In this video I wanted to share the biggest baddest the worst problem of the Xiaomi
mi 3-band so I've been using it for the past 20 days and I felt this
is a very necessary update regarding this band so I decided to make this
video the biggest problem of this band is that hey wait where's the band where's
the band it's not on my hand where's the band oh yeah I remember I lost it so
I was coming back from the office and I was wearing it I remember correctly I
was wearing it and even in during the ride I saw a friend of mine call me I
saw the notification on the band and I ignored it and continued with my ride
and as soon as I reached home I just didn't see it on my hand and the same
has happened to one more friend of mine so I think it's an issue which you might
face which you might have to experience if you're not careful with the band I
think the grip of the band isn't that great if I noticed it on my hand
and then I lost it then maybe the material of the grips is not one of the
great especially when you are continuously using the same hole on the
band and you pull the plug out and in a lot of times in a single day or in a
week it is bound to get weak and it is bound to lose its grip so now I
have this extra charging cable of the band and I decided to give it away so ever I
don't know how these things work because I've never thought to get
more subscribers or likes in lieu of Giveaways but anyways the top comment
under this video I'll ask for your contact details and I
will ship this charging cable of the mi band 3 to you so do subscribe to the
channel and ask your friends to like your comment. that's all about this video let
me know in the comments section if you have too faced a similar situation if
you too have lost your band just like that or if out of nowhere it was not on
your wrist because same has happened to one of one
more friend of mine so it is definitely an issue and it is one of the most
important issues because if you lose your band there won't be a band to
discuss upon. that's all for today. Mr. Mubot out!
For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Band 3 problem - The Biggest one. Small Giveaway. - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
蓝绿竞选2020台湾地区领导人的动作已开始! - Duration: 6:26.
Bramboráky | Vaření s Inkou a Týnkou - Duration: 2:58.
Hi! Welcome to another Cooking with Inka and Týnka!
And what are we cooking?
Good question.
One more time.
Hi! Welcome to another Cooking with Inka and Týnka
Today, we're making hash browns!
Hash browns! ... Why am I doing this?
We're leaving this in and moving on.
Today we're making hash browns!
Hash browns!
I'm standing on my tiptoes to make it seem I'm as tall as you.
Stop it!
I somehow...
Didn't expect this.
Ford S-Max 1.5 Titanium 7p. *Zeer compleet* Demo* van Bunningen Alphen a/d Rijn - Duration: 1:12.
Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TDI 150PK AUTOMAAT S-LINE EDITION - Duration: 1:07.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI 110PK AMBITION PRO LINE S - Duration: 1:09.
Audi TT Roadster 2.0 TFSI 200PK S-Line Plus TT-RS Uitvoering 19"Velgen Ibis Wit - Duration: 1:12.
Audi A4 1.4 TFSI 150pk s-tronic Sport S line edition - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A4 Avant 35 TFSI 150pk s-tronic Sport S line black edition - Duration: 1:07.
The Small Houses Designed Minimalist For 4 People | Small House Plans 2019 - Duration: 11:36.
The Small Houses Designed Minimalist For 4 People | Small House Plans 2019
Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.
Hey friends, Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride and I'm back again with another video! This time
I'm setting up my husband's bullet journal for January 2019.
Don't forget to stick around to the end of the video for my monthly giveaway!
So this month in my husband's bullet journal
I am doing an Apollo theme. If you're not familiar with the Apollo program,
it was designed to land humans on the moon and bring them safely back to earth and ran from 1963 to
1972. Six of the Apollo missions achieved their goal: Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 16 and 17.
And Apollo 11 is probably the one you have heard the most about because that is the one that landed the first
human on the moon in 1969.
As you probably know from watching my videos, my husband and I are both big nerds.
We both love space and we love sci-fi but something I haven't really gotten into in
M=my life is the Apollo missions,
I've never spent a lot of time watching videos about them or learning about them
for whatever reason, but my husband finds them fascinating and loves the moon. If he had a choice
he would definitely be living on the moon right now. So this month is completely dedicated to Jason's love of
space and the moon and the Apollo missions. For the cover page I decided to write January in the
classic NASA font and then 2019 is based on an image that NASA put out for Apollo 11
Where the Os in Apollo were depicted as the earth and the moon and then they had the flight path leaving Earth's orbit coming around
Swinging around the moon and landing and when we saw that we thought it was super cool
So I decided to repurpose that idea and make it fit in with
2019 so of course the zero is earth and then the circular part of the nine is the moon you'll see this theme is very
Minimalistic, everything is black and white essentially only done with a pen. So it's very easy to do
You don't need a lot of materials, but you can still really get that space feel. After the cover page
I'm moving on to the monthly spread setting it up as I always do with six by six boxes for each day.
Down the side
I'm writing January 2019 again in that NASA font and then the days of the week along the top. I then decided to
recreate an Apollo logo from the 60s.
This is I believe the official logo of the Apollo missions from that time.
So the font I did is not exact,
but I tried to replicate the look of this logo as much as I could in a very tiny
version and of course again only in black and white.
So the basic logo is a large A and then it shows the moon and the earth and again that flight path
coming around
This one took me a while to do because it had such fine detail
So I was using my Sakura microns and then I went back in after with my Sakura white Jellyroll
Gel pen to bring back some lightness to areas that I filled in a little too much with the pen
This is a great tip in general
if you are doing a black and white sort of
drawing and you find that you've coloured in places that you shouldn't, made mistakes,
you can always go in with a gel pen or some other kind of white pen or marker to kind of fix those mistakes.
So now I am moving on it to the weekly spreads which are very similar to what I have done in Jason's bullet journal in
the past. As I've explained a couple times before
Jason is a freelancer. So he needs space to track his hours and clients so that he can create invoices for the work
he does, so that is the main basis of his weeklies.
There is space for each day of the week to write down his hours, places
he has to be and then their space for tracking his hours worked and income. and
then the other side of the spread is just a blank page for notes and then he has another full empty spread after that
for notes as well in the week. So he ends up getting three total pages for notes for each week.
There is one little change on his weeklies this time around, we've added an extra column.
So you can see along the left side
There is one thin column along each day's tracker and that is for him to track whether or not he has invoiced for those hours
So I'll explain this again quickly for anyone who has not seen my previous plan with mes in my husband's bullet journal
(which will be linked if you want to go watch them). So essentially each day you have four rows total
The first three rows are space for three separate clients in a day
And then the fourth row is for totals. Looking at the columns,
The left column is for checking off whether or not these have been invoiced,
the second column is to indicate which client to the work is for, the
third column is for how many hours worked for that client,
and then the fourth column is for the total amount earned in those hours and then the totals are for total hours worked and
total income for that day.
And then at the bottom of the week
we have an extra totals line for total hours worked in the week and total income made in the week.
So that extra column is
just to track whether or not these hours have been invoiced which is something Jason
decided he needed after using his bullet journal for a couple months.
And that's one of the best things about bullet journals in my opinion is that you can completely change your system from top to bottom
If it doesn't work for you
But you can also make little tweaks here and there to really make it work for your life
And there's no one saying you can't and it's as easy as drawing your spread differently next time
All of the weeklies are the same so I won't show the setup of weeks two through five
But I will show you the little drawings I'm doing in the corner. The first drawing for week
one is an astronaut looking up to the stars.
The second drawing I'm doing is a recreation of a classic NASA logo from the 60s
I wasn't super happy with how this turned out when I first filled it in with pen
So I ended up going back in with my posca white paint pen to
Brighten up some of the areas thicken up the letters and just kind of fix the spacing because I honestly didn't do a great job
Of filling this in which is a great chance for me to remind everyone that mistakes happen
There's no with making a mistake and there are lots of creative ways you can use to fix mistakes and no one will ever know
Next I'm drawing a plan of Gemini, this is taken from a NASA
reference book from the 60s
I tried to recreate this drawing as closely as I could because it was a really really cool
Graphic drawing with Gemini and reference book kind of written into the plan
It was a really cool looking so I did my best to recreate that
Gemini technically is not part of Apollo. It was the mission right before Apollo and
Geminis objective was the development of space travel techniques to support the Apollo mission to land humans on the moon
So while it's not technically part of the Apollo missions
It definitely was foundational to the existence of the Apollo missions and the success of the Apollo missions
So I decided to include this especially just because when Jason saw this diagram he thought it was super cool
He really likes these kinds of patent and interior plan drawings of ships
He actually has a interior plan
Rocket ship tattoo on his side and this is very him and very me as well
I love drawing interior plans and diagrams of things
So this just had to be included even though it technically is not
actually from the Apollo missions next up on week 4
I am drawing or trying to recreate the Grumman logo from the 60s the Grumman aircraft engineering
Corporation was a producer of military and civilian aircraft
So they actually designed and built the Apollo Lunar Module which was a spacecraft that was flown to and landed on the moon
This was definitely a bit of a complicated logo to recreate but it is super cool
So I was happy to try and then on tweak five our last drawing here. This is another original Apollo logo
That was on a lot of their reference materials
From the 60s a lot of the internal NASA reference materials had this Apollo logo in the corner
So I did my best to recreate this as accurately as I could a lot of these logos
Originally had some kind of color going on and I just decided to keep everything black and white and very simple for this setup
But this logo originally had red and yellow in it. It was very cool-looking
I highly recommend you go google some of this stuff if you're interested in it
it's very cool to look at and
The very last spread that we have in this month is actually a new spread and it is a honey-do list
So Jason actually asked me to add this to his bullet journal for last month and we both completely forgot
So I'm adding it now for January and this is essentially a master to-do list
We're calling it the honey-do list, but it's not just things that I'm asking him to do
It's also just whatever comes to mind that he needs to get done
It's kind of one place to collect all of those tasks
And as you all know
I love a good to-do list and I love a good master to-do list just to combine
Everything that's on my mind so I can make sure I'm not forgetting anything
especially if it's something that doesn't need to be done in the next week or a couple weeks and
I want to make sure I don't forget about it
So now that we've gone through all the spreads it is time to talk about the giveaway and this month
I'm really excited to be giving away both a notebook and a pen to act as a little bit of a starter kit for any
Of you who want to start bullet journaling in 2019?
