. We do not accept that. We must use money that is acceptable in Dogland.
Yi: Look out. There is a notice stating you must sacrifice to gain.
Title: You must sacrifice to gain.
Simon: I might have to fight for this.
Kimon: I volunteer.
Kimon: You don't like soy sauce do you duck?
Mr. Dinosaur: We have to get away from all of the chaos.
Airport Rabbit: Do you want to fight away from Dogland?
La Juventus s'impose face à la Sampdoria (2-1) grâce à un doublé de CR7 - Duration: 3:56.
Line Renaud (Meurtres à Brides-les-Bains) : ses conseils aux gilets jaunes - Duration: 2:35.
[17+] Resident Evil 4 | Wii | 3-2: Labirinto - Duration: 1:07:42.
🤖 Boxer, le robot un peu DINGUE ! - Duration: 1:14.
Piers Morgan's tweet about Liverpool the day after 5-1 win v Arsenal is bang on - Duration: 3:28.
Although it's far too early to suggest Liverpool have one hand on the Premier League trophy following Saturday's emphatic 5-1 victory over Arsenal, it's clear that Jurgen Klopp's side will take some stopping now
The Reds now find themselves nine points clear at the top of the table - although that deficit may have been reduced to seven points by the time you read this, depending on the outcome of Manchester City's visit to Southampton on Sunday afternoon
Tottenham were second in the Premier League prior to City's latest fixture but are no longer within touching distance of Liverpool after suffering a shock 3-1 defeat at home to Wolves
Liverpool have scored 48 league goals this season - more than any other team, with the exception of City - but it's their strength in defence which has arguably been their biggest asset this term
Klopp's side have conceded just eight goals this season. Eight goals in 20 matches
That's a remarkable record for which Klopp deserves tremendous credit. The acquisitions of both Virgil van Dijk and Alisson Becker have been masterstrokes
Arsenal deserve some credit for at least penetrating Liverpool's formidable defence, taking an early lead in the process through Ashley Maitland-Niles
Five minutes later, however, it was 2-1 to Liverpool thanks to a quick-fire brace from Roberto Firmino
Further goals from Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah then made it 4-1 before half-time, while Firmino completed his hat-trick midway through the second half, adding gloss to the scoreline in the process
As you can probably imagine, Piers Morgan's Twitter timeline was an absolute delight to read over the course of the 90 minutes
The famous Gunner had his standard meltdown, posting tweets such as "Oh FFS. Our defence is a bloody shambles
Get a grip, Arsenal" and "This. Is. Torture." However, to his credit, Morgan posted a surprisingly mature tweet about Liverpool on Sunday morning, once the dust had finally settled
"Now I've recovered from the shock of last night's fiasco, it's time to pay tribute to Jurgen Klopp's brilliant Liverpool side - so strong in every department & playing with such fire, fun, flair & ferocity," the Good Morning Britain host tweeted
"A joy to watch, unless you're playing against them. They'll be Champions." The word 'classy' isn't something you'd necessarily associate with Piers Morgan but this was a classy thing to tweet
Here's how Liverpool fans have reacted in the replies…
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