For more infomation >> Akta Monar Manus Chai | Emon Khan | Official Music Video | Bangla New Song 2019 by DMC BD - Duration: 4:07.
Happy new year 2019 - Duration: 7:32.
Happy New Year guys
it is Monday night and we're sitting here
watching Happy Feet while we're all eating ice cream and in about
15 minutes
we're gonna be having our local fireworks going off so we'll go ahead
and check them out and then we'll see how many kids are up by the time
midnight comes around to countdown so I hope you guys stick around so please
don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and watch more of my awesome videos
Hi Colty Colty Colty Colt
Hi Colty Colty Colty Colt
Happy New Year buddy
you're going to bed soon
Are you going to bed soon?
Do you think Grady will be up?
Do you think Grady will stay up till midnight? na, this one will go to sleep
Grady do you think you will stay up till midnight?
Do you think you will stay up till midnight? yeah
do you think you'll stay up until midnight?
umm yeah
just a maybe?
happy new year
I mean yes
so all three of you said your going to stay up till midnight
Colt is going to bed
so we will see how these three go
I'm definitely staying up
so we will see
babies don't like fireworks
what are we going to do? watch different movies?
no watch fireworks
the fireworks are coming on in like 9 minutes
3 minutes
I want you to stand beside me and look at them
they are coming
you just need to wave don't you
Here they come
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Happy New Year babe Happy new year baby
Happy new year guys
Hope you have a great 2019
Happy 2019
Happy 2019
I hope you enjoyed your 2018 guys
and I hope you have an even more amazing 2019 bring it on
please give this video a big thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already leave me a nice comment down
below and until next time guys bye
[홈베이킹] 단팥빵 만들기 / [Homemade] Sweet Red Bean Buns Recipe - Duration: 8:23.
Ivana Raymonda - A New Beginning (Original Song & Official Music Video) 4k - Duration: 3:12.
When darkness
rules your life
And all seems sad
When it looks like you've fallen down
Feeling miserable
Feeling ill-starred
Know I'm here for you
Don't give up, you can change your life
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
When you are
in misery
You don't know what to do
Everything is turned upside down
You may fall
so many times
But always stand up
Do anything you set your mind to
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
A new beginning
A new start
To follow your dreams
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
To follow your heart
I hope you want to support me through Patreon or my own support site
or buy something in my web shop like my CD or DVD.
It would help me a lot to keep making music videos :) ♥
ఈ దీపాన్ని వెలిగించారంటే సమస్త వాస్తు దోషాలన్నిటికీ పరిష్కారం దొరికినట్లే|Vastu dosh remedies telugu - Duration: 2:42.
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New Year's Surprise - Duration: 6:58.
Hello, folks. This is Terence74, and today is...
You're right: New Year's Day! So, first of all, I just want to say, Happy New Year!
Now, I wouldn't start this video to just say Happy New Year and show you around my room. I have a second surprise for you.
After a long wait, since Hwang Ponimator started his Chocotale merch event in November,
my prize has finally arrived.
It arrived yesterday.
Quite an awesome New Year's gift.
It's from Hwang Jae Won, that's Hwang Ponimator, of course, and...
My name's spelled wrong. I don't blame him for this, though.
My Korean name is a bit difficult to write, but anyway, let's open up this thing in three...
We got rulers...
I think it's a ruler/bookmark...
for Alloy,
And of course, Temmie.
I love his sly grin.
There's more...
So, we got a bunch of stickers, too.
The Skelebros...
and Asriel's finger-gunning at me.
More Alloy,
more Temmie,
and more Chara, too.
I guess these are character cards?
Temmie: Hoi!! Tem's card being made, too? Tank you! Hooman! Whaaat!! Tem has to say something!? Hmm... Monz!! Moar monz!! Monzzzzzz!!!
I love the way he speaks.
Is it a he or she?
Sans... the lazybones, the (second biggest) chocolate lover, the sugar addict...
Sans: Hey, kid, as long as we don't give up here in the underground, wherever you are, never give up. Got it? It's pretty awk-word to say this, heh. (I couldn't figure out how to translate the pun.)
And his puns are back, too.
Alloy. His original character.
Alloy: Kya-ha-ha! I don't even know what you're doing, but I hope it's something fun!! Well, it's none of my business, but good luck to you.
And Undyne, the angry fish lady, of course.
Undyne: Hey, human! If you got past me, you can do anything! So never worry! We're always with you! Always have courage in your heart!!
Chara: I feel really awkward to say this... Anyway, you could do anything. Beat them all! I think you've got that kind of Determination.
Yes, I've got Determination.
Muffet: Ahuhuhu~ Have some time to look back and keep your composure with a cup of tea when you're busy. The more haste, the less speed!
I love what she says.
Just play it easy.
Asriel, my personal favorite.
Asriel: Howdy! I'm Asriel! You look a little gloomy... Whatever bad comes your way, don't forget your Hopes and Dreams!
Don't forget your Hopes and Dreams!
Toriel: Fear not, child. No matter what happens, we will protect you! Moreover, your destiny's up to you. Keep it in mind.
My destiny's up to me.
By the way, I like the pie you're holding, Goat Mom... Could you please give it to me? I'm hungry right now... XD
Frisk: Never lose your will, and act up to your belief. There you will see your destination. Go for it!
That's a great message because I got a big goal in front of me.
And of course it's Hwang himself.
Hwang: As I live my life, I found that my future depends on what I do now and what goal I'm heading for. The present is the stage of shaping the future, so make your future into what you want by living the present diligently!
I'll try.
So that was all the merch that arrived.
I love them so much.
I'm gonna keep them forever
I guess this is...
Japanese written on this bag?
But I'm Korean.
I don't know how to read this.
I don't speak Japanese.
So I think I'll wrap up the episode here and all I want to say is
I love you, Hwang Ponimator, and I love your series.
So please keep up your great work.
I think that's all I have to say.
So, Happy New Year again, everyone, and I'll see you guys next time.
[ G.C.F inspired VLOG ] 2018 New Year 新西兰跨年 - Duration: 6:18.
Горная дорога Стельвио Пасс обзор - Duration: 1:37.
효린 의상, 이래도 돼? TV보다가 '화들짝' - Duration: 3:11.
가수 효린이 연말 연기대상 시상식 무대에서 파격 노출을 감행한 것.
가수 효린 의상 논란이 일고 있다.
지난 31일 열린 '2018 KBS 연기대상'에서 효린은 KBS 드라마
'흑기사' OST '태엽시계'를 시작으로 '바다보러갈래'와 '달리'를 불렀다.
효린은 수영복과 같은 화이트 수트를 입고 섹시한 안무를 소화했다.
무대의상은 최근 마마무 화사가 입었던 레드수트와 노출 수위가 비등했다.
이를 두고 일부 네티즌들은 가족과 함께 보는
'연기대상' 무대에 적합하지 않았다고 지적했다.
네티즌들은 효린 의상에 대해 "채널 돌렸다",
"민망했다", "가요무대도 아니었는데"
등 부정적인 반응을 쏟아냈다.
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