Did you ever have this?
Your love does not you notice?
Have you felt emptiness?
That's what I feel now.
Watashi wa (I am,)
Baka no yo ni (Just like an idiot)
Kanjiru ni naze subete. (Came through all of this.)
No chuiga watashi ni shi (And after all it feels for me)
Shi hanara wa renai no desuka. (Like you just cracked me into pieces.)
Mawaru (Turn around)
Mieru (To come)
Oki ni suru (And listen)
Mawaru (Turn around)
Mieru (To come)
Oki ni suru (And listen)
My, my Beloved Girl,
I will warm our hope.
I always think about you.
I always think about my...
My Beloved Girl, I will warm our hope.
I always think about...
I always think about...
I always think about you.
One, two, three, four.
Aka mano kudaku, (Devil's smash was all red,)
Wa sore ni watashi (And moreover I am)
Omote iru. (Still alive.)
Watashi wa akuma. (I am a demon.)
Anata wa watashi! (And you are me!)
O uragita ka? O uragita ka? (O are you okay? O are you okay?)
Watashi wa ikite iru. (I am still alive.)
Sayonara. (Farewell.)
Akuma no kodoku wa. (Demon's smash got me.)
Sudeki wa. (I'm doing good.)
Am I true believed,
That I will stay alive?..
And the other nothing...
Watashi wa (I am)
Baka no yo ni (Just like an idiot)
Kanjiru ni naze subete (Came through all of this)
No chiuga watashi ni shi (And after all it feels for me)
Shi hanara wa renai no desuka (Like you just cracked me into pieces)
My, my Beloved Girl,
I will warm our hope.
I always think about you.
I always think about my...
My Beloved Girl, I will warm our hope.
I always think about…
I only think about…
I only think about you.
For more infomation >> 狐P (Kitsune-P) - My Beloved Girl ENG+RUS subs (feat. Gumi Megpoid, v flower) - Duration: 5:38.-------------------------------------------
มีบางคนสะดุ้ง! ฟีฟ่า เตรียมจำกัดการยืมตัวนักเตะดัดหลังทีมจอมเก็งกำไร - Duration: 2:23.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive Automaat! - Duration: 0:54.
Top 5 Strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee - Duration: 11:39.
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Well here we are, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee after a very long 5 months
of waiting and anticipating is finally out in stores everywhere and well I can't describe
how happy I am to be playing this game.
It's a different experience just like I expected it to be, but nonetheless I'm still
having a lot of fun.
And I know I said when I built my team for pokemon lets go I was going to go at it from
a very casual perspective.
But I know that there's going to be people that want to know what pokemon are the best
to use in this game.
And well today I think I've compiled a good list of what I believe to be the top 5 strongest
pokemon in Pokemon let's go pikachu and Let's Go Eevee.
Keep in mind that I will be excluding megas and legendaries from this list because 1 duh
they're all really strong, and 2 megas will only be available after game and this video
is more directed towards pokemon that are useful for the story mode rather than competitive.
And of course if you feel there's a really strong pokemon that I left off this list please
be sure to let me know in the comment section below.
So without further ado welcome to the top 5 strongest pokemon in Pokemon let's go
pikachu and Let's Go Eevee.
If you guys enjoy the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with
a friend and with that being said let's get started.
5 Well to kick off this list I really wanted
to start off with a pokemon that's very versatile and can function well in many different
roles on your team.
And what pokemon better fits this narrative than the legendary pokemon Arcanine.
I mean when you have the species name of legendary attached to you that kind of is really telling
of how good this pokemon can be.
Though yes, it does lose its very useful abilities in flash fire and intimidate I still feel
this doesn't change how great this pokemon really is.
I mean if you take a look at its stats arcanine has the ability to be whatever you want it
to be.
If you want a fast physical attacker arcanine can easily do that.
Want a more bulky special attacker?
No problem.
And what's great about this pokemon is that not only does it have the stats but it also
has a wide movepool to even further solidify its usefulness.
With moves like flare blitz, fire blast, will-o-wisp, outrage, play rough, iron tail, superpower,
crunch, this thing even gets dragon pulse the coverage is crazy.
And as for typing, well fire is weak to rock ground and water which could be bad for competitive
since there's no counter to stealth rocks.
but this isn't competitive and fire is a very offensive typing and can really do some nice
damage in game with strengths against bug grass ice and of course steel.
Just watch out for giovanni.
The only real problem I really see with this pokemon though is the fact that it's a version
exclusive to pikachu.
My suggestion get a friend to trade a growlithe over this pokemon is going to be good.
4 So I actually had a pretty difficult time
figuring out what I wanted to do for the number 4 slot on this list because I really wanted
to talk about tentacruel and how good and useful it is, but man is machamp really good
for in game use.
I mean really any fighting type is good in this game since there are a few caves that
heavily feature rock types and there are a quite a few normal pokemon floating around
like raticate, persian kangaskhan and of course the starter eevee (if you are picked pikachu)
But I picked machamp because well out of all the fighting types available this pokemon
is definitely the strongest.
I mean take a look at its stats, its got godly physical attack, pretty good hp, and decent
Sure it's kinda slow but really the only things you have to worry about are the flying psychic
and fairy types.
And I think this is a very fair trade off to get a pokemon that will mow through normal
and rock which are pretty prevalent in this game.
And if we take a look at moves, sure it doesn't have a wide range of attacks, but it has the
important ones.
Bulk up, brick break, strength, the elemental punches and super power that's all you really
need for this pokemon.
All in all I think machamp would be a very useful pokemon to have on your team simply
because of the fact that its strong, can take out common pokemon, and has strong moves to
back up its stats.
