Hi, my name is Dorota Freitag. I'm from Kreatywnie.com.
Today I will show you decoupage 3D technique.
My project will be Christmas Crib based on tile and decoupage 3D paper.
There are two projects printed on the decoupage paper - one bigger and one smaller.
Both of them are based on 4 levels of repeated motives.
Before I start, I have to prime the tile.
The primer is isolating and brightening.
Now is the time to prepare the paper. I am tearing out the level 1.
I will complete the element by painting with mineral paint.
I am fitting the paper to the shape of the tile.
I am using decoupage glue.
It is more comfortable to glue the paper when it is wet and flexible.
I am using the glue on the tile and on the paper.
Now is the time for 3D effect. It is based on stone paper.
The elements of level 2,3 and 4 are already cut out. I left about 2-3 mm boarder around the motives.
I am gluing the motives on stone paper.
I prepared some colors of fleur paint.
It is good to mix the colors.
I used 2 layers off the paint to cover the border of the paper.
I am using dry brush technique - placing thin layers of the paint.
At the other side I am using sand colors.
I have to cover the paper with the varnish. I am using mat varnish and soft brush.
Now I have to prepare my 3D elements. I am cutting them out of stone paper. This time very precisely, no borders are left.
The stone paper is very strong. It is imitating leather.
I am painting the edges of stone paper elements with bitumen.
I would like to cover the white edges of the paper.
The bitumen is covering also the hands - so I am using the gloves :).
I am putting all the elements together using the heavy body gel as glue.
The stone paper will perfectly adapt to the surface.
I am building the 3D effect using the elements of 4 levels - some of them repeat.
You can easily form the elements and fill them with the heavy body gel.
That's all - so easy!
Thank you for your attention. All products you can find below in the movie description.
Leave your comment - help me improve the movies and make me happy :)
See you next time!
For more infomation >> Szopka Bożonarodzeniowa w technice decoupage 3D - DIY, tutorial - Duration: 7:54.
Кружка заварочная Орёл 300мл, п/у фарфор - Duration: 0:42.
This Company Makes Handbags from Old Cars
Doreen Virtue s'excuse (sous-titré FR), vérités bibliques sur l'archange Michael, démons, miracles - Duration: 17:30.
Sacramento restaurant changes how tips are split between employees - Duration: 1:54.
AUTO WIN DUO MODE Jika Lakukan 5 Tips PUBG Berikut Versi OmLamis - Duration: 7:58.
GamingDay OmLamis
Before entering the battle at PUBG
of course you must first determine which mode you want to play
namely solo, duo, or squad
Although the feel of the tension is not much different from solo
at least you have a partner while playing the duo
So when you are dying, someone can help you revive
Not different from other modes
of course there are a number of things you should pay attention to when playing duo in PUBG
what should you do when playing in duo mode?
see the OmLamis version tips
before continuing, please subscribe to the OmLamis channel
to get video updates about the next game tips
Synchronize with partners
1. Synchronize with partners
because you only have one teammate
this mode certainly requires coordination and communication
Duo mode will not run properly without synchronization
Before getting off the plane
discuss it first with your teammates about the location of the landing site
Don't let you go down in a different location
When landing, try not to separate and take the loot too far from your partner
If you see an enemy
immediately call your partner to help cover you when attacking the enemy
The more synergy you have with partners
then your team will be very deadly for other players
Always together
2. Always together
One of the important things when playing a duo is to be a good partner
This means, you with your teammates don't get separated
The problem is, if one of the teams is separate
and must face an enemy team that is still intact
chances are that one of you can easily be overthrown
Even though you can't separate, it doesn't mean you have to stick
When you have to break through a place
as much as possible enter the place from two different sides
So, you can surround the enemy who is trying to get out
In addition, make the distance between you and your teammates
So, one of you can stay alert when someone gets shot
Take a loot in a different building
loot in a different building
Anyone would want if the PUBG character is
get the best equipment and weapons
When playing the duo, the struggle for the loot can indeed happen
To avoid this
You and your teammates should split up looking for loot in different buildings
but still in the same location
Take as many different items as needed throughout the battle
Don't forget to ask your teammates what items they need
If you first find the items that your teammates need
don't hesitate to bring it to your teammates
If it doesn't fit in a backpack
You can indicate the location of the item
stand by when you shoot at the enemy
4. Always be on guard when you shoot one enemy
When playing a duo
You will never know that you will face a pair of enemies
or an enemy who has lost his partner
That is why, you are with your teammates
must keep on alert when you manage to defeat one enemy
By defeating one enemy
chances are you will lure his teammates out
That is why, you have to change position and wait when his partner comes out
If you are in a safe position
then you can defeat one duo team at a time
Attack at the right time
5. Know when to act in the seconds to victory
When getting closer to the Chicken Dinner
you have to be more careful
In this defining moment
each team will certainly increase its alertness and compactness
If you are not in a position of urgency
let the enemies attack each other until the numbers are running low
Then, track the position of the enemies
as much as possible to hold their position
and attack at the right time
that's some tips that you can do when playing duo mode in PUBG
Have you done all the steps?
