Saturday, February 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 3 2018


Welcome to...

Yet another cringe fest!

I'm playing Real Racing 3 (cuz I was bored)

and ever since the "Philippines"

(and other reasons)

My love for cars has *reignited*

So... now on with the race!

*Internally Screams*


Ok I didn't crash in the first corrner

As I was saying (with eurobeat =:3)

Though ths game is r e a l l y h a r d

Unlike other racing games

If you don't know how when and where to brake you *ded*

Wow these guys are slow today

(they're computers)

*Eurobeat Intensifies*



(Much Brake taping)

*Starts Singing*

Third Place already?

Ok then here's the real challenge

(Already getting tired of looking their butts)

I must pass them...


What was that?!

All of a sudden my car decided to turn and crash into the wall

(Proably because I'm playing the Eurobeat where the guy crashes)

Negative Shingo Points (tm) not sponsered by ThePurpleguy123

(Check him out he's my inspiration for this video)



Shoot me!

*And that kids is why you don't drift in this game*

Well I have to make it up now

*Struggling to pass*


*Pulls off Kansei Drifto*

What? the Hell?!


(Memes aside that was cool)

>: )

No way to hide

No way to find the answer in your heart!




We gotta dance until to moment



Oh shoot I gotta step on the brakes!

Ok we're good

Third place has been taken back!

*Cuts through grass*

Ideal racing line guys not cheating!

*Bored of straight*


MMM that felt good!

Ok.. if I'm going to have a chance in this race

I have to attack now!





Eurobeat + Blend S memes = SPONTANEOUS MEME POWER

*Eurobeat Intensifies*

(Editing Skillz never stop amazing me)

First Taken!



I spoke too soon...

But that only made this race more exciting! >: )

I will catch you!



Ok I can make another attack in these corrers (if I do it right)

*Max Focus*

*Focus gone* BRAKES!

Next Corner!





*Eurobeat Intensifies Again*

I see you trying to pass me!


>: (

One More Turn!

This is my victory! Bye and have a good day! =:3

For more infomation >> Straight Outta the Philippines (Real Racing 3) (Captions On) - Duration: 5:03.


CHVRCHES Get Out - Español - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> CHVRCHES Get Out - Español - Duration: 3:52.


Affaire Jeremstar - Pascal Cardonna sort du silence : "J'ai été un peu contaminé par Jerem" - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Affaire Jeremstar - Pascal Cardonna sort du silence : "J'ai été un peu contaminé par Jerem" - Duration: 3:26.


Bilbo's Birthday (Scene) | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 22 - Duration: 4:52.

So there I was... the mercy of three monstrous trolls.

And they were all arguing amongst themselves... ...about how they were going to cook us.

Whether it be turned on a spit, or to sit on us one by one, squash us into jelly.

They spent so much time arguing the whithertos and the whyfors...

...that the sun's first light crept over the top of the trees...

...and turned them all to stone!


Up they go!

No no, the big one - big one

Mrs. Bracegirdle, how nice to see you. Welcome, welcome.

Are all these children yours?

Good gracious, you have been productive.



Quickly, hide!

Thank you, my boy.

You're a good lad, Frodo.

I'm very selfish, you know.

Yes, I am. Very selfish.

I don't know why I took you in after your mother and father died...

...but it wasn't out of charity.

I think it was because...

...of all my numerous relations... were the one Baggins that showed real spirit.

Bilbo, have you been at the Gaffer's home brew?


Well, yes, but that's not the point.

The point is, Frodo...'ll be all right.

- Done! - You're supposed to stick it in the ground.

- It is in the ground. - Outside!

This was your idea.


Bilbo, watch out for the dragon!

Nonsense. There hasn't been a dragon in these parts for thousands of years.

- That was good. - Let's get another one.

Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took.

I might've known.

Speech, Bilbo!



My dear Bagginses and Boffins...

...Tooks and Brandybucks...

...Grubbs, Chubbs...




...and Proudfoots. - Proudfeet!

Today is my 111th birthday!

Happy birthday!

But alas, eleventh-one years is far too short a time to live among...

...such excellent and admirable Hobbits.

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like...

...and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

I have things to do.

I've put this off for far too long.

I regret to announce this is the end!

I'm going now.

I bid you all a very fond farewell.


For more infomation >> Bilbo's Birthday (Scene) | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Movie Clip 22 - Duration: 4:52.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon - Duration: 0:58.


PIPAS Serra part 2 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> PIPAS Serra part 2 - Duration: 2:55.


Chikan Da Chola Main | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 9:24.

For more infomation >> Chikan Da Chola Main | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 9:24.


Bhari Gharoli Sohnian Jhandian | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Bhari Gharoli Sohnian Jhandian | Abdul Rasheed Bhatti Amb Shareef | Best Punjabi Saraiki Audio Song - Duration: 4:28.


canon pixma ip2700 ink absorber - Duration: 0:26.

