Alison Southwick: Hey, Bro, what's up?
Robert Brokamp: Well, Alison, as I did last week I'm going to highlight three news items,
this time, plus one weird fun fact, although this one is weirder and maybe a little sad.
Are you ready?
Southwick: Sad fact with Robert Brokamp. Brokamp: You've got that to look forward to. No. 1!
The IRS announces the retirement account contribution limits for 2019.
In our October 17 episode, when we had Megan Brinsfield, one of our Foolish CPAs here,
we had mentioned that a few experts were predicting that retirement limits would go up next year.
Well, on November 1 the IRS made it official.
So the contribution limits -- IRAs will go up for the first time in six years, increasing
from $5,500 a year to $6,000, and then the so-called catch-up contribution for workers
50 and older will remain at $1,000.
So for 401(k)s, 403(b)s, most types of 457s and the federal Thrift Savings Plan, that limit will also go up.
That's going up $500 to a total of $19,000 and the 50-and-older catch-up contribution remains at $6,000.
And a note to all my fellow babies of 1969, like me who will be turning 50 next year,
you don't have to wait until you turn 50. You can start on January 1.
You just have to be 50 by December 31 to be putting in that extra money into your retirement accounts.
Also next year, the income limits that determine whether you can contribute to a Roth are going up.
They're going up $2,000 for individuals, $4,000 for those who are married and filing jointly.
Higher contribution limits are a good thing.
It's important to remember that they have nothing to do with how much you should personally
be saving for your retirement.
A lot of people anchor on these and are like, "Well, if I can put that much in my IRA I'll
do that and I must be doing enough."
That may not be the case; so regardless of the contribution limits, get either a high-quality
retirement calculator or go see a qualified financial planner to find out and make sure
you're saving up for retirement. Item No. 2.
Morningstar releases its latest ratings on 529 college savings plans.
Southwick: Come on, Virginia! Come on, Virginia! Come on, Virginia!
Brokamp: OK, you wait.
So, using a process that rates plans according to five pillars -- process, people, parent,
price and performance -- Morningstar awards each plan with an Olympic-style medal or a
neutral rating or a negative rating.
So of the 62 plans that they evaluated, only four took home the gold -- Illinois, Virginia, Nevada and Utah.
Now I should say that those are particular plans.
Many states have multiple plans, so it's the Bright Start College Savings for Illinois
and Invest529 for Virginia, The Vanguard 529 for Nevada, and My529 for Utah.
Nine plans were awarded silver medals. 18, bronze. About half won a medal.
Most got neutral ratings and five got negative ratings.
It's important to remember that you don't have to participate in your own state's plan.
Southwick: Come to Virginia! Brokamp: You can come to Virginia!
Southwick: It's for lovers. Of 529s. Brokamp: That's right.
Now you might get a benefit by participating in your own state's plan, often in the form
of a deduction on the state income tax return, but for most people that's not a good-enough
benefit to outweigh being part of a lousy plan.
So, go read the Morningstar report and also go visit, which is also a great resource.
Both of those will rate your state's plan.
You can evaluate whether you should stick with your state or maybe move to another state. No. 3.
The majority of Americans don't feel they're benefitting from the strong economy.
Leading up to the midterm elections, Bankrate did a survey and asked people if they felt
like they were doing better since the election of Donald Trump.
Only 38% of people thought that they were doing better, 45% said they're about the same,
and the rest said that they were doing worse.
As you could expect, politics played a part of this, so 60% of Republicans thought they were doing better.
Since Donald Trump was elected president, only 29% of Democrats believe that they're doing better.
There's definitely some evidence [why] people, despite the strong economy, may not feel like
they're doing all that much better.
Wages have begun moving up, but so has inflation, so while you're getting paid more, you're
also spending more on various things. Also, the tax cuts were not evenly distributed.
In fact, some people will hear about this new tax cut law, but in fact they're actually
ending up paying more in taxes.
But what was most fascinating to me is that politics played a part in this.
There is a bottom-line answer to this. You're either doing better or you are not.
So hopefully if you don't really know whether you're doing better or not, figure it out.
Either use something like Mint, Personal Capital, create your own spreadsheet, or something.
It is important to know how your finances are doing and whether they're getting better or not.
And then finally, the fun/weird fact comes straight from a headline of Bloomberg Businessweek.
Crash test dummies are getting fatter because we are, too.
It was actually a long, fascinating article about a company called Humanetics Innovative
Solutions that makes crash test dummies. It turns out they're pretty pricey.
They range in price from $250,000 each to $1 million.
Southwick: What?
Brokamp: Yeah! And the article went into the history of testing.
So, back in the '50s they would have to use cadavers or like hogs and things like that.
Some people started to use live human test subjects until their blood vessels would burst
and their eyes and stuff like that. It's a fascinating article.
But the point being back in the day, they would make what would be the size of a typical man,
which was 5'9" and a 172 pounds.
Now the typical man is 200 pounds, so they have to make bigger crash test dummies and
this relatedly comes on the heels of another report from Scienmag -- which, surprisingly,
is a science magazine -- which highlighted a report that put a dollar figure on the cost
of the U.S. economy of excess weight.
That figure -- more than $1.7 trillion according to the Milken Institute.