Or do you have other, more effective ways to play a duo?
You can share your tips in the comments column below
千鳥ノブ、番組企画で1142万円の車購入 妻は「何でなん?」を8回連呼 - Duration: 5:44.
拡大写真 千鳥」のノブ お笑いコンビ 千鳥」のノブ(3 )が27日放送の レビ朝日系「テレ 千鳥」(後11・ 0)に出演
企画で販売価格1 42万円のメルセ ス・ベンツを購入 、共演陣を驚かせ 。 上京して 年、車なしでの生 を送っているとい ノブ
相方の大悟(38 に「結局買いませ 、みたいなの面白 ないよマジで」と られ、「子どもも もいるのに車がな のよ
嫁がスーパーに買 物とか、子どもを イミングに連れて く時に欲しいみた なんよ」「テレビ これを買っている は少ないなと思っ いた」と車購入の 画に前向きな姿勢 示した
当初は「お 頃価格のファミリ カー」を探してい が、芸能人らしい を求めてメルセデ ・ベンツへ
300万円台の最 車種も紹介された 、ノブが一目惚れ たのは1142万 の「Eクラス カ リオレ」
悩んだ末に購入を 断し、「買います と宣言した瞬間、 囲のスタッフは沈 。「買いますって った瞬間、オーッ 言わんと
シーンなんよ。テ ビ史上初なんよ、 000万以上の買 物して無音って」 愚痴りながらも、 約書にサインした
VTRを見 けた「平成ノブシ ブシ」吉村崇(3 )は「これこれテ ビって!最高だよ と興奮した様子
ノブは「これ買っ 帰ったって言った 、(妻は)『何で ん?』を8回言っ いた」と苦笑いで り返っていた
[外部サイト] 鳥・大悟 ノブの クセがすごい!」 痛烈ダメ出し「も 終わりかけのギャ を…」千鳥ノブ、 ランスでスリに遭 「めちゃくちゃパ ック」 被害額に 囲驚き浅田真央さ 、DA PUMP の「U.S.A. ダンスに「一緒に れるなんて!」松 茉優 熱く「マン が好きだっ」、L NEマンガ新CM 演千鳥 高校生ク ズメインパーソナ ティーに「大丈夫 すか?」平成ノブ コブシメルセデス ベンツファミリー ー
L'incroyable note d'hôtel de José Mourinho à Manchester - Duration: 1:56.
Keny arkana - Vie d'artiste Turkish altyazılı/English subtitles - Duration: 4:36.
Your cameras are not for me, Petite has stayed true to herself.
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
Do you remember? The little savage always among big cats, bright star!
Left to fend for ourselves, pointed at, but children with such a strength
Tell me, do you remember? Even without a chance, we go for it chance favours bravery itself
So cover your ears when the blasphemy preachers are talking the nasty kids won't surrender.
Yes, I dared say no I won't listen to them until they start talking about humanity instead of money
Under the street lights, indeed I dreamed of pulling through But how could I be cured from the murk when the world basks in it?
So I'm fighting my demons out of my sordid years
I don't know what an artist's life is my whole life is off the beaten path
Going forth into the desert or posing on top of a dune,
staring at the steep slope between the pavement and the moon.
