Բարեւ, ծեվԷ Hello, everyone
Ինչպես եք այսօր? How are you, today?
Ես շատ լավ եմ: Շնորհակալություն: I am very good. Thanks
Այսօր ես ուզում եմ մի քիչ խոսել մարդկանց հետ Today, I want to talk to people
օտար լեզուներ սովորելու համար: In order to practice other languages
դուք You?
Ինչ ուզում եք անել այսօր: What do you want to do today?
For more infomation >> Let's Speak Some ((EASTERN)) Armenian - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
Something Very Special Will Happen To The Moon In January 2019 - Duration: 4:03.
hi everyone J7409 here with you and something very special is happening with
the moon coming up in January that's right you know we usually have a super
Blood Wolf Moon but this one's going to be supercharged why because a total
lunar eclipse of the super moon will happen now this is going to find the
moon to be enveloped in colors of copper and reddish hues around 12:00 12:00 a.m.
Eastern Standard Time on January 21st it's going to certainly be worth
standing out in the frigid cold air to see now simply put the ton of total
lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun the earth and the moon reach perfect
alignment and this causes the Earth's shadow to hide the moon from view now
when it comes to the colors a lot of that is caused by excuse me what we do
here on earth or what's happening on Earth's weather at the time the eclipse
happens now if there's wildfires volcanoes erupting and just stuff that
we every day put up into the atmosphere that makes the moon redder okay and if
it's clear here on earth for the most point when it's in alignment with it
it's not as red that's what makes those colors pretty interesting huh
now of course the total lunar eclipse is the rarest of the three varieties okay
and not only does the total lunar eclipse make the moon appear to be blue
super called a super moon because it makes it a little larger but it also
makes sure that the moon gets this coloring I thought it was pretty
interesting now the upcoming there's something now special about it okay
there's something very very interesting about it now it seems that the upcoming
total lunar eclipse is going to take place over several hours between January
20th and the 21st of 2019 now are we going to see it here in America yes it's
going to be visible from North and South America as well as portions of Western
Europe and Africa once again totality or the moment the moon is completely
eclipsed is set to take place around 12:00 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
on the 21st now if you want to see the preamble and the other stages you need
to get out of the 20th before this time frame before midnight and you'll see the
little sections of it start to begin but the total of totality should be on the
21st around 12:00 12:00 a.m. now please even if you're not an avid astronomer it
is worth looking at this if you can stand too cold if it's really cold where
you are why because it won't circle back to the US to have one of these until May
of 2021 so jot this down on your calendars and I'll keep reminding you
thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe like and comment
click that subscribe button in the right-hand corner then click the Bell I
love you guys peace loving kindness to all have a wonderful 2019
Record of Panda Expedition · EP01 | 大熊猫科考全纪录 · 第 1 集 - Duration: 29:17.
【Lucy-Chan, KaroDreams & AraiTsukiyomi】 Namida No Riyuu (Youtube Chorus) - Duration: 4:45.
my chest is burning in pain.
and your lies grow up even more
but listening to your sweet and tender voice
it leaves me trapped without being able to think
even if you're next to me
i'm still feeling hostile
let me hear your reasons, once and for all
i've already forgiven you for everything that
you have done
i just want the traitor to come back to me
i'm afraid of loving you like crazy once again
and i fear that doing so, you could hurt me
my memory doesn't want
to erase you mistakes
looking at the sky, i can't help but cry
this pain remains inside me
in my memory that still doesn't see the light
and even though, i can't forget
that i just can't, ever, stop loving you
if you look back
at that loneliness day
where my skin felt
that warmness of yours
now i know what it is to be in loneliness, and without you.
with closing my eyes, i try to pretend
i just want to love you, even if you don't feel the same way
even though, it would be better, if you also loved me too
(my) overflowing feelings
they have nowhere to go
i'm tied up at your game of passion
i'm afraid of loving you like crazy once again
and i fear that doing so, you could hurt me
my memory doesn't want
to erase your mistakes
looking at the sky, i can't help but cry
i just want to love you, even if you don't feel the same way
even though, it would be better, if you also loved me too
(my) overflowing feelings
they have nowhere to go
i'm tied up at your game of passion
i just wish you could see me how I am...
My 2019 Goals || Reading, Channel, Life - Duration: 18:26.
