The Most Satisfying Videos That Feel To Cut Gold Relaxation
For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Videos That Feel To Cut Gold Relaxation - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
Rome 390 Boss 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 3:54.
Hi my name is Chris, and i'm from Rome Snowboards
I'd like you to meet the 390 Boss from Rome.
Many of you probably know the 390 Boss because it's been around forever in our line at Rome
a medium stiff binding which you can use for any application
with the 390 Boss you will have a lot of fun.
It is always a question of the company's philosophy to make pure plastic bindings or pure aluminium bindings
we try to get the best out of both worlds
namely we have an aluminium heel cup which stretches from under the base
which ensures a direct power transmission from the heel to the toe edge
but we also have a plastic base which preserves the natural flex.
Very important for us at rome is customization
which means you can take the binding out of the box, assemble it and you will have fun with it
but if you are still a little busy with the binding, certainly you can get a lot out of our bindings.
A few examples
the highback rotation is a concern for us and possible with all rome bindings
Because only if the binding was mounted with zero degrees on the board
would the highback fit parallel to the heel edge
But if I mount it an angle, the highback doesn't close parallel to the heel edge anymore
Now I have the possibility to rotate the highback from 0 - 24 degrees. If I would rotate the highback now,
the highback would be parallel to the heel edge again
and this ensures a much more direct force transfer to the heel edge.
The straps of all our bindings are adjustable without tools.
What you can see here is our anklestrap, that's our autostrap.
I'll show you how to adjust it.
You just have to adjust the length of the strap to your boot first
and then tighten this autostrap here. You'll see if I open the binding
the strap jumps out, stays open and you can always comfortably get into the binding
without having to grab into the base to get the strap out of the base.
We use a really very comfortable Toestrap
which adapts perfectly to every boot
and I can really bang myself perfectly into the binding with this Toestrap
which gives me additional grip and a direct power transmission to the board.
You can see the tool-less template angle adjustment in the back here,
easy to open and easy to move on the block and you have either more template
or you can take the template out completely.
We also use our Vrod Base here
What is so special about the Vrod Base is that it gives me a smaller contact area on the board
This allows a more natural board flex
and it tilts easily directly from the heel to the toe side edge
but still has the side to side flex
The 390 Boss is available in two sizes: small/medium and large/XLarge
Small/medium I would recommend up zo a boot size of US 9
Anything beyond that please order the Large/XLarge
The 390 Boss is a medium stiff binding with which you can really do nothing wrong
no matter on which board you will have your fun
Very important for you to know, lifetime warranty on all spare parts for Rome bindings!
That means no matter if you need a new Highback, a new Anklestrap,
a new Toestrap, a new toothband or whatever you need,
you get it for free from Rome your whole life!
見た目・スペック共に「マクラーレン・セナ」を意識。Novitecがマクラーレン「720S」を過激カスタム - Duration: 2:58.
【作品講評】オート先生の総回診【Karte.2】 - Duration: 1:52:51.
12月2日はレクサス福井さんにてクリスマスコンサートへ。特別奏者・ミュージカル女優を招いて豪華なイベントが開催 - Duration: 3:42.
コルベットをベースにした「ジェノベーションGXE」市販モデル公開。EVなのにMTも用意、すでにギネス最速記録も保有 - Duration: 4:20.
【エクステリア編】レクサス・新型「UX」見てきた。グレードは「UX200 F SPORT」、このモデルにしか無い個性アリ&ちょっと残念な部分も - Duration: 14:05.
韓国・ジェネシスが最新フラッグシップサルーン「G90」を世界初公開。先進性と安全性を備えて、打倒ロールスロイス? - Duration: 4:16.
ARGHIO x RARINCA @6IXPM - AI RABDARE (uncut version) - Duration: 2:00.
柯P又編12.5億預備金 北市:因應極端氣候 - Duration: 3:25.
慶祝阿北回來!郭彥甫2小時畫出柯文哲 100%神還原「柯P招牌囧臉」網友跪拜:拿去送阿北! - Duration: 5:39.
Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S [CLIMA, LED VERLICHTING, ADAPTIVE CRUISE] - Duration: 1:04.
Jaguar E-Pace 2.0 D180 AWD S | 19"LM | Panoramadak | DAB+ NP € 75.914,- - Duration: 1:14.
This is the Most Useful Skill You Can Practice on Piano - Duration: 3:07.
【作品講評】オート先生の総回診【Karte.2】 - Duration: 1:52:51.
Сомали - поехавший путешествовать по Африке, и есть ли пираты? - Duration: 13:22.
The Most Satisfying Videos That Feel To Cut Gold Relaxation - Duration: 10:01.
The Most Satisfying Videos That Feel To Cut Gold Relaxation
Bollywood News in Hindi | Bollywood News in Hindi Today | Ajay Devgan | 27 November 2018 | 8:00 PM - Duration: 8:29.
Bollywood News in Hindi | Bollywood News in Hindi Today | Ajay Devgan | 27 November 2018 | 8:00 PM
(ENG SUB) 귀한 샤인머스켓 포도 리얼사운드 먹방 ASMR Shinemuscat EATING SOUNDS Mukbang show シャインマスカット - Duration: 10:07.
today is Shinemuscat mukbang
ok! I'm Satisfied
let's eat it
first this is for you
good? my turn
unbelievable , perfect
It is delicious as expensive. The price is $ 150. It is the most delicious of the green grape that I have eaten. There is no seed.
please like and subscribe
Qui est Benoît Quennedey? - Duration: 5:05.
РОЖДЕСТВЕНСКИЙ ПОСТ . Как поститься . Что нельзя делать #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 2:53.
Seth Rollinsin meydan okumasına Dolph Ziggler cevap veriyor. (TÜRKÇE ÇEVİRİ) - Duration: 2:47.
Les Zones jeunesse et l'intégration des jeunes - Duration: 1:33.
-TeenZone was like my second family.
I went there because I didn't want to go home after school
because of the personal stuff going on there.
-I was just, like,
on the streets with my friends, doing stupidness.
And then, one day, one of my friends brought me there
and it was just, like: I had another home to go to
when I didn't want to actually go home.
-For me, the TeenZone,
it really changed
how I saw myself,
because it made me have more confidence in myself.
It made me have different perspectives.
Anyone could feel safe.
Whether you're part of the LGBTQ community;
whether you're a person of colour;
whether you're, like, anyone.
You're all accepted.
-It changes you.
You walk into TeenZone and it changes everything.
You're comfortable there, you can be yourself.
If you've got problems, they're there to help.
They have activities, you meet a lot of people.
School can be tough, work can be tough.
It's tough everywhere.
But at TeenZone, they don't judge you.
Pazi nase in na svoje zdravje. Testiraj se. / Care for yourself and your health. Get tested. - Duration: 2:01.
We all have different friends.
We all have various interests.
We love different places.
We love different food.
We love different people.
We are different colours.
We are all different.
But we have one thing in common.
We are all humans.
You`ve got only one health.
Take good care of yourself and get tested!
Sarah Ferguson révèle comment sa fille Eugénie l'a bluffée le jour de son mariage - Duration: 7:07.
◤Nightcore◢ ✗ Senpai - Duration: 2:22.
Lyrics on the screen ;)
Quand Alessandra Sublet rêvait d'être mariée à « un Johnny Depp qui pourrait l - Duration: 1:47.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Business Solution Style . - Duration: 1:14.
Volvo V70 2.0D Kinetic - Duration: 0:46.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse New A 180 d Automaat AMG Line | Pan. dak | Camera | Airco - Duration: 1:05.
Volvo V70 2.0D Kinetic *EXPORT/EXCL. BPM* - Duration: 0:49.
7.20c Dota 2 NEW Tips and Tricks! - Duration: 6:33.
Agathe Auproux évincée de Balance ton post ? Elle rétablit la vérité ! - Duration: 1:53.
Jennifer Lauret (Une famille formidable) : lorsque Johnny Hallyday voulait l'épouser - Duration: 1:47.
Lorenzo & Lucrezia | Another Lifetime (S2) - Duration: 2:44.
I'll talk with Ardinghelli personally.
Me and Giuliano have to go in Milan, to understand if our alliance is solid.
You have no idea how much I missed you.
Be careful.
