Well, I guess my name is Ken welcome back to miss Kay's squad the geeky channel, that's all about you guys
Guessed it geeky goodness and games and recently. Oh
Boy hell recently. We reacted to Kay da pop stars
Which was for League of Legends one of their wonderful
wonderful music videos
something happened
That's what I knew. No, that's when I knew if only I knew
What I know now a few months ago
You guys want me to?
React to kpop now mind. You mind you I am the girl who is discovering the interwebs
I've heard a few kpop songs. Like they are popping like by far the
Cinematography that goes within these series within the series of music videos that they do release like by far
Kpop is one of the most original type of music that is out there because of how beautifully you know, yeah
I'm a huge cinematography nerd
So when you put two two together, I mean it just kind of flows naturally
But I'm the girl who was literally discovering the Internet
okay, like I have missed out from like when the internet was popping with memes and was like
You know popping with a lot of stuff I missed out on that throughout my whole teenage years
like my teenage years were very dark years, which I will talk about much later on but
I'm in my 20s now 24 years old as this video is being you know produced and
There's a lot of things that I need to catch up on
So something happened one of them being capable within the comments of a search in the comments
I get to sit in the comments and suddenly I see it. I see it. It just pops up into my mind
People were requesting me to react to kpop even on Twitter
okay, this tweet says hey, why was was thinking like when was cat going to react to kpop and it happened so
Be warned
It's happening. Okay, it's happening here on miss cats. Wow. This is something I need to discover and to
Start our kpop journey. I thought why not react to the live performance of the pop stars of?
Doing the opens opening ceremony, you know that was featured within this league of legends. Wonderful
Cinematography that was captured and really did make fan art explode on Twitter
I still remember when people were like hey, they're girlfriends, you know, like they started shipping on these characters and
Mind you it was crazy mad. It was crazy
There are so many ships going around like they're literally like no fan art beautifully beautifully thought people what they do fan out
I don't even know how they're able to do this but this this caused the
Internet to break for a few hours within the League of Legends fandom people were going crazy now
I understand. Why because that with the the glow-in-the-dark my plants like that my friends. I gotta try that
I gotta try that. But hey
Here we go
We're acting a k-pop first time
We'll see what it does to me
Go 12 11 10
Nine eight
Oh look at that looking at
Stefano gotta get invites Karen to my hyped-up
Six, this is slowly counting down. Look at these characters by
Yes, I love her for your with dr. Whitcomb. Three three
Don't there we go. Oh no. She's so cool of you. Here we go
The white performance Riot Games
Yes, they're dressed as the character song, excuse me
Yes, look I want this fashion I want that coat
Oh my god, I want these outfits. Oh
My god she has to think the cause oh
My god doctors what? Yes
And my god
Well, how many people are on stage how would they get sick at the same time? How are you dancing at the same time?
Yes, oh my god, oh my gosh
I should do it her hair is so cool to blue, but the poofy comb I want the puffy coat. Oh
My god
Oh my god, she has her hair like hers, how did they get it to make like that?
Yes, girl, look at her hair give me the hair I want that hair someone do that to my hair
She looks exactly like the character
How is this possible? Oh
My god, wait, how did that happen? Wait, she just disappeared. How did that happen?
What the heck
Is this Holograms? Are these Holograms somebody tell me if these Holograms are my idea
Um are these Holograms
Wait, how the heck
How are they doing this life, how are they doing this live what is going on? Oh my god
How is this possible
Oh my god
Yes, dance do it I like her good things behind her
Yeah, yeah
Their live performances must be freaky. Oh my god
How is this now is his live somebody explain it to me how do they have Holograms do that?
I must go to a kpop cut. Oh my god
How are you making them look real
Wait, how is this possible please somebody please? Oh my god encore hell
Somebody tell me how that's possible. They are dad Sega live on stage. Okay, there's Holograms, okay
Oh, that's a thing. I've seen a few things that they would but they did with Michael Jackson, but that
Look way too real. Oh my god. I gotta go. I gotta go to a kpop concert. I gotta go up. Oh my god
Third. Okay. First of all the choreography. Alright, it's like in sync with each other
There's about like hundreds of people on stage doing this how the heck are they able to do that?
Secondly, they sound exactly like they did in the song. So they're extremely talented. No auto-tune probably used
Third Holograms. Excuse me, how how is that possible and
Lastly I
Think I'm becoming a kpop fan
It's happening. This channel is going into a different direction my friends this channel
start reacting to kpop if you guys want me to because
I'm a girl food. That was hardly
You know, I I know they internet now
of course cuz you know my job YouTube being a full-time youtuber at everything but like there's a lot I missed out on
Especially with knowing the addiction to kpop and why it is so amazing
I need to learn why I am new. If you are a longtime fan of kpop, please. Please tell me
How much am I missing out on and should I react to these things because this is a how did they do that?
They look so real. I don't think that when I was saying about her hair at everything. That was a hologram
But she looks so real so did they actually take?