But maybe don't have a notebook to use or don't have the resources to get yourself one
So I've never actually used this type of notebook, but I've been really intrigued by it
They sell it at Crees the artist store downtown Toronto, which is where I buy a lot of my supplies
And I've been really intrigued by it multiple times, but just haven't needed a new notebook recently
So I never bought one to check them out, but I decided this would be a great time to do it
I could give it to one of you
It looks like it's incredible and I'm really excited to hear from whichever. One of you wins it to hear your thoughts
And of course if the rest of you who don't win are interested in learning a bit more about the specific notebook
Let me know I can always pick up another one and do a review video
This one is the pen talaq traveler pocket journal
It has a dot grid five millimeters spacing between the dots which is pretty standard in bullet journals
it has completely it recycled paper, which is
120 GSM which is pretty thick. So hopefully whoever wins this won't have any issues with bleeding or ghosting
It has 160 pages. The pages are acid-free slightly
Toothy recycled bright white sketch paper and the cover is italian-made flexible
Water-resistant cover there's also an elastic closure and a ribbon marker as for the pen
I'm giving away the lip and drawing technical drawing pin in 0.3
This is one that I've been using in my notebook reviews recently for pen tests
And I found that it's done really well at being one of the least
smudged bull pens that I own
and I've actually started using it recently in my bullet journal on a day-to-day basis and really love how it
performs and love the nib size
I just think it's a very
basic pen to have in your kit and a really good one to start bullet journaling with it's fine enough that you can get some
Really detailed work out of it, but it's not so fine that it'll take you forever
If you're trying to do something a little more bold, so I'm really excited about this prize pack this month
And I hope you all are too I'm gonna give you a super quick rundown of the rules
But as always they will be written in the description box
If you need to double check, make sure you're subscribed to this YouTube channel and hit the bells
You're notified when I post new videos like this video go follow me on
Instagram and lastly leave a comment on this video it can be whatever you like
But just make sure you include your Instagram handle so that I can find you if you win if you don't have Instagram
But you still want to enter you can follow me on any of my other social media
You can like my Facebook page or follow me on Pinterest whatever you like, whatever kind of social media you have
I know not. Everyone has Instagram and you still want the chance to win so I completely hear you. No problem at all
Just pick another social media and let me know the handle
from that social media that you followed me on and which social media you picked so that I can still keep track of you if
you do in
Thank you again so much to my patrons
I appreciate you so much
If you're interested in becoming a patron and grabbing a bunch of awesome rewards
Make sure to check out the link in the description or the cards to come join at the plant-based bride patron squad
Don't forget to go check out my plan with me in my bullet journal if you haven't seen it already
I did a letter board themed for January and I'm so in love with how it turned out it took forever
But it was very fun
So definitely go check out that video if you haven't seen it yet and as always leave all of your recommendations
In the comments for themes you want to see in 2019. I'm currently trying to kind of plan out all the themes
I'm gonna do in my journal and and Jason's bullet journal for 2019. So be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments
So that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon in my next video in
bye friends
Eyes On Mikaela | Transformers (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:11.
Mikaela! It's Sam.
I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything.
You sure?
So, listen, I was wondering if I could ride you home.
I mean, give you a ride home in my car, to your house.
There you go.
I can't believe that I'm here right now.
You can duck down if you want. I mean, it won't hurt my feelings.
Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean here with you.
I just meant here, like, in this situation, this same situation that I'm always in.
'Cause, I don't know, I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys,
for tight abs and really big arms.
Big arms?
Well, there's a couple new additions in the car.
Like, I just put in that light there.
And that disco ball. And so the light reflects off the disco ball.
Are you new to school this year? It's your first year here?
Oh, no, no.
We've been in the same school since first grade.
- Really? - Yeah.
Yeah, a long time.
Well, do we have any classes together?
- Yeah, yeah. - Really? Which?
History. Language arts. Math. Science.
- Sam. - Sam. Yeah.
- Sam Wilkicky. - Witwicky.
God, you know what? I'm so sorry. I just...
- No, it's cool. - I just didn't recognize you.
Yeah, well, I mean, that's understandable.
No, no, no. No. Come on.
Sorry, I'm just working out the kinks. You know, it's a new car.
When I get that feeling I want sexual healing
This radio is, like, you know... It's an old radio, too, so...
Sexual healing
Look, this isn't something that I, you know...
I can't get this radio to stop. Look, I wouldn't try this on you.
'Cause this is like a romantic thing that I'm not trying to do.
Not that you're not worthy of trying something like this on.
- No, of course not. - I'm a friend of yours.
I'm not a romantic friend. Romantic friends do this.
I mean, I'm not that friend. I mean, we... I could be.
I feel good
Just pop the hood.
Stupid. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
Whoa, nice headers.
You've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor.
That's pretty impressive, Sam.
It squirts the fuel in so you can go faster.
I like to go faster.
And it looks like your distributor cap's a little loose.
Yeah? How'd you know that?
My dad. He was a real grease monkey. He taught me all about this.
I could take it all apart, clean it, put it back together.
That's weird. I just wouldn't peg you for mechanical.
Oh, my God.
Well, you know, I don't really broadcast it.
Guys don't like it when you know more about cars than they do.
Especially not Trent. He hates it.
Yeah, no, I'm cool with, you know, females working on my engine.
I prefer it, actually.
- Okay. You want to fire it up for me? - Oh, yeah, yeah, no problem.
- Thanks. - You know, I was thinking.
You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him?
You know what? I'm just... I'm gonna walk.
Good luck with your car.
All right.
Walking's healthy, right?
Oh, God, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Come on, please. Please, you gotta work for me now.
Don't let her walk away. Come on, come on, come on. Please, please.
Baby come back any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back you can blame it all on me
Wait a second!
I was wrong and I just can't live without you
There it is.
I had fun. So, you know, thanks for listening.
- Oh, yeah, yeah. - You... You think I'm shallow?
I think you're... No, no, no.
I think there's a lot more than meets the eye with you.
All right, I'll see you at school.
All right.
That's stupid.
That was a stupid line.
"There's more than meets the eye with you." Stupid.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God. I love my car.
Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.
Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys
I never run from a challenge
Don't worry
Hello there No
Learn some tactics
Allow me to share my
Hello there
Don't feel bad when I beat you
Do your worst
Learn some tactics
Stay down
Maybe not
That's on me
I never run from a challenge
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 26:46.
Yes friends hello.
Today in GSM Communication
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
we will do the screen change.
As you can see Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Broken screen will do the exchange.
Yes, as you can see, a navy color.
Friends reminding this by the way
There are benefits. On
Although it has protective glass
impact resistant glass, but still
screen is broken. According to our customer
On Screen Protector
because I have the screen saver glass I'm well fitted.
She said it happened to me because I was comfortable.
Therefore, it is useful to remind.
Don't rely on your screen glasses, friends.
Definitely take your measure.
Gene get protective glass, but
you know, how can i not break my screen
Don't behave.
Currently we will do the screen test on the touch test.
Yes, as you can see, the touch works but in the middle of the screen
screen is broken. Now
We are here for you Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Friends will try to show you how to make the screen change.
First of all, we turn off the device.
We're removing the sim card slot.
We're taking out your pen.
We're warming the back cover, friends.
In the meantime, you can
watching our videos
screen change or a different repair
do not recommend. This is our video
our technician
shared for information purposes. You know.
Non-experts can do this
We do not recommend.
Yeah, we're removing the back cover after warming up.
When removing the rear cover
Do not use as much metal material as you can.
Use as much plastic material as you can.
What we call pena
You can use parts like this.
Friends meanwhile the screen cover
behind the phone cover
finger reader have finger reader have flexi
Especially when removing the cover
Be careful. Yes, we've removed the finger reader socket.
Pay close attention to him as you have the finger reader flexi behind the device.
Otherwise, you may break off.
Friends during screen change
we need to pay attention to
Correct number of screws
how many screws are there
if we know the number of
we do not damage the device when removed.
Same size of screws holding back cover
al. Because the sizes are the same
it is safe to install different screws in different places.
but still remove the screw that you removed.
Obtain habit to wear friends.
Yes a total of 18
Screw available as friends can see.
To remove from the total rear cover
Screw number should be 18 friends.
Yes friends this cover eeeeee
as you can see what we call wireless charging
Event. And what we call an NFC
It is attached to the cover.
As you can see behind
There are chips.
There's chips in there behind that cover.
Wireless charger also what we call NFC
what we call event NFC.
Friends are also
connected things
wifi, bluetooth
and at the same time what we call NFC
GPS is also GPS
Wifi, Bluetooth
and the event that we call NFC all connected to this track friends.
90% of this failure is due to this part.
Let's do what we repair on friends device
priority to disconnect the current from the device.
So remove the battery socket and
cut off the electricity and current of the device friends.
To prevent short circuit.
Yes, the ringer, the network antenna
same time
As you can see friends who have a ringtone network antenna.
Yes we are removing the display sockets at this time.
Display and touch sockets.
We're currently disconnecting the charging socket, friends.
Yes, as you can see.
Now these sockets will tell you what works and what are friends.
Let's start from the top.
These are battery socket friends.
This is the sensor socket. When we search
The sensor socket that makes the screen dark when we bring the device to our ear.
This screen and touch socket.
Friends pencil socket in this last piece.
So the touch of the pen
where was the pen
as you can see, it's the touch of friends.
That's his socket.
The socket at the end of the charging input is friends.
That's the front camera. Front cameras.
Yeah. We are removing the screws holding the motherboard right now.
The size of these screws are different than others.
If we put the wrong screw here
we'll give very serious damage to the motherboard.
Let him pay attention to the features.
Yes friends. The size of the screws removed from the motherboard is different.