3 I think when it comes to strong pokemon in
the kanto region one of the more powerful ones that most people know about is the sleeping
pokemon snorlax.
I mean for generations this pokemon was always a serious force to be reckoned with especially
in the gen 1 metagame.
And with base stats like these it's really no wonder why this pokemon is so freaking
Personally I think having a normal type on the team can be very beneficial especially
one that can eat up hits like a champ.
That combined with the fact that it only has a weakness fighting really makes snorlax worth
And when you take a look at snorlax's movepool it's got a great set of attacks to use such
as body slam, brick break, superpower, earthquake and the elemental punches.
Its simple but but really effective to use for a pokemon like this.
And when you take into account the fact that snorlax is easy to find the best of its typing
and just and overall beast of pokemon I don't know why anyone would not pick this pokemon.
2 Let's face it I think you guys all saw this
coming and it's actually kind of a pain to talk about since its so obvious, but of
course you can't really make a strong pokemon in kanto list without at least mentioning
the only pseudo-legendary pokemon in these games dragonite.
What can I really say it's a pseudo legendary which for those who don't know are pokemon
with comparable stats to LEGENDARY POKEMON.
And I mean when you have statlines like this it's pretty obvious that this pokemon is
going to be good.
I do wish its speed was up a bit more to make it a really good all around pokemon but even
with 80 speed this pokemon can function well in many different roles.
You can have it as a bulky allround defensive tank, make it a physical sweeper, you can
even run special moves if you really want to.
And its typing being dragon and flying is also a very good defensive typing as it gets
5 resistances and 1 immunity.
I mean dragon alone is one of the most overpowered types in the game even with the addition of
fairy which is actually few and far between in let's go.
All you gotta really worry about with dragonite is rock ice, and I guess dragon as well, which
are two types that can easily be countered by fighting.
As for a movepool this pokemon also has a wide range of moves in its arsenal such as
outrage, fly, thunder wave, roost, brick break, waterfall, the elemental punches, aqua jet,
and of course earthquake.
I will say though you'll have to wait a pretty long time to get this pokemon though
as dragonair does evolve at 55 so its gonna be a pain, but man is it well worth the wait.
1 And Finally at the number 1 spot the most
powerful pokemon to use in pokemon lets go pikachu and lets go eevee has to be the psychic
pokemon alakazam.
I really had a tough choice picking this last pokemon for this list simply because of the
fact that there are so many good fast special attackers in this games.
I mean gengar and starmie are both very good options for a fast special attacker but the
highest in terms stats is in fact alakazam.
And when you take a look at the stats base 135 special attack and 120 speed is absolutely
And although it may not get crazy coverage moves like the other 2 all you really need
to succeed with alakazam is shadow ball psychic calm mind and dazzling gleam.
And the psychic typing is just going to be a very good typing in this game considering
dark is basically non-existent in this game and their only 2 ghost types in this game
1 of them being slower and weak to alakazam as well.
All in all its pretty self explanatory why this pokemon is so good it won't be like the
red and blue days of old but I think in let's go this pokemon will for sure be a powerhouse
in the games.
Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a
like and let me know in the comment section below.
If you haven't already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today.
If you want to check out the previous video I did be sure to click the annotation on the
If you want to see some more Let's Go videos click the other annotation on the right.
And with that being said I will see you guys next time.
Audi A1 1.2 TFSI Sportback S-line - Duration: 0:52.
Fiat 500 S TwinAir Turbo 80 Clima/Navi/DAB+ Rijklaar! - Duration: 1:13.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.5 TFSI 150PK CoD AUTOMAAT S-LINE EDITION - Duration: 1:06.
1 Ger morötter bättre mörkersyn? - LTH:s julkalender 2018 - Duration: 2:47.
Pepper Potts Helps Change Tony Stark's Arc Reactor | Iron Man (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:19.
Stark industries!
I've got one recommendation! Ready? Ready?
Sell, sell, sell!
Abandon ship!
Does the Hindenburg ring any bells?
Let me show you the new Stark Industries business plan!
Look, that's a weapons company that doesn't make weapons!
Pepper. How big are your hands?
- What? - How big are your hands?
- I don't understand why... - Get down here. I need you.
Let's see them. Show me your hands.
Let's see them.
Oh, wow. They are small. Very petite, indeed.
I just need your help for a sec.
Oh, my God, is that the thing that's keeping you alive?
It was. It is now an antique.
This is what will be keeping me alive for the foreseeable future.
I'm swapping it up for an upgraded unit, and I just ran into a little speed bump.
- Speed bump, what does that mean? - It's nothing. It's just a little snag.
There's an exposed wire under this device.
And it's contacting the socket wall and causing a little bit of a short.
It's fine.
- What do you want me to do? - Put that on the table over there.
- That is irrelevant. - Oh, my God!
I want you to reach in, and you're just gonna gently lift the wire out.
- Is it safe? - Yeah, it should be fine.
It's like Operation. You just don't let it touch
the socket wall or it goes "beep."
- What do you mean, "Operation"? - It's just a game, never mind.
- Just gently lift the wire. Okay? Great. - Okay.
You know, I don't think that I'm qualified to do this.
No, you're fine. You're the most capable, qualified,
trustworthy person I've ever met. You're gonna do great.
Is it too much of a problem to ask? 'Cause I'm...
- Okay, okay. - I really need your help here.
Oh, there's pus!
It's not pus. It's an inorganic plasmic discharge from the device,
- not from my body. - It smells!
Yeah, it does.
The copper wire. The copper wire, you got it?
- Okay, I got it! I got it! - Okay, you got it?
Now, don't let it touch the sides when you're coming out!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
That's what I was trying to tell you before.
