KELCIE: Hi, I'm Kelcie. I work in Marketing,
and today I'm going to be reviewing the Samshield
Miss Shield Helmet.
This helmet is everything I loved about my
Shadow Matt Helmet with the added
protection of the wide brim visor.
The visor was the main reason I purchased this helmet.
Not only is it fashionable with a feminine look
but it's also functional.
The visor does not obstruct your view while you're riding.
It just helps keep that little extra glare out of your face.
Samshields have some really unique features and just
like other helmets in their brand,
this one offers the same airflow channels to help
keep you cool while riding.
Something else I really like about this helmet
is the chinstrap is designed to reduce
shifting on your head while riding.
But it's also still really comfortable on your head.
This helmet is ASTM/SEI certified and is a great
option if you're showing in the ring or schooling
at home.
Caring for this helmet is easy.
The inside liner is removable for easy washing,
and it's a great option for someone like me
who rides six days a week and sweats a lot when doing so.
SmartPak also carries additional liners separately
so you don't have to go without your
helmet between washings.
To care for the outer shell,
I just usually wipe mine down with a damp cloth.
It is scratch resistant,
so I just like to get the additional dust off
and I do keep it in the helmet bag when I'm not using it.
In regards to sizing,
I purchased the Miss Shield in the same size
that I did my Shadow Matt,
so I do find that it runs true to size.
Of course a helmet is an essential piece
of equipment and it needs to fit correctly to work.
So check out our fit video from Samshield.
If you get your helmet and you find that it doesn't
fit quite right,
SmartPak makes it easy to exchange for free
with free return shipping.
I'm Kelcie,
and the Samshield Miss Shield Helmet
helps me keep my eyes on the prize and the sun out.
For more infomation >> Samshield Miss Shield Helmet Review - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
Что нам делать через шесть лет или хотят ли русские войны? ПУНКТ ТРЕТИЙ. - Duration: 1:53.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S Allgrip 4WD met Navigatie - Duration: 1:14.
I LOST MY DRONE ( Frank Citro ) - Duration: 12:05.
Welcome back guys
Today is the Christmas day and as usual people stay at home with family ...
... personally i love when people are closed at home ...
... this mean that on the streets there is no one
I'm with "Ever Est"
She started this hobby just 1 month ago ...
... i promise that i'm not the cause
so ... to celebrate my Christmas i came here to fly ...
... on a wonderful building that is near my house ...
... and today seems that it's praticable because it's closed ....
... this is the building
I must relax ... I need to make some deep breaths ...
... I'm calm ...
... ... but i can become more calm than now ......
I've forgot , there was a tree on my left side ...
Everything can happen ...
... the idea was to take off "like a boss" with a left roll but the result was a big fail
it's the end ... the Quad turned off because the water ...
... so i lost everything ... gopro ... the quad ... everything ...
... 500 EURO has been burned ...
I was a fucking pussy because when i went on the roof my video was not good ...
... and anyway I decided to pass through the O of "BODINO" ...
... it was a bad idea
I'm waiting for the quad turn on again , maybe the sun can dry the electronics ...
... if it will turn on again maybe I could recover it ...
... now i can not do nothing ...
... The quad switch OFF and ON intermittently ...
... the video link too ...
... I'm here from 2 hours and i'm checking the radio telemetry to understand when the link back again ...
... in case it will not back I have a PLAN B ...
... in next days "Ever Est" will back here with a kind face ...
... she will enter in the building and will relate them that she lost her Christmas TOY on the roof ...
... I think this is a perfect mission for a girl ...
... i was trying my TOY in a park and i lose the control ...
... my throttle was to hard and it land on the roof ...
... I'm not a PRO i'm a Virgin ...
... You tried to put your TOY inside the O of "BODINO" but you've lost the control ...
... It's for sure a credible story
Welcome back ... 2 days later and my quad is still blocked there ...
We choose the PLAN B and she's going into the building ...
... she's crossed the main door 1 minute ago ...
... she's trying to find someone ...
... as i know , she's recording the Audio from her phone ...
... so ... now I'm waiting here ...
(GIRL) Good Morning
(GIRL) I'm sorry for the trouble ... I tried to intercom in several floors
(MAN) if it's not require 3 hours it's ok
(GIRL) just only 10 minutes
(MAN) it's strange to see someone here on 28 December but tell me
(GIRL) so ...
(GIRL) in the Christmas Day ...
(MAN) 25 December ?
