Wish your HAPPY YEAR
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NewYear Nightu Aavalamaa Tightuuu
For more infomation >> NEWYEAR Nightu Aavalamaa Tightuuu | Last video of 2018 | NAVEENSNS VFX Studio | - Duration: 2:13.
Hello my loves Welcome to this new video, if ever
are new, new and you are not not yet subscribe, do not hesitate to subscribe
you like and comment of course follow me on the social realities
and share the content of these videos so that it reaches a maximum of people
If you ever have trouble starting at quarter turn, or sometimes it works
, and sometimes no, I'm coming back with a new recipe, just for you, this recipe
I heard about it a long time ago but to be sure, I had to test it
and not just once, and dosages so I will explain to you
What you need as an ingredient ,
Daniels whiskey jack, a water bottle
Lemon is optional, But do not add any sweet drinks, not
coca, soda and others, it will inhibit the power of this alcohol on you
If you never drink alcohol, then you are very sensitive to alcohol then
be careful, of course it is not a specify that you should not under any circumstances
driving after drinking You're going to ask me why add more
the water , Water is good because it will dilute
alcohol molecules in the blood, especially for those who are not pro of alcohol
because when you're drunk, you're drunk, nothing works and especially not Antonio banderas
, all your sinapè are inhibited, so your body will not be very responsive, it's
why you have to dose and dilute that the alcohol acts in good dose, so having
test I concluded this
Take for a regular 3 x 3 cl and a large glass of water half a lemon
if you wish it For someone who is not used to it 2
x 3 cl and a large glass of water too
Between sips drink water, enjoy quietly your drink while discussing
with your cherie, and project yourself at the moment hot Hot ,
Do not drink more than the amount needed to light the fire, and annoy Antonio
Most people need to count 20 to 30 minutes, and after the first round, you
will go crazy, it will be like king Kong and Queen Kong, you're going to be very successful
, The Daniels jack is obvious, you
try it with vodka, wine, others whiskey and it will not be the same at all, because
the jacks are really famous pure ca, I do not insist on alcoholism, but do
attention to dosages, there are men who do not are not sensitive to this dose, the and d
others for who will be too much so analyze your reaction time, and know how to dose
Thank you for watching this video until the end do not hesitate to share
, like and comment, but above all subscribe you on my new chain KAMA SUTRA ROSE
To już szczyt chamstwa i bezczelności. Ksiądz przehandlował ich grób - Duration: 6:06.
Ksiądz przez wiele lat uważany był w naszym kraju za osobę godną zaufania, która z pełną odpowiedzialnością dba o swoich parafian
W ostatnim czasie jednak na jaw wychodzi coraz więcej sytuacji, które tę opinię podkopują
Teraz znów pojawiły się szokujące doniesienia dotyczące skandalicznego zachowania duchownego
Ksiądz przez dziesięciolecia odgrywał w polskim społeczeństwie niezwykle istotną rolę
Przedstawiciele Kościoła katolickiego uważani byli za ludzi światłych, rozważnych i odpowiedzialnie dbających o losy ludzi należących do ich wspólnoty
W ostatnim czasie jednak duchowni nie cieszą się dobrą sławą. W mediach raz po raz pojawiają się kolejne skandaliczne doniesienia o proboszczach manipulujących finansami parafii, księżach dopuszczających się aktów pedofilii czy ukrywających kochanki w sąsiednich miejscowościach
Teraz po raz kolejny na jaw wyszła szokująca sprawa: ksiądz proboszcz jednej z parafii pod Częstochową dopuścił się wstrząsającego, bezczelnego czynu
Ujawniono nieznane zdjęcia Kaczyńskiego. Tak bawił się prezes PiS Okropna niespodzianka w czasie wizyty na cmentarzu Rodzina G
z Rędzin pod Częstochową w pierwszy dzień świąt wybrała się na miejscowy cmentarzy, by tradycyjnie odwiedzić groby
Na miejscu jednak czekała ich wyjątkowo przykra i bolesna niespodzianka – opłacone przez nich miejsce zostało rozkopane
Jakby tego było mało, trwały tam właśnie przygotowania do pochowania innej osoby
Sytuacja miała miejsce w parafii św. Otylii, a rodzina grób opłaciła aż do 2035 roku
Była to mogiła pochodząca z 1942 roku, w której leżała młoda kobieta z małym synkiem
Jak podkreślają oszukani, to ksiądz „przehandlował" ich grób. – Gdy w pierwszy dzień świąt przyszliśmy do proboszcza po mszy, by wyjaśnić, co się dzieje, nie chciał rozmawiać
My, że pójdziemy do biskupa. On, że na skargi możemy sobie chodzić, gdzie tylko nam się podoba