Okay, now make sure that when you pull it out, you don't...
There's a magnet at the end of it! That was it. You just pulled it out.
- Oh, God! - Okay, I was not expecting...
- Don't put it back in! Don't put it back in! - Okay, what do I do?
What's wrong?
Nothing, I'm just going into cardiac arrest
'cause you yanked it out like a trout...
- What? You said it was safe! - We gotta hurry. Take this. Take this.
- You gotta switch it out really quick. - Okay. Okay.
- Tony? It's going to be okay. - What?
- Is it? - It's gonna be okay.
- I'm gonna make this okay. - Let's hope.
Okay, you're gonna attach that to the base plate. Make sure you...
Was that so hard? That was fun, right? Here, I got it. I got it. Here.
- Are you okay? - Yeah, I feel great.
You okay?
Don't ever, ever, ever,
ever ask me to do anything like that ever again.
I don't have anyone but you.
- What do you want me to do with this? - That?
Destroy it.
Incinerate it.
You don't want to keep it?
Pepper, I've been called many things. "Nostalgic" is not one of them.
- Will that be all, Mr. Stark? - That will be all, Miss Potts.
Hey, Butterfingers, come here.
What's all this stuff doing on top of my desk?
That's my phone, that's a picture of me and my dad.
Right there. In the garbage. All that stuff.
Emmanuel Macron est-il génétiquement modifiable- NT? - Duration: 11:21.
Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin | S-line exterieur | Navi | - Duration: 1:08.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 move up! BlueMotion "VERKOCHT" - Duration: 0:49.
Opel Meriva 1.4 Edition "VERKOCHT" - Duration: 0:53.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 115 pk Aut. S-Tronic Pro Line (XEN/NAV/PDC/Bluetooth) - Duration: 1:03.
CONFI SAN PEDRO 2018 | NUEVA VIDA - Duration: 13:01.
How to get smarter, 30% more intelligent - Duration: 1:08.
hey guys Jamie here hey hang around to the end of the video because I've got
a really good joke for you in this video I'm going to tell you a trick on
how to get smarter now the trick is a very powerful antioxidant actually the
most powerful antioxidant known to man so far it's called resveratrol
and it actually puts 30% more blood into your brain well up to so you can easily
get the stuff from either your pharmacy or online try it out guys it
is awesome stuff I've been taking it for the last few months now so yeah and
I definitely feel a massive difference in my intelligence so the joke
for today is there was a gang member a mafia member and a skinhead going down
the road in the car who was driving the police officer hey if you like this
video subscribe or if you want to learn more about a great online business click
the link below this video and go to my website for a free webinar
People can Inherit Mitochondrial DNA from Both Parents | SciShow News - Duration: 6:30.
Everybody knows that the DNA you inherit from each biological parent is an even split...
I mean, hopefully everybody knows: you get half from the egg and half from the sperm that combines to make you.
Well, almost.
37 genes are found in your mitochondria, those little energy factories of cells.
And that mitochondrial DNA only comes from the egg.
At least, that's what we thought.
Earlier this week, an international team of researchers announced that they'd found
strong evidence that mitochondrial DNA can be inherited from both parents.
Which could change what we know about not only disease inheritance, but like... human history as a whole.
It all started with a 4-year-old boy that doctors suspected of having a mitochondrial disorder
—a disease caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA.
They're tricker to diagnose and treat than other genetic diseases because every cell in the body has several hundred mitochondria,
and not all of them have the same DNA.
Because mitochondrial disorders are complicated and don't always show up in tissue samples or fluid tests,
the only way to diagnose one with absolute certainty is with DNA sequencing.
And when they sequenced this boy's mitochondrial DNA, they found a peculiar pattern of mutant genes.
His mother and sisters had the same pattern, which is exactly what you'd expect,
and since none of them have a mitochondrial disorder, the mutations don't seem to explain his condition.
But the pattern just stood out so much that the team decided to test the boy's grandparents, too.
That was when they made a discovery that was previously thought to be impossible:
only some of his mother's mutation pattern matched her mother's.
The rest clearly matched up to the boy's grandfather.
Even stranger, when they tested the grandfather's female relatives,
they discovered that his pattern of mitochondrial mutations could also be traced to both of his parents.
To confirm their findings, the researchers recruited two other,
unrelated families with suspected mitochondrial disorders, and had their mitochondrial DNA sequenced.
And astonishingly, they found similar patterns.
Some family members had inherited mitochondrial variants from just their mothers, and some had inherited them from both parents.
This isn't the first study to suggest bi-parental inheritance of mitochondria.
Back in 2002, Danish researchers published a report of a man with a mitochondrial disorder he appeared to have inherited from his father.
Their results were independently verified by Harvard researchers,
who also uncovered potential evidence that mitochondrial DNA could recombine, or mix just like regular DNA.
But in the past decade and a half, no other cases have been reported despite quite a bit of effort to find them.
So the whole idea of bi-parental mitochondrial inheritance — and especially questions of recombination — has remained a contentious topic in genetics circles.
This time, though, the researchers made absolutely certain that their results were correct:
they looked at dozens of people in three multi-generation families, used incredibly sensitive testing
methods, and had new DNA samples re-sequenced at two other labs, just to be sure.
And they wouldn't have found any of this if they'd stopped looking once they sequenced the boy's mom and sisters,
which is what many doctors would have done since the mutations were inherited as expected and don't appear to be the cause of his ailment.
If the idea that people can sometimes inherit mitochondria from both parents doesn't seem like a big deal,
consider that mitochondrial DNA is one of the best ways we have to trace the history of our species over centuries.
Since it doesn't change much from generation to generation, the small changes that do show up in isolated groups
—like populations of people living on different continents—
can be used to track where people came from and how they moved around.