Real-life people dancing and then animate things on top of them and then put them in the hologram
System type of thing and then put them on stage
like that's my friends is
epic this is what I'm talking about with true talent here because that
That was so cool like that the you know their live performing they're singing in Dad's. I can't even sing or dance
So I put those two things together
We got something might have fine going on here
but anyway guys
Let me know what you think down below if you want me to react to more kpop goodness because there's a lot that I could
React to I just let me know because it's happening
Part of the biggest parts of the Internet is kpop personally
It's whatever you guys don't forget to subscribe if you want more illegal legends awesomesauce because there's gonna be a ton here per week out
miss cat squad
don't forget to get this a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it and you want more get up to a thousand likes and I
Will know if you want me to react to more kpop because it won't it will happen
And also don't forget to hit the bell notification because if you don't then you're gonna miss out on this cat squad episodes
But anyway guys, I hope you have an amazing day
You stay safe out there and as always miss cats until next video burst inner fangirl and you're a fanboy every single day
Hi guys. Hey squad
Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of Miss cat squad if you want to follow our adventures outside of YouTube
Be sure to check out the description down below for all these awesome fun links
And if you really love what we're doing on YouTube, I'm going to be part of the journey and to contribute to it
Be sure to check out to our patreon page for awesome monthly awards
Thanks again squad and until the next video embrace your inner fangirl internet fanboy every single day
For more infomation >> FIRST TIME EXPERIENCING K-POP! OMG! | POP/STARS Opening Ceremony Reaction - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 1:06.
Mercedes-Benz E 200 - Duration: 1:05.
Sao Anh - ĐạtG || Music Official MV. - Duration: 1:09.
Toyota Land Cruiser - Duration: 1:01.
Opel Mokka X - Duration: 1:10.
[ Demo] - Sao Anh ft ĐạtG || Music MV. - Duration: 1:09.
Opel Insignia - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Zafira - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Grandland X - Duration: 0:52.
VW up! - Duration: 1:04.
VW up! - Duration: 0:41.
VW up! - Duration: 0:41.
VW up! - Duration: 0:42.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:42.
VW up! - Duration: 0:41.
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:42.
VW up! - Duration: 0:48.
VW up! - Duration: 0:42.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:43.
Aj Styles Breaks Silence After Punching Vince Mcmahon on WWE Smackdown Live - Duration: 1:48.
Hi Friends wellcome to C4E Wrestling News Aj Styles Breaks Silence After Punching Vince
Mcmahon on WWE Smackdown Live AJ Styles concluded the Christmas Day episode of WWE SmackDown
Live in a very unexpected way Fans thought we knew everything that was going to happen
because of the in-depth spoilers we provided but WWE had a special pre-taped segment in
store for fans Vince McMahon approached AJ Styles backstage and wanted to hype him up
He spoke about a black hole in Styles and encouraged him to let the aggression out It
was a very familiar sounding speech from McMahon Then Vince McMahon slapped Styles and the
former WWE Champion returned fire in a big way with a punch to The Chairman's face
McMahon was sent to the ground and WWE officials were right on the situation to stop AJ Styles
from doing any more damage to the boss McMahon said he's good and that was that Now Styles
is breaking his social media silence with a very short statement He tweeted I would
do it again This could be a very interesting story as Styles' character morphs in 2019
Only time will tell what WWE's real intention and direction is for this sudden turn of events
but it will keep us watching the blue brand to find out what's next Friends what are
your thought about this Have your say in the comments section below
VW Golf - Duration: 0:42.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:43.
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:42.
VW Golf - Duration: 0:43.
VW Passat Variant - Duration: 0:54.
VW Passat Variant - Duration: 0:43.
How to Relieve Imposter Syndrome - Duration: 18:35.
- Hey y'all, it's Brendan and in this episode
we're gonna talk about something
that came up way more often than I ever imagined
after we launched our study of high performers world wide
and as much as I've taught people how to succeed
and taught them to master their mindset,
taught them the habits that we know
literally lead to long term success,
I cannot believe the number of people
who wrote in or asked throughout this year,
those last 12 months like, hey Brendan,
like I know what to do but I
kinda suffer sometimes from imposter syndrome.
I feel like I'm goin' through the motions
but I don't feel like I'm worth it
or I don't feel like I can see
myself succeeding like other people did.
I feel like I'm faking it sometime,
like what do you do if you ever deal with imposter syndrome?
And amazingly I love to share with people
that was kind of part of the story
that one of the person's who I interviewed
for High Performance Habits which I hope you guys all have,
there's a link in this post where you can
get a free hard cover copy,
that this woman was dealing with that she felt like
she just couldn't really break through
and she knew achievement wasn't her problem
but alignment was her problem.
She knew how to get stuff done
but she really wasn't getting stuff done
in alignment with her true character,
her true beliefs, her true values,
the things that really lit her up
and made her happen in succeeding.
She kind of felt like she was going through
the motions sometimes or copying other people
and that imposter syndrome also sometimes
made her not feel confident enough
to put herself out there 'cause
she thought who am I or I can't compare with them,
or that imposter syndrome really sort of bled into her work
where she felt like well, you know what?
This isn't gonna work for me.
I don't really belong here.
And so if you ever felt any of that,
this is the episode for you.
I've got some notes here,
I've been thinking about this quite
a bit as we head into this time of year
where a lot of people are looking back to this year,
the last 12 months and I'd like to ask you,
do you feel like you really lived
your most authentic, vibrant,
true, passionate, productive you?
