[upbeat jazz music]
Hello everyone, I hope you're having a splendid Christmas. Over the past 2 months, I've been
sent this load of packages, donations and I've put them in front of the Christmas tree
so we can do - sort of - a festive unboxing session!
Because, that's what Christmas is about, isn't it? Materialism... let's... begin...
I'm just looking at you now because you're frowning.
Octav1us: Yeah, it's because there's a flapjack. Well, you can't just start frowning!
Octav1us: Well, I'm sorry [starts laughing] I didn't kno...
[awkward silence]
Octav1us is here to help me, mainly because she gets incredibly excited about these things,
and also because she lives in a cupboard down there, so I thought it would be best to bring
her in. So what shall we start? Shall we start with this?
Yeah sure, oh thank you for letting me out of the cupboard by the way. I really appreciate
You're welcome. It's Christmas.
Awwww Look at this!
That's cute. Look at that.
It's really cute.
This is ummm, this is from Numskull designs and they sent it to me.
Is Puggle?
Sent it about a month ago.
Look at you.
Shut up.
This one?
Oooooh, who's that from?
John Glan. John Glanville. John Glanville.
Thanks John.
Ooooh, yes I remember this. Sega XS, oh and a Sega Power from May 1994 and from... there's
no date on this one.
We've got a letter as well, it says;
Dear Nostalgia Nerd. I have no use for these two old Sega magazines any more, so I thought
I'd give them to somebody to can make more use of them, aka... YOU. Big fan of Youtube
channel. I'm getting a copy of your book for Christmas.
Good! I hope you enjoy it.
Awwwhhh, Revenge of the Ninja (what's that?).. .for the Mega CD!
Wow, look at these q u a l i t y screenshots.
OK, we'll look at these later. Next one.
Errm. This one.
I know what this is. Is that from Horsenburger? This IS from Horsenburger
It will be amazing.
This is one I actually ordered, so..
Horsenburger if you are not aware, is an amazing Teletext artist. Isn't he?
This is an A0 sized poster of many, many Teletext pieces of art. LOOK AT THAT!
That is very good actually. Are these all the ones that he drew across a year? Because
he was, he was drawing one every day wasn't he?
I don't know if it's from the last year, but. LOOK, there's Horace there. That's the kind
of thing I could spend just hours staring at.
So exciting.
Ahhh, this is from. Retro Bench, thank you for your purchase.
They have sent me a cap kit for my Amiga 1200, which I got the other day. Oooooh, so cappy.
What's in there?
A mouse mat.
Oh, this is from @Bhaal_Spawn.
This is also another one I bought. THIS is a Monkey Island mouse mat.
Ohhhh, it's pretty awesome isn't it?
@Bhaal_Spawn, she's that amazing artist, isn't she?
Time to sip some tea
[Sound of car driving past]
What do you think you're doing, opening my post?!
I'm just being useful.
Awww. LOOK AT THAT! It's a Special Reserve catalogue!
WHAT is that?
That is a Special Reserve catalogue. Do you not remember Special Reserve?
No I don't.
Special Reserve was in all like PC magazines, and stuff like that.
This. Look at this.
Look at this.
It's a whole panflet about Special Reserve stuff. We've also got a note.
"Hey Peter. As promised, here is the Special Reserve catalogue from 1994. Could you believe
a 3DO joypad would set you back £37.99? I can't."
That was from Ross @THEXBOXVISION
Thanks Ross!
This one.
Feels quite heavy.
Are you alright?
Yeaaah [laughs]
Do you know how to use scissors?
Yes, I know how to use scissors, thank you.
But, that's not how you use them.
Yes, it is how you use them.
That is how you use scissors.
Do you want to open that?
Yeah, I'll open that, that's probably for the best.
[new jazz music starts]
Ahhhh, yes, I've been sent this, by, I presume the people who made it.
This is a Tivoo pixel art bluetooth speaker, and you can display like all sorts of different
pixel art on there. So I'll be reviewing that at some point in the future.
Good. Exciting. I look forward to it.
This one's got a very snazzy box. Yeah it used to be a box of toiletries I believe.
Maybe it still is...
This is, I don't understand why this isn't of an adequate speed for you. Look, look,
No I just. I'm trying to get the friggin'
You can just, do that, and do that and look look, lightning!
