Hey there --- and welcome to my very first video. Oh, and by the way my nam-I' am-
RowanGaming360 and, if you're finding for gaming content or any game then this
is the perfect channel to see [gaming] videos. Now sorry if I always cut what I'm saying
because that's really how I talk, oh and that chicken noise is at our backyard, so
sorry we have chickens in our backyard. Okay so today we'll be playing Roblox,
today we're playing Roblox Hide-and-Seek, yeah I-oh-I will play any games-I
can-na I'll play any game I want or if your suggestions.
Oh, and today's video are-is--is-featured- today's video I will-I will feat-I'll let
you feature my sister DeyniePlayz360, and you may speak while it's still
selecting, oh hey, [welcome to my-I mean, welcome to Rowan's channel] [beeping]. Yeah--okay let's see who is the seeker. Yeah, we're both noobs, you know-oh sorry [I've already played] a spoiler or
disclaimer, I've already actually played Roblox for two years already well-why am
I a boy, I'm [don't know] a boy, that's just how the players [byeing 2x] oh yeah bye, oh look all the coins 4x well I never get to collect any coins.
Can you wait! Let me talk first, okay so inspect-the seeker is two hundred-eighty studs away,
[Deynie disturbing] oh and you oh-did you see time left to hide? oh-no-my-no 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Okay, time to cover ourselves, oh no, time remaining
oh no you may see me but please don't say you see me, I don't-I can't even see
you, what's that person over there, oh my God
a very big chair, we're in a massive house, well your- what the heck, yeah oh, a trampoline! [whispering]
Oh-and I will be [glitching and stammering] playing any game in my phone, wait did he found a hider, no but
why does it show ten? I saw one, oh no it ran! I must follow it, AH! I saw two! Okay time remaining-
three minutes as I can see here, [forces Deynie to quiet] quiet okay 2x, okay, oh and by
the way, you can please subscribe because I need subscribers that's just all I
need and views. I killed one! by the way like share comment or subscribe to this
channel and also that little notification bell right next to
subscribe so make sure you do all of them please 2x I beg-I beg you
please. Oh my God, IT is heading my way look at that 200 studs away-oh my God he
is so close to me oh my God, okay [byeing] let's see oh
no, oh no, he's heading for me, wait does that mean-does that mean I need to sneak?
okay she's he's gone now I mean she's gone now oh my god please
please stop Oh No oh no oh yes finally she's away oh no she may see me but oh
no no no no get to the other side get to the other side get to the other side
okay so 59 seconds remaining
oh okay okay so for a spoiler I've actually we have actually played
roadblocks for your nail nearly two-year I mean nearly three years already so we
may act as pros but we're still gonna be new because we don't really usually play
and oh and if you hear vibrations that means that I have notifications but I
just cleared them so yeah what are you still roaming around I am still seeing
some and it's freakin six seconds less Oh Oh
doh there's a player there they just see
that guy's okay so those are survivals it's the survivors again really okay
let's see who's the spectator for this time okay okay okay okay okay okay okay
okay let's get yo key it's me to get hurt oh yeah oh no I'm
stuck okay honey time love it wait oh she
why doesn't it show how much time I mean a minute
Oh 24 seconds okay 20 seconds the trees no not that's not the best place because
we're in the middle of a field so we must wait let's hide in the kitchen no
we caught us can you wait for me can you seriously oh no no oh no
she's already moving yeah even that guy there he's okay where is she oh oh no
she fell I think she might know why am I on tting why am I talking
come on why can't I jump oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh
look hey it's Vern is here I don't even know who that guy is
hey where are you I can't see oh my god sorry if I fart I'm so sorry cuz
I mean I just where are you I can't find you I'm sorry guys but I just farted I
mean oh we always fought and farting is normal you know guys oh my gosh where
are you I can't see you then just hide wherever you can uh spectate eat okay
okay so she's apparently uh okay so I know oh why can't you run maybe it's a
lagging oh my gosh is literally heading for us wait she turned back okay oh and
this vid this video is gonna be I don't know 12 or past 12 minutes because I'm
already verified guys you know like in post videos 15 minutes there's a really
move like once oh wait why is she always act why she
always stoned like you know okay let's see oh my god oh my god oh my god
recording in my yeah maybe I'll do a whole
oh and guys I know what's trending these gays they these days guys yeah you know
I can see it's PewDiePie versity series and actually I kind of support both of
them because teaser is is because for Peter pie because I'm a die-hard fan of
him well not really a die-hard I mean just a
fan um and also teachers because they have unique and I don't know they have
