I worked at night I made truck deliveries at night.
When I could get to sleep
It was the time when students were leaving the music school.
It reminded me when we were young
and we made such a mess too
Instead of yelling at them
I said to myself, I'm going to stick a face, where they squat.
Why did you stuck this face ?
I will explain to you why
You're getting too messy at night.
I can't sleep. I live across the street.
I stuck it there to pull your tongue out.
then you think of me.
and it worked
They were more careful.
What are you thinking of ?
there ?
Until 2009, even 2010
I always uses the same tongue-tugging face
And when i knew i was going to be a dad.
I said to myself, I'm going to make another expression.
I'm doing the smile, the bliss or happiness
And in 2010, I made this face.
It's 8 years old like my son
the face is a little closer to that.
At least the color.
Not the texture, but the color.
Titanium color, irish oaks
When I wanted to do something on the street
I say to myself, I come home and I do it
I do it and I go out tonight. It must be ready for this night.
It is 1 am.
2 am , 3 am, I'm finishing.
And then I tell myself , you go for it or you don't ?
Come on, go ahead !
It's a bit under pressure.
There is adrenaline
And after, there is pleasure
That's it. Mission accomplished
Now it's my job
It's my livelihood
It's my psychotherapy
It's my pleasure, my retirement;
It became everything
It's almost over.
at "Abbesses" (Montmartre) when there are streets art tours
touristic circuits
he speaks to people
That's my dad, who's doing that. I tell him no. Chut, Chut.
You have to keep it secret. just between us.
The school is here. Do you see the next lamppost ?
It's just after
He went home, he closed his door.
It's going to dry quickly
it's the 2nd time we have Timoté's birthday here
And he invites 12, 13 kids.
because there is space
So, parents of 18th district come to my home.
they say, "oh, it's you who do that ? "
"ah but , I saw one here, another over there. "
Yes. It's me
Do you see better from here ?
Let's go
My son will be happy
Ah! daddy
For more infomation >> Documentaire : Une nuit avec... Gregos - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Блоки питания для игровой сборки - Cougar CMX 850 и GX800 - Duration: 4:33.
🎧 Divacore NoMad+, mieux que la concurrence (AirPods) ? - Duration: 0:51.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Comment réparer un frigo abandonné dans la rue (Facile) - Duration: 4:41.
De l'importance des cabines de plage dans les films de vacances ! - Duration: 2:01.
Henshin - Grease Blizzard - Duration: 0:53.
Botoru (Bottle)
Botoru Kiin! (Bottle Freeze!)
Grease Blizzard!
Are you ready?
Gekitou (Frozen)
Gekitou Shinka! (Frozen Passion!)
GakiGakiGakiGaki! (So ColdColdColdCold!)
Gakiiiiiin! (So Coooooold!)
Rama Mantra to Get Rid of Fear & Problems, Brings peace in Hearts & Souls - Shri Ram mantra ☸ - Duration: 13:47.
Om Shri Ram Jai Ram
Jai Jai Ram
Om Shri Ram Jay Ram Om
Om Shri Ram Jai Ram
Jai Jai Ram
Om Shri Ram Jay Ram Om
Om Shri Ram Jay Ram Om
Jai Jai Ram
Om Shri Ram Jay Ram Om
Documentaire : Une nuit avec... Gregos - Duration: 7:30.
I worked at night I made truck deliveries at night.
When I could get to sleep
It was the time when students were leaving the music school.
It reminded me when we were young
and we made such a mess too
Instead of yelling at them
I said to myself, I'm going to stick a face, where they squat.
Why did you stuck this face ?
I will explain to you why
You're getting too messy at night.
I can't sleep. I live across the street.
I stuck it there to pull your tongue out.
then you think of me.
and it worked
They were more careful.
What are you thinking of ?
there ?
Until 2009, even 2010
I always uses the same tongue-tugging face
And when i knew i was going to be a dad.
I said to myself, I'm going to make another expression.
I'm doing the smile, the bliss or happiness
And in 2010, I made this face.
