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Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro S-line panoramadak 6 maanden garantie - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
2018 Hyundai Elantra SEL Video - Features & Engine Specs - Duration: 0:51.Hi, guys! I'm Brittany from Reliable Hyundai again and today we're going to show you
the 2018 Hyundai Elantra SEL. The 2018 Elantra offers six trim levels, but the
SEL is a new one for this year. It has 16-inch alloy wheels, heated side mirrors,
automatic headlights, and a 7-inch display audio system with Apple CarPlay
and Android Auto. It also has a backup camera and blind spot warning with rear
cross-traffic alert, lane change assist, and those features come standard. The 2018 Hyundai Elantra
is a super affordable and great family car. It's backed by
America's Best Warranty and it's all under $20,000. What's not to love? So come
and see us at Reliable Hyundai--Chesnut and 65--or visit us online at
We'll see you soon. Bye!
Un mois avant une crise cardiaque, votre corps vous préviendra : voici 6 symptômes !|LSF TV - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
How Google drains Americas fresh water - the real price of Google's targeted ads - Duration: 11:15.On May 11 2017 regulators in South Carolina unanimously approved Google's request to triple
their daily groundwater withdrawal permit from 500,000 gallons to 1.5 million.
This controversial permit comes at times when the aquifer under counties surrounding Charleston
began to experience sever drops of water levels and water pressure.
Google wants to use this precious source of fresh water that's used by locals for farming
and daily needs, to cool its large data center in Goose Creek in Berkeley County.
Google ignored the concerns of residents and local water utilities officials, that no further
permits should be considered until groundwater pressure and water levels begin to recover.
The problem with this aquifer is that there is not enough data to fully understand and
interpret recent downward trends.
What gives companies like Google a leverage to ask for more permits, is the uncertainty
of attribution of these trends – whether they are caused due to droughts, pumping,
or a combination of both.
Aquifers are natural underground resources of fresh water, that act as sponge capturing
the raining water beneath the soil instead of releasing it into the ocean or evaporation.
In order for an aquifer to sustain itself, it has to at least reach the equilibrium between
the amounts of recharged and discharged water.
Aquifers are only renewable as long as rate of recharge and discharge equalize over time.
However, several observations have been already made that suggest the critical level of the
The groundwater levels in the Charleston aquifer have declined from 126 feet above land surface
prior to pumpage, to 40 to 60 feet below land surface in 2015.
Another proof of declining water levels is that many well sites are losing pressure and
had to devote more resources to increase the power of their pumps, or dig deeper to regain
the water pressure.
For example, 6 wells of Mount Pleasant Waterworks are now pumping at 400 feet below land surface,
which significantly increases the costs for electricity needed to lift water from these
To respond to the alarming state, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
has designated Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester Counties as Capacity Use Area.
In a Capacity Use Area, each groundwater withdrawal exceeding 3 million gallons per month is requested
to be reported to and gain permission from the South Carolina Department.
Permitting expansion of groundwater withdrawal by Google poses a threat to many residents
fearing that they will be limited to increase their pumpage to support their daily needs
in the future.
While trends show that Carolina aquifers clearly responded accordingly to multi-year droughts
of 1998 – 2002 and 2007 – 2008, it has been observed that where users transitioned
from ground water to surface water, water levels in those aquifers began to see recovering
Wells that had experienced these droughts but have not recovered are the ones where
pumping continued increasing.
The three-fold increase of groundwater withdrawal by Google will inflict an exponential stress
on the aquifers in Coastal South Carolina.
Even if the groundwater in the aquifer prove to be able to sustain excessive withdrawals,
ever declining water levels will put costly barriers to entry for small and middle size
This will essentially transfer ownership of South Carolina water to the ever enclosing
circle of elites, because ordinary people will not have enough financial means to tap
into the water resource that used to be publicly available on free-to-all basis.
To estimate how much groundwater there is in Carolina aquifers, a study by the US Geological
Survey and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources was set to be completed
by 2019.
A date for which Google refused to wait despite calls by the local community around Charleston
to not allow further permits until ground water levels begin to rise again or sufficient
studies are completed.
The talks for regulations were being delayed for 15 years, and have been coincidently closed
within three months at nearly the same time as Google permit came to be okayed in May.