(GIRL) Yes , my friends made me a present , a little Drone
(GIRL) and i came here to try it on the park below
(MAN) that's good
(GIRL) and it happened that ...
(MAN) that as usual for everyone playing a drone
(GIRL) and it land on the Roof
(MAN) in our Roof ? mmmm
(MAN) I don't have the key to enter on the roof
(GIRL) I'm really sorry for that
(MAN) I'm smiling because at everyone that try a drone happened something
(GIRL) in fact this was my first Try
(MAN) it's not easy
She's going out the building ...
... She has nothing , so i think she failed the mission ...
OMG Frank ... they made me troubles ...
... they've requested my documents ...
... are you joking ?
no i'm not joking
mmm ... do you hiding something in the jacket ?
show me show me
I caught her easily
What a fuck do you have here ?
this is so beautifullllll
it's hereeeeee
You need to be shaked
Where there's the banner ...
... there is a canal all around the tower and the quad fell there
was it into the water ?
there was not to much water , just a little puddle
in my opinion it's not burned
so guys , It was great to spend my time with you ...
subscribe in my channel , put a thumbs up , write a comment below ... and ...
#Одежда и Аксессуары для Мужчин, # Clothing and Accessories for Men - Duration: 0:55.
Les grosses factures d'un ancien garde du corps d'Emmanuel Macron : un contrat suspect - Duration: 5:12.
pc spiele spielen am abend - Duration: 1:01:42.
ASMR Ear Eating (mouth sounds) No Talking | Chloë Jeanne ASMR - Duration: 16:28.
Beginners Guide to Make Money RED DEAD REDEMPTION ONLINE - Duration: 11:15.
what is up guys and welcome to another video today I will be showing you
exactly how to make money on Red Dead Redemption 2 now this is a beginner's
guide so if you've been playing Red Dead Redemption online for last month or so
it's probably best you click off this video because you're going to see a lot
of stuff that you've probably seen before and other videos other ones of my
videos but if you're a beginner if you got Red Dead Redemption over Christmas
you're gonna want to stick watch all of these different ways to make money on
Red Dead Redemption online before we get into the video if you would like to see
more tutorials or tips like this then make sure you hit the like on a video
and also subscribe to this channel I'm getting around about five or six videos
out a week showing you exactly how to make money how to rank up as well as
different stuff in Red Dead Redemption online if this video does well I will
make sure to do a part two to it because there are so many ways to make money on
Red Dead online as well as if you want to see it drop in the comments down below
I'll show you ways to rank up fast so the first way and most obvious way to
make money on Red Dead online is to complete the missions now when you go in
you will be met with a woman in which you'll start offering you money to go
and do different missions so that you can find the killers of her husband
throughout this I recommend that you stay honorable you do not want to go
around killing random innocent people stay honorable do the right thing I know
there's a few missions where you get some vote to be honourable or
dishonourable if you vote honourable every time and still it goes dishonourable
that is perfectly fine that is something out of your control but if you can help
it stay honorable because what you'll do is you'll get a set of missions that
will go towards the final mission and the final mission that you do will get
you I think will get you over a hundred dollars for completing which is very
good as soon as you've completed all those honorable missions there will be
no more missions to do unless you go dishonorable in which you're gonna want
to go around in saint-denis and this will link to a rank up method that I've
got my channel I will not go into depth talking about but if you'd like to see
that I'll leave a link in the description down below but what you want
to do is just kill a bunch of people go completely dishonorable as soon as you
become dishonorable you will unlock another set of missions where you can
start getting money there are only about eight or nine missions in total but by
completing all of them I think you'll get round about 500 to 600 dollars the
second way is to do showdown series and Races
with races you can get round about three dollars to ten dollars depending
on where you place in the race I have also got another video on this
channel which will show you how to do really well with races and how to win
more races in saint-denis I've got like a little track where you can go around
and I'll show you how to work out each and every race so you can go around and
win it every time with showdown series obviously it means that you have to be
good with races sometimes it comes 50/50 and the last hurdle what can happen is
someone just get wiped out and all you do is just carry on going through and
you can win with showdown series is a lot different you need to be good at the
game me personally I'm not that good at the game I'm pretty bad at killing
people I get kind of frustrated when I don't get to shoot the gun when I want
to shoot the gun because sometimes you press the trigger and it doesn't find it
irritates me because my opponents quicker than me but what it actually means is that
I'm just a bad player but pretty much showdown series can get you from
anywhere between $4 to $17 I recommend doing the large ones because there's
more players the more players there are the more money you have to potentially