- Don't worry. - I'm serious.
You've been already almost killed once.
You're already helpful for your father.
But how can I help him?
You'll find a way.
- You think? - Yes.
You won't have my heart till I have to share you with that woman.
I gave up on love, but not on respect.
If you'll marry her, things will change between us.
They won't change.
Have you ever think about how different could've been things between us?
What do you mean?
Maybe If I was born more rich, or you more poor...
Maybe now we would be together.
Maybe it's true.
But now my mother want to see me married with the roman's nobilty.
- It bother you? - Why shouldn't?
- Maybe because you're already married? - But I'm married with a man I don't love!
You know what I feel for you.
But she's my wife.
Sandro, we love people...
...and we lose the sometimes.
You think you can't go on with your life, but then you start work and you move on.
Work can make you overcome the day, and the day after that.
Are you listening yourself, Lorenzo?
You love him?
If you love him, then leave him.
It must've been very painful for her losing you.
He loved you.
Don't hinder him, if you've loved him too.
What he's doing it's not for himself, but for all of us.
It's a useless life, what I'm afraid of.
Not death.
Forgive me.
I never meant to hurt you.
Lucrezia, what did I say?
Please, go!
ВЫ БУДЕТЕ В ШОКЕ, когда увидите 10 САМЫХ СИЛЬНЫХ людей на ПЛАНЕТЕ - Duration: 11:09.
Hello Friend. You're on the channel KirTop. This video is not top
10. Every athlete from this The video is unique in its own way.
I find it difficult to assess who 10 of them deserve
and who is 1. Each of these people endowed with unrealistic power.
Someone has intergalactic sizes, another has
many titles and awards. I suggest you look
video to the end and arrange yourself according to the places of these famous
strong men
Iranian Sajjad Garibi thanks its huge and strong
physique has become a present Internet phenomenon. Him
large muscle mass even compared to the "Incredible
Hulk "from comics from Marvel, so now
because of its size fans called Garibi "Iranian
The Hulk. 27 year old sajjad has a height of 188 centimeters
and weight 180 kilograms basis which make up the muscles.
His dimensions allowed him collect in your instagram
more than 400 thousand subscribers which is interesting to follow
for everyday life the giant.
When does a bodybuilder not shared on his social network
work in the gym, it shows what it feeds on.
During the day between workouts strong man eats a lot
fruit, chicken, fish, and also drinks a lot of milk.
It does not matter what is in his hands whether it is a bank
Fanta or the iPhone, all these things look good with him
very tiny. Himself the guy can't brag
the presence of a large number different hobbies since the lion
share of his time he gives a rocking chair, but
in this garibi really succeeded in lifting weights
he can. His Instagram is a homage
powerlifting where he puts videos and photos
their workouts. Coward strongman also called
it is impossible, because in 2016 he said he was ready to fight
for their country. It is from that very time
in his account you can meet photos where he poses
with weapon. At the same time, Garibi personifies
not only masculinity. His love for children is obvious.
and he recently showed his fans of the "Hulk child."
In Iran, Sajjad has become a real a star, now he is regularly
visits children's hospitals, raising there their local
patients mood and charging positive. Worth
also add that he has enough for all of us
thoughtful mantra: "For gaining composure
stop judging others, " - once he wrote.
American Brian Shaw - professional strongman, won four times
in the World's Strongest Man tournament. Brian - one of the main
strongmen of the planet counts which is not a single record.
For example, in 2009 he was the only one who could
pick up six stones each of which weighed from 140 to
200 kg. By the way, Shaw looks like real
giant: with a height of 203 cm he 201 kg weigh, its girth
Breasts - 152 cm, and biceps - 58.5 cm! Now athlete
36 years old, he still takes participating in tournaments and coaching
other strong men. Can that Does someone make a show of competition?
Every day, strongman absorbs about 12,000 calories a day.
He claims to use unlimited calories
not at all as fun as it could seem. 'It is heavy
Job' The show eats seven times a day,
following the instructions of his nutritionist. Diet developed
with the goal of making an american athlete's so strong
as far as possible. " Strongman even calls food
most serious rival since 'fight' with
she always has to nonstop.
Who said that the title is the most strongest man in the world
can not belong to a woman? Even as you can, and American
Becca Swenson direct to that the confirmation.
Regular work on yourself permanent physical
workouts and iron power will - these are the criteria
helped Becke to conquer title "The strongest woman
the planets. " She installed not one
world record which still not able
beat even the strongest the man.
Svenson can lift heaviness which not everyone will lift
the man. Lying she can squeeze the barbell weighing 270 kilograms
and in a squat 387 kilograms. Though she is already over thirty
she continues anyway do triathlon.
Few people know that in the XX century lived a very strong long-liver
vegetarian named Joe Rollino At the age of 104
he flexed the coin with his fingers! Its appearance to such
advanced age strikes but in just a couple of months
until its 105th anniversary had an accident - in the town
Coney Island in which he lived his whole life his
knocked down a minivan. From the age of 20 he did not use
eating meat, did not drink alcohol, did not smoke and generally led healthy
sports lifestyle. In 1920 he was named
the strongest person having managed to lift 1452 kg. Him
track record worthy respect: boxer, strongman,
war veteran, athlete, brooklyn legend. He survived the second
World War I raised my teeth huge weights - 215 kg! Finger
held a weight of 290 kg!
I could not turn on this list of one of the strongest
people among - athlete from Lithuania to Zhidrunas Savitskas.
He repeatedly won in the "Most
strong man of the planet. " Sports Zydrunas began
engage with fourteen years, in 92nd at competitions
"Strongest man" he got tenth place. In 2002, 2003
and 2008 at the same competitions from the tenth he rises
in second place. Since 2009 on 2012, Savickas becomes
the champion among the "most strong people on the planet. "
He is a five-time winner "Arnold Classic "series" Strongman ",
whose winner is considered the strongest man on the planet.
Before him, even twice in a row, in this tournament, the winner
nobody was.
Yuko Ahola. This Finnish the athlete belongs to the world
Hercules exercise record hold. During this exercise
Strongman need with help chains hold two pillars,
who lean in opposite parties. The winner is recognized
a person who can hold the longest
pillars. Anhola could 45.7 seconds hold pillars by weight
197 kg. Anhola also installed
world record in exercise Atlas Stones (215 kg). During this
round stone competitions or concrete ball need
not only lift but also throw over the rack
certain height or put on a special
stand Leaving a heroic career
Yuko tried his hand at cinema. He appeared in such films
as "Invincible", "Kingdom Heavenly, Vikings and
War of the Dead. He also is one of the organizers
and judges of the World's Strongest contest Man.
Hard to believe that the current the strongest man on the planet
could ever get up at all out of bed. The fact is that
as a child, Dima was scalded boiling water. There was a burn of 35% of the skin,
7 complex operations and more than a dozen transfusions
blood. As a result of atrophy muscle boy had to
re-learn to walk. By profession Dmitriy mechanic,
but I found my calling in another. At first he performed
in the circus in power rooms. Dmitry Halaji know how
"Donbass Bogatyr" he has hundreds of records
which are listed in the book Guinness World Records. Strong man
raised a stone with one hand 152 kg in weight. Noteworthy
that such a record was set only in the 4th century BC an athlete
Bibon whose stone weighed almost 10 kg less.
He lifted weights with each hand more than 50 kg; tied nails;
nails with a bare hand; flexed rails; lugging multi-ton
cars; held out on itself a huge burden and
lots of other records for his account.
And this is my favorite. Mariusz Pudzianovsky - pride
Polish sport is known in the country as "Dominator"
and Pujiang. In my career as strongman Pudzyanovsky
won five titles of the strongest man in the world more
than any other athlete according to the Book of Records
Guinness. And in 2009, "Dominator"
debuted as a mixed fighter martial arts. Unfortunately
as a strongman he himself showed much better.
In 2000 and 2001, Pudzianovsky spent 19 months in prison
being charged with assault per person and robbery. AT
interview he said that wanted to stop "boss
local mafia "from beating young man.
I could not ignore Ivan Poddubny - professional
wrestler, athlete and circus performer. Man legend, speeches
who collected notices in Russia, France, Italy,
Germany and America. Tournament conditions in which
130 wrestlers participated, there were very tough - loser
at least one fight dropped out. "Russian Bear" Poddubny
hurricane walked on 11 rivals until you met
with the idol of the French public Raoul le Boucher.