Oświadczył, że te 800 zł może nam oddać i wręcz nas wyrzucił – opisywali zdarzenie w rozmowie z „Gazetą Wyborczą"
DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄKsiądz proboszcz „przehandlował grób". Poniesie odpowiedzialność? Zachowanie księdza bez wątpienia jest bezczelne i chamskie, on sam natomiast nie widzi problemu
W rozmowie z gazetą stwierdził, że został wprowadzony w błąd. – Będę wyjaśniał tę sprawę – podkreślił
Rodzina nie widzi tu żadnej kwestii do wyjaśnienia i są przekonani, że to wina duchownego
Przekonują, że z ich strony wszystko zostało odpowiednio załatwione. – Grób został przez nas uporządkowany, naprawiliśmy krzyż
Odwiedzaliśmy to miejsce, paląc znicze i kładąc kwiaty – opowiada Aneta G. Ostatecznie sprawa trafiła na policję i prowadzone będzie śledztwo w sprawie podejrzenia oszustwa
Gromadzenie dowodów może zająć nawet 2 miesiące, rodzina jednak nadal nie otrzymała informacji, co stało się ze szczątkami pochowanych w grobie osób oraz tablicy informacyjnej
ZOBACZ TAKŻE: Zobacz również
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Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:12.
Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:08.
Kia Stonic 1.0 T-GDi 120pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:09.
ELLINGTON'S SONG BOOK, by Kristian Jørgensen With The Tivoli Ensemble 5/5 - September 2018 - Duration: 28:45.
Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk ECOdynamics DynamicLine - Duration: 0:55.
Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Drive | 5drs. | airco | navi | cruise | lmv | - Duration: 1:13.
Opel Insignia GS Business Innovation 4x4 2.0 Turbo - Duration: 1:14.
Opel Insignia OPC Line 4x4 BiTurbo - Duration: 1:07.
Opel Insignia 2.8 V6 Irmscher OPC-LINE - Duration: 1:07.
Opel Insignia ST Innovation 2.0 CDTI +SCHIEBEDACH+LED - Duration: 1:10.
Game Ini Trending Banget Dan Berpotensi Populer Di 2019! - Brawl Stars Indonesia Dewa-D Review Game - Duration: 16:02.
hello friends
6 formas diferentes de montar cuentas rotadas - Duration: 21:58.
Many of you have written to me in the comments
you wanted to know how to set up the lentil swirl beads.
So here I leave you six different ways to do it.
We will make simple pendants, earrings with mini eyepins, earrings with rings,
a necklace with several beads, earrings with half lentil beads and even buttons.
With this video I end the trilogy I started with the creation of lentil swirl beads,
which continued with the sanding and polishing and ends with the assembly.
I hope you enjoy it!
The first piece we are going to assemble is a simple pendant.
We'll make a through hole at the top. of the bead.
We'll use a finding for a pendant called a handle.
and it's got two claws that we're going to put in the hole.
We mark the place where we will drill
and we use a bit wider than the claws. of finding.
It is very important to drill in a way perpendicular to the piece.
So we must turn the set formed by the bead and the drill
making sure both sides are in the right position.
We open the finding and place it in its position.
With these pieces we don't need to add glue.
How we can see the finding is mobile and the union's pretty strong.
Now we can add the chain or cord that we like the most.
Another possibility we have to assemble lentil beads in a simple way
is to use a finding that we call mini eyepins.
These are like the ones used in do-it-yourself.
but adapted to the scale of our pieces.
With this type of trimmings
a very durable and strong bond is also achieved.
And we avoid having to drill the account part by part,
which is more complicated.
We'll use a 0.8 mm drill bit.
As always, we'll mark the place where we want it. drilling.
So the drill doesn't slip,
we are going to make two cuts that will form a V in the place where we have to drill.
This will facilitate a lot of work.
We make the hole
Although these findings create quite strong unions
I like to put a little glue on the end before screwing it in.
And so get a more secure fixation.
We twist the mini eyepin
And we put in the earring hooks.
We're going to do a somewhat different assembly now.
What we'll do is go through the bead with a ring
which will serve us as finding and embellishment
How we're gonna use a 1 mm thick brass wire,
we have to choose a larger diameter drill bit.
In this case 1,5mm
We drill right in the center of the piece.
This hole is very easy to make already which coincides with the center of the spiral of the lentil bead
As always, we make the drill form a 90-degree angle with the bead.
