hey everybody it's Shug here. Come along with me what I want to show you today is
how you can stack your under quilts so you can get to some lower temperatures
you can stack your top quilts you can stack your sleeping bag you can put a top
quilt inside a sleeping bag and get down with like maybe a 40 degree or a 20
degree and get down and do some winter camping in the lot colder weather it's a
great time to be out and I hope you do get out there this year and maybe even
get down to your personal low
sounds like 101 Dalmatians out there woof,woof,woof, woof. I'm the Colonel. Now we're going to talk first
about stacking under quilts all right this right here is a 20 degree incubator
by hammock gear it's a full way so it goes from actually this one kind of goes
from behind my head all the way down to my feet and here I have my old DIY meant
that I made it myself frank and quilt my first under quilt
it's a 20-degree so it's hanging outside of this one so I got a 20 out of 20 now
if you stack a 20 and a 20 together whether it's a top quilt to top quilts
together to 20s are going to get you down to minus 20 maybe minus 30 now take
in mind and I want you to realize I'm talking conservatively here don't get
cocky out there so let's just say minus 20 but probably minus 30 enlightened
equipment has a chart and it may be showing that in the box below this video
go to their site check out their chart and also check out their wares I don't
own any but I hear good stuff about them so the main thing you want to do is not
to compress your down because once down keeps you warm buy loft now these same
things will kind of work with synthetic under quilts if you have that or a down
and a synthetic so know your equipment make sure it's fluffed up good make sure
your down is clean if you've got too old down make sure you wash it in some down
wash you can go to any camping store somewhere like REI but you wash it in a
Down wash read the instructions make sure you use
the right kind of washing machine the best is the front loaders on a gentle
cycle or do it in a tub and then put it in the dryer and wat and dry it very
slowly on fluff or the lowest temperature you have but a couple tennis
balls in there so it fluffs you're down up and you don't get clumps good clean
nice fluffy down is going to keep you the warmest so keep that in mind
whenever you're stacking stuff so under quotes basically hang up under a hammock
with shock cord okay no matter what your shot cord is this is a channel the shot
cord goes all the way through the underquilt
edge right here on here it does the same thing with a secondary suspension you
can add a length of shock cord just go buy some
shock cord you can see the suspension comes up right along the edge and this
is normally where I hook it onto the suspension of my hammock to hook it up
but it added this little shock cord extender here to give it just enough of
a give and that's just enough for this thing so it's not pulling up so tight on
the incubator that it's compressing the down you don't want to compress your
down so it's hanging on the outside loosely yet tight enough that I'm not
compressing that down so I'm stacking from here to here basically this is sort
of just behind my knee but what about your feet you know you've only got the
20 and 20 under you about to your knees I do have my down jacket that's my go
light down jacket and that's a pretty thick one that's a warm jacket over my
foot box cuz it won't be sleeping in that and inside the foot box of my top
quilt this is my jacks or better high sierra sniffler and my feet will be warm
because they're on a therm arrest sit pad inside this top quilt keeps up from
moving around Plus as my jacket around it plus the 20 degree incubator is full
length so I've got all that down over there so if you're looking to get out
colder and you don't have the gear stack in your quilts like this is the way to
go I always put my partial on the outside of my full because I feel like
the partial will kind of help pull the full length under quilt up a little bit
gonna take a little experimentation but if you've got 220 degree under quilts
and you're wanting to camp in like 0 or minus 10 degree weather you're gonna be
really good to go and that goes the same for top coats of sleeping bags your pack
is gonna get a little bit bulky alright if you don't have a big enough pack you
might be strapping a few things to the outside cuz you know you put a put a 20
degree sleeping bag in a 40 degree sleeping bag together if you're a ground
sleep or plus a really nice pad and let's not forget that your pads double
up in the wintertime if you don't have a serious insulated pad pads have an
r-value so make sure to check the r-value of your pad
for the temperature that it will get down to but same thing you can double
them up so here in Minnesota once we get some good snow and it gets to a certain
temperature with snow I'll pull my pull which is a sled I pull behind me great
thing about that I can have my pack loaded in there plus add some extra
things so it's a lot easier to carry the extra bulk of to under quilts if I'm
bringing that stacked together and maybe to top quilts or maybe my top quilts
fine but I'm stacking two under quilts or amusingly pod systems so I've got a