A total of 6 screws were removed.
The main thing on a device with friends is the motherboard.
The motherboard is the device itself friends.
For him necessarily with tenderness
and carefully remove. Other parts available
But the motherboard is the device itself friends.
Yes, the charger socket in this part.
It also has a microphone on it.
As you see. Microphone and charging socket.
Friends. This piece is also called external headphone socket
external earphone
headphone socket.
Vibration motor
We're ripping him right now.
Yeah, vibration motor. You see.
It's the track that keeps the device shaking.
Yes right now we call the sensor
device to our ear
We will remove it.
Adhesive because the bottom
A little warming.
Yes, as you can see. The voices above
also have flash.
Is this the flash? Yeah, there's a little flash.
At the same time the sensor
Yeah, like friends. Light
This is what we call flash and also face recognition
Face to recognize the light at the same time the sensor
light and sensor on this part.
Yes as you can see now
The little piece we see right now
at the same time when we put
When the message comes on, a different color is on.
And that's part of you guys.
This is the fluid we've got friends in.
does not cause any damage to the battery.
Harden the adhesive on the bottom
it makes the battery easy to exit.
Battery without any damage
it appeared immaculately.
We removed the screen.
Now let's put the pieces together.
All parts with the broken shape of the screen.
front cameras, screws
sensor, charging socket
Charging socket and microphone
external headphone socket
vibration engine
you ask
sim card slot
sim card slot
parts of the phone. Same time
let's put this aside
What we call NFC
let's put the battery on the phone
Thanks. As you can see in the phone
These are all parts of friends.
Now we're gonna put all these pieces on the new screen, fellas.
Yes, friends meanwhile
We forgot to turn on our light.
Yes, as you can see the service screen
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
100% original service screen
Navy blue
Zero service screen. Let's show you the broken screen, by the way.
Let's show the broken screen.
As you see.
Now I'm stripped of all the parts
friends will put on the new screen.
Yes, as you have seen
Zero service original screen.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
In the meantime, it's worth remembering. Service
See as you see. Vibration motor on the screen
at the same time
on the screen. The service was originally installed.
These are the precision parts
with the thought of
They put it on the screen in a ready way, friends.
Headset and vibration motor.
Original parts are 100% original.
She's on it for him.
Yes, the parts we've taken off
We are wearing new screen to friends.
We got the sensor.
We plugged the external headphone socket.
We're wearing the charger socket and the microphone.
To the device
especially with precision.
Yes right now, the motherboard
after making sure it is seated
we are replacing the sockets. We're wearing the sensor socket.
Sensor socket
then we are wearing the display and touch socket.
then we attach the pen touch socket.
And finally, we're plugging in the charging socket.
We're gonna put the front camera right now.
First put the screws on the motherboard.
Let's just sit down
We'il install our cameras.
There are 6 screws connected to the motherboard
Remember friends.
Screw sizes removed from the motherboard
slightly smaller than the screws from the other screws.
Let's get the right screw for him.
The other screw goes up to the screen.
See the motherboard screw and back cover holding screw
The dimensions are so different in size.
If we install the other long screw on the motherboard
other long screws on the motherboard
friends can give very serious damage to the device.
Yes I have found the screw at the same time the screw fell.
Friends like motherboard screws
lets be careful.
It's a very important issue because here we should pay attention especially here.
Because if we attach the long screw
goes up to the screen
And we'il break the screen again, friends.
Yes, we're wearing the front camera right now.
And finally, we're wearing the battery.
We're wearing the buzzer.
We also call the network antenna.
NFC and wireless charger
replace Same time
As I said, friends back cover total
It holds 18 screws.
Yeah. We're wearing the last screw.
Yeah, we're gonna put the back cover right now.
Before attaching the back cover
the finger reader socket on the back
on the motherboard.
Pay particular attention to this section.
It's a very sensitive part because it can break at any moment.
Put your friends on for slow and calm.
Yes as friends have seen
In GSM Communication
The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen was replaced.
As you can see broken screen
and rugged display.
Now let's test the screen we just installed.
Yes as you can see friends screen
successfully passed the test.
You can see the test password slowly.
Star square zero star square (* # 0 * #)
You're clicking on red.
Are you looking at the color resolution to see if there are any pixel errors.
You're looking blue.
Then screen test
Touch is already there
You can test your friends.
Friends using Samsung
in this way, it can also test the touch of the screens.
Yes as you have seen friends in GSM Communication
"Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen replacement"
successful. Put it in the box.
For watching us
Thank you friends.
Xiaomi Mi Band 3 problem - The Biggest one. Small Giveaway. - Duration: 2:30.
In this video I wanted to share the biggest baddest the worst problem of the Xiaomi
mi 3-band so I've been using it for the past 20 days and I felt this
is a very necessary update regarding this band so I decided to make this
video the biggest problem of this band is that hey wait where's the band where's
the band it's not on my hand where's the band oh yeah I remember I lost it so
I was coming back from the office and I was wearing it I remember correctly I
was wearing it and even in during the ride I saw a friend of mine call me I
saw the notification on the band and I ignored it and continued with my ride
and as soon as I reached home I just didn't see it on my hand and the same
has happened to one more friend of mine so I think it's an issue which you might
face which you might have to experience if you're not careful with the band I
think the grip of the band isn't that great if I noticed it on my hand
and then I lost it then maybe the material of the grips is not one of the
great especially when you are continuously using the same hole on the
band and you pull the plug out and in a lot of times in a single day or in a
week it is bound to get weak and it is bound to lose its grip so now I
have this extra charging cable of the band and I decided to give it away so ever I
don't know how these things work because I've never thought to get
more subscribers or likes in lieu of Giveaways but anyways the top comment
under this video I'll ask for your contact details and I
will ship this charging cable of the mi band 3 to you so do subscribe to the
channel and ask your friends to like your comment. that's all about this video let
me know in the comments section if you have too faced a similar situation if
you too have lost your band just like that or if out of nowhere it was not on
your wrist because same has happened to one of one
more friend of mine so it is definitely an issue and it is one of the most
important issues because if you lose your band there won't be a band to
discuss upon. that's all for today. Mr. Mubot out!
Audi A4 Avant 35 TFSI 150pk s-tronic Sport Lease Edition - Duration: 1:07.
Burnley boss Sean Dyche understands he is not immune from the sack - Duration: 5:17.
Sean Dyche does not feel safe in the Burnley hotseat, despite his historic achievements at the club
Last season's seventh-placed finish saw the Clarets qualify for Europe for the first time in half a century but, seven months on, the feeling at Turf Moor is very different, with Burnley staring at a relegation battle
Dyche's team sit three points adrift of safety in 18th place in the Premier League table with 12 points - 20 fewer than at the same stage last season
The goals conceded column, meanwhile, shows they are only one short of last term's entire tally
Wednesday's 5-1 home loss to Everton ended with boos from the stands, and voices questioning Dyche's future, although in the minority, have begun to grow louder
Dyche is the fourth longest-serving manager across the Premier League and Football League, having taken charge of the Clarets more than six years ago, and the club stuck with him despite relegation in 2015
The 47-year-old said: 'I think there is a bit of reality from the outside, people looking in, but don't for one minute think I think I'm set in stone here
'I'm not, eventually people want change.I've said it for years here, eventually they will want change, for good or bad reasons
Either I go somewhere else for the reason we've been very successful, or we haven't, and my position changes
'It's not something that concerns me.I know the work we put in here and I'm quite pleased, not with results, but the general work, the amount of work my staff and I put in, and the players
If people do question it, that's the way it goes.They question it on results, not on workload
'I think the fans have been patient, they have been excellent actually, they know the journey of the club
We've got probably 12,000 who were here when I got here and have seen it radically change in six or so years
'A few have come along the way who have seen, probably, only successful periods.So maybe they are looking at the whole bigger picture, I don't know
But I totally understand when they do get frustrated.'I think the chairman understands the challenges and where's it's at, but, of course, he wants us to be winning and not in the position we are, like we all do
' Dyche feels last season's achievements have made Burnley's task even harder in the transfer market, with higher figures quoted for players, but, however the rest of the campaign plays out, he will have no regrets
He said: 'I wouldn't change any of it.Many historical markers chiselled in stone, that's an amazing thing, but it passes quickly
'You asked me about credit in the bank, it's all gone, the next challenge is the next game, it's not, "Hasn't it been marvellous?" Yes, it has, but it's all been parked
'The first time we got promoted, I made my son's bed the next day, I wasn't rattling around with the champagne
Now we've got to remodel it and move it forward again.' Burnley's next challenge comes on Sunday when West Ham visit Turf Moor
Tiếng gọi sân ga - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 5:01.
That afternoon, on the train will depart, there was a red shirt girl was met her PREDESTINED AFFINITY
The young man watched the fall in his clear and deep eyes,, then timidly hold her hand.
The warmth from his hand spread and ran through her body ... making her feel lightheaded, fluttering, innocent ... it was hard to describe in words. ..
That is the POWER LINE OF LOVE ....
Love came so fast and she did not realize it, so she accidentally gave him a fake address, then the TRAINING TRIP went to the opposite direction ...
making them far away, far forever ... unable to see each other
even after that, she was awake and wanted to redeem the mistake.
Two years later, she boarded a flower car with a handsome Ha Thanh master
Everyone told her she was lucky ...
Holding her husband's hand to walk around the garden, she felt so warm, lean her head on his shoulder, she felt so peaceful
But even when in the arms of her husband's love, she never felt the POWER LINE spreading throughout her body as ever.
Perhaps, she had only one love ... and had missed it ...
A year later, I happened to meet the OLD PEOPLE at the platform,
Discovering that she was still lurking around here, the boy was running his head forward to find her, his thin figure only falling ..
.Never find it, he stopped, looked at the four sides ... then tried his best to scream ... calling her name forever ...
That pathetic call seemed to tear her heart. She did not dare to look, did not dare to hear ..., tears welled down her chest
Ask a place where there is a sale of REGERT MEDICINE, so that this couple has a chance to come back together ??? Only regret ...
