Welcome back everyone - were heading into space for todays video.
If space is your kind of thing then check out our Top 10 Scary NASA Urban Legends right
up here - today though, were sharing real accounts of people who have been to space
- the scary things they experienced, the unexplained sightings, and the memories that haunted them
for years after.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Knocking[a].
In 2003, Yang Liewei became the first Chinese person in space.
It was a historic occasion, but its also become famous for a very creepy occurrence.
In 2016, Yang told an interview that he heard someone knocking on the outside of the spaceship.
He described it as sounding like a wooden hammer hitting an iron bucket.
Terrified, he true to peek out of the porthole but couldn't see anything outside.
When he got back to Earth, Yang described the sound to experts, he even tried to recreate
it for them - but nobody could identify it.
In the years since, many people have tried to explain this strange phenomenon.
Some say it could have been some space debris but others say that this is unlikely as space
debris is few and far between.
Others claim it could be the expanding and contracting of the shit due the the changing
temperature of the spaceship has it orbited the Earth.
Even though thats the leading theory, many people have their own theories about aliens
or time travelers being responsible for the mysterious knocking sound …
Moving on to number 9 we have Alien Music[b].
In 1969, American astronauts Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan and John Young went to the far
side of the moon for the Apollo 10 mission.
It was going to be the final test before Apollo 11 took 3 humans to walk on the surface of
the moon for the first time.
When the Apollo 10 astronauts were orbiting round the moon, they took photographs of its
As they were working away, they began to hear music - specifically, they heard a strange
whistling sound that lasted nearly an hour.
When it faded away, Commander Cernan said -Boy, that sure is weird music.
Were going to have to find out about that- … Pilot Young replied -Nobody would believe
us- … and for the most part - they were right!
Many people couldn't explain the sound they claimed to have heard and so they didnt believe
The leading theory is that it the sound came from radio interference between spacecrafts.
Some people have dismissed that though and have insisted that the astronauts would have
known the difference between radio interference and their -spacey music- …
Coming at number 8 we have Snakes In Space[c].
In 1994, Dr Story Musgrave did an interview where he described his career as an astronaut,
and one particular time which shocks him to this today.
He said -On two of my missions, and I still don't have an answer, I have seen a snake
out there.
Six, seven, eight feet long.
It is rubbery because it has internal waves in it, and it follows you for a rather long
period of time.
The more you fly in space the more you see an incredible amount of things out there,
and that sort of thing brings to you, really, a certainty that other living creatures are
out there- … usually an account like this would be dismissed but Musgrave is a Doctor,
he had 6 academic degrees, is a trained mathematician, he was in the marine corps AND was a NASA
He seems like a credible witness.
He believes there are advanced creatures existing in space itself and that he has even tried
to communicate with them in the hopes that they come down and get him.
Next up at number 7 we have Docking[d].
In 1995, famous Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield had his first space flight.
His job was to relay the speed and range information to the pilot as they were docking into the
Russian Mir Space Station.
His job was to relay information to the pilot - any mistakes could have been a disaster.
Too soft and they would have bounced off, two hard and they would have broke the space
station in half, killing the 3 people on board.
Everything was going smoothly but then, one of the sensors started telling them that they
were 32 feet away, the other said 20ft.
If they didnt solve the problem in 30 seconds, it was over for them.
Hadfield had to calculate how far they were away, timing it with his stopwatch to decide
when they should fire their thrusters.
Luckily, they ended up being spot on and docked almost perfectly.
It took a few minutes before the astronauts began to realise they had done it - they had
avoided a space disaster, and they had lived to tell the tale.
Moving on to number 6 now we have Impossible[e].
On May 5 1981, Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok looked out of his porthole on the
Salyut orbital space station.
He then saw something which seemed inexplicable.
When he returned to Earth, he told the world at a conference what he saw.
He said -Many cosmonauts have seen phenomena which are far beyond the experiences of earthmen.
For ten years I never spoke on such things.
The encounter you ask me about happened on May 5, 1981, at about 6PM, during the Saljut
At that time we were over the area of South Africa, moving towards the area of the Indian
I just made some gymnastic exercises, when I saw in front of me, through a porthole,
an object which I could not explain … I saw this object and then something happened
that I could not explain, something impossible according to the laws of physics.
The object had this shape, elliptical, and few with us.
From a frontal view it looked like it would rotate in flight direction.
It only few straight, but then a kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden
This was the first part.
Then, one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared,
golden and very beautiful.
After this explosion, I just saw white smoke, then a cloud-like sphere.
Before we entered the darkness, we flew through the terminator, the twilight zone between
day and night.
We flew eastwards, and when we entered the darkness of the Earth shadow, I could not
see them any longer.
The two spheres never returned.- … there have rarely been descriptions so vivid and
detailed - and many people who here Kovalyonoks story hold it up as proof of UFOs.
Moving on now to number 5 we have Toxic[f].
In the mid 90s, Bob Curbeam took part in his first spacewalk as an astronaut.
Unfortunately, disaster struck when a connector to a hose began to leak, spraying toxic amonia
all over him.
He couldn't get back inside the space station covered in the stuff.
He managed to stay calm and fix the leak - but he was still contaminated.
He came up with a plan - Amonia has a low boiling point, so Bob decided to bake himself
in the sunlight of space for an extra 30 minutes in order to vaporize the Amonia off him.
He had to just sit out there, in space, hoping that he got all the amonia off and that he
didnt poison the crew and himself back on the station.
It was a success, his plan worked - but it was one of the most surreal and scary moments
an astronaut could ever experience …
Next up at number 4 we have The Lights[g].
In 2005, astronaut Leroy Chiao was commander on the International Space station for over
6 months.
He was once doing a spacewalk to repair some atennas when something caught his eye.
He saw some lights that seemed to be in a line, almost like an upside down check mark.
They flew right past him but his fellow astronaut didnt see because they were facing the other
When he described the sighting to those back on the ground, they dismissed it as a fishing
boat hundreds of miles below him.
Chiao himself has stated that he doesnt believe theres ever been any tangible evidence that
someone else is visiting Earth or has done so in the past.
He has simply told his story, and is leaving the explaining up to everyone else.
Coming in at number 3 we have The Drifter[h].
For some people, their biggest fear about space is the feeling of drifting away from
the space station - unable to claw themself back.
Well, Scott Parazynski may have had the closest experience to that.
