Ben The Train | Ben And The Bumble Bee Meet The Alphabets | Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:01:11.Ben The Train
Yaya Toure, Man City Középpályás: Hogyan befolyásolta a családom a karrieremet - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Salad for every day. It is eaten for a couple of minutes, cook more !!! - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Low Carb Sausage and Spinach Ravioli with a Tomato Cream Sauce – Keto Ravioli - Duration: 4:48.Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present my low carbohydrate homemade sausage and spinach
ravioli with a nice tomato cream sauce. Now you can enjoy a low carb taste of
Italy and not ruin your macros. This plate of six ravioli with a quarter cup
of sauce is only 8.1 grams of net carbohydrates. Let me show you how to make it. Begin by
pouring a tablespoon of oil into a skillet on medium-high heat. Add four
ounces of mild Italian sausage and cook while breaking it into small pieces.
While cooking, add some dried sage; some salt; and a little black pepper. Continue
cooking until all the sausage is fully browned. Add one tightly-packed cup of
fresh spinach leaves and continue cooking until the leaves have fully
wilted. Remove from the heat and pour the sausage and spinach into a food
processor. Give it a few pulses to break it up. We don't want to puree the sausage,
only break it into very small pieces.
Pour the sausage into a mixing bowl. Add about 1/3 of a cup of whole milk ricotta
cheese and mix until combined. Cover with some plastic wrap and store in the
refrigerator while we work on the rest of the meal. Now for the ravioli. Add four
ounces of softened cream cheese to a food processor; four large whole eggs;
3 egg whites - be sure to save at least one of the yolks for the sauce. Add some
almond flour; xanthan gum; and a little salt. Give that a mix. Be sure to scrape
down the sides as you mix. We'll be using a well oiled silicon mold to help form
and shape our ravioli. This particular mole has 30 cavities with each measuring
about an inch in diameter and about 3/8 of an inch in depth. I'll have a link in
the description below on the exact one I'm using. Pour about 1/4 teaspoon of the
ravioli batter into each cavity; just enough to cover the bottoms.
Now remove the sausage mix from the refrigerator and take about a teaspoon
or so and form it into a small disc with your hands; enough to fill one cavity.
Repeat until all the cavities are filled. Pour the remaining batter on top of the
mold and gently spread as evenly as possible, bringing it to the edges. Place
in the middle of a preheated 350°F oven for about 30 minutes or until the
edges begin to brown. Remove and let cool for at least 20 minutes. After the
ravioli has cooled, place a baking sheet over the top and flip upside down. Gently
peel back the mold. Do this slowly as one or two may want to stick. With a
pastry cutter or knife, cut the ravioli into squares. Put some foil over the top
and place in an oven heated to 170°F to 180°F to keep warm while we
work on our sauce. To a sauce pot on medium heat, add one 15 ounce can
of crushed tomatoes; add some salt; ground black pepper; garlic powder; some dried
basil; and some oregano. Give that a mix. Now add 1 egg yolk and mix thoroughly to
combine. Add 2 tablespoons of heavy cream and mix once again. Finally, stir in 1/4
cup of grated Parmesan cheese. Mix until melted. Plate some ravioli. Pour some of
our sauce over the top. Garnish with some dried parsley;
a little Parmesan cheese... and enjoy!
Delicious! There you have it folks!
My low carbohydrate sausage and spinach ravioli with a tomato cream sauce. A nice taste
of Italy without all the carbohydrates. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please
like and consider subscribing. I'll have something new every week. Thanks for
watching and I'll see you next time!
Droga all' Isola dei famosi, ex tronista rischia 12 anni di carcere? Ecco perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Sólo debes mezclar este aceite con limón para no tener más dolores de rodillas !!! - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
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Compelling Evidence for God: Jewish History - Duration: 9:47.Ok so let's deal with a lighter topic this week – evidence for God's existence.
Just kidding – about the light topic part – not the God part.
Because I actually think that there is compelling evidence for the existence of God.
And while people use different avenues to provide evidence – the most compelling one for
me is a quick analysis of Jewish history.
What I'd like to do is show you five phenomena which have taken place in Jewish history – things
that any objective historian would agree are unprecedented, remarkable and extremely unlikely.
And then I would like to show you how each of these phenomena were explicitly promised
and foreseen in the Hebrew Bible.
