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Техніка війни №111. «Богдан» для ЗСУ. Стрільба з укриття [ENG SUB] - Duration: 17:45.
Translation Anton Duhnovsky
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:
War technologies
Through new sanctions of USA Russian defense loss contracts more than on 3 billion dollars
Also from release you will now
Why ends АТО on Donbas?
Which alternative to Phantom developed?
Is effective shooting with curved barrel?
What happens with drone MQ-1 Predator?
And where again inflamed russian fleet?
On beginning aggression from Russia not only volunteers start supply Ukrainian warriors auto-transport and create self-made AVs
Fatherlands companies also began actively develop technique for military purpose. Among them corporation Bogdan, from factory of which we arrive you fresh report
In February corporation Bogdan appear in center of volunteers critics cause of sanitary automobile Bogdan-2251. Says, half of examples in rayon АТО stands on remount
Admired in Head military-medicine management of Armed forces declare, that from formation gone only 4 automobiles: two on remount, one in turn and more one destroyed by enemy
Any way on Povitriaflotskiy decided to discuss ways of improving model: military rulers, producers, medics and volunteers
In us three directed subgroups, as we are agreed. One engaged immediately medicine, it is section
Second part prepare its proposals for chassis, engine, suspension etc., what touches Bogdans. Third group – proposals for exploitation, technical supply, service, as in military part, by producer, and by companies giving service supplying
Remind you, that before 2016 centralized Ukrainian army did not buy sanitary technique. So in help to «tablets», volunteers, and also machines from foreign help was purchased hundred sanitary autos Bogdan-2251
he first car came under the new 2016 in the 30th brigade. And then, in 2017, cars began to enter other military vehicles. Depending on the application, everyone visited the ATO
Position of producer lays in, that exploitation of machines somewhere were without computing methodical recommendations. Also problem in quality of fuel and consumable materials
Any way for given now moment these questions regulated, and for crews on «Bogdan» provided training and instructions, which may prevent old mistakes
The course is quite informative. The term should be increased. It is necessary to reduce working groups for training up to 5-6 people. Currently 25 servicemen are engaged. Subsequently, it is planned to be grouped on the scale of the Armed Forces
All universal automobiles – it is unction enough valuable. Military technique must be utilitarian or she must be ranged for directions of exploitation
We executives, we execute will of orderer. Orderer for us is Ministry of defense. Which in final result show up technical task, medical-sanitary demands new ones on this automobile, that product we will create
It will become not sooner, then by few months. And price of new evolution «sanitary» can, as rise, so fall. Depends on technical task from militaries
When improved version Bogdan-2251 will be ready, check in «War Technologies» apart subject. And till, using visit to Cherkasuy, we are interest in producer other auto-technique, which proposed to Armed forces of Ukraine
For example, already two years here work on replacing soviet Gaz -66 and now look at three chassis. Already demonstrated farmer version with soviets moving part, cabin production of JAC, and also 130-power turbo-diesel, transmission box and back axle from Hyundai HD-72
Remove «shisharik» may got all chanses also model Кіа КМ450, which ready to equip by demands of Ukrainian defenders. Anyway biggest basic work leaded by third variant
Nearly on one more chassis preparing one more automobile on chassis Hyundai. There are already constructors solutions from Korean side
Now work our constructors. Trying to move out maximum similarity by passing, by characteristics, by cargo lifting from Gaz-66
Just for past week two military parts get technique on base of Bogdan-6317. 78 apart battalion for material supply, what in Krivoy Rog, accept party from 10 trucks on base Maz
And military arsenal, that near Kalinivka on Vinnitsa, renewed on three fireteam autos with cisterns of 5,5 tones. Btw, nearly became known about letting to exploitation in Armed forces of Ukraine model Bogdan-63172, which in this year will actively supply to army
It is version Maz-6317, which get rid off Russian engine YaMZ and transmission from eyes-seen reasons
Our company decide to replace this engine on more modern. It is engine from chinese company Vichae Power, it is Chinese subsection of company Deutz. Was replaced transmission box from company Fast Gear
Which for-fist improve characteristics of auto-mobile and it is was proven by acts of estimate tests and for-second. Automobile gives essential economy by fuel. And third, I consider, very heavy factor is velocity characteristics
Bogdan-63172 may got same sizes, that most biggest version MAZ, on what he build on. Cargo lifting of example 11 tones and sits in body allows transport 58 fighters