20 degree sleeping bag with a 30 degree insert and probably this 20 degree
Franken quilt under quilt partial right there so it's a little bit more volume
actually a pretty good bit more volume than normal let's just say 20 degree you
know cold-weather camping maybe you're just car camping or it's a short walk in
then you got no problem make two trips back and forth so borrow something from
a friend if he's got a 40 degree sleeping bag and you've got a 20 degree
borrow his sleeping bag or top quilt put those together if you're a ground
sleeper lay on the appropriate pad bring two pads and have yourself some fun and
discover some winter camping if you're in a hammock stack your under quilts
play with it try it just remember the outside one needs to
be a little bit looser but not so loose that it's dangling free saying same
things still apply make sure you don't have any gaps that it's all good and
believe me in those kind of temperatures you'll know if it's not hooked on their
right under quilts or sleeping bags or top quilts a 40 degree and a 40 degree
should get you to around 10 degrees think of it this way this whole thing is
based on that modular military system if you go online go to an Army Navy Store
or Google in you know modular military bag usually comes it's two bags one
inside the other it's usually I think like a 40-degree or something and then a
zero and the army and they're usually synthetic they went the whole kit weighs
8 to 10 pounds and you put one inside the other so they can sleep in you know
warmer climates and then when they get down in the cold they can add another
one and then usually it has a bivy bag around that
so if you've only got a 40 degree sleeping bag and you want to go camping
in ten degree weather or zero degree weather you can wear a lot of clothes
and wear all your down and that's that that'll probably do you okay but expect
to be cold but if you double up a system and sleep and just you know kind of what
what I would call your sleep closure long johns not over insulating your body
so that heat of your body has a chance to get inside that down and capture that
heat I think you'll do a lot better it's only your gonna know what works for you
these are just suggestions because I keep hearing people can you do it yes
you can you can do anything you want so put a bag in the bag I'm gonna put a bag
in the bag right now cuz it's fun to say bag in the bag in
the bank of the bacon - bacon - bacon debate all right I'm starting out with a
really good sleeping pad right here this is an expat downmat 9 XP I think it's
called about 199 bucks it's an insulated pad it's supposed to be good to minus 35
well let's just start out saying I've got a pad like this if you don't have a
good pan with the proper r-value check the R values and make sure you got a pad
that'll get you down to zero degrees and if it's 0 when you're going - 20 take a
closed cell foam or any kind of thin pads you got if you can tote it take it
and put it under that double your pads up because you're laying on some cold
ground so we're gonna start with a good path and now I've laid my 20 degree
western mountaineering sleeping bag here 20 degrees and we're gonna pretend it's
minus 10 all right so 20 degrees zip it open
and I'm gonna put a top quilt inside this one the shoe you keep saying top
quilt I don't know what that means exactly well top quilt was like a
sleeping bag without a zipper alright this is the this is the bottom side of
it I think uh Big Agnes sleeping bags have a system like this that are open so
that you know you're laying on your down anyway so you're compressing it so you
save a little money with the top quilt because it's less down and you don't
have a zipper what I'm gonna do put that inside this 20 that's a 30-degree top
will inside a 20 degree sleeping bag on the conservative side that's gonna get
me to about minus 15 probably minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit now I have inserted
the top quilt inside the western mountaineering sleeping bag hey sug
you're going to crawl in there so we can see you maybe you'll get too hot or too
cold so I'll make sure the theater inside that top coil push the top go up
to the side
and now that I'm in here we wrestle around
and Here I am I got plenty of room I can tell that the top quilt has a little bit
of a still has a little space it's not too compressed because the sleep bags a
little larger and you're going to get a little compression but a little
compression Trump's being cold and not going on the trip at all so that's all
you got to do put a bag inside a bag I really like a top grill in the sleeping
bag because I don't have to deal with two zippers so there's a lot of
variables this is just what kind of what I cook of the third person would tell
you to do because a couple of you have asked and I've seen it coming up on
hammock forums so a lot of ham occurs are talking about under quilts in
particular can you stack them can you Lera yes you can just loosen the
suspension on the outside one so it's not compressing I don't think it matters
whether you're short one you're long and if you've got two long ones then you're
good if you put a short on a short two partial ones maybe we should take a look