Yes, I don't wait for limelight to walk into the light. My insolence salutes you in the name of the child I was.
Don't give a damn about artist's life Petite has stayed true to herself
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
I don't care about order, even if I am its captive like all kids in Babylon but not in your categories that break us down, let me think by myself, I don't need no pilot
Don't give a damn about artist's life Petite has stayed true to herself
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
I don't care about order, even if I am its captive like all kids in Babylon but not in your categories that break us down, let me think by myself, I don't need no pilot
All your rewards are not for me I am the one who was condemned to the worst
Black sheep, shriveled dreams, all your system made me puke
Your dreams of stars are not mine how could you understand me?
I don't mix up the means and the ends, and I can see the world shivering
And do you remember our promises? Do you remember? Has the time blown them away?
Yes, water has flown under the bridge, and who can still touch bottom? Arbitrary law of men, an illusion far from the heart
Phoney upholders of the law, men are playing God. Do you remember? Grown out of a furious youth
Petite, ceaseless runaway, in love with liberty, I don't care about advertising I am nobody's artist, I am the pen of my soul
Who was there when Petite lived on the pavement? No one! Doggy world, I won't return to its kennel
Against the system and I sing rap, yes I represent this confusion A teenager under the stars, like an epic getaway
It has left marks, and I won't forget men can be such bastards
Don't give a damn about artist's life Petite has stayed true to herself
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
I don't care about order, even if I am its captive like all kids in Babylon but not in your categories that break us down, let me think by myself, I don't need no pilot
Don't give a damn about artist's life Petite has stayed true to herself
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
I don't care about order, even if I am its captive like all kids in Babylon but not in your categories that break us down, let me think by myself, I don't need no pilot
The Industry is not for me except for blowing my fuses
what do I do in there? On the other hand I can't throw the towel now
Torn for a long time, my ideal preserved under the bridges The little driver of the media steamroller likes to make fun of the audience
I fled music, no I'm not a article for sale Without appearing on the wire or TV, they said I could not make it
a sincere artist for sincere people We have put their scheme upside down
while they said it wouldn't work Fuck what you say, fuck your conventions, fuck all your barriers
If I break through, it's the people themselves who will bear my music anyway
I earned my spurs in the shadow I owe nothing to anybody
I've been around I've never been ashamed
I have no elder brothers And I had to fight with no one to get there.
I have not betrayed a single conviction, whatever you say. If I was selling my heart for a living, I could make an album every year
If I nearly quit the business, it's because I feel cramped here it's hard to figure how much it weights on me That's why I write under the light of the stars
Don't give a damn about artist's life Petite has stayed true to herself
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
I don't care about order, even if I am its captive like all kids in Babylon but not in your categories that break us down, let me think by myself, I don't need no pilot
Don't give a damn about artist's life Petite has stayed true to herself
I'm the one who was patronized, always out in the streets.
I don't care about order, even if I am its captive like all kids in Babylon but not in your categories that break us down, let me think by myself, I don't need no pilot
Old Macdonald Had A Farm | Boom Buddies Cartoons | Videos For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 37:48.
Old Macdonald Had A Farm Boom Buddies
Excavatrice, Bulldozer, Tombereau Apprendre Les Noms Des Véhicules De Construction Pour Enfants - Duration: 2:50.
Doreen Virtue s'excuse (sous-titré FR), vérités bibliques sur l'archange Michael, démons, miracles - Duration: 17:30.
Actualités L'unique Kode 0 est à vendre au Japon ! - Duration: 3:05.
Time Lapse Photoshop | Ghép Hình Với Sơn Tùng Bởi CẬU BÉ "16 TUỔI" | HD - Duration: 7:16.
AUTO WIN DUO MODE Jika Lakukan 5 Tips PUBG Berikut Versi OmLamis - Duration: 7:58.