380-power engine in pair with new transmission supports maximum velocity in 110 kilometers per second, what on 20% more rapid from Maz. Accordingly and power reserve persuade and consist almost 1,5 thousand kilometers
And did not forget we to ask about fate of machines, in which factory put in most of forces. Project of AV Bars-6, which we tested, for sorrow a bit stopped cause absence of concrete proposals from forces
And Bars-8 now on final stage of government tests and after 2 month may be already in final image. Btw his version with 120-millimeter mortar Bars-8ММК same now starts on significant tests
New general director for Government concern «UkrOboronProm» signed Pavel Bukin, who before it rule «UkrSpecExport»
Btw, in 2012-13 he already was secondary head of GoverConcern. With this message begin digest news of defenses Ukraine and world
General staff reformate АТО into OUF – operation of United forces. Ruler will designated human with battle experience, and operations will be coordinate exceptionally militaries
Renaming opens new possibilities in plane of using armies in rights field, cause Russia recognized aggressor at all levels
Ukrainian designer Denis Silich proposed conceptual new unmanned platform, which over-head Phantom and Phantom-2
On-land robotic system can be equipped with optic-еelectric equipments, thermal visors, special microphones. Also by conception provided additional armor and variant with caterpillars on place of wheels
Ukrainian producer of tactical equipment М-ТАК test on strongness new on-shoulder Pathfinder Pack. At start army rucksack tie to car and drag in forest road and swamp 7 kilometers
Then filled with bricks drop from 5-meters height. Also product hold «abuses» with weighting in 92 kilograms
Head management of growth and support material supply prove Instruction for development sleeve signs. By criteria size of emblem should not over-height 100 mm in height and 90 mm in wide
diameter of sign should not be higher than 90 mm. And colors designed on picture should not be more than 4
Hundred of operations plan to provide leader ophthalmologists to fighters, what get traumas on Donbas. Action "100 eyes" organized charity fund "Ukrainian project Mercy", telephone of hotline which is (096) 058-73-73
Projects begin in August 2016 and till today operated 150 warriors and their family members
Company ZRO Delta created new pistol system Genesis Z-9. Modular example for 1300 bucks with construction like Glock might to change caliber and other additional devices
That time company MasterPiece Arms created hybrid chassis mass 4 kilograms, on base of which able to build, as hunters, so and sport rifles
Iraq army get first party among Russian BMP-3, which plan to buy 500. Example armed with 100-millimeter cannon 2А70 and 30-mm cannon 2А72, ATGM 9К116-3 and three 7,62-millimeters MGs
Same time Councel of defend India share 150 million dollars on buying 149 IFV Saras, which is copy of BMP-2
USA and Israel successfully tested systems of arms «Arrow-3» and «Hetz-3», what is important part of Israel anti-missile defense
Senate of Romania give permission on placing on its territory elements of American missile defense
And Sweden buy at USA four modernized AA missile complexes Patriot PAC-3+, price 3,2 bln dollars each
Chinese shipyard release on water third corvette F113 class Shadhinota for Navy Bangladesh. Ship equipped with new Radar with mechanic antenna
And Pentagon decided to rearm his newest destroyers Zumwalt and change their purpose. Apart on-land targets ships will be able to make hits also in on-land objects
In port of Russian Vladivostok flamed grand anti-boat ship "Marshal Shaposhnikov" Pacific oceans fleet of Russia
In Mexica crushed military helicopter, what perform fly over zone of earthquake. Died 13 passengers
And study-training plane SF260D fall on west of Turkey. Two members of crew do not survive
On british air-base Valley arrived two among ten turbo-screw planes production USA Beechcraft Т-6-C Texan-2
That time army of China get new stealth-fighter fifth generation J-20, which at first rise in skу in 2011, and was demonstrated to wide society on Airshow China-2016
Developers of Air-Force academy of the name Jukovskiy and Gagarin show unmanned, what looks like true bird
In Nigeria accepted on arms fatherlands UAV "Cigumy" for wide specter of tasks
And commandment of USAF write off strike UAVs MQ-1 Predator, which serve from 2005. Last flight will be 9 of March
To learn right shooting from cover, necessary to pass not one training at experienced battle instructor. There important stance of body, right-handed or left, etc
To easy this task and make battle safer humanity for long ago develop different devices. What reached by last 100 years – know our journalist Genadiy Salivon
In positions of First world war showed up periscopic rifles. Them allow shot off the enemy from trenches, not posing under his bullets. Improved versions used also in time of Second world war by all sides
For steady MG's released periscopic scopes. But most known device for shoots from cover of those times is germanese Krummlauf, literary-curved barrel, for Sturmgewehr 44