That way we can make sure he'll get to the right place when we get to the other side.
With the help of a metal cutter we give you forms the wire.
We're making a spring.
We cut two turns of this spring
We run the wire through the hole
We look in the hoop for the point that matches the edge of the bead.
And there we perform the ring that will unite the two parts of the ring
Once the earring hook is in place, we have finished our piece.
The next model we're going to do is a necklace of several beads.
Here the holes are a little more complicated and require more care.
But we will see a trick that will make our task very simple.
As always, the first task will be to mark where the holes go.
And in this case we are going to help ourselves of the necklace that we will use for the assembly.
We place the beads in their position,
but we have to keep in mind that we don't have to drill them in half.
or they'll turn continuously when we wear the necklace.
We will dial ź from the diameter of each bead.
The painter's tape is going to be our ally. so the holes come out perfectly.
We'll glue a piece that passes through the two marks. we've ever done.
As in the case of the earrings with mini eyepins
we're going to make the V-shaped cuts to make it easier for us.
Now we start drilling.
and how we can observe,
the drill bit must be aligned with the painter's tape.
If we do it this way
The drill bit will come out exactly the same. point we want.
Or if our drill bit is too small
we'll be able to drill from both sides ends
knowing that the two holes
will be found in the center
We don't have to forget
to check the position of the drill from all points of view.
We removed the painter's tape,
that as we can observe
leaves no traces of glue or removes the shine from the piece.
And we'll all work beads in the same way
We assemble the beads according to the design that we like it and we have our necklace ready.
With these earrings we're going to go over the way to do the lentil swirl beads.
Although you can see them in more detail in the video I published about them.
We began by making a simple marble using translucent,
green gold and copper from Cernit's new metallics.
When we have him, we make a ball out of him.
With the help of the glass, we rotate the bead until we have the spiral and the shape we want.
Now we split the bill in half.
We place the two halves on top of a crystal.
and with the hands and the help of the blade we finish giving it form.
With a P400 sandpaper, we equal all the surface of the cut.
We put a little liquid clay on top of it. the account.
We placed a green gold colored sheet on top of the a glass
and on top of that we put the two halves of the bead.
Now we're trimming the excess green clay
We mark the center of the green layer to make the holes
We chose a 1mm drill bit and drilled
With the help of a diamond bur with a conical point
we're going to enlarge the hole so we can hosting the glass bead
We mix the two components of the glue epoxy
and stick the wire with the glass bead.
In this case I have used wire from 0.8mm thick silver
As the glue dries
we make a spring and cut two laps for each earring
We make the earring hooks
Now all that's left for us to do is unite all the parts
The last option I'm going to show you to set up lentil beads is the one with the buttons.
I'm going to teach you two different ways to make them
For this assembly we will use brass wire with a diameter of 1 mm.
We bend the wire with the help of a curved pliers
and cut off the ends.
With the finding itself, we indicate the place where the holes will go
and with a pencil we make those more visible marks.
We check the wire thickness to choose the drill bit that best suits our work.
We always drill perpendicularly to the surface
We check that both holes have the same depth
We'll use two-component epoxy glue. for a strong and long-lasting bond
And that's it!
The second assembly is much simpler,
we'll just make four holes in the bead
That's all for now.
I'm sure you guys you can think of a thousand more ways to assemble lentil swirl beads.
If you liked the video, give a like.
You can also subscribe to the channel and share.
Any doubt or suggestion, please leave it to me in the comments.
See you in the next video.
