Sunday, December 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 30 2018


A daughter that you give to see this spring

can songs with you 0 and for good i need get out of the room and wash the dishes in

Generally I'll call you back well and then let's see you


in the affairs of the grave and went geese-geese hang out to coward

hang out waited for the torches

you are her dreams

sfotkay sfotkay me every step and how I live

now anya

I'm scared

anima I did not find you then

etna eat just ufa

no luck you may come

This is Ann this liza damn I'm afraid to come

okay i can i come you to me too see goosebumps on the body

hello hello, what have you forgotten to eat? I will go piece

how can this be needed? gas

go this lady

key edge but tells what happened what happened

let's go on the bench took after our quarrel with you, we started

meet with Anton everything was fine he said i love you wanted you

to live but then horror he said they like these

types politics is ready for anything I do not carry gifts

flowers but then the end came

so here so very sorry but what are you how oh I cried all the time

well what are you brother come resentment of chest ages so you need to constantly

Bordyuzha I did not find a place during our quarrel I am very fat

crawled through the door

but then a minute from our photo I very moved but then decided and

took herself in hand I pumped even that not swinging

pump up need to pump up new need podkachatsya well, I lost weight and here we are

you are sitting together

and you cry just let go and again he will fall on a star

and let it be so always let it be so is always


you have a clear girlfriend again

there are birds but

will turn out

fairy tales


cape trace trace omi but just now watched the last video on my

2018 channel, I hope it is very you liked and let's type under this

roller 19 thousand likes and then we remove the continuation of this video as in

at the end we were surprised at something will learn in the next video if you

Gain 19 thousand likes also call I am making a small comment about

share in the first roller in 2019, I betray Immediately three subjects not one but whole

three we will say hello only to those who is the most active comments

under this roller therefore live and numerous amounts just

comments millions of hundreds of thousands and a lot of comments

millions of hundreds of miles 1 comments write and the three most active we

check it out not give them to take next video and of course I can't

wish nothing for this new year I I love you very much and of course

wish you luck so that only happiness will accompany you

during this year and of course fulfillment of all your cherished desires i

I love you very much with the coming New Year

you had your visa mason

obi wana wana wana

you are for the beginning

you understand him and now I will not say so this is very

he said


I'll get to

and there is

these dreams

if a holiday comes to us is coming

For more infomation >> ПЕСНИ В РЕАЛЬНОЙ ЖИЗНИ 5.0 - Duration: 10:08.


ワイスピで一躍有名となった日本チューナ・ヴェイルサイドがトヨタ「86」とスバル「BRZ」専用ボディキットを開発中 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> ワイスピで一躍有名となった日本チューナ・ヴェイルサイドがトヨタ「86」とスバル「BRZ」専用ボディキットを開発中 - Duration: 2:51.


2018年度自動車ブランド各種調査にてレクサスがブッチギリの一位。「カーナビ」などマイナー部門ですら首位を獲得し王座に君臨 - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> 2018年度自動車ブランド各種調査にてレクサスがブッチギリの一位。「カーナビ」などマイナー部門ですら首位を獲得し王座に君臨 - Duration: 8:02.


90年代に一世を風靡した「ディッシュ」ホイールが復権の兆し!ホイールメーカー、自動車メーカーが相次いでディッシュデザインを採用 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> 90年代に一世を風靡した「ディッシュ」ホイールが復権の兆し!ホイールメーカー、自動車メーカーが相次いでディッシュデザインを採用 - Duration: 4:31.


繁中字 / 181230 kangseok_kim Instagram 승관 - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> 繁中字 / 181230 kangseok_kim Instagram 승관 - Duration: 0:14.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


Willi Bucheli`s Aurabehandlungen - 2 - das gesamte Spektrum - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Willi Bucheli`s Aurabehandlungen - 2 - das gesamte Spektrum - Duration: 5:30.


Bhairava Geetha Telugu Songs | Modatisaari Full Video Song 4K | Dhananjaya | RGV | Irra Mor - Duration: 3:51.

When I saw you for the first time, I trembled in fear

When I saw you again, I was petrified.

When I saw you for the third time, I was crammed in my blush

And eventually, I fell in love with you.

That love is a magic

And that magic is comforting.

That comfort is love.

This love is a magic.

When I saw you for the first time, I kept staring at you.

When I saw you again, I lost my breath.

