Few times ago,
when particle accelerator exploded,
It generated a shock wave.
and victims of that wave became,
The Impossible.
Like G-MAN,
Trono Over, Giorgio e la verità su Tina e Gemma | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Isola dei famosi, scoppia lite a sorpresa: si sfiora la rissa sull'isola | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
Scandalo all'Isola dei famosi, Francesco rischia il carcere? Il pianto disperato | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Al Bano Carrisi si scaglia contro Barbara D'Urso: 'Basta gossip' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Scandalo all'Isola dei famosi, Francesco rischia il carcere? Il pianto disperato | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Il Moige contro il reality di Canale 5: Francesco Monte nei guai? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e donne,Tina e Giorgio amanti di nascosto? Finalmente la verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
과잉 엔진 얹은 'GT-4586'의 과잉 드리프트[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
POPOTITOS bateó a JAID por atrevido | Enamorándonos - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Tremendo Pleito Entre DANIELA y PAULA | Enamorándonos - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
역시 비싼 돈 주고 산 모델S는 튜닝을 해야[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Lapizito y Daniela Tiene Un Reto | Enamorándonos - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
김치국 한사발 들이킨 우루스 튜닝 버전, 멋지다![dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Oski y Alexia AL FIN SON NOVIOS | Enamorándonos - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Elli und Ben Köln 50667 Teil 124 Part5 - Duration: 3:17.-------------------------------------------
iPhone X - Animoji: Alien-------------------------------------------
URBAN EXPLORING / må vi være her? - Duration: 8:53.
Welcome to Noisefilm
we are on a little trip today
we are out to destroy some buildings.... Arhhh we are out to photograph some destroyed buildings
Michael is with us today
it's been a long time since the last time... where has he been?? :-)
we are at an abandon industrial building in Brabrand, Aarhus
or we think it's abandon...
there was some noise down there before
but lets see if we can get in
we saw an awesome building over he as well
that we will look at first
we will load our cameras, and Michael you got a new camera right?
Yes I have.... No no we look at it later
Nick here is the camera
and now we load
you brought a tripod?
yes.... I have
thats because I want to
try and shoot with a very small aperture
and I will push my HP5+ again today
400 pushed to 800
F... there is somebody in there
there is someone there... but they don't work today
I can't hear anything in there today
just go in.. the worst that can happen is you will be asked to leave
yeah.. and we are only there to photograph
this is totally destroyed
Nick... run some b-roll for this
you can take a photo
then I will go in here
this is totally smashed to pieces this house
almost to destroyed to photograph
but it's funny
to be inside an old architect-designed house
it's F..... freezing
what did you shoot?
I took a picture of this... it's totally smashed
maybe this is to bright
this is urban exploring
are you never gonna use another camera?
no :-)
I just talked to Michael the other day
that I actually was looking forward to shooting my Nikon F3 again
but ermm...
for that I want some sunshine
but... Mamiya is this bomb
that you are not gonna film me doing... that ain't gonna be pretty
about as ugly as that :-)
whatch out the bag is open
haven't you been to the military.. No
that was okay
are you filming
it's probably me who will look the worst doing this
fuck that was awesome :-)
totally smooth
now we are in boys
I can't do this with my camera
Michael has been taking parkour lessons :-)
water reflections
why are we whispering??
because you guys started
no.. it's because there are
some workers outside
we are walking around in this building here and errrmmm....
there is very quit... but now we are at the top
and it's awesome up here.. Michael just loaded another roll
in his new camera
he can't get enough of this... and yeah its really cool
I will shoot the last shot up here.. and then I have shot a roll
normally I don't think destroyed building is that cool..
but this.. looks like a war zone
from a world war movie
this beast here
what is it?
a Pentax 67
same format as Paw is shooting
now he is up with the adults :-)
lets move on... did you get what you want?