This device is prismatic periscopic sight. He with curved barrel is not part of weapon, but attached to it with help of special devices
Near place of attachment are two openings for removing gas. Smooth barrel got diameter 16 mm and radius of bend 250 mm. Ending part of Krummlauf is straight and this stabilize bullet after turn
Krummlauf released in two variants. With barrel under 90* for tankists and under 30* for infantry. Devise shows not bad grouping. On 100 m bullets get in round of 30 cm
And his soviet analog – curved-barrel PPSh showed opposite less precise and less hopeful and in series did not come. But tries to create such weapon in USSR continue, but only MG, that was accepted on arms became Gorunov's KSGM for fortress systems «Buck»
New stage of growth for covers began with coming of electro-optical devices. Thanks to advertisements, today most known device Corner Shot production of same-name American-Israel company. Him now used by specialists almost of 20 countries
Its bracket, in which can integrates any standard pistol. Here can write in Glock 17, Beretta or SIG Sauer
Means any classic pistol. Here is distant trigger for fire trigger, and also camera at end, which send image on display
With corner shot might be same precise injure targets, that hidden over wall, in basement, or trough wall
Using of it is maximum simple. Fasten pistol, full magazine and re-load. This lever allows to move battle part in different sides on 62 degrees
On much less known set of French infantry Filin. To it inserts day-night scope. Image from him can be send to display, that build in helmet
But hit of 2017 became presentation of device ShotGlass from American company Tracking Point. Product on base of Google Glass company propose to use for shots from closed positions common with its computer complex Precision Guided
About it, all these are very pricy solutions, but exists also budget variants. Showing up of collimator scopes push many producers turn to development of simple, but new periscope devices
This device can be used in special operations. He turn over in any direction. With him I can shot as from usual stance so from cover
You see, that I'm well hidden by this cover and this mirror allows you safely lead fire from corner. Its minimal corner, but if necessary to cover bigger diapason of view, so mirror regulated at other angle and even from other side of gun
In comments to these videos discussed also, is able to shoot from closed positions with staff-away optical devices from soviet production. Program War Technologies decided to test it on practice
This mirror is signed for quality control of fighters precisions, watching it from side. Attached with such state from bellow of magazine. Shootings with it not foreseen
As we see not flew away. Completely uncomfortable to aim. Not able to recognize what plane. Seems that turn up, but it falls down. Lets go and see. Grouping - none, but something able to do
It is TR-4, tube of reconnaissance man. Lift up entering pupil on level of precision devices. Props on pistols handle
Powerfully re-coil strikes? Powerfully. Feeling is not well. It somewhere there flies
At using tube of recon-man – not a single hit in. With mirror us lucks to hit in target from small range, but shouldn't accept our experiment as recommendations. Each by self will to decide, use staff-away devices, or no
All devices, about we tell in subject unite one defect. Shooter by self hold weapon in hands, and so might be injured by more powerful or fragmentation ammo
That's why today developers of guns in whole world work over complexes, that controlled at distance. And in Ukraine by past years alike examples presented already near 5 producers
Btw, about on-land robotic systems and new order about from of clothing will know after week. Remind you, this and previous releases of program able to find on site 24 channel and youtube of Military TV of Ukraine. Save yourselves
杨天真只是小咖,鹿晗真正的靠山是这两位投资界的大佬 - Duration: 4:03.
粉丝微博爆料,杨幂昨天带着父母去香港与刘恺威和小糯米团聚了 - Duration: 3:44.
窦靖童的这篇文章信息量太大,她与周迅难不成是忘年恋? - Duration: 3:48.
Actress Choi Yul Comes Forward With Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Jo Jae Hyun(News) - Duration: 1:38.
Actress Choi Yul Comes Forward With Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Jo Jae Hyun
It was previously reported that a famous actor with the initial J is being accused of sexually harassing a female staff member, leading people to speculate that the actor might be Jo Jae Hyun.
As part of the growing Me Too movement where victims come forward about sexual harassment in the Korean entertainment industry, actress Choi Yul also took part and spoke up about Jo Jae Hyun. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
On February 23, Choi Yul uploaded a screenshot of Jo Jae Hyuns profile on her personal Instagram and wrote, I was waiting for you to get exposed. It came a lot earlier than I had expected.
This is only the beginning. There are many more trashy [people] out there. I cant say much since I have a lot to lose, but until the day all perverts disappear, #metoo #with you..