Oh sh*t [laughter]
So here we have. Oh this is like an old Woolworths bag, from like when. This must have been one
of the last ones before The Simpsons movie came out.
That is pretty cool.
Awww, yes! Yes. Look at these. Original Click videos. Do you remember Click?
It was like a computer programme, gaming programme, and these are the original episodes on VHS.
Look at that, December 1991.
What's this? This is Space Wars by Tobias J Richter. Space Wars? What's Space Wars?
[rips open]
Look at you, straight in there!
What?! I'm not messing around!
Oh this is from the Sega shop!
Ahhhhh, the Sega Shop have sent me a Christmas jumper with Tails on, that's pretty cool,
and, look at these pins, as well.
Sonic, Shadow and that's Dr. Robotnik. NOT Eggman.
Don't slit your hand open. I'm not going to slit my hand open.
You're gonna slit your hand open.
What? I'm scared to open this. What is that? [laughs]
I'm slightly concerned. I mean, unless this is just your sex toy order coming through?
Oh sh*t!
It's a load of CDs. Oh Cool! What CDs have we got?
Errr, PC Zone, all old coverdisks. Ahhh, look we've got all these DVDs as well.
This is an excellent CD holder, that the person who sent this has done. This is brilliant.
This is from 2001, 1999, we've got 1993. The 2003 collector's edition DVD. That's pretty
This one is from Australia.
Jesus Christ! It's fine.
This is a sleeping bag of bubble wrap.
Ohhaww, look at that! Just get in it!
I need that for my cupboard.
I need that. I need to sleep in it.
I feel so safe now.
You've got Sports Driving. Oh yes, I remember. This is like hygienically sealed.
Oh because it's in mint condition. Oh yes.
The letter says;
"Here is 4D Sports Driving Stunts for the Amiga as promised, I hope it works as I never
had a chance to test it. I look forward to your review. Mark Ceccato"
This is like Hard Drivin' isn't it? It's like a Hard Drivin' rip off.
It looks pretty. Look at THAT stunt. Look at it!
It looks pretty good.
This one. Is this from Darren?
It's from King Monkey.
You know, you could really do with some sharper scissors to open things with.
Yeah, well, if I did that you'd have sliced your finger off by now. NO.
Are these your children's scissors?
He's sent me a box of GRENADE bars!
Any particular reason?
Because they're NOT Grenade bars!
This is, oh this is like a PC backup drive.
"Thought you might like this for Christmas. This T3 Xmas '96 Booklet, you can circle what
you want to see"
Ahh, look! A T3 Christmas gadget book!
Oh look at that! Motorola, Fuji disposable camera! A toaster! Voice changer phone!?
[same time] That's creepy as hell / That's amazing, I want one.
I'd phone people up and be like.... "Hello"
"hope the tape drive works, looking forward to the video"
This is like a backup tape drive for PC and he's got his original cartridge here with
Actua Soccer, Lemmings 3D, Rise of the Triad. Nice.
Thank you King Monkey.
This one's from Greece.
All the stamps! So stampy!
Shall I go get another cup of tea whilst you're opening this? NO, Shut! There's a lot of tape
on there. Right you're being cheeky.
[strain sounds]
It's fine.
You are literally so close to cutting your finger off every time you open a box.
I am not.
I am fine.
I am not going to hurt myself. I'm a grown woman.
F*ck it.
[drops on floor]
This is a PC-Midi... card... ahhh, ok cool. Cool, cool, cool. I think I know what this
is. This is to test a wavetable board, which is probably in here as well.
Oooooh, this one is for ME!
Ohh, I can, I'll open your one.
I get to open your one, as you're opening all mine.
I know this is probably from Matthew, who is one of my first ever fans. When I had 50
subscribers, he recognised me at a Play Expo.
That's quite impressive with just 50 subscribers.
Yeah, it was awesome.
You got two, what, how come you've got two cards and I haven't got any?
Ha ha ha ha haaa
It's actually a proper present, look!
You should probably keep that.
Oh, it's because I've got a new home card.
Ohhh. Awww, thank you so much Matthew.
Ohhh, it's one of those.
