hey guys today we will make a sweet dish. This dish originates from a place called
Bardhaman which is in West Bengal. We call this Mtha Pulao but the name
actually is Sita bhog so without further ado, let's begin
to make Sita bhog, we need enough paneer that is Chena. so first we are
going to make the chena. For this keep milk for boiling, when the milk starts to
boil add about 2 to 3 teaspoons of lime juice, switch off the flame and keep
stirring until the liquid part of the milk that is the whey separates
now we are going to drain this whey
now that the way is drained out, we will rinse this paneer for about two to three
times to get rid of the lime flavor
now transfer this paneer into a clean muslin cloth and squeeze out the
remaining whey
take out the paneeron a clean plate. friends Mitha pulao is always served with
little gulab jamuns, so now we are going to make the gulab jamuns first. For that
I have taken 50 grams of the paneer
to this add a tablespoon of milk powder some plain flour and a pinch of powdered
sugar which will help in the binding. Now we will blend this until we get a fine
so this is the paste we will take this out on a working surface
to this I'm going to add some baking powder. Now we will need this but before
that grease your hand with some clarified butter or vegetable oil. We need to knead
this until we get a soft dough
now breaking little portions of this dough
I will make small dough balls. friends traditionally Sita bhog is served
with this little gulab jamuns but of course you can skip this step and
concentrate only on the pulao
now we will fry them but before that I will make the sugar syrup. So here I have
taken water, to this I have added sugar allowed this water to boil now in this
kadhai take vegetable oil, allow this oil to get heated up on low flame. When the
oil is hot enough add the dough balls. Do not switch the flame to maximum or even
to medium. We need to do this process on very low flame also it is very important
to keep stirring like this so that the heat reaches the gulab jamuns uniformly
you can see gradually these are changing color
it's about three minutes now and you can see the gulab jamuns are already looking
beautifully Brown. Take them out from the oil and immediately transfer them to the
sugar syrup which has been boiling now in low flame. We need to keep these gulab
jamuns here on this boiling sugar syrup on low flame for about 15 minutes. I'm
adding two slit green cardamoms here. now let's move ahead to the next step
here I have the remaining paneer which is about 120 gram to this add rice flour
mix this with the paneer
now we will knead this until we get a soft dough
friends you cannot use store brought paneer directly into this recipe because
store brought paneer has a lot of water content it is always better to make
paneer freshly at home to use in this recipe
the dough is done now I'm making small portions of this dough
meanwhile I have taken out the gulab jamuns from the sugar syrup. now keep this aside
now here I'm heating the same kadhai with oil. Put a strainer here. now I
will show you two ways of making the mitha pulao. The first is take one portion
of the dough and break this directly on the hot oil. Please keep in mind that
you need to take the strainer out of the oil before the paneer changes the color
to brown so it will take about 30 to 35 seconds. Take this out of the oil and
directly transfer it into the warm sugar syrup. Now let me show you the second way
here I'm grating the pannier dough first on a plate. Now similarly transfer small
portions of this grated paneer into the strainer. Wait for about 30 seconds and
transfer this into the sugar syrup
so in this way I have added all the grated paneer into the sugar syrup. Let
this sit here on this warm sugar syrup for about 10 minutes and then we can
serve. For serving strain out the mitha pulao on a plate, we will garnish this with
the little gulab jamuns. friends this is one of my favorite sweet dishes hope you
have also enjoyed today's video. So that's all about mitha pulao or Sita bhog
I'll see you in my next video bye bye
For more infomation >> Mitha Pulao | Famous sweet from Bardhaman | Sweet made from cottage cheese - Duration: 8:32.-------------------------------------------
Jingle Bells | + More Christmas Songs 2018 | Bob the Train - Kids TV - Duration: 27:46.
Don't you wanna dance the jingle bells with Bob the train
Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh
Or the fields we go laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride.
And soon miss fanny bright was seated by side
The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot
He got into a drifted bank and then we got upsot
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Now the ground is white go it while you're young
Take the girls tonight and sing this sleighing song
Just get a bobtailed bay two forty as his speed..
Hitch him to an open sleigh and crack, you'll take the lead
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
That was fun!
Let's do it again soon..
Merry Christmas
Myth :Someone Needs To be Dangerously Skinny to Have Anorexia Nervosa - Duration: 2:34.
Hi guys, today im going to tell you about a myth.
So, anorexia nervosa, is chategorize by
fear in gaining weight, desire to be thin and result in food restriction.
So, hear of anorexia nervosa, you will be thinking
of women who are bones-like or young man who are very thin.
And those people who are suffers in anorexia nervosa,
they will have extremely low weight relative to their height.
However, you don't really have to be extremely skinny to have anorexia nervosa.
So it comes to our myth is
you don't really have to be dangerously skinny to have anorexia nervosa.
Everyone could have it
In DSM 5, there is absence of weight requirement.
Someone who is overweight and they have anorexia nervosa
may have medical conditions that prevent their weight lost and
may at a high weight when anorexia begin and not ill enough to be underweight.
The extremely weight loss associated with anorexia nervosa
doesn't happen overnight, bt it happen over a period of time.
It is actually better to identify the problem before its too late.
Anorexia is still very serious even if the sufferers are overweight
So, anorexia is not a weight condition.
Every one of us, no matter what body size or weight,
including you and me,
could have the possibilities to have anorexia nervosa.
So, don't be stereotype
and say that someone have to be dangerously skinny to have anorexia.
That's it.
Myth : Men don't get Anorexia Nervosa - Duration: 3:22.
Hello everybody
Welcome to our YouTube channel
Don't forget to like and subscribe,
so that you have your voice out here
I have a very interesting myth to share to you.
You will be wondering after watching our trailer, what are these people going to share with us?
Is it some kind of educational video? Yes
Trust me, it will be fun filled journey!
So.... let us go to myth number one
Anorexia nervosa is only affected by female (myth)
I have been hearing and looking through some the comments in youtube
and other social media sites
that anorexia nervosa only affects female,
but studies have actually show otherwiese.
Anorexia nervosa is considred to be a disease which very much "feminine".
But proofs form recent studies by a lot of researchers shown that,
actually it is affecting a lot male and we need to tackle this issue.
Get ready, join me for the fun field ride
Anorexia nervosa is often associated with women,
but studies have shown that it is almost prevalent among all gender in our society.
But, by how much you ask me?
Let me tell you, for every 3 female suffering from anorexia nervosa,
there is 1 male.
Which is about 15 to 30 % of the entire percentage.
That is a lot of percentage if you ask me.
University of Sydney have conducted a research on male anorexia
and they found that male are actually suffering from anorexia nervosa having the belief that
they are the less of a man compared to female who having anorexia nervosa disorder.
I beleieve that it is actually a very big concern and we all have to find
a way help each other out to tackle this issue.
A scholar named Greenburg and Scheon (2008)
found that male anorexia is actually, understudied, underreported, and of course overlooked.
Alright, guys,
now we have for the conclusion of my myth which is male does not get anorexia nervosa.
We have found that there are actually supporting that male do get anorexia nervosa.
But the knowledge about this very limited.
So we do need further studies,
studies with diagnosed male participants since male are harder to diagnose due to the stigma.
So we need to bring them back to the daylight and
give them support so that we can treat this disease accordingly.
So, that 'all for my myth and
hope you enjoyed
and please don't forget to like and subscribe.
Thank you very much from me!
Myth: Anorexia Nervosa is not treatable - Duration: 3:56.
I'm alive,
but I don't really want it.
This is not the life I wanted.
It hurts…everything..
I…Just…I just want to be thin, nothing more else.
Why do I have to go through this?
Hey everyone, My Name is Yew Jin
and Today I am going to talk about a myth on anorexia nervosa.
So the myth is Anorexia nervosa cannot be treated.
So you want to know when or why this myth even exists in the first place.
Let's look back to a study,
a study that is conducted by holiday and her colleagues on the perception on Anorexia nervosa.
Apparently, the majority believe that anorexia nervosa can be treated.
The majority, of course is the public, which is like you and me,
we are the normal people who are not suffering from it.
But those who believe in it are the sufferers themselves, so it is not surprising that they share experience to us
and some of us the non-sufferers actually believe that it actually cannot been treated.
Well for those who believe that this myths is true, sorry to break the news but it is not.
Okay so let's get on to another study which is from Steinhausen himself back in 2002,
sad to say his study achieve strengthen the view of AN cannot be treated
because he mention that effective treatment so far from his study, there isn't really not much progress
and the result of recovery shows that 50% fully recovery from AN,
30% partially recovered or to say improving, and lastly 20% are still chronically ill.
That doesn't mean AN cannot be treated.
One of the treatment are seems to be promising up currently, up today
is family based treatment.
So according to Lock and his colleagues back in 2010,
apparently when they test the treatment itself on the adolescents
they found out that half of the teens recovered within the first year
compare to 23% of the teens when they use individual adolescent therapy on them.
So family based treatment so far seems to hold many promises
and even according to lock himself back in 2006,
he found out that this treatment are applicable for children
and one of the challenges of AN recovery is relapse,
and this is also mention that Lock and his colleagues again found in same year 2010
that family based treatment has a protective factor against relapse.
So from all of this I mention,
I just want to make a point that AN is actually treatable.
Yes, it is difficult, it is complicated,
but it is not impossible to treat.
So please for those who are having it or those who know they are suffering from it,
always ask them to seek treatment from them before it is too late.
You don't want to lose them to an Illness.
Take action before it is too late.
I hope you enjoy this video and you learn something from it.
Please subscribe and like our video and Thank You very much.
I hope to see you well.
Beauty and the Beast - Duration: 10:11.
Beauty and the Beast
Author: Unknown
This is a LibriVox recording.
All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain.
For more information or to volunteer,
please visit librivox.org
recorded by Laurie Anne Walden
Author: Unknown
There was once a merchant who had been very rich at one time,
but who, having had heavy losses,
was compelled to retire to a little cottage in the country;
where he lived with his three daughters.
The two elder ones were very much discontented at their poverty,
and were always grumbling and making complaints.
But the youngest one, who was called Beauty,
and who was as amiable as she was handsome,
tried all she could to comfort her father and make his home happy.
when he was going on a journey to try and mend his affairs,
he called them around him,
and asked them what he should bring them when he returned.
The two elder ones wanted each a number of nice presents;
but Beauty, kissing him sweetly,
said she would be content with a rose.
So when the merchant was on his way back,
he came to an elegant garden,
of which the gate stood open;
and thinking of Beauty's rose, he went in,
and plucking a beautiful one,
prepared to proceed on his journey.
As he turned to go,
he saw a hideous Beast coming towards him, armed with a sword!
This terrible creature reproached him for stealing his flowers,
of which he was very choice;
and threatened to kill him on the spot!
The merchant begged for his life, and said,
that he had only taken "a single one to please his daughter Beauty."
On this, the beast said gruffly,
"well, I will let you off,"
"if you will bring one of your daughters here
in your place."
"But she must come here willingly,"
"and meanwhile you may stay and rest in my palace until to-morrow."
But, as you may well believe,
the poor father did not feel much like eating or sleeping;
although everything was done for his comfort,
and, in the morning,
the Beast sent him home upon a beautiful horse.
But though the birds sang around him,
and the sun shone brightly,
and all nature was smiling on his path,
the heart of the poor merchant was heavy,
when he thought of his beloved daughters.
When he came near his home,
his children came forth to meet him;
but, seeing the sadness of his face,
and his eyes filled with tears,
they asked him the cause of his trouble.