Choi Yuls Instagram account has been set to private, but a source from Jo Jae Hyuns agency stated that they are currently checking with the actor to see if the claims are true.
Barbie has pink hair ??? 🎀 The search for Ken 🎀 Family Barbie 🎀Story with dolls - Duration: 23:20.
We start, we start. I can not wait!
Sylwia, can I see how my hair came out to me?
Not Barbie, half an hour.
But I will look so quickly, nothing will happen...
No Barbie, I told you that I did not
But this only for a moment
No, no, and not once again
Beautiful. Knowing Róża and her crazy ideas is definitely not going to show up on the street.
Take it easy, do not worry, everything will be fine.
Ok, then
We need to apply a rinse that will brighten the hair
Sure! I am ready for any metamorphosis
Ok now water
I'll put you on the hair rinse now. Mixing it with warm water will light your hair
Wow! They really brighten up beautifully
I did not know that it would affect your hair so quickly
And how? And how?
Now they are clear enough
now we have to dry them
now we have to comb it out
How do you like the new color?
Oh, it's really beautiful. How did you do that?
Maybe I can see what my hair looks like
I see you! Get back to your place!
Well, beautiful. I think I'm doomed to wait
And now we will make prints. I'll bring the accessories in a moment
Ok, I have!
Tell me, Rose, which pattern you choose? This?
Whether this?
I still have the two that you choose?
Stars! Stars!
Ok, they will be stars
Ok, now I clip the clip
And now we will spray with a special spray
We will remove the clip
Stars are already here
And now here at the top
And here we will make zigzags
And there are beautiful zigzags
Divinely! I've always wanted to have patterns on my hair
Your hair is now thermoactive from now on
As soon as you wash them with hot water, they will automatically turn clear
With beautiful patterns
They will also be clear once
And once they are dark
Extra! I like it very much!
And now I am asking for some stunning hairstyle. Necessarily!
Sure, it's already done
No, how long it will take!
I finished the masterpiece. You can see now
Wow Sylwia! I just look amazing!
This hairstyle is simply unearthly!
I just can not watch it!
Thanks Sylvia! This is the best hairstyle in my life
It is a pity that in France they do not have such hairdressers
Dear Rose, you look beautiful!
Barbie, it's your turn now!
I invite you to a chair
Barbie, just calm, just calm
Ok, the paint has already been done
And thermal curls, too
Ok, Barbie's note ready? Open!
Oh no! thermal curls? And paint? I'm getting weak...
Ok Barbie, do not look at it yet. It will be a surprise
Oh no! What am I going to do now?
Barbie counts on me, what am I going to do now?
I can not disappoint Barbie
Take it easy Ken, we'll help you find this list
You're right, there's no point
We're looking for a search
I will look here
There is not here
I'll check here
Empty here
Halo halo! Is anybody out there?
I do not see anything here, oh my!
Empty here. Only drinks
Here is empty Ken, what are we doing?
Where did I have this list?
Let me remind myself. I know!
Bathroom! Yes! I've been pruning there lately and I've been ironing. Come with me!
What did he say? I pricked and pressed?
Guys, do not delay. Come on!
We need to look for the boys here
Here I was last time
There is nothing here
There is nothing here
Nothing here
it's also clean here
Oh no, it's not here either
I know! I was outside!
I check in the garage
And I check in flowers
And I'll check on the hammock
oh yes, it's called relaxation
Well, where can it be?
I did not find anything
I also found nothing
Only a windsurf board
For me, also relaxing
It means empty...
Well, I have to do the list myself
Let me remind you how it was.
Wash the car, cook, wash, wash the windows,
Tidy up in the garage, hmmm...
Mow the lawn, clean the garage
That's it
You guys will help?
I think I was left alone
Okay, in a minute you'll be able to see through
Wow Barbie! You just look amazing!
Do you really think so?
But you got me sore
I thought I would have blue hair
and hideous curls
And yes, the pastel color and the pinstripe really please me
I am very pleased, thank you Sylwia!
Oh, no problem
But you've finished me like this today
That I'm closing the living room and going to rest
Like nothing
I just feel beautiful!
Barbie, you look like that. You will see your crazy husband Ken will not recognize you
And that's Ken!
Oh no! I have to go home!
Oh yes!
In the end, peace and quiet!
There on the list was certainly vacuuming so I have to vacuum
And now I have to wash the tiles
How good to clean my tiles with my mop
And if everything shines then I can go to the match
And now unfortunately
30 minutes later
Finished. Wow! He can get here
Well. The garage is finished. Now the last thing and I'm going for children
Ok time to wash the car
But it will shine
Who is trumpeting me?