It's 8 years old like my son
the face is a little closer to that.
At least the color.
Not the texture, but the color.
Titanium color, irish oaks
When I wanted to do something on the street
I say to myself, I come home and I do it
I do it and I go out tonight. It must be ready for this night.
It is 1 am.
2 am , 3 am, I'm finishing.
And then I tell myself , you go for it or you don't ?
Come on, go ahead !
It's a bit under pressure.
There is adrenaline
And after, there is pleasure
That's it. Mission accomplished
Now it's my job
It's my livelihood
It's my psychotherapy
It's my pleasure, my retirement;
It became everything
It's almost over.
at "Abbesses" (Montmartre) when there are streets art tours
touristic circuits
he speaks to people
That's my dad, who's doing that. I tell him no. Chut, Chut.
You have to keep it secret. just between us.
The school is here. Do you see the next lamppost ?
It's just after
He went home, he closed his door.
It's going to dry quickly
it's the 2nd time we have Timoté's birthday here
And he invites 12, 13 kids.
because there is space
So, parents of 18th district come to my home.
they say, "oh, it's you who do that ? "
"ah but , I saw one here, another over there. "
Yes. It's me
Do you see better from here ?
Let's go
My son will be happy
Ah! daddy
Juan Mata reacts to clip of his stunning cross-field pass to Luke Shaw - Duration: 3:29.
Juan Mata has taken the time to admire his stunning cross-field pass to Luke Shaw in 's victory over Huddersfield on Day
The Spaniard received the ball from a throw-in and swept the ball with his first touch, perfectly picking out left-back Shaw during the second half of the match
A video of his volleyed pass is now doing the rounds on social media and Mata couldn't help but get involved
<img id="i-6c843d9d1b771478" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/12/28/13/7900474-6535729-image-a-25_1546005100011
jpg" height="70" width="634" alt="" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message 'I see you Luke Shaw,' he tweeted on Friday afternoon
United fans were quick to heap praise on the midfielder after seeing the video.One fan dubbed Mata a 'magician' while another responded: 'This is proper tekkers
' The 30-year-old played 81 minutes on Wednesday's game before being subbed off for youngster Angel Gomes
Despite his incredible switch of play, it was Paul Pogba who stole the show with two goals as Ole Gunnar Solskjaer continued his fine as United's new manager
Nemaja Matic scored the opener before Mathias Jorgensen grabbed a late consolation as United won 3-1 at Old Trafford
The victory saw United move to within eight points of fourth-placed Chelsea, who returned to winning ways this weekend by beating Watford
<img id="i-89dbdb2bfb730bae" src="https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/12/28/13/7900694-6535729-image-a-27_1546005205561
jpg" height="268" width="634" alt="" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message <img id="i-67e879466b741c04" src="https://i
dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/12/28/13/7900470-6535729-image-a-24_1546005094771.jpg" height="162" width="634" alt="" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message <img id="i-a95e7c463db7495b" src="https://i
dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/12/28/13/7900472-6535729-image-a-23_1546005079575.jpg" height="240" width="634" alt="" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message <img id="i-38523ff08ac28ef2" src="https://i
dailymail.co.uk/1s/2018/12/28/13/7900496-6535729-image-a-26_1546005108750.jpg" height="226" width="634" alt="" class="blkBorder img-share"/> Copy link to paste in your message
Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI S-Tronic Aut. (NAV/PDC/Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:11.
Citroën C3 110PK S&S SHINE NAVI/AIRCO/LMV 17'' - Duration: 1:11.
Фотоаппарат зеркальный Canon EOS 77D EF-S 18-135 IS USM Kit - Duration: 1:33.
Фотоаппарат зеркальный Nikon D5600 + AF-S 18-140 VR - Duration: 2:22.
【Fortnite】参加OK!! ひたすらPC版の練習 - Duration: 3:16.
🔧ACTU GO - Le moteur à allumage par MICRO ONDE!!!(MWI)🔧 - Duration: 5:04.
Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.0 D-4D Business/NAVIGATIE/CAMERA/CLIMATE/NAP - Duration: 1:13.