He was performing a space walk when a jammed solar panel threatened the safety of the entire
space station and the crew inside it.
After 72 hours, NASA came up with a plan.
Scott was told to travel further away from the safety of an airlock than had ever been
He later said in an interview -There was a real danger that we could do even worse damage
to the Space Station.
Then there was the potential of risk to myself, because if there was any metal to metal connection
with the solar panel, or arcing, it could actually electrocute me or cause ignition
of the 100% oxygen in my spacesuit.- … the stakes were high but Scott succeeded.
Disaster was averted - but Scotts heroics are still not known by many.
Moving on to number 2 we have The Secret Transmission[i].
In 1975, retired Chief of NASA Communications Systems Maurice Chatelain published his book
Our Cosmic Ancestors.
In it, he made an extraordinary claim about the first manned mission to the moon.
He said -Only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two
UFOs hovered overhead.
Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them.
Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People Magazine-
… this claim was linked to the story that there were two minutes of radio silence after
Armstrong set foot on the moon.
People claim that the lost audio was him saying -These babies were huge, sir!
Oh, God!
You wouldn't believe it!
I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out here … lined up on the far side of the
crater's edge!
They're on the moon watching us!- … of course, all of this is speculation.
An actual recording of this audio or the pictures have never surfaced.
That either means it didnt happen or its been covered up very well.
Either way its a creepy story.
And finally at number 1 we have The Green Bolt[j].
Gordon Cooper was a well known astronaut who flew on the Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 missions.
He was the last American to fly alone in space.
In 1963, he flew aboard the Mercury capsule for a circumnavigational trip around the world.
Everything seemed to be going OK, then, on his final orbit, as he passed over Perth Australia,
he saw a green object swing towards him at an incredible speed.
At first, he thought it was just a figment of his imagination.
There have been times where pilots and astronauts have seen objects like this but their equipment
detects nothing.
This time was different though.
The Muchea Tracking Station in Western Australia picked the object up on their radar.
That was huge.
Now he had something solid to back up his own experience.
He reported the incident to the National Broadcasting company.
When he returned to Earth, he was eager to tell his side of the story - but Gordon claims
he was approached by NBC reporters who told him they had been instructed to not question
him about the sighting.
All of this has fanned the fire of a UFO conspiracy.
So there we have it - some stories from space - its a fascinating topic but as this video
showed, there are scary sides to everything.
Which was your favourite?
While you think about that Im gonna read out a comment from my Top 10 Lyrics You Never
Realized Were Creepy Video.
Remix ccc CBC said -He knows when youre sleeping.
He knows when youre awake.
How bout dat?- … yes!
Now that I think about it, Santa Claus is coming to town IS quite a creepy song.
Or maybethe whole idea of an old guy with a beard watching people all year, even when
theyre asleep, and judging their behaviour is actually the creepy thing.
Well, Merry Christmas to that!
Keep the comments coming in, thanks for watching guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz E-Class (2018): Body Types and Engines | Presented by Dave Erickson - Duration: 1:30.
Mercedes-Benz offers different body variants for the new E-Class, besides the Saloon model I'm driving now.
For example the spacious Estate model,
which carries the whole family.
And the All-Terrain model for a great outdoor experience.
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All four models and all engines come
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An absolute highlight:
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This new inline 6-cylinder in the E 400 d 4MATIC.
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БЕЗ ДУХОВКИ. Обалденный творожный торт - Duration: 2:28.
Post Malone - Wow Tradução/Legendado - Duration: 2:30.
Said she tired little money need a big boy
Pull up 20 inch blades like I'm Lil' Troy
Now it's everybody flockin', need a decoy
Shawty mixing up the Vodka with the LaCroix, yea
G-Wagon, G-Wagon. G-Wagon, G-Wagon
All the housewives pullin' up (Up, up)
I got a lot of toys, 720S bumpin' Fall Out Boy
You was talkin' shit in the beginning
Back when I was feelin' more forgivin'
I know it piss you off to see me winnin'
See the igloo in my mouth and I be grinnin' yeah
Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me
Hunnid deep when I roll like the army
Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely
It's a moment when I show up got em' sayin'. "Wow"
Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me
Yeah, your grandmama probably know me
Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely
It's a moment when I show up got em' sayin'. "Wow"
Everywhere I go
Catch me on the block like I'm Mutumbo
750 Lambo in the Utah snow (Skrrt)
Trunk in the front like the shit don't bore ya
Cut the roof off like a nip-tuck
Pull up to the house with some big bucks
Turn the kitchen counter to a strip-club
Me and Dre came for the...
When I got a guap, all of y'all disappeared
Before I dropped "Stoney" none of y'all really cared
Now they always say, "Congratulations," to the kid
And this is not a 40, but I'm pourin' out this shit
Used to have a lot, but I got more now
Made another hit' cause I got bored now
Always go for it , never punt fourth down
Last call, Hail Mary, Prescott touchdown, ayy
Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me
Hunnid deep when I roll like the army
Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely
It's a moment when I show up got''em saying "Wow,"
Hunnid bands in my pocket, it's on me
Yeah, your grandmama probably know me
Get more bottles, these bottles are lonely
It's a moment when I show up got''em saying "Wow,"
"Got 'em sayin' "Wow"
New HD Song 2019 | Ali Hassan | Latest Song 2019 | Sonay Di Choori Hath Vich | By Rch - Duration: 6:03.
The Most Beautiful Low Country Park Model For Sale | Happy New Year - Duration: 5:18.
The Most Beautiful Low Country Park Model For Sale | Happy New Year
👾 SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE | Compilation de GLITCHES et BUGS - Duration: 16:06.