Many nights, she dreamed of a picture still standing on the platform waiting and calling her name, a heartbreaking call ...
Waterworks Episode 2 Immence hatred - Duration: 17:20.
...You kinda forgot why you were mad again.
> Check out the room.
This place is huge!
The windows are gigantic and you're very far away from them.
There's some structures off to the sides of the catwalk,
and you can barely make out the top or bottom of the room!
Just what the hell do they do to your water, anyway?
> Lean dangerously close to railing.
You lean close to the railing.
Not dangerously close, but close enough to warrant some caution.
Below you can see what looks like a bunch of weird water shit.
You'd be puzzled if you weren't up here above it all.
t looks like a bunch of vats filled with water,
with a few of them being contaminated with that same black sludge from your shower.
You also put your hand in some that was on the rail, whoops!
> What is that black goop around?
Oh man, this shit.
This stuff is awful.
It's all goopy and it smells stronger and more horrible than anything you've ever smelled before.
It's as if someone made a permanent marker that smelled like gasoline and wrote with paint thinner.
You've been covered in head to toe with this stuff countless times.
You know that it isn't dangerous - at first.
But when left on for long enough, it slowly begins to corrode nearly any nonmetallic object it touches.
Once you get this mess sorted out you're planning on going out and getting a new shower.
Made of steel.
You can usually wipe it off without a problem.
If you're ever covered again, you've found that just a little bit of water is enough to wash it all off you.
This sludge doesn't mix well with it.
> Wash hand, quickly.
> Then continue to proceed to the accompaniment of amazing music.
That sounds like a great idea! You'll get right on it.
How do you purpose we get music?
> All this goo fuss has surely kept us above the required coolness for access to the MP3 player.
You're currently nowhere near being able to use your MP3 PLAYER.
You really do wish you had some music to listen to,
as the only thing you're hearing right now is the sound of the machinery in this place.
Aside from that there has been no music whatsoever, and anyone who says or thinks otherwise is a sillyface.
> Flail.
...That isn't such a bad idea either!
You can easily detach the ball from your MACE.
If only you had some rope or something to tie it on.
Run to the right till something interesting pops by.
oh god what
You have a hunch that this guy is JOSE.
Aren't you supposed to be using that house for cleaning graffiti and collecting blue coins?
Your name is Jose, right?
Yeah, what about it
I'm psychic. Your family is in great danger. You should go help them immediately.
My family's dead
Hey, Jose!
What dammit.
What do you want with me?
I want you out of here. Or dead. Whatever's of least inconvenience.
Also, holy shit. Don't ever do that again.
What is it goddammit.
You seem like the kind of guy who'd be great for comic relief!
No, I am not.
Oh come on, just look at your name. I'm sure you've got some jokes up your sleeve.
What about my name?
Why do it have a hose? Wouldn't a baguette be a more effective weapon?
A baguette what
Or maybe you're just using that hose to keep me away because you'll surrender if I get close!
Okay, that's it. Enough. I've had it.
There are some things that you should know, bitch.
First off, I am NOT French.
That joke was not nice. You should feel bad.
Second, I have to deal with you. I'm not joking. I hate jokes.
We're taking this water and you will not stop us.
Well, this is a problem! You can't get close enough to this guy to hit him.
Fortunately, you've discovered your LEVEL ONE MACETECH: POP FLY, and can hit him with that.
It's working for now, but it probably won't be effective for much longer.
Also, he's not French.
You feel stupid for trying to poke fun at him,
and humiliated because you haven't leveled up your face enough to pull off a convincing anime-style getup.
> Attack him and take a shower!
You can't even get close to him, but the realization that he's spraying you with clean water makes you giddy.
You haven't had a proper shower since last week.
> Use popfly on the lever of his toilet pack.
You've got to wait for him to stop spraying you first.
Hold on...
It appears that Jose's WATER PRESSURE has dropped significantly.
Now's your chance! You've got a clean shot at the lever on his backpack.
There's no more water coming out of his hose. That was easy!
You think.
> Point at him, then move the mace pole across your neck/throat.
> Don't forget the angry eyes.
You pick up the ball of your mace and give your best attempt to look threatening.
> Smash him good.
Realize you're probably soaked in toilet water.
toilet water what
You've completely forgotten about your IMMENSE HATRED OF TOILETS.
Well, it's not the toilets themselves that you don't like.
It's just that they get absolutely filthy in an incredibly short amount of time,
and you find a dirty toilet to be one of the most repulsive things on the planet.
Your clean your toilet at home so hard that you've actually won awards for it.
If you absolutely must come across a dirty toilet, you have to either CLEAN it or UTTERLY ANNIHILATE it.
And just to think, any of the water you've seen could've very well at some point been water from a dirty toilet!
oh god oh god oh god you don't think you've ever flipped out as much as you are right now
Holy shit, that was unhealthy. You need a second to gather your bearings.
> Stop flipping out while you are in the RED
sounds like a great idea, provided you're able to stop your mood ring in the right spot.
...And of course, you weren't able to do it.
Not only that, the mood indicator is completely gone. What the hell.
...At least you've still got your MACE.
As ridiculous as what just happened, Jose obviously has no idea what's going on, and he's weaponless.
You've got to do something quickly before he runs away like Slick did.
> Clean Jose's toilet harder than you've ever cleaned a toilet before.
Win awards for it.
Oh man, you would. You totally would. But you didn't think to bring any CLEANING IMPLEMENTS with you.
> Focus quickly on that Jose guy,
> it's his fault that you may or may not have been soaked in dirty toilet water
> and the sooner you smash him up the faster you can get to an actual shower!
...Good point.
The only option is to reduce his toilet to a tiny pile of ceramic dust.
You're feeling it now.
Flip the fuck out on the person responsible for this toilet water bullshit.
Time for some fun.
You don't need no goddamn shotgun.
You are SLICK.
You can't do that at the moment. Your suit is being repaired.
The worker starts doing it, though.
> Worker: Kick through the 122 window thingy.
Oh man, you love this guy. He's tried that about a hundred times already, but you still find it hilarious.
No amount of spinning will damage your REPAIR MODULE.
> Be sure to add +3 against bludgeoning to your suit. You don't want to do this anytime soon again
You open up your painfully-green SUIT PROFILE DISPLAY and change the properties of your suit.
...You know what?
Let's just start over.
You wipe your entire profile and put 3 points into DAMAGE RESISTANCE.
Whenever you reset your profile, you always start out with two points in DAMAGE RESISTANCE and MOBILITY,
followed by one in SPATIAL DISTORTION.
Your weapon is locked in at HARPOON, and you're only able to change it if you bring the desired weapon into the REPAIR MODULE with you.
SPATIAL DISTORTION is your suit's ability.
Normally you wouldn't need it, but at least one point in it is imperative for you to complete your mission.
> Two to spatial distortion, four to mobility, one more to damage resistance
It's not too different from your last build (you just put five points in everything to make it all equal), but sure.
Looking good.
Looking good. Everything's relatively tame in regards to each other,
but you've got a slightly larger edge in MOBILITY and DAMAGE RESISTANCE,
which should make you a bit of a better fighter even without your weapon.
You're not sure how this will impact your ABILITY, though.
> Check Ability Menu too, just to be sure
You've got two PUDDLETECHS and a SPACETECH online.
It's all you've ever used, really. You find puddle transportation to be incredibly useful.
> Move a single point from D.R. to S.D.
To recap, you've got * 5 points in Damage Resistance
* 6 points in Mobility
* 4 points in Spatial Distortion
...Your damage resistance is at five again.
Oh well, at least with an extra boost to mobility that girl will have trouble catching you to hit you at all.
> Go for it. See if the worker's still spinning around
But it kinda feels like you've been both overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time.
You also feel a little tingly.
> Look at worker.
He's trying to spin you out. It's humorous, but you have to admit that you're starting to get a little dizzy.
> Punch worker for the hell of it.
There. Now you can get some work done for once.
> Your new suit has a hideous fin shaped thing on top. Go back and try again.
This fin on top of your helmet really does look out of place, but it is the price you must pay for modifying your suit.
Apparently it's the addition that increases your MOBILITY by one.
It also sorta looks like a mohawk.
You could go back and reset everything to what it once was,
but the REPAIR MODULE needs some time to recharge before it can work again.
It's a miracle you even got it to work down here in the first place,
what with the shoddy wiring of this room and all.
> Check on your other teammates.
You go up to the SECURITY CONSOLE and flip through the cameras.
FLUSH is doing what he's supposed to be doing, at least.
He's over by the RESEVOIR, making sure that the water's emptying out properly.
...You're having difficulty finding TUBS. He's a little paranoid.
Even though you all locked the place down without a hitch, TUBS still blots out the security cameras.
Judging by what cameras are blacked out and what ones aren't,
he's probably near the OFFICES seeing if he can find anything worth stealing.
> Go check on how Jose is doing.
You hope JOSE was able to take care of that girl.
Oh man.
You really hope you were able to save them both.
Combining one's abilities to form a new one is a pretty useful technique,
but you've never used the DIMENSIONAL HOPPER on another person before.
You have no idea what will happen.
Affaire Benalla,,l'ancien collaborateur sur d'éventuelles « missions privées » lors de ses fon - Duration: 4:07.
BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D Business | ELEC-TREKHAAK | AUTOMAAT | NAVI - Duration: 1:13.
Jaguar X-Type 2.0 D Antares Airco_Parrot_Nette auto rijdt uitstekend - Duration: 1:08.
The Grateful Tiger - Duration: 2:50.
The title of the story is
''The Grateful Tiger''
Once upon a time, a farmer and a tiger were friends.
How did they become friends?
Long long ago, a tiger was walking in a huge beautiful forest.
While walking, he stepped on a thorn
and cried out loudly. He started roaring.
It was extremely painful. He got exhausted with the pain.
At the same time, a farmer heard the sound.