De l'importance des cabines de plage dans les films de vacances ! - Duration: 2:01.
Comment réparer un frigo abandonné dans la rue (Facile) - Duration: 4:41.
Why Toyota Makes the Most Reliable Cars, Japanese vs American Culture - Duration: 7:00.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about why Toyota makes such reliable
cars, what's the reasoning behind that, and I'll start out by telling you the
truth nobody's sponsoring this, Toyota isn't
sponsoring this, I've been a mechanic for 51 years
look at my driveway, I've got a 1994 Celica, a 2007 Toyota Matrix, and a 2002
Lexus, and I bought all these vehicles used, now why did i buy toyota products
Lexus is a toyota product, let's not mash names there, well
precisely because I am a mechanic, Monday through Friday I spend all my time
fixing other people's cars, do you really think Saturday and Sunday I want to have
to fix my own cars, I want the most reliable cars so I don't have to work on
the things, even though I buy them used I hardly ever have to do anything to them
anyway, now why are the Toyota line reliable, well you have to understand
it's a different culture, I got a master's degree from the University of
Illinois and some of the stuff I studied was Asian business, being a Japanese
company Toyota was always thinking towards the future, they're thinking
sometimes even decades ahead, where American manufacturers hey, like most
American corporations, especially ones that are publicly traded, they're worried
about the stock price, so they're thinking about the quarterly reports
sometimes they're only thinking three months ahead, not three decades ahead
there's a real difference there between short term and long term profits too, take
Toyota in the 70s and 80s, people accused them of dumping their small pickup
trucks on the United States, they certainly didn't cost much back then, they do
today but they didn't used to, they built themselves up a market of people who
like their little trucks, wanted a dependable little truck, so they sold a
whole bunch of them, yeah they certainly didn't make that much money in the
beginning selling those trucks, but they sure as heck do now, they built up a
market by just improving their vehicles little bits at a time, I remember when I
was a young mechanic in the 60's everybody laughed at the Japanese stuff
and said, oh those little rice burners, those little puddle jumpers what
good are they, well sometimes being conservative pays off in a business
world, Toyota never really made a v8 pickup truck
until the tundra, they were originally gonna call it the t-150 but ford
threatened to sue them so they dropped off on that and decided to call it the
tundra, they were worried that they weren't gonna be able to sell them
in large enough volume, they started making them in Indiana where they used to make
their forklift trucks, so they came in very conservative, they ended up selling
all the ones they made, and they just started making more and more as people
saw, Wow a reliable Japanese large pickup truck with a v8 engine, that's not their
main market you know they're not gonna be beating Ford and selling v8 pickup
trucks like the f-150, that's a real American thing and they've been building
those f-150s for decades to perfecting them as time goes on, but the tundra
shows one basic thing about Toyota, they were conservative they started with, okay
we'll try v8 trucks now and a small amount, then as they got popular they
started making more and selling more, even though big trucks weren't really in their
market, their more into cars to get people around in, that's where they were making
most of their profit, look at the camrys and Corollas they sold millions and millions
of those things, and really when you look at them they weren't particularly
good-looking, and they didn't ride all that well in the beginning, but they just
didn't break down, and a lot of it has to do with their entire manufacturing setup
in Japan they don't have the big labor versus management fight like in the
United States where they're going at it tooth and nail, in Japan a good factory
job was seen as a lifetime thing, the people would go on summer vacations
together and they would all be treated fine, and there wasn't this, oh we're the
workers and the management is screwing us over, it's a completely
different scenario than it is in the United States, and let's face it if you
have a happy labor force and you keep incrementally making your vehicles
better and better and perfecting them and then
trying new things every once in a while but doing it conservatively, your
vehicles are probably going to come off the line put together better than they
are in a different scenario, where the management and the workers are at each
other all the time, hey I've even had private conversations
with businessmen in the United States working for large corporations, and they
said Scotty we can't compete with the Japanese on the same level, because they
just have a different Society, they'd say the pressure for short-term profit was
really high in the United States, and there are always trying to maximize that
whether it be lowering the quality of parts in cars to save money, or paying