Oh is that from that fella? Yeahh, absolutely beautiful. This is from 8 bit boutique, who
are, well, who is just one bloke and does these amazing pieces, so thank you so much
That's lovely.
I'm getting him to make me a Chase H.Q. one. Oh really?
Yep, because I think that will be tremendous, and it will go nicely on the wall as well.
Right, that's.
That's not, that's not yours.
No. It's. Peter.
Just temporarily. I'll put it up here.
No. Peter.
Right, get all this crap outta the way.
Right, this one is kinda flappy.
I wonder if it's a umm [laughs]
Oh my god.
Licence number not working, but still sealed.
"From my parent's defunct ifriend laptop. I tried replacing the motherboard battery, but the
laptop had been riveted together." Jesus Christ.
Ahh, Shareware CD!
From Alan Longsdale.
"To Mr. Nerd, congrats on your Youtube success." Good use of Tip-ex here, I haven't seen Tip-Ex
in a long while. What is it he put, that he had before?
Yeah, Youtube FAILURE.
Xanthein. Alan Longsdale.
Well thank you Alan. Xanthein.
There's nothing quite like a sealed Operating System.
You're a sealed Operating System.
Look at these, these are from the early 90s aren't they? Or late, mid 90s. MID 90s. Look
at all the software. Jedi Knight, Dungeon Keeper, Hexen II, Croc, Legend of the Gobbos.
Haven't you got enough demo discs now.
NO, you can never have enough demo discs.
[marding sounds]
Oh I see. It's fine.
[ripping sound]
What are you doing woman?!?
Look at the. What are you doing to this place?!
Oh, it's that Gremlin in the Works book.
This is from Bitmap Books. They send they would send me a book to review. A couple of
books to review.
This isn't actually the one I asked for though.
Oh is it not?
Ahhhhh, I asked for the Spectrum Illustrated and Super Nintendo illustrated, but still.
Do you not already have that one?
No I don't have this one. But this is. It is nice. Yeah, it looks very good. It looks
very substantial.
Umm. I'm really looking foward to their Master System one.
This is quite good isn't it?
[new jazz starts]
Ahhh, so this is, this is from Chris Wilkins. These are the latest Crash annual. 2019, calendar
and the latest Christmas edition of Fusion magazine.
and these annuals are always very good. A poster as well. Oh map, oh Sabre Wulf map!
So glossy.
So Christmasy.
It looks really nice.
So festive.
I mean, this must be something you ordered. I know what that is.
It's from Cybydyn Systems.
You need to be more careful.
Look at what you've done to my desk. You've put a massive bloody scratch in my desk!
Right, I'm opening these from now on. Jesus Christ.
You owe me fifteen pounds for a new desk top.
You're such a liability to have on. What are you gonna do when you leave? Kick these lights
over? Knock a few computers down?
[continues to laugh]
Right, anyway, this is from Cybydyn, which isn't Cyberdyne Systems, it's similar. But
it is a Playstation Input/Output device. It's a Playstation SD card reader which will allow
you to play games on your original Playstation using SD cards. So I've got two of them to
make a video coming up soon.
Actually, don't. No, no, I'm not, no. I'll do it from now on. Jesus Christ.
So, what do I do?
Well, you just... FIX THIS DESK.
I, I can't.
Ahhh, this is something else I ordered. This is a Kickstarter campaign I backed, for one
of these, which is like, I can't remember what these are called, but it's basically
like a retro emulator.
You need to put a Raspberry Pi Zero in there, and then it's um.... it's nice. Yeah.
Can you maybe get a knife? Because the problem is...
I'm not giving you a bloody knife! Look what you did with a a pair of scissors!
Give me a knife because it's not really sharp enough to get in there.
It's a, a thing. Ahhhh, don't kill anyone, don't hurt anyone. So this is a Buran wavetable
card I think. So this can interface with the other card via. Midi I think, and then we
can listen to beautiful, beautiful sounds. Beautiful Midi sounds.
[more jazz]
This is from Mad Cat Studios.
It's fine.
There we go. See. No body died.
Oh, that is. Ohhhh, that looks adorable!
Creepy Brawlers.
Log Jammers
and we've got a Mega Drive game, Little Medusa.
