© David Eckhart / Phantoms & Monsters
For more infomation >> Evolved / Hybrid Human EBEs - David Eckhart - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
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Juicy question and answer - Duration: 0:36.
Get Rich Quick = Lose Money Fast - Duration: 6:05.
So we all want to get rich quick, right? I know I did. But this just doesn't work,
and as a matter of fact, the more desperate you are to make money fast, the more likely
you are to crash and burn just like I did. And I'm going to tell you all about it.
Coming up! Hey, I'm Dr. Brad Klontz! On this channel,
we help you transform your relationship with money, master the psychology of wealth, and
live a life of abundance! So, if you're new here, please subscribe
and click the bell so you don't miss anything! Let's get started!
It's so easy to fall victim to the promise of making some quick money. You've probably
heard the saying "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is," right?
But here's the thing. It's so easy to brush this aside when we see a sweet deal
sitting right in front of us. Especially when we know someone it's worked
for already. We've all heard stories of people who made
it big – quickly. Just the thought of this is intoxicating.
Imagine investing just a few thousand dollars into an "opportunity" and making hundreds
of thousands of dollars in a matter of months. Oh my gosh, it'll change your life. Think of what
you could do! Think of how good it would feel! Think of what you friends would say!
In this state of excitement, it's so easy to push aside doubt and those negative people
in your life who are scoffing at you and telling you – you're being a fool.
No way! They're the fools. This can't miss! Not this time.
Oh yeah, they'll be sorry later! And society feeds on this stuff and so do
financial predators selling us get-rich quick schemes. They're all over the place.
So have you ever been tempted to invest money in a get-rich quick-type venture? Let me know
in the comments below. And I'll tell you this, I've been tempted,
and I did it, I jumped in with both feet, and I got crushed.
This is a clip from an interview I did with Leisa Peterson on her Art of Abundance podcast
– a great channel to subscribe to if you like my content.
I have a link to the entire interview with her in the card above and in the description
below. So check it out. In this part of the interview I talk about
MY get-rich-quick attempt, how it crushed me, and how I was able to rise from the ashes
and launch my new career. Brad I am so excited that you are here. I've
been reading your books and watching you on YouTube, and this is a great honor thank you.
Leisa I am really excited to chat with you. I wanted to ask you some questions just about
your background because I don't get it when I read the bio and so I was curious so when
you first started out you have a doctorate in psychology correct me if I am wrong. That's
right. and I was curious if you knew that you also were going to be helping people with
the financial their financial trauma or emotions when you started out. Yeah, well absolutely
not, so I went to school to become a clinical psychologist and I will say this too I grew-up
lower middle-class working class and so when I even approached the field of psychology
I had the sense of like well I don't want to be poor like my family so this has always
been in the back of my head since I was a child I think like there has to be a better
way. But in the realm of psychology you know we really weren't taught about money or anything and
I had to borrow money to get my degree in psychology so when I got out of school I owned
$100,000 in student loan debt and that was just the way I had to do it to get through
school but it was terrifying to me so I grew-up lower middle-class working class but I also
grew-up with this sense of like you know never borrow money you need to be save your money
which added to a total scarcity-like upbringing too right because we were saving all the money
lots of fear around not having enough which also is part of the pattern of why we didn't
have enough they're very closely linked in my family history so anyway I had this anxiety
about having all this debt and in the course of a year I am over here in Hawaii so I was
here in Hawaii doing my post-doc residency and in the course of a year I saw a colleague
make $100,000 trading stocks. Now when I say a colleague I am talking about a psychologist
who knows nothing about money by the way nothing about investing and so I was sitting there
going oh my gosh I know the same amount about investing as he does I can make $100,000 in
a year so I sold everything I had that was worth anything and so for me that was mainly a
truck that I had and I cobbled together all the money that I could and I put it all in
the stock market and within a year I was going to pay off my $100,000 in debt, so this is
how I got interested and then you know as the story goes I put it in and it went great for
about three months and then everything dropped off and when I say everything I mean the entire
the entire culture this was the tech bubble so I put it in three months before the tech
bubble burst and so I saw what was to me everything I saw it started to lose it each day more
I had the feelings the panic oh no what did I do terrified what do I do know and so um,
being a psychologist at least I had sort of the mentality that if you're running into
trouble it's probably your fault. So that's actually a really good good mindset right
so because if it is my fault that means I can do something about it so I love it when
I find things that are my fault in fact I am searching for I am hoping things are my
fault because then I can do something about it. You can see that my expertise in the area
of financial planning and financial psychology was really inspired by my desire to transform
my own relationship with money and to not keep making the same mistakes Make sure to hear the whole interview I did
with Leisa on her Art of Abundance channel at the link below.
Special thanks to my Partners at Your Mental Wealth Advisors™ and the Heider College
of Business at Creighton University for helping sponsor this channel.
If you liked this video and want to see more like it, please subscribe. And make sure to
check the video description below for links and resources.
I'll see you next time!
Фотоаппарат зеркальный премиум Nikon D750 + 24-120mm Kit Black - Duration: 2:08.
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What is wrong? (19) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:13.
Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.
My name is Richard and today I'm going to say a sentence and I'd like you to find the mistake.
Are you ready?
All the employees attended to the workshop yesterday.
All the employees attended to the workshop yesterday.
Did you catch that?
Alright, let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.
All the employees attended to the workshop yesterday.
All the employees attended to the workshop yesterday.
Did you catch it?
Alright, let's try that again but this time I will show you the sentence.
Are you ready?
All the employees attended to the workshop yesterday.
Did you find the mistake?
Alright, the mistake is 'to' so we don't need 'to' with the word attend.
If you use 'go', you must use 'to'.
Go to the workshop.
But when you use 'attend', you don't need 'to'.
Attend the workshop.
It depends on the verb.
Alright, so the correct way is, "All the employees attended the workshop yesterday."
So let's practice this together.
Please repeat after me.
All the employees attended the workshop yesterday.
Great, let's try that one more time.
All the employees attended the workshop yesterday.
Great, so now you know how to use the word 'attend' in a sentence.
My name is Richard.
Remember to please click like, share, and subscribe and I'll catch you next time.
Lockheed Martin AlphaPilot AI Drone Innovation Challenge - VostFR - Duration: 1:17.
12/28/18 5:03 PM (2537 Edgcumbe Rd, St Paul, MN 55116, USA) - Duration: 13:57.
✅ Fastest Workers - God Level Expert Love Their Work - Amazing Level Master. - Duration: 10:25.
✅ Fastest Workers - God Level Expert Love Their Work - Amazing Level Master.
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