Do you feel like sometimes you
were fakin' it 'til you made it?
Do you feel like sometimes you just didn't belong?
Even if you were successful or you were doing good things
you felt like well, I'm not like them.
I don't really belong here.
If that's true for you then I'd
really love for you to take some notes on this episode.
I'm trying to change up how we're doing these,
kinda get in your face a little bit more,
do a little bit more coaching
as you guys have been requesting.
Obviously we have products and programs for that.
Those links are also in this post somewhere,
but I felt like just taking on
this imposter syndrome for you and it was a struggle.
I had to take some notes because I'm gonna be honest,
I don't think I ever felt that the way
that most people talk to me about it.
And partially that was because I was young,
dumb and naive (laughs) when I began in this industry right?
In this industry, if you're watching me on YouTube
or later on Facebook or somewhere else
on the inter webs you know
that it's a fairly young industry.
I started doing major online courses
and development in terms of like personal professional
development online and teaching that as far back as 2006,
which was really early.
You gotta remember that's like before the iPhone, right?
It was a long time ago.
That was when most people would like cancel something
or refund something that I gave them
not because of quality but because the buffer speed
on the video was really bad so,
I kinda lucked out to begin in this industry
when there really, it was like the wild west.
There wasn't many of us.
I was like one of the pioneers in personal online courses,
like personal development online courses like way early.
So, I didn't enter an industry where
there were a lot of super established people
outside of like there were major authors.
There were some major motivational speakers.
There were some people doing seminars.
But social media wasn't there yet.
And this whole world where we have influencers
all over Instagram now like
all day long can swipe through them,
I didn't feel like I was competing with them.
So I know that might sound like,
big headed to say I didn't feel imposter syndrome,
but I just didn't because I began something
that was really fresh.
I also had the benefit of being naive enough
to just do my own thing without really
at the very beginning seeking
out other role models and mentors.
I didn't really like have a peer set.
I started like this industry, I started with nothing.
I was bankrupt.
So I wasn't around other people where
I could compare myself all day and ask whether I belong,
I just had this passion and I was gonna give everything
to this passion and not worry about
what other people thought and
not worry even about how I felt.
I was just gonna do the hard work,
show up and make it happen and so
that might be part of my message to you today
if you have that imposter syndrome.
Like stop worrying about whether you belong.
I always tell Millennials especially
a lot of folks who I get to coach at that age,
successful entrepreneurs and start up founders
in Silicon Valley especially,
I tell 'em hey, listen, stop asking whether or not
you belong and start asking whether
or not you're being of service.
Like part of the imposter syndrome
comes from the selfie syndrome.
Like, just thinking about myself.
Am I right?
Do I really fit in?
Am I good enough?
Am I worthy enough?
And it's I, I, I, I, worry, worry, worry
this from the selfie generation where
we're all like takin' pictures of ourselves
and thinking about how we portray ourselves
all the time and how do I portray myself?
Does it fit in with everything else
and because it doesn't I don't feel like I belong.
Part of it's like stop asking if you belong,
start asking if you're being of absolute service every day.
Because if you feel like you're
being absolute service every day,
you're not gonna worry whether you fit in as much.
You're gonna worry whether you're
gettin' the job done, right?
You're gonna worry whether or not you're
actually contributing value because
I think one part of the imposter syndrome
is that people don't feel like they're adding value
and if they're really honest they know they're not.
And because they're not adding value,
they feel like gosh, this isn't right for me
or I'm faking it and the fact is they are.
So let's talk about four ways to deal with this.
Number one.
If you have the imposter syndrome
and it's firing off.
You don't feel like you belong or
you feel like you're faking it and you don't like,
you don't deserve it or you're not worthy
well then job number one is stop faking it.
Start asking how can you do what you're doing
in a way that you feel like is authentic,
real and adding real value the way that you would do it.
Strop trying to do it the way everyone else
is doing it 'cause that's what faking it ultimately is.
It's like you're just conforming
and you're copying and you're doing other people,
like what they're doing and no wonder you feel like crap
'cause you show up every day and you live like a copy,
you're never gonna feel that.
Vibrancy comes from personal freedom
that comes from personal authenticity.
That comes from knowing like this day is mine
because if you live each day as another person
you never get that gift of this day's mine.
I got it.
This is real for me.
And so of course you feel like a fake and a phony
'cause you're showing up running
everybody else's playbook trying
to fit in to everybody else's thing
and I'm here to tell you listen,
and I'm being a little hard sometimes
in my videos but I'm here to like,
I do that because I'm cheering you on.
I know that no matter who you are
and where you are watching this or when you listen to this,
I know this about you.
You've got like a bottomless level of potential.
Like, you have the ability to figure things out
and live life on your terms and add
that level of value in the world that I can't do,
that anyone else you follow, like, watch,
they can't do 'cause they're not you.
They haven't lived uniquely in your shoes.
They haven't studied what you study
or observed what you've observed what you observed
or dealt with everything you've dealt with
or had the same exact aspirations and dreams.
And there's seven billion people on the planet.
We're all unique.
And so you've got to say okay,
if I feel like an imposter here
what would my truth be in the space?
If I stepped away and I just like,
what would be real for me to do?