That's pretty good. It's NOT yours. That means it's mine, if I touch it, it means it's mine.
No, these are not yours. This is MY finger. Anything that I touch like this, definitely,
it's the law.
it was [laughs]
God look, I'm gonna accidentally cut it so.
Ahh, these are the Atari ST books from the. Atari ST AND the Creative People. These look
pretty good. From MicroZeit Publishing.
"To Peter, here are your review copies, have a good read"
I will, thank you very much, and these will be in a future episode.
This is another one with a really exciting, bag.
It's Sega isn't it? Look look. Look, the Sega logo. Ok, yes. It's Sega.
Good, right can I open it. Is that ok?
Yeah, just look at the Sega logo.
"Ever dreamed of creating your own team of Sega characters from different games and eras?
Well this is your chance. Sega heroes launch globally on iOS and Android on Thursday the
15th of November"
Well, that's been and gone. Look at these pins, who have we got? Because they give you
all different pins don't they?
So we've got, is that, is that Blaze... I love Blaze. We've got Tie Guy, Big... Big,
that's an interesting one. We've got the, what's the woman from Golden Axe called? She's
called, lass from Golden Axe.
Lass from Golden Axe? Are you sure about that. Yes, 100%
Ohh, we've even got the Sega badge. Look at that.
This is the one I wanted!
Get off. This is a Russian system which runs DOS, and Famicom, No, look he's got his own
Vokabre.com... Patreon.com/vokabre
But THESE are Russian systems. Ahhhh, see, Special. That's not very clicky.
That's not is it? It's like dead.
It's like, it's got no response. NONE, at all.
Ahh, he, he's drawn this himself. Ohhh look, isn't that lovely.
A+, an Akibarbara Arcade in Watercolour paper from voyages to Japan, special little painting
for Nostalgia Nerd, by Micael Vokabre.
Special little painting for Octav1us Kitten. That's awesome.
With cats in a comono? [laughs] Is that you? Just staring a that bow. Like THAT bow is
mine. I'm having that bow.
Oh, it's got a receipt in here as well. One thousand and ninety Rubles?
Merry Christmas Peter from Kevin, aka. Hoson Biggs. Where did this come from?
I dunno.
Awww, really happy Sarah has a friend like you in her life, looking out for her.
Yeahhhh, that's me.
[strain sounds from Octav1us]
Oh, that's heavier than I thought it would be.
So this must have been from something else then? Yeah, I don't know. OK, we'll match
that up later in post edit. No one will notice anything.
[cutting sounds with dangerous knife]
WOAHHHHHHH. (both together)
[continued loud laughter]
Yeah, this is obviously a personal package, which I didn't mean to open.
Why? I like at how it was perfectly framed as well.
Right, we've got various cards here. Oh this is from Taz. This is from Taz. TazFae. The
motherboard. I'm a bit concerned about what's on these USB sticks after the intro.
So we've got memory sticks, we've got a motherboard, we've got a deadline, we've got Kick off 3,
we've got a Zip disk, various processors, we've got Pentium 4 processors here. We've
got a DVD drive, various cards, and various N.E.S. games which look like they've been
- not in a fire - but quite close to a fire. Maybe the house next door to where a house
burnt down. All these cards to go through as well. There's a TV card.
OK, OK. My battery is dying on my camera, so we will look at this later.
Numskull. More Numskull. This is err, the pack. The Presche pack. PRESCHE PACK.
Oh, you've got a little tiny one (ahem)
Look it's got little badges in, look. That's so cute.
It's a Quarter Arcade lanyard, but it's got a USB drive. I presume that's a USB drive,
I presume that pops out [snigger]
That's a USB stick. Great.
That's cool. Box of badges. Pins.
Right, next. That, yes, this is. This goes with that doesn't it?
Yes it does.
Oh right, ok.
[strange sound]
Did that box sound like it was speaking?
A small child is inside?
Are you my father?
No small child.
So this is the err, Numskull Pacman arcade cabinet. We'll put this aside for a second,
because I've done a video on this, but this has been fixed!
Since the previous one.
Right, what was wrong with the previous one?
Errr, the screen had different sized dots and wasn't scaled properly. They've fixed
all the problems and made it shinier, and this comes with the collector's coin, so we'll
look at that in a little bit.