[bass guitar riff]
Hello BookTube my name is Cait and this is my channel ChapterCVIII so I have not
been as active in video making the past couple of weeks? maybe? I dunno. I don't know when the last time I was
active um but I I know I have had a definite decrease in my productivity
video wise because it's the end of the year I have a lot going on everybody's
got a lot going on it's just a lot everything's a lot I wasn't actually
intending to do a video like this however I've seen quite a few booktubers
do you know their 2019 goal videos and those have quickly become one of my
favorite videos to watch this week so I'm gonna be doing that now because
goals can be so many different things I want to make my goals split up into
three different parts so it's going to be my bookish goals or reading goals, my
channel goals, and then my personal goals so if you only want to watch one part of
that I probably won't put timestamps anywhere but you can probably like
fast-forward around and figure it out if you really really want to skip me only
hurts a little bit [sad music] they ask you how you are you just need to say that you're
fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they
would never understand [end music] section one is my reading goals so we'll go with that
first now usually when you think reading goals a lot of people think of their
Goodreads reading goal and I don't put a lot of value on my Goodreads reading
goal and there's a lot of reasons for that the first year I set a Goodreads
reading goal I set it at 100 and I started at the very beginning the Year on
New Year's Eve like I started reading on New Year's Eve so I counted it I started
reading on Year's Eve and I got to 50 books by the end of June and I slowed
down the month of June and then I stopped reading all together at the end
of June so I was on track to get to 100 and then I didn't do it and then this
year something similar happened I didn't actually start reading this year until
May like really reading and I set my goal for I think 50 I think I made
sixty something at this point and I haven't really been reading since the
beginning in November so only really read from May to the beginning of
November again it wasn't very consistent throughout the year when I set a reading
goal I don't set it with the expectation that I'm either going to meet it or not
meet it but I set it as a way of encouraging myself to keep going
obviously this year didn't work so well I did keep you know I did complete my
goal so maybe next year I need to set it higher that way I will keep on keeping on... keeping on... blrblplbrbl
beyond whatever I think I'm gonna set my goal again I 100 so that way I can keep
going the entire year and if I reach 100 pretty quickly then I'd probably go up
to 150 we'll see how it goes I don't know I'm unpredictable I don't
understand myself I don't know how anyone deals with me on top of an actual number of books I
want to read I have some other goals in my book here in January my intention is
to read all books that I've been given for Christmas so any book that was sent
to me by a booktube friends or any books that were given to me by my family
members my husband obviously he's a family member for any other friends um
but really the only people in my life that give me books or BookTube people and
husband so any books that I was given for Christmas I want to read in January
after Christmas I realized that this goal was unrealistic for me and I'm
going to be now reading one book from each person who gave me a book for
Christmas and this picture is extremely unflattering so we're going to go ahead
and turn that off now if it's a series or a trilogy I'm going to attempt to
read the first book in that thing trilogy series duology whatever but
that's gonna be what I'm going to try and do in January yeah
my second goal is to read a couple of high fantasy series I did a video like a
while back it was like books on my husband wants me to read and I did tell
him that in 2019 I'm gonna try and read at least like one per month that he
wants me to read you know just because I would like to kind of get into what he
would he likes reading and he also is gonna start reading a couple more of the books that
I like so we're gonna try that do that you know where readers whatever and most
of what he reads that I usually go towards is the high san...