He began to wonder where the sound is coming from?
He followed the sound and reached
to the spot where the tiger was lying.
He saw the tiger and went to help.
He was doubtful that the tiger might attack him.
But he consoled the tiger and pulled out the thorn.
The tiger was relieved and pleased with his kindness
and licked him with gratitude.
and they became friends.
Then both of them, the farmer and the tiger walked away.
Later, a group of ten men came to the forest.
They wanted to capture a tiger.
They looked all around and lastly,
they found it, threw the net on it
and captured the tiger.
They took him on their spot where there was a huge cage
They threw him inside that cage and locked him.
The tiger was looking for a way to escape.
Then they caught a man that was the farmer.
They forcefully took him and threw him into that cage
and he fell down. He begged to be let free
but they left him there.
The fierce tiger was ready to pounce on him but he stopped.
He realized that it was the same man who had helped him earlier.
and began to lick him.
The farmer also realized that this tiger is his friend.
Watching this, all the men standing outside became speechless.
Both, the tiger and the farmer came outside the cage proudly
and the crowd appreciated them.
Crouch Spamming does NOT break the Hitbox! - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 11:02.
What's up guys, Rogue-9 here and today I want to talk a little bit about crouch spam
in Rainbow Six Siege and some experiments I have been conducting on this topic.
After drop-shotting was nerfed, it was only a matter of time before a new gunfight META
emerged and the next best thing to flopping around the map like a pro soccer player was
of course crouching up and down like a whack-a-mole doll on steroids.
Crouch spamming is in the game and it works, so it's understandable that we see this
tactic more and more but is there actually a problem with it?
Does it just make you harder to hit or will it go beyond that and also break your hitbox?
Let's go and find out!
Now let me get a few fundamentals out of the way first.
Movement speed in Rainbow Six varies by armour class but this only goes for the speed at
which you move around the map.
Crouching, proning and leaning speed is exactly the same for all three armour classes and
of course the same goes for shield carriers.
So that means that tactics like crouch spamming can be used by all operators equally!
You can crouch spam!
You can crouch spam!
And even you can crouch spam!
Another fundamental fact that makes crouch spamming viable is how little it affects the
first person perspective.
Yes, the camera perspective changes when we crouch, prone or lean in Rainbow Six but from
the first person perspective, the change is quite subtle and with the exception of going
prone, you can stay perfectly aimed down sight during all of these manoeuvres.
The third person character model on the other hand can move around quite significantly during
these same transitions.
Look at that, they even switch around to a left handed grip on their guns when leaning left!
And when crouching, the operator's head not only moves up and down but also quite
a bit from side to side.
This discrepancy between how movement affects the first person and third perspective is
at least part of the reason that makes changing stances so affective in gunfights.
Even without taking hitbox problems into consideration, you can already make yourself a much harder
target to hit, basically without incurring any penalty at all in terms of your ability
to aim and hit your own targets.
And can we at this stage just quickly admire how amazing the animation is for leaning left
and right while crouched?
This is literally like some kind of magic trick!
How is he doing that?!
Invisible strings?
Some kind of support construction worn underneath the trousers?
Whatever the case, this is almost as good as raptor legs and I do hope that it will stay in the game.
In fact, I'm going to make a prediction that this could well be the hottest new gunfight tactic in 2019.
Imagine backing around a corner like this!
Any opponent who is attacked in this way will almost certainly die laughing before being
able to fire a single shot.
But I digress; crouch spamming is the issue and now that we have confirmed that everyone
can crouch spam equally well, it's important try to find out if this tactic is just annoying
and makes you harder to hit or if it actually messes with your hitbox in some way because
that would be a truly unfair advantage that needs to be removed from the game ASAP.
And let's be clear, there used be a bug that made you invincible while crouch spamming.
Earlier on in the year, the Operation Chimera patch notes specifically mentioned that this had been fixed.
The question is, is this still a thing?
And beyond that, there are a couple of other specific myths around crouch spamming that I want to test.
One is that the hitbox completely desyncs from the character model.
I.e. that as soon as you hit crouch, the hitbox switches to the crouch position, while the
visual model still needs to move down.
The other myth is that during the crouch animation, the characters arms are more likely to block headshots.
One way I thought of attempting to measure the hitbox as accurately as possible was to
aim at a teammate and watch for the hip fire reticule to change colour.
As you can see here…
I'm sorry can you not do that while we're recording here?
Thank you.
As you can see here, whenever my reticule crosses over the hitbox of Ash, it turns green
although clothing items, including the top of the hat, are not part of the hitbox.
Back in the early days of Siege, clothing used to be part of the hitbox which was especially
annoying when you were playing as one of the German operators, with their big old ear defender helmets.
But that's no longer a thing (thank goodness).
Now if we get Ash to crouch up and down a little bit, the first thing that becomes apparent
is how much the target's head moves left and right during this motion.
I had to adjust my aim to the right several times before I could reliable catch the top
of the head as it was coming up.
But once this adjustment is made and we examine the footage frame by frame, we can see that
the reticule pretty consistently changes colour on the exact frame that Ash crosses over it
while moving up or down.
There were a couple of cases where I would normally expect a hit but the colour did not
change: like here when aiming at her shoulder or here when quite clearly aiming at the on the top of the head.
Now maybe this could be explained with the clothing not being included in the hitbox
or maybe there is a small amount of desync.
In fact here: this to me should not be a headshot but it still is and that proves that there
is a bit of a problem with the hitbox and character model while going through the crouch animation.
Now is this because the hitbox moves differently compared to the model or is this may be tied
lag because of playing a game online?
Well, I also conducted this exact test in a local custom game where both players had
listed ping of 1ms and even here, the phenomenon was present.
This should not be a headshot but it still is and this is in a LAN environment.
So wait… that's it confirmed!
Crouch spam DOES break the hitbox after all!!!
Well yes, it does appear that the hitbox moves slightly differently to the player model by
a centimetre here or there.
But let's be real here; even at very close ranges, we're really talking about a few
pixels… the rumour was that the hitbox insta switches when crouching while the 3rd person
model goes through an animation and that is definitely not the case and for me personally,
the minor deviations of the hitbox while crouching are really not enough to have any consistent
gameplay impact and because of that: my conclusion would be that crouch spamming does not affect
the hitboxes.
Certainly not in any meaningful way.
Of course the other concern that I have seen people mention is that crouching makes it
more likely that your opponent's arms will block head shots.
But as we have been able to observe from all of the footage so far, there is really nothing
in the animation that moves the arms in front of the face at any time.
Could there be certain angles where the arms block head shots?
Sure, absolutely!
But I don't think that this is tied to crouch spamming in any way.
As one final confirmation, I also tried to test the hitboxes with actual shots fired.
But as you can imagine, timing shots perfectly to land a few pixels away from a target during
a pretty speedy animation was a minor nightmare to deal with.
I ran lots and lots of trials and most of the time I ended up either missing by a mile
or getting an unintentional headshot.
Still, I did manage to get a couple of decently close shots and they pretty much confirmed
what the reticule colour test has already told us: The hitboxes remain pretty damn accurate.
Now full disclosure: every participant in my experiments was on a pretty good internet
connection and all of us has pings between 9 and 16ms at all times throughout these tests,
so my conclusions do not take any network issues into account that you or your opponents
may be experiencing in any given game.
But at the end of the day, even if you are playing against someone with a high ping and
their character model in your instance of the game is lagging quite a bit behind where
they are in their own game, when it comes to landing shots what counts firsts and foremost
is what you are shooting at.
Yes there will be peeker's advantage.
Yes they might kill you behind cover and you them.
But what counts most in terms of lading your shots is what the server shows you in terms
of target positioning and if you land your shots in your instance of the game, the hits are still counted.
So after all that, what are my thoughts on crouch spamming?
The speed with which Rainbow Six Siege Operators crouch spam is absolutely super human, there's
no doubt about that.
And in a game that is based on real life, I feel that impossible physical movements
should be kept to a minimum.
But when it comes to the question of crouch spamming giving players an unfair advantage,
my conclusion would be that this is not the case.
I tested the effect on hitboxes to the best of my ability and as far as I can tell, there
is very little unfair impact.
Your hitbox is not broken when you crouch; you just literally become a harder target to hit.
Is it annoying?
Not as far as I can see.
I understand that there is a balance to be struck between making a fast paced, fun game
and making the game realistic and I do feel that movement needs to feel good and be fun.
But irrespective of the hitbox breaking or not, being able to crouch repeatedly at high
speed with pretty much no penalty to your ability to aim is a problem (in my humblest of opinions).
It's completely unnatural and silly and for that reason I believe crouching needs
to be nerfed in some way.
Ubisoft could make it harder to aim while changing stances or they could change the
speed at which the animation takes place.
Changing stance could even temporarily affect the speed at which you can move forward or sideways.
This would be completely realistic and when someone starts crouch spamming around a corner,
slowing down their strafing speed would actually put them at a disadvantage.
But those are just a couple of ideas off the top of my head and not really the point of this video.
The objective was to test whether crouch spam gives you an unfair advantage and as far as
I can see, that is not the case.
But what are your thoughts on crouch spam?
Do you want it to stay or do you want it nerfed?
Let me know in the comments section below!
And while you're down there, go ahead and leave a like if (you know) you liked the video.
And with that as always, thanks for watching; I hope you enjoyed the video
and I will see you in the next episode!
Ford S-Max 1.5 Titanium 7p. *Zeer compleet* Demo* van Bunningen Alphen a/d Rijn - Duration: 1:12.
Des-condicionamiento - Ra Uru Hu (subtitulado) - Duration: 2:36.