Giving the rose to Beauty, he told her all.
The two elder sisters laid all the blame upon Beauty;
who cried bitterly,
and said that
as she was the cause of her father's misfortune,
she alone must suffer for it, and was quite willing to go.
So Beauty got ready for the journey at once.
The father
(who meant to return to the Beast himself, after embracing his children)
tried to dissuade her, but in vain;
and so the two set out together for the Beast's palace,
much to the secret joy of the envious sisters.
When they arrived at the palace,
the doors opened of themselves,
sweet music was heard,
and they found an elegant supper prepared.
As soon as they had refreshed themselves,
the Beast entered, and said in a mild tone,
"did you come here willingly to take the place of your father?"
"Yes, sir,"
she answered in a sweet but trembling voice.
"So much the better for you," replied the Beast.
"Your father can stay here to-night,"
"but he must go home in the morning."
The Beast then retired,
giving Beauty so kind a look as he went out,
that she felt quite encouraged.
The next morning,
when her father left her,
she cheered his heart by telling him that
she thought she could soften the Beast's heart,
and induce him to spare her life.
After he was gone,
she entered an elegant room,
on the door of which was written, in letters of gold,
"Beauty's room."
Lying on the table was a portrait of herself,
set in gold and diamonds,
and on the wall, these words:
"Beauty is Queen here;"
"all things will obey her."
Her meals were served to the sound of music;
and at supper-time,
the Beast after knocking timidly,
would walk in and talk so amiably,
that she soon lost all fear of him;
and once when he failed to come,
felt quite disappointed!
At last, one night, he said to her,
"Am I so very ugly?"
"Yes, indeed, you are," said Beauty,
"but you are so kind and generous,"
"that I do not mind your looks."
"Will you marry me, then, dear Beauty?"
said the poor Beast,
with a look of such eager entreaty in his eyes,
that Beauty's heart melted within her,
and she was upon the point of saying
But happening to look towards him,
at that moment her courage failed her,
and, turning away her head,
she replied softly,
do not ask me."
The Beast then bade her good-night, with a sad voice,
and went away sighing as if his heart would break.
The palace was full of rooms, containing the most beautiful objects.
In one room she saw
a numerous troupe of monkeys, of all sizes and colors.
They came to meet her,
making her very low bows,
and treating her with the greatest respect.
Beauty was much pleased with them,
and asked them to show her about the palace.
two tall and graceful apes, in rich dresses,
placed themselves, with great gravity,
one on each side of her,
while two sprightly little monkeys held up her train as pages.
And from this time forth they waited upon her wherever she went,
with all the attention and respect,
that officers of a royal palace
are accustomed to pay to the greatest Queens and Princesses.
In fact,
Beauty was the Queen of this splendid palace.
She had only to wish for anything to have it;
and she would have been quite contented
if she could have had some company;
for, except at supper-time,
she was always alone!
Then the Beast would come in and behave so agreeably,
that she liked him more and more.
And when he would say to her
"dear Beauty will you marry me?"
in his soft and tender way,
she could hardly find it in her heart to refuse him.
although Beauty had everything that heart could wish,
she could not forget her father and sisters.
At last,
one evening she begged so hard to go home for a visit,
that the Beast consented to her wish,
on her promising not to stay more than two months.
He then gave her a ring,
telling her to place it on her dressing-table,
when she wished either to go or return;
and showed her a wardrobe filled with the most elegant clothes,
as well as a quantity of splendid presents for her father and sisters.
The poor Beast was more sad than ever,
after he had given his consent to her absence.
It seemed to him as if he could not look at her enough,
nor muster courage to leave her.
She tried to cheer him, saying,
"Be of good heart,"
"Beauty will soon return,"
but nothing seemed to comfort him,
and he went sadly away.
Beauty felt very badly when she saw how much the poor Beast suffered.
She tried, however, to dismiss him from her thoughts,
and to think only of the joy of seeing her dear father and sisters on the morrow.
Before retiring to rest,
she took good care to place the ring upon the table,
and great was her joy,
on awaking the next morning,
to find herself in her father's house,
with the clothes and gifts from the palace at her bed-side!
At first she hardly knew where she was,
for everything looked strange to her;
but soon she heard the voice of her father,
and, rushing out of the room,
threw her loving arms around his neck.
Beauty then related all the kindness and delicacy of the Beast toward her,
and in return discovered that
he had been as liberal to her father and sisters.
He had given them
the large and handsome house in which they now lived,
with an income sufficient to keep them in comfort.
For a long time
Beauty was happy with her father and sisters;
but she soon discovered that her sisters were jealous of her,
and envied her
the fine dresses and jewels the Beast had given her.
She often thought tenderly of the poor Beast, alone in his palace;
and as the two months were now over,
she resolved to return to him as she had promised.
But her father could not bear to lose her again,
and coaxed her to stay with him a few days longer;
which she at last consented to do, with many misgivings,
when she thought of her broken promise to the lonely beast.
At last,
on the night before she intended to return,
she dreamed that she saw
the unhappy beast lying dead on the ground in the palace garden!
She awoke,
all trembling with terror and remorse,
and, leaving a note on the table for her dear father;
placed the ring within her bosom,
and wished herself back again in the palace.
As soon as daylight appeared,
she called her attendants,
and searched the palace from top to bottom.
But the Beast was nowhere to be found!
She then ran to the garden,
and there,
in the very spot that she had seen in her dream,
lay the poor Beast,
gasping and senseless upon the ground;
and seeming to be in the agonies of death!
At this pitiful sight,
Beauty clasped her hands,
fell upon her knees,
and reproached herself bitterly for having caused his death.
"Alas! poor Beast!" she said,"
"I am the cause of this."
"How can I ever forgive myself for my unkindness to you,"
"who were so good and generous to me, and mine,"
"and never even reproached me for my cruelty?"
She then ran to a fountain for cold water,
which she sprinkled over him,
her tears meanwhile falling fast upon his hideous face.
In a few moments the Beast opened his eyes,
and said,
"now, that I see you once more,"
"I shall die contented."
"No, no,!" she cried,
"you shall not die;"
"you shall live,"
"and Beauty will be your faithful wife!"
The moment she uttered these words,
a dazzling light shone around—
the palace was brilliantly lighted up,
and the air was filled with delicious music.
In place of the terrible and dying Beast,
she saw a young and handsome Prince,
who knelt at her feet, and told her that
he had been condemned to wear the form of a frightful Beast,
until a beautiful girl should love him in spite of his ugliness!
At the same moment,
the Apes, and the Monkeys,
who had been in attendance upon her,
were transformed into
elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen,
who ranged themselves at a respectful distance,
and performed their duties,
as Gentlemen, and Maids of Honor.
The grateful Prince now claimed Beauty for his wife;
and she who had loved him,
even under the form of the Beast,
was now tenfold more in love with him,
as he appeared in his rightful form.
So the very next day,
Beauty and the Prince were married with great splendor,
and lived happily together for ever after.
END of Beauty and the Beast
The Woman In The Window (1944) - Duration: 1:39:06.
The Biblical injunction "Thou shalt not kill"
is one that requires qualification
in view of our broader knowledge of impulses behind homicide.
The various legal categories such as first and second degree murder,
the various degrees of homicide, manslaughter,
are civilized recognitions of impulses of various degrees of culpability.
The man who kills in self defense, for instance, must not be judged
by the same standards applied to the man who kills for gain.
So, what are you doing tonight?
I'm having dinner with Lalor and Barkstane at the club.
Well, I just don't want you to stay cooped up every night working all the time.
I won't, I promise you. I'll get out.
All right, dear. I should think you would after classes all day.
But once you get your nose into a book...
- Mama, they're going. - Yes, dear.
Goodbye, darling. I'm so sorry you're not going with us.
So am I, but you have a good time. Don't you worry about me.
Will you miss me?
Every minute of the day. Every second of the night.
- Mama. - Bye, sweetie.
Kiss Daddy goodbye.
Goodbye, you little brats.
- So long, Pops. - So long.
And mind Mother. Both of you.
- Yes sir. - Watch Vicky.
Yes, I will, dear.
New York Telegram, World Post. Get your papers.
- Frank. - What?
- Flirting with our sweetheart? - Hello, Michael.
- How are you, Frank? - Glad to see you, Richard.
- Who is she? - Haven't the faintest idea.
But we've decided she's our dream girl just from that picture.
That's right. We saw her first.
Well, it's an extraordinary portrait.
Extraordinary woman too, I bet.
Well, what's the program now, huh?
Stork Club? Billy Rose's?
Well, I hate to disappoint you, gentlemen, but the program as far as I'm concerned
is one cigar, another drink and early to bed.
I have a lecture at 9:00 tomorrow morning,
and I expect to deliver it without sport.
Do you mean to sit there and tell us that on the first night
of your summer bachelorhood,
you're not even going to a burlesque show?
No, but if one of the young ladies wishes to come over here
and perform about there,
I'll only be too happy to watch.
- Incredible. - Absolutely shameful.
It's outraging tradition.
Well, look, I'm a middle-aged man. We all are.
We are three old crocks. That sort of shenanigan is out for us.
Just a minute.
I don't know if I like being described as an old crock.
No, Michael, he's right, I'm afraid.
And it's a darn good thing too. Men our age...
I didn't say that. I didn't say it was a good thing.
'Cause I don't know that it is.
All I know is that I hate it.
I hate this solidity, the stodginess I am beginning to feel.
To me it's the end of the brightness of life, the end of spirit and adventure.
Don't talk like that.
Men of our years have no business playing around
with any adventure that they can avoid.
We're like athletes who are out of condition.
We can't handle that sort of thing anymore.
Life ends at 40?
In the district attorney's office,
we see what happens to middle-aged men who try to act like colts.
And I'm not joking when I tell you that I've seen genuine, actual tragedy
issuing directly out of pure carelessness, out of the merest trifles.
Casual impulse, an idle flirtation, one drink too many.
How many is that?
- Third, isn't it? - Great Scott, he's lost count already.
He's a strictly two-drink man, always has been for years.
I'm sorry if I sound stuffy.
But trouble starts, too, from little things,
often from some forgotten natural tendency.
Yes, but I have a date for an idle flirtation with Lana Turner
that we worked out.
Tomorrow night?
Very good. Why don't we make it every night?
The three of us, unless we've got something better to do.
Fine, that's a good idea.
- I think I'll roll along with you. - Splendid.
Maybe Lana can dig up Rita Hayworth for you.
Well, what about me?
Do you think it quite safe to leave me alone
in this somewhat rebellious state of mind?
No, no. You'll be all right, I'm sure.
Just you run along to bed like a good fellow and forget the whole matter.
He's much too old for the sort of thing we have in mind, isn't he?
Now, be good.
- Dick, I really would like... - Oh, stop worrying.
You know, I don't agree with a word you've said.
But the disagreement is purely academic.
You know, that's exactly my complaint.
The flesh is still strong but the spirit grows weaker by the hour.
You know, even if the spirit of adventure should rise up before me and beckon,
even in the form of that alluring young woman in the window next door,
I'm afraid that all I'll do is clutch my coat a little tighter,
mutter something idiotic and run like the devil.
Not before you got her number, I hope.
Good night.
You're safe, I guess. Good night, Dick.
Oh, thank you.
Would you be good enough to remind me when it's 10:30?
Yes, sir.
Sometimes I'm inclined to lose track of time.
I'll remind you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
It's 10:30, Professor Wanley.
