*Bells Tolling*
Hi, I'm Shelly. Welcome back to my channel. and Day 4, of the 12 Gays of Christmas.
In which we celebrate lovely, important, LGBTQIA, people.
I am celebrating all things gay, LGBTQIA and the plus!
Telling you about 12 influential, beautiful, wonderful, history-making people.
Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Non-binary, & for those of you, who have yet decide....
1 of the most famous I think, in this series, is going to be Alan Turing....
Who the heck was Alan Turing? Why do we love him??
Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician and World War 2 code breaker.
Founder of computer science, philosopher, and a theoretical biologist.
I don't even know what that is??? But apparently, he was one.
He was brilliant, he invented the computer, can we just like, bow to him already.
I've written stuff down about him, and I'm gonna have quite a hard time pronouncing it.
So I would suggest reading the subtitles (hello)
I didn't think..... how am I gonna say these words out loud?
Theoretical....programmable bluh bluh bluh. This is gonna be fun.
I'm literally going to say this, as I read it. Because there is no way,
I am gonna be able to keep this in my head, and pronounce it at the sametime. So apologies.
His pre-war work, laid down the theoretical plan, for a programmable computer ....
try saying that 10 times fast.
After the war, he was closely involved with the design of the world's earliest computer machines.
He designed the automatic computer engine, and founded the discipline of artificial intelligence.
Do we get that he's a genius yet?
For many, many years. His true brilliance was locked up,
and kept away, inside World War 2 documents. That were sealed.
But as of, I don't know when? A while ago now.
They were unlocked and we found out that he was part of the team. in fact he ran the team.
That cracked Enigma.
Enigma being the machine, that the Germans were using to pass messages to each other.
From different countries, different places. All the classified documents,
to say where they were going to attack. and where all their troops were, and where they were kind of staying safe.
Was all said through Enigma. Alan Turing and his team, cracked that.
By building a computer, a massive machine.
They worked out a way of cracking the Enigma Code, and so winning us the war.
Sadly he was prosecuted in 1952, for homosexual acts.
Then called 'Gross Indecency' .....don't get me started.
Which back then was illegal.
He was sentenced to a chemical castration. Which consisted of the drug cryptonine.....I think that's how it's pronounced.
Of which the side effects were numerous. Such as, low sex drive.
Which was what they were trying to accomplish. By giving the drug to homosexuals.
Breast development, and cardiovascular complications.
Due to the stress and the side effects of this drug, Turing died in 1954.
Just 16 days before his 42nd birthday.
He was later, of course, brought to the attention of the wider world, through the film.
The Imitation Games, starring Benedict Cumberbatch.
He was granted a posthumous, which means after death. A posthumous pardon in 2013,
by then Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
He saved thousands upon millions lives, and yet was prosecuted for the smallest acts of love.
Having prejudice against homosexuality, not only hurts the person that you are prosecuting.
But it also hurts the greater world. Society in a much bigger way.
Because you are stifling genius, you are stifling creative, you are stifling humans.
That's just not on!
Chemical castration is just, it's diabolical!
It absolutely is. It plays with your mind, it plays with your body.
Yeah, but Alan Turing, Alan Turing was a brilliant guy.
If you haven't seen The Imitation Games I suggest you go and watch it, because it is a wonderful film.
I would imagine you have by now, as we all know it's bloody fabulous
Anyway, that was day...what?? where am I??? Who am I??
4 maybe, I don't know. It's one of those days. I have no idea what's going on.
I hope you guys are good, I will see you tomorrow for day 5.... I think.
I need a nap.....Byeeee
He designed the automatic computer fit ...he designed the....... he designed the automatic
For more infomation >> 12 Gays of Christmas: Alan Turing (cc) - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
매운김치 최강전|금치 불김치 최고 레벨 무섭게 매운맛 vs 실비김치 비교 리뷰 먹방!! 매운김치 금치 밥 김치 ASMR 먹방! - Duration: 12:29.
Hello~ I am G-NI
Today I'm gonna have steamed rice with 2 kinds of kimchi.
One is silvi kimchi.
The other is Gumchi kimchi.
I will have the hottest level of kimchi which is called as "Scary spicy"
Let's enjoy the meal.
I will split the kimchi to eat easily.
I will eat silvi kimchi first.
I eat silvi kimchi frequently.
but I am shocked everytime I have it.