GamingDay OmLamis
Before entering the battle at PUBG
of course you must first determine which mode you want to play
namely solo, duo, or squad
Although the feel of the tension is not much different from solo
at least you have a partner while playing the duo
So when you are dying, someone can help you revive
Not different from other modes
of course there are a number of things you should pay attention to when playing duo in PUBG
what should you do when playing in duo mode?
see the OmLamis version tips
before continuing, please subscribe to the OmLamis channel
to get video updates about the next game tips
Synchronize with partners
1. Synchronize with partners
because you only have one teammate
this mode certainly requires coordination and communication
Duo mode will not run properly without synchronization
Before getting off the plane
discuss it first with your teammates about the location of the landing site
Don't let you go down in a different location
When landing, try not to separate and take the loot too far from your partner
If you see an enemy
immediately call your partner to help cover you when attacking the enemy
The more synergy you have with partners
then your team will be very deadly for other players
Always together
2. Always together
One of the important things when playing a duo is to be a good partner
This means, you with your teammates don't get separated
The problem is, if one of the teams is separate
and must face an enemy team that is still intact
chances are that one of you can easily be overthrown
Even though you can't separate, it doesn't mean you have to stick
When you have to break through a place
as much as possible enter the place from two different sides
So, you can surround the enemy who is trying to get out
In addition, make the distance between you and your teammates
So, one of you can stay alert when someone gets shot
Take a loot in a different building
loot in a different building
Anyone would want if the PUBG character is
get the best equipment and weapons
When playing the duo, the struggle for the loot can indeed happen
To avoid this
You and your teammates should split up looking for loot in different buildings
but still in the same location
Take as many different items as needed throughout the battle
Don't forget to ask your teammates what items they need
If you first find the items that your teammates need
don't hesitate to bring it to your teammates
If it doesn't fit in a backpack
You can indicate the location of the item
stand by when you shoot at the enemy
4. Always be on guard when you shoot one enemy
When playing a duo
You will never know that you will face a pair of enemies
or an enemy who has lost his partner
That is why, you are with your teammates
must keep on alert when you manage to defeat one enemy
By defeating one enemy
chances are you will lure his teammates out
That is why, you have to change position and wait when his partner comes out
If you are in a safe position
then you can defeat one duo team at a time
Attack at the right time
5. Know when to act in the seconds to victory
When getting closer to the Chicken Dinner
you have to be more careful
In this defining moment
each team will certainly increase its alertness and compactness
If you are not in a position of urgency
let the enemies attack each other until the numbers are running low
Then, track the position of the enemies
as much as possible to hold their position
and attack at the right time
that's some tips that you can do when playing duo mode in PUBG
Have you done all the steps?
Or do you have other, more effective ways to play a duo?
You can share your tips in the comments column below
Come Eliminare l'Effetto Fisheye dalle Foto – Tutorial sul Defishing in Italiano! - Duration: 15:27.
Tin Việt - Công dụng đặc biệt của mũi tên cạnh biểu tượng bình xăng trên ô tô là gì? - Duration: 5:17.