It's 10:30, sir.
Would you mind putting it back in the library?
- Yes, sir. - Thank you.
My hat, please.
I... I couldn't have drunk that much.
You did pose for it, didn't you?
Well, then my admiration for the artist is definite.
It's not only a good painting, it's also you.
You know that so quickly?
I don't know it. I only know that if I were a painter and had done this of you,
I would be very happy about it.
- Is it yours? - No. I wish it were.
Then I wouldn't have to come over here every so often to watch people's faces.
- Is that what you do? - Now and then, when I'm lonely.
- Tonight? - I was alone.
I don't like to be.
Well, did you watch my face?
Oh, yes.
Did I react properly? Normally?
Well, there are two general reactions.
One is a kind of solemn stare for the painting.
And the other?
The other is a long, low whistle.
What was mine?
I'm not sure.
But I suspect, in another moment or two,
you might have given a long, low, solemn whistle.
Well, that rather embarrasses me.
Oh, it shouldn't.
I regard it as an unusually sincere compliment
because you don't look to me like a man much given to whistling.
Oh, no, no. It's not that exactly,
but if my admiration was that obvious, I'm afraid you might misunderstand...
- May I help you? - Could you?
I'm not married, I have no designs on you, and one drink is all I'd care for.
- Is that right? - That's right.
Thank you very much.
What's so funny?
Well, I had dinner with a couple of friends tonight.
We discussed your portrait with great admiration, I might say.
I'm thinking of their faces tomorrow night when I tell them about this.
Sitting and chatting over a drink with the charming young lady herself.
Would you like to see some more of his work?
I would indeed.
I'd like it very much.
Then, when you've finished your drink, you can take me home
and I'll show them to you.
They're just sketches but quite good, I think.
They're of me, of course.
A little late, isn't it?
Is that late? 11:00?
I don't think I should.
You don't think you should? What do you mean?
I was warned.
You mean, you're afraid? Of me?
No, no, no. It's not that, but...
I was warned against the siren call of adventure
at my age.
I should never have stopped to talk with you.
I should never, never have come here to drink with you.
Come in.
- May I have your hat? - Yes, thank you.
Make yourself at home.
I'll be right back.
Clemens, who did the one in the window, did these.
Just sketches, but nice, I think.
Let's have another.
I should say no, I know,
but I haven't the slightest intention of saying it.
I should say not.
This is much too pleasant to break up.
- Ouch! - Did you cut yourself?
No, but the wire broke.
Have you something to cut it with?
- Scissors all right? - Yes, I think that will do.
Who are you?
- My name is... - Frank!
Frank, God! Listen!
I told you, if you ever...
- Stop that, you fool. - Fool, huh?
Frank! Frank! Stop!
Stop! Frank!
Is he...
What are we going to do?
I don't know.
Call the police, I suppose.
What was his name?
Frank Howard.
That's what he told me.
Don't you think it was?
I don't know.
I don't think so, but I don't know.
He never told me anything else.
Where he lived, what he did,
I saw him two or three times a week, perhaps.
He never took me out to dinner or a show or anything.
What... What are you...
Where's the telephone?
In the bedroom.
Operator, get me...
Operator. Operator.
You say nobody has ever seen you with him?
We've never been out together.
When you met him?
That was on a train.
Who knows at all about you and him?
Unless he told someone,
which I doubt,
You've never mentioned him to anybody?
Not his name.
Not even the name he gave me.
Do you think there's something we can do?
I was just wondering.
I was wondering if anybody could have seen him coming in here tonight.
I'm sure not.
He wouldn't even get out of the cab if there was anyone around.
Do you think there's something we can do?
Do you? I don't want to go to jail.
Try to keep calm. Please.
Let's think about it a minute. Let's see if there is anything.
They'll never believe us, you know.
No, I'm afraid they won't, but even if they did, we wouldn't be much better off.
They'll say we can make up any kind of story we wanted to.
Who else saw it?
They'll make it some kind of murder, I know they will.
I have no feeling about him.
He was trying to kill me, there's no question about that.
If I hadn't killed him, he'd have killed me.
If you hadn't given me the scissors, I'd be dead.
But whatever they believe,
I'm ruined, my whole life.
You were thinking of something.
What was it?
I was wondering if we had the nerve for something,
something pretty dangerous
that would shut the door on us completely if we were caught.
Anything you say.
I don't want to go to jail! I don't!
It's this.
If nobody knows about you,
if nobody saw him coming in here tonight,
how could either of us be connected with it
if his body were found miles and miles away from here?
But how?
I'd have to go and get my car.
I'll park it directly in front of the door.
And then we'll pick our moment.
You'll watch while I carry it out and put it in the back.
And then I'll dump it somewhere in the country.
It'll be found of course, sooner or later,
but maybe not for a week.
You mean, you'll go for your car while I wait here?
- Would you be afraid? - Not of that.
If you got out of here, why should you ever come back?
I like you. I think you're all right, but I don't even know your name.
And I don't think there's a man in the world
that wouldn't get out of a mess like this if he could.
Oh, we mustn't quarrel.
If we do that, we're lost, both of us.
Why can't I go with you?
I'm hoping we can get ourselves out of this completely.
But there's one condition.
I won't tell you my name, what I do, or take you to get the car,
because then you'd know where I live.
But if we're successful tonight, it'll be of no importance to you.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
You leave something here.
Leave your vest with me.
That would be a clue if you didn't come back.
Well, that's fair enough.
There's almost no blood outside, fortunately.
Have you a dark blanket we can wrap him in?
I have one.
The trouble is, I have no idea what the police can do with clues.
A great deal, I'm sure.
I've read of things little short of miraculous by the city police,
as well as the FBI, from a piece of cloth or even a button.
I'll have to take the subway,
so I probably won't be able to make it much under three quarters of an hour.
Maybe an hour.
But even if I'm longer than that, don't worry.
Don't get panicky and call the police,
because I promise you I'll be back. I won't fail you.
- Now, look outside, will you? - Yes.
Keep your nerve. We'll make it.
I'd like my car, please.
Yes, sir.
- Hey, Charlie. - Yeah?
- Professor Wanley's car. - Right away.
- Kind of late for you, isn't it? - Yes, later than I expected.
Hey, you know Mr. Warne in your building?
4:00 Sunday morning, he got in.
Better get them brakes adjusted, first chance you get. They're pretty loose.
I will.
Pull over to the curb.
Don't you ever turn your lights on at night?
I'm sorry, I thought the garage man turned them on.
Let's see your driver's license.
Wanley, huh? What's that, Polish?
- No, it's American. - Do you have any other identification?
I have a letter here from the board of education.
- Professor, huh? - Assistant.
Okay, but watch those lights from now on.
- Everything all right? - Everything is just as you left it.
The name on the mail box is Reed, Alice Reed,
in case you have to come again.
Well, if we're lucky, I don't think there'll be any occasion for that.
- Is that the blanket? - Yes.
First, I imagine we've got to get rid of the more obvious means of identification.
I've already done that.
- You searched him? - It had to be done, didn't it?
No letters or anything with a name on it?
No. But...
He told me Frank Howard. That's all I know.
All right, tie it all up
and tomorrow get on one of the ferries,
not during a rush hour, and drop it overboard.
- And be very careful that you aren't seen. - The money, too?
You might as well keep it. I don't see how that can be traced.
- What about the watch? - Do exactly as I tell you. Please.
Otherwise we might as well give ourselves up now.
We can't afford to overlook one detail.
We've got to think of everything in advance.
- Remember that. - I will.
How about this rug?
There's only a little spot. I can get that out myself.
Well, do it very thoroughly, will you?
I've read of laboratory tests that make the fine signs of blood
that the naked eye could never see.
I can clean it.
And the scissors, you better boil them.
Something might be left on the neck of them.
- All right. - Is there anything else that we forgot?
His hat.
Help me with the table.
Now, when I leave here, I want you to go over the whole place thoroughly.
Wash these glasses, put them back on the shelf.
Get rid of these bottles. Clean everything thoroughly.
There mustn't be one sign left that you had any visitor tonight.
Him, me or anybody else.
Give me that paper.
I'll give you the blanket back as soon as I've got him in the car.
They'll examine it very carefully too.
I'll clean everything. I won't go to bed until I've cleaned every single place.
Now, put out the lights.
Go out and see.
All clear.
Thank you.
I won't see you again, I suppose.
For both our sakes, I hope this ends the whole thing completely and forever.
All right then, goodbye.
Hey, come back here.
- What was it? A dime? - Never mind. Here's another.
Well, it couldn't have gone far.
That's all right. If you find it later, you can have it.
Thanks. Hey, this is a penny.
- Sorry. - That's okay.
Well, thanks for the dime if I find it.
- Excellent port, that. - Yes.
- William, check please. - Yes, sir.
- This is mine tonight. - Thank you.
Did Frank say what kept him?
Something important, I imagine. He sounded excited.
Well, I can't quite picture Frank excited.
- Here you are, sir. - Must have left mine.
Thank you, sir.
- Coffee in the lounge. - Very well, sir.
He was talking from the police commissioner's office.
Ah, there he is.
Well, shall we go back?
No, I'm not going to eat now. I'm gonna have a drink.
- How are you, Richard? - Fine, thank you. Account for yourself.
Come inside, you'll be interested in this.
Oh, Collins, get me an Old Fashioned, will you?
Yes, sir.
- Let's go over here. - Hot news?
But confidential for the moment. Claude Mazard has disappeared.
- Claude Mazard? - Yes.
But how do you mean disappeared?
Exactly what the word means.
He left Washington yesterday afternoon, and he arrived at Penn Station last night
and from there he's literally disappeared.
- Is that the promoter? - My dear Richard, don't be vulgar.
When a promoter has promoted a colossus like World Enterprises Incorporated,
he's no longer a promoter, he's a financier.
- Oh, yes, yes, of course. I remember now. - We're gonna wait until...
No, not for me. I've got an Old Fashioned coming.
Going to wait until midnight on the odd chance he shows up.
But if he hasn't checked in by then,
we'll give it to the papers and then watch the fireworks.
- The market? - And how.
What did he look like? Or rather, I mean...
- What sort of fellow was he? - A true perfect nuisance.
- He was a patient of mine for a while. - For what?
Nerves, blood pressure.
He had the most ungovernable temper I've ever known.
He had no idea how pleased I was when he called me a quack and stomped out.
Well, just because a man doesn't show up for a day,
I see no reason to assume that he's been murdered.
I didn't say he was murdered.
- Mr. Lalor. Oh, Mr. Lalor. - Yes.
- Telephone, Mr. Lalor. - Thank you. Excuse me.
I... I don't know why I said that.
I suppose it's because of his whole manner.
The way he talked seemed to indicate murder,
- violence of some kind. - It did. That's what he's suspicious of, too.
He has an uncanny instinct for things like that.
The old head goes up like a bird-dog's.
Yes, I can imagine he'd be pretty terrifying
once he got the scent.
You bet.
12.00 and the midnight news from station WPQ
with the courtesy of Castola Rex,
that tangy, bracing acid remedy for that tired feeling.
But first, a word about Castola Rex.
Wise Mother Nature has balanced the chemical contents
of the gastric juices so carefully
that heart burn, acid stomach, or an upset digestive system
resulting from over indulgence in food and drink
can blight a person's whole outlook on life.
But why suffer when Castola Rex,
Mother Nature's own helping hand, is available at your nearest drug store?
Try it today and everyday. Now for the news.
