Saturday, February 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2018

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For more infomation >> БОНУС КОД НА SCORPION G 2018!НОВЫЙ!РАБОТАЕТ!WOT 2018. - Duration: 2:32.


ไก่คั่วเกลือกระเทียมกรอบ - Duration: 1:29.

Fried Chicken with Salt

Chicken 300 g

Oil 3 tbsp

Salt 1 tsp

Sugar 1 tsp

Fried garlic 1 tbsp

1-2 serve

For more infomation >> ไก่คั่วเกลือกระเทียมกรอบ - Duration: 1:29.


ไข่นกกระทาทรงเครื่อง Pan Fried Egg with Toppings | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 1:39.

Pan Fried Egg with Toppings


Eggs 50

Crab stick 200 g

Sausage 200 g

Carrot 100 g

Spring onion 4-5

4-5 serve

For more infomation >> ไข่นกกระทาทรงเครื่อง Pan Fried Egg with Toppings | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 1:39.


Bougainvillea Bonsai | All Bougainvillea Bonsai Update Feb 2018 //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 14:46.

AFTER 3 Months From Potting

Now remove the older wires from the branches


old wires tighten the branches

this will affect growing branches

so must be remove old wires

It will allow branches to grow

The branches have not yet received the correct shape

These branches should be fully adjusted after flowering

After thoroughly blossoming these branches should be bent

The moss is a bonsai tradition


I will be putting new moss


to keep moisturizing the soil and beauty

Spray a little water so that the moss does not dried

Three times daily (For moss only)

Only in the summer

AFTER 3 weeks

New flowers and flower buds can be observed

Now is the time to bend the branches

I use some paper clip to bend the branches

and thin wire

Tie the wires onto the branches by pulling the paper clip and bend the branches

By removing the leaves, the tree gets new branches

and beauty

Tree does not die by this process

AFTER 7 Days

It is completely blooming

Do you remember these plants?

Click the link in the description to watch

These All Bougainvillea Bonsai Plants

AFTER 5 Months From Potting

When the water is poured, the scattered stones are fixed

Remove the leaves as did earlier

These wires do not tighten the branches

You can remove the wires after 2 months

want 5 hrs full sun

use npk Fertilizer 15-15-15 or 20-20-20 only

Flowering fertilizer can be used twice a month

I do not use flowering fertilizer


For more infomation >> Bougainvillea Bonsai | All Bougainvillea Bonsai Update Feb 2018 //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 14:46.


ద్వారానికి ద్వారం ఎదురుగా ఉండాలి | Simhadwaram Vastu | Main Door In House | Main Door Vastu | Vastu - Duration: 2:28.


For more infomation >> ద్వారానికి ద్వారం ఎదురుగా ఉండాలి | Simhadwaram Vastu | Main Door In House | Main Door Vastu | Vastu - Duration: 2:28.


Voici le nouvel Audi Q5 "châssis long" - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Voici le nouvel Audi Q5 "châssis long" - Duration: 1:45.


벤틀리 컨티넨탈 GT3-R - '서킷에서 뛰쳐나온 벤틀리'[24/7 카] - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> 벤틀리 컨티넨탈 GT3-R - '서킷에서 뛰쳐나온 벤틀리'[24/7 카] - Duration: 7:33.


Si vous avez des draps noirs ou rouges, lisez ceci, effrayant ! - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Si vous avez des draps noirs ou rouges, lisez ceci, effrayant ! - Duration: 6:04.


The Black Cat (1941) Subtitulada - Duration: 1:10:16.

For more infomation >> The Black Cat (1941) Subtitulada - Duration: 1:10:16.


맥라렌 F1 후속 BP23은 어떻게 생겼을까? - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 맥라렌 F1 후속 BP23은 어떻게 생겼을까? - Duration: 3:12.


Une mère place un oignon dans le lit de son fils- la raison m'a vraiment surpris - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Une mère place un oignon dans le lit de son fils- la raison m'a vraiment surpris - Duration: 5:44.