The fight with the French barely did not repel Poddubny
from the fight forever. Fights at that time could last
and for several hours until one of the rivals will not
laid on the shoulder blades. Frenchman, unable to take Poddubny
the first onslaught became from he frankly run.
Moreover, it turned out that it is smeared with fatty substance
making it difficult to make grabs - this dishonest method
by the way, the wrestlers go still. When did Poddubny
paid attention to it the judges just shrugged.
And after an hour of scrum victory gave le boucher "for beautiful
and skillful escape from acute receptions.
Poddubny died on August 8 1949 for heart attack. Food
soldering which was issued in those years, the body of an athlete
not enough for normal functioning.
So what does the most strongest man in the world
2018? This photo shows Briton Eddie Hall nicknamed
"The beast". Practicing bodybuilders scheme and not
using the standard power equipment
Hall 4 times was recognized the strongest person
the planets. After to the standard
Eddie training added only one strongman
exercise, he began to set record after record.
Who is the strongest person in the world for the whole history this
the question interests many. Therefore, a bonus to this
video I'll tell you about 11 people who are still
still keeps the title as the most strong man for all
human history!
Korean athlete Masutatsu Oyama is recognized as a great strong man
in the whole story. The brightest Martial arts representative
ever existed on the planet, Masutatsu Oyama,
who had the 10th dan Kyokushinkai style.
He was born in 1923 in Korea. Sports Masutatsu began
engage in early childhood - from nine
age By 13 years young man already became the deserved owner
black belt in Chinese kempo After 2 years Oyama
headed to Japan where became a military pilot.
For all the time that he spent in the Land of the Rising Sun,
the young man reached great learning success
samurai traditions. Some fighters surrendered
right after the first strike which master applied
so cleverly that no one was able to block him.
Oyam could break 17 layers shingles and 4 bricks splinter
cobblestones in half with its clear neck punch
at the bottles and also fight with fifty bulls. To
prove your incredible might, Masutatsu challenged
the strongest animals planets but the government
forbade him to kill animals for the sake of universal demonstration
its strength. In 1964, Oyama opened martial arts school
called "Kyokushinkai", whose members over time
steel 12 million people. Who knows, maybe already
that person was born who can beat
Great Oyama. if you liked the movie, click
thumb up subscribe on the channel and share it
video with friends. Bye everyone
How to Create Your First Relational Database in Notion - Duration: 12:09.
Hey guys and welcome back to another video today's video as mentioned we're talking a lot about relational databases
We're going to be working on a problem that I'm suffering from and hopefully fix it with relational database site
Hi, I'd like sort of touched on it in one of the previous videos I did
But I didn't really go into detail and this week. I might actually have been sitting down and
Learning about more about how I could adopt it
So hopefully this video can be applicable to you and shows a few of the features that the database is uses
So go it's just full we dive in I've got a list in front of me of the five winners of the 50 cake giveaway
The fifth cake giveaway was with lots of prizes and it was just a appreciation of you guys for reaching
50k subscribers on this YouTube channel, so thank you very much and here are the winners
So the first winner will be gadget gal
Second winner is Dmitry chimera this I'm gonna butcher people's names here
next third winner is Kay mark, NYX Orman and also
Sebastian telo and
Also Christian Maggie Loman. I'm really sorry if I ruined anyone's names there you guys are winners
So I will messaging separately for winning that big bundle of prizes for 50k
we'll do another giveaway at probably 100k so maybe
Sometime later next year also be doing giveaways blended with other videos, so do not worry
So as I mentioned guys today's video we're diving into Notion relationship databases. I am fixing a specific problem with my
Experience I want to be able to tally workouts but have them in a more responsive manner in my health dashboard
So hopefully this video gives you full outline. So let's jump over to the Mac
So guys in the last notion video, what we did is we looked into my workout routine and health dashboard
Slowly at the end of the video talking a little bit about relational databases. Now, what I want to do in this video is
explain how to create a relational database and how it can be useful in an everyday routine or a
Project that you may be working on
So in this demonstration, I'll be taking my health dashboard
Which is available here talk briefly about it before what I was doing with it
So previously what with it is a and a new tally for the day all I didn't sleep time
Meditation whether I did it or not
Also a doubt what I workout I did and also how much time that is a food rating
And also how much time I spent on audible now, I do this pretty infrequently. So
Maybe every two days roughly and I've started this start of November
Although deleted some past dates now the real idea of this is to make it
almost a tally of how I can improve like giving a me a
sleep medium time so that I can really try and improve on the hours of sleep I get and also the
meditation being able to track how many times done meditation but primarily
I want it to be a place where I can tally my workouts and my food
so previously what I did with my workouts is I created a
Relational database a property type here so I can just go to this one and click relational
This is connected up with a database that I had previously called workout log and workout log if we go back to the home
and you can find it over and bottom right was essentially me plotting out on a
Database calendar all of the dates and times that I did my workout
So for example last week last Tuesday, for example, I did a boxing and core workout that took me 30 minutes
and I usually just plot them here and then use I recently started to use the
relational calendar or sorry the relational database
Property type inside of here to link them up and then do a look look up here or a rollup
Sorry to be able to count how much time spent
So what I want to do in this video is actually change the way I do that
I want to create a new database that tallies the workouts that I do
The types of workouts so that I don't have to associate these two dates
so for example whenever I was
finding one of these I would go in and
I'd have to search for the date that I did it on say for example, in this case. It was a 23rd
I'd have to look. Okay, where's the 23rd of November?
I think I did on 23rd of November should be around here in this case it oh, there it is
Workout a and I press plus and it adds it to it and then it imports the 30-minute timer
So what I want to do is I want to create a relational database from scratch show you how to import it
So what we're going to do is delete these properties here and we're going to create them from scratch
So let's dive over to the the workouts area. So I'm going to click workout routine
So this is the area where I store my workout routines at the moment
And the goal is to basically now have a list of workout routines that I can go and implement
These are something that I was playing around last night. So I'm gonna get rid of a few of these
I'm going to drag them onto here because these are not benchmarks, but they're like
Challenges that I want to do so I can do that separately in the future so I can say here workout
menu a
Workout menu. Here we go
So I've got the pool strength workout, which is this one here so I can if I've got this one inside of here
So if I open it up and check that it's in there
Then I can get rid of this down here and I'll do the same for these two up here
so these are two other simple workouts that I've got here version work out a and
Workout B and they're really simple like blend of cardio and core
So you're probably wondering here
Why do you need these in some sort of workout menu and will their recently added?