I just loaded a errmmm..
colour film... I shot a B&W before
6 images left
me to
6 images?
can you remember how we get out?
can you Nick?
let's try
this was here we came in
so now we are gonna sleep here :-)
do you have your sleeping bag with you?
yes me?? of course
your always prepared to get trapped in abandon building :-)
Okay... lets shoot some more inside
Hahaha fuck it lets shoot some more
now we are out of the building
Michael... did you close after us?
there is nobody who has busted us yet
we are done.. I can't find the last 4 images
so I will save them for another day
Michael you finished your roll... yeah 2 rolls
now it's up to the car
to warm up
there is someone goming
see you Nick :-)
we are all done for the day
we got out without been seen
no guards or workers
we could hear them..
you had bought a new camera?
Yeah Pentax 67
with a 105mm
that was awesome
it was the first time you used it
it's a real beast
you shot 2 rolls
and got some portraits of you 2 guys
but ermm..
that camera is for portraits or what?
I dont now.. its essentially just a SLR on steriods
but the lens is like...
famous for
being a good portrait lens, so that was what I hoped to shoot today
and I got some portraits of you guys today
and you did... yeah so thats nice
so...Michael tested his new camera
now we finished our beer
so now we will end this video
Michael is running away
he is scared I will call him over here :-)
if you think it is cool what we are doing, please leave a like and subscribe
and then there is a little bell down in the corner
if you push that one
then you will get a notification every time we upload
then you can see the newest content
see you guys... Noisefilm we are out of here
Edyta Pazura też walczy z hejtem. „Żebyś poroniła" - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
Why immigrants who fled here could soon be deported | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:16.Imagine being driven out of your country due to extremely dangerous conditions, like a
severe earthquake or a civil war.
You left in a hurry, fearing for your life, and ended up living in the United States without
documentation -- or perhaps even your parents brought you to the US when you were young
and didn't quite know what was going on.
Now let's say you've lived in the US for years, maybe even a decade.
You've made a life here.
You've gotten married and had kids.
You were able to apply for Temporary Protected Status, known as TPS, and thanks to that,
you got a work permit.
Things have turned out okay.
You've never been convicted of a felony, you go to work, you pay your taxes, you spend
time with your children who are US citizens since they were born here.
You send money back to relatives in the country you left, helping them scrape by.
And you pay the government every 12-18 months to reauthorize your TPS.
But then, one day, you find out that TPS has been cancelled, and there's no other direct
way for you to apply for residency in the US.
Once your TPS runs out, you will be completely undocumented again, and that means you will
lose your work permit, and the government could deport you back to the country you left
so many years ago.
Your children could stay, because they're US citizens, but they would be without parents.
You could take them back to the country you left, but then you're taking them to a place
they've never known, possibly where the main language spoken is one they don't fully understand.
You'll have to essentially start a new life.
You won't be able to send money any more to your relatives, so you know they'll suffer as well.
The place you've called home for so many years will suddenly no longer be your home.
That's a real life scenario for about 200,000 people from El Salvador who recently had their
TPS will not be re-authorized.
Tens of thousands from Haiti, and thousands from Nicaragua and Sudan have found themselves
in a similar position.
TPS eligibility is determined by country, and the Trump administration has gradually
been revoking TPS for various countries as a part of a larger effort to restrict immigration to the US.
I think it goes without saying that this move will be incredibly damaging for so many people
from the affected countries.
For instance, Salvadorans will be forced to return to a country that has the highest murder
rate of any nation that is not at war, due to rampant gang violence.
These are people who willingly gave their information up to the government with the
hope of working and being productive members of society, and now that could be used against
them when their TPS runs out and the government can use their information to find and deport them,
Salvadorans have until September 9th, 2019, Haitians have until July 22nd, 2019, Nicaraguans
have until January 5th, 2019, and Sudanese people have until November 2nd, 2018.
If Congress doesn't pass legislation to renew their TPS or give them a path to residency
in the US, all of these people could be facing unimaginable hardship in the coming year.
To put a human face to all of this, let's look at one specific person: Orlando Zepeda.
He fled to the United States as a teenager when El Salvador broke out in Civil War.
He's now lived in the US for 33 years, far longer than he ever lived in El Salvador.
He is protected under TPS, and so is his wife, Lorena.