high sanity? feries? ...most of what he reads I don't immediately reach for are those
high fantasy series that are like really long I love high fantasy but typically I
don't go through those really really long series because they're such a
commitment like Wheel of Time and the Malazan series he's also read like every
Star Wars book in the now Legends extended universe
I've read a couple of things in there like one trilogy and part of a series
but he's like read all of them because he has that sort of patience and
diligence to read just a hundred something books so in a universe I'm
going to attempt to do more of that kind of become more dedicated to the worlds
that I'm reading about because if I you know on a book there's no point in
me owning it if I'm not gonna reread it that's not true I love having them next
one is finishing books that I started this year so it in 2018 because there's
a lot of books that I started this year and did not finish the next one is to
read more genres typically I go for fantasy and sci-fi I have been reading a
little bit more contemporary this past year because of my green ribbon book
club we read books that have mental illness representation and a lot of the
ones that have really accurate representation or that actually call it
by the diagnosis name are contemporaries so we I have been reading a lot of
contemporary books which is not my favorite genre at all but I am trying to
read more mental illness representations so um I'm actually going to be looking
for it a lot in some fantasy um and science fiction because I would love to
see it done well and not done an insulting way maybe we'll find something I dunno
but some of the genres that I would really like to get more into are horror
I do have a couple of horror books that I really want to read like Horrorstör I
have now which I'm so excited thank you Samantha I really want to read
The Haunting of Hill House I watch the series I loved it I really want to read the
book plus I was watching Stripped Cover Lit's video and they just talked
about Shirley Jackson the writer and how she wrote the short story The Lottery
and I didn't realize that it was the same author and I loved that short story
even though it disturbed me deeply when I first read it and there's a couple
other there's a couple of Stephen King books that I want to get to and other
horror books that I would like to get to another genre would be historical
fiction I have a handful of historical fiction books I used to actually really love
historical fiction when I was in like middle school um I would read these
books I can't remember what they were I feel like they were somehow related to
like American Girl company or something but they were written like journals by
these girls in different points of history and I really really loved those
at the time I don't know if it was the formatting or what it was but I really liked it but I
just have some really cool like historical fiction I want to get into
and the last sort of genre it's not really a genre but type of book that I
want to read is more obscure books like really weird books just weird funky
books books that don't take things quite seriously and if you didn't see my
twelve books of Christmas video one of those books definitely [operatic singing] Space Opera! [speaking] and I cannot wait
to read that book another bookish goal which is semi personal and semi
bookish is to kind of stick to a spending plan if you haven't seen my
video about spending plans and books that you should totally check it out
there's been a big conversation on consumerism on booktube lately my video
on consumerism wasn't labeled as such even though it totally is about my
reasons for spending so much looks but also how you can sort of change your
spending habits if you want to so I really want to stick to my spending plan
that I kind of discussed in there that I would try out and that is sort of
setting how many books I can buy by how many books I've read that way that I'm
actually consuming books I'm not just buying things I'm not reading them but I
really want to try using my local library more libraries are amazing
resources I like to own my books however I think a lot of reason I don't use the
libraries because when I walk in a library I get a lot of anxiety it's very
quiet and I feel big and clunky and like I'm gonna run into something or make a
lot of noise or something or people are staring at me and my social anxiety just
kicks into high gear when I'm in the library and I don't know why I just just
do you don't think it'd be like it is but it do I'm gonna try and desensitize
myself to that because the library has a lot of awesome like classes and group
things that happen as well I'm not just there for the books but like just it's a
cool place to go my next section is my channel goals for 2019
so any things related to my BookTube channel my number one goal is to improve
the quality of my videos I would like to get some equipment to make my lighting a
little bit better and make me not so anxious about the way my skin looks
since filming this video I actually received a ring light and an editing
program as well as a nice microphone from my husband for Christmas I also
want to be more detailed in my planning of my videos I want to have more of an
outline when I go in and I have done that for quite a few of my videos but I
would like to do that a little bit more because I have a tendency to if I don't
have a plan I kind of zone out when I'm talking and I'll have to talk around
myself until I find my way back to the subject and I either have to crop that
you know segment a video up or I have to cut it all together after we do it or I
just end up leaving it in and looking stupid also I think since I do a lot of discussion
videos that's the best way to get my points across is to have sort of a plan
going in or at least a more detailed plan going in my next thing is to be
more diligent about captioning my videos I've done this for quite a few of my
videos but not anywhere near all of my videos I have a really hard time sitting
there in captioning attention it's just just not there for it and I talk very
fast and I mumble a lot and I type very fast too but I always have such a hard
time just focusing to caption things so I am trying to get more diligent about
captioning because since I have been learning ASL and since I you know have
been appreciating that language there's no reason for me to make my videos not
accessible to the people that use the language the most it feels like i'm
appropriating their culture by learning their language if i'm not going to make
my videos accessible to them i also want to incorporate more of my other
interests into my channel so more music more maybe art because i haven't done a
lot of that recently more writing because i haven't done as much of that
recently so i want to incorporate some of these other interests that i have
into my channel because i feel like that will make my content more diverse on my
channel i'm also hoping to incorporate more vlogs on my channel I'm really
really bad about vlogs i did a small one for the Read Up Greenville um thing that
i went to I'm hoping to go to Book Con this coming year and at that I would
definitely like to get more vlogging than there I think
it's gonna be easier for me to do that at events but I also want to vlog
different things that I've tried I want to do reading vlogs I want to vlog
during ReadAThons or ReadALongs that I do because I really I've started so many