If you have an absorber overflow, you need to do the following.

You need to disassemble the printer from the side where the motherboard is located. Unmount the chip, and flash it with a file that is attached to the video.

It's all

For more infomation >> canon pixma ip2700 ink absorber - Duration: 0:26.


canon pixma mp280 ink absorber full - Duration: 0:11.

Disassemble the printer, solder the chip, reflash. It's all

For more infomation >> canon pixma mp280 ink absorber full - Duration: 0:11.


Laeticia Hallyday, un contrat lui permet d'hériter de toute la fortune de Johnny - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, un contrat lui permet d'hériter de toute la fortune de Johnny - Duration: 2:02.


MINI 1.6 Cooper D 110pk *Panoramadak* - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> MINI 1.6 Cooper D 110pk *Panoramadak* - Duration: 1:01.


Réduisez la graisse de votre ventre avec une seule cuillère à soupe de ce sirop fait maison - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Réduisez la graisse de votre ventre avec une seule cuillère à soupe de ce sirop fait maison - Duration: 7:43.


Concours crédit voyage 2000 $ - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Concours crédit voyage 2000 $ - Duration: 0:31.


New Complete Action Movie 2018 | Premiere 2018 | Full Movie in Spanish HD - Duration: 1:46:15.

For more infomation >> New Complete Action Movie 2018 | Premiere 2018 | Full Movie in Spanish HD - Duration: 1:46:15.


Straight Outta the Philippines (Real Racing 3) (Captions On) - Duration: 5:03.


Welcome to...

Yet another cringe fest!

I'm playing Real Racing 3 (cuz I was bored)

and ever since the "Philippines"

(and other reasons)

My love for cars has *reignited*

So... now on with the race!

*Internally Screams*


Ok I didn't crash in the first corrner

As I was saying (with eurobeat =:3)

Though ths game is r e a l l y h a r d

Unlike other racing games

If you don't know how when and where to brake you *ded*

Wow these guys are slow today

(they're computers)

*Eurobeat Intensifies*



(Much Brake taping)

*Starts Singing*

Third Place already?

Ok then here's the real challenge

(Already getting tired of looking their butts)

I must pass them...


What was that?!

All of a sudden my car decided to turn and crash into the wall

(Proably because I'm playing the Eurobeat where the guy crashes)

Negative Shingo Points (tm) not sponsered by ThePurpleguy123

(Check him out he's my inspiration for this video)



Shoot me!

*And that kids is why you don't drift in this game*

Well I have to make it up now

*Struggling to pass*


*Pulls off Kansei Drifto*

What? the Hell?!


(Memes aside that was cool)

>: )

No way to hide

No way to find the answer in your heart!




We gotta dance until to moment



Oh shoot I gotta step on the brakes!

Ok we're good

Third place has been taken back!

*Cuts through grass*

Ideal racing line guys not cheating!

*Bored of straight*


MMM that felt good!

Ok.. if I'm going to have a chance in this race

I have to attack now!





Eurobeat + Blend S memes = SPONTANEOUS MEME POWER

*Eurobeat Intensifies*

(Editing Skillz never stop amazing me)

First Taken!



I spoke too soon...

But that only made this race more exciting! >: )

I will catch you!



Ok I can make another attack in these corrers (if I do it right)

*Max Focus*

*Focus gone* BRAKES!

Next Corner!





*Eurobeat Intensifies Again*

I see you trying to pass me!


>: (

One More Turn!

This is my victory! Bye and have a good day! =:3

For more infomation >> Straight Outta the Philippines (Real Racing 3) (Captions On) - Duration: 5:03.


Is het al Pasen ?! Minivlog - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Is het al Pasen ?! Minivlog - Duration: 2:36.


Countdown: Sanctuary California Will Run Out Of Crucial Resource In 90 Days - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Countdown: Sanctuary California Will Run Out Of Crucial Resource In 90 Days - Duration: 3:26.


Caro­line Rece­veur annonce sa gros­sesse sur Insta­gram - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Caro­line Rece­veur annonce sa gros­sesse sur Insta­gram - Duration: 3:24.


Wrong YouTube Subtitles Rap - Duration: 1:40.


we're back at it again

but y'all already know

who this is


yo subtitle game


I gotta do this


forgive me

for I shall expose

let's go boys

let's make some noise

full throttle

moving in

let's go


Manuel Daza

is no longer

Mourinho Felix

there are up to

5 million deaths

William Almerinse


in their networks are secure

ciao ciao

Red Cross


is perceived in

folklore jazz

lands 3 million



and come chillen

to fish

and quad

Riga Chen



Javierre news network

that laughing

there are music

if bedbugs

stage 6h

it's key

answer Serkis

the black group music

Ryan Church

and give



the friars'

Miche's side

and the pitching is


if I said I'm an angel

or maximum and Tamen

with male or home

or York chat

with back to you

and after I have said

in my work and

ya ya music

there is not no money

should be good


James work including

names mae



belle art

For more infomation >> Wrong YouTube Subtitles Rap - Duration: 1:40.