When I saw you for the third time, I lost myself.

And eventually, I fell in love with you.

That love is a magic.

And that magic is comforting.

That love is a magic.

And that magic is comforting.

An existence of heaven in a hell

and comfortness in fire

is a possibility only in love.

Let's join our hands and bind our hearts,

Let's erase our fate and spend the rest of our lives together.

That love is a magic.

And that magic is comforting.

That comfort is love.

This love is a magic.

For more infomation >> Bhairava Geetha Telugu Songs | Modatisaari Full Video Song 4K | Dhananjaya | RGV | Irra Mor - Duration: 3:51.


Xiaomi Mi Max Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 14:11.

Our technician wears static electrifying wristband

Xiaomi Mi Max screen is broken.

In our technical service, the Xiaomi Mi Max screen will be replaced.

First off, we hang up.

We're removing the sim card slot.

We separate the front display with the case.

Separating the case from the screen

Please pay attention not to damage the flexin.

A total of 18 screws were removed.

We're removing the metal that keeps the motherboard.

We disconnect the battery.

It is important to cut off the electric current in the device.

We're taking the battery out.

We're removing the display socket.

We are disconnecting the sockets connected to the motherboard.

With hot air gun

We heat the display at an average of 110 degrees.

Broken Screen

remove from the middle frame.

All operations done, using the new screen

on the contrary.

Xiaomi Mi Max display replacement

successfully done.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Max Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 14:11.


Fiat 500 1.0 TwinAir Pop nwstaat airco 1e eign. nl auto 43000km! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.0 TwinAir Pop nwstaat airco 1e eign. nl auto 43000km! - Duration: 1:11.


С Новым Годом 2019 ! ВЕСЁЛОЕ ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЕ С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! С годом СВИНКИ #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> С Новым Годом 2019 ! ВЕСЁЛОЕ ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЕ С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! С годом СВИНКИ #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 0:36.


Marvel Avengers Vs Transformers Dinobot Slug Go! Iron Man - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:10.

Marvel Avengers Vs Transformers Dinobot Slug Go! Iron-Man - BAAM BAAM Toys

Let's do this

Hello there

Don't feel bad when I beat you

Learn some tactics


Come over here together

I'm coming

That's me

Thank you

Oh wait, that's me

I Oh

Someone needs a hug. I'm gonna take you down

Oh wait

I'm gonna take you down


I can't believe how much stronger I am

I know



For more infomation >> Marvel Avengers Vs Transformers Dinobot Slug Go! Iron Man - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:10.


Iustin feat. Fabian - haterii (oficial video) - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Iustin feat. Fabian - haterii (oficial video) - Duration: 2:09.


Les peurs du prince Charles concernant l'avenir du bébé de Meghan Markle et du prince Harry - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Les peurs du prince Charles concernant l'avenir du bébé de Meghan Markle et du prince Harry - Duration: 1:52.


清原果耶:高校サッカーをダンスで応援! フルバージョンのムービーが完成 - Duration: 2:32.

30日に開幕 する「第9 7回全国高 校サッカー 選手権大会 」で、「1 4代目応援 マネージャ ー」を務め る女優の清 原果耶さん が、「応援 マネージャ ー」初の試 みとして挑 戦している 「応援ダン ス」のフル バージョン のムービー がついに完成。

「応援ダンス 」は、ピッ チの選手と スタンドの 高校生、視 聴者が一緒 に盛り上が りたいとい うコンセプ トで企画。 公式サイ トで公開さ れた。

大会応援歌の 「僕のこと 」に乗せて 、清原さん がダンスで 表現。

全国大会5年 連続出場中 の横浜平沼 高校ダンス 部の現役高 校生と、清 原さんがコ ラボした模 様は、29 日に日本テ レビで放送 された事前 番組「第9 7回全国高 校サッカー 選手権 開 幕直前SP 」や公式サ イトで公開 された。

清原さんと横 浜平沼高校 ダンス部の 「応援ダン ス」が披露 される20 19年1月 12日の準 決勝の試合 前イベント に、大会応 援歌「僕の こと」を歌 うロックバ ンド「Mr s. GR EEN A PPLE」 がトークセ ッションと いう形で参加することも決まった。

清原さんのコ メント。

Mrs. G REEN APPLE さんの「僕 のこと」と いう素晴ら しい楽曲に のせてst king zのsho jiさんが 振りをつけ てくださっ た、前向き に、そして 力強く一歩 を踏み出す 力をくれる ようなダン スを横浜平 沼高校ダンス部2年生26名の皆さんと一緒に踊れたことを誇りに思います。

たくさんの方 々に温かく 迎えていた だきながら の撮影は緊 張感もあり ましたが、 応援ダンス にかける想 いとしっか りと向き合 えた気がし ます。

。 ぜひ観て いただける とうれしい です。

For more infomation >> 清原果耶:高校サッカーをダンスで応援! フルバージョンのムービーが完成 - Duration: 2:32.


