Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 21 2018

Hello everyone very good to see you. Today's vlog entry is really intended for those professionals that own

Matterport cameras and are Matterport service providers

I think I have a really good idea, but first. Let me tell you where it came from. Last night

I completed a video, and I keep using the word

"changing". Changing implies that things are in a state of progression.

Well, the reality is is the market has already "changed."

I'm utilizing video, Matterport and address specific websites.

My goal in having done

that was to become even a larger real estate broker than I am, and I've already been in Realtor of the Year and California

Champion of Home.

So part of what I've done is, I'm going to say the philosophical approach to life.

When I was a young man President Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you,

but what you can do for your country? I think right now is the time to

utilize that

philosophy. And say what can we do for Matterport as a collective group of voices?

I think there's a lot more that can be done.

I'm going to pitch something to Matterport that will not really cost anybody anything,

and could promote each one of our businesses,

and the knowledge of what Matterport brings to our community.

I'm going to do everything I can to quit saying the word

"changing." And make it "changed" because the reality is

anyone in San Diego in any price range of home not just the upper end

can come and get Matterport, video and address specific websites. If you're not following me on

YouTube I welcome you to come and subscribe. I just did a live broadcast with another broker that

utilized Matterport for a short sale. Now the strength of that is, the bank can see the

absolute condition of the property and there's no argument about

whether the property was properly marketed.

It's a tremendous advantage and one that almost no one is using because we keep saying the markets

"changing." It's


Please, I'm going to close this out with the last

Matterport advertisement that I did, if you're following me, and I utilize the word

"changing" instead of changed, please

call me on the phone and tell me to stop it because I really need to. We are

"Changed." I wish you the very best you're a Matterport service provider and you can do anything. Enjoy these final two

segments. One is only going be about ten seconds long, and it talks about the progression of a movement.

It's a small quote.

The other is the video that I did to present my unique value proposition to the market

I wish you all the best this will not be widely broadcast it will be an unlisted,

here in YouTube, but I would really welcome you, if you'd like to be a subscriber to my channel. Thank you very much.

When people come to my home for the first time they ask George why do you have

mousetraps everywhere? And I said because I'm always looking for a way to make a better mousetrap.

What you're looking at is a hologram of Matterport 3d

Dimensional tour like we use on every one of our listings.

You can walk through the home literally in a virtual reality tour. Should you want to, and we don't stop there?

We also provide video and address specific websites for each one of our listings irrespective of cost.

That's why

attorneys, financial planners and CPAs the most

trusted people in your life will recommend that you have these services.

And we don't charge more for them if you have a few more minutes for us to talk please let's get together!

For more infomation >> Matterport | Changed Real Estate | San Diego Realtor - Duration: 4:39.


Opel Corsa 1.0 Turbo 90pk 5drs Color Edition - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0 Turbo 90pk 5drs Color Edition - Duration: 1:02.


U&D: Nilufar, gogna social e lacrime, Lorenzo Riccardi bacia Sara? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> U&D: Nilufar, gogna social e lacrime, Lorenzo Riccardi bacia Sara? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:58.


Opel Corsa 1.2 3drs BlitZ - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2 3drs BlitZ - Duration: 0:54.


How to Preview Audio Waveform in the Layer on After Effects - Duration: 1:06.

Here you can see my audio layer on the timeline

and it's not showing the preview of the audio waveform.

You can see the waveform by exploring the layer menu

And here we are.

Or you can use the shortcut on you keyboard. select the audio layer

and hit the L key (lower case) twice in quick succession

The audio waveform reveals itself in all

Hope you all enjoying this tutorial. Please make sure you subscribe our channel and press the bell icon.

For more infomation >> How to Preview Audio Waveform in the Layer on After Effects - Duration: 1:06.


Audi A6 Avant 1.8 TFSI 140KW Sp. Edition Vollausstattung o.a Panoramadak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 1.8 TFSI 140KW Sp. Edition Vollausstattung o.a Panoramadak - Duration: 1:01.


L'Isola dei famosi 2018, Eva Henger messa nei guai dagli ex concorrenti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei famosi 2018, Eva Henger messa nei guai dagli ex concorrenti | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Audi A6 Avant 2.7 TDI 190pk S Edition Multitronic - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 2.7 TDI 190pk S Edition Multitronic - Duration: 1:00.


Škoda Superb Combi 1.6 TDI 120pk Ambition Business DSG | Trekhaak | - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Škoda Superb Combi 1.6 TDI 120pk Ambition Business DSG | Trekhaak | - Duration: 1:00.


