all right what's going on everybody so in today's video I'm gonna be going over
seven different rules for buying a house and this comes from almost a decade's
worth of experience as a real estate investor real estate broker having
purchased numerous properties myself so I've boiled it down to basically seven
specific rules that you're gonna find out in this video
okay so rule number one you want to start looking at properties before
you're really ready but you know if you're thinking about buying a house you
should start getting out there and looking at different properties of all
different price ranges neighbourhoods condos townhouses just to get a feel for
what's out there and in the real estate investing world we always talk about you
want to look at at least a hundred deals before choosing one and the same is true
when just looking at purchasing a property you want to get out there and
you don't necessarily need to see a hundred but you really need to get a
feel for what you know what the values are what you like about some properties
what you dislike different things like that because what you'll find and I've
seen this happen numerous times you might be originally looking at buying a
townhouse I mean you go see different townhouses and you realize you might
want a condo or you might want a single-family house or any number of
scenarios so that's why it's important to look at pictures online but you also
actually want to get out there in person and just start you know get get a lot of
reference experiences before you actually want to pull the trigger on you
know a property okay rule number two and this is more if you want to see your
property appreciated value but you should purchase a property in a
transitional neighborhood and I believe in the Zillow book he talks about you
want to purchase where all the hipsters live and I don't even know what a
hipster is I think it hipster is one of those things I can't describe it but I
know it when I see it so try to buy those like cool up-and-coming
neighborhoods maybe they're you know it's going through a lot of transition a
lot of times they might be older neighborhoods that we're always
considered the nicest neighborhoods but they're typically close to like a
downtown and you know there's a lot of potential value there okay rule number
three for buying a house is you should use a real estate agent I see a lot of
people that think they can just do it by themselves and look if you're like a
savvy real estate investor and you're your professional real estate investor
that's one thing but just because you might have bought a house or two does
not make you eligible to just say you know I don't need a real estate agent
because even the most mediocre real estate agent like you just want someone
you want someone on your side you want someone on your team backing you up
vouching for you it's a big investment there's no reason to just go at it alone
and the best ways to find a good real estate agent
wicked get referrals liquor reviews you know you don't need to find necessarily
the mega agent you can if you want I mean that that'd be great too but just
find a good highly rated local real estate agent okay rule number four for
buying a house you should always have a rainy day fund so when you purchase a
property whether it's a small condo or a massive mansion you should always have a
rainy day fund because the thing with homeownership there's gonna be
unexpected costs that come up maybe you might lose your job maybe you might have
different reasons where you need to spend a lot of money on something so you
should have at least like six months of income just saved away before you even
think about purchasing a property I just bought a house a few months ago and you
know the entire boiler needs to be replaced that's you know about $10,000
costs right there I'm sure I'm gonna find some other issues with it so always
have some money saved away when you're thinking of purchasing a property and
number five and this kind of goes hand-in-hand with having a rainy day
fund but when you're under contract to purchase and even before you purchase
you want to clean up your credit as much as possible you want to pay off any debt
and obviously don't want to make any big purchases when you're under contract to
purchase a property because that can affect your ability to qualify for a
loan I've heard of numerous horror stories
almost of people you know switching jobs right before they're about to purchase a
property which basically disqualify them from purchasing the property because you
need income statements or you know purchasing a car trying to make even
large furniture purchases so save all that stuff for after you closed on the
deal all right rule number six is you shouldn't buy two like weird of a house
so and what I mean by that some neighborhoods you always want to try to
buy you know the worst house in the best area that's what that's what everybody
says however I think there is an exception to that rule
so in some some older neighborhoods some transitional neighborhoods you might
find a property remain it's like a two-bedroom house and it's like 800
square feet or maybe even less than that and it's like one level and it's just
it's just not a practical property because if you if you bought that house
yeah it's gonna be significantly under the comps but you're gonna have to do
like a massive addition or maybe even tear it down just to make it like fit in
with the other properties because when you go to resell it down the road it's
just gonna stand out and more than likely they'll just be a builder that
will just have to knock it down and rebuild it and another example of kind
of like a weird property might be I was just looking at one it was like the
smallest condo in the see so things that are that unusual like
they're just gonna sell for a significantly lower amount so you just
need to be very conservative that those types of properties it's okay if it's a
little bit different but just don't be too extreme from from the neighborhood
comps now if you're a more experienced real estate investor than you know by
all means I know some people that you know look specifically for those
properties because they're just gonna tear them down to build a new house or
maybe do a massive addition or different things like that but I wouldn't do it if
it's like your first property alright and lastly rule number seven if you're
purchasing a property expect to hold on to it for a minimum of three years and
ideally more than that even five years or ideally longer than that just so you
can recoup the value and ideally build some equity up in the property because
if you're just looking at buying a house just for a year or two just because
properties are going up and everyone's talking about real estate
that's generally speaking not a great idea you know if you're if you're doing
a short-term flip and you just find a property significantly under market
value that's one thing but if you're just looking to resell it at your to
later that can get pretty risky okay so there you have it the seven rules of
buying a house and all if you put the full description below so you can just
look at that as well and feel free to share this video like
please subscribe and I will see you on the next one alright bye
For more infomation >> The 7 Rules Of Buying A House - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
Potato and Carrot Mash - Vegetarian Recipes - Duration: 3:09.