[sings] I'm so excited [sings]
That's one of four that. Three of four.
SEVEN OF NINE (not really)
I don't know where two of four is.
Are these all from the same person?
These are more DVDs! Well this is three of four, but there's no two.
Well, we must have, we must have already opened it.
We opened it didn't we? It was the earlier one with the DVDs in.
You're NEVER going to be able to use all of these. Look at this! So many DVDs! It's ridiculous,
you can make a coffee table out of them.
DVD Zone, maybe that's what we can do? [laughs] Make a massive structure.
Ahhh, this is different.
So this is box one, yeah?
This is just a box.
A separate box?
It's a separate box.
I think this is from the chap I met, the, the, the little. The kid I met at PlayExpo
in Manchester, in Blackpool, Manchester? LONDON!
Yeah, London. This is, I think this is from him. Look a Playstation. Ahhh, look, so smol!
Little squishies!
So tine!
Waca waca waca. No, wait, it's the other way round.
Oh god it is, isn't it?
BASIC principles of gaming allude me.
Someone had one of these on Twitter the other day and it was a hideously deformed keyring.
This one's not too bad, in fact this one looks pretty decent.
[Octav1us laughs at squishies]
This is an original Playstation one.
[Octav1us continues to giggle]
You can't just laugh at the squishies!
That one looks really worried.
Ohh, so many Game boy games! Asterix, oh my god. There's loads!
Look at all this!
Dragon's Lair.
Man, look at this, there's loads here. This is amazing.
Thanks dude. I appreciate that.
I'll put your name down here. Hopefully I've been doing that throughout the video, because
I haven't said thank you to most of the people because I don't know who most of them are
from. My memory can not hold this information for more than a day at a time.
This is the last one, yeah?
[Octav1us continues to giggle at ghost squishy]
THIS friends, is a, Pandora's box (said in tuneful style). You've got one of these haven't
you? I do.
This is a Pandora's box, sent to me from, the shop which I'll link down below, because
I appreciate having one of these. I've never owned one of these, but I have played them
and they are very good.
OK, we can wrap up.
[marding sounds]
Get back here with that.
That is all the boxes done for this festive unboxing. Stop looking at it like that.
These are all the boxes done for the festive unboxing. You're like a school child sniggering
[laughs] It's because I keep looking at the ghosts.
Yeah, they're pretty cool.
So thanks for watching. Thanks for joining. I hope you've had a nice Christmas, and I
hope you continue to have a nice Christmas, and I hope you got lots of nice material objects
as well.
Say "bye".
See ya!
[sniggers again]
That is mine.
It's not yours.
Get the f*ck off it.
It's see, it's see.
Just get out.
[pump up the jazz volume]
See ya :D
Thanks for watching.
For more infomation >> Huge December Unboxing | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 24:53.-------------------------------------------
Leana Darkwind Family Battler Complete Guide - Duration: 23:49.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Nightcore - Ten Feet (Curio) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:40.
Lyrics on the screen
Škoda Citigo 1.0 Greentech Ambition 5drs + airco cruise 13.000km helemaal nieuw!! - Duration: 1:07.
Cseréltünk - Suzuki SV650 vs Yamaha FZ6N - Duration: 9:14.
Suzuki: start-up with clutch
Shall we stop at those guys?
Yeah I was thinking the same. I have a trailer, should they need help.
OK, let's stop there.
- It's very interesting to ride this... scary - What? - A bit scary
- Want to swap back? - No, I keep trying
I'll go in the front then. With this I'd smoke myself easily... it's fucking good
We can go after this one
- hey guys - hi
We'll go down to the bus stop, stop there and check if we feel anything bad on the bike
does it go straight, and things like this. Then if he says all is fine then we won't need the trailer.
- Fender might be touching the tire - Is it?
No, it isn't
I think there won't be any problem
- Thank you guys - Thank you, bye
Cool bike, can be ridden well
- This bike is uncomfortable for me - Compared to the FZ6 it's very uncomfortable
- Did he tell what happened? - No, he didn't
- Slid out? - The right fairing has damaged
Here's the trail
- So they don't need a trailer? - They say no - OK
- Good bike! Completely different than the SV - Definitely
Much friendlier bike
Hold on, let's remove the recorder
- I don't know... I couldn't ride this one - But that one is so great to ride!