Pepa Pig English Episode - Nature Trail - Duration: 2:00.
oh no daddy pig are we lost I think I forgot my map Oh actually I
found it it is in my pack pack where are we going to all oh no
where was that training see that there you're so silly daddy it looks like we
are lost in the woods hey love their footprints maybe there are our
footprints Oh maybe you are right Peppa Pig let's
follow them oh okay let's see where we're gonna go come on mama pig let's go
see ok daddy pig let's follow are you sure though those
are our footsteps oh no it's raining and I think we forgot our umbrellas oh no
what are we gonna do I found it it was in my purse let's go Daddy pig let's go
let's all follow Papa pig let's follow the Ducks maybe they'll help us go to
our climb let's go let's hope we're gonna have our picnic there yay now we
get to have our picnic oh don't you just love picnics of course I love nature
trails don't you
everybody loves picnics don't you heart
good morning
Today I want to review what has been our year 2018
through 10 intros of our urban explorations in abandoned places
so leave us your comment on which has been your favorite
I also wanted to tell you that there will be news in 2019
let's try to upload 2 weekly videos
one on Thursday with abandoned places as always
and on Saturday or Sunday we will have vlogs, either from abandoned or non-abandoned places
So, subscribe and activate the bell to receive notifications
and do not miss any video
without more, we start with the top 10 of urban explorations in abandoned places
10. abandoned writer's house with everything inside
9. Abandoned family house intact
8. Mysterious abandoned house of the cribs
7. abandoned houses where we find disturbing things
6. Abandoned house with everything inside and classic cars
5. time stopped in this abandoned house
4. Sinister abandoned hotel
3. Someone speaks to us in this abandoned house and is not human
2. Abandoned house of the English
1. Mysterious abandoned house in the forest
So far the top 10, however now we will review the intros of other urban explorations that were important this year
link of the videos in the description box
Is there anyone dead in this abandoned house?
- That's the backbone! -There is someone
We almost died of fear in this abandoned house
abandoned brothel
abandoned hotel paranormal
Did macabre deaths occur in this abandoned house?
abandoned luxury hotel
I should not go down alone to the cellar of the abandoned German house
- anyone there?
we return to the house of the cribs
Up to here the review of some of our urban explorations of 2018
tell us if you had highlighted any other of our explorations that do not appear in the video
and leave us in the comments that you think this initiative to upload 2 weekly videos
including videos of abandoned and non-abandoned places
I advise you to subscribe, activate the bell so you receive all the notifications of the new video
Like us if you liked the video and share in your social networks
with this you help us a lot to be able to continue with the channel
Thank you very much for being here
thank you for joining us throughout this 2018
and I hope that throughout 2019 they will join us in all our new adventures
without more, I wish you happy 2019 and I hope you in the next video
a greeting
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 26:46.
Yes friends hello.
Today in GSM Communication
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
we will do the screen change.
As you can see Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Broken screen will do the exchange.
Yes, as you can see, a navy color.
Friends reminding this by the way
There are benefits. On
Although it has protective glass
impact resistant glass, but still
screen is broken. According to our customer
On Screen Protector
because I have the screen saver glass I'm well fitted.
She said it happened to me because I was comfortable.
Therefore, it is useful to remind.
Don't rely on your screen glasses, friends.
Definitely take your measure.
Gene get protective glass, but
you know, how can i not break my screen
Don't behave.
Currently we will do the screen test on the touch test.
Yes, as you can see, the touch works but in the middle of the screen
screen is broken. Now
We are here for you Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Friends will try to show you how to make the screen change.
First of all, we turn off the device.
We're removing the sim card slot.
We're taking out your pen.
We're warming the back cover, friends.
In the meantime, you can
watching our videos
screen change or a different repair
do not recommend. This is our video
our technician
shared for information purposes. You know.
Non-experts can do this
We do not recommend.
Yeah, we're removing the back cover after warming up.
When removing the rear cover
Do not use as much metal material as you can.
Use as much plastic material as you can.
What we call pena
You can use parts like this.
Friends meanwhile the screen cover
behind the phone cover
finger reader have finger reader have flexi
Especially when removing the cover
Be careful. Yes, we've removed the finger reader socket.
Pay close attention to him as you have the finger reader flexi behind the device.
Otherwise, you may break off.
Friends during screen change
we need to pay attention to
Correct number of screws
how many screws are there
if we know the number of
we do not damage the device when removed.
Same size of screws holding back cover
al. Because the sizes are the same
it is safe to install different screws in different places.
but still remove the screw that you removed.
Obtain habit to wear friends.
Yes a total of 18
Screw available as friends can see.
To remove from the total rear cover
Screw number should be 18 friends.
Yes friends this cover eeeeee
as you can see what we call wireless charging
Event. And what we call an NFC
It is attached to the cover.
As you can see behind
There are chips.
There's chips in there behind that cover.
Wireless charger also what we call NFC
what we call event NFC.
Friends are also
connected things
wifi, bluetooth
and at the same time what we call NFC
GPS is also GPS
Wifi, Bluetooth
and the event that we call NFC all connected to this track friends.
90% of this failure is due to this part.
Let's do what we repair on friends device
priority to disconnect the current from the device.
So remove the battery socket and
cut off the electricity and current of the device friends.
To prevent short circuit.
Yes, the ringer, the network antenna
same time
As you can see friends who have a ringtone network antenna.
Yes we are removing the display sockets at this time.
Display and touch sockets.
We're currently disconnecting the charging socket, friends.
Yes, as you can see.
Now these sockets will tell you what works and what are friends.
Let's start from the top.
These are battery socket friends.
This is the sensor socket. When we search
The sensor socket that makes the screen dark when we bring the device to our ear.
This screen and touch socket.
Friends pencil socket in this last piece.
So the touch of the pen
where was the pen
as you can see, it's the touch of friends.
That's his socket.
The socket at the end of the charging input is friends.
That's the front camera. Front cameras.
Yeah. We are removing the screws holding the motherboard right now.
The size of these screws are different than others.
If we put the wrong screw here
we'll give very serious damage to the motherboard.
Let him pay attention to the features.
Yes friends. The size of the screws removed from the motherboard is different.
A total of 6 screws were removed.
The main thing on a device with friends is the motherboard.
The motherboard is the device itself friends.
For him necessarily with tenderness
and carefully remove. Other parts available
But the motherboard is the device itself friends.
Yes, the charger socket in this part.
It also has a microphone on it.
As you see. Microphone and charging socket.
Friends. This piece is also called external headphone socket
external earphone
headphone socket.
Vibration motor
We're ripping him right now.
Yeah, vibration motor. You see.
It's the track that keeps the device shaking.
Yes right now we call the sensor
device to our ear
We will remove it.
Adhesive because the bottom
A little warming.
Yes, as you can see. The voices above
also have flash.
Is this the flash? Yeah, there's a little flash.
At the same time the sensor
Yeah, like friends. Light
This is what we call flash and also face recognition
Face to recognize the light at the same time the sensor
light and sensor on this part.
Yes as you can see now
The little piece we see right now
at the same time when we put
When the message comes on, a different color is on.
And that's part of you guys.
This is the fluid we've got friends in.
does not cause any damage to the battery.
Harden the adhesive on the bottom
it makes the battery easy to exit.
Battery without any damage
it appeared immaculately.
We removed the screen.
Now let's put the pieces together.
All parts with the broken shape of the screen.
front cameras, screws
sensor, charging socket
Charging socket and microphone
external headphone socket
vibration engine
you ask
sim card slot
sim card slot
parts of the phone. Same time
let's put this aside
What we call NFC
let's put the battery on the phone
Thanks. As you can see in the phone
These are all parts of friends.
Now we're gonna put all these pieces on the new screen, fellas.
Yes, friends meanwhile
We forgot to turn on our light.
Yes, as you can see the service screen
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
100% original service screen
Navy blue
Zero service screen. Let's show you the broken screen, by the way.
Let's show the broken screen.
As you see.
Now I'm stripped of all the parts
friends will put on the new screen.
Yes, as you have seen
Zero service original screen.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
In the meantime, it's worth remembering. Service
See as you see. Vibration motor on the screen
at the same time
on the screen. The service was originally installed.
These are the precision parts
with the thought of
They put it on the screen in a ready way, friends.
Headset and vibration motor.
Original parts are 100% original.
She's on it for him.
Yes, the parts we've taken off
We are wearing new screen to friends.
We got the sensor.
We plugged the external headphone socket.
We're wearing the charger socket and the microphone.
To the device
especially with precision.
Yes right now, the motherboard
after making sure it is seated
we are replacing the sockets. We're wearing the sensor socket.
Sensor socket
then we are wearing the display and touch socket.
then we attach the pen touch socket.
And finally, we're plugging in the charging socket.
We're gonna put the front camera right now.
First put the screws on the motherboard.
Let's just sit down
We'il install our cameras.
There are 6 screws connected to the motherboard
Remember friends.
Screw sizes removed from the motherboard
slightly smaller than the screws from the other screws.
Let's get the right screw for him.
The other screw goes up to the screen.
See the motherboard screw and back cover holding screw
The dimensions are so different in size.
If we install the other long screw on the motherboard
other long screws on the motherboard
friends can give very serious damage to the device.
Yes I have found the screw at the same time the screw fell.
Friends like motherboard screws
lets be careful.
It's a very important issue because here we should pay attention especially here.
Because if we attach the long screw
goes up to the screen
And we'il break the screen again, friends.
Yes, we're wearing the front camera right now.
And finally, we're wearing the battery.
We're wearing the buzzer.
We also call the network antenna.
NFC and wireless charger
replace Same time
As I said, friends back cover total
It holds 18 screws.
Yeah. We're wearing the last screw.
Yeah, we're gonna put the back cover right now.
Before attaching the back cover
the finger reader socket on the back
on the motherboard.
Pay particular attention to this section.
It's a very sensitive part because it can break at any moment.
Put your friends on for slow and calm.
Yes as friends have seen
In GSM Communication
The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen was replaced.
As you can see broken screen
and rugged display.
Now let's test the screen we just installed.
Yes as you can see friends screen
successfully passed the test.
You can see the test password slowly.
Star square zero star square (* # 0 * #)
You're clicking on red.
Are you looking at the color resolution to see if there are any pixel errors.