the guys who built them less money, and if you think about it both of those are
not such a hot idea, you don't want lower quality parts and you
don't want people who are building getting paid less and less as time goes on, so if
your main focus is not, how can we make more profit by either cutting the
quality of our products, paying the workers less, you're gonna make better
quality vehicles that's just common sense, now me I admit it I'm a
cheapskate, all these Toyota's and Lexus's I bought, I bought them used but since
the Toyotas are so well made, you can buy one it's got some mileage on it and
still drive it for years, I mean I've had my own customers sometimes arguing with
me in saying, oh I'm happy with my Chrysler I haven't had any problems with it and
then I say, well how many miles do you have on it and they'll say well we've got
30,000 miles on it, and I just laugh and say, hey
call me up when you got a hundred thousand or if it makes it to 150,000 and
you spend a ton of money fixing it, and over the
last three decades, really I haven't personally found anything that's more
reliable for the money then the Toyota products are, and I just hope that they
don't start following the Americans, but sadly I see a little bit of that in the
newer Toyotas, I see things breaking long before they used too, I've seen power door
locks break on cars there were only two three years old, I see water pumps go
bad on vehicles that had maybe 40,000 miles on them, but let's hope that that's just
a fluke and they don't follow down the line of planned obsolescence and start
making cars that break down before their time, so if you never want to miss
another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Aya Nakamura - Oula | Karaoké Paroles, Instru - Duration: 2:37.
Comment nettoyer le côlon naturellement - Duration: 7:43.
l'avenir de votre vie amoureuse est écrit dans les lignes des paumes de vos mains |Nouvelles24h - Duration: 8:24.
Witch of Oz | MBS Festival Sydney - Duration: 1:04.
- Greetings and blessed be.
My name is Tamara Von Forslun,
affectionately known as the Witch of Oz
and also the Vicar of Wicca.
I have been the founder and creator
of the Church of Wicca Australia-wide and overseas,
and I love teaching.
I'd like to welcome us all here
to MindBodySpirit Festival where I'm attending.
And I'd like to also introduce my new series of books,
which is The Complete Teachings of Wicca.
It's a series of eight books,
and there's a lot of graphics.
It covers many many areas,
many things that are interesting as well.
I also have the original Thoth Tarot deck
which is available as well.
As you can see, the graphics are quite good.
This is not just for doing readings for tarot and psychic,
but it is about meditation, spiritual journeys,
psychic journeys, and being able to take you
to a different dimension of thinking.
At MindBodySpirit Festival, I'm also giving a talk
on Wicca in the 21st century as well.
So come on down, have a meet and greet with me,
have a talk about anything you'd like to,
and if I can help you, I will.
Thank you very much.
Best Of FanaticGaming (Best of 2018 Montage) - Duration: 10:02.
Thank you for such an amazing year
Breast Augmentation Expectations - Duration: 2:05.
> Is there a certain amount of time that you have to let pass before you come in
and redo your implants or recheck your implants? > So in regards to the lifespan
of the implants the companies give you about a 10-year lifespan. That's not the
same thing as you have to come and replace it in about 10 years, I have all
the time passion coming "I have 10 years I have to change the implant" and the
example I gave to my passion is you buy a car the car they gave you a five-year
warranty if you like your car you can keep it for 7 10 15 years it doesn't
mean that because the warranty has expired you don't you cannot use it
anymore. it's about the same situation. > Same as
the implant ok. But let's talk about patient reality, sometimes you have a
patient that walks into the office might bring a picture of a certain celebrity
or a breast that they like and we have to match that reality to adapt patients
expectations to the reality. How do you do that as a doctor? > So that's why it's
very important to have a consultation and to be sure that you look and you
find what is the real thing that you can do for the patient and where's the
reality of that patient. So the first thing I was asked the patient is what
size you are now and what size you want to be? Why because if a patient is an A and
she want to be a Triple D or in A want to be a C now i really know what she's
thinking of what size she want to be. -- right -- Then we take measurements and
why it's important measurements because it's a diameter the breast is about 13
cents and centimeters and she wants a size implant that is 16 that will deform
a breast. So we have to combine what is the implant and what the patient wants
and then we also try some implants to be sure that if she says she was to be a
600, but then she tries it 300 she find that is a nice implant now really know
what she's trying to really get and not what she brought in with the picture.