And the changes are thought to happen at a somewhat reliable rate, allowing us to estimate how long ago groups of people split from others.
But all the math involved assumes that mitochondrial DNA comes only from the egg—which, it seems, isn't always the case.
In fact, based on the findings, the authors of the paper suspect babies might get some mitochondria from sperm as often as one in every 5,000 births.
And if that's true — or if it turns out that mitochondrial DNA can recombine, as those Harvard researchers suggested — then all bets are off.
The study authors, for their part, don't think their findings completely change things—
there isn't enough evidence, yet, to overturn decades of research into human origins.
But it's early in the discovery process, and it could be years before we really understand how all this messes with ancestry analyses or our understanding of human history.
More immediately, this study will likely affect how doctors approach the genetic component to treating mitochondrial disorders,
especially since the team has a hypothesis for how this bizarre inheritance happened.
At first, both parents contribute mitochondrial DNA to a developing fetus, but when the egg is fertilized,
a mitochondrial-killing mechanism makes sure any mitochondria from the sperm get wiped from the slate.
The researchers think that there might be a mutation in a nuclear gene
— that is, a gene somewhere in the main set of chromosomes we think of as a person's genome —
that's stopping that key step in development.
If such a mutation exists, it could be passed down through a family, leading to the mitochondrial DNA pattern they saw.
The researchers are hoping further studies will reveal exactly how the mitochondrial DNA from sperm survives.
Knowing that will help us understand how commonly it happens, and it may help us figure out how to stop it from happening—
perhaps preventing some mitochondrial disorders.
It could even reveal a way to prevent disease-causing mitochondria from the egg from being passed on.
But all of that is speculation at this point.
Until those future studies are done, we won't know whether the new findings will change our understanding of the history of humanity.
But either way, they're definitely teaching us something new about our cells.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow News!
And speaking of news, you might have noticed that we've recently enabled channel memberships on this channel.
It's an additional way of keeping SciShow strong and helping us continue doing what we do.
For roughly $5 a month, you can become a member and get access to some sweet badges and emojis and our members-only posts in the community tab.
Our videos, of course, will continue to be available for everyone, but if you want to become a supporting member and get those extra goodies,
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6 GTA 5 Dark Secrets You Missed - Duration: 4:03.
There are tons of vile stories hidden in GTA 5, but you'll only find them by exploring
each and every one of San Andreas' festering nooks and crannies.
At the very beginning of Grand Theft Auto 5, you can see a real live alien during the
game's tutorial mission.
Wait, sorry, did we say "live" alien?
Scratch that.
Oh, North Yankton definitely has a visitor from the stars, but by the time Michael finds
him, he's frozen solid in the ice.
It's worth noting that the creature has the same design as the alien costumes that pop
up at Los Santos' movie studios.
So, maybe it's just an actor playing dress-up who fell into the river and drowned.
"Well, that's depressing."
According to a newspaper clipping found in Sandy Shores, the Infinity Killer Los Santos'
resident serial murderer is none other than Merle Abrahams, who murdered eight joggers
back in 1999.
The prison where Abrahams spent his final days holds a clue as to the fate of his victims
in the form of a short poem.
The poem references a place "where water meets land and fire once spewed forth."
That led some GTA-playing sleuths to Mount Chiliad possibly a dormant volcano.
See where this is going?
Dive into the water near Paleto Bay, which sits at the foot of Chiliad, and you'll find
a bunch of bodies.
Eight of 'em, to be specific.
Most of Grand Theft Auto 5's hitchhikers are relatively harmless.
Then there's Ursula.
"I'm lost.
Can you give me a ride home?
"Sure thing.
I looove hitchhikers!"
She's either the unluckiest woman in the Grand Theft Auto universe, or has a very dark secret.
Oh, and she's a little… off.
"Those damn birds always singing no matter how many times I poison them!
Bird soup.
Soup with bird.
Birds with soup."
See, everyone that Ursula knows seems to die including her mother, her gardener, and the
last person that she hitchhiked with.
And if you visit her again, it always starts raining at her house.
If you've played GTA on both last-gen and current gen consoles, you'll randomly stumble
upon some graffiti in your Xbox One or PS4 playthrough thus, the "Murder Mystery" quest
The graffiti, which is spread out across the map, implicates a fellow named Fred and a
studio head named David Richards in the murder of a woman.
After finding all the clues, the game will tell you to find the aforementioned victim,
allowing you to solve the crime.
Here's the gist: back in the '40s, a Walt Disney type named Fred Quincy murdered a filmmaker
named Isaac and hid his body in an old mine.
When Fred's secretary tried to blackmail him, he put cement shoes on her feet and dropped
her in the ocean.
Jolene Cranley-Evans and her husband, Jock, were out hiking when they got into an argument.
Soon after, Jolene was dead at the bottom of the cliff and Jock was free to pursue his
dream as a stuntman in Vinewood.
"My name is Dave, and I am the stuntman.
You know what?
Let's move on."
While the police took Jock into custody on suspicion of murder, he was quickly released
due to a lack of evidence.
He told the local paper that he didn't do it, too.
Well, Jolene clearly disagrees with that statement as evidenced by her appearance at Mount Gordo
at 11:00 PM, when she manifests as a wide-eyed, sobbing ghost.
When the clock strikes midnight, she disappears again.
Walk up to where she was hovering, and you'll see the name "Jock" written in blood.
Grand Theft Auto 5 is a big game, and tracking down 50 scraps that comprise Peter Dreyfuss'
alleged confession to the murder of actress Leonora Johnson takes a lot of work.
If you do manage to piece the letter together, you'll get the option to visit Dreyfuss and
dole out some justice… potentially killing an innocent man in the process.
