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Spicy Pork Salad | Thai Food | Yum Moo Kao Kua | ยำหมูข้าวคั่ว - Duration: 1:51.Spicy Pork Salad
Pork 300 g
Fish sauce 1 ½ tbsp
Lime 3 tbsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Ground chili ¼ tbsp
Ground roasted rice ¼ tbsp
Culantro ¼ cup
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PUBG Squads Another Close Win.! (Funny Ending) - Duration: 31:02.
Opel Grandland X INNOVATION 1.2 TURBO 130PK - LEDER - LED - INNO+ - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
iPhone X - Animoji: Alien-------------------------------------------
이거 실화냐? 부가티 시론, 42초만에 400km/h 찍고 다시 0km/h - Duration: 5:47.-------------------------------------------
Fatwa Mursyid HAUL Guru ke 15 Tahun 2017 - Duration: 17:25.Dear attendees, before we enter the session of Mursyid Fatwa
Edited at
kindly freeze all of your activities for the moment
so we can solemnly listen
to the fatwa which will be conveyed by our noble Mursyid
Ladies and gentlemen
the next session is Mursyid Fatwa by our Noble Mursyid, Saidi Syeikh H. Ghazali An Naqsyabandi
In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful, May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with us
"Whoever walks on my path, I surely will give my grace" (Al Qur'an)
The noble and honor by ALLAH
The Head of Regional Office Ministry of Religious Affairs of North Sumatra
The noble and honor by ALLAH
The Head of Indonesia Ulama Council of North Sumatera
The noble and honor by ALLAH
The Governor of North Sumatera
Chief of Police of North Sumatera or his representative
Commander of 1st military command Bukit Barisan or his representative
Head of Deli Serdang District
Ladies and gentlemen of the invitees who are honor by ALLAH
Let us say praise to the presence of Allah Almighty
and His gift to our health, our intelligence and a good life
Subsequently, we convey the shalawat and greetings to the Great Prophet
a grace to the whole universe, our great Prophet Muhammad Salallahu'alaihi wassalam
And we also continuously convey our greetings with all of our humility to our teachers
especially our teachers who are Mursyid
Who guides us to the path of the Thariqah, so we become strong human beings, who have strong tawheed to Allah SWT
All the invitees and congregation who are honor by ALLAH
I would like to thank all of the invited guests who are present today
as a respond to our invitation of 15th commemoration of our teacher
the father al-Muqaram Saidi Syeikh H. Amir Damsar Syarif Alam in 2017
He is the founder and a Great Teacher of Thariqah Naqsyabandiyah lineage 35th
Jabal Qubis Tanjung Morawa
"Allah does not look at your appearance but rather He looks at your hearts." (Al Hadist)
Ladies and gentlemen who are honor by ALLAH
Recent technological developments have had tremendous impacts
not only in the communication revolution and reformation
but further also influencing the revolution in the field of morals and culture
which ended with the erosion of one's faith
So, should we reject the technological progress?
Certainly not!
We should endorse the technological advancement with all of its consequences
in Islam perspective
technological progress is actually proves the truth of the Qur'an
Technological advances shall open the horizon of human thinking
including in the area of theology
Many scientists from various disciplines finally believe in Allah
Allah and Rasulullah by believing wholeheartedly the truth of al quran
Ladies and gentlemen
In our country over the past few decades has grown a new phenomenon
with the rise of Islamic elites
who have held strategic positions in executive
legislative and judicial institutions
as well as national private institutions including Islamic-based mass organizations
These elites ideally should continue their predecessors
who colored Indonesia with Islamic values
such as work ethic, productivity professionalism and integrity
which leads to the realization of justice and social welfare for all the Indonesia people
However, it is ironic that in reality these elites have a crisis in their identity and integrity
Formally they displaying Islamic symbols but their morality is very low
power becomes a goal not as a means to develop the quality of life together
and even they justify any means to obtain power
in order to embezzle this country through corruption and manipulation
Ladies and gentlemen who are honor by ALLAH
Also we look at the social media
we can find individuals who claim themselves as ustadz
with their confidence denigrates the Ulama's
as well as the Prophet's Salallahualaihi wassalam companions
as if they knew more about Islam by blaming and blaspheming previous scholars
such as Imam Syafi'i, Imam Hanafi and others including scholars of today
The morals of those individuals are so low
by convicting the scholars of Tassawuf and the scholars of Thareqat is carrying heresy
while they have never been came to the Scholars to verify and directly confirm regarding the matters especially in Sumatra
including to me as a Leader of Thareqat Naqsyabandiah Jabal Qubis Tanjung Morawa
This behavior in my opinion is because there is still lust in their heart
which indicates their heart is still not in the habit to zikir to Allah
their knowledge of zikir could be fairly broad
but only limited in their mind
utterance and limited in writing
meaning their heart have not connected to the God the creator
Ladies and gentlemen who are honor by ALLAH
In Islam, the greatest relationship is the relationship to ALLAh Subhanahuwataala
who created us
afterwards we are taught to relate well with the nature and human surroundings
If we relate well to the God
He will then give us guidance that will lead us to the truth
The Qur'an stated that in the hereafter those who are saved are those who have a serene heart
that will bring us to God and bring us to the truth
Then the only thing that brings peace is to remember Allah every moment
"while in your sitting and your reclining (QS An Nisa' 103) "
Word of ALLAH Subhanahuwataala
Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah, surely in the remembrance of Allah hearts can find comfort." (Q.S Ar Ra'ad 28)"
Dear Congregation and invitees who I respect
Zikir to remember ALLAH Subhanahuwata'ala is a command to us carry out
Is a command to us as Muslims as where the command of Allah in the Qur'an
"O you who believe! Remember Allāh with much remembrance (Al Qur'an)
Allah's command is applicable to all levels of Muslim in society whether he is a laborer
a student a farmer
a professor a businessman
a lawyer, a judge, security apparatus
government official, Ministers even the president himself
there are no exceptions despite illness
Therefore I appeal to the Muslims to train themselves in Zikir on a daily practice
if you do not know the ordinance of Zikir
"and ask the zhikir expert if you do not know" (An Nahl 43)
Ladies and Gentlemen who I honor
In June 2018
the people of north Sumatera will face a democratic
event which is the election f the regional head for the post of Governor
of north Sumatra period of 2018-2023
on this occasion I am hoping to all the Muslim community in north Sumatera
especially to the congregation to participate in the success of voting in accordance with applicable rules.