I have never tried it with steamed rice yet.
But it is very hot. very very hot.
Silvi kimchi is not fermented style kimchi.
And tastes hot. Very very hot.
This is really hot.
This time
I will try gumchi kimchi.
There are three levels of indicating spicy taste for gumchi kimchi.
The lowest level is yummy spicy level.
Next level is Mad spicy level.
And the hottest one is scary spicy level.
I prepared scary spicy level
to let you know how much it would be spicy.
As I heard scary spicy level is more than double hotter than silvi kimchi.
I am trying it now.
Uhm.. First bite is not so...
I felt silvi kimchi hotter than gumchi kimchi in the first bite.
I will try kimchi only without rice.
This is hot. Definitely hot.
But Silvi kimchi seems to be hotter.
Or they seem to have same level of spicy taste.
Oh~ I think I started to feel it now.
Yes! It arrived.
Spicy taste is coming late.
It comes late.
This is also hot.
I thought gumchi kimchi was not so hot when eating with rice.
But when I had kimchi only, I felt the extremely spicy taste all of a sudden.
My tongue seems to be paralyzed.
And even hurt.
Too hot.
I will add water to rice to reduce hot taste of kimchi.
Adding water makes me more comfortable
when I eat very spicy kimchi.
Now I can feel the taste.
I need more rice.
Let's begin again.
I have eaten silvi kimchi only.
But I think I can enjoy gumchi too if it is lower level.
Much sweat is coming on my head.
This is the last piece of today's meal.
My lips hurt.
I have to have some pepero to save my tongue.
My lips hurt.
I can't remember how I could eat these food.
I can't believe it.
My lips.
My lips too hurt.
Hurt here.
Black pepper powder still remained on the lips.
All these were very nice.
Please see the difference of appearance.
ALL MY HORSES [2018 edition] - Duration: 7:09.
3 teams:
56 horses
Choose a horse:
Skill: Error
Skill: Cold resistant
最新ニュース : BTS「世界で最もハンサムな顔100人」に全員ランクイン- 記事詳細| - Duration: 5:03.
【世界で最もハンサ な顔100人/モデル レス=12月28日】 批評サイトを運営する C Candlerが 8日、「世界で最もハ サムな顔100人(2 18年)」ランキング 発表
韓国のボーイグループ BTS(防弾少年団) メンバーが7人全員ラ クインした。◆BTS 全員ランクイン K POPグループからは 一、メンバー全員がラ クインしたBTS
J-HOPEは8 位(初)、RMは79 (初)、SUGAは6 位(初)、JINは4 位、昨年64位だった IMINは25位、昨 1位だったVは5位、 年13位だったJUN KOOKが、最上位 2位となった
なお、男子の1位 アメリカハワイ州生ま の俳優・モデルのジェ ソン・モモアだった。 ◆BTS、世界的な 持を証明した2018 BTSは今年、ア バム『LOVE YO RSELF 轉 'T ar'』でK-POP 上克つアジア圏初の「 illboard 2 0」チャート1位を獲 する快挙を成し遂げた
同チャートで英語以外 作品が1位となるのは 多国籍ボーカルグルー IL DIVOの『A cora』以来12年 り。さらに次作の『L VE YOURSEL 結'Answer' も、同チャート1位を 得
1年間に2作品で「B llboard 20 」を制覇するのは、イ リス出身のボーイズグ ープ、ワン・ダイレク ョン(One Dir ction)以来、約 年ぶりの快挙だった
また9月には、リ ダーのRMが、米ニュ ヨークの国連本部にて 界の若者たちへ向けた 説をしたことでも話題 。まさに世界的な支持 証明した1年となった ◆発表されていた 本人ノミネート者 式Instagram は、結果発表に向けノ ネート者を夏頃より発 しており、日本人では XILE/三代目J oul Brothe s from EXI E TRIBEの岩田 典、俳優の新田真剣佑 赤西仁、山崎賢人、玉 大志、ボーイグループ ROSS GENEの メンバー・寺田拓哉、 CT 127のユウタ がノミネートされてい
◆「世界で最も美しい 100人」「ハンサム 顔100人」とは 世界で最も美しい顔1 0人」「ハンサムな顔 00人」は、批評サイ を運営するTC Ca dlerらが独自に行 ているランキング
990年にスタートし 「世界で最も美しい顔 00人」は今年で29 目。2013年からは ハンサムな顔」として 性版もスタートし、発 は合わせて年末に行わ る。 選考基準は運 側の独自の評価に基づ ているが、今年度はノ ネートにあたり、一般 らの推薦を募集してい
(modelpres 編集部) 【Not Sponsored 事】
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Sorgam Climax Scene | Sivaji Ganesan | KR Vijaya | K Balaji | Nagesh - Duration: 7:49.