See, the only real evidence against Dreyfuss is that the typed, unsigned confession sports
his letterhead, and some fans think that film exec Solomon Richards, not Dreyfuss, did the
In the end, you never know if justice is served.
I principi Harry e William non vanno più d'accordo a causa di Meghan e Kate, Ecco perché - Duration: 9:35.
Respected Scientists Who Were Actually Terrible People - Duration: 5:32.
Scientists are way smarter than most people, but sometimes they change the world for the
We hear about the discoveries of some of the world's most famous scientists, but we don't
hear about the terrible stuff.
Here are respected scientists who were terrible people.
Erwin Schrodinger is most famous for a thought experiment about putting a cat in a sealed
box and rigging it up with a device that has a fifty-fifty chance of killing the cat.
As he argues, until you open the box and check for yourself, the cat exists in an uncertain
state where it is both alive and dead at the same time.
It turns out that's a pretty fitting legacy for this guy, since he proved you could be
a brilliant physicist, and also a complete scumbag.
Saying he had numerous affairs is putting it lightly.
According to his biographer, Schrodinger kept a series of "little black books" to record
the names of the women he had affairs with and to rate each of them.
At least three of his mistresses gave him children, and one provided him with the "inspiration"
to develop his famous wave equation.
They were all adults, and that's fine, but it gets much worse.
Schrodinger also did some tutoring, with students that included 14-year-old twins that he was
prone to fondling while they worked on their math lessons.
One of them, Ithi Junger, became pregnant three years later, and Schrodinger quickly
moved on.
Brothers John and William Hunter aren't household names, but they're credited with major discoveries
about human anatomy and the interactions between organs.
Unfortunately, they developed all of those discoveries through literal grave-robbing.
Both anatomists were connected to a shady assistant who "procured" cadavers for
them to dissect.
William's personal Igor was his unfortunately named assistant William Smellie, and some
historians believe the two were linked to a series of London murders between 1749 and
1755, which would likely make them responsible for the deaths of 40 pregnant women.
By the time the brothers were done, they had dissected more than 2,000 bodies gathered
up through straight up Frankenstein tactics.
Oh, and John?
He also pioneered the idea of taking teeth from the poor and giving them to the rich
as transplants.
Robin Hood, he was not.
James D. Watson turned his love of bird-watching into a career in research and genetics, and
then won a Nobel Prize for discovering the shape of DNA.
Unfortunately, there are more than a few people who believe he took credit for the work of
another scientist, Rosalind Franklin.
That's just the tip of this terrible iceberg, though.
Watson has gone on record as saying genetic engineering should be used to "make all girls
pretty," and he's spoken freely on his beliefs that there's a connection between race and
He ultimately retired in 2007 after giving an interview where he stated he was "inherently
gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because he disagreed with the premise that "their
intelligence is the same as ours."
This is the same guy who spoke out in 1997 in favor of allowing genetic testing to determine
whether a baby was going to be gay, adding that homosexuality should be a reason for
In 2014, he also became the first person to sell his Nobel medallion, because he didn't
like the way the scientific community shunned him after his racist remarks.
Without Jack Parsons, or, to use his original and staggeringly awesome name, Marvel Whiteside
Parsons, there would be no space shuttle, not to mention the military applications of
his developments in rocketry.
He was an aeronautic genius... and he also believed he had summoned Satan when he was
13 years old.
Parsons was a huge devotee of occultist Aleister Crowley, and did a lot of dancing naked by
the moonlight.
That's not particularly terrible, but his attempts to summon the Antichrist through
weird sex-magick rituals he performed with the help of L. Ron Hubbard aren't exactly
good, either.
Without going into too much detail, the basics are that Parsons and Hubbard performed a series
of rituals to incarnate a goddess named Babalon.
Babalon would be the mother of the Antichrist, and they absolutely believed they had summoned
her in the body of Marjorie Cameron.
Cameron joined in all the bedroom fun, and while she did become pregnant, we'll never
know if it was really the Antichrist since she had an abortion.
You probably recognize John Harvey Kellogg's name, even if you don't know who he is.
He's the cereal guy, and he was also a surgeon and a pioneer in the field of nutrition who
promoted healthy foods like peanut butter, yogurt, and soy milk, making him pretty much
responsible for everything on your breakfast table.
If you've ever been disappointed by the lack of flavor in a bowl of cornflakes, there's
a reason for that.
Kellogg believed that tasty food led to rampant fornication, and told people that soy milk
was the only thing they should be thirsty for.
He even went as far as suggesting the use of spiked tools and acid burns to discourage
masturbation, and corn flakes?
He invented those to be so bland they couldn't possibly arouse any kind of desire in anyone.
He did most of his research into the relationship between nutrition and the soul at the Battle
Creek Sanitarium, where he also became one of the founding members of the Race Betterment
Through that, he started a eugenics registry that helped to push the supposed superiority
of anyone of a Nordic background.
So maybe just go ahead and stick to pancakes from now on.
William Buckland was a 19th-century geologist at Oxford University, and he documented geological
phenomenon, wrote papers on fossils and the dinosaurs, and made major strides in mineralogy.
He also made it part of his life's work to eat anything and everything.
And we do mean everything.
He ate moles, crocodiles, hedgehogs, and, worst of all, he was even known to have cooked
up some puppies.
He never said why he felt it necessary to eat puppies, but we do know he passed his
weird obsession on to his son, Francis.
When the boy was a child, his father encouraged him to ride and then eat a turtle that he
was allowed to behead for the cook "as a treat".
Much later, of course, that experience would lead Francis to grow up and found the evil
ninjas of the Foot Clan.