And while Google's public relations staff vehemently claims they want to collaborate
with the community, they refuse to disclose any details on how much fresh water they collect
in South Carolina, and how they treat it during and after use under trade secrecy.
What Google did confirm however, is that they are never going to return the water back to
the aquifer, but dump it into the sewers.
Google will reuse some groundwater, but it will still inquire losses due to evaporation.
No used water will be processed to be returned to recharge the aquifer.
Another issue with this controversial permit, is that Google already uses 4 million gallons
of tap water a day to cool its Goose Creek data center in Berkley County.
With increasing average temperature in the region and potentially more frequent and sever
future droughts, diminishing surface water resources might lead Google to expand its
permit to make up for the losses should the supply of tap water drop.
This is a likely scenario if no regulations are implemented in the mean time to protect
the groundwater so that it continues to serve the needs of general users and farmers and
not just single conglomerates.
Google refuses to accept their withdrawals have any substantial impact on the sustainability
of the aquifer.
The company also declared that the aquifer is the most readily available source of cooling
and that no other alternatives are viable.
But the real reason Google went for South Carolina in the first place is the low cost
of electricity in the region and virtually no price tag and regulations for tapping into
groundwater sources.
You see data centers spend staggering amounts of electricity.
Just in the US, data centers consume as much electricity as produced by roughly 10 nuclear
power plants.
What's most controversial about this is that more than 90% of this energy is not used
to power computation.
On average only 6 to 12 percent of the electricity coming to data centers is used.
The rest is being dumped as waste simple because most of the processors are idle majority of
the time.
The wastefulness of the data center industry is so severe that its 76 billion kilowatt-hours
energy input from the grid in 2010 outperformed paper industry by nearly 10 billion kilowatt-hours.
It was the computer technology that was supposed to be a "green" alternative to paper.
This is because data centers of these reckless companies are not designed to conserve the
energy as long as they don't have the incentives to do so.
In addition to wasting vast majority of electricity flow from the grid, data centers also use
banks of diesel generators and thousands of lead-acid batteries to insure against grid
However, most of this energy is not needed and is therefore wasted, because data centers
hold redundant data on their hard drives, even if they are no longer in use by consumers.
More than 75% of trillions of gigabytes of data are being created by ordinary consumers.
This number is estimated to be even much higher for Google, because the company's business
model relies on generating and collecting users private information to be shared and
sold for marketing purposes.
You need to realize that Google is no longer a technology start up and they are not making
revenue from selling products that have a creative value.
Google has transformed itself into an advertising platform that offers marketers and retailers
auctions to place their bids for people's private and personal information.
Similar to stock exchange and trading strategies of the Wall Street banks, Google engages in
high-frequency-trading to always find the highest bidder willing to pay the most for
invading your privacy.
And thus Google participates in depleting fresh water resources that could have been
used by ordinary citizens for drinking, or farmers to grow food, only to deliver targeted
advertisements and politically biased search engine algorithms.
Google's Goose Creek data center emits 1,350 tons per year of particulate matter, sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other pollutants.
There are however viable alternatives for data centers.
For example, the National Security Agency Fort Meade data center in Maryland uses wastewater
for cooling.
The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
in California, runs at roughly 96% utilization by queuing up large jobs and scheduling them
so that the machines are running nearly full-out, 24 hours a day.
There are also various methods to considerably shrink data center foot print, and thus decrease
the amount of energy and water needed to maintain the power.
Google doesn't do this in Coastal South Carolina, because it doesn't have to think
about the consequences and outrage of the local population.
No major nation wide media or news outlets are covering these local controversies, so
Google is under no public pressure to alter their practices.
Roughly 90% of Google's revenue comes from advertising programs.
Most of which is generated through their search engine and Google Adwords and Adsense programs.
If you want Google to feel the pressure, and stop them from making profit off of your private
life to fund their reckless business strategies, you can start using search engine alternatives
like DuckDuckGo, Qwant, or Startpage, and install uBlock Origin on your browser of choice
to block Google's ads and trackers.
Great alternatives to Chrome browser that will not share your data with Google are Firefox,
IceCat, and Brave Browser.