like unique songs that they created by themselves and they're not happy copying
other Indian songs so I kind of support both of them but more of pewdiepie so
yeah that's my opinion okay it's been 12 minutes and time
remaining no oh 29 oh look 24 seconds remaining and she
still hasn't spot even like three guys only one no she can't even find me so no
no so yeah oh and if you hear outside audio sore because I have in a noisy
neighborhood Boston oh my god
we're actually in a you know survivalist yeah and weren't even together yeah I
know alright make sure don't be lost to me it's a workshop oh yeah there are so
many places to hide this is a perfect one okay okay okay let's see
okay I was closer at all yes my twin yeah I know a lot of people are twins
yeah I just even saw its 13 minutes right away okay this is our last game
lonely guys and we will end it I'm gonna hide in the box behind the box hey Lucy
is also here I mean let's let me just hide in the paint
okay how many seconds left Oh 30 um um so I know I know I can't see the seconds
but my sister's tablet has seconds displaying on the screen no I don't want
to go and shop oh look now it can let me know how many seconds left okay okay
okay okay okay okay let's see okay this is the last game we will play guys and I
will have to end this yeah so three minutes okay okay where is she oh so
she's just near to me I'm hiding at the box but oh okay she's very far now see
oh my god I'm in the paint and she can't even see me like against here okay okay
never give up you're here hey oh um where she's coming for Oh the paint
oh you spot one yeah he's popped one didn't you see the dead body over there
you know oh my god he's heading for the box
he really is heading for the box I have to go
maybe hide in the pink where I am oh no like we can be together good look course
is he there look he's gone now I mean he's getting here let me
not really but oh no oh no oh look he's heading for the wheel wait what oh I
thought that was the sky where oh he's he's heading for the tires of the car ok
it's been 16 minutes I don't know if I can record videos this
long but since I'm verified I can maybe he's very far now 100 like
he found Milan winter then Milan winter has to left the game right away how many
seconds is he won one minute left and he's still not spotting us oh no he
can't see me where are you hiding the paint the red paint oh no I think he's
oh my god where oh my god there you are your spot oh my god my body so you would
have to check spectate him all the time ok one minute one minute Letta spectate
you never give up you're actually on the hammer
oh no he's heading for me he is heading for me all I can see you I'm spectating
do you see me please please see see him alright
oh no okay he is heading for it's like he's heavy army and that he is not
heading for me anymore go hide somewhere else
see he's over here okay I'm look here your people here oh
my god I'll fight for them hide with them okay it is actually here Oh No okay
so he's just around the corner okay okay okay okay okay okay here here here here
yes yes yes okay I survived thanks Lee dance okay so guys we're ending the
video right here make sure to LIKE subscribe what else
like comment share love and subscribe if you want to see more gaming content then
make sure to follow to stay tuned click that notification bell and I'll see you
in the next video and maybe in the next video we'll come next week because I
still don't you alright I still don't have a pot I still don't
oh my god I met it but I don't I won't I'll just be a statue so um I'll see you
in the next video guys so um thank you for watching my video and see you in the
next very good
For more infomation >> HIDE! HIDE QUICK! | Hide And Seek Extreme | Roblox #1 ft. DeyniePlayz360 - Duration: 19:19.-------------------------------------------
Az Utolsó Vadak - Örök Tündöklő - Duration: 2:44.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
S. Korea shivers in coldest weather so far this winter - Duration: 1:12.
Korea's did not dress to impress when going out today temperatures plummeted
below minus 10 degrees Celsius in many parts of the nation you will see more
people bundled up in puffy layers as the frigid conditions are expected to
continue through the weekend conn-young new reports many parts of South Korea
experienced the coldest weather yet this winter the capital Seoul dropped down to
nearly minus 14 degrees Celsius overnight and the wind made it feel like
almost -20 temperatures went up a little during the day but a stayed below zero
almost everywhere the Korea meteorological administration has issued
cold wave advisories and warnings for basically the entire country except the
southernmost parts but even there there has been heavy snow in places including
jeju-do and along the islands and many parts of Toluca province
cochon County has some 20 centimeters and more snow is expected for these
regions on Saturday according to the Korea meteorological administration the
extreme cold is going to stick around until early next week
conn-young Arirang news
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Cosmo - Duration: 1:05.