Like your job one is to stop faking it.
Stop conforming, stop copying and say,
how would I do this and add a unique value
that I'm passionate about?
And that helps immediately break some
of the imposter syndrome.
Number two.
If you feel like you are experiencing imposter syndrome,
number two is stop avoiding difficulties.
What happens is because you don't feel like you belong,
or you don't feel like it's real for you
or you don't deserve that level of success,
you back off and your primary strategy is avoidance.
You stop, you like start avoiding those difficult tasks
each day that actually give you momentum
and progress towards the thing so you can feel it
and integrate and know it is you right?
You're not getting that momentum forward
on the things that matter,
so you're not getting the identity that say wow,
this is me, I am making this happen.
Instead you're observing it and you're avoiding it.
And so as you see people do great things
or you avoid the difficult hardships,
your psychology starts saying hey, you're full of crap.
You're not even tryin'.
You're not even doin' it.
You know what?
Yeah you showed up here but you're
just goin' through the motions and you're
not taking on the tough stuff and here's the weird thing.
If you're not getting momentum,
you won't have the mindset of authenticity.
Like, if you're just kind of like kickin' tires
or dippin' your toe in the water,
your brain goes I'm fake, this isn't real.
You always feel like an imposter
if you don't get real momentum.
When you get real momentum your brain goes hey, this is us.
We're doin' this.
This is real and the identity of an achiever
in that space that you are in,
like starts firing and now it starts feeling
like really like wow, I've got this.
I'm doin' this.
This is good.
And the imposter syndrome starts going away.
The third big idea to help you do exactly that
and to deal with imposter syndrome
is to work daily goals.
You cannot keep showing up random
to so many days of your life,
because in reaction we feel smaller.
In reaction we feel constrained
and constricted by the world.
We feel like things are unfair.
In reaction we're less motivated.
In reaction we won't break through.
So, you've got to have goals built out
that you're moving towards that
does give you that identity pf achievement
and the identity realness says hey, I'm doin' this.
And so, here's what I need you to do.
I need you to look at the next 12 months
and I need you to set at least
five big goals for this next year.
And then I want you to break each of those five goals
down into five different deadlines for each quarter.
Meaning life if you've got one goal for the year,
I want you to set down a deadline for quarter four,
quarter three, quarter two, quarter one.
So that today as you go out these next 12 months
as an example you go okay,
in quarter one I'm gonna achieve this deadline
that's gonna help me move towards
this goal by the end of the year.
Quarter two, I'm gonna achieve this deadline
that will help me move even closer.
Quarter three even closer.
Quarter four we've achieved it.
Make sense?
So you're busting down the quarterly
goals or quarterly deadlines,
then you're saying okay what does that mean,
what are the major activities I need to do
each week leading into that and then each day leading that?
Just work it backwards my friend
because you know when you don't have confidence,
when you don't have clarity.
So if you're like I want to do it
and I'm kinda doin' it and things
are goin' okay but I still feel
like it's not real for me and I don't like it,
partially the reason is you just don't know what to do.
And when we don't know what to do,
when we lack competence we also lack confidence.
We're always talking about this is my high performance work.
Hopefully you read this in High Performance Habits.
It's that issue of the competence confidence loop.
And we're not gonna get you more competent
if you don't try new things which requires confidence.
And if you try new things you learn more
which gives you confidence so it's this loop right?
And I think it's really important that you understand
if you're not working goals every day,
if you're just reacting and doing tasks,
fulfilling everybody else's needs, that's gonna eat away.
Even if you have a lot of success,
even if you're doing great and that's where
I really tell people you know when
the imposter syndrome really sucks
is when you're actually getting ahead,
you are doing good things.
Like things are happening but you still
don't feel like you're worthwhile
and that's happening because you're not celebrating
those goals along the way.
You're doing everything but
you're never ever feeling everything.
So it's not like, the wins aren't being integrated
into your identity to make you feel like oh this is real.
I deserve this because I looked at what was forward,
I measured it, I broke it down,
I judiciously, conscientiously moved forward.
Like if we don't know that we are
like conscientiously with real discipline moving forward
and gaining momentum because we chose it, we willed it,
then it's easy to look around and go,
yeah I'm with these other people
but I don't feel like I belong because
they must've really earned it
and I just kinda lucked into it.
'Cause if you feel you lucked into it,
that imposter syndrome will always be there.
Listen, I feel deeply grateful that I have
achieved the level of successes that I wanted
in my life with my books and my courses
and everything else and I'm still learning
but I can be deeply grateful,
but know that I earned this path.
That I honored every single struggle.
That I architected it out, that I built the strategies.
Lots of failings happened and grace opened up
and I got blessings and, yeah.
There's some luck peppered in there too,
but also I showed up every single day
and I decided what I was gonna do that day.
And because I did that I decided
and I stayed disciplined I don't feel fake.
I don't feel like I'm an imposter.
I'm like I earned my way into this spot.
And sometimes I wish that the spot
was more abundant, more amazing, more awesome,
more connected just like anybody else,
but I don't question the work that went into it.
Yeah, sometimes I wish I was further along
just like anybody else but I can go you know what?
I earned my way into this position
and if you can't say you earned it
of course you feel like an imposter.