If you are using gmail, you can switch to private encrypted email providers like Protonmail,
Tutanota, or Posteo, who will never share your data with advertisers or government spies.
I talk about all these alternatives and other essential methods how you can stop Google
along with other corporate monopolies like Facebook or Amazon from making you part of
their unsustainable business model.
Google keeps stepping over the line with their privacy violating algorithms, unconstitutional
collaboration with government spies around the world to help them build mass surveillance,
constant tweaks to their search engine algorithms to filter web content, and political censorship
of dissenting opinions.
Now they are going to drain precious sources of fresh water in a century during which water
is bound to become the scarcest commodity on Earth.
My only question is – is Google now too big to fail?
Can they do whatever they want and they will be given a pass?
If you feel like this message is important, share this video with your friends and comment
below whether some kind of action needs to be taken to put Google in check.
If you are from South Carolina, or other areas where Google drains fresh water resources,
please do leave your thoughts in the comment section.
I created this channel to use Google's own algorithms against them and expose their and
other big corporations' dirty practices.
Subscribe before this channel gets shut down, so that we can build a community that wants
to make everyone play fairly by the same rules.
Thanks for watching.
Un remède ancien pour se débarrasser des poils du visage - Random888 - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
5 façons qu'a votre corps pour vous annoncer un AVC à venir - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Crise du nerf sciatique ? Ce simple exercice vous aidera à vous débarrasser de la douleur !|LSF TV - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
Une femme enlève son soutien-gorge pendant un certain temps. - Duration: 7:09.-------------------------------------------
Zebra Attacked by Hyenas-------------------------------------------
Volvo S80 2.4D Momentum 163PK - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz CLS-Klasse CLS 350 d Shooting Brake AMG Automaat - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Dépôt d'accusations contre un homme relativement à la mort d'une femme survenue en 2014 - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
Nueva intro y outro! - Duration: 1:38.
Well, this is to simulate what its beetween the intro and the outro
Basically i tried
to make it simple the outro and the intro
And on the same "theme" to give it uhhh
Theme to the cha-Not a theme for theme and (even i dont understand what i was triying to say)
Well, about
theme of, colors , version (?)
Make it different of the other internet videos
But well, if you ask about the song
in the start- well in the start
its just the sound of the start of the song
Well, its "Scream pictures"
of (T-T)b (i repeat this so many times for say that name)
of (T-T)b (i repeat this so many times for say that name)
of (T-T)b (i repeat this so many times for say that name)
of (T-T)b (i repeat this so many times for say that name)
But well
ehh, well, its basically that
and for the future i will use this outro and intro
Well, see u in the next video that will be...
I have no idea.
Roger Federer reveals his major regret from tennis career - Duration: 2:22.Roger Federer reveals his major regret from tennis career
Federer is a big fan of his hometown football team Basel and been pictured watching them on a number of occasions. And in 2016, Federer was delighted to be chosen to hand the Basel players the league title in the trophy presentation.
Being a tennis player and playing around the world means Federer is unable to visit the St Jakob-Park often and the 36-year-old says it is a sacrifice he has to make.
He told Swiss outlet : "I'd like to attend more FC Basel games and this kind of events. .
"But this is what you have to do to if you have a tennis career. "But I know that when I will stop playing tennis, it will be all different.
I have an apartment in the centre of the city." Federer also expressed regret at being able to see his family at home much.
He added: "Since Thurgau is my wife Mirkas background, her family is there, and so we are connected to the mountains and Zurich.
"But, I miss not being in Basel, and I will probably always have that feeling. I would like to go see my sister Diana, my parents too.".
The 19-time Grand Slam champion then revealed his children are well aware of his childhood in Basel. He concluded: "They know I had my childhood in Basel because they have grandparents here, and aunt and cousins. "This is my family.
They also know I am a FC Basel fan. They also ask me if Basel won.".
CBC NL Here & Now Thursday November 2 2017 - Duration: 1:02:58.-------------------------------------------
Inktober video - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
Your Green Card Marriage Interview: 12 Questions You Must Know (Part 2) - Duration: 12:47.Hi, Carlos Batara, back with immigration law - demystifying and simplifying immigration law.
And we're back with video number two on Green Card Marriage Interview Questions.