The police have just announced
the mysterious disappearance of Claude Mazard,
founder of the fabulous public utilities empire of World Enterprises Incorporated,
under circumstances indicating foul play.
At the same time, World Enterprises Incorporated
have offered a reward of $10,000
for any information as to his whereabouts, dead or alive.
After checking a briefcase
at Pennsylvania Station about 10.30 last night...
I was practicing woodcraft in the woods
just off the Bronx River Parkway extension
when I found Mr. Mazard's remains.
No, I was not scared. A Boy Scout is never scared.
If I get the reward,
I will send my younger brother to some good college
and I will go to Harvard.
I think we can be pretty confident about this one.
- Looks easy to you? - Well, not exactly easy, but not too tough.
- Plenty of clues, eh? - Some.
And the circumstances add up, so far.
For instance, he wasn't killed in the woods, of course.
He was killed somewhere else
and the body taken to the spot where it was found.
- How do you know that? - We got the tire marks of a parked car.
That's as good as a fingerprint, so far as the car's concerned.
But how do you know it was the murderer's car?
Footprints in the same soft ground leading from the car and back to it.
Deep prints when he was going into the wood,
carrying something heavy. Lighter coming back, without his burden.
Not much question as to that, is there?
No, I suppose not.
We got photographs and plaster casts of everything.
While that doesn't help us to name a man,
once we've lined up on a suspect, there'll be a positive check on him.
Especially the shoe prints.
How's that?
Well, the print of new shoes isn't of much use,
but these were well-worn shoes, and from the print of a worn shoe,
we can learn a great deal about the wearer's weight, height,
length of stride, any peculiarity of gait he may have.
- Could you tell that from these? - Yes.
The man weighs in the neighborhood of 160 pounds,
wears an eight shoe and is probably of moderate circumstances.
You're rather guessing at that last, aren't you?
The shoes have been half-soled.
We have a number of bits of evidence like that.
But the trouble with them, as you say, is they don't offer leads.
They only offer checks, like the kind of suit he wore.
- Do you know that too? - Yes, and his blood.
The keen-eyed Inspector Jackson
found some on a wire fence over which the body was dropped.
He probably scratched his hand lifting it over.
Yes, but a trace like that on a barbed wire fence,
could that be enough to be of any use?
Did I say a barbed wire fence?
- Didn't you? - No.
Well, what other kind could a man more naturally scratch his hand on?
It was a barbed wire fence, of course.
I was only trying to impress you fellows with my keenness.
Can't a man get any credit around here at all?
Then in that case, I'll give you an opportunity to impress the whole city.
Does this suggest anything to you?
Yes. It suggests very strongly
that you're eaten up with envy.
You see my name on the front page of every paper,
so you make a desperate effort to elbow your way into my case
by insinuating that you are the guilty man.
But it's no use, my boy. You scratched yourself for nothing.
Did you ever see such selfishness?
- Did you put anything on it? - Yes, some antiseptic.
- How did you do it? - Last night, I cut it on a tin can.
- Well, watch it. - So I will.
Would you like to hear exactly how the police figure it happened?
- Yes. - You bet we would.
Well, come in the lounge.
- Oh, thanks. - Good night.
Good night, sir.
- Coffee and cigars inside, Boris. - Yes, sir.
- William, check in the lounge. - Very well, Mr. Lalor.
We got a line on a woman this afternoon.
- Frank? - Yes?
Hello, Mark.
- May I see you for a moment? - Certainly.
I'll join you in a minute.
Great stuff knowing a district attorney. Get all the inside dope.
- Frank's a very smart man. - Yes.
- You're a bit off your feet, aren't you? - Just a bit, I suppose.
Haven't been sleeping very well.
- Missing the family, eh? - Yes, very much.
Yes, well, I think you could do with a few pills.
You're not the absent-minded-professor type, are you?
I've tried not to be.
Two a day is all right. Should pep you up considerably.
But I'd hate to think of you wandering foggily into the bathroom,
popping them into your mouth like salted peanuts.
- Poison? - No, not in the technical sense.
It's a gland concentrate.
Too much would hit the old heart like a sledgehammer.
Well, a matter of 20 or 30 minutes and... Bang.
- What's that? - Prescription for Richard.
It not only kills you if you take enough of it, it leaves no trace.
"Just a case of heart disease," that's all they could say.
I suppose there's no way of telling how many of your patients
you've disposed of in that way.
None whatever, so forget it.
You said they've located the woman.
Not quite. The police theory this afternoon was this,
Mazard, a bachelor, had a sweetheart.
His business associates are quite sure of that.
But who she is or where she lives, they don't know.
Pretty nervous man in romance, it seems.
At any rate, when he reached Penn Station,
he went to call on her.
Either a man was already there or he came during Mazard's visit.
And this man the lady preferred over Mazard.
Why do they think that?
Well, otherwise, if her true love had been killed,
she would have most likely done something to bring the killer to justice.
- This is just a theory, of course? - I said that.
So they fought and Mazard was killed, probably with a pair of scissors.
That's the medical examiner's belief, anyway.
Then in a panic, they loaded the body into a car, his or hers,
and took it to the place where it was found.
Now these two people, this man and this woman,
sit hating and fearing each other,
each wondering how long it'll be before the other is caught
and blabs out the whole story.
- Always a woman, eh? - Wait, I'm not through.
That, I said, was the theory this afternoon.
And what is it now?
Well, now it's anybody's guess. Something came up just as I left the office
that pulls the rug right out from under that theory.
It seems that Mazard's associates,
always afraid he'd get into trouble with his temper,
had engaged a man, a bodyguard, to follow him secretly at all times.
- On that night, too? - That we don't know.
We don't know because he's disappeared as well.
- Then there's your murderer, isn't it? - Could be, but not necessarily.
Then why hasn't he shown up?
It's not that simple. He could have murdered Mazard, yes.
He might have tried to blackmail him and killed him in the fight.
Or he might have witnessed the killing
and is getting ready to blackmail the killers.
But even if he's 100% innocent, he still won't walk in and talk.
Why not?
Because he's hot. He's a known crook with a blackmailing record.
That's why he was thrown off the force, for shaking people down.
He's wanted for at least two other raps.
We'll get that gentleman when we run him down and not before.
Nice fellow to pick for a bodyguard.
Oh, don't ask me why. Wall Street geniuses do anything.
He's tough and strong, and I suppose that's all they thought of it.
Anyway, I'm going up tomorrow morning
to have a look over this place where they dumped the body.
Either of you fellows like to go with me?
Sorry, I wish I could, but I'm operating in the morning.
- Richard? - Oh, I'm afraid that...
Oh, you go with him.
You've got no classes tomorrow, you told me so.
Yes, I know, but...
He'll go. I'm his physician, I order him to.
It'll give you something to think about. What time?
- I'll pick you up at your apartment at 9:30. - Very well, I'll be ready.
Good. We'll try to show you how the law operates to nail a man.
This is quite an adventure for me.
- Anything new? - Nothing very important.
- Fred. - Yes, sir.
- We're picking up Jackson at the toll gate. - Right, sir.
District attorney's office.
Any luck?
Fellows is not on duty. We'll check at his home this afternoon.
Inspector Jackson, Professor Wanley.
- How do you do, Inspector? - Pleased to meet you, sir.
Excuse my left hand, I have a little cut.
- Oh, yes. How's it coming? - All right, it's nothing.
How did you say you did it?
I was opening a can in the kitchen the other night and the can opener slipped.
What was in the can? Poison ivy?
I'm... I'm afraid that was pure stupidity.
The next day I was looking for a lost golf ball
and evidently I got into some poison ivy.
You must have scratched it. That's a pretty bad infection.
Well, it's an awful nuisance, I know that.
- Is this your case, Inspector? - For the moment.
They're all his cases, all the tough ones.
Inspector Jackson is head of the homicide bureau.
Anything new since I left?
Well, we picked up that woman this morning.
Good. What's she got to say for herself?
Well, we'll see her when we get there. They're bringing her up.
- Inspector. - Good morning, Captain.
- You know Mr. Lalor, don't you? - You bet.
- Very glad to see you, Mr. Lalor. - Glad to see you, Captain.
- And this is Professor Wanley. - That's right.
- Captain Kennedy. - Pleased to meet you, Captain.
- Pleased to meet you, Professor. - Is that woman here yet?
Beck has her in the car.
Well, let's go over this layout first. Then we'll get to her.
- All right, Inspector. - Over here.
Now, here is where he parked his car.
The tire tracks are gone, of course, but we have casts and photographs.
They're Goodrich 716s, between 15,000 and 20,000 miles,
standard equipment on two or three popular make of cars.
The motorcycle officer on duty remembers seeing a Cadillac at the traffic signal.
- That may be worth keeping in mind. - Did he see who was in it?
Yes, the driver, a man. But he doubts very much if he could identify him.
So I don't think that's gonna lead us anywhere.
Well, anyway, he got the body here. Where'd he take it?
I'll show you.
We got casts of his shoes going and coming.
- Richard. - What?
You're going to be the guide?
Am I going right?
As straight as an arrow. Professor, eh?
Say, you think we'd better look into this, Mr. Lalor?
Well, that's very funny. I wasn't even thinking where I was going. I...
I was just thinking what the Inspector said.
That's all right, Richard, don't get excited.
We rarely arrest people just for knowing where the body was.
I don't imagine our killer was very familiar with this spot,
because the fence was too near the road for his purposes.
At any rate, he couldn't go much further without a great deal of difficulty.
So he just dumped it over down there.
Now, there isn't anything in particular to see
except you wanna keep the whole setting in mind.
He tore his coat, probably his sleeve, as he lifted it over,
because we picked up a couple of shreds of woolen fiber.
Couldn't have been from Mazard's clothes?
No, different material.
And we got a sample of blood from this barb.
He certainly didn't pick himself an easy job.
Mazard weighed close to 200 pounds, you know.
Yes, it must have been pretty tough going.
Yes, especially at night.
- Well, yes, it may have been at night. - I suppose so.
But I was thinking of it as early morning, along about daylight.
Well, I thought the paper said night.
Anything else, sir?
I can't think of anything else. You, Richard?
Well, why ask me?
I'm simply bowled over by the amount of information
the police have got out of such apparently insignificant details.
Well, it's hardly spectacular. Really police routine, so far.
But there is one thing we have in our department
that is really worthwhile, Professor.
- What's that? - Patience.
I imagine so.
- Wanna see the woman? - Might as well.
What's that for?
Oh, I had one of the men put that there this morning
so you wouldn't brush against that bush.
- It's poison ivy. - Very thoughtful, Captain.
- Well, too late to do me any good. - That's right.
Looks as if you have a little more explaining to do, Richard.
Closing in on me, huh?
If you'll only confess, Professor, we could wrap up this whole case before noon.
Well, not me. I'm afraid you'll have to work for this one, Inspector.
There you go,
you've never any consideration for us poor cops.
- Let's have the woman. - Yes, sir.
- All right? - All right.
If you don't mind, I'll go and sit in the car for a little while.
I'm not feeling very well.
What's the matter, Richard? It's not serious, is it?
Oh, no, no, no, not at all. You go on, I'll be all right.
Well, if you need me...
No, no, you go right ahead.
Well, that's all.
We can go now.
Well, goodbye, Professor. Hope you'll be feeling better soon.
Thank you.
Well, what do you think?
The woman?
You think she's the one?
I don't know.
She's got something on her conscience.
But what woman hasn't?
Yes. Where did they find her?