Nanatsu no Taizai: S2 Opening TV Latino『Howling - JesuFan - Pablo Aleman Ft. Arnold02』 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nanatsu no Taizai: S2 Opening TV Latino『Howling - JesuFan - Pablo Aleman Ft. Arnold02』 - Duration: 1:45.


Anteprima Isola dei famosi, sesta puntata: Nino eliminato la prossima settimana? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Anteprima Isola dei famosi, sesta puntata: Nino eliminato la prossima settimana? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


'L'Isola dei Famosi': cosa è accaduto a Giucas Casella? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> 'L'Isola dei Famosi': cosa è accaduto a Giucas Casella? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Volkswagen Caddy 2.0TDI 75pk Highline | Navigatie | Airco | LM velgen - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 2.0TDI 75pk Highline | Navigatie | Airco | LM velgen - Duration: 0:58.


Isola dei Famosi 2018: continua il 'canna-gate' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2018: continua il 'canna-gate' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs High Up! Executive Drive - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 5drs High Up! Executive Drive - Duration: 1:02.


Voici comment ne plus avoir la peau grasse ! - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Voici comment ne plus avoir la peau grasse ! - Duration: 4:50.


Škoda Citigo 1.0 60pk 5-drs Greentech Ambition Plus Pakket - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Škoda Citigo 1.0 60pk 5-drs Greentech Ambition Plus Pakket - Duration: 1:01.


Une astuce incroyable pour se débarrasser des moustiques ! - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Une astuce incroyable pour se débarrasser des moustiques ! - Duration: 3:08.


Škoda Octavia 1.0 TSI 115pk Greentech DSG Ambition Business - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Škoda Octavia 1.0 TSI 115pk Greentech DSG Ambition Business - Duration: 1:03.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


Dorota R. w prokuraturze. Usłyszała kolejny zarzut || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 8:39.

Dorota R. w prokuraturze. Usłyszała kolejny zarzut

Dorota R. ma spore kłopoty.

Piosenkarka stawiła się w Prokuraturze Okręgowej w Warszawie, gdzie razem z Emilem S.

usłyszała zarzuty składania fałszywych zeznań. Wcześniej w listopadzie prokuratura postawiła Dorocie R.

i jej partnerowi zarzuty stosowania gróźb w stosunku do jej byłego narzeczonego Emila H.

Ciąg dalszy kłopotów piosenkarki Doroty R.

Gwiazda 21 lutego usłyszała zarzut, składania fałszywych zeznań w sprawie kontaktów z Jerzym Ch.

i Markiem W.. Obaj mieli odwiedzić biuro Emila H. , byłego narzeczonego piosenkarki.

Mężczyźni mieli go zastraszać i zmuszać do tego, aby wycofał wszelkie oskarżenia pod adresem byłej narzeczonej i zapłacił jej sporą kwotę jako zadośćuczynienie.

Mieli otrzymać za to 175 tysięcy złotych od Emila S..

„Prokurator przedstawił podejrzanym zarzuty składania fałszywych zeznań w toku jednego ze śledztw prowadzonych przez Prokuraturę Okręgową w Warszawie,.

które pod koniec grudnia 2017 r. zostało zakończone skierowaniem do Sądu aktu oskarżenia przeciwko Jerzemu Ch. oraz Markowi W.

W/w zostali oskarżeni o dokonanie oszustwa na szkodę Emila S.

na kwotę prawie 175 tys. Oskarżeni wprowadzili w błąd Emila S.,.

co do swoich kontaktów w służbach specjalnych oraz możliwości załatwienia określonych spraw i na jego zlecenie,.

za wynagrodzeniem, mieli podjąć się działań ukierunkowanych na doprowadzenie do zawarcia ugody pomiędzy Emilem H,.

a Dorotą R" – czytamy w komunikacie przesłanym przez prokuratora Łukasza Łapczyńskiego, rzecznika prasowego Prokuratury Okręgowej w Warszawie.

Dorota R. miała natomiast zataić informację, że widziała się z mężczyznami, którzy grozili jej byłemu partnerowi. „Dorocie R. prokurator przedstawił zarzut złożenia w dniu 11 maja 2017 r. fałszywych zeznań,.

na okoliczność kiedy i w jaki sposób powzięła wiedzę o zaangażowaniu się Emila S.

w rozwiązanie jej konfliktu z Emilem H.

Mianowicie w/w zeznała, iż dowiedziała się o tym w styczniu 2017 r.