workouts that I've started use use inside of notion and the
reason why I use them so much is that I press pretty much press open when I'm in the gym and
Follow the step by step. So for example do a deadlift do a bent over row and I can follow that
Very to the point and it's quite a good way and maybe able to keep track of everything
So in this case, I'm just gonna give this one a quick icon
Let's just put the bike because I guess is some spin bike in there and I'm gonna put the time taken is normally around around
2025 minutes let's say and it's also like more focused on
Core than it is. Let's say upper. So I'm going to go and do this one for what heartbeat. Ooh
Okay, so there we go
I've pretty much got the workouts and laid out and maybe I can get rid of that and just call it pull strength
But you can see here. I've basically got the name of the workout
I've got the time taken for each workout the type of body area it covers and essentially that's going to be my workout menu now
The goal behind this is that I can have almost a menu that I could go into follow as I'm at the gym
And be able to tally which ones I did so previously as I mentioned I pretty much just handed them in here
I'm not going to be doing that now, so I don't really need this one anymore
What I'm going to be doing is adding this as a relational database inside of the health dashboard
So there's mentioned that was a table inside of the workouts area. So what I'm going to do is
Impala m-- and I'm gonna call it workouts and I'm gonna drag it over to here because that's where I originally
Had it just in between meditation and food. Now, I'm gonna go down here and change the property type to relation
It's going to ask me what database I should bring in
So I'm going to type in menu, which is was titled app and create relation. So now basically it's linked up
So essentially if I'm like, okay, I need to tally that I did core. I believe I did core in that day
I can go down here and see all of different
Workouts that I've got up my options and the wizard time taken in tanks as well
So I'm gonna say I did a little bit of boxing. I think I did
I actually did work out a that day and if I press ENTER
You can see that workout eight appears here. Now. The real magic is where I want to start tallying up the
amount of
workout time that I have
So let's say here a property type I go to roll up and I'll make this a little bit smaller
Because there's only just a quick number
I'm going to relate it to the workout area because at the moment, that's the only existing relationship here
I'm going to choose the time taken tag
And what I'm going to do here is I'm gonna use some which I'm going to come back to in a bit later
on in this video, for example, if I did two types of workouts in if I did a boxing one two
what I could do is I just add that one to there and as you can see boxing and workout here and
the sum of all both of those workouts appear together
So I've got both boxing and workout a tally to sixty minutes of time now
What I might want to do is well is be able to add a separate column of just a very simple
How much walking time I had during the day
I've got a separate field here called walk time now
Basically, what I want to do is not adding the amount of time I spend walking so that could be 12 minutes that day
And let's just set to twelve minutes a day
just so that if I go on a walk I can be able to tell you that -
Now this is where the formula magic comes in. I'm gonna type in and total
Fitness time
I'm gonna give that one a property type of
Formula so formula, this will be able to hopefully tally up all of the most important information here
So what I'm gonna do is gonna press ENTER and this appears at the top right now
What something I want to state is I don't actually I'm not a master in formulas and I'm actually learning them
I was learning them a bit over the weekend
But only to the point where I'm going to demonstrate this
I will be doing more videos on this so do stay tuned for it
so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to choose the
workout time because that's where the roll up appears and then I'm going to go and hit plus and then add
walk time what I'm gonna click then is done and you can see here that a simple formula has been able to
Work whatever I do and change inside of here. So let's say I didn't do boxing it can
Automatically change the time at the fitness time that I've done so far
So it's quite a neat way of being able to bring everything together. So maybe I need to change that into total fitness time
TFT and drag that down so I can see a nice indication of
Let me just neaten these up. I
Can see a nice indication really clearly of how much time I've done during the day so I can start from today and actually
Click that on there and I can be like, okay, I slept it's in essence eight hours
Which is pretty good didn't meditate this morning?
and when I do a workout could start to begin to tally all of that when I do a walk I can do all of
That and that's a nice way to be able to use the formula now
Hopefully that made sense as you can imagine it takes them at a time
one thing I want to do in the future is play around a little bit more with formulas because once I learn
How does it ruin false staff and more detailed stuff? I could potentially have a good go of it
And when notion lisa's api, I think that's when it's going to get proper exciting
And we guys hopefully I give you a nice introduction to the relational databases science stuff
It's really easy relational database can connect with any of the databases whether it's a table with its calendar
Inside of your notion account and it's really easy to get going once you get going. So just have a play around with it
That's my recommendation see where it can really connect with your daily routine
What I would say is use it like a menu initially like here I'll be able to see all of the different
Types of stuff I've done so far
And I can pick out and add it to it versus necessarily
you know like whether you're sort of
Versus versus necessarily having unique setups like I did have befall is unique values in there something there
That would be a recommendation from me and every guy is a big
Thank you for stopping by and today hopefully in a few weeks you'll be to see this fully populated. But without further ado guys
Thank you very much for stopping by today a little short message to finalize everything
Ταξίδι στη Μπρατισλάβα και αξιοθέατα - Bratislava city tour - Slovakia vlog (English Subtitles) - Duration: 10:50.
Welcome to Bratislava.
One of the most beautiful cities that located on the way of Danube.
It is the capital of Slovakia, it has about 500,000 inhabitants
and is gifted with its special architectural charm and nostalgic images of the past.
Bratislava is the only European capital bordering on two other countries .. Hungary and Austria
and together with Vienna are the most proximate capitals in Europe,
they are only 60 kilometers away from each other.
Behind me you see the gate of St. Michael.
It is the only one of the four gates of the medieval city that is still preserved and is a landmark of Bratislava.
It was built in 1300 and we see the result after its renovation in 1758,
Below the St. Michael Gate there is the "zero" point,
from which the mileage is measured with the other capitals of the world.
We identified Athens!
This is Cumil, the "observer", also known as "man at work".
There are two acceptations for his name:
In the first acceptation is a typical worker who has come out to rest after cleaning the sewer
and in the second acceptation sits down to see under the skirts of women.
You can choose which acceptation you want ..!
Something you didn't know about Cumil is that he has lost his head twice from careless drivers.
Since then, a sign has been placed to remind them of its existence.
There is also a myth about this statue,
which says that if you touch his head and make a wish where you will not say it anywhere,
then the wish will be realize.
The Neo-Slovakian Theater of Slovakia is situated at the end of the square Hviexdslav
and it was built in 1886 during the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In front of the theater you will see the famous fountain of Ganimidis of Troy,
that it designed by the local sculptor Viktor Tilgner in 1888.
The Gothic cathedral of St. Martin was officially opened in 1452, but it took another 2 centuries to finish construction.
From 1563 onwards it was used as as a crowning point for 11 kings of Hungary.
It has also hosted the premiere of Beethoven's "Missa solemnis".
In Helena Natura's cosmetic bag I found
a facial cream for intense nourishment of the skin,
eye cream for wrinkle reduction,
a deep cleansing response mask
and an elixir for tightening and nourishing.
Helena Natura took care of my face treatment with this cosmetic bag that it has all I need in travel size!
If you want to find it, you can join the page of Helena Natura.
You can find the link in the description of this video.
The new Bridge "Most SNP"
was built between 1967 and 1972.
It crosses the Danube River and connects the old city to the southern suburbs of Budapest.
It is a cable bridge with a length of 430.08 meters and a width of 21 meters.
The most impressive feature is a flying dish located in the tower on one side.
In this dish you will find a restaurant called "UFO"
that will give you the opportunity to enjoy a great meal overlooking the city.
This is the Church of St. Elizabeth or else the "Little Blue Church".
It was built in 1908 and is a Hungarian schismatic Catholic church
located at the eastern end of the center of Bratislava.
On this journey to be comfortable and stylish, I chose to have a Bonendis backpack with me.
If you enter in the corresponding page,
you will find equally beautiful designs in various sizes and wonderful color combinations.
The link of the page will be found in the description of this video, as well as the design I have chosen.
The medieval castle of Bratislava with Gothic and Renaissance architectural features
dominates a rocky point 85 meters above the Danube River level.
It was built in the 10th century, renovated by Maria Theresia in 1766,
burned by fire in 1811 and rebuilt by the Communist regime in 1953.
To leave the castle, you are free to choose which road you want ..
as each route has its own beauty.
Several people say one day is enough for Bratislava.
Surely within one day you can see all the tourist spots.
But I think it is worth dedicating her even more days to discover other hidden aspects of the city.
A period that I suggest you come to is Christmas,
because this city becomes even more beautiful with the corresponding decoration.
Proof Toyota Makes Mistakes Too, Automatic Belt Tensioner - Duration: 3:42.