You're looking blue.
Then screen test
Touch is already there
You can test your friends.
Friends using Samsung
in this way, it can also test the touch of the screens.
Yes as you have seen friends in GSM Communication
"Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen replacement"
successful. Put it in the box.
For watching us
Thank you friends.
Stéphane Plaza « le drame de sa vie » - Duration: 1:19.
Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.
Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys
I never run from a challenge
Don't worry
Hello there No
Learn some tactics
Allow me to share my
Hello there
Don't feel bad when I beat you
Do your worst
Learn some tactics
Stay down
Maybe not
That's on me
I never run from a challenge
つづく 乃木坂46 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:37.
Beautiful Flower Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year With 13 to 7 Dots - Duration: 5:02.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year With 13 to 7 Dots
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
Radio Faro ep. 55 - UN DOS LOS MASSADORES - Duration: 39:03.
Mitsubishi Colt 1.5 d'Azur Trekhaak en Schuifkanteldak - Duration: 1:11.
非洲貴族箭雨-T18/席恩終於0死擊潰宅娜爸 - Duration: 9:43.
Book Club - Discussion 'Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine' SPOILERS (Dec.29.2018) - Duration: 8:22.
Hey guys, welcome to Hyunju's Corner.
On today's Book Chat we're gonna talk about
'Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine'
Just a heads up
this video does contain spoilers.
So if you read the book before watching the video
now's the time.
Let's jump in.
What pulled you into the story?
I was really engaged when I was reading this book.
And I think it's because of how it's written.
Eleanor is not an open book.
She's more of a puzzle.
And we find
bits and pieces of informations here and there.
Like the time when she meets Sammy for the first time.
We see her not being able to call 999
when she was asked by Raymond
And it's implied that she has some sort of trauma
related to that.
And later we find out what exactly happened.
So that kind of process
could be very satisfying as a reader I think.
I found myself reading very actively.
I was constantly looking for more information.
And yeah that was very pleasant.
And it's like the crossword puzzle also
Eleanor loves so much.
So I think if she reads this book herself
she would probably love it
as a mystery to solve.
Did you fall in love with the character?
I did fell in love with Eleonora so much.
And I found her totally relatable.
She is socially awkward and brutally honest.
But she's harmless and not so malicious.
And the things that she says
are actually the things we would think
but never say.
Like when she met a nail technician.
When she was offered a loyalty card
at the end of the session,
She declines it in the blink of an eye
and tells her that she is not gonna need it
because she can do it on their own
for free of charge.
And I found myself giggling at it.
She's judgmental and the beginning of the story.
But when she realizes
that it's her mom's voice not her own voice,
she wants to change
and she
wants to become not so judgmental and open-minded.
She beats herself up for the things that are not her fault.
Like her sister's death,
she couldn't forgive herself for surviving alone.
And she keeps telling herself that she's fine and it's normal
when it's actually not.
These are extreme examples.
But I think we can all understand or relate
one way or another.
And this makes her is so easy to empathize with.
that's why I found myself rooting for her
so strongly on her journey.
Eleanor is a self-contained character.
She's guarded, suspicious of others,
and introverted.
She spends her weekends
drinking and sleeping alone in her apartment.
But after meeting Raymond and Sammy,
she turns into this person who's willing to try new things
and open up to other people more.
So there's a huge emotional impact in watching her grow.
It reminded me of my science class in middle school.
We had this project that
we nurtured this egg
and turned them into a butterfly.
We didn't turn them into a butterfly.
They became a butterfly.
And it's like being a parent and witnessing their kids growing.
That's why it made me so proud when I saw her grow
after hitting rock bottom.
The story message is important.
Because it reminds us that
when we have problems
we don't really need to
deal with it all alone.
People do care.
And people go through with the similar things
So we can get help when we want or need
just like Eleanor.
Any thoughts on the Eleanor's mummy?
I couldn't understand why Eleanor kept in touch with her mom all these years.
She was strong enough to break up with her abusive boyfriend.
So I couldn't understand why
she would pick up the phone call that she knows for the fact from her mom.
But when I found out that
her mother actually died from the fire
and it was actually Eleanor herself
who was imagining all this,
I could completely understand
what Eleanor was going through.
She hated herself.
She thought she wasn't worthy of any love
because she felt so guilty that she survived alone
and her sister had died.
And that made everything so much clearer for me.
And I could just empathize so much better.
And that made me wonder
what Eleanor's mom actually was.
Was she a psychopath
who enjoyed torturing younger weaker beings
or was she a victim of something?
Did she have some sort of an issue that wasn't dealt with properly?
Because we hear a bit of information from Eleanor.
She says that her mother might have been raped
and had Eleanor from it.
But then her mother had said so many lies
to Eleanor too
so we don't know for sure what happened.
And I wanted to ask you guys what you think of it.
Bonus thoughts.
First, in Korea you can buy booze anytime you want.
So I thought it was interesting
that Eleanor couldn't buy her vodka
because it was before 10 a.m.
Eleanor is so terrifyingly afraid of going to library
because she thinks the books in libraries are tainted
with germs and God knows what.
But in Korea most of the libraries have this
something called book sanitizer.
You pop a book
and the puff of air comes out and sanitizes the book.
So I was wondering if you guys have the similar thing where you live.
To wrap up, I really enjoyed the book.
I think Eleanor is such a lovely believable character.
And I think the book has
this beautiful value that we can all follow.
And I even like that
Raymond and Eleanor never actually gets involved romantically
because it shows the humanity and power of friendship
and how we can, as a human being,
support each other and help each other in difficult times.
And that was something really touched my heart
I hope you enjoyed the book as much as I did.
So that's about it for today
but as always I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas
so please leave me a comment.
Thank you for checking in.
And I'll see you next time with a new book.
Lexus RX 450h 4WD F Sport Line | Schuif-/ kanteldak | Mark Levinson | - Duration: 0:56.
Dreams and visions - Duration: 3:16.
Hey guys Logan here hope everyone is having an awesome day! I wanted to make
this video and talk about some things that my wife Traci and I have going on
that we are super passionate about and we feel like we're on a mission! We want
to help all of you out there who are ready to transform your life and
accomplish everything that you've dreamed of doing. Even if you don't know
exactly what that is. It wasn't that long ago that Traci and I had these visions
and this dream of where we wanted to be financially geographically, but we just
didn't quite have the tools yet. And I want to say how important it is to have
those dreams and to have that vision of what you want to be doing, where you want
to be and how you want to be feeling every single day! Because it's those
dreams and that vision that are telling us what were meant to be doing! It's just
a matter of finding the right tools and taking action!!! Imagine for a second what
it would be like not having to get up at five o'clock in the morning, five, six
days a week and going to work for somebody else, on somebody else's time?
Imagine having seven days a week that you can get up when you want and do the
things that you want to be doing?!? Imagine having the time to be there for the
people that matter the most to you, children, loved one's, family and not just
being there physically but being there emotionally and mentally. You know
sometimes it's really easy to get caught up in the worries of the future and the
frustrations of the present that we missed those magical moments
that happen along the way, and it's really those magical moments that make
up the memory of our life they're so so important. Imagine waking up in exotic
destinations like Costa Rica, Bali, Thailand and knowing that you have a
business that is running for you! Every day ordinary people just like you and me
are doing exactly what I'm talking about and are very successful at it.
So what Traci and I did was we pinpointed what it was that we wanted, we
created short-term goals and we set those goals into motion. Along the
way we came across an amazing system. One that helped us from taking
incremental steps to really getting that broad reach that we were looking at
getting. So, what I'm talking about is an incredible online automated business
system. One that once you get set up is running for you while you do all the
things that you want and love to do! The system allows you to explore your
creativity, delve into personal growth, and teaches you a lifelong skill set. The
system allows you to leverage your passions your lifestyle and what you
love to do with attraction marketing! This system is a hundred percent proven
formula. It's 90 percent done for you, all you have to do is fulfill that 10
percent. So, what we do is we create ads and place our ads in social media,
our ads generate leads, and our leads convert into sales. So, what we teach you
how to do is attract all those people that you're wanting to reach. Imagine
right now there's thousands of people waiting to hear from you! They're are
ready to be inspired and they're ready to transform their life! We have an
incredible mentoring system, the community of people are absolutely
amazing and we have trainings every single week. If you follow our
step-by-step process success is not a matter of if, it's a matter of when! If
you want to learn more about what I'm talking about message me right now, I'll
get back to you right away with the steps that you need to take to follow
your dreams and make them come true!
Холодильник LG GA-M429SARZ - Duration: 1:13.
Waterworks Episode 2 Immence hatred - Duration: 17:20.
...You kinda forgot why you were mad again.
> Check out the room.
This place is huge!
The windows are gigantic and you're very far away from them.
There's some structures off to the sides of the catwalk,
and you can barely make out the top or bottom of the room!
Just what the hell do they do to your water, anyway?
> Lean dangerously close to railing.
You lean close to the railing.
Not dangerously close, but close enough to warrant some caution.
Below you can see what looks like a bunch of weird water shit.
You'd be puzzled if you weren't up here above it all.
t looks like a bunch of vats filled with water,
with a few of them being contaminated with that same black sludge from your shower.
You also put your hand in some that was on the rail, whoops!
> What is that black goop around?
Oh man, this shit.
This stuff is awful.
It's all goopy and it smells stronger and more horrible than anything you've ever smelled before.
It's as if someone made a permanent marker that smelled like gasoline and wrote with paint thinner.
You've been covered in head to toe with this stuff countless times.
You know that it isn't dangerous - at first.
But when left on for long enough, it slowly begins to corrode nearly any nonmetallic object it touches.
Once you get this mess sorted out you're planning on going out and getting a new shower.
Made of steel.
You can usually wipe it off without a problem.
If you're ever covered again, you've found that just a little bit of water is enough to wash it all off you.
This sludge doesn't mix well with it.
> Wash hand, quickly.
> Then continue to proceed to the accompaniment of amazing music.