be earning and like I said obviously you need to be a good player to get up to
lose $17 $18 somewhere around there but if you're a mediocre player like me what
you'll be doing is getting five or six dollars in which it'll probably be
better for you to start doing racing because if you have full lobby of racing
and you become first second or third normally what will happen is you'll get
around about $10 $8 somewhere around there which is just as good as doing a
showdown series and the races are normally a lot quicker so what you got to do
is figure out what type of player you are and whether or not your better doing
races or you're better doing showdown series the third way to make money on red dead
online is to use the 3 different hunting spots that I'm using right now
the first one is in black water then you've got one just above that which is
the manzanita post and then finally you've got one on the complete other
side of the map which is just outside Saint Denis yes realistically you can
hunt wherever you want but with these locations what you have is a butcher
just right round the corner the manzanita outpost you have to head
to black water but what's in the manzanita post you can get bears Cougars elks a
bunch of different stuff up in that forest just outside black water what you
have it bucks deers Bisons they did use to be a cougar in black water but that
being taken away but you can find two Cougars in the manzanita post which is
very good or you can get two different bears if you go to the manzanita post
what you're gonna want to do is go and get a second horse go and ride that horse
and then your other horse your main horse the horse that you own will follow
you closely behind if you whistle and then you can go to the manzanita post
go and collect two Cougars or two bears put one hide or carcass on one horse and
any other hide and carcass on the other horse and then all you have to do is
write the horse that you stole back to Blackwater and sell it at the butchers
and you can get twice as much money for your time and obviously the final place
is saint Denis with this you don't really need to go and get a second horse
there's a ton of birds around that location and all you have to do is shoot
the birds there are feathers in this game that can go for around about one
dollar and fifty cents each and when you kill a bird and it is perfect what you
can do is get 3 feathers out there plus two bird meat as well as the carcass
itself making you a ton of money just from one single bird this goes back to
what I was saying in the previous method if you are not good at showdown series
if you're not good at races what you can do is just go out shoot one single bird
if it's the right bird and if you shoot it correctly with the varmint rifle what
you can do is make more money from that than what you can do from just doing a
full race if you're a bad player at races the fourth way to make money in
Red Dead online is the Cougar method now what you want to do is go and spawn in
saint-denis the reason you're spawning in saint-denis is because it's the
furthest point away from where you're actually heading go down to the fast
travel and fast travel all the way to tumbleweed I believe that'll cost around
about $11 $13 because it is such a big distance but don't worry the first
thing you're gonna do is go down to tumbleweed go all the way to these
locations there's one here and there's one just above cholla Springs and what
you can do is get a cougar these Cougars can go for about 22 dollars if you get a
perfect carcass a perfect hide and the meat as well selling them all together
will get you around about $22 $23 I think somewhere between there and all
you have to do is alert it wait for it to start running towards you and pull out
your bow and arrow and shoot it in the face or you can
a bolt-action rifle as soon as you killed a cougar take it back to
tumbleweed where there is a butcher's sell out the butchers and then all you
have to do now is go back to the other location as soon as you do that take it
back to the butchers again sell it and then go back to the previous one all you
have to do is keep on doing this and it's a it's a bit of a circuit the other
way you can do this is to go and get a second horse again go to one location
kill the Cougar put on the back of one horse and then go to the other location
kill it and put it back on your horse by the time you go back to the butchers
sell everything and then go round again the Cougars will spawn back in meaning
that you can keep on doing this rinse and repeat making as much money as
possible twenty two dollars to twenty three dollars every time you sell a
cougar the reason you're gonna spawn in saint-denis and fast travel all the way
to tumbleweed and not spawn straight to tumbleweed is because if you spawn in
tumbleweed what you have is a ton of other players spawned in around you that
is just how online works the online places you in a position or put you in a
lobby where there are a ton of people in that area so that you're not there by
yourself so if you spawn in saint-denis what will happen is you'll be put into a
lobby where there is a ton of people in saint-denis but then you're gonna first
travel all the way to tumbleweed when there is no one this way there is no one
competing against you to go and get those Cougars and you can just keep on
grinding out this method peacefully with no trouble whatsoever
the final way I'm gonna show you to make money in Red Dead online it's probably
