and for like an entrepreneur not a salesperson I'm not just an entrepreneur
we're looking to start a business well if you can't sell if you can't influence
you can't persuade good luck trying to get your business off the ground I'm not
just your customers I'm talking about the bankers the people of venture
capitalists your vendors your credit card processor the people who work for
you how do you get people to work for you excited how do you get them excited
you get into want to buy into your vision at the highest level what sales
really is the transference of emotion and the emotion you're transferring is
this emotion of certainty that someone feels certain yet it's a good thing it's
gonna help me it's gonna fill my need when you're an entrepreneur you're
trying to start a business and you're recruiting people
well you're selling people on your vision for the future your vision for
this company if you can't do that good luck trying to get great people to work
for you it's very it's almost it's nearly impossible which is why we see
you know the people if they say oh he's a visionary well that's true but
typically not only are they visionaries they also possess the ability to sell
the vision to other people to inspire them to motivate them so selling is not
just like you know people think of selling although a lot of salesmen I
don't either well yes you do you need to learn how to influence how not trying to
get your kids to make their bed or do their homework or believe in the value
of education how about trying to get a landlord give you a reduction on your
rent or to extend the lease the way you want have not trying to negotiate terms
you understand its it cuts to everything so I always looking to say you know when
I say I crack the code on influence what I really did essentially was I just I
was you know by working backwards almost by saying I'm gonna start at the end and
go to the beginning say what has to happen before someone says yes I was
able to take that and put it into this system that took the no name talentless
guys and turn them into millionaires here's the strategy for success of the
secret right go into your house and do a quiet room and you close the lights draw
the shades and sit on a couch and visualize a big fat check
twenty-five G's thousand bucks u.s. okay with your name on it and I want you to
imagine that check and just make that check go bigger in your mind and make it
real more real and just put it out into the ether of the universe and the law of
attraction will take hold just think about it
oh right hello if that's your strategy for success the only thing will show up
in your mailbox is not the cheque it's a freaking eviction notice from your
landlord they'll be towing away your car your
wife or your husband all for the next-door neighbor and you'll be still
saying where's the check where's the check okay
the secret is a load of crap okay do I believe in manifestation yeah damn
straight I do but you got to take action I'm one of those unfortunate people I
tried it I really dice why try because I read the books of all let me try you
know it's like I'd try to pray for the check never came but I went out and
started taking action guess what the check came with extra a couple of zeros
there were four levels of learning okay let me tell you what the levels are some
of you might know you've been through any self-development this is some very
basic stuff but it's important here the first level is called being
unconsciously incompetent and what that means is this when you first start doing
something you know so little about it you basically know nothing you don't
know what you don't know this is a very scary spot to be in when you're thrown
into a situation and you're a complete novice you said you said love to get
better at this but I haven't the slightest idea of what I don't know
everyone follow that concept this is what most people start off ok the next
level is becoming consciously incompetent that means that you're like
Jesus Christ I don't know anything you're like I've is this there's that
there's that sowing strategies they also get I don't know them that's the next
level next level above that is called being consciously competent consciously
confident means that you're good at something but you can't really do it
with your eyes closed yet you're good with requires all your focus and your
mental energy like we remember we were kids growing up you don't even tie your
shoe in the beginning you're like tie your shoe like you putting your things
at all and so with his excuse me are good don't
interrupt me you can't tie your shoe and have a conversation at the same time
right that's when you're consciously confident is like it requires all your
conscious focus the next level above that is called being unconscious
competence and that means when you're really really great at something you can
do it without thinking about it and the only way to get from conscious
competence to unconscious competence is through practice there's no other way by
drilling it into your head again and again and again and again and again
until your brain just clicks and all of a sudden using the unconscious part of
your mind which is infinitely more powerful than your conscious mind
most people have goals in life and we would Brooke think you got to be
goal-oriented that's the first mistake yes you need goals but there's something
far beyond goals which is what all successful people have and that's a
vision it's a vision for the future see the here's it is you see things as they
are but not worse than they are yeah which is what a lot of people do
yeah they say oh it's so terrible they tell themselves this wild story about
why they can't take action and in truth the story they tell themselves is
exactly what holds them back from being successful okay it's that bull story
that stops you from acting like and they're all just some of the economy and
they play the blame game they complain they justify and it stops them from