Second-class hotel off Broadway.
I don't know. She seems a bit dingy to me for Mazard.
He'd do better than that, I'm sure.
Bottom of the barrel.
It's the bodyguard who is hot now, anyway.
How did you find...
Have you seen the early editions?
- No. - Your picture's in The Times.
Will you tell me what you mean?
"Dr. George Felix Reynolds, president of Gotham College,
"yesterday announced the promotion of Dr. Richard Wanley
"to head of the Department of Psychology."
Oh, of course, I wasn't expecting it before.
Did I frighten you?
A bit.
Is everything all right?
I suppose so.
You've heard nothing from anybody?
Have you?
Not so far.
Oh, I'm not worrying now.
I'm sure we're out of it.
Aren't you?
I hope so.
And I'm not going to bother you, believe me.
Oh, it's quite all right.
I'm rather glad that I've heard from you.
Good night and thank you.
Good night.
- Yes? - MAN. Miss Reed?
- Who is this? - Open up.
I wanna have a little talk with you
about our friend Mr. Mazard.
I don't know you and I don't know your friend Mr. Mazard,
so beat it.
Listen, you don't want me to get tough, do you?
I don't care how tough you get. You're not coming in here at this hour.
I'm not kidding, lady.
Either you open this door, or I'm going to the police.
Well, will you say what you've got to say and get out of here?
If you didn't hear it, it was on the radio tonight.
Another reward for $10,000 for any information leading to the arrest
of the murderer of Claude Mazard.
You didn't hear it?
And if I had, it wouldn't have meant one thing to me.
Now, if you're gonna start claiming you never knew him,
you can save your breath.
Because I've been tailing him for months,
and I've tailed him here many a time.
He's been here.
But not under that name.
I never knew anything about who he was until I saw his picture in the paper,
after he was killed.
So you're the one that's wasting your breath.
Well, let's see if I am.
Don't mind my looking around a little, do you?
You bet I do!
I know nothing whatever about the death of Mr. Mazard,
- and you've got no right to... - Listen.
Take it easy, will you?
It's been in the papers that they're looking for some woman he knew.
And I'm telling you you're the only one.
But have you been to them and explained to them
how you had nothing to do with it?
Of course not! It's not me they're looking for.
Oh, come now, Miss Reed.
What are you looking for?
I can't tell you till I find it.
I'd settle for some blood
or a photograph.
Or a confession.
Or some hairs.
Any little thing like that.
Some brown, some black.
Mr. Mazard's was brown.
All wiped clean, huh?
Pretty good housekeeper, I guess.
Yes, sir, clean as a whistle.
Not a finger mark anywhere.
Not even where you'd think they'd be naturally.
Could be, you know.
Those little stabs.
That ain't Claude Mazard,
and it ain't Alice Reed.
And you had it hid, too.
What's his first name?
Oh, I'm getting warm, all right. No question about that in my mind.
All right. What do you want?
Now you're talking.
I don't want to make trouble for anybody.
I can, of course, but I don't want to.
But the way I figure it,
you just don't want the police nosing around in any of your business.
Isn't that right?
- Who does? - That's what I mean.
So I'll tell you how we can fix it.
There's a $10,000 reward out for just the kind of information I've got.
But I don't see it that way.
The way I see it, if I got $5,000 from you,
that'd be the end of it, so far as I'm concerned.
- Are you nuts? - From you and the guy I mean.
I haven't got $5,000 and there isn't any guy to get it from,
so you may as well go right along to the police
and tell them whatever you wish.
Now, you don't want me to do a thing like that, Miss Reed.
Mr. Mazard was a very rich man,
and you can't tell me you didn't get something off him.
And don't forget,
you'll be a lot better off dealing with me than you would with the homicide squad.
You don't want to go to the chair, do you?
I want you out of here.
That's all I want.
I've a pin and bracelet he gave me worth more than $1,000.
Will you take them and get out of here?
No, ma'am. Nothing like that.
Nothing but cash.
Five grand.
As a matter of fact, you're simply bluffing.
If you can get $10,000 from the police,
why would you be satisfied with $5,000 from me?
What if I told you to just get out of here and go whistle for it?
You want to take a chance on that?
You see, honey, you did it, you and this guy.
Otherwise, you wouldn't even be talking to me about it.
If you had been in the clear, you would have called the cops
the minute I walked in. I know that.
So you gotta look at it my way, don't you see?
I have to think it over.
I have to have some time.
That's okay, I'm not pushing you.
Take tonight and tomorrow. Think it over, see if I am right.
See the guy, explain it to him.
And I'll be back here tomorrow night at 8:30 for the dough.
But don't try to run away or pull any tricks like that,
because I'll be keeping an eye on things pretty close.
Good night, and don't fret.
You get the money and that'll be the end of the whole thing.
Something's happened. I've got to see you right away.
What else did he find?
Your pencil.
I kept it because...
Because I wasn't sure of you then.
I wanted something.
Oh, well, it's done now.
- Are you angry with me? - About the man?
No, I can't think of anything else you could have done.
I don't expect you to pay all the money.
I have a little and I can raise a little more on that bracelet,
and some other things Mr. Mazard gave me.
You're very fair, Alice. Quite generous.
It's worth it to get rid of him.
Well, paying him $5,000 isn't getting rid of him.
That's just the first installment.
If we pay him once, it'll go on as long as we live.
But we've got to, haven't we?
If we don't, he'll set the cops on us. I'm sure of it.
So am I. That's what blackmail means.
You pay or the blow falls.
What can we do?
There are only three ways to deal with a blackmailer.
You can pay him and pay him and pay him until you're penniless.
Or you can call the police yourself
and let your secret be known to the world.
Or you can kill him.
- Good evening. - Good evening.
Will this take long?
I have it ready in powders.
- Will that be all right? - Yes, I suppose so.
Same dosage.
You needn't wrap it.
- How much? - Three and a quarter.
If you got any children, you better not leave that laying around loose.
I won't.
- Up. - Down.
Were you followed? Do you know?
- I don't think so. - Did you look?
Yes, but there wasn't anybody, I'm sure.
- Is it the police? - Now, please, Alice.
If you want to play, you must do your homework first.
If you do your homework first then you can go...
- Down. - Up.
I give you my word of honor
that there isn't a thing to say the police know we're alive.
- Believe me, please. - I'm all right, go on.
There's $5,000 in that package, but if you run into any kind of difficulty,
don't let him have but part of it.
Tell him that's all you could get today,
that he'll have to come back sometime tomorrow evening for the rest.
- Do you understand? - I understand.
What about the...
That's in there, too. It's a powder.
But you needn't worry about his seeing it because it dissolves almost instantly.
- How much? - You'll find a note about that in there.
I don't know what else we can do, Alice.
But if you don't think you can go through with it,
we'll try and think out another plan.
There's nothing else we can do.
I know that.
How soon does it work?
It takes effect, I'm told, in 20 or 25 minutes.
So you better make sure he's out of your apartment.
All right.
You better go now.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
If you lose your nerve, don't get frightened.
We'll find another way.
I won't lose my nerve.
- Miss Reed? - Yes?
It's me, open up.
- Who else you got here? - Nobody.
I didn't know but what you might have got some cute idea.
Pretty dolled up, huh? Is that for me?
- I'm glad if you like it, of course. - It's okay.
That Mazard knew how to pick 'em, all right.
Will you sit down for a minute?
Sure, but make it short, will you?
- $5,000 is a lot of money. - Uh-oh.
It's a lot for me anyhow and I haven't been able to raise it on such short notice.
And what am I supposed to do about that?
I only want you to be reasonable, that's all.
I want you to give me a little more time.
How much have you got?
- That's what I thought. - What do you mean?
That's the kind of a figure, I'd say, if I had some other idea in mind.
Not too little, not too big.
- Don't you believe me? - Stop kidding.
Let's have it.
Come on.
I can get the rest by tomorrow night, if it's all right with you.
Who told you to say all this?
Nobody, huh?
Is it all right?
You're pretty cute, you know that?
Is it all right?
Well, what else can I do if you haven't got it?
I think I need a drink.
- Would you like one? - I don't mind. What d'you got?
- I'm going to have a scotch and soda. - Make it two.
Where's the boyfriend all this time?
There isn't any boyfriend.
- I told you that. - Isn't he kicking in?
You don't believe a thing I say, do you?
I'm just naturally what they call a cynic, honey.
What kind of a guy is he, anyway,
shoving a nice kid like you out in front?
What's the use of my trying to tell you anything?
So all right.
If everything's so kosher,
what are you giving me this dough for?
Just because you like me?
I'm giving it to you because I don't want to be mixed up in this thing in any way.
- Not because I had anything to do with it. - Oh, indeed.
But because in my position,
you can't tell what they'll try to hang on me.
How would you like to get out of this whole thing?
- What do you mean? - Exactly what I'm saying.
Get out of it, completely.
Go away with me.
Think about it for a minute.
I don't have to think about it.
I'm not such a bad guy, you know.
I didn't say you were.
But what's more important,
outside of this boyfriend that you haven't got,
I'm the only person in the whole world who knows you even knew Mazard.
Think about it that way for a minute.
From Havana, it'll be a cinch to make South America.
And that's all there is to it.
- If I thought... - If you thought what?
If you thought what?
Have you any more money than that?
- Keep it. - Why?
Take a look in the mirror, beautiful, and if you're thinking of somebody else,
don't be a sucker.
In a jam like this, you've got to look out for yourself first.
I suppose so.
Do you think he'd think of you if he had an out?
- When would we leave? - The sooner the better.
Tomorrow morning?
Tonight would be better.
Would it make a great deal of difference?
Not if it's positive for tomorrow morning.
I'll have to do some phoning.
I can't have some people I know running around to the police
and getting excited about a disappearance.
Yeah, you'll have to watch that.
I'll have to think of some kind of explanation.
Is it a deal then?
I guess so.
I guess it is.
All right, give me a kiss.
You're not still worried, are you?
Oh, I suppose not.
You leave it to me, we'll do all right.
Apparently, I'll have to.
I don't seem to have any other choice.
Don't you want your drink?
I don't think so.
I'll put some more ice in it.
I suppose I could say I was going to the coast.
Well, here we go.
Do you really want me to drink this?
Why not?
- It's all settled, isn't it? - That's what I thought.
- What do you mean? - You take it.
- I've got mine. - You take this one, I'll take yours.
Go ahead. What's the matter?
- Nothing. - All right, then.
Drink it.
Drink it.
- What do you take me for, some kid? - I don't know what you mean.
And all this time I've been trying to give you a break,
trying to get you out of this jam.
I've got a good mind to break your neck.
You're crazy. I don't know what you're talking about.
No, then why wouldn't you drink it?
Now, let's have the rest of it.
- There isn't anymore. - Will you stop acting like I'm a school kid?
Get the rest of that dough and get it quick.
Come on.
Not under the mattress.
You amateurs.
What else you got here?
How could you lie to Pappy like that?
How did you think you could get away with it?
Will you go now?
- Will you go? - Sure.
But first, because you've been such a smart little double-crosser,
I'm going to give you another little job to do.
I'm going to let you dig up some more dough for Pappy.
Another five grand by tomorrow night.
How do you like that?
It's no use.
I can't do it.
I think you can.
You try anyway.
And I'll be around again tomorrow night, just to see what luck you have.
So long.
He's gone.
Gone? How?
I see.
I don't know, I'm not sure.
I haven't much more collateral.
I'm sorry.