one of the easiest ways it does mean that you have to set it up and make sure that
there is no one in the area that's gonna Bob you I use Montana River for the
first time ever doing this what you want to do is go and get a deer carcass it
does not matter whether or not it's in perfect condition whether it's good or
poor as long as you have a deer do not skin the animal just bring the deer to
this location when you bring it to this location just chuck it on the floor and
wait what will happen is fish will be drawn into the deer but once they get
close to the deer because the water is so shallow in this area as soon as fish
touch the ground they seem to just die which means you can walk around and pick
them up because they haven't been shot on manhandled in any way what you'll get is
a perfect fish every time some of these fish will only be going for about
$0.50 but what you can get is a bunch of different bass which
will be going for $1.50 and there are a ton of these what you have is maybe
three or four in a row that will just swim into this and then die immediately
you can go around pick up all four of those fish and if they're all sea bass
what you're making is six dollars and it's just like that all you have to do
is just stand in that area and fish will be drawn in eventually at some point
it'll seem like fish will stop going into the deer you can either wait in
which all of a sudden a ton of fish will just come over or you can pick up the
deer drop it again and it will seem to reset everything and fish will start to
go in again this is a really good method for making you about $50 in round about
10 to 15 minutes and all you have to do is stand there there is the problem of
if someone sees you just standing about in Montana River Montana River if you don't
know is right at the centre of the map people crossed out once they travelled in
from Valentine - strawberry - black water anything from there - black water people
seem to go across this river so it does mean that if you're in this area someone
might go out their way just to go and kill you in which you're gonna want to
find another spot to find one of these spots is very easy there are a bunch of
them across the map all you need to do is find a place where it's shallow water
but it's still deep enough for fish to spawn and swim in there's a lot of these
areas in Blue water Marsh in which once you go there all you have to do is drop
a carcass down of some sort doesn't matter what the animal is I keep on
using deer just because it seems the most efficient in my head don't know why
you can put any animal any large animal down and all you have to do is just
stand there eventually fish will come in and you can see whether or not it's deep
enough for fish to spawn but still shallow enough that once they get close
to the deer or whatever animal you have is touching the floor and as soon as it
touches the floor it will die anyway that is the top five ways to make money
on Red Dead Redemption online if you'd like to see a part two to this or even a
top five ways to rank up in Red Dead online leave that in the comments down
below I'll be sure to get round to do that anyway guys I hope you guys did
enjoy if you did enjoy don't forget to leave a like and subscribe but for now
I'm going so see ya!
Coucheries, coups fourrés… : Ségolène Royal balance sévèrement sur la vie politique - Duration: 2:25.
Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 130pk S&S Aut. Blue Lease Premium - Duration: 1:13.
Холодильник Hotpoint-Ariston HF 4200 S - Duration: 1:28.
Фотоаппарат зеркальный Canon EOS 800D EF-S 18-55 IS STM Kit - Duration: 1:22.
Фотоаппарат зеркальный Canon EOS 2000D EF-S 18-55 IS II Kit - Duration: 1:29.
Фотоаппарат зеркальный Nikon D3400 Black+AF-S NIKKOR 18-105mm f3.5-5.6 G ED VR - Duration: 1:35.
Les grosses factures d'un ancien garde du corps d'Emmanuel Macron : un contrat suspect - Duration: 5:12.
Mazda CX-5 2.2D TS+ 2WD - Duration: 1:08.
Will My Ex Come Back After No Contact - Will Your Ex Come Back? - Duration: 8:43.
Will your ex come back after no contact?
Stick around and I'll let you know if you are stacking the deck in your favor or if
you're just really wasting your time with all of this and stick around to the end because
I'm also going to be sharing with you the biggest sign that I've seen in people that
have been successful in getting their ex back after no contact or just in general anyway.
My name is Clay.
This is the channel and we help people get the dating and relationship
outcomes that they are looking for without the BS or the mind games.
If you like what we're doing here at any time during this video, please consider subscribing
to this channel and please consider interacting with us down below in the comments section.
Let's go ahead and get into this.
So the first thing to look out for when it comes to whether or not your ex's given to
get back together with you after no contact is if you have resolved the main reason why
the two of you broke up, they may not know specifically why the to be broke up, especially
if it was one of the breakup types that we called the blind side breakup or just kind
of came out of nowhere.
But if you really stop and think back, if you look back over the last couple of weeks
or maybe even months of your relationship, you can probably start to piece together some
signs that things weren't really going kind of in the optimal direction.
If you can kind of look at that, you can say, okay, well maybe our connection was kind of
falling apart a little bit.
Maybe we weren't bonding the whether we used to.