Voici comment éloigner le cancer de votre corps ! à partagez autour de vous ! - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Voici comment éloigner le cancer de votre corps ! à partagez autour de vous ! - Duration: 5:26.


TOP 20 BÀI RAP CHẤT NHẤT ĐẾN TỪ UNDERGROUND 2018 #FSRMusic - Duration: 1:00:47.

For more infomation >> TOP 20 BÀI RAP CHẤT NHẤT ĐẾN TỪ UNDERGROUND 2018 #FSRMusic - Duration: 1:00:47.


Trực Tiếp giao lưu Xuân Trường gọi HLV Park Hang-seo,đội trưởng đội tuyển U23 Việt Nam ngày 4/2 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Trực Tiếp giao lưu Xuân Trường gọi HLV Park Hang-seo,đội trưởng đội tuyển U23 Việt Nam ngày 4/2 - Duration: 2:46.


혼다 신형 어코드 시승 행사, 현지 반응은 어땠을까? - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> 혼다 신형 어코드 시승 행사, 현지 반응은 어땠을까? - Duration: 8:51.


오토바이 강자 야마하, 전기차도 만든다 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 오토바이 강자 야마하, 전기차도 만든다 - Duration: 2:48.


Sebastian Stan Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:10.

If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!

For more infomation >> Sebastian Stan Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:10.




hey wait!...

its too hot man

very sunny and all

i need , i need a cap

cap cap


This bat is too short ...

i need a long bat


hey wait

That fielder is sitting


common run run run


six ..six only




trial ball


batsman's trial


no ball

not out ..not out

out man


hey ,...move move

move to slip

you there..

you come here

keep catching ..keep catching

c'mon boys

hope you guys enjoyed watching our video

for more interesting videos





check out the links in the description

For more infomation >> CRICKET STEREOTYPES|| ABIBE - Duration: 6:44.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


The 1 Bitcoin Show- MoneroV, Bprivate, Scams- Bspread, fake Vitalik, cloud mining - Duration: 21:25.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is February the 3rd 2018 inna value your

wealth in Bitcoin strong hand alright you need a crypto consultation Adam at

traceur help calm email me I can help you set up your treasure or all sorts of

other things check out the notes section below everything everything we talked

about this video is linked to below you can get a t-shirt from cryptography tea

using the Meister discount code treasure ledger nano at crypto a show you wallet

comm check out the links below hey by the way I will be adult Darwin Australia

starting February 12th until March the 4th if you're in Darwin let's hang out I

don't know if there any bug Bitcoin people are crypto currency people there

Adam Meister is dr. hold interesting yeah someone said I was a doctor of hold

ok so let's start off let's talk about be private here be private has a status

update on Twitter we are thrilled to announce that Konami wallet one of the

largest multicam wallets will be supporting Z classic and be private

alright thank you for that update there people are interested in that type of

thing so I thought I would share and also be private is also making more

progress they're having a New York City conference soon I linked to that

Eventbrite page below so if you're in New York I guess you can

find out more about this great crypto dividend that we want to do so well

because we're holders here of Bitcoin and some people are holders of Z classic

apparently also so pound that like button late night on a Saturday night

all right and if you're in the chat we can do the

super chat of course I'll answer your questions so oh yeah you can follow me

on twitter at tech ball te c HB alt I'm about to hit 9,000 followers on Twitter

thank you for all the support on Twitter and yeah you get information there I

tweet out information throughout the day exclusives so always check out that and

I'm bitcoinmeister on steamin where this is live right now Oh check out the lint

section below to watch yesterday's this week in Bitcoin show it was really

awesome for taxes on Gabriel from Venezuela was given us exclusive

information and Priyanka India decried was even brought up by Gabriel just to

check it out yeah okay here's a tweet by Alistair Milne and he has a chart that

goes with it a real nice chart I estimate that bitcoin is at one to six

percent adoption depending on the country adoption may temporarily slow

down but it won't stop here far too early

anyone betting that the price will not crop correlate to an adoption curve is

going to be disappointed okay that last part is very interesting anyone betting

that the price will not correlate to an adoption curve is going to be

disappointed okay we shall see as a bold statement and it's also bold to say that