Oh, hi!
We are!
We came back and brought our children
hahaha father dad hahaha
We met my mother around the corner, we thought we would take children
father dad
oo tata wum wum brum brum wum
daddy titi daddy titi hahaha
titi wum wum
hahaha tutu tutu
How good that you came back because I did everything....
And how do you like me?
Ojei Barbie, you just look beautiful!
I think I have to stay at home more often and do my homework for you
And tell me, how did it go? Did you do something?
Sure! I dusted, cleaned up, cleaned up the chicken
I washed the tiles, cleaned the garage, washed the car
Oh, that's more than I wanted. I did not say anything about the washing of floors and tiles
And you know, I decided that I have some time, I have to help a bit
And certainly there were no boys here?
Not from where, I was just me
Ken, I see that you finally got a job
See how beautiful your wife is
Thank you Rose it was a great day!
You're welcome
You talk to yourself here, and I'm going to rest for a moment
Oh, hammock!
This is it!
This is called relaxation!
Dad bu bu dad bubu
yes daddy but daddy
me too! Daddy bu shoe!
dad bu shoe
What are you talking about Karolinko?
Ken, children, the idea is that you have something under your shoe
Me under the shoe?
Oh, no, this is Barbie's list
And this is nothing. It's some paper
Maybe let's go home and have some tea
I need to get back to this hammock
Who took it for me?
I took him first! Hello, this is my hammock!
I demand immediate release of the hammock! I was here first!
I'm sorry about what's going on ?!
If I remember correctly, nobody was here before I came
You are beautiful
I mean yes, it's just a mistake
Rest yourself, rest my beautiful angel with pink hair
Hey dear, if you liked our fairy tale today, quickly leave your fingers crossed
How do we collect 2000 thumbs up
This will be another fairy tale with our family
Róża came for a week,
And the baby's birthday is approaching
Yes, one hundred and one hundred years
There will be a big party
Also if you want to see them, quickly leave your fingers crossed
The faster they appear, the faster the story will be
Write to me in the commentary how you like my metamorphosis
And pink pastel hair?
Should I leave them for longer?
Yes, barbie, yes, yes! You look nice!
Oh, you're beautiful!
I do not understand this boy at all
I still have a question for people who have been watching our movie very carefully
Write to me in a comment
What hair patterns did I choose at the hairdresser?
You know? It's quick to leave a comment
You are so Beautiful
Well, no, this boy is stuck. Hello, can you hear me? Hello!
And we still have greetings
Regards Rafał Wiecho
I greet Weronika Dziezicka
It's very good that nothing has happened and I've finished everything
What was Ken supposed to spend?
Nothing, nothing
oh, you're up to something
And we greet Aleksandra Zwierzchowska
And I greet Prawaxy MSP
And who do you greet?
You are so Beautiful
Well, I said, he got stuck
Hejka kochani, we are in the hairdressing salon of Sylwia
She is Sylwia
And Rapunzel
But someone is missing here
Who is missing here?
There is a cousin Barbie Rose
This is the latest doll from Barbie
It is simply wonderful
She has very colored hair and this hair is magical
Because you can create patterns on anything under the influence of water
we're opening the rose quickly!
And this is our beautiful Rose. Oh dear, it's just marvelous
As I saw, I fell in love with her instantly
She has a very delicate makeup, this is what I like the most in dolls
I do not like having a strong make-up
And wonderfully colored hair. See pink
And here in the middle are blue and purple
They're just amazing, I'd like to have one myself. But I do not think I'm daring
She is dressed in a tunic with imprints from space
It is simply wonderful and magical
It has a necklace in the shape of beads
And he has shoes on his feet, flat wedges. They are creepers
They are fantastic. I did not have such ones yet
And why is this doll so special?
Because she has magical hair
They react to cold and hot water
and they change the color then
That's why the atomizer for spraying with water is included in the kit
Templates for making patterns
a stamp
for inserting a template
And elastics
We take a strand of hair
and we splash
but you've already seen it in the movie
bye Bye
See you in the next fairy tale
bye Bye
bye bye bye
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강철군단 럭스 스킨 인게임|K-News - Duration: 4:09.
How to earn money without investment - Captcha typing job online in 2018 [Urdu / Hindi] - Duration: 9:24.
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Enemigo Íntimo | Capítulo 03 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 30:24.