Healthy Life Design Presents: Potato and Carrot Mash
Ingredients: 180 g sour cream
600 g potatoes
600 g carrots
1/2 lemon
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp himalayan salt
Wash the vegetables
peel the potatoes
cut into a small pieces
peel the carrots
then cut into a small pieces
wash again well the diced vegetables
Stir in the cooking pot, add enough water and cook until the vegetables are tender
in the maintime squeeze half of the lemon
Check with the fork are the potatoes and carrotes cooked enough
When the potatoes and the carrots are cooked, drain and put into another bowl
Add the sour cream, lemon juice, pepper and salt
then mix well
Decorate how you wish and serve!
Put in your kitchen as many colors as possible! Aesthetically nicer, richer in vitamins, and in addition, it opens up the appetite and raises the mood!Enjoy your meal!
Visit our website:
3 minutes avant de dormir : quelques exercices faciles pour amincir vos jambes - Duration: 6:12.
Qu'elles soient longues ou courtes, les jambes musclées sont un atout physique des plus convoités.
Personne n'aime avoir des cuisses flasques et c'est la raison pour laquelle nous vous révélons une méthode pour muscler ses cuisses et ses mollets.
Cette méthode consiste à faire des exercices spécifiques pendant 3 minutes seulement avant de dormir.
Avoir un corps ferme et musclé relève de deux éléments importants : l'alimentation et l'activité physique.
Ils vont de pair. L'un n'est jamais suffisant sans l'autre.
Ceci dit, les jambes fines et musclées demandent du temps et de l'effort.
Bien sûr, nous ne pouvons pas suivre un régime et s'attendre à voir sa peau se raffermir comme par magie.
Mais si, par manque de temps, de motivation ou de dynamisme, vous n'arrivez pas aller à la gym et à maintenir une activité sportive régulière,
nous pouvons vous fournir une méthode efficace conçue spécialement pour vous.
En effet, Tracy Anderson, entraîneuse de célébrités hollywoodiennes, a créé un ensemble d'exercices courts,
pour muscler les cuisses et les mollets, afin d'obtenir de fabuleuses jambes super toniques.
Ces exercices aident à éliminer la graisse accumulée dans les genoux et les hanches,
afin d'affiner la silhouette, et cela ne dure que 3 minutes ! Ce que vous avez besoin de savoir sur le programme sportif : • Lieu de l'exercice : le lit.
• Moment idéal pour l'entraînement : Juste avant de dormir ou immédiatement avant le réveil. • Durée de chaque exercice : 3 minutes.
Exercice numéro 1 : tonifier l'avant de vos cuisses.
Cet exercice vous aide à muscler les abdominaux, les cuisses et les genoux.
Tout d'abord, allongez-vous sur le dos en plaçant les bras le long du corps, et levez les jambes vers le haut, afin de former un angle à 90 degrés.
Gardez vos jambes droites sans fléchir les genoux et les pieds doivent être joints et en pointe.