Bitcoin is at one to six percent adoption depending on what country I

doubt there's a country with that six percent of the people of it

did Bitcoin that seems way too I dude but I think we're way too earlier than

that but hey that's your opinion I'm putting it out there

remember people subscribe to this channel town that like button and check

out the notes section below alright my narrow V the crypto dividend that I

brought up the other day it is a crypto dividend of Manero

rewarding those Manero holders out there this should be the biggest non Bitcoin

crypto dividend so far it should I mean these guys are gonna have to market it

and over on there I have to say on their reddit which I link to below they were

very responsive to some things that I post is to check it out they're

interested in marketing they are looking they are looking for

marketing people so here's your crypto opportunity people if you're genuinely

into privacy then you can I guess join their team check out their telegram it's

linked to below their reddit is below I mean if you're a true marketing dude

you'll seek them out you'll be able to find them market yourself to them say

hey let's work out a deal I will market you to the English language people or

the Spanish language people or whoever we can work out some compensation

because you guys do have a pre mind and everything so that there's your

opportunity but yeah this is a fork of a top-tier altcoin back in August when I

started talking about crypto dividends I did predict and I predicted since then

that I top that top tier all coins would fork and it would kind of define what a

top tier all coin is so there you go man arrow has always been an altcoin that I

thought was a top tier all coin now it's getting its own crypto dividend common

ROV and of course privacy coins have been pretty big lately and they're going

to get a lot of attention from the be private crypto dividend the Bitcoin and

oh they also said on the monaro V reddit that the web wallet is

coming sooner than June I think they said maybe even April again the Monaro V

Fork is March the 7th god I don't want to get that wrong

yes it's Martha Martha seven I actually list some important dates later in this

show so stay tuned okay what else do we have here

Tom Vaes reminding us all that cloud mining is a scan yes people cloud mining

is not going to end well for anyone do not waste your precious Bitcoin on these

things people do ask me about cloud mining still don't do it just like how I

said don't do big connect it's ending it's all ending the same way tone

mentioned that on a recent video and something I forgot to say from type a

man I met up with the people in Taipei a someone showed me like a conference

that's coming up and look at these 10 i SEOs that are gonna be at this

conference and they were this person was proud you know I CEOs are coming to

Taipei and I had these AI CEOs never heard of in my life of course not but

blue people here you know I see oh they get excited they're proud of a random

list of I SEOs that are coming to their conference they think it makes the

conference more legitimate and at least in this part of the world that seems

like and I and you know some of these Asian countries

I think Korea specifically has started to crack down on icos and I can see why

I think I can I can see why they want to crack down because they're people seem

to be very overly impressed by these icos or they just just want to gamble on

these things because they've heard that of the huge returns again people don't

mess with these ICS Ric is as bad as cloud mining No

no they're not that bad but they're not good and set there's some also I forgot

that a career I mentioned before that there was a second social media company

in Korea that was going to open in an exchange and I think it's awesome that

there's already a social media social media and crypto currency exchanges are

going to go hand in hand more so in the future then currently but Korea it's

already started but someone told me that the second one that's thinking about

doing in Korea is also in Taipei so that you'll be able to you know be on the

social media platform in Taipei also and buy cryptocurrency

you don't quote me on that and I even forgot the name of it but hey it's a

thing of the future social media and crypto currency exchanges Peter Schiff

is talking his mouth talking his butt off in terms of how right he is

with Bitcoin being a failure and cryptocurrency being a failure typical

no coiner and I just wanted to say you know no no coin er

are these guys that have never they never had Bitcoin they're bitter about

it but now now that Bitcoin the price has gone down in terms of dollars and

again yet the value of your wealth in Bitcoin they don't get that of course we