Maybe she was complaining about how I spend too much time working.
Maybe he was saying I wasn't taking enough of an interest in his life or whatever it
If you can go ahead and resolve that issue, then that is going to be a very, very, very
big sign that you can actually get back together with your ex after no contact or just in general.
Your ex isn't going to walk back into the same broken dynamic or broken relationship
that they walked out of in the first place.
They want to come back to something that he knows is going to be completely different.
They want to be in a relationship that they know isn't going to have the same problems
that caused them to leave in the first place.
So if you have resolved the reason why your ex broke up with you, then that's a huge sign
that there might actually be something going on or they might actually want to get back
together with you.
The second sign that you might actually get back together with your ex is if you haven't
just wasted your time during no contact, kind of white knuckling it through the process.
Now I have something called active, no contact, but I know that there are a lot of people
out there who watch other videos online or read other websites and they hear about this
thing called the no contact rule and they think that there's just like one version of
no contact, but there isn't.
There's many types of no contact.
I happen to teach one called active, no contact if you'd like to learn more about that, check
out the card that should be showing up over there in the corner and that'll take you to
a playlist or I'll tell you more information on active, no contact for better or worse.
A lot of people just kind of white knuckle it through, no contact that just try and on
and just think that somehow not talking to their ex for, in most cases, 30 days is going
to somehow healed some sort of magical result.
But I hate to break it to you if that's all you're doing is not talking to your ex.
Your results with no contact are going to be very, very limited because like we just
mentioned, they would be coming back into the same dynamic to be coming back into the
same relationship.
They would look at you and say, you're the same person I broke up with, but if you do
something like active, no contact, then they're going to see a new side of you.
Then they're going to know that they're not walking back into the same relationship, but
if you have actually put in some time to demonstrate to your ex, they're not walking back in the
same relationship, then that is a very strong sign that you might get back together with
your ex after no contact.
The third sign is that interacting with you feels good, right?
So you've resolved whatever caused the two of you to break up in the first place.
That's very important, but your ex also isn't going to get back together with you just because
of that.
They're going to need to actually be moved on an emotional level and this means interacting
with you has to feel good, right?
It can't just be like, oh, hey, you know, I promise I won't cheat on you, and you know
it has.
It has to feel good on an emotional level, right?
In order to do that, you have to really get good at bonding and connecting with your ex.
You have to get good at creating emotional interactions that uplift both of you.
Things that feel good.
I know it seems really obvious when you, when I kind of explained this, but the interactions
between the two of you have to feel good on an emotional level.
It's like, yeah, Duh, but a lot of times people lose sight of this.
They focus on things besides the emotional connection.
They focus on things like text messages on what it means.
If your ex unfollows you on this social media thing or if they like this post that you put
on this website or what it means if they put an online dating profile up, and what I'm
saying is you don't need to worry about that.
If you just focus on making the interactions between the two of you, feel good and also
it wouldn't hurt to fix whatever caused you to break up in the first place to the fourth
sign that you will get back together with your ex after no contact is you have gotten
out of damage control mode.
Damage control mode is that mental place of panic and anxiety that a lot of times people
find themselves in immediately after a breakup and sure, a lot of times people will think
that time heals all wounds, so if you just do no contact, you'll get out of damage control
Not true time can turn down the volume on some of these things, but if you're still
not really resolved, a lot of these deeper things that you might be experiencing, you
still can easily slip back into damage control mode.
A sort of offhand remark that your ex makes can send you into a panic, some sort of news
that you get like, oh, maybe they're dating somebody else.
Maybe you saw their online dating profile or maybe they posted something about how they're
glad to be single or something like that.
I can send you into damage control mode, so it's really important that you do your best
to get out of damage control mode because I'm going to go as far as to say that it is
almost impossible to have an interaction that feels good, which again is thing number three
is almost impossible to have an interaction that feels good.
If you were coming from a place of damage control mode, you must get out of damage control
If you want to get back together with your ex and the fifth thing that is a very strong
sign that you're going to get back together with your ex after no contact, and this is
the most important thing that I've seen with people that I've worked with over the years,
is that you're not the kind of person that gives up easily.
Now, I wish there was a way to say this and make it different, but getting back together
is not going to be a smooth journey.
They're going to be ups and downs, there's going to be setbacks, there's going to be
hot and cold behavior.
Your ex will probably do things like go through the stage of getting back together, called
riding the dragon where they're giving them mixed messages.
One day they're really into the next day they're cold.