> Right because at the same time it could be physically impossible to insert this
in a body when it doesn't even fit . > And you have to be honest also about the
patient listen I cannot meet your expectations, I
cannot do that, for me I can do it you can look for somebody else but I cannot
do that for you.
Meru Pyramid | MBS Festival Sydney - Duration: 2:56.
- Hi I'm Nancy and I'm here with Meru Pyramids
at the MindBodySpirit Festival.
And I'd like you to come and have a look at them.
And experience some pyramid power.
So these are unique in the world.
We're the only people who supply them in Australia.
And they're made from solid copper and birch wood.
As you can see the base is made of birch wood.
And they're made on the dimensions of
the Great Pyramid of Giza.
And in the centre is an ancient symbol
called the Sri Yantra which is thousands of years old.
And the combination of these two sacred geometrical shapes
is that it uplifts and it enhances energy
in whatever situation it is.
They're very, very peaceful.
Harmonising to have in your living space.
And they're beautiful to put crystals under.
So here we've got one to show you with.
We've got your essential oils.
We've got you crystals, so everything
that's placed in the centre of the pyramid here
is being recharged, cleansed and having
its energy lifted to the highest degree
of what is possible to give out.
And you can put garden seeds under them.
You can put a glass of drinking water.
And we've got them in three sizes.
So the large size here is big enough for putting lots of.
I use it for all my crystals.
I put them all under there.
And then they're being recharged all the time.
'Cause I do crystal healing.
We have a medium size.
Which definitely you can still
get good essential bottles after.
Underneath. And then you got a little one here
which is perfect for travelling.
They're very sturdy.
And they're beautifully made.
I'll show you how they're made underneath as well.
So they're really, this is a very intricate process
to be able to get these accurately done.
And they're beautifully handcrafted and put together.
And we're doing little mini meditations here
so if you'd like to come and try
the feeling of them you can come and sit.
They're wonderful to use in meditation.
If you wanna enhance or do intuitive work
come and sit with a Meru pyramid.
And feel pyramid power and what this does.
Cause it's a unique combination.
Only Meru pyramids have the Sri Yantra.
And the Giza Pyramid dimensions put together.
There's only the one product in the whole world.
If you have any questions, just come down
to the MindBodySpirit Festival.
Meru Pyramids.
We're here to answer anything that you'd like.
You can try them out for free.
We'll see you here.
Vintage Shopping In Hollywood ~ Finding The Perfect Place - Duration: 10:20.
Welcome to The Dress Up Mom.
I recently visited my son, Dane, who lives up in West Hollywood and had an opportunity
to do some vintage clothes shopping with him up in the Hollywood area.
We visited three places and in this video I'm going to tell you about our experience
at all three.
But first, thank you so much for tuning in.
If you are a regular viewer and subscriber, I absolutely love you, thank you.
If you are new to my channel and like what you're seeing, please subscribe.
It's the button, it's here, it means everything to me, I'm trying to grow this channel.
Also, we are on all of the social media outlets: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @thedressupmom,
#thedressupmom, and you can check us out there too.
Like I was saying, we were up visiting my son, Dane, in the West Hollywood area where
he lives for a weekend, had a great time.
And we got to shoot out for a couple of hours and explore some of the vintage clothes places
up there that I've been wanting to check out.
So, we went to Iguana Vintage, which we'll show you first.
Then we went to a place that I follow on Instagram called Vintage on Hollywood.
And then right next door, there's a new place that opened up called Starday.
We went to those three.
Had very different experiences at all three, and so I'm going to take you through that
right now.
We started by driving down Hollywood Boulevard, so iconic.