Yo! Super Smash Bros is one of my favorite video game series from nintendo
today we will tackle the different glitch of super smash bros ultimate
this video is not meant to explain but
just glitch compilation of different people
that I found on the web or even that I will illustrate by myself with my own
know that most bugs may have been corrected by updates
I will try to classify the glitch of the game mechanism to the graphics
do not hesitate to react to the video at the same time
to tell me if according to you whether it's a glitch or not at all
I can be wrong of course and to share in the comments area
other glitches that do not appear in this compilation
if this type of content please do not hesitate to let it know
I will maybe do a sequel or even I will tackle other games of the Nintendo license
so do not hesitate in this case to subscribe and dropped a like to support me
in some cases I will try to give an explanation to the glitch
when I do not know the explanation at all
I will not say anything I will let you watch
you will obviously find links, sources in descriptions or comment pinned
currently just when this video I am in version 1.2
to achieve this house it would take 2 like most of the glitch of this video
go in extra, then drive, choose the village character and marie
the purpose of this glitch is to return the projectile launched by the villager
do not forget to put the computer in manual mode for
control with a second controller after a while and some passes
normally three your Nintendo Switch will crash, at least: the game
if this is the first time that you ever have an error message
you are asking to send data to nintendo
this guide also works between village-villagers and Marie-Marie
now let's attack a glitch that you've heard so much he has swept over the web
I'm obviously talking about the one with the two Mary and the objects to infinity
whatever the object, the most epic is of course with the trophy help
I let you admire the demonstration we are back in the training mode
and the goal is going to be to catch with the fishing rod the object
except that there will only be one who will have the object and he will use to infinity
That's OK ? I cut you anyway the extract
it lasts a long time to infinity as I said
now we will go to the compilation of glitch find on the internet
My my my ! Bayonetta! What do I hate this character!
by the way tell me by the way what is your favorite character in SSB regardless of the game
there we have a problem is that ice climbers are locked in a temporality
due to the bayonetta shot, I do not know the cause of this
it may be because it typed two characters at the same time, what do I know...
For the next action I do not know if it's a glitch for you to tell me
but in any case Diddy Kong hits Carapuce well who at the time of the smash
where there is zoom (animation)
enters his Pokéball to be switcher with Herbizarre
it prevents being projected, I do not know it's a glitch
but in any case it allowed victory in this situation
There we are dealing with a problem of Grap with the echoes fighters of the Fire Emblem series
and the same with Mewtwo
talking about character problems we have yoshi who can not reach meta knight
so who's hitting him, when he's right next to him
still a problem too with Mary with her fishing rod
she manages to teleport
we have a pretty similar bug with lucas with his snake I let you watch
so here we are dealing with the most cheaté bugs of the game I think in my opinion
Shulk who is a character I know very little I just know he
can transform temporarily to boost yourself in a field and there
thanks to this glitch it will allow to have one or more transformations of
unlimited if we manage to accumulate via the glitch small demonstration
the concrete purpose of this glitch is actually
to activate a transformation when we receive a final smash
I let you admire now a few moments where the netizens have
managed to break the game one way or another
what's interesting with the last glitch you see is that actually
Diddy Kong was thrown in the air and it's as if
his projection screen did not want to be displayed
now let's get to terrain bugs including collision
we also have some bugs with our dear Mr. Game & Watch
which allows to slide while returning the projectiles
but also to evoke his kind of breath in the middle of the field
we do not know why
we have to do now a little bug concerning Crazy Main or his alter ego
I do not know this is the case here, which remains stuck below the final destination platform
the only way to finnair this fight is to fetch
Crazy Hand below this platform
Now let's move on to a glitch that will bring back memories to melee players
since it was a similar glitch to this game
Kirby has such a powerful power to disappear Ike from the map view a little bit of it!
so here I do not know what's going on is it's an extraterrestrial abduction
it's weird because it happens because the UFO arrives
then I do not know it's due to the stairs or trophies help
that Rondoudou everything can not use his final smash to the maximum, in any case it makes it laguer
then we have a little bug with the rabbit thieves this is a bug that is
achievable through manipulations several times of time including
apparently this thief can have other glitch effects
rather nice it's a little disguises I'll let you look
this time we find ourselves for a little graphic bug
regarding the pokemon stage go on it in aquatic form with fox
you will have to make a fast speed while putting the joystick down
you will find yourself in the Pokemon Stadium
I leave you now with other graphic bugs
I have nothing else to comment on these bugs except to let you see
and tell me what you think, if you ever liked this video do not hesitate to subscribe
to have others in the future to let me know in the comments
dropped a little like to support me
you can also find my social networks in description if you ever
need to contact me tell me by the same occasion that she is the glitch that
you did not know in this video and what is your favorite on this
I wish you a good day good evening it depends on what time are you watching this video
Uomini e Donne: a condurre la De Lellis e la dama bianca:ecco quale ... | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 7:06.
Recette de velouté de panais Végan - n° 2 sur 4 vidéos. - Duration: 3:02.
Uomini e donne in prima serata: il ritorno di Giulia, ci sarà anche Gemma | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 6:11.
Ăn Thẳng Đề 53 - Rực Rỡ Lô 68| Soi cau xsmb Ngày 31 tháng 12 | Soi cầu 247 | Soi Cầu XSMB miền bắc - Duration: 16:55.
Gen G Fly IRELIA Mid vs SION - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 22:01.
Gen G Fly IRELIA Mid vs SION - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger
Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories - Duration: 12:00.
Welcome back everyone - were heading into space for todays video.
If space is your kind of thing then check out our Top 10 Scary NASA Urban Legends right
up here - today though, were sharing real accounts of people who have been to space
- the scary things they experienced, the unexplained sightings, and the memories that haunted them
for years after.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Knocking[a].
In 2003, Yang Liewei became the first Chinese person in space.
It was a historic occasion, but its also become famous for a very creepy occurrence.
In 2016, Yang told an interview that he heard someone knocking on the outside of the spaceship.
He described it as sounding like a wooden hammer hitting an iron bucket.
Terrified, he true to peek out of the porthole but couldn't see anything outside.
When he got back to Earth, Yang described the sound to experts, he even tried to recreate
it for them - but nobody could identify it.
In the years since, many people have tried to explain this strange phenomenon.
Some say it could have been some space debris but others say that this is unlikely as space
debris is few and far between.
Others claim it could be the expanding and contracting of the shit due the the changing
temperature of the spaceship has it orbited the Earth.
Even though thats the leading theory, many people have their own theories about aliens
or time travelers being responsible for the mysterious knocking sound …
Moving on to number 9 we have Alien Music[b].
In 1969, American astronauts Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan and John Young went to the far
side of the moon for the Apollo 10 mission.
It was going to be the final test before Apollo 11 took 3 humans to walk on the surface of
the moon for the first time.
When the Apollo 10 astronauts were orbiting round the moon, they took photographs of its
As they were working away, they began to hear music - specifically, they heard a strange
whistling sound that lasted nearly an hour.
When it faded away, Commander Cernan said -Boy, that sure is weird music.
Were going to have to find out about that- … Pilot Young replied -Nobody would believe
us- … and for the most part - they were right!