There's going to be positive pullbacks.
There's going to be all sorts of things that come up along the way and if you're the kind
of person that gives up easily, then you're going to have a real hard time because when
those setbacks happen, you're much more likely to give up.
You're much more likely to retreat, but if you know what you want and if you're willing
to stick with it, if you're willing to just set your sights on what you want, you are
much more likely to actually get it in the long run.
And that includes getting back together with your ex.
The people that I've worked with that have been the most successful are the ones who
don't give up easily.
They're the ones that know what they want and they're willing to go after it.
Okay, so I hope this has helped you know if you have a good chance of getting back together
with your ex after no contact.
If you liked this video, please give us a thumbs up or subscribe to the channel.
If you want more help, check out the resources in the description box below this video or
head over to our website
I mean if you have any questions, ask them down in the comments section below.
We do our best to respond to as many comments as we can, so don't be shy about interacting
with us.
Oftentimes, some great tips and advice are down in the comments section anyway.
This has been Clay with and I'll talk to you the next video.
Take care.
Coucheries, coups fourrés… : Ségolène Royal balance sévèrement sur la vie politique - Duration: 2:25.
Webinaire au sujet du Règlement sur la salubrité des aliments au Canada - Un préparatif - Duration: 36:45.
How Do Spiders Fly? - Duration: 3:38.
Tekken 3 - Julia Chang Move List - Duration: 2:30.
(or LP to RK, LK during sidestep)
Liverpool could win title by doing 'OPPOSITE' of Man Utd under Sir Alex Ferguson - Duration: 3:06.
That's the view of former Manchester City defender Richard Dunne, who has tipped Liverpool to win the league this season
Jurgen Klopp's side lead the table by six points with Tottenham in second and Man City a point further adrift in third
Liverpool have never won the Premier League with their last league title coming back in 1990
During that time, rivals Manchester United won 13 Premier League titles under Sir Alex Ferguson
However, since Ferguson retired in 2013, United have struggled in the league and sit sixth in the table
It's come despite signing the likes of Paul Pogba, Angel di Maria and Anthony Martial in that time
And Dunne believes Liverpool's success is down to following a different path to that which worked for United
"It's a case of success all over for Liverpool: Fabinho has started to come good, Salah is scoring goals," Dunne wrote for the Irish Independent
"At the moment they look unstoppable. "And unlike City, Liverpool don't need to buy in January as it's all in place for them, they have the right cover in all positions
"The Manchester United teams that won leagues had built a strong base so they knew they'd always be in the game, Liverpool did it the other way, they had great attackers and midfielders but struggled in defence, the goalkeeper wasn't always convincing
"Now, they have it all in place, in the time that Klopp has been there he has spent very big money on two particular players, Alisson and [Virgil] van Dijk, but it's worked
"Manchester United bought players and tried to fit them into their system but it didn't work, Liverpool built their system until all they needed was a great defender and a world class keeper, and they have that now
"So you'd have to list Liverpool as title favourites now. "They have a big game this weekend, Arsenal at home, but from the position they are in now they have to aim to win all of their home games, Anfield has been a fortress this season and that can be a basis
" Liverpool's next game sees them host Arsenal tomorrow (5.30pm).
Kourtney Kardashian Feeling Jealous Of Scott Disick & Sofia's Romance Again As NYE Nears - News Toda - Duration: 3:55.
Kourtney Kardashian looked totally happy on her recent trip to Mexico with Scott Disick and his love Sofia Richie. But is Kourtney secretly wishing she was the only woman in Scott's life?
Kourtney Kardashian, 39, and Scott Disick, 35, have a very long and complicated history. And it's gotten even more complicated ever since he fell in love with Sofia Richie, 20. The reality TV star — who shares three kids with Scott: Mason, 8, Penelope, 6, and Reign, 3 — proved she's the coolest co-parent ever and welcomed Sofia to join them on a family trip to Mexico just before Christmas. Things went great on the trip, but a source tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that spending so much quality time with Scott has stirred up Kourtney's feelings for him again.
"Kourtney misses her connection and old relationship with Scott," says the source. "All the time they all have been spending together has been nice for Kourtney, and she really feels like they are all in a good place. But the more they are together, the more she misses the way things used to be with Scott. Kourtney misses the good times she had with Scott and is finally forgiving and getting to a place where she can forget about a lot of his mistakes. As New Years Eve approaches, she can't help but feel a little bit jealous of Sofia's sweet connection with Scott. Kourt kinda wishes it was her that got to kiss Scott at midnight and not Sofia." We sure feel for Kourtney — there's nothing worse than having regrets over an ex.