But I don't know what else I could have done.
I was so scared.
I'm sure you did all you could.
We're just not very skillful at that sort of thing.
What can we do now?
I don't know, I haven't any idea.
I'm afraid I'm too tired to think about it anymore tonight.
Too tired.
- Who's that? - It's Flinn, sir. I think he got him.
Did you get him?
Looks like it.
- Is that him? - Yes, sir.
Some fellow saw him in this neighborhood last night,
and I was patrolling along in the car when I spotted him back there.
So I called him to halt, and what does he do but start shooting.
Let's take a look.
He's our man, all right.
Did he come out of one of these houses? Did you see?
If he did, I didn't see him. He was just walking along when...
He's done a lot for himself, huh?
What I can't figure is what he started shooting for.
He just didn't like the idea of burning, I guess.
That's very funny.
I was beginning to get an entirely different idea about this.
All right folks, break it up. Break it up.
It's all over, break it up!
Operator, is Morning Side 5354 out of order?
I've been ringing it.
Will you try it, please? Will you? It's very important.
It's 10:30, Professor Wanley.
It's 10:30, sir.
Oh, yes. Yes, thank you.
- I fell asleep. - Are you all right, sir?
Oh, yes, quite.
- Good night, Collins. - Good night, sir.
My hat, please.
Here you are, sir.
- Charlie? - Yes, Professor.
I can't tell you how happy I am to see you alive and in such good health.
Oh, thank you, Professor.
- Taxi, Professor? - No.
No, thanks.
- Good night, Ted. - Good night, sir.
Pardon me, will you give me a light?
Oh, no. Thank you, indeed.
Not for a million dollars!
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz - Duration: 2:34.
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz
공부 잘하는 방법 꿀팁 대방출 고2 과탐 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:13.
Trải nghiệm nướng kẹo Marshmallow cùng Bông Ben - Giải trí nhỏ - Duration: 12:33.
공부 잘하는 방법 중학생 공부 기적을 일으킨 공부법 중1 과학 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:41.
공부 잘하는 방법 온라인 강의 사이트 100배 활용법 고3 인문 논술 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 2:44.
공부 잘하는 방법 국내 최초 꼴찌를 위한 공부법 고2 과탐 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:29.
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ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №141. Спорядження ССО. DARPA [ENG SUB] - Duration: 16:03.
Anton Douhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us: ansky@pm.me, facebook.com/pg/AnSkyTranslator
War technologies
On 30 days announced warning regime at 10 oblasts of Ukraine. Army in full warfare readiness. NatGuard, to her, partially sub-ordering, and enterprises of MIC works in special regime
From release you will know
What happened with our vessels near Kerch?
Will live near Multicam in FSO Ukraine?
Which Russian boat burns in this week?
By what might wrestle with kinesia?
And what project realize DARPA?
Forces for special operations – elite of Ukrainian army and have privileges about equipping and arming. For them even mighty to buy element of equipment from best world brands
By this statement Minister of defense Stephan Poltorak order to share additional costs. How this realized – research our journalist Gennadiy Salivon
For special operations forces by main agency of evolve and material supply and FSO presenters were chosen more than 30 elements of form and equipment. Apart of fatherlands developments, bought Austrian winter complete Karintia, shoes Lova, Switzerland knifes Victorinox
All that enters Battle One and Battle Special set in summer, demi-season and winter variants. Half year ago, ends their sub-research exploitations
Among complainings,that arrive from parts – too elastic pants belt, on him badly holds holster, sub-helmets ask to make a bit deeper, and winter gloves a bit softier
There and other wishes computed. Before March of the next year will brought changes in technical task and for month long they must be approved
Sone elements of sub-research models of equipments our filming group saw under time of training jumps in of FSO parts
Stuff rucksack, which giving out. Enough handy, but color Coyote not responsible at area where are we working. But perform his role in all actions. Here section where located helmet of fighter
On it staff equipment, pouch on 2 magazines, drop bag. In popular called trasher. Holster enough not bad. Goes under any pistol, that are stand at us on arms. And safety on pistol
When choose colors of sub-research equipment, thou in FSO name Multicam and Coyote. On him complain fighters. On operation give advantage to multic, which buy for own cost
We have no might to provide government purchases of Multicam camouflage. He is patented. Now in Ukraine developed own camouflage for FSO
He would be alike to multicam's. Such already done few countries. Forexample, Poland and Georgia
As in descendant-storm armies, so in sub-sections of Forces for Special Operations tested lighter weight helmets
Helmet Tor-D, with her also make jumps, perform all battle tasks, but weight a bit big. Also some time appears problems with namely attachments. They broke
Helmet TOR-D not staff's. Now developing two types of new helmets. Full-size and light for some sub-sections. In their part, FSO
From recognizable reasons special assignments give advantage not to full-size armor-vests, but plate-carriers
Plate-carrier comfy, but exists what to work over on. Will be not bad to think forward about fast drop away system, because fighter can not wear it off dis-noisily
If exists system of fast drop, or furniture, with help of which might wear of dis-noisily, it would be good
Specific of Forces for special operations in whole world such, that many tasks they do in night. In this time valuable not only in right term see target, but accurately and fast dis-harm it
Sure in it help collimators. But exist other effective devices
This target-indicator has few regimes of work, infra-red flash-light, namely target-indicator, but all rays seen only through night vision devices
Fans of TV-series about American special-assignments, knows that they work with NVDs on 4 objective lens. Have such also our FSOs. They already succeed in testing them and mark
Nearly get device GPNVG-18, for spotting and firing in night. Came on replacing for PVS-14, enough effective, increased view field, better image acuity. Already pass battle roll-over in zone of OUF
These not all, that in property of FSO Ukraine. About some devices can not told. Additionally equipping of Forces special operations for, with modern devices, technique and arms remains
President Petro Poroshenko declared, that from scouting and satellite clips, from September amount if Russian tanks in line of our border increased in three times
APCs, missile systems, helicopters, airplanes also increased. So danger of intrusion growth. With this begin digest of news from gunsmiths sphere of the seen world
25 of November under time of by plan crossing from Odes to Mariupol small armored cutters Berdiansk and Nikopol, and also raid-tug Iani Kapu know aggression from Russian borderers
After rams and shots with missiles form Su-30 and Ka-52, Ukrainian marines were captured and arrested. Because of it Trump cancel meeting with Putin
To commanders of Harkiv and Odesa apart aerial squadrons of Government at-border service was given two helicopters by one to each Mi-8
By words of chief of MIA, it is crossing variant before that moment, when would be given purchased helicopters Airbus
Infantry of rayon providing OUF using new tactic of exploitation of IFV in quality of self-propelled cannon
Caliber of «beha», which, with moving back heavy armament, became basic fire power, allow to bring enough serious injury
Idea proposed by artillerists. Calculations make with help of tablets and special soft
In first for years of independence military parts field'jaeger-post connection of Armored Forces get new special automobiles. On replacement of too old UAZ-3151, UAZ-452, GAZ-66 arrive micro-buses Ford
Their equipment developed and produces by fatherland science-production union, that on Kyiv's oblast
In this week on basis of Central science-research institute of arms and warrior's technique provide awarding 50 winners of All-army contest «Best invention the year»
Cups and diplomas at 15 nominations get presenters of 17 military parts and 7 enterprises and institutes of MIC. In common for participation in contests were given 181 declaration
26-29 of November in Pakistan pass ten expo of production with military assignment and devices for providing counter-terrorists operations Ideas-2018
In it their production present 552 companies from 51 governs. Among them the Ukraine, which also discuss common production of high precision missiles and tank Al-Halid-1
Young American inventor Sam Owen from firm Otolis Labs presented device for warriors to wrestle kinesia. Device show himself as box, that attach to hind-head
Under time of work she a bit vibrating, giving to brain many controversy information, among which he filters only what needs. So problem voids
Israel company Elbit Systems present their new development for searching of target, tracking it and fire influence. Passive system Hettronix don't use laser and works on range from 5 to 10 kilometers
Light her version weights 5 kilograms, heavy – 20. Might of new on demonstrated on border with sector
23 Of November on Mexican Navy shipyard in state Oakhaka release on water main frigate of project Damen Gigma 10514 with price 337 million euro
And commandment of Navy Brazil move out from part aircraft-carrier San-Paulu. From 1963 he served in France, and 18 years ago was sold to here. For time of service in Brazil in sea he was for 206 days
In Saint-Petersburg on Admiralteiski shipyards inflamed ice-cracker Victor Chernomyrdin, which now builds. On ship burn over cables, equipment and skin
That time 4 Turkey warriors died in result of falling helicopter in one of inhabitant areas of Istanbul
And AF Czech lost Mi-24, which fall under time of fly up on base near Namesht-nad-Oslavou
In German Dunauwerte AF Serbia give one among nine ordered light many-purpose Airbus-Helicopters H-145М
On enterprise of corporation Subaru in Utsunomia begin on-ground tests of first prototype helicopter UHX
Btw on base of Japan AF Misava end deploying of ten fighters F-35. And more two such models of 5th generation get Israel's aviators
AF Australia provide tech-review of airplanes C-17A with help of Chinese mini-UAV DJI
Egypt buy party of 32 Chinese strike drones Wing Lung ID
Japan sign contract on purchasing American reconnaissance RQ-4-B Global Hawk
That time DARPA demonstrate pre-programmed drones, that able to make task autonomous, even after lost of connection with operator
In March in Highest Council gen-director of «UkrOboronPorm» declare, that at KPI will create Main agency of leading researches and developments GARPA
She may evolve technologies in defense industry in Ukraine. Known that namely idea and partially name borrowed at American agency DARPA. Namely about techno-giant further will go talk…
She put hand to creating ancestor of internet Arpanet, exo-skeleton XOS, robotic system Big Dog, unmanned anti-boat ship ACTUV, many-purpose UV MQ-1 Predator
And it is just projects of agency, bout we told in program. In whole them hundreds: successful and not too, realized and in stage of development
Agency of leading defense research projects DARPA property of USA Defense Ministry and responsible for developing new technologies for army. Created in February 1958 in response to launching by Soviet Union first artificial moon of Earth
But after founding NASA agency lost most of the space projects. From creation and until 1972th, and also in 93-96 years carry name ARPA. To structure of agency now enters 6 basic sub-sections
And it is near 240 co-workers, among which 100 – management. If on tie of founding, budget DARPA consist 520 mln dollars, thou now – almost 3 billions
One among ways of searching for developers and projects became providing by agency contests with much reward. Forexample, competition of unmanned automobile-robots FDARPA Grand Challenge in March 2004 has prize fond in million dollars
Even among 15 teams obligate track in 230 kilometers did not pass any. Smaller from it starts only 8 prototypes, and record-man pass only 11,8 kilometers. With years results improved, even tasks also became more complicated
In 2012-15 years provided also contest DARPA Robotix Challenge, directed on development half-automatic on-ground robots. Then for 3,5 million wrests 25 companies from USA, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong
One more competition became DARPA Spectrum for demonstration of radio-protocols, which might use sure channel of connection at presence of other dynamic users and signals, what over-harm working
When you have actually complicated problem, which necessary to solve, exists actually many ways to solve it. It is most-most demonstrated under time of similar contests, thanks to various, often not ordinary thinking of participants
Describe programs of DARPDA might for very long, thou we will tell about demonstrative among those, what might enforce American army of future. Begin with most simpliest and remind project of 2014 year – helmet of virtual reality ULTRA-Vis, what has connection to local area
Device allow to be in course of situation on battle-field and even watch over video from cameras of brothers and technique
Bring fighter might to run for an hour 25 km, in frames of program 4MM means «Mile for 4 minutes» University of Arizona created wearing jet-pack. Now Jetpack, what weights 4,4 kg, improving and might be combined with exo-skeleton
I, after worn our invention, even compete with golf-car and by round with him. 4MM and I was faster than car. Device actually helps pass a mile for 4 minutes
High-precision safe sniper rifle EXACTO, what shoots with intellectual ammo also won't be too much for army of USA. So decide in DARPA and in October 2008 order in Lockheed Martin and Teledyne Scientific and Imagine project with price over 25 million dollars
Arm must be served over by snipers pair and shoot from great range. And to own-selves protect from the enemy bullet, DARP evolve project of battle machines of future Ground X-Vehicle Technology
Developers look to decrease size, weight, crew of transporter on 50%, increase speed twice and supply access for machine to 95% of land
GXV-T should have less armor, 360 degree of view thanks to virtual window and maximum systems for warnings before danger. And for reconnaissance DADRPA also order creating unmanned assistants from flora and fauna
Developers from three universities on order from DARPA created robot, what imitates move of worm and can go through fractures. MechWorm from nickel and titan wires able to live after strong hit over body and even explosion. Also agency finance development of robots calibri and cheetah
To Transport DARPA always share a lot of attention, so cargo unmanned AREC might call one among examples. He designed to transport military cargos, as helicopter with speed of airplane
To wrest hegemony of many-purpose unmanneds with long service term, agency provided program Gremlins. She provides launching from bomber or transporter great amount of drones with divided between theirselves tasks on range up to one thousand kilometers
Expected service term pf «gremlins» near 20 uses, what economically more profitable. But highest treasure in army is human and over her saving in battle agency do not stop thinking
We work over program "Biostas", what may allow to organism of fighter actively counter-force changes in surrounding condition
Tale goes about of slowing metabolism processes, means "biological time" in organism of injured fighter until that moment, when him give the medical help. It is significantly rise chances on surviving
In February ex-director of DARPA Anthony Teter assigned as member of Watching council at governconcern «UkrOboronProm»
Namely him one among those, who add his hand to creating fatherlands agency GARPA, as institution, where talented Ukrainians came with their ideas. So will look forward on significant technological growth of Ukrainian army
Next time you will know about armored-cutter Centaur and automate Fort-250. And on today that's all. This and previous releases search on site of 24th channel and YouTube of Military TV of Ukraine. Safeguard the Ukraine!