Their two children, who are 14 and 12 years old, are US citizens.
Orlando studied for nine years and eventually got his GED.
This a family, just like yours, just like mine.
These are people with ambitions, hopes, dreams, friends.
There is no humanity or compassion in sending them back to El Salvador, and there is no need to.
They are doing just fine here.
I don't see any reason why Orlando and Lorena and shouldn't be allowed to apply for permanent
residence here.
Because there are a lot of reasons not to send TPS recipients back to El Salvador.
For one, last year, Salvadoran TPS recipients send $4.5 billion back to relatives in El Salvador.
That's a massive amount of aide, and it could be devastating to El Salvador's economy
and society if that aide suddenly stops all at once.
There's also the fact that TPS recipients are in no way a drain on our society: they
pay taxes, yet aren't eligible at all for public assistance.
But really the only reason that I think should matter, is that they're people.
I don't know how to teach you to be compassionate.
If you can fully understand the circumstances these people are in, and you still don't
want to protect them, I don't know what to tell you.
I think that if you in anyway strive to be a compassionate person or to see the world
from other people's [point of view, you have to feel for the TPS recipients who are
having their lives uprooted.
Try to imagine what that would be like.
Imagine that you were in their situation, or your best friend was, or family member was.
Would you fight for them then?
Can you only dismiss them because you don't know any of them personally?
I'm just consistently shocked at the inhumanity that people can have for anyone who is different from them.
But, let's say you support keeping TPS recipients in the country -- great! -- what can we actually do to help?
Well, thankfully, there are several court cases that can give us a bit of precedent to work with.
Bonilla v. Johnson, Flores v. USCIS, and Ramirez v. Brown all determined that certain TPS recipients
could legally apply for residency.
Currently, these decisions only hold up in the sixth and ninth circuits, but they show
that it would be possible for congress to pass legislation offering TPS recipients and
other undocumented immigrants a direct path to residency and citizenship.
So, how can you help?
The most obvious step is calling your representatives & urging them to pass HR 4253 the American Promise Act.
The bill, which was introduced to the House of Representatives back in November, currently
has 78 cosponsors, but I've heard very little about it in mainstream news coverage.
It would be vital for the over 200,000 people currently here on TPS and would save them
from having their lives completely uprooted.
There are also several immigrant rights organizations you can get involved with or donate to that
are fighting to save TPS.
Many of these organizations need volunteers or host events that you can attend.
There will be links to all these groups in the description if you would like to help.
And again, I urge you to have compassion for people who have vastly different experiences from you.
They're still people -- they're still worthy of respect and dignity.
If you're an American citizen like me, I think we have a responsibility to help those
who are here without documents and whose lives depend on what congress does in the coming months.
Anyway, thanks so much for watching this video, and I'll see you next time.
Who Is Duke Blue Devils Zion Williamson? - Duration: 11:01.welcome to another exciting episode of the skill I'm your host King Coopa J and
today we're going to be talking about who is Duke Blue Devils Zion Williamson
if you knew just trying to go ahead and hit that subscribe button and
hit that notification bell so you do not miss a video but that being said all my
day ones go ahead spam that like button and
let's get this banger started who is Zion Williamson now let's start from the
beginning you already know how we do it here
his father name is the Leteef Williamson and he was a defensive lineman yes a defensive lineman
who earned all-america honors for Mayo high school he ended up committing to NC
state then transferring to livingston college where he met Zion Williamson mother
mother Sharonda Sampson now his mother was a sprinter who ended up becoming an
educational teacher okay so his father as a defensive lineman who earned
all-america honors and his mother is a sprinter
oh they created a monster because by the age five Zion Williamson already knew he
wanted to play basketball his mother and father ended up getting a divorce she
ended up moving and she remarried a guy named Lee Anderson who will dramatically
impact Zion Williamson life now this guy is a former point guard who played for
Clemson Clemson and he was heavily involved in AAU and kid
after-school activities you know what you got now
you got a guy who is right now Zion Williamson 6-7 270 pounds he should be a
defensive lineman like his dad but now he's a freak athlete