Five Nights at Freddy's (part 17) - Fox Fix [Tony Crynight] - Duration: 6:40.
- Foxy! Foxy! Do you remember me?
- Any news?
- Not really, but I've seen the receipts, and this month seems a bit better than the last.
- Good.
Maybe people are finally starting to like Foxy again, even though... well, you know...
- Yeah. We all know...
- You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault, Chica.
- I don't think I'll ever be able to accept this.
- I'm still trying to study the manuals, maybe there's still a solution.
Just don't be sad, Chica, I can't stand it...
- I know that you will never get your memories back, Foxy... but I don't care...
When I look at you, deep down, I know you'll always be the same fox that I gave my heart to, no matter what...
Maybe it's just a matter of time, but...
I hope that one day you'll look at me and... feel the same...
Memories are one thing, but... deep down there's something... something more...
Hello, guys, this is Tony!
More than one year by now...
Sorry about that!
It was a hard period, also because I was a bit afraid of giving this story an end after
three long years.
But hey, this doesn't mean I won't make new videos!
I have lots of ideas for new stories and I'd love to hear your opinions...
Would you prefer a sequel, a spinoff, something new with different animatronics?
Tell me your ideas in the comments and check out the polls I'll publish here or on my Twitter!
Don't forget to subscribe to us and follow me on my social media accounts!
Special thanks to the patrons who supported me and my collaborators since the beginning.
Some of them are artists, so you'll see now some of their artwork!
And that was it...
See you soon, guys, probably for the 2018 Christmas special!
And of course thanks for watching!
Here & Now Friday November 30 2018 - Duration: 1:04:08.
Seeing Sphinx | Chasing Hidden Creatures, Part 4 - Duration: 6:30.
What am I doing in Africa?
I am on the hunt for very elusive hidden mythological creatures, and I've already found Bigfoot,
a fairy, a unicorn, a kraken, a hippocamp, and a mermaid!
But after those epic discoveries, I've suddenly been taken across the ocean into a hot, sticky,
bug-infested African jungle.
I guess all I can do is work my way north towards my next destination - Egypt.
Hot on the trail of a Sphinx.
Alright, I made it.
I'm in Africa.
South Africa to be exact.
And oh man, this is like a big jungle!
It's hot, it's humid and sticky, and I'm being swarmed by mosquitos--
But oh look, there's a butterfly!
Oh man, this is going to be quite a trek.
This is going to be interesting!
Okay, it's already getting to be pretty unbearable, so I'm putting on the jacket.
You can't walk 5 feet without slapping.
Oh, look at them all.
Hopefully they won't get through this jacket.
How far am I?
Picked up a travel buddy!
90 meters from the first target, on my way to Egypt.
Taking a turn to the right - I think there's going to be some bushwacking!
Over there!
Oh boy.
There's got to be some other way.
Yeah, this is a little side trail.
50 meters.
Okay, I'm at GZ.
And finally, bingo!
That was one more find on the trail to meet the Sphinx.
But Africa was taking its toll.
Why am I even doing this?
What if these creatures want to stay hidden?
What am I trying to accomplish here?
I'm now heading to North Africa.
Is there even a trail here?
Oh yeah, there is.
In here?
I think
Hey, hello!
Well I guess I can scratch Africa off my bucket list.
I wonder if there are any hidden creatures in the Sahara?
--No, I've got to get out of this place before it eats me alive.
I got hit!
This place is incorrigible.
Alright, I have traversed Africa and am now on my way to Egypt.
I really hope to see a Sphinx.
I wonder how hidden it is?
Well, I have arrived in Egypt, and - you know, they farm in Egypt.
I haven't found the cache yet.
I don't know if there's a Sphinx around.
Well I guess we'll find out once I find the cache if the Sphinx shows up.
Alright I'm heading in to a little bush thicket.
What have we got here?
Oh hello!
And we have a cache.
Whoah, what the...?
Egypt has Fiber One bars.
Chewy bars.
Oats and chocolate.
I'm a little nervous right now.
I just found the cache I needed to discover the Sphinx.
Am I ready for this?
Does the Sphinx know I'm coming?
Oh boy!
Oh, you've got to see this.
Oh look at that!
Not so hidden any more are you?
Okay, so, almost done.
It's off to find a gryphon!
What an amazing journey this has been so far!
I mean, I'm finding geocaches that are taking me to fantastical monsters and beasts,
creatures of the night and the day, from near and far,
creatures that live and hide away in secret places.
Under water, in caves, deep if forests and mountains...
Am I doing this for the right reasons?
I'm earning souvenirs for finding them, but what's happening to them once I find them?
I just sort of head off into the sunset, leaving them to their fate.
Will someone else find them?
Or, have they been freed?
What are they even hiding from?
Well, I've found 7 so far, and there are 6 to go, but such a long way to travel.
Who knows what sorts of adventures and discoveries await down the line
as I seek these hidden creatures.
Maybe they'll hold the answers to these questions.
But for now, I must rest.
A long day awaits as I turn next to the skies in search of creatures of flight - a fearsome
gryphon, and a bird born of flame and ashes - a Phoenix!
If this is your first time watching these videos, hit the subscribe button
to stay tuned for more.
And as always, happy caching, and excellent adventuring!
Emmanuel Macron est-il génétiquement modifiable- NT? - Duration: 11:21.
Luckyfish Turns 6! - Inspecting a Wood Epoxy Sailboat Pt 1 - Ep 55 Sailing Luckyfish - Duration: 16:23.
This week on Luckyfish We check out some very cool, low-cost multihulls
Find and repair a few problems with our rig Raise the foremast by hand
And get reminded why boat work can be one of lifes greatest pleasures.