So, in previous episodes we have discussed the evidence that healthier people actually are wealthier.
So Fools, take care of yourselves, eat right, and exercise regularly and your bottom line
will be better off because of it. Southwick: Bottom line and waistline.
Brokamp: That's right. Southwick: Why haven't we made that pun already?
For more infomation >> IRA Contribution Limits for 2019 -- Good News for Savers! - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - "Nameless Story" (OP) 「転生したらスライムだった件」 Shayne Orok 【歌ってみた】 - Duration: 2:01.
Goldlink / Jaden Smith Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "00's" (2019) - Duration: 2:19.
Goldlink / Jaden Smith Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "00's" (2019)
Clotilde Courau « brisée », son mari Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie embrasse une autre - Duration: 2:18.
Up and Down (위아래) - EXID (이엑스아이디) - Emily Dimes (English Cover) - Duration: 4:25.
Mudslingers Holiday Ceramic Sale ⎪ December 7 & 8, 2018 - Duration: 1:18.
The Mudslingers Holiday Ceramic Sale is a sale that we've had for 41 years
starting in the spring time students start to make work the pieces range from
functional utilitarian to decorative to sculptural work cups with handles vases
for flowers containers for salt pepper price range anywhere from ten to about a
hundred and fifty dollars so 85% of the sales goes to the student and 15 percent
goes to the Mudslingers and that 15% allows us to buy kiln shelves materials
raw materials and things that we need for the program however this year
unanimously the OC Mudslingers have voted to donate all of the proceeds to
the Paradise fire victims come on out to the sale and have some food we'll have a
couple days starting on December 7th and December 8th Friday and Saturday from 9
to 5 come and help support our students I think that's the main thing help our
students and help with the success of the program
Laurence Boccolini, sa terrible maladie -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:11.
Prema Mandiram Ide Full HD Video Song | Prema Mandiram Songs |ANR | Jaya Prada | Suresh Production - Duration: 4:32.
Goldlink / Jaden Smith Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "00's" (2019) - Duration: 2:19.
Goldlink / Jaden Smith Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "00's" (2019)
Chocolat Chaud Martiniquais Végan | Martinique's Hot Chocolate Vegan Style | ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 1:48.
Hi "RecettesPeuCalos"!!! I hope you are all good?!
It has been 2 years since
I presented you Martinique's hot chocolate
And this year I am giving you a version
with no animal products
Excellent for everyone!! Whether you are vegan
or if you are simply
trying to reduce on the undesirable fatty acids
during the celebrations. Ok! Let's get to it!!!!
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What have you planned
for the christmas celebrations: menu, gifts
Tell me everything!
Dont be afraid to leave your answers in the comment section below. I cant wait to read your comment!
See you soon!
harumiou | city lights. - Duration: 0:28.
I feel tired tonight.
A word that you can't forget in a breeze.
For not turning back, sorry
For this selfish self of mine, I'm sorry
The paled city lights,
A chilling voice.
For not turning back, sorry
For this selfish self of mine, I'm sorry
Even if I'm late already.
How To Stop A Dog From Eating Grass? - Duration: 3:24.
Hi, Mirko here from Healthy Pet Systems.
Today I will reveal you how to stop a dog from eating grass.
So let's dive in.
Pet owners who love their pets struggle to understand why dog do things that are sometimes
bad for them.
Eating grass is certainly one of these behaviors.
There are many reasons why your dog might eat grass and I create a special video for
you where I show you 5 most common reasons so check it in the info card above.
Once you know the reason you will be able to act properly in order to stop this behavior.
Ok, now let's see how to stop a dog from eating grass?
The step number one, provide your dog enough exercise.
If the dog chews upon the grass then in many cases it does it because of boredom.
Provide your dog with enough exercise to prevent grass chewing, how?
Play with your dog.
Run and etc.
The step number two, provide your dog enough time.
A dog can seek attention and then he chews on grass and staffs in your house.
Spend enough time with your pet and also, take him to new places to meet new people
and dogs.
The step number three, make dietary changes.
Sometimes you have to make changes in dogs diet to stop the dog from eating grass.
Some dogs eat grass to supplement its diet, due to the lack of vitamins, minerals or fibers.
So making changes in dogs diet could stop a dog from eating grass.
I suggest you add dogs diet these ingredients:
Green beans.
And sweet potatoes.
And the last step, train dog to stop eating grass.
Training your dog to stop eating grass comes down to the distracting it from eating grass.
It is very useful to train dog basic commands in order to distract your pet from eating
The most useful commands are „stop" and „leave it".
I place for you videos in the info card above where I show you how to train a dog to stop
eating grass so I suggest you see it.
Do you wanna know is eating grass safe for the dog?
Dogs are very good at food selection.
Little grass won't make him any harm but if the grass eating is excessive then it starts
to be a problem.
In cases dog eats grass excessive and vomit frequently I suggest you visit the vet immediately
because it can be a sign of more serious problems.
To find out more, check other videos about dog grass eating problems that I place in
the info card above.
Also, I created a great guide where I show you 7 reasons why do dogs eat grass & how
to correct it.
A link is down below in the description.
If you like this video, hit the subscribe button to receive more like it in the future.
And remember let's keep our pets healthy!
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