Fourth big idea and this is really important.
It's so simple.
To help overcome that feeling of the imposter thing.
Part of the feeling of the imposter thing
is you don't feel the outcome of your work.
And so I want you to start visualizing and meditating
on the actual outcome of your contributions.
So, as an example if your new team member
of a new company and you're just like
I don't really belong here,
I don't feel like I'm here.
I want you to stop every time you feel
that imposter syndrome come in,
I want you to close your eyes and
I want you to visualize yourself doing something
and I want you to visualize yourself
experiencing, celebrating, seeing,
sensing the outcome of the thing.
For example, like for me I began my career writing books
and doing seminars and I remember being
with a group of speakers one time
and they had really like,
they'd done a bunch of seminars
and they were really along their way
and I'd only done one or two and I didn't do them well.
I broke doing 'em.
I had no idea what I was doin'.
I thought oh my gosh.
Do I belong with these guys?
Like can I play at their level in the seminar game?
And I remember that doubt coming in
and I remember it specifically.
I talked with a bunch of 'em and were
all in like this hotel ballroom.
I went over, I got in the hotel elevator,
and I closed my eyes and I just
said Brendan just see it man.
And I forced myself to see myself standing
in front of 1,000 people in a hotel ballroom
for multiple days and just like teaching and training
and coaching and interacting
and having fun and jumping and clapping and I just kept,
I was like how would that feel?
And I'd allow myself to feel it.
What would it look like?
And I like did little details.
I went up, there was maybe 10 floors in that building
and I'll tell you what.
From the doubtful kid who entered on floor zero,
the kid walked out on the 10th floor,
I felt like 1,000 feet high.
Like I felt so good you know?
'Cause I felt it.
And so much of the imposter syndrome
is you're just kind of like analytically
like questioning yourself and you're like
digging yourself into a hole
and you're doubting yourself and you're
letting your own thoughts poison you versus fuel you.
And there's a visualization or
a meditation that can be your savior
and that is just anytime you feel it take a break.
Go lay down or sit down.
Close your eyes, see it, feel it, sense it
and make it more real 'cause the reason
you feel like you're an imposter
is 'cause it feels fake.
So make yourself physically feel
and see the outcome of your good words.
Now I mean if you're gonna start
a new nonprofit see and experience yourself,
like okay you're building that school
and okay you're opening the door
and the kids are goin' in,
they're gettin' their first books
and like you built that school.
Like of course you feel like a fake
when you start a nonprofit 'cause you don't
know what you're doin' but if you do these things,
you've asked how you authentically can do it.
You don't avoid the difficultly work.
You work daily goals and you constantly
keep visualizing and feeling it,
visualizing it and feeling it,
I promise you my friend,
do these things and you'll stop feeling
as much of as imposter and
you'll start getting real momentum.
I keep saying it.
You are stronger than you think
and the future holds good things for you.
So trust in yourself, honor the struggle,
get to work my friends.
These next 12 months, they're yours.
Character Recap: Lt. Gordon Malloy | Season 1 | THE ORVILLE - Duration: 1:47.
Family Snaps Photo After Being Denied Booth At Restaurant - Duration: 3:58.
Snaps Photo After Being Denied Booth At Restaurant When walking at a restaurant, we all want
to get the best table and enjoy our meal sitting on comfy chairs.
Well, when we are not getting this, we may feel a bit disappointed by the place, especially
if we see an empty, soft booth next to our not so nice table.
This is what a family from Texas stumbled upon when they chose to dine at the Texas
Roadhouse restaurant in Dallas.
However, when the family got closer look at the empty booth, they learned it was reserved
for a group of VIP's.
They had no idea who they might be, but assumed the group had to be special because they'd
get the best table that was nicely decorated and really stood out than the rest.
The national American Flag and Texas state flags were adorning the wall in the background,
and an elegant white tablecloth was placed over the table.
The family, as well as the rest of the customers, were eager to meet the five people, whom they
assumed were someone really important.
At one moment, they noticed the sign and knew exactly who the VIP guests were.
It was really touching and sad when the family realized the special guests will never enter
the place anytime soon.
In fact, they will never again be able to celebrate their friendship or have a gathering
over the specialties of the house.
The table had been reserved for five slain police officers who were ambushed by multiple
snipers on Dallas.
The booth was a way for the restaurant to say thank you to the brave souls.
It was something that mustn't go unnoticed.
The family decided to take a photo and share it on the social media.
All those people who got to see the unselfish act were thankful to the restaurant for what
they did.
Many of the customers couldn't hold their tears back after they read the sign placed
on that special table which said: "We remember and honor the five slain police
officers, Sergeant Michael J. Smith, Officer Michael Krol, Officer Patrick Zamarripa, Senior
Corporal Lorne Ahrens, and Mr. Brent Thompson, who worked for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Police Department, that the Texas Roadhouse restaurant reserved a table for.
We thank you for your service.
May you rest in peace" We are beyond grateful for the men in blue
who sacrificed their lives for the citizens of Dallas, as well as glad that the Texas
Roadhouse took the time to honor these heroes doing an amazing deed.
We should all take the time and say "thank you" for the heroes who lost their life,
and to those men and women in uniform that put theirs on the line every day.
ma poésie audio : Cadeau - Duration: 4:55.