Arsenal news: 'He'd walk into Emery's team, I'd be shocked if he stayed' - transfer claim - Duration: 2:26.

 That is the view of Sky Sports pundit and former Arsenal forward Paul Merson. Doucoure has once again impressed in the Watford midfield this season

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** The Frenchman started the first 19 Premier League games of the campaign until dropping to the bench for Saturday's visit of Newcastle

 Merson is a fan of Doucoure and has previously spoken of the 25-year-old being good enough for the top teams in the Premier League

 He reckons he would make an immediate improvement to Unai Emery's Arsenal side. And Merson cannot see Doucoure remaining a Watford player for much longer

 "They might keep hold of him this January," Merson said. "But I think if he keeps doing what he's doing I'd be shocked if he was playing at Watford Football Club next season

 "That's no disrespect to Watford Football Club. "I think [he could play for a team in the] top six

 "He would walk into Arsenal's team tomorrow morning in my opinion. He would walk into Arsenal's team

 "You talk in this day and age about players going somewhere and be squad players

 "Would he be out of place at Man City? We've seen what's happened with Fernandinho, people haven't been able to step in and do what he does

 "He's got legs, he gets around the pitch, he does things, he can score a goal. I think he could play for any of them

 "I said Man United the other week and then Man United fans will go 'why are we buying players from Watford? We're better than that'

 "I think he's a very good player, very good player."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: 'He'd walk into Emery's team, I'd be shocked if he stayed' - transfer claim - Duration: 2:26.


Culte D'action de Grâce du 30 Décembre 2018 - Duration: 35:01.

For more infomation >> Culte D'action de Grâce du 30 Décembre 2018 - Duration: 35:01.


Culte D'action de Grâce du 30 Décembre 2018 - Duration: 1:57:57.

For more infomation >> Culte D'action de Grâce du 30 Décembre 2018 - Duration: 1:57:57.


Xiaomi Mi Max Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 14:11.

Our technician wears static electrifying wristband

Xiaomi Mi Max screen is broken.

In our technical service, the Xiaomi Mi Max screen will be replaced.

First off, we hang up.

We're removing the sim card slot.

We separate the front display with the case.

Separating the case from the screen

Please pay attention not to damage the flexin.

A total of 18 screws were removed.

We're removing the metal that keeps the motherboard.

We disconnect the battery.

It is important to cut off the electric current in the device.

We're taking the battery out.

We're removing the display socket.

We are disconnecting the sockets connected to the motherboard.

With hot air gun

We heat the display at an average of 110 degrees.

Broken Screen

remove from the middle frame.

All operations done, using the new screen

on the contrary.

Xiaomi Mi Max display replacement

successfully done.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Max Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 14:11.


Amber Heard menacée de mort, le gros reproche des fans de Johnny Depp - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Amber Heard menacée de mort, le gros reproche des fans de Johnny Depp - Duration: 1:23.


Mein NEUES TATTOO! | Calisthenics Vlog [ENG SUB] - Duration: 6:49.

The main part is done. Now I will get the shadows.

And then it's done. It looks sick!

Here you can see it a little bit.


Good morning guys. Welcome to this new video!

Do you see my arm? Yes, it's really naked.

We will to something against that today.

But first of all I will do some pull ups because these will be the last ones for today.

Because later my arm will hurt.

Let's see.

Like always, no warm up. (Don't do it like me)

So guys, come with me and we'll see us.

So guys. No it starts.

You'll see what I'll do now. Have fun!

The main part is done. Now I'll get the shadows.

And then it's done. It looks really sick guys.

Here you can see a little bit.


golden bells

My testicles are golden bells

Look at my new sick lense!

So guys when I wear my jacked like this

You can see a bit of my tattoo

May I touch it?