Hello my loves Welcome to this new video, if ever
are new, new and you are not not yet subscribe, do not hesitate to subscribe
you like and comment of course follow me on the social realities
and share the content of these videos so that it reaches a maximum of people
If you ever have trouble starting at quarter turn, or sometimes it works
, and sometimes no, I'm coming back with a new recipe, just for you, this recipe
I heard about it a long time ago but to be sure, I had to test it
and not just once, and dosages so I will explain to you
What you need as an ingredient ,
Daniels whiskey jack, a water bottle
Lemon is optional, But do not add any sweet drinks, not
coca, soda and others, it will inhibit the power of this alcohol on you
If you never drink alcohol, then you are very sensitive to alcohol then
be careful, of course it is not a specify that you should not under any circumstances
driving after drinking You're going to ask me why add more
the water , Water is good because it will dilute
alcohol molecules in the blood, especially for those who are not pro of alcohol
because when you're drunk, you're drunk, nothing works and especially not Antonio banderas
, all your sinapè are inhibited, so your body will not be very responsive, it's
why you have to dose and dilute that the alcohol acts in good dose, so having
test I concluded this
Take for a regular 3 x 3 cl and a large glass of water half a lemon
if you wish it For someone who is not used to it 2
x 3 cl and a large glass of water too
Between sips drink water, enjoy quietly your drink while discussing
with your cherie, and project yourself at the moment hot Hot ,
Do not drink more than the amount needed to light the fire, and annoy Antonio
Most people need to count 20 to 30 minutes, and after the first round, you
will go crazy, it will be like king Kong and Queen Kong, you're going to be very successful
, The Daniels jack is obvious, you
try it with vodka, wine, others whiskey and it will not be the same at all, because
the jacks are really famous pure ca, I do not insist on alcoholism, but do
attention to dosages, there are men who do not are not sensitive to this dose, the and d
others for who will be too much so analyze your reaction time, and know how to dose
Thank you for watching this video until the end do not hesitate to share
, like and comment, but above all subscribe you on my new chain KAMA SUTRA ROSE
La légende de la Cascade de Charlemagne - Vosges - Duration: 5:22.
Hello and welcome on Waterfalls of France. Today I am in the Vosges
In the Vosges area in a small village called
Xonrupt Longemer located next to Gerardemer
Xonrupt is spelled Xon"rupt"
Because Rupt means "small river" in the old language here
I really like this waterfall, i have probably been here at least 10 times
Why, because it is not that impressive
but the atmosphere is unique and different at every seasons
For instance, if you come here during Spring
You will feel like being in New Zealand, like in a Tolkien book
Such as Lords of the Rings with those flashy greens
And what is amazing is that if you come during winter
like now, with snow
You will not recognize the place
because you may not even see the waterfall
I came here last year, and there was so much snow
I could not even see the little river
This river falls in the lake of Retournemer, 300 meters from here
And the legend tells us that Charlemagne (a French King in 800) came here
to fish in the lake.HeI would have caught a pike but he decided to put back in the lake
but before doing so, he added a little bell on its neck
and that even today, you can here it tinkle
if you really pay attention ...
Opel Insignia GS Business Innovation 4x4 2.0 Turbo - Duration: 1:14.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 Visia AIRCO CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:11.
ENTÃO COMO FOI O 2018? - Duration: 6:39.
Hi boyz and girl whats up?
I´m Etiandro Sardinha and welcome to new video
Peugeot 206+ 1.4 Urban Move Radio, airco, trekhaak - Duration: 1:10.
Ecuaciones bicuadradas completas. Cambio de variable. Explicación. Interpretación de las soluciones - Duration: 12:03.
Two-square, two-square, two-square equations
square times or something like that, two-squares.
quadratic, twice. "x" to the fourth, but
in a special way. Come on, let's see
The bi-square or bi-square equations
quadratics can be written in your
general form of this form: ax a la
fourth plus bx squared plus c equals
Yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, ma'am. As you can see
this is pretty much like the
quadratic or second equations
degree only that these are elevated to the
square. Look, see?
are very similar. Well, they are so
similar that we can even apply
the same resolution methods.
Methods of resolution for this one? therefore by
example for the second equations
degree is often used the famous
formula, the formula of resolution that
it would be this: less b, less b, more less
root of b square minus 4ac split
of 2a, 2a.
Well, well, that's what we're gonna do.
to use to solve our equation
two-square. The two-square equation that
we're going to solve this is going to be it:
"x" to the fourth minus 4x to the square plus
3 equals 0.
But before we start solving this.
We have to ask ourselves a question.
fundamental: What does this mean of
solve a bicuadratic equation or bi
square? Aha! Well, let's see what it is.
this. So solving this equation is what
I have a function that is "x" to the fourth.
minus 4x plus 3. I have this function (like
you see is very much related to this
equation) I have this function and this
function could be represented in the
Cartesian axis. And if I represented her,
if I represented her, it turns out that the
graphic of this function was going to cut
at some points to the "x" axis. Yes,
if I represent this function that there is here
I'd have this drawing, you guys, see? The
drawing would be this for this function
we're doing. Well, well,
it would be something like that, as we just saw,
it would be something like that. Well, solving this
equation would be to find these points,
would be to find these points. Let's see
that this equation has four
solutions. Well, the four solutions
are each of these points, points in
where this function,
his graph, cuts off the "x" axis. Aha!