Many people couldn't explain the sound they claimed to have heard and so they didnt believe
The leading theory is that it the sound came from radio interference between spacecrafts.
Some people have dismissed that though and have insisted that the astronauts would have
known the difference between radio interference and their -spacey music- …
Coming at number 8 we have Snakes In Space[c].
In 1994, Dr Story Musgrave did an interview where he described his career as an astronaut,
and one particular time which shocks him to this today.
He said -On two of my missions, and I still don't have an answer, I have seen a snake
out there.
Six, seven, eight feet long.
It is rubbery because it has internal waves in it, and it follows you for a rather long
period of time.
The more you fly in space the more you see an incredible amount of things out there,
and that sort of thing brings to you, really, a certainty that other living creatures are
out there- … usually an account like this would be dismissed but Musgrave is a Doctor,
he had 6 academic degrees, is a trained mathematician, he was in the marine corps AND was a NASA
He seems like a credible witness.
He believes there are advanced creatures existing in space itself and that he has even tried
to communicate with them in the hopes that they come down and get him.
Next up at number 7 we have Docking[d].
In 1995, famous Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield had his first space flight.
His job was to relay the speed and range information to the pilot as they were docking into the
Russian Mir Space Station.
His job was to relay information to the pilot - any mistakes could have been a disaster.
Too soft and they would have bounced off, two hard and they would have broke the space
station in half, killing the 3 people on board.
Everything was going smoothly but then, one of the sensors started telling them that they
were 32 feet away, the other said 20ft.
If they didnt solve the problem in 30 seconds, it was over for them.
Hadfield had to calculate how far they were away, timing it with his stopwatch to decide
when they should fire their thrusters.
Luckily, they ended up being spot on and docked almost perfectly.
It took a few minutes before the astronauts began to realise they had done it - they had
avoided a space disaster, and they had lived to tell the tale.
Moving on to number 6 now we have Impossible[e].
On May 5 1981, Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok looked out of his porthole on the
Salyut orbital space station.
He then saw something which seemed inexplicable.
When he returned to Earth, he told the world at a conference what he saw.
He said -Many cosmonauts have seen phenomena which are far beyond the experiences of earthmen.
For ten years I never spoke on such things.
The encounter you ask me about happened on May 5, 1981, at about 6PM, during the Saljut
At that time we were over the area of South Africa, moving towards the area of the Indian
I just made some gymnastic exercises, when I saw in front of me, through a porthole,
an object which I could not explain … I saw this object and then something happened
that I could not explain, something impossible according to the laws of physics.
The object had this shape, elliptical, and few with us.
From a frontal view it looked like it would rotate in flight direction.
It only few straight, but then a kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden
This was the first part.
Then, one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared,
golden and very beautiful.
After this explosion, I just saw white smoke, then a cloud-like sphere.
Before we entered the darkness, we flew through the terminator, the twilight zone between
day and night.
We flew eastwards, and when we entered the darkness of the Earth shadow, I could not
see them any longer.
The two spheres never returned.- … there have rarely been descriptions so vivid and
detailed - and many people who here Kovalyonoks story hold it up as proof of UFOs.
Moving on now to number 5 we have Toxic[f].
In the mid 90s, Bob Curbeam took part in his first spacewalk as an astronaut.
Unfortunately, disaster struck when a connector to a hose began to leak, spraying toxic amonia
all over him.
He couldn't get back inside the space station covered in the stuff.
He managed to stay calm and fix the leak - but he was still contaminated.
He came up with a plan - Amonia has a low boiling point, so Bob decided to bake himself
in the sunlight of space for an extra 30 minutes in order to vaporize the Amonia off him.
He had to just sit out there, in space, hoping that he got all the amonia off and that he
didnt poison the crew and himself back on the station.
It was a success, his plan worked - but it was one of the most surreal and scary moments
an astronaut could ever experience …
Next up at number 4 we have The Lights[g].
In 2005, astronaut Leroy Chiao was commander on the International Space station for over
6 months.
He was once doing a spacewalk to repair some atennas when something caught his eye.
He saw some lights that seemed to be in a line, almost like an upside down check mark.
They flew right past him but his fellow astronaut didnt see because they were facing the other
When he described the sighting to those back on the ground, they dismissed it as a fishing
boat hundreds of miles below him.
Chiao himself has stated that he doesnt believe theres ever been any tangible evidence that
someone else is visiting Earth or has done so in the past.
He has simply told his story, and is leaving the explaining up to everyone else.
Coming in at number 3 we have The Drifter[h].
For some people, their biggest fear about space is the feeling of drifting away from
the space station - unable to claw themself back.
Well, Scott Parazynski may have had the closest experience to that.
He was performing a space walk when a jammed solar panel threatened the safety of the entire
space station and the crew inside it.
After 72 hours, NASA came up with a plan.
Scott was told to travel further away from the safety of an airlock than had ever been
He later said in an interview -There was a real danger that we could do even worse damage
to the Space Station.
Then there was the potential of risk to myself, because if there was any metal to metal connection
with the solar panel, or arcing, it could actually electrocute me or cause ignition
of the 100% oxygen in my spacesuit.- … the stakes were high but Scott succeeded.
Disaster was averted - but Scotts heroics are still not known by many.
Moving on to number 2 we have The Secret Transmission[i].
In 1975, retired Chief of NASA Communications Systems Maurice Chatelain published his book
Our Cosmic Ancestors.
In it, he made an extraordinary claim about the first manned mission to the moon.
He said -Only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two
UFOs hovered overhead.
Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them.
Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People Magazine-
… this claim was linked to the story that there were two minutes of radio silence after
Armstrong set foot on the moon.
People claim that the lost audio was him saying -These babies were huge, sir!
Oh, God!
You wouldn't believe it!
I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out here … lined up on the far side of the
crater's edge!
They're on the moon watching us!- … of course, all of this is speculation.
An actual recording of this audio or the pictures have never surfaced.
That either means it didnt happen or its been covered up very well.
Either way its a creepy story.
And finally at number 1 we have The Green Bolt[j].
Gordon Cooper was a well known astronaut who flew on the Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 missions.
He was the last American to fly alone in space.
In 1963, he flew aboard the Mercury capsule for a circumnavigational trip around the world.
Everything seemed to be going OK, then, on his final orbit, as he passed over Perth Australia,
he saw a green object swing towards him at an incredible speed.
At first, he thought it was just a figment of his imagination.
There have been times where pilots and astronauts have seen objects like this but their equipment
detects nothing.