This set of immigration videos has been created for those of you who are getting
ready to go to a permanent residency interview or those of you who are thinking about filing for a green card.
These questions are designed to help you get ready for your big interview.
We're going to discuss four more topics.
If you didn't get the first video, go back and catch video 1.
We discussed four different topics.
But right now, you might want to get a pencil and pen and some paper because
we're going to go through these four topics rather quickly.
They are going to give you a quick overview about what you need to know before you
go to the interview, so let's get started.
So in the last video, we discussed four topics.
We discussed the topic areas of how you met, employment - your employment,
your spouse's employment.
your current home, and special days and vacations.
I also discussed in that video some of the red flags that the government looks for,
such as if you're from different nationalities, different races,
or there's a big age gap or targeted nationality group.
You know, here's an example of a red flag case.
An individual came to my case, he came to my office and he was, you know, in his young 20s.
He had a wife and she was in her young 30s but there was a good 10 year gap there.
He was a very straight looking guy coming from a different country. He was very clean-cut.
He was very reserved. She came in with a lot of tattoos and wild hair. She had a couple of children already
and they were different nationalities.
I knew the moment they walked in, this is a red flag case.
It's going to get a lot of scrutiny from the government.
I had to watch those tell-tale signs because, as I told you, when I was a rookie
I got duped once and I was not going to ever get duped again.
But this couple proved to me that they were legitimate
which meant that we're going to go forward and we're going to win the green card for them.
That's the type of red flag situation that you have to look out for, so let's go forward now.
Wedding and marriage.
Questions about your wedding and marriage.
This couple, by the way, had a very strange wedding and marriage.
They didn't really have any friends in common and that's a question, your wedding and marriage.
Who went to your wedding? Do you have friends? Did you have a reception?
Oh, what kind of cake was served at the reception? Was there alcohol?
Did anybody make a fool of themselves on the dance floor or in general?
Did your parents go? Why not, if they didn't go?
Did you have a honeymoon afterwards,
or did you stay beyond the time that your guests left and you had to clean up the hall
or whatever place you had your reception at?
That's the kind of questions they are going to ask here on wedding and marriage
and much more, as I told you.
I wish I could call this series the complete guide to marriage interview questions
but I can't because whatever questions I come up with,
there are at least three times as many that could be devised,
and they're really common sense questions.
But if you don't think about it
and that's the problem
and that's what this video is geared to help you do, to think about them in advance,
the types of questions, so at least you can get your head rolling ahead of time
and the two of you can even talk and think about it.
What about your kitchen? Do you a microwave in the kitchen?
The windows in your kitchen, are they behind the microwave or are they in front of the microwave?
Do you drink coffee in the morning?
What type of coffee pot do you have?
What's your favorite breakfast meal?
What's your husband's favorite breakfast meal?
What's your least favorite food?
What's your spouse's least favorite food?
Those are the types of questions that they are going to ask and as I told you in the first video,
if you're separated and there's an inconsistency there,
that could lead to some problems.
In fact it's going to lead to some big problems.
I'm going to share an example with you in just a moment.
The third topical area here is your bedroom.
What side do you sleep on the bed?
The left or the right? What side does your spouse sleep on, the left or the right?
Which way do you guys turn your heads? Oh, do you have a carpet in your living room?
Or is there a restroom, a shower, a shower room connected to your, to your bedroom,
or do you have to go out the door into the hallway to another room?
Are there windows? Is there a sliding door?
What kind of blankets do you have?
What color are your blankets? What color are your shades?
Is there, are there lamps?
Does your spouse sleep with a lamp on? Do you sleep with a lamp on?
Do you guys watch TV before you go to bed?
A whole bunch of questions could be asked on this topic and you have to be ready for them.
Again, let me say this.
If you're a legitimate married couple with a bona fide marriage
and that's the term, legal term
you having nothing to worry about. You'll get the majority right.
It's better to talk about it in advance so it goes a little smoother
because you can slip up.
Too many slips can cause some suspicions.
But if you're a legitimate couple, you're going to move through these questions.
But a lot of people are so "Whoa, I'm shaking, I'm scared, I'm scared."
And this especially for the immigrant who may not be strong in English language.
It is going to create a little more problem.