still have the same amount of Bitcoin that we had we're going to get a lot

more Bitcoin with these crypto dividends coming out but and they don't know what

a crypto dividend is they don't know the how holding your precious Bitcoin is

rewarded by these crypto dividends but yeah these no coiners they're guys that

are just you know they talk a big game when it looks when Bitcoin looks bad

because they have no coin and it reassures them it reassures them that

all is right with their decision from long ago never to get in the Bitcoin but

they're not long-term thinkers because soon enough they're gonna have

to get quiet again when Bitcoin blasts off once again they are not used to it

they're just not they don't want to admit to themselves that every time

Bitcoin has a down market it comes back up and reaches all-time highs

so no coin or Peter Schiff you can have your bit of glory now I guess or you can

be loud now and at least Peter Schiff that he's respectable and other other

other subjects there's some people out there like on social media that are just

like ranting no pointers that are not you know they're not right about

anything they're just angry deeds and stuff but hey you know no no no corners

are part of the ecosystem awesome also they serve a purpose I guess and to make

crypto noise that you have to learn to ignore okay and you know another thing

that tone Vaes brought up with the cop it's so you know all these people that

wanna buy coffee with their cryptocurrency it's so silly

first of all hardly anyone knows how to even send a Bitcoin or send anything so

someone out there is going to just want to be so they're gonna be eager you know

oh you know I'm not a holder I want to use my Bitcoin on something so I'm gonna

buy some coffee and they're gonna make a mistake with the the decimal point and

their end up they're gonna end up spending like eighty thousand dollars

worth of coffee worth of Bitcoin or coffee and maybe that a barista or

whoever will just run away then and steal their money because it's better

than being paid you know a minimum-wage job or maybe that they'll they'll

reimburse them but still you don't want to make mistakes like that that's it's

not occur it's not a currency for cheap little things for cheap little trinkets

you shouldn't force the matter yet people be pay

Lightning Network etc etc easy it you segue and it's just just used Fiat to

buy coffee okay it's we live in the first world we don't really need to

worry about cryptocurrency and coffee okay down that like button here is an

amazing scam that I I stumbled upon and it's it's unfortunate that 80 percenters

who are just so eager to get free cryptocurrency or maybe they're just

used to getting free stuff from the government I don't know that they fall

for this but sometimes in popular Twitter threads you'll see random

replies and here's one by a fake metallic pewter n' you see it's just so

new spouses name different and i also linked below to this tweet and to the

etherium the ether scan cited page it shows the unfortunate balance of this

ether address a theorem address and this is what the tweet says thanks for this

post I fake vitalik routering and giving away 125 etherium to help the

community anyone that sends me point to aetherium to this address below will

automatically receive one aetherium back from me and this address has received

over 1.3 aetherium so like six people over six people have fallen for this and

sent point to aetherium to this address thinking they're going to get one

aetherium back from Vitalik be very careful people I know most of you will

not fall for that but people do fall for that don't believe nothing if you see

and their and their other tricks like this out there not just fake Vitalik

fake other people be be careful search from you know be

careful Twitter a lot of things and as I said before cryptocurrency is just a

haven for scams it is just and it's gonna get worse and worse as more

newbies come in as the price goes up again

so I was it was unfortunate to see that I thought I would bring that up remember

check out my archives link to below I mentioned this week in Bitcoin I post

a new show every day the last 7 shows are linked to below and you can always

check out all my archives just by checking out disrupt meister comm that

list every video I ever made alright and just on YouTube you click on

bitcoinmeister you should know how to do that see all my videos

when there are a lot of videos was a brilliant post one every day there you

end up with a lot important dates and these these will have to do they'll deal

with here March 4th the Italian elections so some people

might have some Bitcoin flood there but they might have good Bitcoin news then

maybe the Italians all about Bitcoin who knows