This time was different though.
The Muchea Tracking Station in Western Australia picked the object up on their radar.
That was huge.
Now he had something solid to back up his own experience.
He reported the incident to the National Broadcasting company.
When he returned to Earth, he was eager to tell his side of the story - but Gordon claims
he was approached by NBC reporters who told him they had been instructed to not question
him about the sighting.
All of this has fanned the fire of a UFO conspiracy.
So there we have it - some stories from space - its a fascinating topic but as this video
showed, there are scary sides to everything.
Which was your favourite?
While you think about that Im gonna read out a comment from my Top 10 Lyrics You Never
Realized Were Creepy Video.
Remix ccc CBC said -He knows when youre sleeping.
He knows when youre awake.
How bout dat?- … yes!
Now that I think about it, Santa Claus is coming to town IS quite a creepy song.
Or maybethe whole idea of an old guy with a beard watching people all year, even when
theyre asleep, and judging their behaviour is actually the creepy thing.
Well, Merry Christmas to that!
Keep the comments coming in, thanks for watching guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
Tiny Shows Off Romantic Christmas Gift From T.I.: See Her Lavish 'Mrs. Harris' Chain Here - News Tod - Duration: 2:42.
Tiny was on T.I.'s 'nice' list this year, because the rapper gifted her flashy bling for Christmas! See the present that proves the married couple is stronger than ever.
Tameka "Tiny" Harris's family spoiled her on Christmas! The Xscape member revealed her holiday loot to Instagram fans on Dec. 26, and we couldn't help but notice T.I.'s contribution. The "Whatever You Like" rapper gave his wife a white gold chain that read "Mrs. Harris," a title that Tiny is now wearing proudly (T.I.'s real name is Clifford Joseph Harris Jr.). Tiny's kids were just as generous, as her daughter Zonnique Pullins gave her Chanel kicks and son Clifford "King" Harris surprised his mom with a bracelet. See Tiny's new wardrobe below!
Tiny's Christmas was just as sweet as her present stash, as she spent the night of the holiday making slime with T.I. and their 2-year-old daughter, Heiress! In an Instagram video of the slime-making session, Tiny revealed that their daughter adorably calls herself the "slime baby." Tiny has been spending a lot of time with Heiress this holiday season, as she took her mini me to visit Santa Claus! "Made sure I made time to get my Sunshine @heiressdharris a picture with Santa Claus," Tiny wrote alongside a picture of Heiress's meet and greet with the big man in the red suit. "Something I think kids should experience at least once!!"
We love seeing this family closer than ever, especially when it comes to Tiny and T.I.'s relationship! Although they've seen their fair share of drama, T.I. proved he's still proud to call Tiny "Mrs. Harris"…as his Christmas gift proves! The rapper also used the endearing term in a flirty Instagram comment right before Christmas. After his wife debuted her hair makeover to Instagram on Dec. 10, T.I. wrote, "Nice look Mrs. H. 😋."
Nothing says true love like a heavy chain bearing your boo's namesake! It warms our hearts seeing Tiny all loved up, with expensive price tags to prove it.
How to create outrage over nothing (and profit) | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 6:23.
Hey everyone!
My name is Riley, and today, I'm gonna teach you how to manufacture fake outrage, get a
lot of clicks, make a lot of money, and unnecessarily demonize an entire community.
The first step you're going to want to take is: Find a community that's incredibly easy to scapegoat.
The best catch-all option for this is just generic "feminists" or "SJWs", but
you can also get more specific and go with "trans people" or "gay people".
Once you've identified your target community, you're going to want to invent something
for them to do.
Be careful, though, because it shouldn't be something they would *actually* do or want,
because that wouldn't get people mad enough.
No, you want to make up something that's an exaggerated caricature of that community.
For example, do you think feminists are on a diabolical rampage to turn Santa gender-neutral?
Of course not, that's ridiculous, but the internet doesn't know that.
So, just tell everyone that the evil SJWs want to make Santa gender-neutral.
That will infuriate everyone and make them hate those awful feminists, but it will get
lots of people to click on and share your article about it, which means publicity, engagement,
and ad revenue for you.
And who cares about the people you're demonizing?
Those people aren't you, and therefore, you don't have to care about them.
Because as we all know, compassion is vastly overrated.
But what's that you say?
No one's going to believe you if your source is just "some random SJWs said this?"
Well then, it's time that I taught you how to manipulate a survey for your benefit.
Sticking with the gender-neutral Santa example, you could send out a survey to a bunch of
people that looks like this.
The questions could ask stuff like: "If you could 'rebrand' Santa for modern society,
what gender would he be?" and "How would you modernize Santa's transport?"
Because, to the person taking the survey, that all sounds like it's in good fun.
It's hypothetical.
They're being asked on some weird internet survey how they could modernize Santa.
Why not say that he could be gender-neutral or female or ride a hoverboard or drink beer
or have an iPhone?
That stuff is fun, and after all, this survey is just asking these questions for fun, right?
And that's how you get them.
Then, only report on their answers that pertain to gender, ignore all the hoverboard and beer
and iPhone answers because that would only ~complicate~ things, and then, instead of
saying that some bored people on the internet thought maybe this is how they could modernize
Santa if they had to, say that "One in four people think Santa *should* be female or gender-neutral".
And that word "should" is important because it was not in the original question.
If you had asked people something more accurate, like, "Should all depictions of Santa be
gender-neutral or female?" or "Do you think we should force all depictions of Santa
to be gender-neutral or female?"
You would get some different answers, and those answers wouldn't be very useful for
getting rage clicks.
So there you go, that's how you make your claim sound "sciencey" because you had
a "survey" even though it's all complete bullshit.
But, you might asking, what if you don't want to go through all the trouble of making
an online survey?
Well, no worries, because if you just go on Fox News, you don't even need the facade
of having evidence.
For this example, let's talk about gingerbread men, or, as the evil SJWs want us all to call
them, gingerbread people.
For this plan, you're only going to need one little molehill, and then I'm going
to help you make a mountain out of it.
In this case, our molehill is that the cafe in the Scottish Parliament decided to call
some of their cookies gingerbread people instead of gingerbread men.
Now, obviously, this isn't a big deal.
It's just a cookie, in a single cafe, in Scotland.
But, with that kind of attitude, you'll never get any rage clicks.
And if you're on Fox News and advertisers are boycotting your white supremacist show,
you really need some rage clicks.