Rev up your engines, today I'm going to show you how you can replace
a part that goes out often in modern cars, the automatic belt tensioner, now older cars
like this 94 celica, they didn't have automatic tensioners, there were nuts and bolts that
were on the alternator in different parts and you'd have to loosen them to tighten the
belt and then tighten them down to make sure the belts were tight, but on all the later
model cars, there's one serpentine belt, it goes around everything and it has an automatic
tensioner that tensions it, with the one belt system it's almost impossible
for a human to adjust it correctly if it's a manual adjustment, you're either going to
get it too loose or too tight, these automatically do it some have springs,
this has a little shock assembly with a spring inside that pushes it up to make sure it has
the perfect tension, and like everything else, eventually they
wear out, in this case, it actually broke, because the factory one was a cheap pot metal
and the adjusting bolt that you put the wrench on to make it get loose so you can put the
belt on and then let go when it tightens up, it just snapped right off, there was a design
flaw in these toyotas, as you can see right here, that part is snapped right off, that's
suppose to be where the bolt is and it snapped off because it was cheap pot metal so we have
to replace it now, and although it's kind of hidden in there,
there's only one, two bolts that hold the whole thing in so I'm going to show you how
you can change it yourself, now in this case it's easier to access through
the bottom, so we'll take the tire out of the way, then we can access the bottom bolt
on that little shock part of it and take that off,
so we take that nut off, then you put a wrench here on the other end from the top, from the
top of the engine, and then loosen it up here from the bottom
because there's not any working room from the top but there's plenty of working room
on the bottom, then you wiggle it until it comes out,
here's the old broken one right here, you can see this part it broken off,
it was just cheaply made, you can see that nub has broken right off and this one is much
more solid piece, then you slide the new tensioner back in,
then you put the wrench on the bottom where it reaches to the top bolt and get that nice
and tight, and then put the bottom bolt on too, get that
nice and tight, and now of course you have to put the fan
belt back on, well I'm a mechanic so I've got data systems that can print out a picture
of it so I know where the belt goes, but if you're not a mechanic you got a phone,
before you take it apart and remember this before, take a picture of the belt then you'll
have a picture to see where it goes, because it goes over a bunch of pulleys and it only
goes one way, and the way you get it on is this, I get a nice long bar with a 19mm socket
on it, and the socket, it goes right over the adjuster nut so you can push it down and
get slack to get the belt on, and you pull down on the pry bar, and then
snap the belt on and voila it's now fixed, the old one with the broken piece on has been
replaced with a new one, the belt doesn't squeal and the alternator charges, just don't
forget to put the wheel back on, so the next time your automatic belt tensioner breaks
down, why not replace it yourself, even if it is raining outside, we all got umbrellas
somewhere, so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!
Winter's Coming Beef And Stout Stew || Glen & Friends Cooking - Duration: 9:32.
Hey everyone welcome back! Today at the grocery store I came across what
they called boneless beef finger meat, and it is essentially the muscle between
the ribs on on a cow. I've used it before for soups; our beef and barley
soup with this is absolutely amazing! So I thought you know the temperatures a little
bit colder, let's make a stew recipe. And the first step to making a stew is cutting
it into chunks. And the next step is to brown the beef. A little bit of oil in
the bottom, today I'm using grapeseed oil. I like it because it has no flavour and a
high smoke point. If I had any rendered beef fat that would be my first choice
for this. Grapeseed is my second choice but really any fat you're comfortable with.
In goes the beef a little at a time you want it to brown not boil, and of
course if you forgot the salt and pepper like I did it's okay to put it in now.
Plenty of opportunities along the way to add more seasoning with a stew this is
a long slow cook.
While the meat is browning I will prepare the vegetables, and that's three
or four onions depending on how big they are. Since this is a long slow cook I
don't bother cutting them really fine it's a stew I like I like all of the
vegetables to be fairly large chunks. So depending on the onions I might quarter
them or eighth them. Carrots; again really big chunks and I'm not one for
peeling carrots so I just slice them into really big rounds.
And same with the celery really big chunks.
Of course for your stew cut them however you like if you think that's too big then
cut them in half. You know really cooking is all about pleasing yourself.
So let's check on the beef - we could go a little bit farther, but today I think it's
fine. Long slow cook in the oven it's gonna
bring out all of those flavours.
Next in is some tomato paste.
Plop that right in and get it cooking with the beef. Next up is my favourite
ingredient for beef stews, and that is Marmite. And I know a lot of people don't
like Marmite. And I know you might have heard me say this before we're gonna put
in a really good dollop. I hate Marmite on its own tastes
horrible to me, absolutely horrible to me but you put it in something like this
stew and it just brings out all of the other flavors and makes them absolutely
incredible! And as you can see we've got some great colour in there now cooking
the tomato sauce with the Marmite and the beef before we put in the rest of
the ingredients really helps deepen the flavour. And next in is some chicken stock,
and yes of course if you've got homemade beef stock use homemade beef stock I
don't have any homemade beef stock so I'm using homemade chicken stock and my
order of importance for this type of dish is homemade beef to go with beef
then homemade chicken to go with beef and then store-bought chicken to go with
beef before I will ever buy a box or a jar of store-bought beef stock. There's
some flavour in every store bought beef stock that I've ever had that I just don't
like I think it's horrible so I will always choose chicken before I choose
purchased beef. Anyway enough about that; give this stir and at this point we can
start adding in some of the other aromatics. So I have I have some thyme I'm
gonna throw the whole sprigs in. A couple of cloves of garlic and I'm gonna
crush those in. So the stock and all of the beef juice has come up to a boil at
this point which is what we're looking for. So in goes the garlic; give it a
crush scrape it ah there you go. Next up is some beer and I've got
a local Ontario brewery stout from broadhead brewery darkhorse stout I
think this is one of the ones we used in the 24 beer project. There's a very
famous stout from Ireland that you could use if you wanted to, but you want a
really dark beer low in the hops of course. Red wine would be really good in
this in this stew recipe as well so just put it enough. hmm
it's pretty good guys. So now in goes the veg and we just plop it in and you'll
notice I don't put any potatoes in my my beef stew recipe. I sort of go back and forth
between putting potatoes in and then serving this over mashed potatoes and I
think today I'm going to serve this over mashed potatoes.
Give it a stir we'll bring this up to a boil. I feel like I spend most of my time
cleaning this kitchen, and I just saw a Leon Lush video on on how cleaning
videos clean up on YouTube. So I thought I'd I thought I'd throw in a little bit
of cleaning for him. This has come to a boil now and put on a lid, and put that
in a low oven 300 - 325º for three or four hours. And of course this could be done
in a crock-pot or a slow cooker. Especially if you have one of the ones
with a metal insert that you can Brown in. But if you have one that you can't Brown
it's probably not all that terribly important, you'll get almost the same
flavour just by throwing everything in and turning it on for ten hours anyway.
Come on back and see what happens.
Glen we got two parts going on here. Yeah so this is the beef stew and we have to
serve it over mashed potatoes. Oh serve up the mashed potatoes and let's go. yeah
that's funny I am as a little kid mmm every Friday night the the family that
took care of me mmm after school this is what they would
serve mashed potato and mashed potatoes and us do it was really good this is
like a little homecoming for me nice so this this do is really thin the this
it's more soupy than Stewie too because it's chunky
you could definitely thicken it up with some flour or corn starch but then it
doesn't just mixes in so nicely I know I like I like how it flavors the mashed
potatoes I'm so this is made with a dark stout ah well that would explain that
flavour mmm the dark stout hmm that mashed potato recipe is quite possibly the best
mashed potato recipe the world has ever known! Did you make that
recipe Glen? Good oh good for you! I did it so there's a lot of things you
could do with this stew at the end you could put in
peas and corn if you wanted. if you wanted extra vegetables you you change
the flavouring I mean it's you could put the potatoes in it even though I like it
served over mashed potatoes mm-hmm I think this really adds to it it
Don't look at the panettone I can't ask about the panettone this is
about the stew recipe don't ask me what the panettone. but it's right there Glen
when do we get to eat the panettone we'll go there next okay I have a dinner
first so give this a try I think you'll really like it
Wedding Mein Raid (2018) | New Released Hindi Dubbed Full Action Movies - Duration: 1:33:05.
Ep. 3 - Quoi faire et quoi voir à Puebla ? (Mexique) - Duration: 4:31.
新人王喜びの声 DeNA東「長いことプロの世界で」楽天・田中「本塁打と盗塁をもっと」 - Duration: 4:43.
Kelli's Tofu Creation | Kitchn's Pinterest Challenge (Episode 3) - Duration: 3:10.
- [Narrator] We are recreating
the most popular dishes on Pinterest.
But, there's one catch.
Our chef only has the ingredients, and that's it.
- What?
- [Narrator] No steps, no recipe name,
not even a photo to go by.
- Oh.
- [Narrator] The goal, have their dish
match the one on Pinterest.
This is Kitchn's Pinterest Challenge.
(upbeat music)
- Hi, I'm Kelli Foster.
I am an associate food editor at Kitchn.
I'm super excited, a little bit nervous.
This feels like Christmas morning right now,
but maybe even more exciting.
(bells ringing)
Three, two, one.
(bells chiming)
(jazz music)
So I'm wondering if it is,
(bubbles popping)
I think we're gonna do a barbecue tofu bowl with quinoa.
Do I have access to pantry staples like cooking oil,
salt and pepper?