Ensuite, tout en serrant les jambes l'une contre l'autre, pliez un genou en dirigeant le pied vers le fessier,
Répétez l'opération 10 fois pour chaque jambe. puis rallongez la jambe et pliez l'autre.
Astuces d'experts : cet exercice marche mieux si vos muscles sont déjà échauffés.
Il faut toujours garder une des deux jambes tendue et bien droite.
Ayez une respiration régulière afin que votre corps soit bien oxygéné.
Exercice numéro 2 : tonifiez l'arrière de vos cuisses.
Cet exercice muscle l'arrière des cuisses, mais également les abdominaux et les genoux. Il se compose de deux parties.
La première partie : Allongez-vous sur le dos en plaçant les bras le long du corps et les jambes levées vers le haut, perpendiculaires à l'abdomen.
Gardez les pieds joints.
Ensuite, les jambes serrées, fléchissez un genou après l'autre en vous assurant que vos talons touchent vos fesses tout en gardant les orteils pointés vers le corps.
La deuxième partie : Après avoir fini la série de 10 pour chaque jambe, revenez à la position initiale. Faites une série de 10 pour chaque jambe.
En gardant les jambes levées vers le haut, étirez-les doucement vers l'arrière, afin d'obtenir un angle à 75 degrés.
Fléchissez légèrement les genoux en gardant les orteils pointés vers le haut,
puis balancez vos jambes d'avant en arrière en décollant vos fesses du sol.
Pendant l'exercice, gardez les muscles de la partie supérieure de vos jambes tendus. Faites une série de 20.
Astuces d'experts : pour s'assurer que le travail fonctionne sur vos jambes, il faut sentir un tiraillement dans la partie arrière des cuisses.
Exercice numéro 3 : tonifier l'intérieur des cuisses.
En plus de l'intérieur de vos cuisses, cet exercice muscle également la partie supérieure de vos jambes, vos abdominaux et vos fesses.
Allongez-vous sur le dos puis croisez les jambes en vous veillant à ce que la jambe droite soit au-dessus de la jambe gauche.
Gardez les muscles de vos jambes tendus et faites en sorte à ce que vos jambes soient bien serrées l'une contre l'autre.
À présent, pliez les genoux, puis étirez-les jusqu'à retrouver votre position initiale.
Après une série de 10, inversez la position des jambes en croisant la jambe gauche au-dessus de la droite, puis répétez l'opération 10 fois également.
Astuces d'experts : assurez-vous que vos jambes soient bien tendues pendant l'exercice et veillez à garder vos muscles contractés tout au long des 20 séries.
Si vous sentez une pression au niveau des jambes et des genoux, c'est que vous le faites correctement.
Ces exercices vous procureront des jambes de gazelle.
Les résultats sont rapidement visibles et vos jupes vous remercieront ! Et 3, 2, 1 c'est parti !
Curso Fornecedores de Sucesso Funciona? É bom Mesmo | Fornecedores de Sucesso Comprar - Duration: 4:49.
Fornecedores de Sucesso Funciona Mesmo? Vale a Pena | Preço - Onde Comprar Fornecedores de Sucesso? - Duration: 4:23.
Фотоаппарат системный Panasonic Lumix DMC-G80 Kit 12-60mm Black (DMC-G80MEE-K) обзор - Duration: 1:44.
[Endless Night encore] Episode 0 - don't sell our clients' organs - Duration: 11:51.
Calf In A Wheelchair Pt.2 - Miracles Do Happen | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:20.
Bongshik the calf was born with astasia
Grandma made a wheelchair for the calf
Doesn't get to spend much time with its mom
So they make the most of it
Brought to tears in its mother's embrace
I missed you, mom
If it stays with its mom, its legs will harden from lack of exercise
So it needs to exercise
The only way to do so is by using the wheelchair
BFF dog comes to offer help
Good luck!
Its legs are bent inward
As long as it stands properly
It's likely that it can walk one day soon
Injection for rehabilitation
Especially with the grandma's devotion
You'll be walking in no time, buddy
The grandma even gives a massage
Good job
You'll be fine
Falls into a deep sleep
It's snoring Zzz..
Where's the calf?
Bongshik doesn't need it anymore
What a miracle!
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