vlogs and tried to do them during those weeks and then I just don't keep up with
it so I feel like I really want to be more cognizant of that when it's going
on I also want to network more on like Instagram I'm really bad at Instagram I
really am I don't have any consistency in my style I don't remember to take
pictures and when I do I'll take like three I post from all and it's just I
don't I don't plan I don't set them out I don't really have a good surface to do
it I want to work more on trying to never put myself on Instagram and and do
more creative things on there because I feel like it would be a good way for me
to connect more even more with the community I would really like to kind of
put this more out there because it is a really important hobby to me it's
something that takes up a lot of my time and a lot of my life and I would like
people to know that I'm doing it my next thought is that I really want to
schedule my videos more have a more regular upload schedule and I don't know
how that's gonna work out for me I would like to become more regulated with my
uploads but I don't know if I'm gonna have like an upload schedule
specifically because of the way my moods are up and down so often I can't I'm not
really reliable to myself reading wise video wise blah blah blah blah I mean
even like this month I've tried to read so many different books in the past few
months I've tried to film so many videos in the past few months
yesterday I was trying to film the booktube recognition tag and I had a lot
of drive off sudden and then immediately it fell apart once I like finally got
all my stuff fixed to where I could do it so um I'm not reliable enough at the
moment to make a plan and then the last goal is the one that some people you
know are totally on board for some people think that you shouldn't set
these kind of goals however I would very much like to have 2,000 subscribers by
the end of 2019 I know right now I don't even have 1,000 subscribers but I'm
hoping to have 2,000 by the end of 2019 my reasoning for this yes I want to gain
subscribers everybody wants to gain some drivers whether they said they do or
don't I feel like after you kind of reach a certain point like 1000 on
YouTube your your videos are more likely to pop up at other people's feeds and
more likely to connect with more people and that's what I really want out of
this experience I want to connect with as many people as possible I want to
have opportunities from this I want to be able to you know do a lot of cool
things and I feel like the more you have the more sort of resources you have that
sense you might disagree this you might not and that's totally you know that's
fine just from my view I feel like I would have even more sort of opportunity
with a lot of things if I had more subscribers so I would like to work
towards that because I like to make videos I love making videos and I would
love more people to see what I am creating and putting all my time and
effort into not the people that are here not important I very much value
those people and I very much value the friendships the connections that I have
made so far but I always want I always want to make more connections always
want to make you know more impact to meet more people and I feel like that
that is the way to sort of do that the next section is my more personal goal so
these are things that are really not so much book related but more my personal
things I want to achieve the first one of course is to continue learning
American Sign Language I started learning it when I was very little like
just simple basic things and then I took two semesters in college and I loved it
absolutely loved it there's a really big Deaf community around where the city
where my college was and then where I currently work in a psychiatric facility
I've had a couple of deaf patients and I've only been able to talk very very
minimally with them and being a deaf patient in a psychiatric hospital or no
one can speak to you has got to be the worst thing ever and I would like to
make that environment more accessible to those individuals the next one is I
really want to do more song writing I don't write songs a lot for a music
therapy person and somebody who's in a band like I don't write enough songs
that's just that's it in the band that I am in the guitar player writes most of
the songs I've written a couple of them and I'll make up the melody to whatever
he writes or all complete things I'll add things and that's great
but I would very much love to start writing a little bit more I have a lot
of words in my brain I just have such a hard time fitting them to music the next
one is more exercising and healthy eating I feel like I have not been
taking very good care of myself and I would like to take better care of myself
it's as simple as that that I want to feel better I want to be more
financially responsible umm a big part of my financial impulsivity is to do
with my mania when I experienced that and that's a huge symptom of bipolar
disorder is manic spending obsessive spending I haven't gotten myself into
like deep trouble or anything yet when it comes to that but I feel like if I
don't do that as much I will have more money for opportunities that I want you
know like going on trips long vacations buying gifts for people
that I love buying clothes I don't buy clothes for myself very often and that
so I end up wearing the same things over and over again and then I don't feel so
good because you know I'm not wearing things that I'm comfortable and so my
next goal is I want to be more present have a really hard time staying present
in the moment staying focused I really want to work on my mindfulness and
practicing being in the moment more and a lot of the reason that I have a hard
time with this is because my mental illness as much as I want to you know
improve on it a lot of is my mental illnesses is but I feel like the way
that I can really improve on this is I want to get back into therapy I've been
out of therapy for a year now I'm gonna get back on meds I've been off meds for
like two years maybe a year and a half I think it has I think it's been over two
years honestly I have so many amazing people in my life that support me I feel
like I'm not doing things to the best of my ability because of not being on
medications and a big part of me not wanting to be on medications is because
it makes you feel like a zombie so hopefully I can avoid that zombie
feeling and get the right mix of things where I don't like I'm losing myself but
that's all of my goals for 2019 we'll see if I get there hopefully I get there
um maybe we'll do a check in next year or a reaction video to this who knows I don't
know we'll see but if I don't reach these goals I just keep trying and
that's all life is it's just constantly trying to grow and trying to
improve and trying to get closer to completing the work in progress that is
our lives anyway that's all I have for y'all leave some of your 2019 goals below
and I will comment back to you I'm usually pretty good about getting back
to comments usually but if you'd like more of this junk, subscribe below
bye! [awesome rock music] tripping over shadows and I'm drowning in the night I feel the soldiers coming I'm done
putting up a fight I feel my eyelids closing under the weight of the world it feels
like the end.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2018-12-28 13:24:35 1309 S Center St, Normal, IL 61761, USA - Duration: 1:01.