That sounds like a great idea! You'll get right on it.
How do you purpose we get music?
> All this goo fuss has surely kept us above the required coolness for access to the MP3 player.
You're currently nowhere near being able to use your MP3 PLAYER.
You really do wish you had some music to listen to,
as the only thing you're hearing right now is the sound of the machinery in this place.
Aside from that there has been no music whatsoever, and anyone who says or thinks otherwise is a sillyface.
> Flail.
...That isn't such a bad idea either!
You can easily detach the ball from your MACE.
If only you had some rope or something to tie it on.
Run to the right till something interesting pops by.
oh god what
You have a hunch that this guy is JOSE.
Aren't you supposed to be using that house for cleaning graffiti and collecting blue coins?
Your name is Jose, right?
Yeah, what about it
I'm psychic. Your family is in great danger. You should go help them immediately.
My family's dead
Hey, Jose!
What dammit.
What do you want with me?
I want you out of here. Or dead. Whatever's of least inconvenience.
Also, holy shit. Don't ever do that again.
What is it goddammit.
You seem like the kind of guy who'd be great for comic relief!
No, I am not.
Oh come on, just look at your name. I'm sure you've got some jokes up your sleeve.
What about my name?
Why do it have a hose? Wouldn't a baguette be a more effective weapon?
A baguette what
Or maybe you're just using that hose to keep me away because you'll surrender if I get close!
Okay, that's it. Enough. I've had it.
There are some things that you should know, bitch.
First off, I am NOT French.
That joke was not nice. You should feel bad.
Second, I have to deal with you. I'm not joking. I hate jokes.
We're taking this water and you will not stop us.
Well, this is a problem! You can't get close enough to this guy to hit him.
Fortunately, you've discovered your LEVEL ONE MACETECH: POP FLY, and can hit him with that.
It's working for now, but it probably won't be effective for much longer.
Also, he's not French.
You feel stupid for trying to poke fun at him,
and humiliated because you haven't leveled up your face enough to pull off a convincing anime-style getup.
> Attack him and take a shower!
You can't even get close to him, but the realization that he's spraying you with clean water makes you giddy.
You haven't had a proper shower since last week.
> Use popfly on the lever of his toilet pack.
You've got to wait for him to stop spraying you first.
Hold on...
It appears that Jose's WATER PRESSURE has dropped significantly.
Now's your chance! You've got a clean shot at the lever on his backpack.
There's no more water coming out of his hose. That was easy!
You think.
> Point at him, then move the mace pole across your neck/throat.
> Don't forget the angry eyes.
You pick up the ball of your mace and give your best attempt to look threatening.
> Smash him good.
Realize you're probably soaked in toilet water.
toilet water what
You've completely forgotten about your IMMENSE HATRED OF TOILETS.
Well, it's not the toilets themselves that you don't like.
It's just that they get absolutely filthy in an incredibly short amount of time,
and you find a dirty toilet to be one of the most repulsive things on the planet.
Your clean your toilet at home so hard that you've actually won awards for it.
If you absolutely must come across a dirty toilet, you have to either CLEAN it or UTTERLY ANNIHILATE it.
And just to think, any of the water you've seen could've very well at some point been water from a dirty toilet!
oh god oh god oh god you don't think you've ever flipped out as much as you are right now
Holy shit, that was unhealthy. You need a second to gather your bearings.
> Stop flipping out while you are in the RED
sounds like a great idea, provided you're able to stop your mood ring in the right spot.
...And of course, you weren't able to do it.
Not only that, the mood indicator is completely gone. What the hell.
...At least you've still got your MACE.
As ridiculous as what just happened, Jose obviously has no idea what's going on, and he's weaponless.
You've got to do something quickly before he runs away like Slick did.
> Clean Jose's toilet harder than you've ever cleaned a toilet before.
Win awards for it.
Oh man, you would. You totally would. But you didn't think to bring any CLEANING IMPLEMENTS with you.
> Focus quickly on that Jose guy,
> it's his fault that you may or may not have been soaked in dirty toilet water
> and the sooner you smash him up the faster you can get to an actual shower!
...Good point.
The only option is to reduce his toilet to a tiny pile of ceramic dust.
You're feeling it now.
Flip the fuck out on the person responsible for this toilet water bullshit.
Time for some fun.
You don't need no goddamn shotgun.
You are SLICK.
You can't do that at the moment. Your suit is being repaired.
The worker starts doing it, though.
> Worker: Kick through the 122 window thingy.
Oh man, you love this guy. He's tried that about a hundred times already, but you still find it hilarious.
No amount of spinning will damage your REPAIR MODULE.
> Be sure to add +3 against bludgeoning to your suit. You don't want to do this anytime soon again
You open up your painfully-green SUIT PROFILE DISPLAY and change the properties of your suit.
...You know what?
Let's just start over.
You wipe your entire profile and put 3 points into DAMAGE RESISTANCE.
Whenever you reset your profile, you always start out with two points in DAMAGE RESISTANCE and MOBILITY,
followed by one in SPATIAL DISTORTION.
Your weapon is locked in at HARPOON, and you're only able to change it if you bring the desired weapon into the REPAIR MODULE with you.
SPATIAL DISTORTION is your suit's ability.
Normally you wouldn't need it, but at least one point in it is imperative for you to complete your mission.
> Two to spatial distortion, four to mobility, one more to damage resistance
It's not too different from your last build (you just put five points in everything to make it all equal), but sure.
Looking good.
Looking good. Everything's relatively tame in regards to each other,
but you've got a slightly larger edge in MOBILITY and DAMAGE RESISTANCE,
which should make you a bit of a better fighter even without your weapon.
You're not sure how this will impact your ABILITY, though.
> Check Ability Menu too, just to be sure
You've got two PUDDLETECHS and a SPACETECH online.
It's all you've ever used, really. You find puddle transportation to be incredibly useful.
> Move a single point from D.R. to S.D.
To recap, you've got * 5 points in Damage Resistance
* 6 points in Mobility
* 4 points in Spatial Distortion
...Your damage resistance is at five again.
Oh well, at least with an extra boost to mobility that girl will have trouble catching you to hit you at all.
> Go for it. See if the worker's still spinning around
But it kinda feels like you've been both overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time.
You also feel a little tingly.
> Look at worker.
He's trying to spin you out. It's humorous, but you have to admit that you're starting to get a little dizzy.
> Punch worker for the hell of it.
There. Now you can get some work done for once.
> Your new suit has a hideous fin shaped thing on top. Go back and try again.
This fin on top of your helmet really does look out of place, but it is the price you must pay for modifying your suit.
Apparently it's the addition that increases your MOBILITY by one.
It also sorta looks like a mohawk.
You could go back and reset everything to what it once was,
but the REPAIR MODULE needs some time to recharge before it can work again.
It's a miracle you even got it to work down here in the first place,
what with the shoddy wiring of this room and all.
> Check on your other teammates.
You go up to the SECURITY CONSOLE and flip through the cameras.
FLUSH is doing what he's supposed to be doing, at least.
He's over by the RESEVOIR, making sure that the water's emptying out properly.
...You're having difficulty finding TUBS. He's a little paranoid.
Even though you all locked the place down without a hitch, TUBS still blots out the security cameras.
Judging by what cameras are blacked out and what ones aren't,
he's probably near the OFFICES seeing if he can find anything worth stealing.
> Go check on how Jose is doing.
You hope JOSE was able to take care of that girl.
Oh man.
You really hope you were able to save them both.
Combining one's abilities to form a new one is a pretty useful technique,
but you've never used the DIMENSIONAL HOPPER on another person before.
You have no idea what will happen.
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How To Get the JFD Code in Black Mirror's Bandersnatch | - Duration: 5:07.
How To Get the JFD Code in Black Mirror's Bandersnatch |
There are a lot of twists and turns in Black Mirror's new interactive film, Bandersnatch.
One of them involves getting the JFD code to show up so you can see that creepy scene with the author. This post has spoilers for Bandersnatch, so only read on if you're OK with being spoiled. Here's how to make that JFD code appear.
JFD is short for Jerome F.
Davies, who is Stefan's "hero" in some ways.
Both he and Colin acknowledge that Jerome Davies is a genius, but he's also crazy and murdered his own wife because of delusions he was having.
(Or were they delusions?) At one point in the movie, Stefan receives a VHS from Colin labeled JFD for Jerome F.
But there's another point when JFD comes into play, and that's when you're entering codes into Stefan's dad's filing cabinet.
Different codes can lead to different endings and outcomes in the movie.
But you can't enter just any code — you can only choose from two codes presented to you.
They're JFD, PAX, PACS, and TOY.
Getting the JFD code to appear is a little rarer and tougher to do.
You've got to make sure you don't take actions that trigger the other codes.
For example, if you follow Colin then you're more likely to trigger the PACS code or TOY code because he tells you about switching timelines and traveling through time.
So the first thing you should do to get the JFD code to appear is to not have Stefan follow Colin when you're going through the story.
At the point when you can go to therapy or you can follow Colin — decide to go to therapy.
Next, early on during your first therapy session (the one you don't have any choice about attending), you'll be asked if you want to talk to your mom.
Choose to not talk to the therapist about your mom.
This will also make you more likely to get the JFD code.
Also, when you're choosing between holding the book or the photo, choose to hold the book.
Sometimes when you hold the photo, you won't even get a chance to enter a code into the filing cabinet at all.
There may also be a bit of randomness thrown into which codes appear in Stefan's father's locked filing cabinet.
It's possible that JFD may still appear even if you don't follow these suggestions.
But the JFD code is more likely to appear if you do follow them.
Here's what happens if you input the JFD code.
The author, Jerome F.
Davies, will appear behind you in a short and creepy scene, and then you'll reset to an earlier choice.
So it's not super interesting if you haven't already completed the movie, but it's a nice extra scene if you've already seen the major paths and are looking for something unique.
READ NEXT: See all the possible Bandersnatch endings here.
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