I tried to lean it and stuff but... it just didn't work for me... it wasn't evident to ride it
- These are very different bikes - And the seat position... the pegs are way too high
On yours (FZ6) I could sit with a straight back, although I could feel my forearms
but it was great for me to sit with a straight back, lower pegs, much better for everyday use
my opinion... and friendlier. Like the gears are longer, inline 4.
- But you rode it well! - If it was mine... I'd ride even better
- The only thing I felt the suspension is soft - Yeah, that's very soft
- If I closed the throttle mid-corner then it bounced - Yeah, it's very soft
Same when switching from right to left, moving my weight, then I felt it's soft...
What is Heartburn and How Does it Occur - Duration: 1:31.
D-Day (Día de desastre) capitulo 6 subtitulos en español - Duration: 1:02:58.
Фен Valera SP4 D RC - Duration: 2:05.
Pryshan Exfoliating Stones | MBS Festival Sydney - Duration: 1:29.
- Hi, guys, I'm Kim from Pryshan Clay Stones.
We're at the Mind Body Spirit Festival,
and these are our beautiful products.
We hand-make them out of organic French clay.
This beautiful little one here is you'd use
every night in the shower, from your shoulders
all the way down to your heels.
It makes your skin absolutely glow,
and this amazing one here is what you use on your face
once or twice a week, evens skin tone, draws out impurities.
We'll show you briefly how they work.
You wet your stone, organic body wash,
hold it in the palm of your hand,
and away you scrub,
so from the finest of skin
to dry, cracked heels,
you scrub from your shoulders
all the way down to your heels.
It draws out impurities, evens skin tone,
and you'll be amazed at the difference,
and this beautiful little one here
is what you'd use on your face once or twice a week.
Once again, it gets rid of lumps and bumps,
draws out impurities, very calming for your skin.
You see the difference in the coloration of the skin tone.
(pouring water)
I'll just dry that very quickly.
Can you put your two hands together, Madam?
Just show the camera the difference
with the exfoliated skin
and the skin that hasn't been exfoliated.
Hope you like the demo.
If you'd like to try them in real life,
please come down and see us
at the Mind Body Spirit Festival.
12/29/18 10:47 AM (Marshall Ave & Fairview Ave, St Paul, MN 55104, USA) - Duration: 11:27.
12/29/18 12:00 PM (1837 Graham Ave W, St Paul, MN 55116, USA) - Duration: 10:59.
Iron Maiden - No Prayer For The Dying ( Magyar Felirattal ) - Duration: 4:24.
Dark Moon Healing Art | Professional Witch | MBS Festival Sydney - Duration: 1:59.
- Hi, I'm Gaia of Dark Moon Healing Art.
I'm a solo eclectical professional witch
from Salem, Massachusetts in the U.S.
And I am here at the MindBodySpirit Festival
with handcrafted, spell-crafted products for you.
Today I've got a make your own spell kit.
You choose the intent that you wanna bring into your life.
You choose an oil, an herb,
and a candle that matches your intent,
and you get the handy instructions to help you out.
These spell bottles need nothing more
than to be left in your home on a shelf
and they will bring out that energy for you.
We have protection, love, healing, and more.
My candles are all a hundred percent soy.
There's no chemicals, no stabilisers.
They burn clear and clean, and they'll bring in the energy
that you're looking for in your life.
My potions are one of my best sellers.
They are made with a conjure oil, a magical conjure oil,
and then I add gentle additives.
It's the same stuff that's in baby wipes,
so it's good for your skin, it's good for your room.
You can put it on yourself, in a bath,
anything you like to bring in that magical intent.
I've also got some handmade incense.
This is made with all natural ingredients
that I've created myself,
I've handpicked myself,
and I've pretreated with a spell to bring it into your life.
And finally, I'd like to let you know
that I do bone reading.
I do bone reading, where I've collected these bones
from all around the world and they spin them out
and they tell me a story for you.
And I add some tarot cards for some extra clarity.
Thank you for listening, and I hope
that I see you today at the MindBodySpirit Festival!
Thanks a lot!
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