FIRST TIME EXPERIENCING K-POP! OMG! | POP/STARS Opening Ceremony Reaction - Duration: 10:04.
Well, I guess my name is Ken welcome back to miss Kay's squad the geeky channel, that's all about you guys
Guessed it geeky goodness and games and recently. Oh
Boy hell recently. We reacted to Kay da pop stars
Which was for League of Legends one of their wonderful
wonderful music videos
something happened
That's what I knew. No, that's when I knew if only I knew
What I know now a few months ago
You guys want me to?
React to kpop now mind. You mind you I am the girl who is discovering the interwebs
I've heard a few kpop songs. Like they are popping like by far the
Cinematography that goes within these series within the series of music videos that they do release like by far
Kpop is one of the most original type of music that is out there because of how beautifully you know, yeah
I'm a huge cinematography nerd
So when you put two two together, I mean it just kind of flows naturally
But I'm the girl who was literally discovering the Internet
okay, like I have missed out from like when the internet was popping with memes and was like
You know popping with a lot of stuff I missed out on that throughout my whole teenage years
like my teenage years were very dark years, which I will talk about much later on but
I'm in my 20s now 24 years old as this video is being you know produced and
There's a lot of things that I need to catch up on
So something happened one of them being capable within the comments of a search in the comments
I get to sit in the comments and suddenly I see it. I see it. It just pops up into my mind
People were requesting me to react to kpop even on Twitter
okay, this tweet says hey, why was was thinking like when was cat going to react to kpop and it happened so
Be warned
It's happening. Okay, it's happening here on miss cats. Wow. This is something I need to discover and to
Start our kpop journey. I thought why not react to the live performance of the pop stars of?
Doing the opens opening ceremony, you know that was featured within this league of legends. Wonderful
Cinematography that was captured and really did make fan art explode on Twitter
I still remember when people were like hey, they're girlfriends, you know, like they started shipping on these characters and
Mind you it was crazy mad. It was crazy
There are so many ships going around like they're literally like no fan art beautifully beautifully thought people what they do fan out
I don't even know how they're able to do this but this this caused the
Internet to break for a few hours within the League of Legends fandom people were going crazy now
I understand. Why because that with the the glow-in-the-dark my plants like that my friends. I gotta try that
I gotta try that. But hey
Here we go
We're acting a k-pop first time
We'll see what it does to me
Go 12 11 10
Nine eight
Oh look at that looking at
Stefano gotta get invites Karen to my hyped-up
Six, this is slowly counting down. Look at these characters by
Yes, I love her for your with dr. Whitcomb. Three three
Don't there we go. Oh no. She's so cool of you. Here we go
The white performance Riot Games
Yes, they're dressed as the character song, excuse me
Yes, look I want this fashion I want that coat
Oh my god, I want these outfits. Oh
My god she has to think the cause oh
My god doctors what? Yes
And my god
Well, how many people are on stage how would they get sick at the same time? How are you dancing at the same time?
Yes, oh my god, oh my gosh
I should do it her hair is so cool to blue, but the poofy comb I want the puffy coat. Oh
My god
Oh my god, she has her hair like hers, how did they get it to make like that?
Yes, girl, look at her hair give me the hair I want that hair someone do that to my hair
She looks exactly like the character
How is this possible? Oh
My god, wait, how did that happen? Wait, she just disappeared. How did that happen?
What the heck
Is this Holograms? Are these Holograms somebody tell me if these Holograms are my idea
Um are these Holograms
Wait, how the heck
How are they doing this life, how are they doing this live what is going on? Oh my god
How is this possible
Oh my god
Yes, dance do it I like her good things behind her
Yeah, yeah
Their live performances must be freaky. Oh my god
How is this now is his live somebody explain it to me how do they have Holograms do that?
I must go to a kpop cut. Oh my god
How are you making them look real
Wait, how is this possible please somebody please? Oh my god encore hell
Somebody tell me how that's possible. They are dad Sega live on stage. Okay, there's Holograms, okay
Oh, that's a thing. I've seen a few things that they would but they did with Michael Jackson, but that
Look way too real. Oh my god. I gotta go. I gotta go to a kpop concert. I gotta go up. Oh my god
Third. Okay. First of all the choreography. Alright, it's like in sync with each other
There's about like hundreds of people on stage doing this how the heck are they able to do that?
Secondly, they sound exactly like they did in the song. So they're extremely talented. No auto-tune probably used
Third Holograms. Excuse me, how how is that possible and
Lastly I
Think I'm becoming a kpop fan
It's happening. This channel is going into a different direction my friends this channel
start reacting to kpop if you guys want me to because
I'm a girl food. That was hardly
You know, I I know they internet now
of course cuz you know my job YouTube being a full-time youtuber at everything but like there's a lot I missed out on
Especially with knowing the addiction to kpop and why it is so amazing
I need to learn why I am new. If you are a longtime fan of kpop, please. Please tell me
How much am I missing out on and should I react to these things because this is a how did they do that?
They look so real. I don't think that when I was saying about her hair at everything. That was a hologram
But she looks so real so did they actually take?