Myth : People who have Anorexia Nervosa don't eat - Duration: 3:15.
So the name as Eating disorder,
or any name related to eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa
is being discuss among people,
the first thing that come to their mind "People with eating disorders doesn't eat".
Do they really doesn't eat? Or do they eat?
If they don't eat how do they survive?
Let's look in more detail about this eating disorders.
Hey Yew Jin why you staring at your... I mean you look at your food for so long.
So long...?
Yeah you have been doing that for some time and you are not even eating it.
Yeah..you just ate 2 spoon like that.
Its even less than 2 spoons.
No, I got eat... Not even a full spoon man.
No...I'm really eating...hmm.
Very less you are eating.
Are you sure, that's enough for you?
enough...its just that I don't know why, I don't feel like I wanna eat, can you please help me finish it?
You are been acting strange for the past 2 weeks...what ...what happen to you?
I'm always been fine...I am just that...
I don't know...I don't really feel like to eat these days....
I'm feeling quite full now
Nevermind, it's okay.
Nevermind just leave it here.
Its okay guys.. thanks anyway
Firstly, people who are suffering from Anorexia nervosa
have developed a very unusual eating habits,
such as they restrict amount of food intake to lose weight,
and also a very picky with the food intake
and also have them in a very small quantity.
According to the Journal of Science and Technology,
they says that anorectics themselves, restrict their food intake,
with high calorie foods such as meat,
food that have products of milk, sweets and other any other desserts,
and also their food consumption are least to a carrot or a lettuce leaf.
According to DSM-5 diagnosis criteria
it says that the intense fear of gaining weight make them to follow
a very unusual eating habits though they have a significantly low weight.
It also says that anorectics people do follow a "clean diet",
that has a very Low Carb and Fat,
and also eat raw foods and also follow Paleo fat diet.
So, eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa is just an illness
that needs treatment and support,
you can get back your child from having them proper diet
and also self-help and also family support
to make them get over anorexia nervosa.
So in conclusion, as they says that
anorexia nervosa is an illness that they do not eat,
but actually they do eat just the amount of food intake is very low.
Thank you
Myth: Anorexia Nervosa is not treatable - Duration: 3:56.
I'm alive,
but I don't really want it.
This is not the life I wanted.
It hurts…everything..
I…Just…I just want to be thin, nothing more else.
Why do I have to go through this?
Hey everyone, My Name is Yew Jin
and Today I am going to talk about a myth on anorexia nervosa.
So the myth is Anorexia nervosa cannot be treated.
So you want to know when or why this myth even exists in the first place.
Let's look back to a study,
a study that is conducted by holiday and her colleagues on the perception on Anorexia nervosa.
Apparently, the majority believe that anorexia nervosa can be treated.
The majority, of course is the public, which is like you and me,
we are the normal people who are not suffering from it.
But those who believe in it are the sufferers themselves, so it is not surprising that they share experience to us
and some of us the non-sufferers actually believe that it actually cannot been treated.
Well for those who believe that this myths is true, sorry to break the news but it is not.
Okay so let's get on to another study which is from Steinhausen himself back in 2002,
sad to say his study achieve strengthen the view of AN cannot be treated
because he mention that effective treatment so far from his study, there isn't really not much progress
and the result of recovery shows that 50% fully recovery from AN,
30% partially recovered or to say improving, and lastly 20% are still chronically ill.
That doesn't mean AN cannot be treated.
One of the treatment are seems to be promising up currently, up today
is family based treatment.
So according to Lock and his colleagues back in 2010,
apparently when they test the treatment itself on the adolescents
they found out that half of the teens recovered within the first year
compare to 23% of the teens when they use individual adolescent therapy on them.
So family based treatment so far seems to hold many promises
and even according to lock himself back in 2006,
he found out that this treatment are applicable for children
and one of the challenges of AN recovery is relapse,
and this is also mention that Lock and his colleagues again found in same year 2010
that family based treatment has a protective factor against relapse.
So from all of this I mention,
I just want to make a point that AN is actually treatable.
Yes, it is difficult, it is complicated,
but it is not impossible to treat.
So please for those who are having it or those who know they are suffering from it,
always ask them to seek treatment from them before it is too late.
You don't want to lose them to an Illness.
Take action before it is too late.
I hope you enjoy this video and you learn something from it.
Please subscribe and like our video and Thank You very much.
I hope to see you well.
阪神ドラ6湯浅(上) 折れかけた心…成長痛の苦悩越えて - Duration: 1:45.
Myth: Anorexia Nervosa is not treatable - Duration: 3:56.
I'm alive,
but I don't really want it.
This is not the life I wanted.
It hurts…everything..
I…Just…I just want to be thin, nothing more else.
Why do I have to go through this?
Hey everyone, My Name is Yew Jin
and Today I am going to talk about a myth on anorexia nervosa.
So the myth is Anorexia nervosa cannot be treated.
So you want to know when or why this myth even exists in the first place.
Let's look back to a study,
a study that is conducted by holiday and her colleagues on the perception on Anorexia nervosa.
Apparently, the majority believe that anorexia nervosa can be treated.
The majority, of course is the public, which is like you and me,
we are the normal people who are not suffering from it.
But those who believe in it are the sufferers themselves, so it is not surprising that they share experience to us
and some of us the non-sufferers actually believe that it actually cannot been treated.
Well for those who believe that this myths is true, sorry to break the news but it is not.
Okay so let's get on to another study which is from Steinhausen himself back in 2002,
sad to say his study achieve strengthen the view of AN cannot be treated
because he mention that effective treatment so far from his study, there isn't really not much progress
and the result of recovery shows that 50% fully recovery from AN,
30% partially recovered or to say improving, and lastly 20% are still chronically ill.
That doesn't mean AN cannot be treated.
One of the treatment are seems to be promising up currently, up today
is family based treatment.
So according to Lock and his colleagues back in 2010,
apparently when they test the treatment itself on the adolescents
they found out that half of the teens recovered within the first year
compare to 23% of the teens when they use individual adolescent therapy on them.
So family based treatment so far seems to hold many promises
and even according to lock himself back in 2006,
he found out that this treatment are applicable for children
and one of the challenges of AN recovery is relapse,
and this is also mention that Lock and his colleagues again found in same year 2010
that family based treatment has a protective factor against relapse.
So from all of this I mention,
I just want to make a point that AN is actually treatable.
Yes, it is difficult, it is complicated,
but it is not impossible to treat.
So please for those who are having it or those who know they are suffering from it,
always ask them to seek treatment from them before it is too late.
You don't want to lose them to an Illness.
Take action before it is too late.
I hope you enjoy this video and you learn something from it.
Please subscribe and like our video and Thank You very much.
I hope to see you well.
Myth :Someone Needs To be Dangerously Skinny to Have Anorexia Nervosa - Duration: 2:34.
Hi guys, today im going to tell you about a myth.
So, anorexia nervosa, is chategorize by
fear in gaining weight, desire to be thin and result in food restriction.
So, hear of anorexia nervosa, you will be thinking
of women who are bones-like or young man who are very thin.
And those people who are suffers in anorexia nervosa,
they will have extremely low weight relative to their height.
However, you don't really have to be extremely skinny to have anorexia nervosa.
So it comes to our myth is
you don't really have to be dangerously skinny to have anorexia nervosa.
Everyone could have it
In DSM 5, there is absence of weight requirement.
Someone who is overweight and they have anorexia nervosa
may have medical conditions that prevent their weight lost and
may at a high weight when anorexia begin and not ill enough to be underweight.
The extremely weight loss associated with anorexia nervosa
doesn't happen overnight, bt it happen over a period of time.
It is actually better to identify the problem before its too late.
Anorexia is still very serious even if the sufferers are overweight
So, anorexia is not a weight condition.
Every one of us, no matter what body size or weight,
including you and me,
could have the possibilities to have anorexia nervosa.
So, don't be stereotype
and say that someone have to be dangerously skinny to have anorexia.
That's it.
Ivana Raymonda - Christmas And Love (Original Christmas Song & Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:11.
Christmas and love
Christmas and joy
Magic in the air
Feelings everywhere
It feels like a dream
You are so sweet
That's what I need
Ringing Christmas bells
Yummy candy smells
And most of all you
It's wonderful
It's beautiful
Sweet love
Sweet moments, you and I
Bright candlelight
It feels alright
I want you
I want this Christmas dream
Christmas and love, lo-o-o-ove
Christmas and fun
Hold me close and tight
in the candlelight
Let's have a special time
Christmas and lights, li-i-i-ights
Long tender nights
Whisper in my ear
things I want to hear
Sweet things about love
It's wonderful
It's beautiful
Sweet love
Sweet moments, you and I
Bright candlelight
It feels alright
I want you
I want this Christmas dream
Christmas and love, lo-o-o-ove
Christmas with you
Please hold me
in your arms
Sweetest love for two
It's wonderful
It's beautiful
Sweet love
Sweet moments, you and I
Bright candlelight
It feels alright
I want you
I want this Christmas dream
I hope you want to support me through Patreon or my own support site
or buy something in my web shop like my CD or DVD.