Chinese mother in law Q&A: Does she like me? 中國婆婆問和答: 她喜歡我嗎? - Duration: 7:39.
Hi everybody!
She is my mother in law
Hi everybody! She is my daughter in law
I want to ask you some questions. Ok.
What city are you from?
Why did you come to Canada?
I came from China
I came to Canada because my son works here.
I like Canada
This is a nice country
It has a naturally beautiful landscape.
The second question
How did you feel the first time your son told you he was dating a white Canadian girl?
You are asking me, How did I feel the first time my son, Zheng, told me he was dating a white Canadian girl?
Actually, when my son told me about your relationship
I was very happy!
I always felt whether it was a Canadian girl or Chinese girl
If she is kind, then I will support him.
What was your first impression of me?
The third question
My impression the first time met you
When my son told me you will visit us, at our place
I feel very excited and happy
I looked forward to meeting my future daughter in law.
The first impression is
You were the ideal, cute girl, I imagined in my heart.
My first impression was very good
It made me feel like we were so close during the first meeting.
She's very easy going
I love her so much
I love my son and also love the Canadian girl my son found.
The fourth question
How has your impression changed?
In terms of change, I feel
After the marriage of my son and this Canadian girl
I feel I know her more and more
We are closer and closer
like we are a family
She takes care of a lot of stuff for me.
Our relationship makes me feel like she respects me a lot.
I always feel those things from you.
My daughter in law studied Chinese in Taiwan
She knows a lot of Chinese culture and traditional things.
After marriage I feel
I feel like I love them more and more, especially my daughter in law.
The fifth question
What is your opinion about this interracial marriage?
Actually, I feel I am an open minded mother
I feel no matter if it is a Chinese girl or Caucasian girl
As long as she is virtuous and kind
I don't think there are any issues for the relationship between two countries
Since we have lived together for a long time, I feel we are just as close as a if she were a Chinese girl
I can definitely accept that we are all kind human beings
When we live together for a long time, the gap because of cultural differences will disappear
The family will be harmonious and bond together
The sixth question
What changes have I brought to your life?
In terms of change I feel
When we live together, I know my daughter in law lived in Taiwan
Our communication helped me learn English
This is what I am thinking
Another thing is, I can learn how to cook western cuisine from her
She can learn how to cook Chinese food from me
No matter which country, people always are drawn to the food.
Cooking food together will improve our relationship
Our culture will mix together
I can learn a lot of great things from her.
As well as lifestyle stuff
She can also learn Chinese culture from me
as well as Chinese cooking from me
For example, I came from Northern China and I like to cook dumplings.
as well as some buns
my daughter in law really likes that type of food, and she can learn to cook it from me.
Living together, the biggest change is
having the warm feeling of being a family. I love my family so much.
Today I made this video here with my beautiful daughter in law
We talked about the six questions
Thank you everyone!!
[No Copyright Music] Allerlei von Nicolai - Snowing (Instrumental) | LMMS Electronic Dance Music - Duration: 3:53.
No Copyright Music
Subscribe For More Free Music!
statut whatsapp ray 2019 - Duration: 0:18.
Achats en ligne : rembourser au lieu de sécuriser - Duration: 2:09.
Record of Panda Expedition · EP01 | 大熊猫科考全纪录 · 第 1 集 - Duration: 29:17.
Water Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID 509-723-7258 Water Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID - Duration: 1:15.
Water Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID
We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-togethers.
Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn
on us with full, merciless force.
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though
nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no
stone unturned and no area unattended to.