If either one of you is a more reserved type that doesn't like to reveal certain things,
they can ask you some questions that you might think is invading your privacy,
but really they consider legitimate questions to weed out fact from fiction,
whether you are telling the truth or whether it's a fraud. So just know that. Okay?
Just before the interview. Oh, that's a good line of questioning.
I had a couple at an interview a few years ago and the government contested the relationship.
Why? They were from different nationalities and relatively different ages.
They met, the woman worked at a place next door to where the
male owned his own business and so they met.
They started dating. They went out.
However, the male was from the Middle East and that's one of those nationalities
that the government is going to look at.
It is one of those red flag nationalities, sad to say,
but it's true, and the woman was from a Central American country.
And her English was not the greatest English, good English but shaky, and with a strong accent.
And she had a child, so it was like "Wait a minute."
This fellow and this woman, you know, mismatched nationalities, slight age difference.
This guy's a successful businessman. She's a clerk in the store next door.
"Wait a minute, is this a real marriage?" And so they were forced into the fraud interview.
At the interview they were separated and I'm sitting there.
The female client went first, as an immigrant.
"Where did eat would you eat last Saturday? We went out for pizza."
"Oh where did you go? We went to this restaurant."
"Did your husband have a drink? Yeah, a glass of wine."
"And what about yesterday, what did you guys do? Oh, we went to the movies."
So it went on . . .
Because it was like a Wednesday interview.
We get to the husband, he's separate.
"What did you do for dinner Saturday?
Well, I went out with my friends and we had some, you know, we went,
we're watching a game at Wing Stop,
a chicken wings place, and we had some chicken wings."
"What about Sunday? What did you do?
Oh well, you know, my wife went to church and I went to the baseball game with my friends."
I'm sitting there thinking, "Oh no, not again, Carlos, come on, you got fooled again.
Wait a minute, wait a minute." So the government then produced these documents for them to sign.
I just looked at them. I gave them a look and I asked them, "What gives, guys?"
And they told me that they had separated three weeks before - and they had never told me
and so they didn't spend the last weekends together. They didn't spend the last days.
They were not divorced but they needed some chill-out time and so they took it but they never told me.
Had they told me, we would have approached that interview differently.
But, no, they thought that, "Hey, you know, it's just an interview, and we can get through it".
And, boy, we had to do a lot of work to salvage that case. But they survived.
They came back together as a couple. They survived.
They were a real couple but they made the dumb mistake of not talking to their lawyer
and telling him what was going on.
They made an even worse mistake going to an interview and trying to pull this off,
thinking that questions would be so ordinary that they could just fly through.
It was a disaster for them. It caused them to do a lot more work, a lot more attorney fees,
and a lot of other stuff. But they survived.
They are a couple and the last time I heard from them, they were still happily married.
So that's just before the interview.
I mean those are the types of questions they can ask you.
What did you do last evening? Did your spouse go to work?
Where did you eat dinner? What about two days before?
What about three days before? Did you go to the movies?
Did you take some time off? What about last weekend? What did you do last weekend?
What did you do on Saturday? Did you guys spend together time on Sunday?
All of those are very legitimate questions. And all of those, you know, are viable questions to be asked.
If you are a real couple, you should have no trouble with such questions,
assuming you are not like the couple that was going through a trial separation
and they still decide to try to plough through their interview. It won't work.
And that's the same thing if you're trying to commit fraud. Don't do it.
I mean, one, it is 100 percent wrong.
Two, if you're an immigrant, that's just the worst thing.
Whoever advised you to do that, it is really stupid advice, okay?
I say that openly because it is. It's wrong.
Don't do it. If you are going to get your papers in this country, you do it legitimately!
Anyway, hey, if you like this video, press the Like button.
Hit the Like button below. If you want to send me some comments
about the content, send me some comments.
If you like the channel, feel free to subscribe.
At the end of the next video, we'll have completed twelve of these,
so hopefully I will see you back here at the end of the third video.
There will be a link below afterwards anyway, after I do the third video,
so that you can link to it.
But feel free to shoot your questions.
If you have ideas for other videos, things you'd like me to explain to you,
go ahead. Let's see if I can demystify it.
Let's see if I can simplify it for you.
Anyway, have a great day and I'll be talking to you again soon.