Wait, I'll show it to you again.

It looks even better outside.

Even more when I do Pull Ups.

Should I stay with you?

You don't have to, but if you want.

Naw she is meowing

On the next day...

So guys. New day, new luck I would say.

We'll go to the city now, to a friend who owns a Calisthenics gym

I don't know if I'm allowed to show it to you because it isn't opened and ready yet.

We'll see. Maybe a little bit.

And then we'll have a dinner at Peter Pane

I don't know if you know this resturant. It's awesome for a healthy nutrition.

And we'll see what we are also going to do.

Actually I only wanted to vlog my tattoo.

But then the vlog would've been to short.

And I want to make longer vlogs for you. Enjoy it!

My tattoo is fine.

There is still some ink of the sketch. But that will go away in a few days.

Enjoy this edit! We'll see us later.

Thumbs up for this dove lol.

So guys, now we're at the

Functional fitness

but also a gym with weights to lift.

It's isn't finished and opened yet.

Now I'll make some pull ups and a sick edit out of it. Enjoy it!

I hope you like these edits. Let me know this with a thumbs up or in a comment.

So we're done for today and I'm sorry but I forgot to show you our dinner.

It was very tasty. A burger with chicken breast and sweet potatoe fries. That was healthy.

Yeah and I hope you enjoyed this video.

I hope it isn't too short. I'll see this in the post production.

And we'll see us in the next video guys.

Don't forget to leave a like, a comment and to subscribe!

And we'll see us in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> Mein NEUES TATTOO! | Calisthenics Vlog [ENG SUB] - Duration: 6:49.


Jenifer, une terrible maladie - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Jenifer, une terrible maladie - Duration: 1:23.


Muriel Robin en couple avec Anne Le Nen, une surprenante confidence sur la sexualité - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Muriel Robin en couple avec Anne Le Nen, une surprenante confidence sur la sexualité - Duration: 1:21.


Best Ping Pong Shots 2018 Part 2 - Duration: 5:01.


Remember to subscribe!

And comment below what was your favorite shot of the year!

Until next time!

For more infomation >> Best Ping Pong Shots 2018 Part 2 - Duration: 5:01.


IDEALISTS, Give This Gift To Your 2019 Self - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:02.

hey Dan here this video is going to be short and sweet I want to cover one

thing that will help you prepare for the upcoming year and really give a gift to

your future self and that's a concept I'm gonna explore in a later video as

well the concept of future self which is a real game changer

so do consider subscribing to the channel if you have not already and are

interested in catching that one but what I want to focus on in this video is a

little cleanup a little housekeeping before 2019

now if you've caught a few of my more recent videos where I talked about not

worrying too much about cleaning up the past or getting bogged down an

organization or admin stuff and instead focusing on say your ENFP superpowers

and really focusing on the things you love doing and getting more results that

way this video will be a little contrary into that but don't worry it makes sense

it all works together and what I want to talk about here is taking advantage of a

bit of downtime now I'm filming this between Christmas and New Year's and

that's perhaps where you're watching it you may be watching to beyond then but

if you're watching it pretty much wouldn't come up you probably have a bit

of downtime now right things tend to slow down around the holidays in most of

the world and during this time you have a great opportunity to give a gift to

your future self by clearing up a couple lingering to-do items now I don't know

what those are I'm not in your day planner sure Google Apple and the CIA

are probably spying on you I'm not so I don't know what those items are for you

but I'm guessing that there are a couple things in the back of your mind that

come up again and again and again maybe it's an appointment you need to make

with an advisor maybe it's some paperwork you need to file maybe it's a

room that needs to be reorganized or hey maybe it's something bigger like a job

you need to quit or a relationship you've been wanting to end whatever it

is I'm gonna challenge you now to give a gift to your future self and act on that

now yes it's going to probably suck if it's organizing and cleaning up a room

it's not gonna be the most fun right put on some Michael Jackson try to your best

to make it fun but also just realize that by doing that by having a

bit of struggle now you're giving a gift to that future you that gets to go in

that awesome reorganize well-put-together room every day for the

next years to come maybe if you quit that job yes it might be a bit scary you

might have a really difficult conversation that is going to be painful

you're not going to enjoy that you might enjoy it immediately after and you might