, podczas gdy w rzeczywistości, co najmniej od 13 grudnia 2016 r. była świadoma, że Emil S.

podejmował działania w tym zakresie. Jak ustalono w toku śledztwa, Dorota R. w dniu 13 grudnia 2016 r.

na terenie Hotelu Marriott w Warszawie uczestniczyła w spotkaniu z udziałem Emila S., Jerzego Ch.

i Jacka M., podczas którego w/w ustalali działania skierowane przeciwko Emilowi H..

Ponadto w dniu 31 grudnia 2016 r. w Zakopanem uzyskała od Marka W. informacje o przebiegu tych działań, w tym o tym,.

że bezpośredni wykonawcy zostali zatrzymani przez policjantów na terenie firmy Emila H.

" – podał dalej prokurator Łapczyński. Emil S, partner „Dody", także usłyszał zarzuty składania fałszywych zeznań.

„Emilowi S. prokurator przedstawił zarzut kilkukrotnego zatajenia prawdy, poprzez zeznanie, że Dorota R.

do początku stycznia 2017 r.

nie miała wiedzy o jego działaniach ukierunkowanych na rozwiązanie jej konfliktu z Emilem H.

, w które zaangażował kilku mężczyzn, a także poprzez zeznanie,.

że dowiedziała się o nich dopiero w okresie, kiedy w mediach ukazały się informacje o najściu Emila H.

w siedzibie jego firmy przez czterech mężczyzn" – czytamy w komunikacie Prokuratury Okręgowej w Warszawie.

Dorota R. i Emil. nie przyznają się do winy. „Podejrzani nie przyznali się do zarzucanych im czynów.

Złożyli wyjaśniania pozostające w sprzeczności z zebranym w sprawie materiałem dowodowym.

Po ogłoszeniu zarzutów i złożeniu wyjaśnień, czynności przesłuchania zostały zakończone.

Wobec podejrzanych prokurator nie zastosował środków zapobiegawczych.

Prokuratura dysponuje bowiem pewnym, obiektywnym materiałem dowodowym potwierdzającym zdarzenia,.

które kwestionowali podejrzani,

logowaniami ich telefonów oraz zdjęciami, których autentyczność została potwierdzona." – poinformował Łukasz Łapczyński.

Podejrzanym grozi kara do 8 lat pozbawienia wolności.

For more infomation >> Dorota R. w prokuraturze. Usłyszała kolejny zarzut || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 8:39.


Fifa Mobile Yeni Seri (kadromu siz kurun) İlk Tekliflerim ! - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> Fifa Mobile Yeni Seri (kadromu siz kurun) İlk Tekliflerim ! - Duration: 9:00.


(Ep-1) The Guild 2: Renaissance with Trixz - Duration: 1:37:06.

For more infomation >> (Ep-1) The Guild 2: Renaissance with Trixz - Duration: 1:37:06.


Mazda 2 1.5 skyactiv-g 90 dynamic+ - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 1.5 skyactiv-g 90 dynamic+ - Duration: 0:54.


Nanatsu no Taizai: S2 Opening TV Latino『Howling - JesuFan - Pablo Aleman Ft. Arnold02』 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nanatsu no Taizai: S2 Opening TV Latino『Howling - JesuFan - Pablo Aleman Ft. Arnold02』 - Duration: 1:45.


Fifa Mobile Yeni Seri (kadromu siz kurun) İlk Tekliflerim ! - Duration: 9:00.

For more infomation >> Fifa Mobile Yeni Seri (kadromu siz kurun) İlk Tekliflerim ! - Duration: 9:00.


Free Afrobeat x Dancehall Instrumental 2018 "Amsterdam" Afro Trap - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Free Afrobeat x Dancehall Instrumental 2018 "Amsterdam" Afro Trap - Duration: 3:42.


#SqueezieFondVert : L'Aventurier du fond vert - Duration: 2:03.

Squeezie : Hey !

Useless Guy : We can go, there is no danger here *Squeezie burp in background*

Indiana Jones : That's what afraid me

Squeezie : Hey ! Do I bother you ?

Say it otherwise

Squeezie : Fuck it !

Squeezie : It was pretty close !

Indiana Jones : Stay here !

Useless guy : If you say so senior Squeezie : Come !

Squeezie : Come here with me

Squeezie : We are comfortable here

Squeezie : Not bad

Squeezie : I have to say it, he's good

Squeezie : Really

However, Can he do that ?

Squeezie : Well, no

Squeezie : It works everytime !

Squeezie : Okay I'm leaving !

Squeezie : Turtle Formation ! *teleportation sound*

*teleportation sound*

*Outro Music of Squeezie*

For more infomation >> #SqueezieFondVert : L'Aventurier du fond vert - Duration: 2:03.