(electronic music)
I really wanna get crispy tofu,
so I am gonna heat this over a medium high heat.
I'm sure the way this was done on Pinterest
is that the tofu was cut into cubes,
but I'm actually gonna tear it into chunks.
Because when you do that, you get tons
of jagged little edges.
And as you're cooking that in the pan and searing it,
they get crispy.
(electronic music)
(tofu sizzling)
So now we are gonna pour in our barbecue sauce.
I'm 75% confident that this is the same
as the Pinterest Challenge recipe.
(upbeat music)
I'm really nervous, more nervous than I thought
I would be.
Here's a drum roll.
Are you guys ready, because I'm ready?
(drum music)
(bells chiming)
Aw, you know, this idea was sitting in the back of my mind.
Darn it, darn it.
I guess the tofu was first coated in barbecue sauce
and that's how the quinoa was stuck to it.
That's so smart, I really love that idea.
So the quinoa has cooked first
before it's put on the tofu cubes,
and the quinoa is pretty crispy.
So I feel like that, that's really what makes this
is the crispy quinoa.
Oh man, I if I had to give myself a grade,
a C minus or a D, maybe a D.
I feel like I wasn't very spot-on.
This was super fun.
I didn't get it right, but I had a great time,
and next time I'm gonna bring my A game
to nail it and get my Pinterest Recipe Challenge spot-on.
(crowd cheering)
Meghan Markle : découvrez l'identité de la mystérieuse assistante qui l'a lâchée - Duration: 7:22.
【エクステリア編】レクサス・新型「UX」見てきた。グレードは「UX200 F SPORT」、このモデルにしか無い個性アリ&ちょっと残念な部分も - Duration: 14:05.
Top 10 Untold Truths About FOOD Photography! - Duration: 13:14.
Have you ever looked at an advertisement for food and wondered just how it is that people
can get such perfect pictures of a meal? After all, whenever you're taking a photo of your
meal in a restaurant, you can never seem to get it right. How do food photographers do
it? How do they make everything look so delicious in every photo they take? The truth may surprise
you, So let's get right to the top ten untold truths about food photography.
Everything is served on white plates
When you're serving someone a meal, they generally don't care what kind of plate it
is served on, as long as the food tastes good. Whether it's fine china or paper, it doesn't
affect the taste so who cares? Well, it's an entirely different story for food photography.
See, food photographers will generally only photograph food on white plates. Why? Think
of every food photograph like a painting: generally an artist isn't going to start
their latest masterpiece on anything but a blank canvas, and that's what a clean, unmarked
white plate represents. It doesn't distract from the star of the show, namely the food
being photographed. Think about it this way: have you ever eaten at a restaurant where
they didn't give you your food on a white plate? The principle is the same. Food served
on something that is clean, white, and free of any distinguishing marks is always going
to appeal to your visual sense more than food served on a colored plate or one with ornate
markings. "What about white food?" you may be asking. The answer in that scenario is
to just switch to an off-white plate. In addition, the smaller the plate, the better the photo,
since the food will look bigger, heartier, and more filling. In addition, matte-finished
plates, as opposed to glossy, are preferred because they cut down on the amount of shine
that will show up in the photo.
Say cheese and show us some love by hitting that subscribe button and ringing that bell
to join our notification squad.
Pancakes have cardboard in the middle
Have you ever looked at a photograph of pancakes and thought to yourself, "man I'd really like
to dig into those scrumptious looking flapjacks!" You probably have, since as we all know, a
stack of pancakes looks pretty inviting in a food photograph. However, if you tried to
eat that stack of pancakes, you might run into an unexpected and rather unpleasant surprise:
cardboard. That's right, food photographers will often use pieces of cardboard to keep
pancakes separated and standing up straight in photos. It's just one of those small tricks
that make the food look so much better than it would in real life. Let's face it: a stack
of pancakes is pretty awesome when it's sitting in front of you at a restaurant, just waiting
to be covered in butter and sweet maple syrup. However, they don't always look that great
in profile. That's because the pancakes are fairly soft, and will sort of sag as they
sit on the plate. It doesn't make much of a difference when you're about to eat them,
but in food photography, food has to be looking its best. That's where the cardboard comes
in. The look of pancakes in advertisements is often one of uniform and parallel stacking,
a look that is not often achieved in real life. The cardboard helps with this, as well
as bulking the stack up slightly to make it look taller. They are also sprayed with Scotchguard
so that syrup doesn't soak into them but instead slides off for that photo perfect look.
Whole turkeys are raw on the inside
You've probably also seen an advertisement featuring one of those perfectly cooked, deliciously
browned whole turkeys sitting on the dinner table, waiting to be carved up and served.
Well, not so fast. Before you get out the electric carving knife and the serving fork,
you should probably know that that turkey would actually be pretty terrible in real
life. In fact, it might even kill you. That's because whole turkeys that appear in food
photographs are often colored with shoe polish and other harsh chemicals to give it that
brown color. In addition, the bird is probably mostly raw on the inside. This is to help
it maintain a certain shape for the photo, and also because no one is going to eat it
anyway, and have you ever cooked a turkey? If not, then you should know that it takes
a while. That's time food photographers aren't often working with, so they just keep the
bird uncooked and rely on the household chemicals to give it that cooked appearance. They may
also hit it with a blowtorch just to sear the skin slightly and give it that more cooked
and crispy appearance. Another gross thing about photographed whole turkeys is that they
are often stuffed with paper towels. This is also to bulk them up and help them look
Fruit is colored with lipstick
You might think that only human models would wear lipstick in an advertisement, but you
would be totally wrong. That's because the fruit in food photography is often colored
with lipstick. Why? Well, think about it. When you buy a pint of strawberries, they
probably look pretty tasty, but from a food photographer's point of view, there's a lot
that has to be changed. For one thing, the delicious pint of strawberries probably has
a few spots that aren't quite red enough for the camera. To the average consumer, that's
no big deal, but when the fruit has to look its best, it's a huge problem. Enter the lipstick.
Lipstick is used to coat those paler spots on fruit and give the fruit more uniform appearance
and color. It may seem strange but don't forget, this food is not getting eaten. It's
getting thrown right in the trash once the shoot is over. So making it look good rather
than taste good is obviously the highest priority. In addition to the lipstick, food photographers
will also utilize a bath with lemon juice to keep any cut fruit or berries from browning
due to oxidation. They may also use a product known as 'Fruit Fresh.' This can actually
be bought at grocery stores, so if you ever want to take a nice photograph of some berries,
consider picking up some of this stuff before your shoot.
Ice cream is lard and powdered sugar
Photographing ice cream would be an almost impossible task. Think about it: you have
to set up the shoot with hot lights, then take a bunch of pictures before you get the
right one. That ice cream will have melted long before the job is done, leaving food
photographers with a sticky mess that is not going to look good on camera. Not unless the
advertisement is for melted ice cream, but that would be crazy. In fact, any food that
melts is often a hurdle that food photographers have to get around in their job. One of the
many secrets about photographing ice cream is that food photographers will use mashed
potatoes. While this is true, there are alternatives that make the ice cream in photographs look
more like, well, ice cream. One way of achieving this without having to mash a bunch of potatoes
is to use lard and icing sugar. This combination becomes as scoopable as ice cream and won't
melt as quickly under the hot lights. Powdered mashed potatoes might also be mixed into this
ice cream stand-in to give it more structure, but ultimately the mixture of lard and icing
sugar (and sometimes store bought frosting) are really what make the perfect ice cream
photo. Then, of course, any colors or other features are added to the mixture to give
it that delicious ice cream appearance.
Cakes are spray painted
A beautifully decorated cake is one of the most visually pleasing things out there. When
you're at a birthday party, and the cake is brought out, and it's looking so good? That's
the sign of someone who really knows what they are doing in the kitchen. However, photographing
cakes is an entirely different story. See, food photographers don't always have a lot
of time to dress up a cake and make it look good. So what do they do? They spray paint
it. That's right, those delicious, decadent cakes you see in advertisements are in fact
slathered with highly toxic spray paint. You definitely wouldn't want a slice of these
with your coffee. The reason that spray paint is used is to give the cake more of a color
pop than colored icing would give it. Spray paint can also be applied in an even layer
and doesn't really get as gloppy as paint that is brushed on. Painted cakes are just
another secret of the food photography business, and it's an integral part of taking good pictures
of desserts. Some cakes also feature cream- and instead of whipped cream, which can melt
and get runny for a photo, food photographers will use shaving cream instead.