have a big smile on your face when you walk out but I get it it will be tough

but think about how amazing it will feel afterwards and that for the next year

and the year after that you don't have to think about quitting your job you

don't have to feel that dread because you've already done it now this is the

part of the video that's up to you there's something I'm sure that's come

to mind for you now where you thought hey yeah I do need to deal with that I

do need to fix that and it would be great to fix it today or this week so we

never have to think about doing it again so that's my challenge to you to pick

one or two of those things and take care of it whatever it is and give yourself

that gift of not having to worry about it not having to keep thinking about the

same thing over and over again for the next year by handling it in the next

couple of days thank you for watching do subscribe to the channel and do let me

know in the comments when you've taken action on this and what you have decided

to clear up and to take care of as a gift to your future self thanks for

watching and catch you in the next video soon


For more infomation >> IDEALISTS, Give This Gift To Your 2019 Self - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:02.


мужчины стали гордые опять (вантала) - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> мужчины стали гордые опять (вантала) - Duration: 2:11.


Marvel Avengers Vs Transformers Dinobot Slug Go! Iron Man - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:10.

Marvel Avengers Vs Transformers Dinobot Slug Go! Iron-Man - BAAM BAAM Toys

Let's do this

Hello there

Don't feel bad when I beat you

Learn some tactics


Come over here together

I'm coming

That's me

Thank you

Oh wait, that's me

I Oh

Someone needs a hug. I'm gonna take you down

Oh wait

I'm gonna take you down


I can't believe how much stronger I am

I know



For more infomation >> Marvel Avengers Vs Transformers Dinobot Slug Go! Iron Man - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:10.


Bref. J'ai été en Estonie ! (Tallinn + Saaremaa + Helsinki + Riga) - Duration: 11:12.

1st of June

On that day, I took the plane and I went in Estonia for a month

For those who don't know where it is, it's there :

Just below Finland and next to Russia

The capital city is Tallinn, just here

In the north part of the country. It's where I first landed.

In summer, Tallinn is a very welcoming and bright city

with street spectacle, concerts,

With drunk people dancing !

Is that the power of Vodka ?!

And knight battles !

Norbool ! Norbool !...

Biiiip !

But things that make Tallinn's beauty are all the churches

which are NUMEROUS !

Here is a city tour !

Here is Saint-Nicholas church, with the market below.

Tallinn city hall, overhanging the central square where concerts are plaid.

Saint-Olaf church, that you can climb

all the steps to see the city from the top.

You can also find Nikolaï Kirik.

An orthodox church, and

Aleksander Nevsky Cathedral

And here is the Frededom Square

the nicest square in Tallinn.

Of course I didn't stay in Tallinn all the month

Then, I took the road to Saaremaa Island,

It's that island, just here!

Therefore I arrived in Kuress...



Kuressaare is the biggest city of the Island

sheltering 15,000 inhabitants

It's known for its castle open to the public

containing many exposures, but also

stairs leading to a locked door

And a lion pit where prisoners were dropped.

I then staid in a farm in Mustjala

with very funny animals

such dogs, cats, chicks and goats, hairy cows

ans sheep!

There, I worked a little


I also drove some farm vehicle such as

that lawn mower... and that tiny tractor.





In Mustjala,

OI was lucky to be near the Baltic sea

It was very windy


Then, I explored

the surrounding nature

Here are some images.


( Ushuaïa nature was an old french tv program)

Oh, you're still there!

I was also lucky to be in Estonia in June.

And to attend to the longest day of the year (21st of June), where the night lasts...


The Mi-summer is also the occasion to meet each other arround a fire place

It seems that the tradition is to jump over the fire

And people who don't dare it drink alcohol

And the one who failed...

Died !


Before leaving, I visited the touristic places in the Island

such as the highest cliffs of Estonia

Panga Cliffs

20-meters tall.

And also Angla windmills.

There's also Kaali crater

which has the particularity to have the same name as my dog

but also to be created by a meteorite!

Then I left Estonia

to spend two days in Helsinki, in Finland.

I went in Suomenlinna, an old fortress

lain down on 6 isles of Helsinki

founded by Swedish army to protect against Russia.

There is an old orthodox church, now lutheran.

One of the oldest boat keeping place.

registered in UNESCO world heritage.


Helsinki is a very nice city

with the great Tuomiokirkko

And that wonderful church where metal concerts are plaid during masses.

I also went to Riga, in Latvia

for a stopover time.