How to Active Windows 10 Pro Life Time Free in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 4:03.
How to Active Windows 10 Pro Life Time Free in Urdu/Hindi
S. Korea shivers in coldest weather so far this winter - Duration: 1:12.
Korea's did not dress to impress when going out today temperatures plummeted
below minus 10 degrees Celsius in many parts of the nation you will see more
people bundled up in puffy layers as the frigid conditions are expected to
continue through the weekend conn-young new reports many parts of South Korea
experienced the coldest weather yet this winter the capital Seoul dropped down to
nearly minus 14 degrees Celsius overnight and the wind made it feel like
almost -20 temperatures went up a little during the day but a stayed below zero
almost everywhere the Korea meteorological administration has issued
cold wave advisories and warnings for basically the entire country except the
southernmost parts but even there there has been heavy snow in places including
jeju-do and along the islands and many parts of Toluca province
cochon County has some 20 centimeters and more snow is expected for these
regions on Saturday according to the Korea meteorological administration the
extreme cold is going to stick around until early next week
conn-young Arirang news
North Korea dominated news headlines around the world in 2018 - Duration: 2:00.
North Korea Affairs definitely one of the most heavily covered topics for
local news outlets this year foreign media also named stories related to the
regime as the top news of 2018 packagin tells us more the peace drive on the
Korean Peninsula was undoubtedly one of the most frequently appearing headlines
around the world this year although 2018 was a dynamic year with a range of major
issues including the trade war between the US and China the brexit crisis in
climate change warnings al Jazeera named the two Koreas promised to formally end
their decades-long hostilities as one piece of positive news for 2018
singapore-based The Straits Times also reported that this year will probably be
best remembered for the first meeting between a North Korean leader and a
sitting US president which marked the start of dialogue between the two sides
and reviewing the developments made on the Korean Peninsula American online
news outlet Axios called 2018 the Year in North Korea with Trump and little
Rocketman a survey even showed that the American public considers the Pyongyang
Washington summit held in June this year to be the most significant news event of
2018 according to a poll conducted by American political newspaper the hill
and research group harris x 22% of 1,000 registered voters selected to meeting
with three North Korean leader Kim jong-un and US President Donald Trump as
this year's top news event the topic is also likely to continue to be a
remarkable story in 2019 Fox picked it as one of these seven biggest foreign
stories to watch for next year it says Kim jong-un's New Year's address could
reveal North Korea's agenda and that the new year will unveil where the nuclear
negotiations between Pyongyang and Washington are heading although there is
uncertainty on whether there will be a second Kim Trump summit and whether the
north will indeed denuclearize some international media outlets speculates
that phony 19 will be another year of diplomatic breakthroughs for the Korean
Peninsula packagin arirang news
Public uncertainty remains over Jehovah's Witnesses' conscientious objection of military service - Duration: 2:44.
that plan by the Ministry of National Defense took a long time to be
formulated it follows months of debate over the terms of alternative service
who's the young shet slide on why such a system is long overdue and what must be
done to preserve it since childhood saw based attorney peg jeonghan was prepared
to go to prison as a Jehovah's Witness he spent six years on trial and 14
months behind bars choosing to serve time rather than the country's military
it was a choice that led to his bar registration being cancelled and put his
marriage on hold but this year Peck has been looking forward to a brighter
future for other conscientious objectors many
of whom he's been working to acquit over the years the Supreme Court last month
made a historic ruling recognizing conscience or religious beliefs as a
justifiable reason to refuse military duties only an estimated nine people
remain in prison for conscientious objection down from the hundreds seen in
recent years it's as though a clique of shame has been removed more than the
time in prison the social stigma sticks the most being perceived as a criminal
and a Nevada of duty personally I don't think the length of alternative service
matters it just shouldn't be military related I hope we can contribute to
social areas that our fellow Koreans need the constitutional court in June
this year called on the government to draft alternative means of service for
conscientious objectors but the conditions have been the subject of
heated debates Human Rights observers have urged authorities to ensure the
alternative service isn't punitive calling for a maximum of around 27
months or 1.5 times the length that the ROK Army soldiers serve as well as
allowing commuting the human right committees position from 1999 which is
essentially that it should be of the same length as military service and any
extra length needs to be based on objective and reasonable criteria and so
we hold to that standard however some local experts and members
of the public have expressed caution given South Korea's unique social and
security situation 1.5 times the militia service is widely considered
short and lenient compared to the daily hardships endured by conscripted men
this could undermine fairness and even caused a surge in the number of
conscientious objectors we can eventually reduce the alternative
service term but we shouldn't set the bar too low from the start a Gallup
survey from 2016 shows most Koreans do not sympathize with conscientious
objection however seven and ten people believe an
alternative system is needed for the objectors also jung Arirang news
President Moon visits front line guard post and army boot camp to encourage soldiers - Duration: 2:01.