Everything that you picture.
The walk of stars, we were walking all through there.
Now Hollywood is not really the nicest part of L.A., but it is a fun place to go.
So, here we are in front of Iguana Vintage, the kids are walking in now like I said.
This place is enormous, it takes up almost a block and it is a good two stories tall,
but super fun.
And it just is loaded with everything that you can imagine.
The sign for the 501 Levi's definitely got me there, my favorite thing ever invented,
and boy was there an excellent selection of them here at Iguana Vintage.
I had just gotten some, so I was stocked up on my Levi's 501s, but certainly the next
time that I need them I am heading over here.
And the price was definitely right.
The sheer amount of product in this place was amazing and there were multiples of everything
you could imagine.
There were tons of accessories, a lot of hats, all sorts of things from different decades,
in very good shape, and just--you know something, look at all the just overalls that there were,
so it was really nice and fun.
Dane loved all the hats, we had a great time trying things on.
But it was also just a bit too big, I don't know.
We were even walking downstairs, as if the part top isn't big enough, there's a whole
downstairs section that's just about the same size as that.
So, it was almost for this trip for me, too much.
There was just too much inventory, it wasn't curated as much as I would have liked for
at least my habit there.
I wasn't looking for anything specific.
I guess if I was, maybe I could have gone right to that section.
It was fun though, but just a little bit overwhelming for some reason.
We then headed to another part of the Hollywood area.
This was a little nicer area.
I loved this street sign as we were headed to Vintage on Hollywood.
It is a place that I follow on Instagram and they have some really, really nice pieces,
at least that's what it looked like on Instagram, so I was really excited to get in there and
check Vintage on Hollywood out.
As you can see, this is much smaller, super well curated.
These pieces were amazing.
They were so beautiful.
They were mostly I think from sort of all the way through the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s.
Wonderful pieces.
Dane just had so much fun trying them on.
Everything looked great on him and this was a really fun place to go and you had a nice
sense of different eras.
The thing is, things were very pricy.
It was quite pricy.
Again, because they were really nice vintage pieces and they were from very old and in
great shape, but just a little bit too much for us, even though we had a lot of fun.
At least Dane did, trying it on.
At this point we had not bought anything and we kind of thought we were going to give up.
And then right next door, we spotted this place called Starday that I think is fairly
new to the area.
So, we thought that we would just hop in there and take a look around.
And, I'm so glad we did.
I sort of felt like Goldilocks that day: The first place was too big, the second place
was nice but too pricy, here we were at finally our right stop Starday Vintage which was just
There was the same great mix of 40s through 80s, maybe a little bit of 90s goods.
A good men's section and a good women's section.
Lots of accessories, shoes, even a couple of items for the home and some fun magazines
that were vintage and kind of fun to look at.
The thing about this though, they were in really good shape, but not as pricy, probably
half the price as the place next door and they fit really well.
So, I'll just kind of show you some of the things that we tried on and had a lot of fun
with that day.
Dane: Do you like this one?
Rajka: That's awesome.
Dane: Over that one?
Rajka: They're both great.
Dane: This one's sick.
Rajka: Love, love, love this jacket that I picked up.
It fits perfectly.
The sleeves I can roll up or take down.
It was actually made in Japan in 1960 something.
It's this beautiful fabric and it's like a satin on top of it.
It feels great and I absolutely love, love, love it.
I like this.
I think that I'm going to get it and belt it.
Or, I can also wear it over as a jacket or I can tie it up.
I love the colors, it feels wonderful.
We found our place after stopping at three different ones.
Dane, what are you getting and why?
Dane: So, I'm getting this vintage 50s shirt.
I've seen nothing like it, it's so cute.
It was so comfortable.
Rajka: It looked great.
Dane: These are so cool.
This also, I've never seen anything like it.
Rajka: Pendleton.
It's amazing with the belt and the velvet and it looks great on you.
Dane: Velvet belt is so cool.
And then this little 50s shirt.
I mean all the gays are wearing this now from Zara, and this is a legit one.