Real-life people dancing and then animate things on top of them and then put them in the hologram
System type of thing and then put them on stage
like that's my friends is
epic this is what I'm talking about with true talent here because that
That was so cool like that the you know their live performing they're singing in Dad's. I can't even sing or dance
So I put those two things together
We got something might have fine going on here
but anyway guys
Let me know what you think down below if you want me to react to more kpop goodness because there's a lot that I could
React to I just let me know because it's happening
Part of the biggest parts of the Internet is kpop personally
It's whatever you guys don't forget to subscribe if you want more illegal legends awesomesauce because there's gonna be a ton here per week out
miss cat squad
don't forget to get this a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it and you want more get up to a thousand likes and I
Will know if you want me to react to more kpop because it won't it will happen
And also don't forget to hit the bell notification because if you don't then you're gonna miss out on this cat squad episodes
But anyway guys, I hope you have an amazing day
You stay safe out there and as always miss cats until next video burst inner fangirl and you're a fanboy every single day
Hi guys. Hey squad
Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of Miss cat squad if you want to follow our adventures outside of YouTube
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Thanks again squad and until the next video embrace your inner fangirl internet fanboy every single day
How are you friends? this is mexican curious watching, how about adan, how do you
goes?. Good people, greetings. Very good we hope that they are of the best gentlemen,
subscribe to our channel, help us much,
Like it, share our video if they like it and good adan, we're going
new to south Korea gentlemen, with a band called "The rose". "The rose" that
out there they did us the favor of recommend, thank you, along with other
equal bands of Korea, that's right, that is a band that is
signed with a company called "J & Star Company", excellent, and
seem to play K-pop combined with rock, now we check it to see if it's true, the characteristic of
what they told us in the recommendation, is that they also touch their
instruments, that's a point to favor,
very good, and according to what I'm reading here, they already had a
working time before signing with this company and they did it as a group
of "indie", of indie music, and apart they were independent, that's fine,
it's good that they followed their way and his dream and there is "The rose" or
"the rose", "the rose" in Spanish, let's listen to them are from south Korea, do not say
Exactly where? No, just say from South Korea, ok
what is the name of the song? the song is called "sorry", or "I'm sorry", exact
"I'm sorry" or "sorry", "I'm sorry" gentlemen, let's listen to "The rose" with "sorry"
to see if it's true that they touch the rock gentlemen, let's see, let's go
listen to them, let's go,
the video looks good
it started nice
he started nostalgic
very good, yes, that letting me be guided by this, is singing in English and Korean putting everything together,
Well, it sounds like pop to me, it sounds pretty pop
and apart they are taking turns voice, the keyboard and the guitar
very well
there is another
It sounds good, it reminded me little to "Keane" or what are they called? "Keane", these
English, that's right, music
if it sounds a bit like britpop, and being sincere I like these more,
if "Keane" gets to sound very sweet, if the voice is very very sweet, then like there comes a moment that you say
it's enough of so much sweetness here, like they give a touch more, if nostalgic but
like a little bit of courage, if there is not so much honey, aja, there is not so much honey,
honey does not drain as with "Keane"
I like the voices, they sound good, they sound good
and being realistic sounds more like rock pop
the details of the bass, they're fine, they're fine
Oh look
Well, I must say that well, they sound good
Koreans are good for pop Those from South Korea
they do well in pop rock, as they mix their voices, I really like it if you have several
vocalists, mix your voices, as you should of being
I hear them very above in terms of musical quality, bands from here
americans who also do this type pop rock
there is "sorry" "The rose", the video is good
I liked the video, what ... How good that they ended up there, because I
I thought they were going to return to the choir again, there gentlemen, perfect, and you know what happens
when they finish it at the precise moment? that you want to hear it again, that's
what many bands must learn, that must end a song in the
moment, there it remains, stays where listen to it, what happened ?, again, maybe in
live the same people say more, and the band say, yes, there are eight others
bars of the same chorus and that satisfies your fans infinitely, yes, but in the
study version, if you're accurate and the producer knows, no, here you must
determine what in spotify you give another ten listened, exactly, and it's
what are you doing, as you see adan ?. TO my
I was pleasantly surprised by the truth, it starts yes very pop, you have to say what
is, but the song if it goes "in crescendo" and they know where to finish it, they know
where to finish it, because as I told you, I was waiting again for the
I chorus and I said, they're going to sing it again. Do not, and it's fine as you say it's going
increasing the intensity, because from that starts until it ends goes like this, like
rise, and it never falls, and ends up, ends and one realizes
why are they putting the elements as the voices, the choirs, more this ... the music
you start to hear louder, then that It's what you pay attention to, it's fine. Y
I do not know if you noticed, but in the final part
the bass begins to put several arrangements, that sound very beautiful,
enrich the song more, that's right, and I Like how I told you, if you have
several vocalists, well let's go, then there Mix the voices, let them listen
all by your side and you hear a lot all right. If they do it very well, I repeat, as
I told them between the music, the gentlemen of South Korea are great for K-pop,
good logical, it's pop Korean, but it's not ... it's at
height of bands from here in North America, and I hear it even more.