Comment le recensement influe sur l'économie - Duration: 5:04.
QUI DE NOUS 2? ft. MON FRERE - Duration: 14:29.
I THINK IT'S ENJOYABLE LIGHT ROCK! ☺ free tune for videos - Duration: 5:28.
Light rock visualization for you! This is awesome free tune for videos animation.
Very light, airy composition, ambient rock.
吳彥祖曬5歲女兒正面照! 坦言「希望她別太漂亮」網友看了萌翻:爸爸願望落空 - 藝人故事 - Duration: 6:15.
Tuto Comment changer le joystick d'une manette de Nintendo 64 (Joystick Repair Box) + Test Gameplay - Duration: 9:51.
Hi guys
We are back today for a new tutorial
We are going to change the joystick by a new one produced by Repair Box
At first you need to unscrew the screws i put you in red
using a cruciform screwdriver
Now you need to get off the back of the controller
Now get off the Z button by moving one of the knob
Well, put off the cable and unscrew the 3 last screws
Here's on the left, the original joystick
Side by side face off the new one produced by Repair Box
Put your new joystick
Then put back the Z button and of course screw the block to the controller
You can't miss here to put back the cable grateful to the keyed
Finnaly put back the body in place and put back the screws
Let's go test this new joystick in game Get back in conclusion
To conclude,
it is inevitable to change the joystick of a N64 controller
The unofficial joystick made by Repair Box
Is similar in quality and reactivity to the official one
It need to be change after some years of utilization
Thanks for watching this tutorial
I hope it can be helpfull
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments
Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and share it
See you soon
And of course have a good time with your new joystick !
ALL MY HORSES [2018 edition] - Duration: 7:09.
3 teams:
56 horses
Choose a horse:
Skill: Error
Skill: Cold resistant
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 CRDI BUSINESS GT-LINE - Duration: 1:14.
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.2D TS | 1e eig. | Cruise | Trekhaak | ECC | Bluetooth. - Duration: 1:04.
Toyota ProAce Worker 1.6 D-4D 115PK Worker Cool Comfort, Tussenwand bekleed - Duration: 1:11.
Land Rover Range Rover Velar 3.0 V6 AWD D 300pk R-Dynamic, ACC, Cruise, HUD, Leder, LED, Navi, Panor - Duration: 1:13.
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.2D TS | 1e eig. | Cruise | Trekhaak | ECC | Bluetooth. - Duration: 1:12.
Danièle Gilbert « une tragique abandon » - Duration: 1:21.
Comment le recensement influe sur l'économie - Duration: 5:04.
Jess introduces us to guest star Louna Maroun - FLUNK LGBT Series Behind The Scenes - Duration: 3:01.
Meghan Markle sous pression, sa terrible crainte pour le bébé (photo) - Duration: 1:19.
I THINK IT'S ENJOYABLE LIGHT ROCK! ☺ free tune for videos - Duration: 5:28.
Light rock visualization for you! This is awesome free tune for videos animation.
Very light, airy composition, ambient rock.
Estelle Lefébure, son réveillon avec ses filles chez Sylvie Vartan (photo) - Duration: 1:17.
Come prendersi cura della piscina durante l'inverno (4 cose da sapere) | BsVillageTV - Duration: 2:26.
Colors of Rainbow // Sing Along Children Song with CC-brothers // Track #5 // music - Duration: 1:00.
Collin: Hi, my name is Collin
Connor: My name is Connor
Collin: What do you want to sing today?
Connor: (Thinking....) Color!
Collin: Okay
Collin: Red, Orange, Yellow
Collin: Green, Blue, Purple
Collin: And Violet makes the rainbow
Connor: Red, Orange, Yellow
Collin: Baby!! You want?
Collin: Red!
Collin: What's that color?
Connor: Oranges!
Collin: Yellow-ish-ges!
Connor: Green!
Collin: Blue!
Collin: Purple!
Collin: What's your favorite color?
Connor: Red!!
Collin: Mine is green.
Connor: Ye-ye-ye yellow!
Collin: Bye bye~
Collin: Follow us for more songs
Collin: See you again! Connor: See you again!
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