It would help me a lot to keep making music videos :) ♥
Myth : People who have Anorexia Nervosa don't eat - Duration: 3:15.
So the name as Eating disorder,
or any name related to eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa
is being discuss among people,
the first thing that come to their mind "People with eating disorders doesn't eat".
Do they really doesn't eat? Or do they eat?
If they don't eat how do they survive?
Let's look in more detail about this eating disorders.
Hey Yew Jin why you staring at your... I mean you look at your food for so long.
So long...?
Yeah you have been doing that for some time and you are not even eating it.
Yeah..you just ate 2 spoon like that.
Its even less than 2 spoons.
No, I got eat... Not even a full spoon man.
No...I'm really eating...hmm.
Very less you are eating.
Are you sure, that's enough for you?
enough...its just that I don't know why, I don't feel like I wanna eat, can you please help me finish it?
You are been acting strange for the past 2 weeks...what ...what happen to you?
I'm always been fine...I am just that...
I don't know...I don't really feel like to eat these days....
I'm feeling quite full now
Nevermind, it's okay.
Nevermind just leave it here.
Its okay guys.. thanks anyway
Firstly, people who are suffering from Anorexia nervosa
have developed a very unusual eating habits,
such as they restrict amount of food intake to lose weight,
and also a very picky with the food intake
and also have them in a very small quantity.
According to the Journal of Science and Technology,
they says that anorectics themselves, restrict their food intake,
with high calorie foods such as meat,
food that have products of milk, sweets and other any other desserts,
and also their food consumption are least to a carrot or a lettuce leaf.
According to DSM-5 diagnosis criteria
it says that the intense fear of gaining weight make them to follow
a very unusual eating habits though they have a significantly low weight.
It also says that anorectics people do follow a "clean diet",
that has a very Low Carb and Fat,
and also eat raw foods and also follow Paleo fat diet.
So, eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa is just an illness
that needs treatment and support,
you can get back your child from having them proper diet
and also self-help and also family support
to make them get over anorexia nervosa.
So in conclusion, as they says that
anorexia nervosa is an illness that they do not eat,
but actually they do eat just the amount of food intake is very low.
Thank you
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 E230 32 JAAR JONG AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:51.
Candida Diet: What to eat? - Duration: 6:11.
This video to show you what's in my fridge.
Before getting in my fridge,
here I have avocados, apples,
goyavas, papaya.
I eat a little more carbs and natural sugars
because I'm at Phase 2 of my protocol
taking probiotics now, I finished Phase 1 with the antifungals
that's why now I'm eating a little more natural sugar.
Phase 1 normally killed most of bad bacterias and candida
so now I'm taking probiotics,
a little bit of naturla sugars and carbs
will feed the probiotics.
I have eggs,
Here you can see a thermometer,
that's not what you think
I use it to control the temperature
of the yogurt I'm making
I'll show you at the end of the video.
I make yogurt with raw milk and a pill of probiotics
that's the strain Lactobacillus Helveticus.
This way, I don't need to
buy more probiotics
as I cultivate them in milk
I have a yogurt with that strain
Helveticus that is a good strain
to repopulate the gut.
In my fridge:
I went to the farmer's market this morning
the yellower it is,
the best quality:
rich in fatty acids and grass-fed.
For those of you who are lactose intolerant,
it's good to start with butter
because it's mostly fat, with very little lactose.
The best is to start with butter, cheese and yogurt that contain less lactose.
This is "Jocoque"
it's a type of fresh cream cheese.
I have chicken leavers and 1 whole chicken
I have nixtamalized tortillas
here I have bacon
ham, all organic
preservatives-free, chemicals-free, antibiotics-free
that are a good prebiotics source,
lots of zucchini because I digest them well and I like zucchini
leeks, good source of prebiotics too,
don't eat carrots during Step 1 of the protocol,
because they have a lot of sugar
but I eat them now because i'm doing step 2 of the protocol.
A little bit of raw milk
to make yogurt for probiotics.
Now I'll show you the yogurt.
That's a slow cooker
I heat the yogurt in a bain-marie
in order to not burn it.
2 days ago I heated the milk directly in the ceramic
I forgot it and it burnt.
So, I lost 2 probiotics pills and 1 liter of milk...
So now, I heat in a bain-marie.
It's working well
you can see a thick layer on top,
it means the probiotics were alive in their pill.
I will cultivate my probiotics in milk
and I will eat yogurt
about 1 tablespoon per day for now
because I don't digest very well dairy yet.
I have no problem with butter
but yesterday I ate 1 liter of yogurt, the one I burnt
I didn't want to throw it in the trash
so I ate it and today i feel congested.
You need to introduce it very progressively
if you are lactose intolerant.
Introduce it in your diet little by little
after or during the protocol, as you feel.
I'm at the probiotics stage of the protocol, that's why I'm introducing yogurt.
I use this thermometer to check the temperature
so it won't overheat.
Now it's 34 degree celcius
All probiotics thrive the best
at body temperature: 37 degree celcius
but helveticus tolerates higher temperatures
It is a strain
used for cheese making
and often, in the cheese factories, they rise the temperature to 55 degrees.
So, this strain tolerate heat better.
Myself, I try to keep the temperature around 37 / 38.
Then, I turn it off
and I cover it with a blanket or a coat
the keep the heat longer.
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz - Duration: 2:34.
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz
)USO•LIBRE( Anuel aa❌Karol G •DIABLA Trapeton Beat Instrumental DaunyBtz Yung Panda Btz
Cô bé Thì Là - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 2:01.
This afternoon, not busy
just joke
I give you one tonic !!
It's a story: little girl So
One day, So ask for the God a name
Him nod:
A name?
She thought it was his name
Her thanks:
Thank you, thank youuu.....
Immediately return home and shout:
I have a name : SOOO!!!
- Little girl SOOO!! We're love you!!
see more clip in blog: www.muahoabachhop.com
Cooli No1 Telugu Movie Full HD Comedy Scene || Venkatesh || Mohan Babu || Suresh Production - Duration: 6:29.
Juice Wrld - Lucid Dreams (Fortnite Edit) - Duration: 0:41.
Subtitles Not Required, Turn Off CC
Nightcore - Different World - Duration: 2:54.
All we know left untold
Beaten by a broken dream
Nothing like what it used to be
We've been chasing our demons
Down an empty road
Been watching our castle
Turning into dust
Escaping our shadows
Just to end up here once more
And we both know
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
We are stuck on answers we can't find
But we got time
And even though we might lost tonight
The skyline reminds us of a different time
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
Broken smile tired eyes
I can feel your longing heart
Call my name howling from a far
We've been fighting our demons
Just to stay afloat
Been building our castle just to watch in fall
Been running forever just to end up here once more
And know we know
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
We are stuck on answers we can't find
But we got time
And even though we might lost tonight
The skyline remind us of a different time
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
Take me back
Back to the mountainside
Under the northern lights
Chasing the stars
Take me back
Back to the mountainside
When we were full of life
Back to the start
We both know that
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
We are stuck on answers we can't find
But we got time
And even though we might lost tonight
The skyline remind us of a different time
This is not the world we had in mind
But we got time
Myth : People who have Anorexia Nervosa don't eat - Duration: 3:15.
So the name as Eating disorder,
or any name related to eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa
is being discuss among people,
the first thing that come to their mind "People with eating disorders doesn't eat".
Do they really doesn't eat? Or do they eat?
If they don't eat how do they survive?
Let's look in more detail about this eating disorders.
Hey Yew Jin why you staring at your... I mean you look at your food for so long.
So long...?
Yeah you have been doing that for some time and you are not even eating it.
Yeah..you just ate 2 spoon like that.
Its even less than 2 spoons.
No, I got eat... Not even a full spoon man.
No...I'm really eating...hmm.
Very less you are eating.
Are you sure, that's enough for you?
enough...its just that I don't know why, I don't feel like I wanna eat, can you please help me finish it?
You are been acting strange for the past 2 weeks...what ...what happen to you?
I'm always been fine...I am just that...
I don't know...I don't really feel like to eat these days....
I'm feeling quite full now
Nevermind, it's okay.
Nevermind just leave it here.
Its okay guys.. thanks anyway
Firstly, people who are suffering from Anorexia nervosa
have developed a very unusual eating habits,
such as they restrict amount of food intake to lose weight,
and also a very picky with the food intake
and also have them in a very small quantity.
According to the Journal of Science and Technology,
they says that anorectics themselves, restrict their food intake,
with high calorie foods such as meat,
food that have products of milk, sweets and other any other desserts,
and also their food consumption are least to a carrot or a lettuce leaf.
According to DSM-5 diagnosis criteria
it says that the intense fear of gaining weight make them to follow
a very unusual eating habits though they have a significantly low weight.
It also says that anorectics people do follow a "clean diet",
that has a very Low Carb and Fat,
and also eat raw foods and also follow Paleo fat diet.
So, eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa is just an illness
that needs treatment and support,
you can get back your child from having them proper diet
and also self-help and also family support
to make them get over anorexia nervosa.
So in conclusion, as they says that
anorexia nervosa is an illness that they do not eat,
but actually they do eat just the amount of food intake is very low.
Thank you
Myth: Anorexia Nervosa is not treatable - Duration: 3:56.
I'm alive,
but I don't really want it.
This is not the life I wanted.
It hurts…everything..
I…Just…I just want to be thin, nothing more else.
Why do I have to go through this?
Hey everyone, My Name is Yew Jin
and Today I am going to talk about a myth on anorexia nervosa.
So the myth is Anorexia nervosa cannot be treated.
So you want to know when or why this myth even exists in the first place.
Let's look back to a study,
a study that is conducted by holiday and her colleagues on the perception on Anorexia nervosa.
Apparently, the majority believe that anorexia nervosa can be treated.
The majority, of course is the public, which is like you and me,
we are the normal people who are not suffering from it.
But those who believe in it are the sufferers themselves, so it is not surprising that they share experience to us
and some of us the non-sufferers actually believe that it actually cannot been treated.
Well for those who believe that this myths is true, sorry to break the news but it is not.
Okay so let's get on to another study which is from Steinhausen himself back in 2002,
sad to say his study achieve strengthen the view of AN cannot be treated
because he mention that effective treatment so far from his study, there isn't really not much progress
and the result of recovery shows that 50% fully recovery from AN,
30% partially recovered or to say improving, and lastly 20% are still chronically ill.
That doesn't mean AN cannot be treated.
One of the treatment are seems to be promising up currently, up today
is family based treatment.
So according to Lock and his colleagues back in 2010,
apparently when they test the treatment itself on the adolescents
they found out that half of the teens recovered within the first year
compare to 23% of the teens when they use individual adolescent therapy on them.
So family based treatment so far seems to hold many promises
and even according to lock himself back in 2006,
he found out that this treatment are applicable for children
and one of the challenges of AN recovery is relapse,
and this is also mention that Lock and his colleagues again found in same year 2010
that family based treatment has a protective factor against relapse.
So from all of this I mention,
I just want to make a point that AN is actually treatable.
Yes, it is difficult, it is complicated,
but it is not impossible to treat.
So please for those who are having it or those who know they are suffering from it,
always ask them to seek treatment from them before it is too late.
You don't want to lose them to an Illness.
Take action before it is too late.
I hope you enjoy this video and you learn something from it.
Please subscribe and like our video and Thank You very much.
I hope to see you well.
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