at that what do you think I think we should because you're gonna need to see
it okay there's my Franken quilt 20 degree under quilt and there's my jacks
or better Greylock for rated to about minus 5
parcel under quilt to you see both these under quilts are partial partial under
quilts are a little less expensive because there's less down in fabric they
take up a little less space in your pack but you got to deal with your feet which
is why I use the personally what I like to do is my thermo rests it pad inside
the foot box of my top quilt hey sugar you keep talking about this term
arrestee foot seat padding what is this exactly well let me show
you it's this right here classical thing it's like a you know it's just like
they're sleeping pads it's just a little short one meant for taking around blow
up so you inflate it and it's something to
sit on but I use it inside the foot box of my top quilt I light I let some air
out of it so it's soft and pads my heels and it insulates my feet then my feet
are laying on it then the great thing about having it inside my top quilt or
sleeping bag is it's not sliding around outside and I don't get it never get any
condensation while it's inside so I slip it inside inside not outside
I go inside a shoes could you show me a salad it goes in the foot box so here's
my top quilt turned upside down and I take my sit back and I normally take my
little valve and put that toward the very end that's the least likely place
that it gets to my feet and they put it into the foot box of my top quilt and
when I crawl in to go to sleep and I put my feet right on that thing okay gives
me some extra insulation pads my heels because my feet are 60 years old and
they have been not treated well I have treated them badly with walking jumping
circus whatnot and that is what you do I would recommend that for a partial you
know under quilt now maybe in summer you don't need to it's enough down or
synthetic in your top quilt or sleeping bag and I'm talking hammocks this is
hammock specific right now because we're talking about under quilts so put that
in there I'm gonna put my to parcel under quilts on and then I will put my
jacket the other jacket that I would have with me and deep winter camping
this one I'd probably maybe even sleep in maybe not or I'd get up and add at
about 3 or 4 in the morning when I get up to pee eventually but because then
when I wake up they break also Mohammed could my P app counts I'm partially
addressed and my arms are covered now let's hook up the under quilts because
that's the exciting part alright so I have put in frank and quilt on first and
I have taken off this piece of elastic that I have here it's doubled up so I
can make it a little bit longer if I want to to extend the length of the
suspension of the outside under quilt I'm going to put on and in this case I'm
putting Frank and quilt on first because it is a thinner under quilt this Jack's
are better Greylock fourth it's a really nice
why'd underquilt so it's just gonna wrap up all around me and I'm just gonna put
that and I've never had these two together so I've got basically a minus
five and the twenty degree the minus five well let's just say zero a zero
degree in a twenty easily gets you to minus thirty
well let's just say minus twenty to give it a buffer all right so the grill up
four is on it is on outside Oh Frank and quilt right there loosened up there's
Frank and quilt here's the Greylock four heads gonna be right up here I've added
the extender down here which is this part that's the end of the greylek four
but I've added this probably about seven inches there could lengthen that if I
wanted I've added my jacket over my hammock I made sure not to go over my
ridgeline talk to my sleeves inside the jacket because I don't do me any good
dangling outside so they're inside there to provide a little bit more warmth if
you want a zip my pockets up I've got my therm-a-rest set pad inside my top quilt
here and two hundred quilts so I feel very confident if I was out in minus 20
minus 15 minus 10 I'm gonna be good to go now I'm gonna crawl in there and just
hang out and let you look at me so Franklin quilts up on my shoulder right
here great look for is jacket over my feet put on the foot pad nice 0 to minus
5 degree top quilt I'm gonna go to minus 5 because I was like I said I've had it
down to like minus 27 and was not cold I will enter the Land of Nod as I lay in
my part I look like I'm in a pea pod one final thought if I was laying here in
cold weather I'd have on another hat at a boma
balaclava and I would have on my face mask and my hood so make sure if you're
a hammock person to you you're all warm everywhere else take care of your head
take care of your head and make sure your head is warm you don't want a cold
hand okay I really like about the jacket hanging over the hammock like this it
keeps my top coil tin want to jump in and out and kind of be reckless with it
buddy all secure in Sector seven and Happy New Year everybody
For more infomation >> Layering Underquilts, Top Quilts and Sleeping Bags for Deep Winter Camping - Duration: 18:06.-------------------------------------------
How Many Tattoos Do You Have? FLUNK Life - Duration: 1:44.
How many tattoos do I have?