So, it's time to make that molehill into a mountain.
Pretend that you really believe that cookies have a gender, and that you really care about
that cookie's gender.
And then pretend that this one cafe calling them gingerbread people is going to have some
kind of ripple effect that results in governments banning private citizens from ever saying
the words "gingerbread man".
See, now you have yourself a scary rage-inducing story.
Those damn feminists are trying to de-genderify your cookies!
How could you let that happen!?
And then, people watching your show get mad at all those awful feminists, even though
you and I know they didn't actually do anything and, in fact, they really don't care what
you call your fucking cookies.
But, then you get the rage views, you get the rage ad money, and everything is fine.
No one will think it's weird at all that you're so obsessed with the gender of cookies.
And for one final example, let's talk about what you'd do if you wanted to target trans
and gay people specifically, not just feminists.
In that case, I have the perfect story for you that you can easily blow out of proportion
with just a slight little twist.
Even if you proclaim to be a gay news source.
So in this case, here's a story about how Switzerland recently updated their hate crime laws.
Previously, their laws stated that if a crime was committed against someone because of the
victim's race, ethnicity, or religion, then that crime would be considered a hate crime
and more harshly punished.
However, recently, Switzerland updated that hate crime definition to include sexual orientation
and gender identity.
This seems like a pretty standard thing.
The US has had a federal hate crime law in place since 1969, and in 2009 they updated
it to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
Laws like this are not uncommon, because as a society we have generally decided that hate
crimes are bad.
But, all of that is boring and won't get anyone angry.
And if you want ad revenue, you gotta get people angry over nothing.
So, instead of boring people to death with the details of hate crime laws, just say,
"Switzerland votes to send people to prison for homophobia and transphobia" or "Switzerland
rules transphobia and homophobia illegal", because that will get people riled up.
What exactly does transphobia or homophobia mean?
Will people spend years in jail because they accidentally misgendered someone?
Will straight people get the death penalty for laughing at a bad gay joke?
Of course not, but people on the internet don't know that, and they're not gonna
bother to take the time to research it before getting mad.
So they'll share your article all over the place and direct their anger at innocent queer
people, but you profit, so it's okay.
Anyway, that's all you need to know for scamming the internet, making people mad,
harming innocent communities, and making some money off of it all.
I hope this could help you go out there and be as unnecessarily cruel as you've always wanted.
Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time!
Okay, hi, sarcastic Riley is gone.
It's just me now. Normal Riley.
Just want to say here that in case it wasn't super obvious, that whole video was extremely sarcastic.
I'm just really tired of all this fake outrage over things that are literally non-issues.
Anyway, if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more like it, I could really use
your support over on Patreon.
You can click over here to check out my Patreon, which would help me out so much, or you can
click up here to subscribe to this channel.
Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see next time.
Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories - Duration: 12:00.
Welcome back everyone - were heading into space for todays video.
If space is your kind of thing then check out our Top 10 Scary NASA Urban Legends right
up here - today though, were sharing real accounts of people who have been to space
- the scary things they experienced, the unexplained sightings, and the memories that haunted them
for years after.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Astronaut Stories.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Knocking[a].
In 2003, Yang Liewei became the first Chinese person in space.
It was a historic occasion, but its also become famous for a very creepy occurrence.
In 2016, Yang told an interview that he heard someone knocking on the outside of the spaceship.
He described it as sounding like a wooden hammer hitting an iron bucket.
Terrified, he true to peek out of the porthole but couldn't see anything outside.
When he got back to Earth, Yang described the sound to experts, he even tried to recreate
it for them - but nobody could identify it.
In the years since, many people have tried to explain this strange phenomenon.
Some say it could have been some space debris but others say that this is unlikely as space
debris is few and far between.
Others claim it could be the expanding and contracting of the shit due the the changing
temperature of the spaceship has it orbited the Earth.
Even though thats the leading theory, many people have their own theories about aliens
or time travelers being responsible for the mysterious knocking sound …
Moving on to number 9 we have Alien Music[b].
In 1969, American astronauts Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan and John Young went to the far
side of the moon for the Apollo 10 mission.
It was going to be the final test before Apollo 11 took 3 humans to walk on the surface of
the moon for the first time.
When the Apollo 10 astronauts were orbiting round the moon, they took photographs of its
As they were working away, they began to hear music - specifically, they heard a strange
whistling sound that lasted nearly an hour.
When it faded away, Commander Cernan said -Boy, that sure is weird music.
Were going to have to find out about that- … Pilot Young replied -Nobody would believe
us- … and for the most part - they were right!
Many people couldn't explain the sound they claimed to have heard and so they didnt believe
The leading theory is that it the sound came from radio interference between spacecrafts.
Some people have dismissed that though and have insisted that the astronauts would have
known the difference between radio interference and their -spacey music- …
Coming at number 8 we have Snakes In Space[c].
In 1994, Dr Story Musgrave did an interview where he described his career as an astronaut,
and one particular time which shocks him to this today.
He said -On two of my missions, and I still don't have an answer, I have seen a snake
out there.
Six, seven, eight feet long.
It is rubbery because it has internal waves in it, and it follows you for a rather long
period of time.
The more you fly in space the more you see an incredible amount of things out there,
and that sort of thing brings to you, really, a certainty that other living creatures are
out there- … usually an account like this would be dismissed but Musgrave is a Doctor,
he had 6 academic degrees, is a trained mathematician, he was in the marine corps AND was a NASA
He seems like a credible witness.
He believes there are advanced creatures existing in space itself and that he has even tried
to communicate with them in the hopes that they come down and get him.
Next up at number 7 we have Docking[d].
In 1995, famous Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield had his first space flight.
His job was to relay the speed and range information to the pilot as they were docking into the
Russian Mir Space Station.
His job was to relay information to the pilot - any mistakes could have been a disaster.
Too soft and they would have bounced off, two hard and they would have broke the space
station in half, killing the 3 people on board.
Everything was going smoothly but then, one of the sensors started telling them that they
were 32 feet away, the other said 20ft.
If they didnt solve the problem in 30 seconds, it was over for them.
Hadfield had to calculate how far they were away, timing it with his stopwatch to decide
when they should fire their thrusters.
Luckily, they ended up being spot on and docked almost perfectly.
It took a few minutes before the astronauts began to realise they had done it - they had
avoided a space disaster, and they had lived to tell the tale.
Moving on to number 6 now we have Impossible[e].