Melted cheese is simmered in water
There's something instantly appealing about seeing a bright yellow slice of cheese that's
perfectly melted on top of a burger. McDonald's already knows this, which is why their burgers
always look so good in the advertisements. However, there is a secret that food photographers
have in regards to taking the perfect cheeseburger picture. That cheese did not melt on the burger.
Why? Because by the time the photo is being taken, that burger is cold as ice. So how
does the cheese melt? It's actually a really simple trick. Before the photo is taken, the
food photographers simmer it. Because the cheese needs to look shimmering, gooey, and
delicious, they will actually stick a slice of cheese in a pan of simmering water to start
the melting process. The food photographers then scoop the cheese out and put that already
melting cheese on the burger, allowing it to cover it like a delicious cheesy blanket.
This is how food photographers create the cheeseburger pictures that make your mouth
water and activate the part of your brain that needs to get to the burger joint now!
It's an interesting trick and one that is highly effective. Have you ever second-guessed
the melting cheese in a food photo? Probably not, which means food photographers are doing
their job right.
Sometimes nature isn't pretty enough
Food photographers are also often tasked with taking pictures of things like fruit trees
or vegetables growing in a garden. While these sights are pretty beautiful to the average
person, to a food photographer, they just look lackluster. This is especially true when
you're trying to take a picture of, say, a lemon tree and there just aren't enough of
those beautiful, round, yellow lemons hanging from the branches. So what is a food photographer
to do? Well, some of them will go as far as taking a needle and thread and actually sewing
more lemons to the branches of the tree to get the perfect picture. That's the kind of
Frankenstein procedure you've probably come to expect from food photographers after hearing
the other points in this list, but it doesn't make it any less crazy. After all, nature
is so beautiful, why do you have to improve on it? Well, no one ever said that food photography
was easy, and no one wants to admit that when we see a picture in a magazine, we're not
exactly clamoring for reality. We want to see something that excites us and makes us
hungry. Throwing a few extra lemons on the lemon tree isn't hurting anyone, least of
all the tree itself, so why not just make the tree look a little better?
Ice is made of plastic
Those ice cold drinks in advertisements always look so refreshing, don't they? You just want
to reach into them and pull one out on a hot day. Well, as you've probably gathered from
the other points on this list, not everything is as it appears in food advertisements, and
the drinks are just another thing that is super staged. One of the biggest fake outs
in photos of icy cold drinks is the ice itself. We've talked about how things melt during
a photo shoot, and no other food is as notorious for melting as ice. So, to get around the
melting problem, food photographers use plastic or acrylic blocks that look like ice. They're
definitely not keeping anything cool, but they look good on camera. On top of that,
the actual drink itself is most likely a thick gel that is colored to look like the drink
it's portraying. This is to hold the "ice" in place and also to give a more vibrant,
uniform look to the drink on camera. Finally, those refreshing looking drinks always have
that little bit of condensation on the outside, but how can that be when there's no ice in
the drink and nothing is actually cold in the photo? Well, the glasses are actually
just finely misted with a mixture of water and corn syrup in order to get that cool,
refreshing look we all know and love.
You have to take a lot of photos to get the best one
As with any sort of photo shoot, the simple truth of food photography is that you can't
just take one perfect picture. Food photographers are constantly making minor adjustments to
their subjects and taking a bunch of photos to reflect those changes. Often, food photographers
will take a photo, then have to add something, move something, or change the angle to get
everything exactly right. The advertising industry is not one that runs on coincidences
or lucky shots. Everything is planned and executed with absolute perfection. Food photographers
don't leave anything up to chance. If they need to adjust something in a photo, they
will take a new photo. At the end of the day, they will meticulously sort through those
photographs, select the best one, then begin the editing process in a program like Photoshop.
It's a hard life being a food photographer. The hours are long, and the work can often
be very difficult. Not to mention the fact that working around all that food has to make
you hungry during the day. However, as we said before, none of this food can be eaten
at the end of the day. So the next time you see a great photo of a burger or an icy cold
margarita, just remember all the hard work that went into making that photo possible.
We're always working hard to bring you great videos. So stay right here and click on one
of our other ones. And to find out how to become an official BabbleTopper, click on
the join link in the description below.
2004-2008 F150 Volant Pro5 Closed Box Cold Air Intake 5.4L Review & Install - Duration: 7:37.
The Volant Pro 5 Closed Box Cold Air Intake, fitting all '04 to '08 5.4-powered F-150s,
is perfect for the F-150 owner that's looking to increase performance, improve throttle
response, all while remaining budget-friendly and, most importantly, for those emissions-restrictive
states, C.A.R.B.-legal.
A system like this one is going to replace that restrictive factory intake tubing with
something that's designed to pull more cold air and create horsepower.
This intake is manufactured out of ABS plastic and features a nice polished aluminum lid
with the Volant logo front and center.
It also features Volant's five-layer filter, which is going to increase airflow, and also
included in the kit is some nice stainless hardware.
That closed box gives a nice, complete look under the hood.
It's also going to create power and when you're cruising, it's gonna be nice and quiet.
You're not gonna hear any induction noise like you would with some other cold air intake
Another great thing about this intake is it doesn't change the diameter of the tubing
around the mass air flow sensor, so you don't need to retune your vehicle In order to run
this system and that makes it C.A.R.B.-legal.
So you're always going to pass emissions, even in the most restrictive states.
For around 250 bucks, this is one of the most budget-friendly closed box systems on the
Also included in that price is Volant's one-year manufacturer warranty.
Install for this cold air intake is gonna be fairly simple, but tight spaces can complicate
And for that, I'm gonna give it a two out of three wrenches on our difficulty meter.
It should take you around an hour or two with basic hand tools.
So let me show you how to get this installed on your truck.
For this install, you will need an impact or ratchet, U-joint, T-20 Torx bit, Phillips-head
screwdriver, 8-millimeter socket, 10-millimeter socket, and a deep 10-millimeter socket.
So first things first, we have to get this old factory system out of the way.
We're gonna start by removing this 10-millimeter bolt right in the middle of the air duct.
And that'll allow us to remove our factory air duct.
Next, we can move on to our factory air box.
We're gonna start by unclipping the mass air flow sensor harness, and this breather hose
on the back-left as well.
Next, we're gonna remove these four 10-millimeter bolts that hold our air box onto our intake
Now, you wanna go slow here.
In 10 years, nature has kinda rusted out these bolts.
So just take it easy, and it should pop right out.
With our factory air box off the truck, that allows us access to remove our MAF sensor.
We're gonna use a T-20 Torx bit to unscrew that and transfer it over to our new intake
Volant also provides us with a new gasket, so we're gonna pull the old gasket off and
replace it with the one supplied in the kit.
With that, we can slide our sensor in.
And the kit also comes with new Phillips-head screws for you to mount that.
Next, we can grab our air box and install this weatherstripping to the port that's gonna
lead into our driver's side fender.
With the weatherstripping on, we can drop in our new air box and secure it to the inner
fender using the 10-millimeter bolts, washers, and nuts supplied in the kit.
And we're gonna do the same thing with this one as well, and this one is a water drain
Next, we can drop in our blue Volant filter and secure it with the larger hose clamp included
in the kit.
With our filter in place, we can tighten down this clamp using an 8-millimeter socket.
Then, we can secure our air box lid using a Phillips-head screwdriver.
With our air box in place, we're gonna move on to our new air duct.
Now, as you can see, I've done a little prep work on this.
This coupler has a hump in it and the medium-sized clamps in the kit.
This coupler is just a plain cylinder and uses the smallest clamps in the kit.
That's gonna go to our throttle body, and this end is gonna go toward our air box.
Now, we're just gonna tighten down all of our clamps.
Next, we can reinstall our MAF harness.
And lastly, we're just gonna remove this breather hose and replace that entirely with the hose
that comes in the kit from Volant.
With that breather hose in place, that's gonna do it for my review and install for the Volant
Pro 5 Closed Box Cold Air Intake System, fitting all '04 to '08 5.4-powered F-150s.