I do not have any tattoos I would like tattoos
but I'm trying not to get tattoos because of acting
because it can restrict your roles and stuff
I have two tattoos
I don't have to think about that
I kind of looked away like I had to think about it
I've got two
I don't have any tattoos
The tattoo on my back says 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'
Which is the title of one of my favourite
John Keats poems
Which means the beautiful lady without mercy
I have one tattoo and it's on my right bicep
That there and yeah so the meaning behind that
I got that on my 18th
I don't have any tattoos
I have no tattoos
I was considering getting one
and upon reflection I'm super glad that I didn't
I got this little bitten peach on my ankle because
of the movie The Labyrinth
I don't think I'm going to get one
I find the idea a little bit daunting for me
just because it's there forever
I do have pretty good pain tolerance but it just freaks me out
If I was to get a tattoo would have to be firstly something that really
meant a lot to me in order to put it on my body
It's very embarrassing I wanted to get okay on this area of my wrist
because I needed something to reassure me that everything was going to be okay
It's just to remind me every day, why I do what I do
and why I love it
I'd like to have a lot of tattoos but I
can't have a lot of tattoos being an actress
Hey guys thanks for watching
If you enjoyed that video
hit the subscribe button
and keep watching
Loa Karaoke Di Động► X Bass Siêu Khủng ◄KingBass QF 212 - Duration: 5:56.
蔡瑞雪西門紅樓被拍 網對比「原圖vs.開濾鏡」嚇歪:下巴P太大! - Duration: 8:54.
bird box (remake) - Duration: 2:34.
alright... i'm only going to say this once
we're approaching the rapids
and that's where the waters are really tough
i'm going to need one of you
to take off your blindfold
and look and tell me where i need to go
so i stir into the right place
and i dont hurt anyone
this is a big responsibility
i'm going to make my choice when the time comes
now that we're not under the covers
we have to keep out blindfolds on
do you think we're there yet?
NO. not yet
i can't hear the WOOSH of the waters
just shut up
you're hurting my brain
alright guys
it's time.
i'll do it
i'll take my blindfold off
AND i WILL make it fast
BECAUSE i know. i know. i know it's right there.
just let me make the decision, okay???
you know what
okay fine
謝霆鋒到底和楊冪有沒有關係?聽說要領證了? - Duration: 1:36.
謝霆鋒最近對網傳謠言進行發 聲闢謠,
也只是Lucas和Quin tus的爸爸,
必定會盡心盡力做好爸爸的責 任。
他也表示希望大家不要再助長 謊言發酵,
這些無稽的傳言也會對這新生 孩子的真實的親父造成困擾 ,
希望孩子們能夠在真實及健康 的環境下成長。
謝霆鋒有此困擾也是因為張柏 芝最近生三胎,
楊冪和謝霆鋒之前在節目裡的 互動也被傳是戀情,
甚至有楊冪出軌謝霆鋒的傳言 。
謝霆鋒才發聲明否認以上所有 ,
他目前 和王菲戀 情低調,
楊冪可能在和謝霆鋒的一些溝 通交流中讓人引起誤會了。
Post-Christmas light show at Mozart's - Duration: 1:27.
2019 Resolutions - How To (ENG/VIET) - Duration: 6:31.
Pete Davidson: Why He Refuses To See Ariana Grande — It'd Be 'Too Painful' - News Today - Duration: 3:51.
It's not a snub — Pete Davidson just doesn't want a meetup between him and ex Ariana Grande to turn his problems into an even 'bigger deal,' HL has EXCLUSIVELY learned. Here's how that could happen.
After Pete Davidson, 25, confessed he doesn't "want to be on this Earth anymore" in a heartbreaking message on Dec. 15, he reportedly ordered his security to not let ex-fiancée Ariana Grande, 25, check in on him while filming Saturday Night Live, per TMZ. It's not that he's angry…the comedian just wasn't ready for a whirlwind of emotions. "Pete didn't want to see Ariana because he knew it was going to bring back so many emotions that he didn't want to deal with," a source close to Pete EXCLUSIVELY tells HollywoodLife. After Ariana broke off her and Pete's engagement in October, our source says that "he still has lots of feelings for Ariana…he wanted to just be at work and be involved in that and not have anything else disrupt his day." Pete was worried of the repercussions that a reunion between him and Ariana could bring.