On May 5 1981, Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok looked out of his porthole on the
Salyut orbital space station.
He then saw something which seemed inexplicable.
When he returned to Earth, he told the world at a conference what he saw.
He said -Many cosmonauts have seen phenomena which are far beyond the experiences of earthmen.
For ten years I never spoke on such things.
The encounter you ask me about happened on May 5, 1981, at about 6PM, during the Saljut
At that time we were over the area of South Africa, moving towards the area of the Indian
I just made some gymnastic exercises, when I saw in front of me, through a porthole,
an object which I could not explain … I saw this object and then something happened
that I could not explain, something impossible according to the laws of physics.
The object had this shape, elliptical, and few with us.
From a frontal view it looked like it would rotate in flight direction.
It only few straight, but then a kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden
This was the first part.
Then, one or two seconds later, a second explosion followed somewhere else and two spheres appeared,
golden and very beautiful.
After this explosion, I just saw white smoke, then a cloud-like sphere.
Before we entered the darkness, we flew through the terminator, the twilight zone between
day and night.
We flew eastwards, and when we entered the darkness of the Earth shadow, I could not
see them any longer.
The two spheres never returned.- … there have rarely been descriptions so vivid and
detailed - and many people who here Kovalyonoks story hold it up as proof of UFOs.
Moving on now to number 5 we have Toxic[f].
In the mid 90s, Bob Curbeam took part in his first spacewalk as an astronaut.
Unfortunately, disaster struck when a connector to a hose began to leak, spraying toxic amonia
all over him.
He couldn't get back inside the space station covered in the stuff.
He managed to stay calm and fix the leak - but he was still contaminated.
He came up with a plan - Amonia has a low boiling point, so Bob decided to bake himself
in the sunlight of space for an extra 30 minutes in order to vaporize the Amonia off him.
He had to just sit out there, in space, hoping that he got all the amonia off and that he
didnt poison the crew and himself back on the station.
It was a success, his plan worked - but it was one of the most surreal and scary moments
an astronaut could ever experience …
Next up at number 4 we have The Lights[g].
In 2005, astronaut Leroy Chiao was commander on the International Space station for over
6 months.
He was once doing a spacewalk to repair some atennas when something caught his eye.
He saw some lights that seemed to be in a line, almost like an upside down check mark.
They flew right past him but his fellow astronaut didnt see because they were facing the other
When he described the sighting to those back on the ground, they dismissed it as a fishing
boat hundreds of miles below him.
Chiao himself has stated that he doesnt believe theres ever been any tangible evidence that
someone else is visiting Earth or has done so in the past.
He has simply told his story, and is leaving the explaining up to everyone else.
Coming in at number 3 we have The Drifter[h].
For some people, their biggest fear about space is the feeling of drifting away from
the space station - unable to claw themself back.
Well, Scott Parazynski may have had the closest experience to that.
He was performing a space walk when a jammed solar panel threatened the safety of the entire
space station and the crew inside it.
After 72 hours, NASA came up with a plan.
Scott was told to travel further away from the safety of an airlock than had ever been
He later said in an interview -There was a real danger that we could do even worse damage
to the Space Station.
Then there was the potential of risk to myself, because if there was any metal to metal connection
with the solar panel, or arcing, it could actually electrocute me or cause ignition
of the 100% oxygen in my spacesuit.- … the stakes were high but Scott succeeded.
Disaster was averted - but Scotts heroics are still not known by many.
Moving on to number 2 we have The Secret Transmission[i].
In 1975, retired Chief of NASA Communications Systems Maurice Chatelain published his book
Our Cosmic Ancestors.
In it, he made an extraordinary claim about the first manned mission to the moon.
He said -Only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two
UFOs hovered overhead.
Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them.
Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People Magazine-
… this claim was linked to the story that there were two minutes of radio silence after
Armstrong set foot on the moon.
People claim that the lost audio was him saying -These babies were huge, sir!
Oh, God!
You wouldn't believe it!
I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out here … lined up on the far side of the
crater's edge!
They're on the moon watching us!- … of course, all of this is speculation.
An actual recording of this audio or the pictures have never surfaced.
That either means it didnt happen or its been covered up very well.
Either way its a creepy story.
And finally at number 1 we have The Green Bolt[j].
Gordon Cooper was a well known astronaut who flew on the Mercury 9 and Gemini 5 missions.
He was the last American to fly alone in space.
In 1963, he flew aboard the Mercury capsule for a circumnavigational trip around the world.
Everything seemed to be going OK, then, on his final orbit, as he passed over Perth Australia,
he saw a green object swing towards him at an incredible speed.
At first, he thought it was just a figment of his imagination.
There have been times where pilots and astronauts have seen objects like this but their equipment
detects nothing.
This time was different though.
The Muchea Tracking Station in Western Australia picked the object up on their radar.
That was huge.
Now he had something solid to back up his own experience.
He reported the incident to the National Broadcasting company.
When he returned to Earth, he was eager to tell his side of the story - but Gordon claims
he was approached by NBC reporters who told him they had been instructed to not question
him about the sighting.
All of this has fanned the fire of a UFO conspiracy.
So there we have it - some stories from space - its a fascinating topic but as this video
showed, there are scary sides to everything.
Which was your favourite?
While you think about that Im gonna read out a comment from my Top 10 Lyrics You Never
Realized Were Creepy Video.
Remix ccc CBC said -He knows when youre sleeping.
He knows when youre awake.
How bout dat?- … yes!
Now that I think about it, Santa Claus is coming to town IS quite a creepy song.
Or maybethe whole idea of an old guy with a beard watching people all year, even when
theyre asleep, and judging their behaviour is actually the creepy thing.
Well, Merry Christmas to that!
Keep the comments coming in, thanks for watching guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
Xavier (Les 12 coups de midi) "Pourquoi j'ai quitté le jeu..." - Duration: 2:39.
Arrêtez De Fumer-Ne Vous Tuez Pas-Mufti Menk - Duration: 2:06.
Anxiety // First Two Weeks of December - Duration: 21:07.
*me breathing heavy and the trainer's voice presenting the next round*
*grunting*: uGh
today was really long. we had this...
competition the whole day.
and I was kind of anxious for today
this week is finally over!..
uhm... this was a pretty tough week.
I wanted to revise a little bit this morning.
and then I ate lunch and just headed to school.
and I'm happy for the points that I got extra.
I'm thankful for them.