It's so comfortable.
Kind of different.
Rajka: Yeah, love it.
Dane: Yay!
I'm so excited.
Rajka: Leave it to your mom to find you a vintage place in L.A.
Dane: Leave it to The Dress Up Mom.
So, I love the pieces I bought at Starday and I'm going to show them again.
This, you can't really tell, but it's a knit.
It's a knit fabric.
It's very Missoni like to me, it reminds me of some of the Missoni stuff.
It's from the 60s, it's in fantastic shape, there's no snags, nothing.
No rips.
Ugh, the colors.
This was actually in the men's section.
Both pieces that I got were from the men's section, which I like to check out in vintage
places because a lot of times I find things there.
I'm really happy with this, totally different and unique, I haven't seen anything like
Even the lady that runs the shop said she's never seen a men's one of these come in.
So, love it.
I showed you in pretty much detail this incredibly cool Tuxedo type blazer that I'm also going
to love wearing.
In pristine condition.
And this is going to go with some of my work things or to dress up things at night and
I love it.
Each one of these pieces is very old, from the 60s, 50s.
Each was under $100, I think this jacket was about $60 and the other top was something
like $50.
So, that I thought was pretty reasonable for what we got and for the great condition that
these were in and the fact that they are vintage and really nicely made pieces.
I felt a little bit like Goldilocks on this journey that we took on this particular day.
One of the places to me was a little too big.
One was nice, but a little too pricy.
And then finally found the third one which was just right.
So, it just kind of shows every day is a little bit different, every city is a little bit
different and if you kind of keep looking around, you'll find something usually that
works for you.
I would love to know where you go in the Hollywood area or even in L.A. for vintage shopping.
It's not that far for me to go from San Diego.
I thought there was a lot of selection and a lot of great pieces, so it was fun, I want
to head up there again.
Thank you so much for watching, I really appreciate it.
Until next time, have fun and dress it up a little.
High Ponytail - Coiffure de fêtes rapide et facile sur cheveux crépus - Duration: 5:30.
Rare by Livkin | MBS Festival Sydney - Duration: 2:12.
- Hi, I'm Alicia and I'm the creator of
RARE by LIVKIN, Gemstone Infused Skincare brand.
And what I've actually created here is
products that I've infused with crystals
and four luxury treatment masks.
First one here is actually the Glacial Glow.
It's great for brightening your skin.
Then we have the I Am Purifying,
which incorporates amethyst,
which is a really highly detoxing mask.
The third one here is I Am Delicate,
it's infused with sapphires for
self-hydration and pure love.
And my last one here is the Glacial Lift,
which infused with diamonds and pearls.
So what I'm going to do now is
I'm going to invite Lexi over and I'm going to apply a mask
so you can see how it actually works.
Okay, so I've got the lovely Lexi here
and I'm going to apply the Glacial Lift.
This is a sleep mask and
it's infused with diamonds and pearls.
And as you can see there it's a very
light and luxurious mask.
And it's got a beautiful shine to it,
the diamonds in it.
So this mask is actually incorporating
the New Zealand glacial clay.
The glacial clay has a really high healing properties,
where the negative ions actually attract
to the positive ions in the skin,
and it pulls out the impurities.
all those
free radicals inside the damage that you have in your skin,
it helps to heal and hydrate your skin.
So this kind of mask you'd leave on overnight,
and you go to sleep, and
yes, you wake up and feeling lovely and gorgeous.
It also has Kakadu Plum, which is Australia's super extract,
and Siberian Ginseng
which helps to actually tone, tighten, lift skin.
And yeah, so come down to the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival
and feel free to say hello
and I'm happy for you to try the masks.
So come down.
海贼王929话:凯多是最弱四皇,洗白的篇章,红发不只引领了路飞 - Duration: 4:01.
Outils et ressources – Be my eyes - Duration: 1:48.
HOW TO DRAW A CHRISTMAS WREATH | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 2:59.
How to draw a Christmas wreath
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Un autre visage du Nigéria - Duration: 7:18.