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster, but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for
resounding peace of mind, for the long haul.
Fire Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID - Duration: 1:15.
Fire Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID
We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-togethers.
Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn
on us with full, merciless force.
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though
nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no
stone unturned and no area unattended to.
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster, but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for
resounding peace of mind, for the long haul.
Storm Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID 509-723-7258 Storm Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID - Duration: 1:15.
Storm Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID
We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-togethers.
Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn
on us with full, merciless force.
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though
nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no
stone unturned and no area unattended to.
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster, but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for
resounding peace of mind, for the long haul.
Flood Damage Restoration Coeur d'Alene ID 509-723-7258 Flood Damage Restoration Coeur d'Alene ID - Duration: 1:15.
Flood Damage Restoration Coeur d'Alene ID
We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-togethers.
Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn
on us with full, merciless force.
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though
nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no
stone unturned and no area unattended to.
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster, but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for
resounding peace of mind, for the long haul.
Flood Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID 509-723-7258 Flood Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID - Duration: 1:15.
Flood Damage Estimate Coeur d'Alene ID
We live our life according to schedules.
We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-togethers.
Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn
on us with full, merciless force.
While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though
nothing ever happened!
That's where we come in.
Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,
whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.
We'll clean up and restore your property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no
stone unturned and no area unattended to.
Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,
You can't schedule disaster, but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for
resounding peace of mind, for the long haul.
¡El NUEVO MINECRAFT! - Duration: 8:46.
Hello Minexitos and Minexitas from youtube we are here in a new video for the channel
and this time we are
It is not a game :v
we are here on youtube :D
although you are already watching this video on youtube
It's like a paradox. You are watching a YouTube video that is watching another Youtube video :v
"weird noises"
And we are here to see the famous hytale trailer
minecraft 2 I'm late because all the youtubers have already done it but I do not care because I want to do it too
because it's fashion and that :v
I actually do it because I feel like it
vamos a darle al play para ver el famoso tráiler
even though
have to say one thing the characters is not that I like them very much :v
but seeing as there are shaders there are birds here and is more 3D modeling not like here in Minecraft
in plan there are things lying on the floor in the pure hello neighbor style when you threw praises on the floor and they stayed somehow
It's not like Minecraft
this cool
and also the animations for example the stick to walk or say hello
¡oysters the animations of the animals! :o
Look at this is that in Minecraft with weird things that do not even know what the fuck is
but here it is as 3D
or look at the roof that is smooth instead of stepped well although I think that the stairs of Minecraft will also stay for example look here the staircase
will have scary things look bad here is like a minecraft but with all the mods together that is what I would have to do minecraft but I do not know why
for example, this is from a mod, only a little different, I think the jente created texture packs because this is very from the middle age as if it were very old
oysters look at how the carrot eats it, sorry if I'm stopping a lot but look how they take things
look at the dog sleeping that cute
mirar cómo se Talaran los arboles o se minara la piedra
look at the kitten that cute
or how do you do this that I do not get the name esque I'm recording everything in the morning and I'm getting a mess
adventure and exploration
there was a polar bear that was tender
new bosses
the PvP that is quite handsome
the construction
a balloon there was by there behind
look how amazing it looks and I think there will be no lag
marine exploration
there were sharks
I do not understand how they will work
too many bosses
there will be magic that will be fantastic a new way to attack
animations is what impresses me the most
the server community here starts the important thing this is like hypixel
minigames like skywars
how is this going to play ???
because this is not like the Minecraft if it is not like the LOL sorry if I'm wrong but I would say that it resembles the LOL
then this will be for people who want to create animations for the characters and is quite cool
it will be easier to make animations I suppose
the creation of characters this does not quite convince because and if you want to do something that does not come up in the options for example change the skin to blue or green
this has blown me because as they know that people are going to stay quiet in the room i will not go around and bother
this is like an extra that they have put it to put but it will make the construction easier, I suppose
this is amazing movie making is that how is it going to do this I think it will be movies that can be uploaded to youtube as they do with the fortnite camera
esto no lo entiendo "creación de mods" como el creeper que fue un error
this will be like Mario like when skeletons were respected when jumping over them
hytale is going to be the maximum will overcome minecraft the safest
I think that the majority of youtubers and the Minecraft community are going to go to Hytale, some will criticize for copying Minecraft, others will prefer Minecraft because if
but I'm going to upload this to my channel
I thought to make a short video but we are already in the 8 minutes
up to here today's video :D
oh how cute
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