moving forward so see things as they are not worse than they are you know and
then see them better than they are yeah and make them that way look at a
Gandhi right he survived hunger strikes in the United the country not because he
had a gold for free and yet he had a vision of a free India Nelson Mandela
all those years in jail on vision yeah it's Richard Branson who's a friend of
mine oh I know he sponsors me my speaking tour he's a visionary Bill
Gates they're all visionaries and the best example consider we're in Hollywood
is a guy like James Cameron now here's the trap James Cameron is probably the
greatest visionary of all time in filmmaking that we do a great Darren he
was booed on Diane Sawyer and they asked him a question of what do you owe your
success to and what he's was this I said really really high goals
so even if I fall short I'm still doing great and people thought that was pretty
profound and I actually believe in that too
it's not true though see what's happening is this James Cameron is that
goal center he's a visionary he just doesn't realize because he's running
unconscious strategy himself you said the DRI says James kennels are
really just the goals or do a vision for avatar he'd say oh of course I will
didn't get all excited me tell you how nothing was gonna stop him from making
this movie the fact that it took ten years and ran 200 million over budget he
put money in himself or that's not the goal setters do ball setters will set a
goal gets up and they abandon it and I can't overemphasize that distinction
that's number one is vision we thing that stops you from getting what you
want in life is the boldest story you tell yourself of why you can't have it
get that what stops you back is the story because the story stops from
getting honest and if you can't get honest with yourself there's no way you
can go what imagine like this success in sales in life it's like a road map right
you know where you want to go and you have this perfect strategy the straight
line to get there it's a perfect strategy it's gonna get you there every
single time but if you don't know your starting point if you're not getting
eyes with where you actually are it doesn't matter how powerful the strategy
is and it doesn't matter how powerful your goal is I'm gonna actually set a
goal today write a 60 day goal and let's say you really set this goal and I'll
show you how to do it in a brilliant way so it's visceral so it makes you really
feel it you see you smell a goal that's step one I'm gonna teach you the
straight line which is your strategy to get to your goal but if you're not
honest with where you are right now your starting point the map is worthless
there's three things that you need to know where you are where you want to go
and how you're gonna get there those are the three things you must have and take
advantage of any opportunity I'm gonna give you the strategy I'm gonna actually
tell me exactly where you want to go for yourself you got to get honest don't
blame the boss don't blame the leaves don't blame your job couple in the
industry you're in just get out if you don't like your
industry find another one the reason that most people are not successful but
not wealthy is not because they set their goals too high and miss them it's
cause they set them to go low and hit them get that it's not because you set
your goals too high and miss you set your goals too low and you hit them and
you get caught up in the average daily struggle of averages and mediocrity
that's what kills people everybody raise your hand for a second please
raise your hand now raise it as high as you can I'm gonna crash so I can see
okay now just raise it a bit higher one higher
why the hell would that happen I say raise it as high as you can and ham I
said okay then a little high okay well if you really mean it right you get it
it's that extra inch that's where you want to set your goal not pie in the sky
and add a control like it's never gonna happen because that's a load of crap to
people that set those sort of goals they abandon those goals and I'll get to that
later but the idea here is you want to set the goals just above your comfort
zone so now think about it for a second think
about your goals right now how do you set them you're setting them very low
and hitting them if that's the case then give yourself a ten are you setting
goals that don't inspire you some people set goals they might behind
but they're crappy goals they're not the sort of goals that make you jump out of
bed in the morning make you want to go to work for yourself to secure the
future not just for you but for your family so you know if they're
compromised or acquiesce to anybody unless you love them unless you want to
that's freedom you know money is just a mechanism to get there also to really
take a longer-term view not just you know to look three months from now but
look three years now and but the future is gonna come whether you like it or not
so you want to kind of be one step ahead it's a mind game then it's why I think
it's psychology and everything again life most of life comes down to
psychology doesn't it it starts here in the internal world before you can master
the external world you have to master your own internal world that's the true
secret to success and here's the irony is that most people don't have a
compelling vision for their own future they don't they move through life
setting goals and goals have no power we're almost fear at this point your
goals on power 1959 when Earl Nightingale came this idea of goal
setting and ever like wow I'm a goal oriented person and that was great it
worked like 20 years everyone set goals and they and they got results but then
all of a sudden you know you set goals and sometimes you hit them sometimes you
know most times you don't okay that's okay
but goals almost became a synonym for like oh I'm gonna set a goal who gives
it but really happens afterwards and it almost is synonymous with failure now