Thank you for watching.
I'm Joe.
And for all things F-150, keep it right here, at
Rome 390 Boss 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 3:54.
Hi my name is Chris, and i'm from Rome Snowboards
I'd like you to meet the 390 Boss from Rome.
Many of you probably know the 390 Boss because it's been around forever in our line at Rome
a medium stiff binding which you can use for any application
with the 390 Boss you will have a lot of fun.
It is always a question of the company's philosophy to make pure plastic bindings or pure aluminium bindings
we try to get the best out of both worlds
namely we have an aluminium heel cup which stretches from under the base
which ensures a direct power transmission from the heel to the toe edge
but we also have a plastic base which preserves the natural flex.
Very important for us at rome is customization
which means you can take the binding out of the box, assemble it and you will have fun with it
but if you are still a little busy with the binding, certainly you can get a lot out of our bindings.
A few examples
the highback rotation is a concern for us and possible with all rome bindings
Because only if the binding was mounted with zero degrees on the board
would the highback fit parallel to the heel edge
But if I mount it an angle, the highback doesn't close parallel to the heel edge anymore
Now I have the possibility to rotate the highback from 0 - 24 degrees. If I would rotate the highback now,
the highback would be parallel to the heel edge again
and this ensures a much more direct force transfer to the heel edge.
The straps of all our bindings are adjustable without tools.
What you can see here is our anklestrap, that's our autostrap.
I'll show you how to adjust it.
You just have to adjust the length of the strap to your boot first
and then tighten this autostrap here. You'll see if I open the binding
the strap jumps out, stays open and you can always comfortably get into the binding
without having to grab into the base to get the strap out of the base.
We use a really very comfortable Toestrap
which adapts perfectly to every boot
and I can really bang myself perfectly into the binding with this Toestrap
which gives me additional grip and a direct power transmission to the board.
You can see the tool-less template angle adjustment in the back here,
easy to open and easy to move on the block and you have either more template
or you can take the template out completely.
We also use our Vrod Base here
What is so special about the Vrod Base is that it gives me a smaller contact area on the board
This allows a more natural board flex
and it tilts easily directly from the heel to the toe side edge
but still has the side to side flex
The 390 Boss is available in two sizes: small/medium and large/XLarge
Small/medium I would recommend up zo a boot size of US 9
Anything beyond that please order the Large/XLarge
The 390 Boss is a medium stiff binding with which you can really do nothing wrong
no matter on which board you will have your fun
Very important for you to know, lifetime warranty on all spare parts for Rome bindings!
That means no matter if you need a new Highback, a new Anklestrap,
a new Toestrap, a new toothband or whatever you need,
you get it for free from Rome your whole life!
Fiat Punto Evo 1.3 M-Jet Dynamic 5drs AIRCO/LMV - Duration: 1:06.
Winter's Coming Beef And Stout Stew || Glen & Friends Cooking - Duration: 9:32.
Hey everyone welcome back! Today at the grocery store I came across what
they called boneless beef finger meat, and it is essentially the muscle between
the ribs on on a cow. I've used it before for soups; our beef and barley
soup with this is absolutely amazing! So I thought you know the temperatures a little
bit colder, let's make a stew recipe. And the first step to making a stew is cutting
it into chunks. And the next step is to brown the beef. A little bit of oil in
the bottom, today I'm using grapeseed oil. I like it because it has no flavour and a
high smoke point. If I had any rendered beef fat that would be my first choice
for this. Grapeseed is my second choice but really any fat you're comfortable with.
In goes the beef a little at a time you want it to brown not boil, and of
course if you forgot the salt and pepper like I did it's okay to put it in now.
Plenty of opportunities along the way to add more seasoning with a stew this is
a long slow cook.
While the meat is browning I will prepare the vegetables, and that's three
or four onions depending on how big they are. Since this is a long slow cook I
don't bother cutting them really fine it's a stew I like I like all of the
vegetables to be fairly large chunks. So depending on the onions I might quarter
them or eighth them. Carrots; again really big chunks and I'm not one for
peeling carrots so I just slice them into really big rounds.
And same with the celery really big chunks.
Of course for your stew cut them however you like if you think that's too big then
cut them in half. You know really cooking is all about pleasing yourself.
So let's check on the beef - we could go a little bit farther, but today I think it's
fine. Long slow cook in the oven it's gonna
bring out all of those flavours.
Next in is some tomato paste.
Plop that right in and get it cooking with the beef. Next up is my favourite
ingredient for beef stews, and that is Marmite. And I know a lot of people don't
like Marmite. And I know you might have heard me say this before we're gonna put
in a really good dollop. I hate Marmite on its own tastes
horrible to me, absolutely horrible to me but you put it in something like this
stew and it just brings out all of the other flavors and makes them absolutely
incredible! And as you can see we've got some great colour in there now cooking
the tomato sauce with the Marmite and the beef before we put in the rest of
the ingredients really helps deepen the flavour. And next in is some chicken stock,
and yes of course if you've got homemade beef stock use homemade beef stock I
don't have any homemade beef stock so I'm using homemade chicken stock and my
order of importance for this type of dish is homemade beef to go with beef
then homemade chicken to go with beef and then store-bought chicken to go with
beef before I will ever buy a box or a jar of store-bought beef stock. There's
some flavour in every store bought beef stock that I've ever had that I just don't
like I think it's horrible so I will always choose chicken before I choose
purchased beef. Anyway enough about that; give this stir and at this point we can
start adding in some of the other aromatics. So I have I have some thyme I'm
gonna throw the whole sprigs in. A couple of cloves of garlic and I'm gonna
crush those in. So the stock and all of the beef juice has come up to a boil at
this point which is what we're looking for. So in goes the garlic; give it a
crush scrape it ah there you go. Next up is some beer and I've got
a local Ontario brewery stout from broadhead brewery darkhorse stout I
think this is one of the ones we used in the 24 beer project. There's a very
famous stout from Ireland that you could use if you wanted to, but you want a
really dark beer low in the hops of course. Red wine would be really good in
this in this stew recipe as well so just put it enough. hmm
it's pretty good guys. So now in goes the veg and we just plop it in and you'll
notice I don't put any potatoes in my my beef stew recipe. I sort of go back and forth
between putting potatoes in and then serving this over mashed potatoes and I
think today I'm going to serve this over mashed potatoes.
Give it a stir we'll bring this up to a boil. I feel like I spend most of my time
cleaning this kitchen, and I just saw a Leon Lush video on on how cleaning
videos clean up on YouTube. So I thought I'd I thought I'd throw in a little bit
of cleaning for him. This has come to a boil now and put on a lid, and put that
in a low oven 300 - 325º for three or four hours. And of course this could be done
in a crock-pot or a slow cooker. Especially if you have one of the ones
with a metal insert that you can Brown in. But if you have one that you can't Brown
it's probably not all that terribly important, you'll get almost the same
flavour just by throwing everything in and turning it on for ten hours anyway.
Come on back and see what happens.
Glen we got two parts going on here. Yeah so this is the beef stew and we have to
serve it over mashed potatoes. Oh serve up the mashed potatoes and let's go. yeah
that's funny I am as a little kid mmm every Friday night the the family that
took care of me mmm after school this is what they would
serve mashed potato and mashed potatoes and us do it was really good this is
like a little homecoming for me nice so this this do is really thin the this
it's more soupy than Stewie too because it's chunky
you could definitely thicken it up with some flour or corn starch but then it
doesn't just mixes in so nicely I know I like I like how it flavors the mashed
potatoes I'm so this is made with a dark stout ah well that would explain that
flavour mmm the dark stout hmm that mashed potato recipe is quite possibly the best
mashed potato recipe the world has ever known! Did you make that
recipe Glen? Good oh good for you! I did it so there's a lot of things you
could do with this stew at the end you could put in
peas and corn if you wanted. if you wanted extra vegetables you you change
the flavouring I mean it's you could put the potatoes in it even though I like it
served over mashed potatoes mm-hmm I think this really adds to it it
Don't look at the panettone I can't ask about the panettone this is
about the stew recipe don't ask me what the panettone. but it's right there Glen
when do we get to eat the panettone we'll go there next okay I have a dinner
first so give this a try I think you'll really like it
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