president moon jaein made a rare trip to a frontline area near the border today
the South Korean leader inspected the guard post there and also encouraged new
recruits undergoing basic training Hwang hojun has the highlights from that
visit the South Korean president went out into the biting cold to encourage
the soldiers president moon jae-in visited Arrowhead Ridge in char on
counting on the province to inspect the guard post there the area is the same
place where the two Koreas removed landmines last month so they can
excavate remains from the Korean War next year from April to October
president moon's visit can be seen as a way of checking the progress made so far
in implementing the September 19th inter-korean military agreement which
call for a halt to quote all hostile acts between Seoul and Pyongyang and as
an expression of his determination to establish lasting peace on the peninsula
the South Korean Commander in Chief's inspection took place after a luncheon
with new conscripts at the boot camp of the fifth Infantry Division based in
Yongsan some 60 kilometers north of solar a special ceremony was also held
to encourage the soldiers and training president moon expressed his gratitude
to the soldiers for their hard work for the sake of the nation's security
- inari a chip on your shoulder is regular non-cheater she got in their van
come on cuca umberto yourself today told a joke today Tony singing around general
dresser Rococo koppány the future of pageant I don't care tomorrow's for the
man you go to you amah europe under current cherishing casualty paramita he
also stressed the importance of a strong defense to establishing peace on the
peninsula this was the first time president moon has inspected the unit on
the front line since his inauguration in 2017 hojun Arirang news
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Sivaji Ganesan Fight Scene| RS Manohar | Vijayalalitha - Duration: 7:47.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Sivaji Ganesan Comes Home Drunk | KR Vijaya | Nagesh | Sachu | MRR Vasu - Duration: 8:50.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Muthuraman Helps Sivaji Ganesan's Family | KR Vijaya | AP International - Duration: 10:27.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Sivaji Ganesan Meets KR Vijaya | Ponmagal Vandhaal Full Video Song - Duration: 8:52.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Sivaji Ganesan & KR Vijaya Gets Married | Azhagu Mugam Full Video Song - Duration: 6:51.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Nagesh Comedy Scene | Sivaji Ganesan | Sachu | AP International - Duration: 7:24.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | MRR Vasu Comedy Scene | Sivaji Ganesan | KR Vijaya | Sorgam - Duration: 10:06.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Nagesh & Achu Comedy Scenes | Sorgam | MRR Vasu | Sivaji Ganesan - Duration: 8:52.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Balaji Apologises to Sivaji Ganesan | KR Vijaya | RS Manohar - Duration: 12:22.
最新ニュース : BTS「世界で最もハンサムな顔100人」に全員ランクイン- 記事詳細| - Duration: 5:03.