goal-setting there's something above and I believe in setting goals but there's
got to be something above your goals and that's your vision for the future and
it's not just about it doesn't have like an ending points about the world being a
certain way and that's inspiring to you and you when you truly have a vision for
your future that inspires you you're gonna jump up out of bed in the morning
and feel great about going at life versus being miserable and going through
a job you hate or living a life that doesn't empower you and just you know
everyday moving through just almost like an automaton not really you know having
the zest and the great the greatness of life and I'm joking i've been
myself when I felt like I didn't really have a compelling vision for my own
future and I felt like I was wallowing but at least I'm conscious of that once
you become conscious of that you can consciously create a vision for your
future it doesn't happen in once in one minute or an hour you write it down you
work on until I mean you finally hit on it you know you know you got it when you
read it back to yourself your vision statement and it moves you and you feel
inspired okay and you know so you'll have that and and what happens is every
human being is thirsty for a vision everyone is and so few people haven't
said what I do they gravitate towards someone who has a vision for the future
because they want to be a part of a vision part of being a great
entrepreneur is having that vision being able to create the vision and then sell
that vision to other people to get them to want to be inspired to buy into it to
put in their time their hard work their elbow grease to help you achieve your
vision if you're a smartphone then you spread the wealth around it's a it's a
win-win for everybody my son's 14 it's fabulous and we're
having this conversation about when he plays in sports or when he does
something about you go full out or do you not and I see sometimes in him that
when he's out on the field of doing something he doesn't play full out and
I'll have an excuse like my leg hurts or my arm hurts or something happened the
coach was unfair what are the hanger the referee was unfair and what happens with
people is we tend to go out into the world and we look for those sort of
excuses about why things aren't the way we want them
and when you do that you lose all your power in life you start focusing on the
external on the excuses you lose your power here's the way people really think
I will tell you I can go out on the stage and bomb you go out there you just
bomb right and people will respect you for going out there and trying your
hardest it's not how you actually perform that earns you the respect of
your peers it's the fact that you went out and actually did it that's the
difference so if you're out there right now you're a new salesperson or you're
struggling as a salesperson there's no embarrassment in struggle it's just not
the embarrassment is in quitting the embarrassment is it not trying your
hardest poor people believe they are creatures of circumstance that means
that the life life happens to them you get that wall
rich people are creators of circumstance I will tell you this there is no more
destructive belief in the world and to think that life happens to you because
there's three things that you do when you don't think that you can create your
own destiny I'll tell you exactly what they are right number one the first
thing you do is you play what I call the blame game you stop blaming everybody
for why you don't have what you want you'll blame the government you'll grin
your family you blame your spouse you'll blame your boss you'll blame the economy
you'll blame the people on Wall Street which probably deserve some blame but
you'll blame anybody and everybody when you think the world happens to you
you're powerless the second thing you do is you justify
it is because because the economy stinks it's because people are unfair to me
it's because money doesn't really matter anyway bullshit you don't know that I
live on love alone really go bring that to the bank and pay the rent hello okay
I love la middle of other the greatest woman in the world on them I'm gonna get
married next year for the third time unfortunately but I'm getting married
next year great woman so I know that but you know money's money right they
justify third this is the worst one of all so write it down and big lives they
complain I hate these people you know why I'll tell you why because I do
believe in some laws of the universe I do and one of them is that what you
focus on expands gets bigger and what you focus on you attract because you
move towards it your focus is on you attract so here's what happens when
you're complaining what are you focusing on all the in your life so guess what
happens to you you become a giant get the picture I don't want to be around
because they attracted to you got to get away from them because when here's some
playing like that you to it's the worst of all
that's what complain does so if you're a person that believes that you know
you're a creature of circumstance life happens to you good luck what sales
really is is the transfer of emotion that's what's happening when you sell
your transferring emotion and the primary emotion that you're transferring
is the emotion of certainty in other words watch this you as a salesman when
you enter the encounter you have to be absolutely certain that your product is
the best make sense it's gonna give them the best benefits out there the best
value proposition and so forth and you are in the state of absolute certainty
so imagine now we have a continuum of certainty a line of certainty so we have
this line of certainty and on one side of the equation we have it's called a1
and the other side we have a 10 so a 10 represents a state of absolute certainty
meaning your prompt is the best thing since sliced bread it's gonna give them