oh mama got them genes at age five he was getting trained to become a point guard
why was he getting trained to become a point guard Ima tell you why all right so that guy
you seen those highlights those Ball Is Life those Elite Mixtapes those Hoop
mixtapes right that guy Zion Williamson was trained by
his mother all right so here's the story he was undersized right he was
undersized he ain't grown to his height between until between middle school and
high school and I'm gonna get into that later but he was undersized so they
didn't really think he was gonna have the height that his father had because
his biological father was 6-5 250 pounds and like I said was an all-american
defensive lineman you would expect this guy to be tight end or something of the
nature not happy the new dad basketball dad all right so he was the one who trained
him and enhanced his skills so that's why you see the 6-7 guy running around
dribbling up to court all fast and sprinting like and slamming on
everybody with crazy handles well not crazy handles but really nice handles
for a guy his size in that way so when he played he played against older
kids he didn't play his kids his he he was playing against nine years you know
nine year olds and ten you know and it was a you so this didn't do nothing but
prepare him for what was to come because when he got to high school I messed up
when he got to middle school 20 points per game and he was getting coached by
mom dukes still so not only did she coach him and AAU and and other you
leagues she stayed by his side all the way through middle school that high
school prospect are you seeing now was trained and coached by his mother and
middle school in AAU I can't get this out of my head I just can't
high school high school high school oh it's about to get lit alright so let
me tell you the story about Zion Williamson okay so when he did play AAU they went
to the um no not went to they won the title and this is what happened Smuter was a
guy who was in involved in Zion's career in basketball life and all that
good stuff he ended up giving the trope presented the trophy to the coach which
is coach Anderson Zion's step-father okay so this is what happened Anderson
took the trophy and gave it to Zion because this is something he did when he
felt like you know well not just with Zion but with any player that who he
feels like deserved the trophy it's kind of like a MVP thing right so he hands it
to Zion Zion takes it it hands it to another teammate right so Smuter looks
at him and say hey he told Anderson he was like yo why did he get a trophy
to the other kid and do nothing so Anderson say look he did do something because he
score two points that was his first two points of his AAU career in the
tournament right first two points way to look out for the little guy it ain't all
about yourself and then all about yourself man take notes man my man gave
it to my man he only dropped two points but anyway that summer Zion Williamson
didn't do nothing but train and you would think what did he train for King Coopa J
did he train the shoot did he did he train on his defense did he did he
train to dribble no of that my man trained to dunk that was it the whole
summer all Zion did was practice dunking dunking dunking dunking 5-9 to 6-3
all he wanted to do was dunk he knew he basically this kid dunked his way
out of South Carolina real talk he dunked this way to college to Duke he dunked his way there
but let me get back to the story all right so he enters this freshman
year of high school which is Spartanburg day school located in South Carolina
alright so he goes there he ends up coming out his freshman year earning all
region and all-state honors he averaged 24 points 24 points a game nine
rebounds three steals of three blocks and a saying he ain't got defense when watching
all these crazy highlights with a blocking everybody shot and he also did
his Black Mamba thing and got two assists all right that was his freshman
year all right so headed into a sophomore
year they won state title and he dropped 32 points in that game
alright so he's starting to get some national attention heading into his junior year heading
into his Junior year is when we are discovered him know what the majority of us anyways
when we discovered him right so he ends up averaging 36 points a game
it's almost hard to get that out man you talking about a guy who ever 36 points a
game you see the a or be either the competition is wack or that dude is a God
real talk man for real 36 but anyway they ended up winning the
state title again two years in a row back to back and he dropped 51 points
in a game so the attention is high he's a YouTube sensation at this point
right he hoop mixtapes elite mixtapes BallIsLife the overtime search Zion Williamson
in YouTube millions of views self said millions of views and you know what I
don't want to get sidetracked but I'm gonna offer you guys some advice some of
you guys who's putting together these mixtapes I don't know if you guys got