I attended a choristers concert.

That's how my trip in Sauna's ans Skype's country ended

In short. I went in Estonia!

Above Helsinki area

Saint-Nicholas Church

Estonian parliament.

Park in Tallinn.

Aleksander Nevsky Cathedral

Freedom Square

A. Nevsky Cathedral (again, but it's so nice!)

Knights battle

Dr. Who's WC ?!


Forest with trees

Meadow with grass

Sheep with recently born lambs

Panga cliff

Angla windmills

Putin & Trump

Sun gateway (Suomenlinna)

Saint-John Church (Helsinki)

Sibelius monument (Helsinki)

Saint-Peter Church (Riga)

Somewhere in Riga

Riga's uyzguxnoziunffcf (Cathedral)

Riga's post office

Orthodox church in Riga

Return's plane

Thanks for watching

Thanks to people who helped me to organize my trip

Thanks to Andruse Organic Farm for hosting

For more infomation >> Bref. J'ai été en Estonie ! (Tallinn + Saaremaa + Helsinki + Riga) - Duration: 11:12.


我吃豬肉🐷被歧視!马来西亚华人の煩惱。U CAN'T EAT PORK in MALAYSIA?|WONDER QUEEN - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> 我吃豬肉🐷被歧視!马来西亚华人の煩惱。U CAN'T EAT PORK in MALAYSIA?|WONDER QUEEN - Duration: 10:30.


Cara Dapatkan Diamond Lebih Banyak Dapat Extra Gratis! - Free Fire Indonesia Gameplay #16 Dewa-D - Duration: 10:27.

hello friends

For more infomation >> Cara Dapatkan Diamond Lebih Banyak Dapat Extra Gratis! - Free Fire Indonesia Gameplay #16 Dewa-D - Duration: 10:27.


Xiaomi Mi Max Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 14:11.

Our technician wears static electrifying wristband

Xiaomi Mi Max screen is broken.

In our technical service, the Xiaomi Mi Max screen will be replaced.

First off, we hang up.

We're removing the sim card slot.

We separate the front display with the case.

Separating the case from the screen

Please pay attention not to damage the flexin.

A total of 18 screws were removed.

We're removing the metal that keeps the motherboard.

We disconnect the battery.

It is important to cut off the electric current in the device.

We're taking the battery out.

We're removing the display socket.

We are disconnecting the sockets connected to the motherboard.

With hot air gun

We heat the display at an average of 110 degrees.

Broken Screen

remove from the middle frame.

All operations done, using the new screen

on the contrary.

Xiaomi Mi Max display replacement

successfully done.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Max Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 14:11.


мужчины стали гордые опять (вантала) - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> мужчины стали гордые опять (вантала) - Duration: 2:11.


Jordan Henderson's reaction after his terrible 35-yard volley v Arsenal was class - Duration: 2:36.

 Liverpool went nine points clear at the top of the Premier League after thrashing Arsenal 5-1 at Anfield

 Despite falling behind to an Ainsley Maitland-Niles goal in the 11th-minute, Jurgen Klopp's side were 4-1 up by half-time

 Roberto Firmino scored the first two before Sadio Mane and then Mohamed Salah's penalty sealed all three points before the break

 That allowed Klopp to rest a few players in the second half, with Sadio Mane, Georginio Wijnaldum and Andy Robertson all coming off

 The first change was Mane for club captain Jordan Henderson just after the hour mark

 Mane had already got his goal and was clearly being saved for Liverpool's massive trip to Manchester City on Thursday

 Whether Henderson will be in that starting line-up is unknown, though.  In his half an hour on the pitch, Henderson clearly tried to impress Klopp ahead of the biggest game of the season

 But maybe he was trying a little bit too hard and that could be seen in one rather terrible moment

 With five minutes left, Arsenal goalkeeper Bernd Leno sliced the ball into the air

It went 35-yards and straight to Henderson, who then attempted an audacious attempt

 It was awful, though, and flew into the Kop.  Their reaction?  Chant "what the f***ing hell was that?" at the midfielder

 Henderson then raised his arms as if to apologise.  Brilliant.  Everyone associated with Liverpool will now become Southampton fans on Sunday as they take on City at St

Mary's.   Pep Guardiola's side have the opportunity to cut the gap to seven points ahead of the potentially title-deciding game between City and Liverpool at the Etihad on Thursday

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