My argument is that only a Being unbound by time would have had the foresight to make
these predictions – only a God could have done so.
Phenomena number 1 - the survival of the Jewish people over the last 3000 years.
We take it for granted that there are still Jews around but consider all the ancient peoples
that existed at the same time as the ancient Israelites and are now extinct - the Canaanites,
the Hittites, the Jebusites.
But its not just ancient peoples, even the greatest empires and nations, often those
that actually tried to persecute the Jews, have died while the Jews remain.
If you would have gone up to a Roman imperialist 2000 years ago and asked him - "who do you
think is more likely to be around in 2000 years time - your imperialist nation, the Romans
or the Jewish people?"
He would have laughed at you.
In his essay on the Jews, Mark Twain noted that "The Egyptian, the Babylonian, the
Persians, the Greeks and the Romans all enjoyed their moment in the spotlight in history but they now
"sit in twilight", and yet the Jew remains - "what is the secret of his immortality?"
he asked.
Leo Tolstoy said "The Jew is the emblem of eternity".
Historians are in fascination at the continued survival of the Jewish people, while so many
other tribes and peoples and empires and nations have faded away.
Now let's have a look at what the Torah says about Jewish survival.
God says - "Just as I am God and I do not change, so too you, the children of Jacob shall
never be wiped out".
Number 2 - Worldwide Exile – throughout most of Jewish history, the Jewish people
have been scattered across the globe.
There are Jews on all five continents, and Jews are constantly on the move.
What's so interesting is that while the Jews are one of the oldest peoples in the world,
in terms of the countries they currently occupy they are actually one of the youngest – because Jews
are always moving around.
Sociologists will tell you that if you want to assimilate a people, if you want to get
rid of them, then scatter them and they will disappear.
And yet despite worldwide exile the Jewish people have remained.
All this - clearly foreseen in the Torah - and yet despite this grave threat of global exile
the Torah remains convinced of Jewish survival.
Number 3 – few in number.
The total number of Jews in the world has never exceeded 16 million – and rarely exceeded
1% of total world population.
This is particularly remarkable because at one point millenia ago the Jewish people
were about the same in population as the Han Dynasty of China – about 12 million.
Yet today the Chinese population is 1.3 billion according to the most recent census – give
or take about 14 million, while 14 million is the entire number of the Jewish people!
And today there are fewer Jews than there were before the H olocaust.
Now obviously our small population can be explained partly by the high levels of persecution,
but our tiny size, coupled with worldwide dispersion, makes our survival even more remarkable.
And the Torah clearly states: "And you shall remain few in number among the nations where
God shall lead you…".
Number 4 – anti-Semitism - something which has baffled historians for four key reasons
- its longevity, its universality, its intensity - consider the long list of words
created specifically to describe Jew hatred - and its irrationality - just consider the
reasons given for hating Jews: they're money-grabbing capitalists but also revolutionary communists,
they're parasites on other nation's societies and when they have their own state they're
militant occupiers of a land not their own.
No historian has been able to find a consistent reason to explain anti-Semitism throughout history.
A common explanation for prejudice given by sociologists is the 'dislike of the unlike'
– that if a group of people can manage to assimilate, they will no longer face persecution.
Yet when the Jewish people assimilate, such as in Germany where they declared 'Berlin
is our Jerusalem!', they eventually faced the most intense persecution ever seen in
modern history.
The Nazis declared, stop trying to become like us and infiltrate our race!
Anti-Semitism is totally irrational.
And once again the Torah clearly forewarns the Jewish people of the persecution that
they will face in exile.
So the Torah forewarned global exile, being few in number, and intense persecution - an
unprecedented recipe for national extinction - and yet the Torah remained convinced that the
Jewish people will survive.
But we're not done yet.
Number 5 – the remarkable impact of Judaism on the world.
When I was at college studying history we were asked by our lecturer who we thought
was the most influential human being in all of human history.
I think it is pretty easy to make the case that this man was Abraham.
Just think about this – the majority of the world today believe in the God of Abraham
– the majority of the world is made up of Christians, Muslims and Jews.
Yet 3000 years ago in Abraham's time, or even 2000 years ago – the majority of the
world was polytheistic or pagan – believing in many gods.
What's even more remarkable is that Abraham was a man with no army, no empire to command,
no political power and nearly everyone was against him.