We totally landed on our feet when Wayne put us in a space right next to Brandons Wharram
Brandon had a fully equipped woodshop under Element and generously made the use of his
tools available to us.
Without this amazing stroke of good fortune we would not have completed even half the
work in these next videos.
The girls are going over to Brandon and Danielle�s boat to have a boat tour.
Element is coming up really nice.
Yeah, a lot of space.
I wanted to really open it up Whatsmore, Brice from Sarasota loaned us this
This was typical of the generosity Floridians extended to us.
And Captain Gerry from Tampa, Hello my name is Gerry, I�m Zaya
And we are going to show you some basic flies that we could tie by finding materials around
the boat that you could use for trolling off your sailboat.
who we first met at the Hui, spent his annual leave on Luckyfish on 3 occasions, working
on special projects.
We are going to make one possibly two video�s showing you these projects which made such
a difference to our cruising season.
Nice and slow Oi
Im just doing a little bit of maintenance on the aluminium masts.
theres a little bit of corrosion thats crept in in places probably a bit of electrolysis
thats causing this sort of thing.
a bit of bubbling to come up.
havent actually got an explanation for this one.
this is only in contact with wood.
but you can see the corrosion has got in the back there.
and weve got just the tool to clean it up. with the multi tool you can Im borrowing Brandons
multi tool which looks to be a must on every boat.
it does cutting into a blind side like that with a saw blade with a something like that
just fits on there and you can enter a piece of timber like that or a crack you may need
to open up to try and get some epoxy in that sort of thing and it vibrates from side to
side or you can use it as a sander.
its like a glorified dremel.
looks like my size of sanding.
yeah. buy it in the link below.
[LAUGHS] what are you working on? just cleaning the paintwork from the base of the masts.
there are just little cracks that are opening up in the glue joins.
its only minor.
little bit in here.but err, you just dont want the water creeping in there.
its a very structurally important part of the boat and we will try to keep it good so
Ill give them another couple of coats of resin and paint them again after filling the cracks
with some epoxy glue.
So this is Jeff of Mojo rigging. have I got the name of your business right? are yeah
Mojo marine.
Mojo marine.
St Augustine.
Just replacing the wires the strop that holds the head stay to the mast with some spectra
here the wire had some cracks at the thimble you cut a few strands off just to thin down
that tail yeah?
Arrr yeah, just to taper it a bit I will taper this as well.
This splice is locked on itself.
So it is kind of extra secure.
So right now, even though it is tucked all the way through it cant come out.
So the idea was to just check the length here.
So my idea was to go around one time and then over will be the best.
And then about six inches to the shackle pin.
Nicely done, yeah.
Its interesting you can cut that with scissors when you think kevlar carbon fibre you need
like um metal working shears right this umm yeah but dyneema is a different aramid than
you know the kevlar is quite a bit tougher to cut umm carbon is not too much different
than this some of the heat sets like the dynex is the same fibre but a different manufacturing
process so thats a bit harder to cut you think this will be about twice as strong as that?
which is probably what?
6 or 7 millimetre flexi stainless yeah.
I think that is 6 millimetre quarter inch thats probably in the neighbourhood of six
thousand pounds, five six thousand pounds and this is probably at least nine or ten
thousand when its new and if this were dynex the same diameter dynex is probably fifteen
thousand in this size so, you know, if I were to re rig one of these or a new Wharram I
would probably use all dynex, probably use nine millimetre dynex and then you know for
a furler you still have to go with wire, yes, but I would use 1 by 19 not this err 7 by
7 or 7 by 19 stuff that this is which actually works a bit better in the furler too because
its a rounder the outside of it ends up being rounder so it just runs a bit smoother.
Anyone rigging a Wharram sounds like 9mm dynex is the way to go its much easier on the hands
as well yes the fact that the Tiki 30 which does just have the single mast is what he
actually used on the Tiki 30 was quarter inch.
And here was the Tiki 30 in question Clay and partners homebuilt Whipper Snapper�.WE
like all the Wharram stuff.
yeah that was way cool.
No No Im not ready.
Nice work.
So this is your Tiki 30 eh?
Weve got a gas tank in the locker down there Yeah.
This is something we kind of came up with.
the engine cover the plans dont have this the table or the engine cover OK Or these
seats really.
they have nets. yeah, well Wharram sort of gives you the basic canvas Yeah, and then
you try and make it so you can actually use it.
Yeah right.
What is it? sixteen feet across?
Or 14?
Im going to go with 16 I really like the 30's, and the 26's and the 21's.
Any of those Tikis could give you adventure than you could wish for.
The next time we saw Whipper Snapper was 6 months later a thousand miles away in Guatemala.
Any of those Tikis could give you more adventure than you could wish for.
The next time we saw Whipper Snapper was 6 months later, a thousand miles away in Guatemala.Back
to the Spectra splicing, fortunately there are many instructional videos out there already,
as Bruce Matlack wandered by.
Alright Bruce, keep me posted on your getting out of here.
Yeah, I'll let you know Are you still trying to maybe get to the Bahamas by Christmas or?
Bruce is well known to many, being the first World Windsurfing champion, competitive Windrider
racer today, Yeah Woo Hoo dont break on my back!
[LAUGHS] Yeah going right Wooooo Oh Wow.
That was great huh?
Yeah! and new owner of Jim Browns famous Searunner 31 trimaran, Scrimshaw.
She�d taken a hit in Hurricane Irma, coming off her stands.
Most of her repair work was completed when we arrived, but we gave him a hand to get
sailing again.
you guys look like surgeons.
Two surgeons.
Thats looking good its coming through nice.
The next time we saw Bruce and Scrimshaw, was in Georgetown, Bahamas.