Where does the tunnel in the basement lead to?
<i> What tunnel?</i>
That tunnel.
I've never seen it before.
She knows more than she's telling us.
Send her back to the DA's office.
Roxana Rodiles Gallardo,
you are sentenced to 60 days of preventive detention
without bail.
Federal Police! Nobody move!
If you cooperate, no one will get hurt.
Get down!
Get down! Stay down!
Who authorized the shipment?
It was that guy over there.
Cover me!
Leave! Now!
Go, go!
Olivia, do you see a man running among the boxes?
-Yes, and he's armed. -Can you get me his location?
He's about 100 feet away from you.
Is he close to a door?
To the rear, to your right.
If he makes it to the hallway, he'll get away.
Copy that.
What happened?
I had to kill the customs chief.
It was him or me.
How'd it go, Lieutenant?
We killed three suspects and lost one of our own.
I'm sorry.
You did a great job on your first mission.
Move the car out back.
-Hurry. -Yes, sir.
-Lieutenant. -Sir?
It was an honor
-working with you. -The honor was all mine.
You deserve every bit of credit.
Please keep these weapons safe.
I will, sir.
Let's do this again someday.
Sir, the Feds seized the weapons.
Armando died while trying to escape.
-I thought you'd killed him. -No.
<i> The Professor's people</i> <i> serve more than one purpose.</i>
<i> We might not know</i> <i> who's behind this now,</i>
but the Mil Cumbres Cartel has one fatal weakness.
They have too many divisions and subdivisions.
The person who hired the customs officer
doesn't care that Mr. Armando died trying to get away.
Right? Well, Mr. Armando?
Look at me!
You have two options.
One, we can squeeze every last bit of information out of you
till you're no longer breathing.
Two, we can work out a deal.
Think about it.
Aren't you ashamed of your actions?
You're smuggling guns into Mexico, your country!
And for what?
So we end up killing each other?
Is that what you want?
Here's what we're going to do.
I'm going to ever so slowly... remove both your eyes.
And then I'll send you to the rapists' cell...
- NO, NO...
so they can eat you alive.
Please don't.
Then talk.
Talk, ------------!
I don't know anything. I swear I don't.
Alright, then.
Hold him down.
Please let me go.
I'll pull a tooth for every gun you smuggled into Mexico.
I'll stop when you say the name I want to hear.
-Please don't! -Open your mouth.
Open your mouth!
No, please don't!
Do you remember now?
Or should I pull more teeth out?
Alright. I'll tell you.
It was the Deputy Attorney General.
Tell me his name.
Deputy Attorney General Priamo Cabrales.
-Clarisa. -Hmm?
Can I ask you something?
Puma, the woman you pointed out, why is she like that?
She is... Elder's daughter.
He is the patriarch of all MS-13 gangs.
He's serving time in San Salvador.
That's probably why she has those tattoos.
I overheard some women in the cafeteria
talking about someone named Dulcita.
She's gone too.
How did she die?
In the worst possible way.
We all loved Dulcita. Guillotine loved her more.
Who is that?
He's... the mother of all messes.
He's in charge of inmates, old and young.
Is Guillotine as powerful as Zoraida?
Let's just say they each have a kingdom.
But I'll tell you this.
When Guillotine found out who had killed Dulcita,
he had him castrated.
Quit asking questions and be quiet.
It's time to get the Deputy Attorney General out of bed.
Don't you dare!
The customs officer handed him to us on a silver platter.
Don't you think his confession could be
a smoke curtain he's using to protect someone else?
We're going after the Deputy Attorney General,
but Priamo gave us an arrest warrant within half an hour
so you could enter the banker's residence.
And coincidentally someone tells Montalvo we're coming...
and he vanishes just like that.
You can't keep chasing people you think are suspicious.
We need to do things right.
Yes, but halfway.
We need to monitor Priamo.
Know who he talks to, where he goes,
if he has a mistress... anything to get him!
No! Forget it!
I won't spent my men or resources on Priamo.
If you want, you can ask Olivia to check his social media sites
and tap his phones.
That's as far as I'm willing to go.
What about the customs officer?
He's to remain dead for another 15 days while he recovers.
Then we'll hand him over quietly to the DA's office.
The DA's office?
Alejandro, I really think you're chasing ghosts.
<i> Come on, Adelaida!</i>
Don't you want to
-look for chameleons anymore? -I'm hungry so I'm leaving.
I'm hungry too. We can do it later.
-Do you want to go now? -No!
What do you want at this hour?