Les enfants de Claude François savaient-ils qu'ils avaient une sœur cachée ? - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Les enfants de Claude François savaient-ils qu'ils avaient une sœur cachée ? - Duration: 3:29.


Qui est Fabienne avec qui Claude François a entre­tenu une "rela­tion suivie" ? - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Qui est Fabienne avec qui Claude François a entre­tenu une "rela­tion suivie" ? - Duration: 3:23.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon - Duration: 0:58.


How do the tides work? - Duration: 5:12.

Welcome to the abyss.

I'm Jaclyn and today we're explaining how the tides work. Let's dive in.

The consistent ebb and flow of the tides is created by the gravitational

effect of the sun and the moon on the earth.

Just like the earth, all bodies of mass exert a gravitational field, and that field is proportional

to its size.

So the sun being much larger than the moon has a much stronger gravitational force.

However the effect of gravity on another body is also dependent on the distance.

The moon being closer is the dominant impact on the earth and consequentially the tides.

In fact, the gravitational effect of the moon on the earth is approximately twice that of

the sun.

The moon causes the tides because it creates a gravitational differential, this is referred

to as the tidal force.

The moon exerts a gravitational force on the earth, but as I already mentioned this force

is affected by distance.

This means that areas on the earth's surface that are close to the moon experience a greater

gravitational pull than areas that are farther away.

Since the ocean sits on top of the earth, the force it actually feels is the difference

between the gravitational force at the surface of the earth and the force felt at the center

of the earth.

At areas 90 degrees from the moon this differential results in downward force.

Whereas on the side of the earth in line with the moon, the differential results in an outward force.

Overall, this gravitational differential results in an ellipse, with the net force pushing

the water towards the earth-moon line.

The force is very minute.

However, over a large distance, such as the surface of the ocean, this force accumulates

and results in a noticeable difference.

As the earth spins this ellipse of water stays aligned with the moon, so the location of

the two bulges, changes throughout the day.

It is these bulges of water that are the high tides.

And oppositely the low tides are at a 90 degree angle from this.

It takes the earth one day to complete one rotation, so in that time any given place

on the earth experiences each point along the ellipse.

This results in two high tides and two lows tides in the course of a day or tidal cycle.

This is referred to as a semi-diurnal tidal cycle.

If the earth was covered with a hundred percent water then there would be only semi-diurnal tides.

However, the continents can block and affect the tidal patterns.

This can result in diurnal tides, which is just have one high tide and one low tide per

tidal cycle.

There are also as mixed tides which is a mix of semi-diurnal and diurnal tides.

As well as affecting the tidal patterns the continents and geography of the coastline

can also affect the average tidal height.

A tidal cycle is not exactly equal to one day.

The moon also moves around the earth, which results in the tidal cycle last a little bit

longer than a day.

A tidal cycle is 24 hours and 50 minutes long.

This means that each high tide is 50 minutes later than it was the previous day.

Since it takes approximately one month for the moon to orbit around the earth, there

are also monthly patterns in the tidal cycle.

This is when the gravitational effect of the sun is the most noticeable.

When the sun, moon and earth are all aligned, a new moon or full moon are visible.

During these times the gravitational effects of the sun and the moon are additive, creating

the highest high tides and the lowest low tides during the month.

This is referred to as spring tides.

When the sun and moon are at a 90 degree angle from one another relative to the earth their

gravitational forces are in opposition.

Since the moon is the dominant force it will still be aligned with the high tides.

However, the effect of the sun's gravitational force will result in the lowest high tides

and the highest low tides of the month, meaning the tides are less extreme.

This is referred to as neap tides.

Neap tides and spring tides each occur twice in a lunar cycle, with the four quarters of

the moon.

In conclusion it is the movements and gravitational forces of the earth, moon and sun all relative

to one another that causes the tidal patterns.

And that is how the tides work.

I bet it is way more astrophysics than ever expected from me, but if you have any questions

please leave them down below.

As always remember to like and subscribe to see more.

Until next tide I will sea you later.

For more infomation >> How do the tides work? - Duration: 5:12.


BBB18: Ana Clara e Mahmoud cumprem monstro e Ayrton reclama - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ana Clara e Mahmoud cumprem monstro e Ayrton reclama - Duration: 3:31.


flux b12 is the best cheat in the world Yandex disk! !perezaliv! - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> flux b12 is the best cheat in the world Yandex disk! !perezaliv! - Duration: 1:57.