Back at Luckyfish, Jeff had finished the forestay bridle and left me with some instructions
to protect it before we could raise the foremast.
See how the quality of the job really dropped off as soon as the camera started.
Nah you cant see it from this distance.
Wait until I get a close up.
Jeff the rigger said wrap it in tape.
We had some silver tape and he said put the black tape insulation tape over the top.
Its really just to protect it from UV.
There is still supposedly another two inches of stretch left in
the spectra so it just pull through
the tape no problems.
And we will take up the slack as the rig settles in on the lashings on
the side stays.
At this moment the mast raising possy a rrived.
Curtis, Gerry, Chris, Tim and Lew dropped whatever they were doing to join in the fun.
We covered how we lowered the masts, and raised the main mast in the two previous episodes.
Working on our boat in this great community
of sailors, all helping eachother, was truly
one our favourite experiences.
Thank you to everyone at the hardstand
and we are looking forward to sharing more boat work with you in coming videos.
Well everyone if you found this video useful then please give it a like
and subscribe
and Thank You for watching!
And, a Special Thanks to our Patrons for helping make these videos possible
Volvo V50 2.0D Kinetic - Duration: 1:12.
Kia cee'd 1.6 X-tra AIRCO- 5-DEURS - Duration: 1:11.
Peugeot 208 XY 1.6THP 155PK 3-D|NAV|CLIMA|HALF LEDER|BLUETOOTH| - Duration: 1:09.
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-tra - Duration: 0:59.
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Coupé Business Solution - Duration: 1:12.
Ford Ranger 2.2D XL 150PK 4X4 SUPER CAB AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota ProAce Worker 2.0 D-4D 177pk Dubbele Cabine, DC, Automaat, Proffesional ex BT - Duration: 1:08.
Toyota Avensis 2.0 D-4D-F Luna Met Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.
Toyota ProAce Worker 2.0 D-4D 122PK Long Worker Navigator, navigatie, parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:07.
Streamlabs OBS: How to Set Up a Streamlabs Account - Duration: 5:02.
Hey, recently somebody got ahold of me and they wanted to know how to open a
streamlabs account. Do you think you can help me out? Yeah sure I can't stay tuned
Welcome to live-streaming tech where we'll show you how to livestream like a
pro with technology you should know and this is my brother Walt and I'm of
course Dale and dude I got a question for you man recently a friend asked me
how to set up a stream labs account but the question is what is StreamLabs and
why is it so important to live streaming well
StreamLabs is a one-stop shop for all your streaming needs and whether this be
using their streamlabs OBS which is actually quite built into it or using
the widgets which will trip off alerts so whether you're streaming on YouTube
and you get a subscribe or you're streaming on Twitch and you get a follow
or maybe a tip or donation these alerts will go off and they're built in to your
stream they also show analytics from your past stream so later on you can go
back and view how many people have visited you and how long they stayed in
the string you can also set up a merchandise store which this is actually
quite new - back when I first started streaming you can literally it's click
and paste you set up your own t-shirts they make them they send them off all
you got to do is send your viewers to that merch store and of course stream
labs is gonna take a little bit of profit it's also great integration so if
you choose not to use streamlabs OBS it will integrate with other streaming
software oh that's nice I wasn't aware of that I know one of the things I do
like and being a person has my own YouTube channel streamlabs OBS more
specifically streamlabs itself the analytics is real-time so as soon as I
correct off of the broadcast I know precisely how many people were in there
the average it was as well as the average watch time whereas with YouTube
you've gotta wait a few days so that's pretty cool feature in my pack yes yes
it is a very cool feature and this will work as well whether you're streaming on
mixer periscope or twitch as soon as you end that stream
it's going to spit out those analytics the other great thing too is it will
show who subscribe to your who followed you and that specific time that they
followed you so if you're really trying to dial in your streams later on down
the road to see hey when am i picking up more my subscriptions or where am i
picking up more of my follows you can kinda cater to you know your future
streams that way now that we've got all this out of the way can you show me how
to set up a streamlabs account sure watch right here okay so you just go to
your google and this type in streamlabs that's what I do all right right here
streamlabs okay go to login and then since I've already made a twitch account
I'm gonna go ahead and use that but as you see here you have your other links
here for your YouTube, Mixer, Facebook, Periscope and I don't know what the
green ones called again hang on a second it's gonna go there okay so as you see
here I'm connecting it to the live streaming tech here over at twitch and
as you see here you can read all this good stuff it's your email address paid
subscriptions so on so forth and all the information but then we're gonna come
down here I'm gonna hit authorize okay now we have our twitch channel linked to
Streamlabs OBS you can do this with all your other social media platforms
alright as you see here if you just click on your name there it's gonna
bring down I'm gonna show you here later on but here's all your account
information this is your dashboard basically you have your widgets which
here's where we're talking about the alerts you can even set up goals so
donation goes follower goals bit goals sub goals this right here's more twitch
extensions so you have like your overlays all that good stuff then
there's even a chat mam which is new and then here's your resources which you can
also find up here in the upper right hand corner when you click the arrow and
that just basically links you to their their areas of help so if you have any
other further questions on stream labs you can follow them on YouTube Twitter
and so on and so forth but if you want to download
your streamlabs OBS aka slobs that's the button you'll click there cool man
thanks I appreciate that that was a really simple tutorial and folks if you
want to get your hands on free access over on stream lab so I'm gonna do is
head over to our affiliate link at live-streaming tech site slash slobs
folks if you want to learn a little bit more about live streaming Tech and get a
lot more information on how you can stream like a pro make sure that you
catch this next video over here just click that let's keep that party going
and we're gonna see you in the next video
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