contracts or what or what's going on but take Kevin Durant's advice start a
YouTube channel Richard Sherman started YouTube channel
some of you guys and I'm sorry to say this and I aint trying to hate but some of
you guys are gonna be bust you know so why would you let BallIsLife elite
mixtape and Hoop mixtapes all these other people get mixtapes on you make
money off but you when you can start your own personal channel vlog about to
the basketball career and how you coming up or has somebody do it for you and
bank and cashing or whatever you doing why do you why are you going pro before
you do all that you know I'm saying instead of having some myself Bank on
you because what if you get all there and you know what's my man name
Porter Jr that just got injured or back injury or something like that whatever
and and let everything just be gone like all these people don't make money off
for you now you're nobody and we have nothing star a YouTube channel or do something man get
your own exposer you're out there make your own bread man don't let them make money off you but
anyway leave it all that right so Zion was offered all kind of scholarships
right and he ended up signing with the Duke Blue Devils June 20 right
join the brother so this is the first time in NCAA history that this is
happened you had the number one recruit the number two recruit the number three
recruit and the number ten recuit all commit in the same year to one school that's
crazy man let me know what you think in the comment section do you think Zion
Williamson will be a top ten NBA pick or do you think he will be a bust see you
in a next video
What Is A Stock? | Insider Secrets to Making Money Investing in the Stock Market [2018] - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
Geek Squad Same Day Scre...-------------------------------------------
Huntley 158 Today: Dr. Burkey Looks Back at 12 Years as Superintendent - Duration: 14:33.[music]
I'm Jessica Lombard, associate superintendent.
And I'm Andrew Burkey,
and this is "Huntley 158 Today."
Wait, you're a Burkey but not the regular Burkey I'm
used to sitting next to me here.
Yeah, I'm the better Burkey. I'm a freshman at Huntley High School.
This isn't my first time behind camera either though.
I'm a member of the TV production class, and I've also been involved with musical theater.
Well, Andrew, it is great to have you here.
You have that same energy as Dr. Burkey, the co-host who used to be part of us,
but last week was his last week here in the District. So there's a real special
reason that we invited you to be part of this. Not only are you not afraid of the
camera and not new to being in front of audiences and the camera, but you are
Dr. Burkey's son. Today we'd like to take the opportunity to welcome Dr. Burkey back,
not as our co-host, but as a guest on "Huntley 158 Today" to talk about the
12 years that he spent here in Huntley.
Dr. Burkey, thank you so much for joining us today.
Well thank you for having me although it
feels a little different being in the seat of having to answer the questions.
So a lot of people are wondering, it's been a long time, why are you leaving now?
Well, actually I just accepted a new position with LUDA, and LUDA is the
Large Unit District Association of Illinois. And so it's the 53 largest school
districts in Illinois, and I'm gonna be the executive director.
And so it's just going to be a great opportunity to still work in education, but to do so on a
bigger level and be able to work on affecting policy in Springfield and also
providing support for LUDA districts and LUDA superintendents.
Huntley's been a member of LUDA ever since I've been here, so it's an organization I know really well.
Also it's going to allow us to continue to live in Huntley.
I'll be traveling some, but we really want to stay in the community. So it was a great opportunity.
Dr. Burkey, I remember when you joined District 158, that was 12 years ago.
What brought you here? You lived a few hours away. What was,
what was it about Huntley that kind of enticed you to be interested in the position?
Well, actually, the last place I was, was in a in a town right
outside of Peoria and really liked the job there, but I saw the superintendency
open in Huntley, and I knew Huntley was a lot like Dunlap, the district I was in,
just on a bigger scale. And I thought, well, I'll apply for that job.
And I didn't really think I'd get it, but it all worked out, and they offered me the job.
And, so that brought us up to the Chicagoland area. It's the first time
I've lived up here, and we've really really enjoyed it when we came up here.
Andrew actually was only 2 years old when we came here and was a toddler, and
I remember him running around the boardroom as a toddler at that meeting
when I got hired over 12 years ago.
Andrew, did you know that most superintendents
usually stay in a job only for 3 to 5 years?
I find that really weird because you've been here for 12 years. Can you explain why?