This is solving an equation, specifically a
two-square equation. Well
let's get to work.
the first thing we're gonna do is gonna
to be a change of variable. In mathematics,
in the equations, many times it is
easier, it is easier, for example if
we have "x" squared
because it's easier to do the following:
we say "for the sake of convenience we are going to define
next, let's say "x" to the
is equal to, for example, a "t", a
another variable. The "x" squared we go
to call "t." What if we do this one
change? (well, this sign means "by
definition". If, by definition, we say that
"x" squared is "t" then our
two-square equation we can write it
in this way: square "t" minus 4t plus 3
equal to 0, equal to 0. Yes, yes. Yes, yes. I'm going to
erase all this stuff in here, I'm gonna
erase all this stuff that's here and
let us patiently solve this equation
of the second grade by the famous
For any second degree equation
What's he got, what's he got this way.
because its solution is given by the
the following formula,
by the following formula: it would be less "b"
more less root of b to square less 4ac
2nd game. Boys this formula
it doesn't come down from the sky this formula
has its foundation. If you want to see how
this formula is deduced, please, by
please, go to this video here and
you'll see how it resolves. The fact is that
we're going to apply it right now.
As you see, as you see
In our case "a" is worth 1, "b" is worth minus 4, "c"
is worth 3 and substituting these values in
this formula we can write and
we write, less "b" then less, less
four, plus minus root
of "b" square. "b" square? Well, minus 4 at
square mutiplicated by minus 4ac. Minus 4, "a" is worth 1
and "c" is 3, "c" is 3,
2nd game. "a" is 1.
Come on, let's operate quickly. We operate quickly...
but okay, sure.
We've got four plus minus 16 root.
-12. All right, all right.
we have here then 4 more less
root of 4 match of 2. This there is here
I'm gonna take it off, I don't need it, I don't need it.
I need it now. And look at this is the same, this
is equal to
4 more less, 4 more less... root of 4? then root of 4 is
two, plus minus two and here I'm going to get
two solutions. I'm going to get a "t" that
value 4 plus 2 is 6 and 6 divided between 2 is 3 and another
solution of "t" will be 4 minus two is two, two
between two is 1. Boys, girls we have
two values for "t", we have two values
for "t," but look, it turns out "x."
square is equal to "t" so we will have
that "x" square is equal to 3 and we will have
that "x" square is equal to 1,
Let's make room. Let's make some space.
space here and taking into account that "t"
is equal to 3 we can write that, by
example, "x" square is equal to 3 and also
we can write that "x" squared is
equal to 1. Boys, then we have here two.
equations that need to be solved as well.
Let's see this one. "x" square equals 3.
Well, then "x" equals more or less.
root of 3.
A lot of care, a lot of care with
"yum, yum, yum" eat you the minus sign, this is
what you're used to writing many, many times.
and it's more but it's also less. Very much
Be careful, this is one of the most mistakes
typical. Careful. To see very typical errors
you can go to this video and you'll see that this
It's number one, number one.
of the errors and on the other hand
we have here that "x" equals more minus
root of one who is one.
Okay. [Chuckles] Conclusions, friendly conclusions and
We have the following solutions: a
solution is root of 3, another solution is
less root of 3, another solution is 1 (let's go to
to say "x" sub 3, "x" sub three, we are going to do well the
3, so) and another solution will be "x" sub 4 the same
one positive, no, 1 positive, 1 negative.
Well, these are our solutions.
Come let us represent to finish a
little of this that we've obtained. We will
to make a representation understanding
Well, what have we done in the past?
these minutes.
We have here our solutions is
I mean, if we take every one of these.
solutions and bring them to our
bi-square equation we'll see that the
equation is satisfied because they are the
solutions but what does this mean, that
does it mean to have these solutions? Well
as we said at the beginning,
we start from one, from one function
which is the following: "x" to the fourth minus
4x square + 3 and this function we can
represent it in the Cartesian plane.
If we represent it, this is the axis of
the "Y" this is the axis of the "X", if
we represent them
we'd see that he more or less has the
next aspect, more or less has the
next aspect. Well, these solutions,
these solutions, these points that there are
here would be these, would be these that I'm going to
draw. Well, I would have for example here
less than 3 root
would have here, for example, at least one.
I'd have here the 1, sorry, it's not very
symmetrical but we realize what
which means and lastly would have here
root of 3.
Well boys, well girls ... colorín
colored this exercise is over.
bi-square equation without any type of
problems we have all the solutions
you see? 1, 2, 3, 4. Many times it doesn't happen
this, many times we have only three,
we only have two or we don't even have
none, but we have them all. Well
See you soon, see you soon. Next
video of quadratic equations now
the same. See you later.
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