Drawing For Children | Simple Drawings Hat For Kid | Drawing Pictures For Coloring - Duration: 2:17.Thanks For Watch Drawing!
A partager svp : voici les 10 médicaments qui détruisent vos reins - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
Les bons réflexes anti-âge à adopter - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Les colorations tendance de l'automne 2017 - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Un remède ancien pour se débarrasser des poils du visage - Random888 - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
5 façons qu'a votre corps pour vous annoncer un AVC à venir - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Bienvenue à bord - Duration: 15:14.-------------------------------------------
Un mois avant une crise cardiaque, votre corps vous préviendra : voici 6 symptômes !|LSF TV - Duration: 6:42.-------------------------------------------
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
Husson University Partners with Sephone Interactive Media - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Are you letting Facebook ruin your relationship - Duration: 9:57.Ready now? Ready now. Welcome to Zippy Vibe! Are you ready to talk about Face Book some more?
When you think about Facebook the platform and how it's relatively new especially
compared to another technology like the telephone that's been around seems like
forever. Forever to us. For sure. On the telephone there's kind of some unwritten
rules with married couples like I wouldn't just call up a ex-girlfriend out
of the blue but for whatever reason on Facebook it's such a new platform and
the possibilities are endless that people end up reaching out to an ex
girlfriend or boyfriend on Facebook and it and it's just inviting... Just to see them I guess. We don't do Facebook so not sure.
I'm not exactly sure how it all works for whatever reason I guess it's
easier than making a phone call it's not as you know quite as.... Oh it's fishing.
yeah. Yeah, it's easier because it's just fishing. Sure. We are just friends on Facebook. But maybe over time as Facebook continues to evolve and
become more and more part of our lives then maybe a majority of husbands and
wives will say hey we're protecting our relationship from Facebook and we're not
going we're gonna have a Facebook account say but we're not going to have
those sorts of interactions you know there's gonna be okay boundaries. I don't
know what do you think? I think more and more married people will just get off of Facebook.
to protect their marriages and it's not about being a
jealous twit it's about just you know you go into the barbershop you're gonna
get a haircut so you know there's no point in setting yourself up for a whole
bunch of temptations and it's really interesting comment about the telephone
because an ex-boyfriend would not probably call me if they know I'm
married but they see you on Facebook and they approach you on Facebook. Right.
And you're married and they know that but it's just a trial to see well
they're married but are they happily married because you know there
are people that wait out marriages people wait out marriages. Sure.
Because they figure well you know five to seven years I'll give that one another try. Right. They circle the wagons. I will wait
this one out yeah you bring up an excellent point about the telephone
it had etiquette I guess when it was invented people had to learn to quit
just showing up at your house without calling first. Right.
We are not on Facebook because we're married and Facebook is a place where a
lot of hookups take place and I think it's now 20% of divorces could be traced
back to Facebook.
We're not cruising single bars anymore. Do they call them single bars? I don't know. What the hell.
We're not cruising the sports bars anymore.
bar hopping and doing that kind of thing meeting people out we're not on anymore. All in all I think we made a good decision. I've never looked back
or regretted not having Facebook I was at lunch with a couple of girlfriends in
Atlanta and the first thing that came out of Mary's mouth was when are you
gonna get on Facebook? Melinda said she's not gonna get on Facebook because she
doesn't like to waste her time. That's very true.
I mean it's very true and it may be one of the best compliments I've ever received
I was really flattered that they know that and so it is also because now that
we're married I just wouldn't do that. When Facebook went public there was a
joke going around that oh now you can waste your money the same place you
waste your time. Yeah, so your marriage goes down the same drain as your
portfolio. Facebook is great for small businesses, we own and operate a small business but also I'm
talking about teeny-tiny businesses it's really small right it's it's opened up
the world for for business it really has because you can reach a marketplace so
inexpensively if you are willing to put in the work social media is a lot of work it to
market your business but it's a great platform for doing that so overall I
would give it an A++ on that and an F on Facebook for social just not not for me.
Maybe it's not just the fact that it's Facebook and what's going on but it's
the fact that we know you're missing out on so many other things.
Go grab some real life, it's awesome! See you next time hit that subscribe
button give us a thumbs up!
Have a Zippy Vibe Day!
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