Well, there's a lot of reasons, but you know, a couple of the primary ones is,
I work for the Board of Education, and there's seven members on the Board of Education,
and in many districts, if the seven board members aren't operating in
the same direction or fighting with each other, it can be really hard for a superintendent.
And I'm just really fortunate that we have an excellent school board.
And all seven of them are on the board for the right reasons.
They hold us accountable. They set a high bar for for me and for the District.
But they very much do it as "we're a team, we're all in this together." And they
really make it great to work here. I think another reason is we just have a
great staff in Huntley 158, from teachers to all of our support staff. And it's
really a joy to work with the people and to see the dedication of our employees.
And, you know, it doesn't mean that everything's always perfect.
But it's just a great environment to work in. And then I think probably one of the
last reasons is, we live in Huntley, and both my kids go to school here, and
that's kept us here because I think they're getting a great education, and I
don't want to take them to another school district.
Dr. Burkey, think about how education has changed over these past 12 years,
as well as, how has education here in the district changed through your tenure here?
Well I think there's actually been more change in the last 10 or 12 years
than maybe there was in the 20 or 30 years before that.
One of the really big changes in Huntley, but also in other districts, is we're really providing
a more and more personalized learning environment. You know, when I was in
school, the teacher for the most part stood in front of the room and taught
all 25 kids exactly the same way, and we're really recognizing in education
that we can do a better job for students if we personalize education more to the
needs and abilities of each student. One of the big ways we've done that in 158
is when we went all 1:1, and we started that process before most school
districts, and that's helped teachers to be able to differentiate.
But we've only really just begun, and it won't be me here leading it, but for the people that
are here leading it, there is going to be a lot more to do in moving towards even
more personalization, which i think is an exciting exciting thing for the future.
Another thing that I've seen change is just technology and social media. And I
think there's both good and bad to that. But there was no even Facebook when I
started here, and there was email, but people are now, you know, using social
media a lot more, and I think that's changed the role of teachers, has changed
definitely what students do, and how we, how we interact. And like I said,
there's challenges with it, but there's also some positive aspects with it as well.
Now, over the last 12 years this district has had many accomplishments.
What do you believe is one of our biggest accomplishments,
or several of the biggest accomplishments?
Well, I think, you know, we've been able to accomplish a lot
just by everybody working together, and I think there's a lot we could mention,
but I think a couple of things that really stand out to me is:
One, I came here there was just a lot of focus on things that really didn't
have to do with education. And a lot of that happened because the
District grew so fast in such a quick time, and everybody was so focused on
growth and providing classrooms and seats for students, but when I came the
growth was really starting to slow down, and we were really able to put the focus
back on the classroom, because that's where the action in our District happens.
It's not in the District Office, it's not in the boardroom. It's in the classroom.
And that's what we need to be focused on.
We used to be in the paper regularly for
all kinds of other things, but I think focusing on what teachers do and what
kids learn is one of the really big accomplishments that we've had.
I think another really single big thing is blended learning at our high school.
That's a program that I kind of came up with, actually, over one
Christmas break. I was sitting in my office and trying to think of ways that
we could continue to change the high school for the 21st century. And I came
up with that concept, but when I presented it at the high school,
other people totally ran with it. It wasn't me who got that done. It was administrators here,
it was teachers here, and the response from teachers was amazing,
even in that very first year. And so I can't say enough about how well the high
school teachers and administration and everybody came together to make blended
learning happen, and now a great majority of our students take at least
one blended learning class. And I think we really are changing the way high
school education happens. In fact we've got districts now from all over Illinois
and even all over the country that have come to Huntley to look at our blended
learning program, and I'm just really proud that we've been able to change
things here in Huntley High School but also, we've had an effect on helping
other high schools change as well.
Dr. Burkey, what do you think the future of Huntley 158 looks like
as we move forward over the next few years?
Well, I think there's a lot, and you know nobody has a
crystal ball to know for sure. But I think there's things that are
positive about the future, and I think there's challenges for the future.
As I said earlier, I think one of the great challenges we have here is our people.