The worst part is Kourtney wasn't prepared for these emotions. According to a second source close to Kourtney, she used to be very confident she'd always be Scott's first choice. "Kourtney has done a lot of reflecting as the new year approaches and she never thought she would be in the position she's in now. Kourtney never envisioned Scott loving Sofia as much as he does, or that he would even still be with her at this point. Kourtney is relieved to have built a connection with Sofia, and to see how much Scott has changed this past year. However, Kourtney always thought she could get Scott back anytime she pleased, but now she doesn't hold that same confidence any longer after seeing how close Scott and Sofia have become." No doubt it's tough to see Scott moving on. But the good news for Kourtney is she's in the best shape of her life. Hello revenge body!
Kourtney may actually get to flaunt that hot body for her ex on New Year's Eve because a source close to Scott tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that The Lord is planning to take Sofia to Aspen for a snowy getaway and he wants Kourtney and the kids to join them. "Scott and Sofia will be ringing in the New Year in Aspen again this year and he's trying to get Kourtney to bring the kids and make it another big happy family vacation. Things went so well on their trip to Cabo that Scott is hoping that she'll agree. He's made the offer and now it's up to Kourtney if she wants to go but Scott is hopeful that it will all come together." Ringing in the New Year with your ex and his new girlfriend isn't exactly conventional. But, if anyone can pull it off Kourtney can!
Amazon Creating 600 New Highly Skilled Jobs in Toronto - Duration: 0:32.
Premier Ford: We're creating an environment for companies to thrive here in Ontario
to be prosperous here.
And I always say people want to do business in Ontario because of the talent pool of people we have is the best.
My friends, I want to congratulate you. We look forward to growing with you
and we will stand shoulder to shoulder with you as you grow and expand here in Ontario.
Amazon's Alexa: Thank you Premier Ford and Minister Scott for visiting our brand new Toronto office. We hope you enjoy it as much we do.
[Ontario logo]
Open for Business - Duration: 1:05.
[Title: Ontario: Open For Business]
[Title: Our government is improving conditions for businesses so they can thrive.]
[Title: We're cutting red tape, encouraging businesses to invest and create jobs in Ontario.]
[Title: Here's what we've been working on...]
[Title: Ended the cap-and-trade carbon tax.]
[Title: Lowered the cost of natural gas for small businesses.]
[Title: Made historic investments for Northern Ontario mining.]
[Title: Supporting more jobs for Resolute Forestry.]
[Title: Passed the Making Ontario Open for Business Act.]
[Title: Breaking ground on new construction across the province.]
[Title: Invested in Maple Leaf Foods - a food processing facility.]
[Title: We're working to cut red tape and reduce regulatory burdens.]
[Title: Ontario Logo | Open for Business]
😬😀CÓMO hacer HARD RESET Huawei GR5 KII L23 [Nuevo método]. - Duration: 2:35.
hi how about youtube friends welcome to a new video of this
channel this time we have a huawei GR5 let's look a little bit
here the reference in this case is it's about a reference Huawei KII-
23 more however this method serves for any GR5 huawei any
model will work like this method of hard reset so let's go to
start with the method first than all let's turn off our device let's
to prepare to turn it off and let's go forward a little the video to take what
is the keys that we are going to use this time we are going to press the
volume button up and power to same time we are going to hold them for a
moment until the logo appears from huawei
and already entering this logo let's look a new menu a recovery and good at
this ricovery we are going to press the volume button down on the option
wipe factory reset and we press power button now we go down to the
wipe factory reset option and again we press power with this
our device is going to format goes to be a factory erased and good
we just wait for the process now let's press again
volume button down to the option wipe cache partition and we press
power and to finish again we press power button
with this we are going to restart our device we are going to wait for about
seconds or a few minutes better while the device restarts if you require
delete the google account in a Huawei device Here I leave you the
method in both the cards and the description so you can make it
and solve this problem and I think it's not more for this video and
good not being more friends I hope that you liked this video if it's like that
please comment please like and please subscribe to my channel if you have not already
done and leave me below your comments or doubts see you in a next
opportunity until next time
Thinh | Der Deutsche mit Geburtsschuld | 50Prozent Interview - Duration: 5:49.
My name's Trung Thinh Nguyen. I go by Thinh. I'm from Germany, I was born in Germany,
in Erfurt to be precise and now I am - wait, let me think - 26 years old.