And yet somehow the author of the Torah was convinced thousands of years ago that one
day the world would look to Abraham as their spiritual forefather.
God tells Abraham "I will bless you and make your name great…and all the families
of the earth shall bless themselves by you."
But it's more than monotheism that Judaism brought to the world – many of the
world's values that the world holds dear today were first articulated by the Bible
- the value of human life, the importance of the family, peace as an ideal, justice
and equality, social responsibility and education.
These were not concepts that were given much credibility 2000 years ago – the Jews were
looked down upon for upholding them – war was glorified by the Romans, the Greeks practiced
promiscuity as an ideal, the poor were blamed for their own misfortune, people's social
status defined their rights.
John Adams, the 2nd President of America said: "I will insist that the Hebrews
have contributed more to civilize men than any other nation.
If I were an atheist, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the
most essential instrument for civilizing the nations".
Now surely, if the Jewish people are going to be small in number, how could they make
such a worldwide impact?
And if they are hated, who is going to listen to them?
And if the Jews really are looked up to, wouldn't others want to join them?
Does it make sense that the Jewish people have had such an impact?
The very fact that they have survived is eye-opening in and of itself,
but they have also thrived in the global conversation of ideas.
All this, clearly foreseen when Isaiah prophecised that Israel would be the "light unto the nations."
Somehow, despite being intensely persecuted, small in number and dispersed all over the
globe, the Jewish people have managed to survive while countless Empires have come and gone.
And despite all these setbacks, Judaism has influenced mankind in an astonishing way.
Now if all these events had simply occurred without being foretold, I would be willing
to say, you know what, all of this is pretty remarkable but maybe it was just a fluke, maybe the Jews
got lucky.
Or alternatively, if the predictions were based on normal historical processes then
I would say that the writers of the Torah were probably human and were simply making
educated guesses.
But the problem is that all of these predictions are totally extraordinary, not following any
of the rules of the history of nations.
In my mind, the only reasonable option we have is that the author of the Torah must
have been a being not bound by time, a being that transcends time - God.
Blaise Pascal, the founder of probability theory – someone who had a thing or two
to say about making a decision on what is most probable, was asked by King Louis 14th
of France for proof of God's existence.
And Pascal responded: "The Jews, your Majesty ― the Jews."
王宝强离婚案被驳回,谁才是真正的受害者,微博内容引人深思。 - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
看不上TFBOYS,对贾玲颜值作呕,富二代何猷君的优越感真让人反感。 - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
杜志国与女子电话录音曝光,把婚内出轨说得这么冠冕堂皇! - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
出道撞脸宋慧乔,两度闪婚的她活出了自己最想要的样子! - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
怀孕后的张歆艺胖出了双下巴,怎么袁弘也跟着肿了? - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Belly Squad - Long Time (With Lyrics) | HUNT MUSIC (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:09.She said it's been a long time, you're looking brand new
I said yh it's been a while, you're looking fine too
She said ahh yh, what's been new I told her come and catch a vibe and I can
show you
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of vibe
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of, that's my type of vibe
Come here baby let me take you mind off it Before I ride her you can ride pon' it
Face nice I just wanna' put a smile on it You like my ladder you can climb on it
She wanna' role with the gang that's today and tomorrow
But it ain't safe it's like five years in the ciroco
When I step through don't watch my face I'm just on a wave but I can have a nine
shooting up the place She's a boujee girl on the d-low
She just like Chanel and Moschino She better find another man
Cuz' I'm just chasing a bag by baiting another man
But you can holla if you want to take your mind off it
Before I ride her you can ride pon' it Face nice I just want to put a smile on it
You like my ladder you can climb on it
She said it's been a long time, you're looking brand new
I said yh it's been a while, you're looking fine too
She said ahh yh, what's been new I told her come and catch a vibe and I can
show you
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of vibe
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of, that's my type of vibe
Feels like I haven't seen you in a decade But now you wanna' have some words like
an essay Fishes in the sea but you're my mermaid
baby Love it when you give me head not headaches
It's too much, too much Cuz' when I do it you're gunna' feel
it in your brain Don't think about it too much, too much
Ill change your life it won't ever be the same