I doubt you're here to hang out.
Which Deputy Attorney General is working for Professor?
You're so stubborn.
I don't know ----.
Are you sure?
Why don't you believe me?
Because you held one of the highest posts
within the Professor's organization.
What will it take to prove I'm willing to help you?
I gave you Fernando and told you about the guns,
but you're keeping me here tied up.
This place stinks!
What do you want?
What you promised.
That's all.
I know an ------ who's like a brother to me.
He can tell us if his boss is tied to the head honcho.
If you promise to get him legally into the States,
he can tell us everything about the Deputy Attorney General.
Your contact says they're by kilometer marker 31.
We're ready.
I hope that bastard's made peace with the Lord.
<i> It's very important</i> <i> that he suffers.</i>
That bastard should be in agony till he takes his last breath.
Is that clear?
Yes, Mother.
Today, we're going to start reading again.
We have some new faces with us.
Roxana Rodiles. Is that right?
Do you have any nicknames?
We pick out a book, we each read a portion of it,
and then we talk about it.
We're pretty far ahead in Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island.
Do you have a favorite book?
If it's not here, I can help you get it.
No, no... I don't know.
Hey, don't you dare start without me, baby.
He has a new favorite.
He's undressing her with his eyes!
What a load of ----! She's skin and bones.
Plus, she's scared of Puma who wants to ---- her.
Ochun, must I say it again?
Respect the other inmates.
As long as you're faithful to me...
I won't have to break anyone's neck.
You can't have this.
Look who's here.
Trompo, Mandril, you know what to do.
Let's give those two a warm welcome.
Hey! Where are you taking me?
Do it! Fire!
---- yeah!
Get out or I'll kill you, -------!
Take his gun.
Trompo, bring him over here.
Get the ---- out of here. We have nothing against you.
Go, damn it!
Open it up, Mandril.
So you're the ------ who's into sticking it up women's butts.
That's not nice, ------.
I'll show you what it's like.
What's up?
Are you almost here?
Vulture will be there to welcome you.
Get out.
Get in, honey. The water's very refreshing.
Forget that. Get out and go home.
We're going to talk business
and other things I don't want you to hear.
-What? -Nothing.
Here's your robe. There you go.
So are we going on a shopping trip to Houston next week?
You're so annoying.
Why do you want to go to Houston?
You look great in these clothes.
You always say that.
Do I? Don't make a stink.
Go home.
You don't know who you're messing with, ------------.
You have no idea!
Of course I do.
We know who you are! You're a prison guard!
Stand him up.
I'll put him on, Mother.
I'm dying to hear you scream, you ------- bastard.
I swear it'll be the best music I've ever heard.
I'm begging you. Please!
Please forgive me. I'm sick.
Please show me some mercy.
There will be no mercy for you, you disgusting pig.
You're far, far away from God.
Move it! We've gotta move.
Let's show her what it's like.
Let me go! What are you going to do to me?
<i>What are you going to do to me?</i>
Let me go!
Rata, ask the young lady out for a drink.
Let me go!
-No! -She wants another drink!
Let's get the ---- out of here!
Go, go!
Step aside!
What's wrong?
Are you scared after watching those animals play?
I've... never seen anything like it.
Get used to it.
Only animals survive here.
Isn't that right, Mamba?
I just won 200 pesos.
Mamba's the deadliest one.
That's why she's my second in command.
And her life...
She'll be here till she ------- dies.
To think I've only been here a year.
I've been here for five. It already feels like home.
I wouldn't know what to do out there.
Actually, I'd kidnap people. It's the only thing I'm good at.
No, don't be scared.
You look ugly when you're scared.
I wasn't born a kidnapper.
I had a wonderful life.
My parents gave me everything.
We were dirt poor, but we had it all.
I even went to school.
I'm from Mexico City.
But I spent my free time in Polanco.
Only rich people lived there.
They eat well and they dress well.
And they drive luxury cars.
One day I set out to make my first million.
I knew I had to work hard.
I started out by stealing.
Then I moved to mugging.
I got caught 'cause I was an idiot.
They gave me lots of money for fingers and ears.
When did you make your first million?
Six months after the first kidnapping.
This is Captain Alejandro Ferrer.
That cop knows no boundaries.
You sure you don't know him, Dad?
Well, this captain is dismantling our business.
He's taking everything apart, and you know what's worse part?
He's the one who killed Hummingbird.
I had a run-in with him.
Priamo, if you can't come up with a solution right now,
I'll go shoot up the Feds' headquarters
and set it on fire without a second thought.