We weren't allowed to bring anything to the competition.
I should've brought water I didn't really think of it.
and I think that made it worse.
*jumping in to the scene*: eh
what class?
*mumbling and thinking to myself*
*sudden realization* oooh
okay. okay. cool, cool, cool, cool
the reason why I didn't bring the camera was we had to leave our stuff in a different room.
there have been a few incidents of people robbing other people's stuff.
and I knew I would be really worried.
Officer Jameson: "you can lose the shtick. I've had a long day, so just tell me your name and I don't wanna hear santa claus"
Santa Claus: "and you won't. Officially. It's Saint Nicholaus. I prefer Saint Nick"
Officer Jameson: "buddy. I'm about at the end of my rope here."
Santa Claus: "me too."
Officer Jameson: "so did you rob a toy store too?"
*bursts out in laughter*
*special cheers to those watching with subtitles* :)
happy new year! <3
Zayn Malik -Common - Traduction françaises - Duration: 3:03.
🤖 Boxer, le robot un peu DINGUE ! - Duration: 1:14.
Shark Movies of 2018 - Duration: 2:37.
Gorgeous yellow APH 520 Park Model from Champion Home - Duration: 3:11.
Gorgeous yellow APH 520 Park Model from Champion Home
BLACKPINK - '마지막처럼 (AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST)' [Karaoke Ver.] M/V FMV - Duration: 3:37.
Who are you to make me keep thinking of you
This hurts my pride but I'm all worked up
My face goes red and my heart's racing
I can't control myself I'm getting dizzy
You're like a fistful of sand
I think I have you, but you slip from my grasp
You're not an easy catch, so I want you more
My heart just won't listen I mean really!
Can you feel it in my breath how much I want you
Even when I look at you I'm missing you
I'm bad at this Won't you set me free
Baby, hold me tight as if I might burst
Don't stop to think What's so hard about this
Kiss me like it's too good to be true.
As if I'm your last love
As if I'm your last, as if I'm your l-l-last
As if this is our last night, love
As if I'm your last, as if I'm your l-l-last
As if there is no tomorrow
Uh, Imma fall in love baby
You gon finna catch me
Uh, give you all of this baby
Call me pretty and nasty
'Cause we gonna get it my love you can bet it on
Black we gon double the stack on them whoa!
I be the Bonnie and you be my Clyde
We ride or die Xs and Os
For every tick and tock the more desperate I feel
You run my world and I'm missing you
I'm bad at this Won't you set me free
Baby, hold me tight as if I might burst
Don't stop to think What's so hard about this
Kiss me like it's too good to be true.
As if I'm your last love
As if I'm your last, as if I'm your l-l-last
As if this is our last night, love
As if I'm your last, as if I'm your l-l-last
As if there is no tomorrow, love
One two three, it's a new beginning
I won't ever be looking back
If I throw myself at you, please catch me
The world can't bring us down
Baby, hold me tight as if I might burst
Don't stop to think What's so hard about this
Kiss me like it's too good to be true.
As if I'm your last love
As if I'm your last, as if I'm your l-l-last
As if this is our last night, love
As if I'm your last, as if I'm your l-l-last
As if there is no tomorrow, love
Loa kéo mini KIOMIC K98 xách tay nhỏ gọn 2019.Giá 690k -Alo 0979.735.437 [Loa kéo Tâm Việt] - Duration: 10:42.
Nissan Note 1.2 59KW/80PK, 22.000 KM, TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:54.
最新ニュース : 『RIZIN』暴力問題で引退の貴ノ岩参戦は!? 実現したら『紅白』超え確実、消えた"幻のカード"- 記事詳細| - Duration: 5:04.
大晦日のテレビ いえば、『紅白』『ガ 使』とともに、"格闘 "というのが定番。か て、『K-1』『PR DE』『猪木祭り』が つ巴の対決を繰り広げ 時代に比べると、スケ ルダウンしているが、 年も、フジはメイウェ ーVS那須川天心が目 の『RIZIN.14 、TBSは4階級制覇 狙う井岡一翔の世界戦 、大晦日の有力コンテ ツであることは変わっ いない
「付け人への暴力 引退した、貴ノ岩の『 IZIN』緊急参戦で あれば、紅白を脅かす ンテンツとなった可能 もありますが、2月に 髪式が控える中では現 的には難しいでしょう (テレビ関係者) かつては、曙VSボブ サップで、瞬間的なが 紅白の視聴率を上回っ ことがあるだけに、話 性のあるマッチメイク と関係者は毎年、ギリ リまで奔走していると う
実際、これまで も実現していたら大変 注目を集めたに違いな 幻のカードの情報が浮 んでは消えていった。 「数年前、実際に実 寸前までいっていたと われるのは、元横綱A 参戦
相手はヒョードルが予 されており、ヒョード の方はOKを出してい と言われています。実 しなかったのは横綱A イドのギャラ問題が原 でした。1億円という とで一度は合意しかけ したが、間に入ってい コーディネーターが筋 悪い人物で、直前にな て3億円と言い出した
この人物とのかかわり コンプライアンス的に ウトということで、そ 以上の交渉を諦めざる 得なかったようですね ほかにも、謎の格闘家 デビューさせようと、 名格闘家をマスクマン して出場させようと、 気で計画されたことも りました」(格闘技関 者) 07年には 清水健太郎が突然、格 技デビューを表明
大晦日への意気込みを 々的にアピールしたこ があった。 「相手 指名したのは、あの押 学でした。押尾を指名 た理由は、『アイツに 矢田亜希子ちゃんみた な嫁さんがいるのに、 らにOLと不倫して女 大生と合コンしてお持 帰り
許せん!』というもの した。押尾は、この対 要求を、自身のブログ 『格闘技全般観るのは きだが、出る根性はね (笑)』と一蹴。実現 は至りませんでした」 芸能記者) 清水 、その後、08年には きにげで逮捕
押尾は09年に、麻薬 締法違反などで逮捕。 水は10年に、覚せい 取締法違反で6度目の 捕。13年には合成麻 使用で逮捕されるなど その後の2人は犯罪歴 競い合うことになった
そして清水は、 8年9月、三田佳子の 男の覚せい剤逮捕を受 、『ビビット』(TB 系)のインタビューに じ、「絶対に立ち直れ 。俺のところに来い! と語り、注目された
今度は高橋に対 要求でもしてみたら― あっさり実現したりす かも!?
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