"He didn't want Ariana to make things a bigger deal then it already had become," our source explains. "He respects that people are interested in his well-being, but he would rather not talk to her because it only stirs the issues and emotions he is dealing with in the first place." However, he did allow his Big Time Adolescence co-star, Machine Gun Kelly, to visit as the two were photographed hugging outside the Four Seasons in New York City after Pete left work, E! News reported. The New York Police Department also visited Pete, who dropped by his workplace for a "wellness check," according to a NYPD spokesperson that talked to ABC News. A second source weighed in on why Pete didn't want to include Ariana in his support circle.
"Pete was in no mood to see Ariana when she stopped by the studio," a second source EXCLUSIVELY tells us, but explains that Pete knew his ex had good intentions. "Although Pete knows Ariana was trying to be supportive, he obviously was not in a good place emotionally, and felt that seeing her would have been too painful for him at that point. Pete has been doing his best to move on with his own life after a rough breakup with Ariana and feels it would have opened up old wounds to be face to face with her again."
Ariana originally tried to reach out to Pete, who has her blocked, via Twitter after he posted the cryptic message. "I'm downstairs and I'm not going anywhere if you need anyone or anything. I know u have everyone u need and that's not me, but i'm here too," she tweeted on Dec. 15 outside of NYC's 30 Rock, where SNL was being taped. She had also apologized for her "dumb joke" about Kanye West and Drake, which you can read here. After Ariana posted the message, Pete defended Kanye and wrote, "No one should ever point fingers at you for your bravery in speaking about mental health. I'm seriously disgusted." The comedian's Instagram has since been deleted.
DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】 2019に乾杯! 新年の挨拶を女の子から(Cheers to 2019! New Year's resolutions! from girls.) - Duration: 3:07.
With best New Year's wishes.
I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year.
I'm going to see the old year out and the New Year in with the owner-sama.....
Surely, it will be a good year.
I wish you a Happy New Year.
I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year. ......stupid dog.....
Are you thinking odious things as soon as the New Year? HENTAI-Owner.
Owner-san,Happy New Year!
My country is another day, but ...
At that time, you should celebrate with me again?
I wish you a Happy New Year.
Owner-kun,I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year!
A happy new year!
Let 's do our best this year for another year.
With best New Year's wishes.
I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year. Owner-han.
Happy new year!
Owner-san! Thank you again this year!
Happy New Year! May this be a happy and fruitful year. By Toda Erica TM Venus Vacation in Japan
Toccata In D Minor by Bach - Duration: 3:11.
Cooking Korean Ramyeon 새색시 레아의 한국 라면 만들기 - Duration: 5:50.
Hahahaha Lu kalah sama Si Mon - Duration: 4:31.
Liverpool injury claim about Mo Salah and Virgil van Dijk made after Arsenal win - Duration: 2:46.
Liverpool are 10 points clear at the top of the Premier League table after hammering Arsenal 5-1 on Saturday
But McManaman still thinks Manchester City, who take on Southampton this afternoon, are the title favourites
They have already had to cope with the loss of Kevin de Bruyne and the former winger fears how Liverpool would deal with their own fitness problems
**PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** "If Liverpool get a bad injury to Van Dijk or to Salah, at the same time, your thoughts start to change," he told BT Sport
"Football is one of those things. When they say you have to take it game-by-game, that's what you have to do
You have to hope everyone stays fit and the best team will win. "Of course Liverpool are absolutely flying at the moment but I'd still say Manchester City have got that little bit of an edge
"They have got them at home next and they have won the league before." While Liverpool are flying at the top of the table, Steve McManaman doesn't want to add more expectation to what the players have to deal with
"I don't want to put too much pressure on Liverpool. Of course I want Liverpool to win the league, it goes without saying," he said
"They are frightening at this moment but every year we pick out teams to win the elague, to not win the league, and you fall flat on your face three months later
"If it's in April and they've got that much point difference, I'm quite happy to shout it from the rooftops but they've got a long way to go
" Although McManaman was less positive about Tottenham, who he says were never in the title hunt
Spurs lost 3-1 to Wolves on Saturday. "No disrespect to Tottenham, I never thought they were in it," he added
"I always thought that their lack of depth in the squad would count against them
Rangoli for New Year 2019: 14 to 2 New Year Rangoli Kolam | New Year Muggulu - Duration: 4:32.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Rangoli for New Year 2019: 14 to 2 New Year Rangoli Kolam | New Year Muggulu
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
Frugal mum buys nothing new for second year after becoming fed-up with waste - Duration: 9:34.