Nhiều thứ mà chúng ta sử dụng hàng ngày quen thuộc đến mức hiếm khi nhận ra những tính năng đơn giản nhất của chúng
Tuy nhiên, hãy quan sát thật kỹ những vật dụng xung quanh và bạn có thể tìm thấy chúng được thiết kế để làm được nhiều việc hơn bạn nghĩ
Dưới đây là công dụng "bí ẩn" đằng sau những vật dụng quen thuộc, trong đó có biểu tượng mũi tên ẩn giấu trong xe ô tô:1
"Khuy thừa" trên quần jeans dùng để làm gì?Trên thực tế, những chiếc khuy trên túi quần jeans không hề thừa thãi như nhiều người nghĩ
Chúng được gọi là đinh tán và được đặt trên quần jeans nhằm mục đích gia cố lại túi quần, hoặc ở những vị trí có khả năng dễ bị rách toạc do quá trình vận động
Những chiếc khuy nhỏ này giúp quần jeans của bạn trở nên chắc chắn hơn. 2. Mũi tên cạnh biểu tượng bình xăng trên ô tô có công dụng gì?Mũi tên nhỏ bên cạnh biểu tượng bình xăng trong bảng điều khiển trên xe ô tô có công dụng để xác định hướng đặt nắp bình xăng
Theo đó, hướng mũi tên chỉ về bên nào thì nắp bình xăng đặt ở bên đó. Tính năng này cực kỳ tiện lợi khi bạn đang lái một chiếc xe lạ
3. Con số 57 trên chai tương cà chua thương hiệu Heinz có ý nghĩa gì?Tương cà chua là một loại gia vị vô cùng quen thuộc với chúng ta
Tuy nhiên, hiếm khi có ai để ý về những con số kỳ lạ trên sản phẩm này, ví dụ như loại tương cà chua của thương hiệu Heinz
Nhiều người đã quen thuộc với con số 57 trên sản phẩm này nhưng trên thực tế chỉ có khoảng 11% người dân là biết được công dụng thực sự của nó
Cụ thể, chỗ in nổi số "57" trên thân chai chính là vị trí tốt nhất khi bạn gõ vào để đổ tương cà ra
Do đó, thay vì đập vào đáy chai, hãy thử cầm nghiêng chai tương cà và sau đó đập tay nhẹ nhàng vào phần thân ngay tại vị trí của số 57, tương cà sẽ chảy ra dễ dàng hơn
Bây giờ thì bạn đã biết được công dụng thực sự của số 57 và cách lấy tương cà nhanh nhất rồi đúng không?4
Cái lỗ nhỏ "dư thừa" trên cán nồi, chảoMỗi chi tiết nhỏ trên sản phẩm được thiết kế ra đều có lý do và công dụng riêng của nó
Hầu hết các chị em phụ nữ đều cho rằng lỗ nhỏ trên cán nồi, chảo là dùng để treo lên giá
Tuy nhiên, trên thực tế, nó còn có công dụng khác mà ít người biết đến. Đó chính là dùng để cố định thìa hoặc muôi trong khi nấu nướng, giúp tránh để các dụng cụ, đồ dùng bị lộn xộn
5. Lỗ nhỏ trên nắp bút bi dùng để làm gì?Nhiều người thắc mắc không rõ cái lỗ nhỏ trên nắp bút bi dùng để làm gì? Trên thực tế, nó được thiết kế để đảm bảo an toàn cho người sử dụng
Cụ thể, do nhiều người có thói quen nhai hoặc cắn nắp bút bi trong khi đang mải suy nghĩ và điều này có thể khiến họ vô tình nuốt phải nắp bút
Hầu hết các tai nạn nuốt nắp bút thường gặp ở trẻ em từ 6-15 tuổi. Cái lỗ nhỏ trên nắp bút lúc bấy giờ cho phép một lượng không khí đi qua giúp "nạn nhân" giảm khả năng ngạt thở nếu chẳng may nuốt phải
6. Tại sao hai phím F và J trên bàn phím máy tính lại có gờ nổi? Có bao giờ bạn tự hỏi làm thế nào mà mình có thể gõ dễ dàng mà không cần nhìn vào bàn phím máy tính không? Bí mật chính là nằm ở những gờ nổi trên hai phím F và J
Những gờ nổi trên phím F và J được thiết kế là để giúp cho người dùng định vị đúng phím cần gõ mà không phải nhìn xuống dưới bàn phím
Chúng được thiết kế để giúp chúng ta đặt tay trên bàn phím ở đúng vị trí tối ưu, trong đó, hai ngón trỏ đặt lên hai phím có gờ
Cách đặt tay này thuận lợi cho việc gõ bàn phím máy tính bằng 10 ngón.7. Hai bên móc của sạc MacBook dùng để làm gì?Nhiều người không chú ý nhưng hai bên móc của sạc MacBook được thiết kế để giúp người dùng có thể quấn dây sạc một cách gọn gàng, giúp dây không bị rối vào nhau khi để trong túi
8. Lỗ nhỏ cạnh camera của iPhoneÍt người biết được rằng lỗ nhỏ ở bên cạnh camera của iPhone không phải là đèn flash mà là một microphone để ghi âm khi bạn sử dụng camera sau
Tham khảo ảnh/nguồn: BSBí mật của người ngoài hành tinh: Đến Trái Đất và đang âm thầm theo dõi loài người!
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