【世界で最もハンサ な顔100人/モデル レス=12月28日】 批評サイトを運営する C Candlerが 8日、「世界で最もハ サムな顔100人(2 18年)」ランキング 発表
韓国のボーイグループ BTS(防弾少年団) メンバーが7人全員ラ クインした。◆BTS 全員ランクイン K POPグループからは 一、メンバー全員がラ クインしたBTS
J-HOPEは8 位(初)、RMは79 (初)、SUGAは6 位(初)、JINは4 位、昨年64位だった IMINは25位、昨 1位だったVは5位、 年13位だったJUN KOOKが、最上位 2位となった
なお、男子の1位 アメリカハワイ州生ま の俳優・モデルのジェ ソン・モモアだった。 ◆BTS、世界的な 持を証明した2018 BTSは今年、ア バム『LOVE YO RSELF 轉 'T ar'』でK-POP 上克つアジア圏初の「 illboard 2 0」チャート1位を獲 する快挙を成し遂げた
同チャートで英語以外 作品が1位となるのは 多国籍ボーカルグルー IL DIVOの『A cora』以来12年 り。さらに次作の『L VE YOURSEL 結'Answer' も、同チャート1位を 得
1年間に2作品で「B llboard 20 」を制覇するのは、イ リス出身のボーイズグ ープ、ワン・ダイレク ョン(One Dir ction)以来、約 年ぶりの快挙だった
また9月には、リ ダーのRMが、米ニュ ヨークの国連本部にて 界の若者たちへ向けた 説をしたことでも話題 。まさに世界的な支持 証明した1年となった ◆発表されていた 本人ノミネート者 式Instagram は、結果発表に向けノ ネート者を夏頃より発 しており、日本人では XILE/三代目J oul Brothe s from EXI E TRIBEの岩田 典、俳優の新田真剣佑 赤西仁、山崎賢人、玉 大志、ボーイグループ ROSS GENEの メンバー・寺田拓哉、 CT 127のユウタ がノミネートされてい
◆「世界で最も美しい 100人」「ハンサム 顔100人」とは 世界で最も美しい顔1 0人」「ハンサムな顔 00人」は、批評サイ を運営するTC Ca dlerらが独自に行 ているランキング
990年にスタートし 「世界で最も美しい顔 00人」は今年で29 目。2013年からは ハンサムな顔」として 性版もスタートし、発 は合わせて年末に行わ る。 選考基準は運 側の独自の評価に基づ ているが、今年度はノ ネートにあたり、一般 らの推薦を募集してい
(modelpres 編集部) 【Not Sponsored 事】
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | Sivaji Ganesan Gets a New Job | KR Vijaya | MRR Vasu | Balaji | Nagesh - Duration: 8:01.
Sorgam Tamil Movie Scenes | KR Vijaya Leaves Sivaji Ganesan | RS Manohar | KR Vijaya - Duration: 10:33.
Sorgam Full Movie Movie Comedy Scenes | Nagesh | Sachu | MRR Vasu | Sivaji Ganesan | Sorgam - Duration: 23:20.
"바로 무큐리 변장하겠다"···'연예대상' 받으면 '나혼산' 멤버들이 하겠다 한 것 4가지 - Duration: 2:21.
"바로 무큐리 변장하겠다"···'연예대상' 받으면 '나혼산' 멤버들이 하겠다 한 것 4가지
'나 혼자 산다'팀이 내일(29일) 있을 'MBC 연예대상'에서 역대급 수상 공약을 약속했다.
지난 27일 MBC '나 혼자 산다' 측은 무지개 회원들의 파격적인 수상 공약이 담긴 영상을 선공개했다.
공개된 영상 속 전현무는 작년에 있었던 박나래와 기안84에 결혼 공약을 이야기한 뒤 올해의 수상 공약을 발표했다.
전현무는 "만약 제가 상을 받는다면 무큐리 옷을 챙겨 오겠다"며 무큐리로 한 해를 마무리하겠다고 밝혔다.
이어 박나래는 "수상 소감을 하면서 제가 매번 추는 트월킹을 끝날 때까지 추겠다"고 밝혔고, 기안84는 잔망스러운 'TT' 댄스를 약속했다.
뿐만 아니라 베스트 커플상 후보에도 오른 박나래와 기안84는 커플 공약까지 약속했다.
한혜진은 두 사람이 수상할 시 기안84가 박나래를 안고 퇴장하는 것이 어떠냐고 제안했고 둘은 예행연습까지 나섰다.
기안84는 박나래를 안고 몇 발자국 가더니 "어휴 잠깐만. 무슨 일이 있었던 거야"라며 그를 내려놓고 한숨을 내쉬어 웃음을 자아냈다.
이외에도 이시언은 한혜진에게 다음 녹화 때 진짜 달심으로 변신해 달라고 요청해 연예대상에서 펼쳐질 이들의 활약을 기대하게 만들었다.
한편 박나래, 전현무, 이영자 등이 대상 후보에 오른 '2018 MBC 연예대상'은 오는 29일 방송된다.
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