What does Professor think...?
He approves of everything I say!
-Vulture. -Yeah?
How many men do we have?
Ready to go? About 400.
Let's head out, then.
Luis, calm down.
An attack on Feds' headquarters
could have terrible consequences.
Terrible? How about that, Dad?
What the ---- are you saying?
Know what the Dark Knights will think of us?
That we're pissing in our pants!
Tone it down a notch with the craziness.
Otherwise, I won't be able to cover for you anymore.
You need to kill Alejandro Ferrer!
What do you say, Dad?
Hear him out.
We're going to do whatever you say, Mr. Deputy Attorney.
Just know one thing.
If things don't work out,
you'd better dig your own grave in the desert.
Don't threaten me, you ------- brat!
I'm not your bitch!
You're not what, ------?
I can't hear you! You're not what, ------------?
Luis, you need to calm down.
Give me the gun.
You can't have it back till tomorrow.
I don't want you to ---- up again.
Alright, Dad.
I'm sorry.
I got a little heated.
I have a better plan.
Right now, Pharisee is about to launch an attack
on the Feds' operations center.
So he's making good use
of the money I invested in his equipment.
Of course!
Pharisee is one of the best hackers there is.
Gentlemen, we've been informed of a cyber attack
on all operational centers in the north of the country.
That includes us!
Send Olympus 7 and finish rewriting the code.
I'm on it, ma'am.
All of our systems have been compromised?
-Yes. -Damn it!
I want the head of the ------- responsible for this ----!
We're all at fault, sir.
I never specified what code I wanted.
Everyone, unplug your computers
and let's wait for headquarters to weigh in.
Ready to take you into the lion's den.
You only get one shot, though.
Roxana? She's a strange one.
Why is that?
I don't know.
The way she holds herself,
some of her gestures make her come across as strange.
That's very broad.
Tell me something specific.
I did our most in-depth test
and at times she seemed very lucid and at times very lost.
You're the quintessential shrink
who thinks she knows everything after asking a few questions.
-What? -I'm sorry.
I should go.
Take care of the tab, okay?
You're in the top ten list
of the most wanted men in the world, you Mexican.
So? What are you going to do?
Arrest me, gringo?
How you doing, my friend?
I'm okay.
-Patojo. -Uh-huh.
He is on my list.
I told you.
Are you going to tell me
where I can hunt that big piece of meat?
Well, I can send him straight to Arizona for you,
but Patojo wants witness protection for him
and his brothers.
-So... -Well, that's the thing.
I don't know if I can do that anymore.
After the redhead entered the White House,
the FBI is a little upside down.
But I'll do my best, as usual.
You can't come through.
The vehicle belongs to the penitentiary I'm in charge of.
It's worse than I thought.
Why? What happened?
It's done, Zoraida.
I want a party held to remember Dulcita.
Finish the wine I sent you.
I'm so happy!
Here he is, Dad.
Mr. Nemesio.
Didn't Luis tell you to be a still as Death?
Guillotine ordered it, boss.
He told me to kill a bald guard from Las Dunas
because he'd disrespected him
and provoked a stain on his honor.
And that's why you set him on fire in the middle of the road?
Forgive me, boss.
I'm sorry.
What is it, Mother?
Give drugs to every junkie here.
All of them? There are a lot.
I don't care.
Today, I'm happy. Let them have some fun.
And make sure to up the prices tomorrow.
Okay. Let's go.
To Dulcita.
Mother! Mother!
-Yeah! -Don't touch me.
My children, you know that like any good mother
I will always look after you.
That's why I ask that you always do what I ask.
-Understood? -Yes!
Thank you. Enjoy!
Mother! Mother!
The murderer paid for his crime.
You should all know this.
He died like an animal.
How do you know, boss?
Because I'm a witch... and your queen bee.
I don't drink, ma'am.
You don't drink?
Not even when I ask you to?
What do you make of that, girls?
She doesn't want to toast to Dulcita.
What should we do?
మీ బండికి ఏనంబర్ ఉంటే లాభమో ఏ నెంబర్ ఉంటే నష్టమో తెలుసుకోండి | Vehicle Number Numerology |Numerology - Duration: 7:59.
✔✔ '銀' 이상호, 한국 동계스포츠 역사 새로 썼다 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 3:58.
[특별 뉴스]핫 뉴스: 컬링 김은정✧바나나 눈물 꼬부기 거수경례 이유 - Duration: 3:29.
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