You were commenting while we watched the video, that sounded to you
to "Keane", I was given a touch like britpop, maybe the keyboard part, is the one
makes it sound like "keane", but yes, like we agree, it surpasses it. Yes, for me if I
surpasses, surpasses "Keane", surpasses those that they call "Maroon 5", because apart from
example "Morron 5", Well, it's a very sweet pop and very
romantic, but here these guys from Korea, in the voice they take the Lord of
Moroon 5 "gentlemen, uufff! 10 kilometers away away, they sing very well these
guys, I do not know if live are the same but At least I'm comparing it in
As for versions of study and they take it from the street and
also the singer of "Keane", I have listened and I like it, but there comes a
moment when it spills honey, which you stay longer, right? it kind of made you feel like
if he was disgusted, then and they do not, like, I tell them that they have a slight fox voice,
it does not show much, but if they put attention there is and that's what it does
That, as you like it. Well, it can be the Advantage of having three vocalists. Y
also the language, also lends itself, because then we have compared, as
They speak Japanese, Korean, Chinese. What combine as I said in the phrasing of
the song, they go combining Korean with English, that's fine, and it sounds good, that is,
works. And works excellent but, because it works
Excellent? by They know how to do it, if they did not know
I would listen funny, funny, then the music I tell you, it reaches your
peak moment in which if it sounds like pop rock as such, I would not say it is
rock 100%, because it is not for me, but rock pop yes the truth, if you have your
rough touches but soft, now if you hear a little
contradictory, rude but soft, then that is what I do well,
because they do not want to go further, of what maybe they can not. And it is
well, that's right, if there's no need or if you do not have the capacity to do it,
Well, do not do it either because it's going to sound bad, it's going to sound ugly, and they
in the range they are in, in the rock pop or pop rock as they want to see it, they work
and as I say, for me they work very well, if it's okay to touch your
own instruments, if they do it live still much better gentlemen, because that
in some way it also makes them take certain energy, both of you and your
instrument and it gives a lot value bigger and also I tell you, those who do not
they play instruments but they also dance and dance and do other things, it's also a
I work adam, it's not something ... I've said that it would be hard for me to sing
and to be dancing from here to there, because apart from that you have to record yourself
the lyrics, the times, you have to record that the steps of your dance, is the same with
the instruments, if you mess up example on an effect pedal or on
time, goodbye song, you already hear bad Gentlemen, then it's a super job ...
that has to be clean, because if not, not remains. What I like about all this,
is that as I told them in others videos,
that one gets out of hearing the same, the American or European pop bands,
and listen to one of these groups or as the case of "BTS", which is a "Boy band",
but it does sound different, yes, if it has its different touches.
I would say from my point of view, that they are much better than pop they are
used to selling Americans, they are not for nothing
eating the market. And is that some way from here in North America,
As they already stagnated a little, like they are bordering a lot on
Reggaeton, believe it or not, and Iodine they want to do with reggaeton and then
if you are winning in the market the Eastern countries, especially Korea,
that is taking out many "Boy band" "Girl band" or I do not know how to tell them, but you
You told me how women are told, but this is in Japan, they are told
"idols", but I also believe in Korea, they were commenting that they are also "idols",
so then how good, how good because you see that if you feel like it, if they do
like that ... And it has quality, but had quality, we would not be listening,
the truth, we would tell them the truth, that It's ugly. Yes, that's simple, well, that's not what
I listen, I just did the video reaction because they asked me, but it sounds good.
When we started listening to it, I said, CHIN !, like if he hit me, I said "how
I'm not going to like this, but as it goes transforming the song, the truth as
you say if it's over at the right time and so put it, let's go ... let's go back to
record the video action on which already We have because I liked it. Yes, it can happen
Gentlemen, then I tell you when you are precise in that aspect, there is nothing else
what to do, gentlemen, you give him again play and you come back to hear what you like and so
it has to happen to you, those who are very fond of this type of bands, like "BTS", "The
rose "" Day6 "and others that have recommended, there they are giving you play
because they like songs, with right reason, they have the perfect method
so that it stays here in the mind, is a product ... is that it is a quality product,
very good, yes, it has quality, and the video also, it is super well cared for and everything
Gentlemen, you know that they are fans, women, boys, men, everything is for
for this type of bands and in all the music, from a good cumbia to
Reggaeton is finally there, too in the music,
then we can not leave it out, because there also exists, but
well, this was "The rose" with "sorry", they are from Seoul, from South Korea gentlemen
excellent, if you see us from South Korea, that there are already many people who live
here in Mexico and they speak Spanish well, what a good thank you they learned the
language from here of mexico and that already they eat tacos with salsa, onion, cilantro,
all adan, the exchange of cultures, the
diversity and it becomes more enormous and wonderful, that's the purpose, so
It's gentlemen, something else you want add on "The rose", adan ?. Well, to me
I liked it a lot, that's right, I'm going with a smile and I'm happy because I do
I loved it. That's right gentlemen, it's fine "The rose", listen to it, tell us what you think, to
all our peers who listen the metal tell us what you think of "The
rose, "they like ?, to our friends who they listen
K-pop like metal too? all opinions are also valid and
OK, let's go, thank you very much, subscribe to our
channel, like it, share our video, thanks adan, thank you, let's go gentlemen, with
"The rose", let's listen to them again to see what such,
we see it there
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