Of course, as Muslims we must elect a leader who has same creed with us which is a Muslim leader
this is in accordance with the guidance of Al Quran Al Maidah 51 - 52
For congregations who come from other provinces I also need to convey here
, Maybe not many of you know that the chairman of this 15th years commemoration committee 2017
is DR. Ir. H. Tengku Erry Nuradi, Msi
Ladies and Gentlement who are honor by ALLAH
The cluster area of Thareqat Naqsyabandiah Jabal Qubis has significantly grow
Every year we continue do the expantion and renovation
together we carry out the development and Alhamdulillah with permission of Allah SWT
the implementation of development goes well every year
and in 2017 the land that has been purchased beside the parking area
will be built a resting house or mess for guests who come from out of town
and the progress is now in the foundation stage
I would like to thank all of our congregations and other brothers
who have been participating in moral and material
in the execution of the buildings construction
and land acquisitions in order to extend the area of our cluster
cluster and participate in this 2017 commemoration event
may Allah SWT return to anything that you have sacrificed
with multiple sustenance in the world and in the afterlife amin ya robbal alamin
Muslims men and women and audiences whom I respect
In this ceremony of 15th years commemoration 2017
several messages that I convey to all Muslims everywhere
as well as officials and leaders of Indonesia
for your thought and self introspection is as follows
Work hard to seek sustenance that is blessed by Allah Subhanahuwata'ala
, improve your knowledge and achieve your education as high as possible, according to the teachings of Islam for the improvement of Muslims and the state of Indonesia
Attune zikr in your heart so that your heart is peaceful
a peaceful heart will bring you to the truth of Al-Haq
the eternal truth that comes from Allah SWT
To the elite of Islam who occupy strategic positions in the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary or in private institutions, political organizations
and mass organizations should straighten their intention and hold the mandate
4th To the Ustadz
the Islamic scholars who veiled and blatantly slandered other Islamic scholars including the Imam madhhab and accused the teachings of Naqsyabandiah is a heresy without exploring directly to the murshid
they should be repentant and pure their heart, do direct verification before concluding, do not sacrifice your faith and aqidah because of worldly life, Allah Subhanahuwata'ala punishment will surely come to you if you do not immediately repent
To all Muslims to be united to face the attacks of anti-Islam group in Indonesia, the groups who want to destroy our faith as Muslims and groups who want to destroy the order of our nation and state in our country
For Muslims in particular and the public in general to be very careful to the statements by elements who claim themselves as ulamas or ustadz but their statement leads to internal conflicts between fellow Muslims, they are easily accuse heresy, bid'a and so on
In the elections of North Sumatra in 2018 all Muslims should firmly refer to the Qur'an (Q.S Al Maidah 51-52) use your right to vote in accordance with the rules
do not abstain because it is indirectly ignore the command of Allah
Allah Almighty says in Al Qur'an (Surah Al Maidah verse 35) which means "O you who believed, fear Allah and seek a way that can get near to HIM and strive in His cause surely you will win
I ended this fatwa with a message to all the people of Indonesia that :
"Come before your GOD with your entire soul, leave tomorrow on the side of yesterday, for you may die when tomorrow comes"
Finally, wabillahi taufiq walhidayah, Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
How To Make Fruit-Shaped Mung Bean Cake | Cách làm Bánh Đậu Xanh Trái Cây - Duration: 8:43.
Fruit-shaped Mung Bean Cakes
300g peeled split mung beans
soak in the water ~ 4h
add water to cover the mung bean and cook well
1 cup water
10g agar agar
set aside ~ 2h
Under low heat
85g sugar
a pinch of salt,
a pinch of vanilla
mix well over low heat until the mixture is no longer sticky
knead well the dough before shaping the cake
freedom in creation
Boil the mixture of agar agar in the medium heat, stir to dissolve
Dip completly the cake into the agar-agar liquid and take it out quickly
Food coloring
painting exercise
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