February 20th Venezuela petrol comes out February 28th be private Fork March 7th

the Monaro V Fork yeah I just thought I would share some important dates of the

future ok there is a tweet out there about how if you think a lot of the

world's wealth is going to flow into Bitcoin then if you buy just a teeny bit

a Bitcoin now it's it's like insurance it's a hedge it's hey I'm buying this

amount of Bitcoin now because in the future if everything flows in the

Bitcoin it'll be worth seventeen point five million dollars or something like

that so why not why not gamble a little on Bitcoin and buy point one now

maybe there'll be worse seventeen point five million

future if all this wealth flows in the Bitcoin I don't know how much what

percent of the world's wealth is gonna flow in the Bitcoin people ask me that

sometimes I don't know look it'll be a good amount and Bitcoin is gonna go up

in value but this person puts in an interesting way i link to the tweet

below finally you might remember when was it it was in early January I thought

it was very interesting that someone out there said that they were gonna fork off

this dead altcoin called spread coin they were just gonna fork it and then

call it beast bitcoin spread be spread and I said that just shows you the power

of the Bitcoin name that it is the king of them all and sure enough that this

person an entity made this announcement on Twitter and ahead of a web page and I

warn people to I said this might not be true but the price of spread coin is

dead coin went went up quite a bit just based on that it was going to fork and

renamed itself Bitcoin something so I said you know that if this is successful

there gonna be a lot of dead alt coins people are gonna be taking and just

forking them and renaming a Bitcoin something well sure enough this was

supposed to happen on January the 31st it did not happen the webpage

disappeared and now spread coin has gone back down in value because there's not

gonna be a be spread so there was a scam right there it appears now maybe the

person's gonna come up again and say oh I'm gonna really do it now don't buy

these alt coins based on people saying they're gonna for come into into

something new and rename them bitcoin okay be

careful it maybe one day someone will eventually do it but hey it is it is

very risky this case proves it it does prove once again that the

Bitcoin name is worth is worth a lot on the market that people value that pick

when they hear rumors about forking of a coin just to rename it it boosts the

price so someone is going to change try it again maybe a scammers gonna try

it again again just because there's a Twitter

page and a web page doesn't mean something is legitimate that's another

lesson from all this so again even even with all the ones that I mentioned

obviously be obviously be private is quite real and that's not you know that

that's a real crypto dividend - that's all holders a Bitcoin are gonna get

something for free with that with that spread coin thing they were saying all

holders of spread coin we're gonna get something for free not Bitcoin holders

all right I'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video I hope you

like we talked a lot about scams be careful people strong hand I'll talk you

later I'll say hi to you in the chat bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- MoneroV, Bprivate, Scams- Bspread, fake Vitalik, cloud mining - Duration: 21:25.


TOP 20 BÀI RAP CHẤT NHẤT ĐẾN TỪ UNDERGROUND 2018 #FSRMusic - Duration: 1:00:47.

For more infomation >> TOP 20 BÀI RAP CHẤT NHẤT ĐẾN TỪ UNDERGROUND 2018 #FSRMusic - Duration: 1:00:47.


The Masque of the Red Death (1964) Subtitulada - Duration: 1:28:48.

For more infomation >> The Masque of the Red Death (1964) Subtitulada - Duration: 1:28:48.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE - Duration: 0:59.


AKB48 11gatsu no Anklet CDTV 11月のアンクレット - Duration: 2:42.



WOW WOW WOW Yeah! Yeah!

A weekend with you smiling and your semi-bob's bangs tied up

What's wrong with wanting to suddenly see you after so long?

A surprisingly crowded beach house

A meeting at the end of the season

Our favourite pancakes didn't come

Purposely showing off your left ring finger,

were you trying to say you have a new boyfriend?

OK! It's your victory!

November's anklet can't be taken off even now

What I received from you that one day is our secret (sorry)

From hello to goodbye, if you met a person kinder than me,

could I say "It was bound to happen" and give up?

One day I'll lock away these memories somewhere

But for now, I'll just see you off at his home

Anklet , Anklet

On my left ankle is regret!

From hello to goodbye, if you met a person kinder than me,

could I say "It was bound to happen" and give up?


WOW WOW WOW Yeah! Yeah!

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