Avant, j'avais honte de montrer mes mains pleines de taches, plus maintenant depuis que je fais cela - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Avant, j'avais honte de montrer mes mains pleines de taches, plus maintenant depuis que je fais cela - Duration: 7:06.


Ne retenez plus vos pets ! Voici ce qu'ils indiquent sur votre état de santé | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Ne retenez plus vos pets ! Voici ce qu'ils indiquent sur votre état de santé | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 5:29.


How to draw and color Toddler Sippy Cup | Coloring book and learn colors for kids - Duration: 12:24.




















For more infomation >> How to draw and color Toddler Sippy Cup | Coloring book and learn colors for kids - Duration: 12:24.


Affaire Jeremstar - Pascal Cardonna sort du silence : "J'ai été un peu contaminé par Jerem" - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Affaire Jeremstar - Pascal Cardonna sort du silence : "J'ai été un peu contaminé par Jerem" - Duration: 3:26.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


Special Edition Ford F-150 | Wynn Odom Ford - Duration: 2:23.

HI folks David Watson with Wynn Odom Ford. I wanted to show you a 2018

Ford F-150 with a Special Edition appearance package. Okay first off I want

to take a look at the wheels here on the special edition model you get a 20-inch

dark tarnished painted aluminum wheel and on the 4x4 you get an all-terrain

tire to go with it the two wheel drive gives you all season tire. Also included

in this package is a body side decal that stretches from the front all the

way to the tailgate it really sets this truck apart. Alright, taking a look at the

f-150 badge you'll notice a common theme in this package with the red trim behind

the f-150 there and then if you move around and look at the headlamp you'll

notice another unique feature about this package is the dark headlights and the

black mesh grille along with the hood graphic right here in the center.

Now, this particular truck we ordered in the color magnetic now the special

edition package comes in nine different colors. Leave us a comment below on what color you would pick.

Alright now here on the inside you notice the red theme

continues the seatbelt is trimmed in red you have red stitching on your console

shifter on the console on the seats you see sport written and red back

there and also on the leather wrapped steering wheel you can see red stitching

Thanks for watching if you like what you saw please subscribe to our

channel and as always for more pictures and information and our website

For more infomation >> Special Edition Ford F-150 | Wynn Odom Ford - Duration: 2:23.


Why Netflix Videos Look So Good - Duration: 2:32.

Have you ever wondered why videos on Netflix look so good, here's the answer.

Unlimited Power

The simple and long answer is that they use expensive and good equipment as well as great

crews that provide lighting and good art direction for the camera to capture.

But the real answer is in the cameras recording technology.

Netflix has seen an increase in 4k TV shows and movies being released on its platform,

though the vast majority of the world still does not have 4k TV's, so you're probably

wondering why they are doing this if you can only watch content in 1080p or less, also

it's a more expensive process for them to digitally store and edit 4k footage.

There is only small market for it however filming in 4k actually serves two other very

good purposes.

The ability to record in a higher quality gives the product a better shelf life.

Think about Star Wars the Phantom Menace, the quality looks good because it was shot

on a digital camera which was actually was 1080p high definition, which was well out

of reach of the consumer market and it's still much better than most modern DSLRS despite

being shot almost 20 years ago.

There are reasons to shoot in digital over film but we'll look at that in an another video

Money is one of the reasons; this is because film can be expensive to capture, process

and edit.

Saving money by shooting digital meant George Lucas could work with a better budget, even

a smaller team in comparison to shooting on film.

The extra money saved could be used for editing, visual effects and set design.

But his choice also meant he could serve the current standard which was VHS and the new

DVD market as well to make sure his film was visually brilliant for the next decade or more

Making shooting digital a safe investment in itself.

The second main reason for shooting in 4k is downsampling, capturing all the masses

of detail compared to 1080p means that it can be converted to standard HD and look much

better than if it was originally shot in 1080p, this is of course considering that both cameras

have good bit rates, but the 4k footage downsampled does look sharper.

What do you prefer digital footage or celluloid film?

Comment below and we'll like our favourites

If you enjoyed the video give it a like and subscribe to honeybear for more content.

I'm Ryan

and thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Why Netflix Videos Look So Good - Duration: 2:32.


Gutierrez Spits On Veterans & Yells 'Fck Americans' At SOTU, Walks Out To Brutal - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 31:11.

For more infomation >> Gutierrez Spits On Veterans & Yells 'Fck Americans' At SOTU, Walks Out To Brutal - BreakingNews24 - Duration: 31:11.


Garlic Chicken Puffs Recipe - How To Make Garlic Chicken Puffs & Tasty Recipes - Duration: 1:39.

Garlic Chicken Puffs Recipe - How To Make Garlic Chicken Puffs & Tasty Recipes

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