exactly what they want benefit wise it's the best deal for the money is gonna
make them feel the whole thing right it is just absolutely awesome that's a 10
on the certain skill it is great the best thing since sliced bread and on the
other end of the spectrum you have what's called a 1 right which is it's
the worst piece of shit in the world right it's crap right your product is
terrible it's not gonna work okay the benefits don't match up what
they need it's overpriced I didn't want to be near this piece of crap because I
just feel stupid even buying it or even thinking about buying it that's a 1
right so here's the first thing you need to understand that the moment you open
up your mouth to speak as a sales from you start a sale the question is this
where is the average prospect the person you're trying to sell to where are they
on the certainty scale at the beginning anyone know where are they who the knows
you must be in this state of absolute certainty because what's happening is
this what you're doing when you're selling is everything that you say
everything that you do every tonality use every gesture you make every
document you hand them every phrase that comes out of your mouth are all designed
to do one simple thing to essentially raise the prospects level of certainty
to as close to his 10 as it possible that's what you're doing your the words
that you say the the presentation that you make the tonality that you use every
any document you in sales AIDS whatever it might be is all designed to take them
from where they are on the certainty scale and move to as close to where you
are as possible essentially you're transferring your white-hot certainty to
songs that up at a lower level of certainty it's
almost like this first law or so I think it's actually the second law of
thermodynamics in physics rather you study physics energy always flows from
hot to cold not the other way around so you need to be this white-hot level
of certainty it's exerting out of you every pore that you have and we know
what certainty feels like in sounds like we intuitively know as salespeople and
our prospects know as well we know when someone sounds certain and they have
confidence and they're enthusiastic we know what that looks like feels like it
sounds like essentially the police that you old about yourself about your
capabilities about money whether you don't believe that attract money to you
or that repel money whether that you have believes that allow you to move
through barriers and obstacles or beliefs that cause you to shy away from
barriers and obstacles and the beliefs that we have really control our actions
we don't typically go at things or do things that we believe we're not good at
we don't take actions everything we're gonna fail we shy away and then of
course we don't say that we're scared we come up with a story
so the sort of these negative these limiting beliefs Institute it's the gate
they're telling the both stories ourselves right and it holds us back
from success so the idea is that is to understand what your core limiting
beliefs are and then to actually break those beliefs and you can do that's not
that if you want to do it do it in a seminar setting you break the limiting
beliefs and you essentially empower somebody by helping them install their
own beliefs in themselves because your beliefs are malleable you can change
them so the idea is to essentially retrofit your beliefs to serve you and
your outcomes in the case of entrepreneurs stuff and money is not the
root of all evil that building the business as possible that I can learn
whatever any noble sort of beliefs people have these extraordinary skills
and they take action yeah so I'm a big believer in learning skills like you
wrote read my first book right yes well when I first tried to write I was a
terrible writer I taught myself to write by woeful Wall Street was your first
book yes I don't roll before I put my first try drives to tell right how I
copies have sold a millions of copies right Wow so how do
right wolf of wallstreet myself without a ghost right I picked up a book called
bonfire of the vanities and started reading it Tom wolf before you've read
it right yeah and as soon as I started reading I'm like oh my god this guy's
the best writer in the world I want to write like that and I used his book like
a textbook I took out my highlighter and I broke down his strategy for writing
and I practiced before I wrote the book I said let me first teach myself the
skill to write like Tom Wolfe and that's what I did I spent about six or seven
months with 18 hours a day really oh yes to the poor I can't recite
the whole book verbatim okay obviously so the point is is that I learnt how to
introduce characters almost like was a mentor the book was your mentor it had
my model yeah I mean I wrapped it up with tons of rest counselors to get it
made sense go to the drug use right so I know but I used those pmm I was
reviewing the New York Times they said the book sounds like want the rest
Thompson and Tom Wolfe so it was amazing right then I accomplished my mission and
made her turn myself into a writer my message is this there's only one way to
get rich and that's quick that's not a get-rich-quick scheme though it's the
world's too expensive to get rich slowly but what I mean by getting rich quick is
that there are certain things you have to know on the inner game of wealth how
you manage your emotional state your beliefs your standards your focus in the
outer game entrepreneurship sales marketing how to develop multiple
streams of income once you it takes time that's where the hard work is a lot of
hard work goes into getting this lined up and that lined up but once you have
it all lined up and you've done the work then you can make money very very
quickly so it's not a scheme but you got to get rich quick and you have to put
the work in I say if you don't want to work hard good luck I mean I don't know
any rich people it don't work really really hard that's the bottom line so