After 26 years it's always a struggle, when you don't look like a German.
I have a vietnamese origin, both my parents are Vietnamese.
Of course they want to see me as a Vietnamese.
It's always the question how others want to see you and to some extent you perceive yourself like that as well.
My upbringing was influenced by Vietnamese culture , accordingly I grew up Vietnamese.
and yes, I do feel partially Vietnamese.
But mainly german, hence I'd say, the most part of me feels german.
Growing up was hard. Well, I was born '91 and thus
shortly after the reunification I grew up with the germans - with us germans.
And, well, they do not always see you as a German.
You sometimes have to justify yourself, why you're in this country,
even though, technically, it's not your fault. In a sense it's like a birth-debt, a birth-burden.
You're here in this country, but you don't look german, that's why...
Why are you here? What are you doing here? What are your goals?
These question you pose yourself. But these question are also posed to you by others.
So yes, that's the struggle, that you're not accepted from the beginning,
like others that look german and that are so to speak "organic-germans".
I think the first time when you observe yourself in the mirror
so basically as a small child and then you see other kids. That's when you see differences, but
it's not like you're saying that you aren't german or vietnamese or whatever.
You just simply realize that somehow, you're different.
And the older you get, the more you actually get to hear it.
Then the whole thing gets verbalized, in a way that they, like, start to make jokes.
For example "Ching-Chang-Chong, Chinese out of concrete" (rhymes in german),
even though you aren't really Chinese and you actually don't even look like them,
but that's another story.
You do not only notice you're different than others, but you indeed get it pointed out directly in your face.
It's customary in Vietnam that the family-bond is one of the most important things
and thus it was quite important for my family, that I get to know the rest of the family.
I think the first time I visited Vietnam, I was around six or seven years old,
I got to know my grandparents. Then it was common that I've only
seen people that roughly looked like me.
I don't know, as a kid I just said "I was born in Germany, that's an easy question, I'm a German.
And then one day you'll say, "well fine, I do look a bit different, actually I'm Vietnamese."
It goes on like this and gets a bit more difficult every time, eventually
you ask yourself, just what do you actually feel like, what is your national identity.
You could also argue with language. I mostly speak german,
so I thought, well then technically you're german, but you also speak vietnamese
so bascially you're also a Vietnamese.
Well, these are easy questions and relatively easy answers but they
weren't the ones you were satisfied with in the end.
To be frank, today I'm more cool about it, I'd say.
I mean obviously I do sometimes get a bit frustrated when people ask me: "Where are you from?"
And by that they don't mean from which city you are
but rather which country your ancestors came from. That does still annoy me.
But actually I've matured to the point where I can say, well yeah it doesn't matter to me anymore.
I think that the moral conceptions of Vietnamese and Germans
are quite different. And because I grew up here
and because my goals are not compatible with the goals of my parents
I'd say that... Yes, that I associate being german with german morals and norms.
Regarding the future... Well if I have a wife and kids one day,
what is it that I want to convey to them. Which identity should they have.
I for my part don't have any problems with my past, I think
I have made amends with it, but what to do with my future, I really don't know.
What's vietnamese about me...
My respectful manner, I'd say. It doesn't matter if young, old, sick, male, female.
I want to show them something new, something they didn't know before,
no matter if they're strangers to me or not. That's how the Vietnamese do it.
When they see strangers they say "Hey, please come here, sit down and tell us your story".
What's german about me? I guess my punctuality.
I really loathe when I have to wait 5, 10, 15 minutes for someone
even though we agreed on a time.
But maybe it's just an imaginary german trait, because every other country says
german punctuality is the upmost virtue. But unfortunately my friends,
which are actually german, are always late. Thus it can't really be such a german trait.
When you pay attention to certain things, you notice them more often. And when you just ignore it, then
you don't really realize it that much. But particularly during my youth
I've heard a lot of dumb remarks. No week passed
without it being brought to my attention, that I am not an "organic-german".
Sometimes from friends, without them knowing, but of course mostly strangers.
But even from my own family, without them every truly realizing it.
Sure, I've been discriminated against a lot,
but the support is what I've felt a lot more and it felt significantly stronger.
The positive affirmations, which in turn are brought up by friends
when they say, "it's simple, you're german, you're born here, you belong with us"
and that's ultimately the most important thing.
Tekken 3 - Julia Chang Move List - Duration: 2:30.
(or LP to RK, LK during sidestep)
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