GOODBYE JRAT. The RAT was THIS and much MORE. Be happy! RIP JRAT (enable CAPTIONS) - Duration: 10:01.

Hi, good night guys. So? It's all right?

Today, I have here a theme that many of you already know ...

others probably not yet, but ... I had to make this video at night because

I am SAD as the night, because a companion of ours LEFT US, is not it?

That was JRAT, J-Rat, FRIEND Pedro Gomes ...

I've seen several videos of some motovloggers friends who talk about this character,

of this person, of this friend, oh men... and that really touches me ...

By the time our friend Edgar died, I was touched.

Also, you can see this video where I did the all the motovlog crying ... It COSTS, right?

In this case I knew the JRat much better than the friend Edgar ...

in this case of JRat we made several tours, we were also to the National meeting of Motovloggers

Several times I rode with him on a motorcycle, and I always talked to him, we both had some things in common

namely the DOGS, and he was always a person who listened ...

because he was a 5 STARS person despite the DIFFICULT LIFE he had,

Yes sir, he had a difficult life, he CONFIDED, he felt comfortable talking with me about it,

of PROBLEMS that he had of the FAMILY, whe had NO FAMILY,

And then, I do not know what happened ...

When ... because I was on vacation this week, hence the absence of videos ...

I was on vacation, I was away, I went to make the trip of my life in a week ...

and suddenly, almost about to come away, I am confronted with a friend,

who was also VERY FRIEND of him, very much, indeed it was him who introduced me to JRat, he is Augusto.

And I was confronted with this news of his DEATH and very sincerely I was...WITHOUT WORDS ...

I already MISS HIM, of his AFFECTION, I am without words ... sincerely

I really miss him, miss his videos, to see his JOKES, to PASS away, to PLAY with others,

to look at the YOUNG GIRLS, to say what HE HAD IN THE SOUL, of HONKING, of ACCELERATE ...

missing him putting MAIZE in the exhaust pipe to see if it could MAKE POPCORN

of JUMPING the RIDES, I do not know, so much I miss, I miss of the POET he was, he was a POET,

he was a LONE BOY, had 3 animals there with him, he loved dogs, BUT he WROTE a lot,

I know HE WROTES, and then he had the WORD DOM, he KNEW HOW TO TALK,

he KNEW how to tell a story from beginning to end and was a FUNNY person, super funny person.

I think we all are going to MISS him...the FRIENDS ...

and I think he still had a LOT to give us ... VERY SURE ...

I do not know what else I can say about him, I just know that Motovlog will get a lot hurt by it.

Everyone, he had CHARISMA, everyone liked to HEAR him, even if it was just riding a motorcycle,

suddenly a person would start laughing with him...

I already miss this

It remains to me, I hope his channel continues like this ... that nobody closes it, that Google does not close it

which is for us to be able to ALWAYS REMEMBER with his madness, WELL WILLED that he was DESPITE EVERYTHING!

Not knowing what happened in that apartment ... the before and during ...

is always regret to see a news of these, a friend sent me a link of the news, maybe I'll put it there in description.

No detail is known of what happened, but it is VERY SAD, VERY SAD ...

A FRIEND LEFT, I would certainly RIDE WITH him many times ... and is VERY SAD ...

Well guys, I could not let this video undone even for the RESPECT that I had DELE,

and here is my TRUTH FEELING to him and HOPE that he is RESTING and that he is LOOKING FOR US...

and if there are a lot of JRATs out there ... we need guys like that ... GOOD GUYS OK?

Guys...a big hug and JRat ... REST IN PEACE COMPANION ... Bye guys...

and I have to CLOSE this with a PHRASE that will stay forever in our HEARTS, in our EARS...

and the phrase is his own ...

BE HAPPY ! ! !

For more infomation >> GOODBYE JRAT. The RAT was THIS and much MORE. Be happy! RIP JRAT (enable CAPTIONS) - Duration: 10:01.


Pourquoi Jenni­fer Anis­ton pour­rait revendre sa bague de fiançailles - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Jenni­fer Anis­ton pour­rait revendre sa bague de fiançailles - Duration: 2:27.


New Artist To Watch

For more infomation >> New Artist To Watch


Nanatsu no Taizai: S2 Opening TV Latino『Howling - JesuFan - Pablo Aleman Ft. Arnold02』 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Nanatsu no Taizai: S2 Opening TV Latino『Howling - JesuFan - Pablo Aleman Ft. Arnold02』 - Duration: 1:45.


best duaa from poisonous, duaa for safety and protection,saanp ki zehar ka asar khatam karny ka dua - Duration: 1:04.

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