hard work and knowing knowing stuff there's no quick fix easy so it's you
know it's again when you get rich it happens quickly but there's a lot of
work that goes up to that point before the money starts pouring and that's the
distinction that I think a lot of people who are not wealthy they don't get that
they think that it's you accumulate money just a little bit at a time it
doesn't work that way you work work work don't get the resultant BAM one last
piece of the puzzle clicks in whether it's not knowing how to close and all
happens well I still do a firm called the Investor Center which is a penny
stock farm right and that was where I you know was really first my ever sold
stock and I became the the top broker the FIR
- broke all the records really the first day you broke all your first day yeah
yeah so you're a bore do you think you're a born salesman yeah
for sure I am another and there are people out there will born closers one
salesman far if you would do there are some when that really means though what
does it mean to be a born salesman what it means is that you're actually running
the strategy automatically inside usually good you're still following this
script but it comes natural automatically so you but you don't
realize it but you are following a certain protocol that gets you to the
same outcome every time so that's really what it born closers so for those people
watching that our entrepreneurs want to learn sales what did you do in that
first day that you basically became on top sales in like was there we're gonna
talk more about your whole sales straight-line formula but first Dan you
didn't have time to implement a whole script what do you do that most people
don't do is it your tonality that's one of the things body language tonality
taking people through features not just features but benefits according I think
you did that first day well in fact I see one of the interesting things you
say you had enough time to put the other scripts in fact I did oh you did oh yeah
day one I took three hours to write one see I would never this is something
interesting thing had many years layers is relevant is that when I was tested by
some psychologists not my ability to close they put me through a whole
battery of these weird tests and one of them was a mock sale where I had to
close someone in a investment type of situation that was being filled was
there like so me this panel there's they handed me up like a little sort of us
some information on the dairy industry and I have to then convince someone to
open up an account at a firm to manage the money for the dairy industry right
okay so they handed out about 10-12 pages of information right and they said
take as much time as you want and you know just I said let's see you close
this guy right so I start reading I'm reading it and I'm reading right I start
writing down my thoughts about 30 minutes later they knock on the door I'm
like yeah it said give me more time yeah just give me another 30 bits I said okay
no problem 30 minutes goes by they come back I said just me another 20 minutes
they said no problem take twenty more minutes I said give me 15 more minutes
right anyway after about two hours I said I'm ready and I wrote myself a
really really not an exact but pretty close to a really killer
script with so if you know how I would actually engineer the sail from storm
surge penny stocks no canals recent material is relevant now this is in
nineteen it's like I think 2010 at this Apple okay with psychologists being fill
okay this is the later guy he was an actor and he was opposed to be the CEO
of a dairy company and I was supposed to close him so we go through this whole
thing I introduced myself and I we go for this back and forth back and forth
and they're filming the whole thing and it's about 15 minutes
the guy just he's like okay fine I've opened up an account and he starts
laughing his ass off so I'm like what's so funny
psychologists cover and they say we told them under no circumstances should he
say yes yeah within 15 minutes yet no he said yes I don't get it he said I said
well you don't I got the guy into a situation did it make sense to say no he
said well here's the weird thing we've tested a hundred other people in sales
and no one ever spent more than five minutes reading the material huh you
spent so apparation it's some simple fundamental teach equip are the straight
line is about strategic preparation meeting that you don't you know what was
my overriding concept is every sales the same right yes and that would seem to be
counterintuitive yes because everyone has different needs different belief
systems right different outcomes real but the truth is that every sale is the
same yes and I'll explain that little bit later on in the interview but it
starts with your ability to essentially make an airtight case to someone yes on
both illogical and right yeah about you know essentially why you're
right you could want them to do whatever you want them to why does it make sense
right yes and it's got to be an airtight case and then you have to be able to
also accomplish other things as well so there's two ways to go about that one is
still wing it which you could might be able to do if you're really really great
or you can write it down plan it out I mean the second one is where you really
start to bring your averages of tremendous easel when I was 12 years old
I was shoveling driveways after snowstorms in New York yeah big twenty
bucks a driveway after a big snowstorm I hit it big for the first time when I
was 16 selling Isis on the beach blanket - blanket the blanket night by that's
how it started and after that I was hiring people to come work at little I'd
12 year old kids selling puka shell necklaces for my mother was buttering
bagels in the morn and that was really the way I always was
was you know moving towards life yeah I was just you know always wanted to make
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