I crossed the Nigerian border several days ago
To reach the capital city Lagos
I was feeling anxious
Here we are, we just crossed the boarder
The boarder crossing was not easy at all
It's the worst place I've ever been on earth
Customs stop you every minute, ask you questions then money...
I had a bad felling about Nigeria before coming here
Finally, I met wonderful people here
I edited this video to pay tribute to those special people
Who told me about their life and their stories
Far for the war news always displayed on TV overseas
Yes they are issues and conflits
But it's not everywhere in Nigeria and it doesn't concern all its people
Now I'm with Kelechi, who studies history of art
He's going to bring me on a Lagos Tour
Most of foreigners have a escort and don't walk down the street
But Kelechi is going to show me the city... by foot !
I met Dare in the bus
Lagos faces big issues concerning transportation
Traffic is almost everywhere and ever time
Dare wants to show me the next big projets to help people move better and faster
It's 4:55 am
Today we're going to the federal capital Abuja
They are two options : a 12 hours ride by bus
or a 1 hour flight between the two cities
But I want to see the Nigeria countryside
The route is not recommended
so I found this pretty local outfit to stay safe
Something happened with the bus driver
He didn't understand me and left me on the motorway !
What's happening ?
You know, sometimes people can't leave their phone
We have the same issue in France !
I'm with Rahma
If you're travelling to Abuja, you should bring back Kilishi
A spicy dry meat recipe
They are all selling it and you choose who's the best one
She said it's quite spicy
Back in Lagos
There's a fight between Nigerian Jollof and Ghanaian one
It's a dish made with rice, spices and tomato sauce
This one looks nice !
Well, this one is the best
Where are we going Chinenye ?
She's the one who manage the canoë
[TUTO] EOBD Facile : Différences entre mode OBD et mode constructeur - Duration: 2:15.
Hello and welcome to this video where we will introduce you,
the differences between the OBD mode and the manufacturer mode.
When you connect to the EOBD interface Facile to do the engine diagnosis of your vehicle,
two choices are available to you.
First the OBD engine ECU mode or the engine manufacturer ECU mode.
For the realization of this video we performed this test with an Opel Meriva
equipped with a Z16XEP engine.
Let's start with a test of the reading fault codes in OBD mode
Here we notice that the basic informations are present, with in addition to
information on freeze frames, which indicates the state of the engine during the
reading fault codes.
However, when testing with the manufacturer mode,
we notice that during the diagnosis, there is more information on the status of the
fault code, despite the absence of frozen data.
Let's now read the sensors.
In OBD mode, in the case of an Opel Meriva with a Z16XEP engine
We carry out the diagnosis of 35 sensors.
But in manufacturer mode we will be able to examine 69 sensors.
With this mode we arrived to proceed to a more refined diagnosis like for example
for the air temperature available in real value as well as Celsius degrees
Feature of OBD mode, we can proceed to
reading the results of the systems monitored.
This is a function specific to this calculator, this one will not be supported by the constructor mode.
Finally the EOBD Facile software can also read
vehicle information.
Here in OBD mode we have for example,
access to the VIN number.
In manufacturer mode we also have access to the vehicle's VIN,
but also to other information, such as the engine code of the vehicle.
You can easily switch modes by going to the calculator option of your software.
These two calculators are complementary and allow to refine your diagnosis.
That's why we advise you to use these two modes to have
the most accurate diagnosis possible.
Thank you all for having followed this video, do not hesitate to subscribe,
to put a little thumb up or so to react in the commentary space.
As for us we say very soon with Outils OBD Facile
Netflix : un épisode interactif pour «Black Mirror» - Duration: 4:35.
Henshin - Grease Blizzard - Duration: 0:53.
Botoru (Bottle)
Botoru Kiin! (Bottle Freeze!)
Grease Blizzard!
Are you ready?
Gekitou (Frozen)
Gekitou Shinka! (Frozen Passion!)
GakiGakiGakiGaki! (So ColdColdColdCold!)
Gakiiiiiin! (So Coooooold!)
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