We have such a high quality of staff that I know they're all here for the right reasons,
they care about kids, and they are going to continue to take this
district forward, regardless of who the leader of the district is. And so I just
feel very optimistic about that. Like I said, I want my kids to stay in school here
because I want them to have the great teachers that we have in,
that we have in our district.
Another real strength I think for the for the future
is that we really have a strong strategic plan. A very positive thing
about our district is, strategically and philosophically, we're all marching in
the same direction, from the Board of Education to our staff to our community.
And it doesn't mean sometimes we don't disagree on the details, but the fact
that we really have a common understanding of where we need to go
really helps us move forward in a way that a lot of districts can't,
and it just takes them a lot of time to get things done, and in this district,
I think we've been able to get change done very rapidly because of our common goals,
and I really think that's going to continue into the future.
As far as other things in the future,
I think there's challenges. I mentioned social media earlier. I think
that's changed everyone's life. I think for staff, I think they're connected 24/7 now,
whether it's, you know, students wanting immediate grade feedback, people
emailing teachers with questions, and I think being an administrator or teacher has
never been more challenging. And I just worry a little bit that I want to make
sure staff have a chance to disconnect, because people need to be able to have
their downtime, and I just worry with with technology and social media that
that's getting harder and harder. And I'll say that's happening to many professions,
not just the education profession, but I think that's a
challenge for the future.
Are there any other challenges for the future you might see?
One of the things the District's really
experiencing is a really tight labor market. I think as everyone knows the economy has
been improving, and unemployment is lower, which is a great thing for people
looking for employment, but for organizations like ours we're really
having a tough time not in all areas but in some areas, both some classroom
teacher areas but also some support areas. We've had a hard time getting
enough bus drivers, and so we've had to be much more aggressive, and I think
that's gonna be a challenge for the future, because we don't just want
obviously people in those jobs, we want top-notch people in all of our jobs.
And so I think we will always be able to accomplish that, but I think it's going
to be more challenging in the future than it is, you know, than it is today.
I think, you know, one of the last challenges that we always face as a
district is is the prospect of financial problems. We currently are in very good
financial shape. We've worked hard to be there, but we never know what the State's
gonna do. We never know what the economy is gonna do, and so there's always the
possibility that an external factor will cause us to have financial problems.
And, you know, I think everyone knows we spend very little per pupil compared to other districts,
so we can't absorb a cut in the way that that some other people
might be able to. So, things are really good right now financially, but I think
that's always something, we have to be prepared for a day when it might not be.
Well Dr. Burkey, I'd like to thank you so much for joining us today as a guest, but
I'd also like to take the opportunity of just thanking you for all the leadership
and the guidance and the things that you've done here in our district for the
past 12 years. You've not only stayed up with the changes that have happened in
education, but you've also changed, kind of, the culture and and made staff feel
more comfortable in knowing that it's okay to take risks and to be innovative
and to do those things, because they knew that that was what was best for
students and the support that you always gave, and how much that has really
impacted the education that our kids get here.
Well, thank you, but again it's all of us together.
And Ms. Lombard, it's been it's been great hosting
the show with you the last year-and-a-half, but also great working
with you. You were a principal when I came here 12 years ago, and you've been
in several roles since then, and it's been a joy to work with you, and so I
really appreciate that experience. And I just want to say to the whole community,
it's just been a joy to serve the community. You know the superintendent's
chair is not mine. It's the community's chair that I've been fortunate enough to
occupy for the last 12 years. And I'm extremely confident that whoever's there
next, our district will continue to move forward in a very positive direction for
the future, and I'm just gonna watch it now as a community member and as a parent.
And we know you won't be a stranger with the things that you're
doing with LUDA and legislation and all of those things.
So thank you.
And Andrew, thank you so much for joining us, being our co-host today.
Little nervous, you
did a fantastic job, and I'm a little bit nervous for my job now.
Thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure.
We'd like to thank you for tuning in to "Huntley 158 Today."
I hope you're continuing to feel good because you are looking good.
From Huntley 158, a Destination District, where it's all students always.
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