I ain't here to tell you what you've heard before
Your ex wants you back and he's tryna' burst the door
I'm in the 4x4 you know that's gang and more
Niggas tryna' ride the wave but still stuck on shores
A driller to my left when I pull up to the function
That way there's no room for corruption I remember I was chilling at the junction
And now I'm getting to the money no discussion
She said it's been a long time, you're looking brand new
I said yh it's been a while, you're looking fine too
She said ahh yh, what's been new I told her come and catch a vibe and I can
show you
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of vibe
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of, that's my type of vibe
I love it when you look sophisticated Nothing like these other gyal you know they all basic
I didn't leave it but I have to face it
Gal you say you're not about but you're body we break it
I love it when you look sophisticated Nothing like these other gyal you know they all basic
I didn't leave it but I have to face it
Gal you say you're not about but you're body we break it
She said it's been a long time, you're looking brand new
I said yh it's been a while, you're looking fine too
She said ahh yh, what's been new I told her come and catch a vibe and I can
show you
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of vibe
You know that's my type of vibe You know that's my type of, that's my type of night
人无完人,范冰冰未PS的腿反差太大,这一点就输给了蒋欣。 - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
没有了赵丽颖的《蜀山战纪2》,这收视率就变成了这样 - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
Low Carb Sausage and Spinach Ravioli with a Tomato Cream Sauce – Keto Ravioli - Duration: 4:48.Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present my low carbohydrate homemade sausage and spinach
ravioli with a nice tomato cream sauce. Now you can enjoy a low carb taste of
Italy and not ruin your macros. This plate of six ravioli with a quarter cup
of sauce is only 8.1 grams of net carbohydrates. Let me show you how to make it. Begin by
pouring a tablespoon of oil into a skillet on medium-high heat. Add four
ounces of mild Italian sausage and cook while breaking it into small pieces.
While cooking, add some dried sage; some salt; and a little black pepper. Continue
cooking until all the sausage is fully browned. Add one tightly-packed cup of
fresh spinach leaves and continue cooking until the leaves have fully
wilted. Remove from the heat and pour the sausage and spinach into a food
processor. Give it a few pulses to break it up. We don't want to puree the sausage,
only break it into very small pieces.
Pour the sausage into a mixing bowl. Add about 1/3 of a cup of whole milk ricotta
cheese and mix until combined. Cover with some plastic wrap and store in the
refrigerator while we work on the rest of the meal. Now for the ravioli. Add four
ounces of softened cream cheese to a food processor; four large whole eggs;
3 egg whites - be sure to save at least one of the yolks for the sauce. Add some
almond flour; xanthan gum; and a little salt. Give that a mix. Be sure to scrape
down the sides as you mix. We'll be using a well oiled silicon mold to help form
and shape our ravioli. This particular mole has 30 cavities with each measuring
about an inch in diameter and about 3/8 of an inch in depth. I'll have a link in
the description below on the exact one I'm using. Pour about 1/4 teaspoon of the
ravioli batter into each cavity; just enough to cover the bottoms.
Now remove the sausage mix from the refrigerator and take about a teaspoon
or so and form it into a small disc with your hands; enough to fill one cavity.
Repeat until all the cavities are filled. Pour the remaining batter on top of the
mold and gently spread as evenly as possible, bringing it to the edges. Place
in the middle of a preheated 350°F oven for about 30 minutes or until the
edges begin to brown. Remove and let cool for at least 20 minutes. After the
ravioli has cooled, place a baking sheet over the top and flip upside down. Gently
peel back the mold. Do this slowly as one or two may want to stick. With a
pastry cutter or knife, cut the ravioli into squares. Put some foil over the top
and place in an oven heated to 170°F to 180°F to keep warm while we
work on our sauce. To a sauce pot on medium heat, add one 15 ounce can
of crushed tomatoes; add some salt; ground black pepper; garlic powder; some dried
basil; and some oregano. Give that a mix. Now add 1 egg yolk and mix thoroughly to
combine. Add 2 tablespoons of heavy cream and mix once again. Finally, stir in 1/4
cup of grated Parmesan cheese. Mix until melted. Plate some ravioli. Pour some of
our sauce over the top. Garnish with some dried parsley;
a little Parmesan cheese... and enjoy!
Delicious! There you have it folks!
My low carbohydrate sausage and spinach ravioli with a tomato cream sauce. A nice taste
of Italy without all the carbohydrates. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please
like and consider subscribing. I'll have something new every week. Thanks for
watching and I'll see you next time!
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