A frugal mum has bought nothing new for a whole YEAR after becoming fed-up with waste
Apart from a school uniform for her daughter, Katie Musgrave, 34, has only purchased food, nappies and essentials throughout the whole of 2018
She originally pledged to change her spending lifestyle after growing sick of the amount of barely-used equipment, clothing and toys that were being stored in her home
And on December 1, 2016, she pledged to only buy 'pre-loved' items for herself or her three kids Eliza, five, Ariadne, three and Daniel, 11 months
In 2017, Katie managed to survive the whole year by buying every item 'preloved' except for buying her daughters a pair of shoes in summer - and this year she's done even better
Grandmother nicknamed "Mrs Christmas" cooks turkey lunch for 500 lonely people The devoted mum said she managed to go the whole year without buying anything - except for a school uniform for her daughter, Ariadne
The devoted mum has even had a frugal festive period, and has gifted family and friends with home made food hampers
Although she admits she did splurge on one item - a pair of socks for her mother-in-law, Elizabeth Musgrave, 56, which cost £6
Katie, a GP registrar from Loddiswell, Devon, said: "We've had another year of not buying anything new for the children
"This Christmas we've been making presents which we will give to family members and friends
Millionaire bodyguard swaps spending £20k on Christmas for £40 Iceland dinner "The children have been making gifts and things for their bedrooms, things don't have to cost a lot to have meaning
"For Christmas I bought both daughters a puzzle, and one of them got a microscope and the other has a spirograph
"They've also got clothes and shoes, all preloved
My newborn has got a push walker - a little dog with a jumper on
" Katie, who has this year had her third child with GP husband Chris, 37, managed the whole year with only one blip
She bought a new school uniform for her youngest daughter, who started education this year
She continued: "We've mostly stuck to nothing new, my daughter started school so we had to buy a uniform
"I'd say we've spent maybe £50 in the whole year, I'm sure I have saved at least £1000 over the course of the year
"We've still bought food and everyday essentials, but we use charity shops mostly
Savvy mum bags £600 worth of Christmas gifts for next to nothing "It's a habit that we've gotten into, you can find pretty much anything in charity shops or on eBay, you don't need to buy things new
"The children are always excited when I come home, I bought my daughter a jumper with alpacas on it and she loves it
"It doesn't have to cost much for it to matter to them
" Katie said that with just a little effort they were able to live a life better than when they were more frivolously spending money
But when it comes to Christmas day they will be having a traditionally festive meal, but they're still debating over Turkey or Goose
She said: "We're still deciding, but we will be having a traditional Christmas with family
"We've put together a hamper of food and we've got my mother-in-law a pair of socks
"They were a certain kind so I bought them brand new, they were £6
" Meet the couple who've spent £300,000 of their own money rescuing street dogs in India Katie changed her lifestyle and became compelled to act after she was shocked at how expensive it was raising small children
She realised that her children were getting through clothes at a lightning pace, and that her garage and attic were quickly filling with discarded items that had barely being worn
But then it dawned on Katie that other mothers were likely experiencing the same thing, and that there must be a treasure-trove of barely-worn children's clothes out there
Katie launched her web project called One Baby Owner as a place for parents to sell nearly-new items that their young ones have outgrown
But now Katie has had to put the website on hold as she focuses on raising her own three children
She said: "I've had to put that aside for now, I'm too busy raising my children
I hope to pick it up again sometime soon
" Items Katie has bought second hand this year: a little dolls house for her daughter's birthday Victorian sleigh twin beds for my daughters vintage chairs for the lounge a set of plates and bowls for the kitchen coats for all three children kitchen chairs paint fabric for curtains clothes including a skirt, two pairs of jeans, four jumpers, and a leather jacket a Christmas jumper some pottery pieces by local artist Tony Bristow a rug bedding tea towels cushions a second-hand oven from eBay (nearly new and saved £400 from new cost) bedroom storage boxes for the girls' room a wardrobe Top news stories from Mirror Online
Набор бокалов д/вина Турбуленc 2шт 550мл гладкое бесцветное стекло обзор - Duration: 0:31.
Rangoli for New Year 2019: 14 to 2 New Year Rangoli Kolam | New Year Muggulu - Duration: 4:32.
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Rangoli for New Year 2019: 14 to 2 New Year Rangoli Kolam | New Year Muggulu
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
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